They say curiosity often leads to trouble...
Wyatt and guest host / scholar Abigail Fine finally begin discussing 1951's Alice in Wonderland, beat by beat.
Carroll, L. (n.d.). Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Retrieved August 3, 2022, from https://www.gutenberg.org/files/11/11-h/11-h.htm.
Disney Ashman Demos: An Ashman & Menken Archive. “In a World of My Own - 1949 Piano Demo - Alice in Wonderland.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Jan. 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYXWa2Aaq0I.
Evans, Bill. “Alice In Wonderland by Bill Evans from ‘The Complete Village Vanguard Recordings, 1961.’” YouTube, YouTube, 25 Oct. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFpqUoZiEko.
Fain, Sammy, and Bob Hilliard. “Beyond the Laughing Sky.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Jan. 2013, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvoE5PXH6Kg.
Geronimi, Clyde, et al., directors. “Alice in Wonderland.” RKO Radio Pictures, Buena Vista Distribution Co., Inc, 1951. Film.
Disney's Exclusive Archive Collection: Alice in Wonderland. Disney Enterprises, 1995. Laserdisc.
Thedelta22bravo. “Alice In Wonderland - Where Is Wonderland? (Demo Version).” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Oct. 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YFd-VFBRfI.
The Disney Archives. “Alice in Wonderland - From Wonderland to Neverland: The Evolution of a Song.” YouTube, YouTube, 27 Jan. 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-fuDPTHCkA.
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"What do you do when things go wrong? Oh, you pod."
Amidi, Amid. “Everybody Wanted to Sue Disney in 1940.” Cartoon Brew, 31 Dec. 2016, https://www.cartoonbrew.com/classic/everybody-wanted-to-sue-disney-in-1940-58472.html.
Caselotti, Adriana, and Brian Sibley. “Snow White Speaks! Adriana Caselotti Answering Questiions for Brian Sibley.” SoundCloud, SoundCloud, 19 Dec. 2012, https://m.soundcloud.com/brian-sibley/snow-white-speaks-adriana.
Darrow, Lin, and Jeremy G. “EP 1 - Snow White (1937): Labour, Power, and Crapple Dumplins.” The Ink and Think Hour, Spotify, 31 Mar. 2020, https://open.spotify.com/episode/1pwFVELp5RRGKPI98KcwLJ?si=cv_V-XVlRi-rmX7sY-TOig.
Johnson, David. "Adriana Caselotti." Snow White’s People: An Oral History of the Disney Film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, edited by Didier Ghez, vol. 2, Theme Park Press, Coppell, TX, 2017, pp. 1-12. Book.
“Bob Cook.” Snow White’s People: An Oral History of the Disney Film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, edited by Didier Ghez, vol. 1, Theme Park Press, Las Vegas, NV, 2017, pp. 189. Book.
Schmidt, Victoria Lynn. "Plotting the Feminine Journey." 45 Master Characters, Revised Edition: Mythic Models for Creating Original Characters. Writer's Digest Books, Cincinnati, OH, 2011, pp. 196-238. Book.
“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” RKO Radio Pictures, Buena Vista Distribution Co., Inc, 1937. Film.Send us a text
Puuttuva jakso?
'Tis the season for corporate shilling! Wyatt and Frankie Sparks (@shoottheflick) chat about Disney's first two network television specials for NBC and CBS. There's a lot to unwrap with these gifts, so pop open a bottle of Coke and enjoy.
Opening Music: "Dreams from Yesteryear" by Ankari
Disney History Institute. “Seasonal - One Hour in Wonderland.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Dec. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3V4JCgnCQ8&t=1263s.
erhoyt. “Variety (December 1951) : Variety : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming.” Internet Archive, New York, NY: Variety Publishing Company, 26 June 2017, archive.org/details/variety184-1951-12/page/n242/mode/1up.
Kaufman, J. B. “Chapter 14: Television.” The Fairest One of All: The Making of Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Walt Disney Family Foundation Press, San Francisco, CA, 2012, p.276-277. Book.
Lowry, Brian. “R.I.P., Variety TV Critic Tony Scott: 1923-2009.” Variety, Variety, 8 July 2009, variety.com/2009/voices/opinion/rip-variety-tv-critic-tony-scott-19232009-5386/.
Peter Pan. Audio commentary by Kathryn Beaumont, directed by Jackson, Walt Disney Animation Studios / Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2002. DVD.
Sampson, Wade. “The First Disney Television Christmas.” MousePlanet, 24 Dec. 2008, mouseplanet.com/the-first-disney-television-christmas/2311/.
Upperco, Jackson. “Inside the Magic Mirror: A Look at Disney’s Pre-Disneyland TV Specials.” Jacksonupperco.Com, 27 Apr. 2018, https://jacksonupperco.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/upperco-inside-the-magic-mirror-april-2018_watermark-copypdf.pdf.
waku’s archive. “One Hour in Wonderland - Live Segments (1080p).” YouTube, YouTube, 4 Apr. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEvEsEMnwqU.
Walt’s Vault+. “Walt Disney Christmas Show (1951, CBS, 16mm) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming.” Internet Archive, 17 Nov. 2023, archive.org/details/walt-disney-christmas-show-1961-cbs-16mm.Send us a text
Disney writer and historian Jim Fanning (@tulgeywoodtv) comes on the show to chat about... dragons.
Opening Music: "Dreams from Yesteryear" by Ankari
*Art by @johnmakesart*
Reitherman, Wolfgang, et al. “Sleeping Beauty.” Buena Vista Film Distribution Co, 1959.
Solomon, Charles, and Eric Cleworth. “Walt’s Moving Illustration: The Making and Style of Sleeping Beauty.” The Walt Disney Film Archives: The Animated Movies 1921-1968, 1st ed., TASCHEN, Cologne, Germany, 2016, p. 509. Book.
The Disney Archives. “Sleeping Beauty - Original Live Action Reference Film Footage.” YouTube, 17 Feb. 2023, https://youtu.be/pQUeAhqCdaM?si=NquES5w5nRB0nXdE.
Thomas, Frank, and Ollie Johnston. “Maleficent.” The Disney Villain, Hyperion, New York, NY, 1993, p. 125. Book.Send us a text
Christina & Joey (@whenuwishuponapodcast) join Wyatt in discussing Snow White for the umpteenth time. But this time, with scary trees and heart boxes.
Opening Music: "Dreams from Yesteryear" by Ankari
Art by mario.illustrates
Danley, Michael Sky. “Walt Disney Story Conference on Snow White’s Huntsman Knife Sequence, June 27th, 1936.” Sky Danley Productions, 11 Nov. 2020, https://www.skydanley.com/walt-disney-story-conference-on-snow-whites-huntsman-knife-sequence-june-27th-1936/.
Fitzgerald, Kathy. “Snow White and the Seven Signs of Ageing.” BBC Radio 4, BBC, 23 Mar. 2015, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05mqrcz.
Kalgesch, Anne. “Reconsidering Disney Princesses: Snow White.” YouTube, 20 Sept. 2020, https://youtu.be/SC-Dv_f_X_8?si=VzWMxehZaxlmIEA_.
Renaut, Christian. "Snow White and the Huntsman / Into the Woods (Sequence 3A).” The Best of Disney’s Animated Features, vol. 1, Christian Renaut, 2020, pp. 1-30. Book.
Schmidt, Victoria Lynn. "Plotting the Feminine Journey." 45 Master Characters, Revised Edition: Mythic Models for Creating Original Characters. Writer's Digest Books, Cincinnati, OH, 2011, pp. 196-238. Book.
The Disney Archives. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Story Meetings: The Huntsman.” YouTube, 4 Oct. 2022, https://youtu.be/t5NS6wvP_Yk?si=6V7ogXX-sPaVsVvJ.Send us a text
Frankie Sparks (@shoottheflick) may as well be a co-host by this point. But this time, she and Wyatt encounter spookables, smashed pumpkins, and Elizabeth Berkeley in the 100-Acre Wood. "Oh bother," indeed.
Perry, Eithan. “Winnie the Pooh Boo to You Too!” YouTube, YouTube, 20 Oct. 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlpt5VZHxHs&t=660s.
The Haunted Drive-In. “Boo to You Winnie the Pooh on CBS Intro! (1996).” YouTube, YouTube, 29 Sept. 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tikd_4-RkUs.
Vintage TV Memories. “1996-10-25 - WWNY - CBS - Winnie The Pooh - Boo To You, Too! Promo - Halloween.” YouTube, YouTube, 10 Oct. 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdHPI29b6t8.Send us a text
Class is back in session, but Wyatt and Frankie Sparks (@shoottheflick) are still on summer vacation. High School Musical 2 was a "fabulous" break from our Disney studies and we hope you jump in the swimming pool at the Lava Springs resort with us!
Houdinimanden. “Turn Off the Dark - T.V. Carpio.” YouTube, YouTube, 20 Aug. 2011, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZmuzW1KRYo.
kevne. "High School Musical 2 - All for One Rehearsal." YouTube, YouTube, 23 Nov. 2007, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etlMH1vjBr8.
"High School Musical 2 - Bet on It Rehearsal." YouTube, YouTube, 23 Nov. 2007, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMLoPYg6HGs.
"High School Musical 2 - Fabulous Rehearsal." YouTube, YouTube, 23 Nov. 2007, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUfh_D-GEHo.
kobetml. “high school musical 2 premiere party.” YouTube, YouTube, 18 Aug. 2007, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAigWRlVwq8.
"HSM 2 Wildcat chat premiere party Day 2 Aug. 18 2007." YouTube, YouTube, 19 Aug. 2007, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnqDtkZicCU.
"HSM 2 Premiere party Sing along Version." YouTube, YouTube, 21 Aug. 2007,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLIRGZ3Hms4.Send us a text
Summer vacation may still be sizzlin', but here on Disney Reel to Reel, we celebrate the Lord and all he provides for us. Case in point: a mockbuster entitled Sunday School Musical. Joining Wyatt is friend and returning guest, Frankie Sparks from @shoottheflick, and we hope you enjoy the things we do for your entertainment.
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Olá, friends! Today, Ray returns to discuss their favorite sequence from Disney's 1944 film, The Three Caballeros, with Wyatt. Along the way, they'll reunite with bi king José Carioca, learn about whale mating within the city of Salvador, and yearn for a Bahia that exists only in this film. "Take me there!"
Canemaker, John and Ken Anderson. “Chapter 15: Ken Anderson.” Before the Animation Begins: The Art and Lives of Disney Inspirational Sketch Artists, 1st ed., Hyperion, Glendale, CA, 1996, pp. 175. Book.
“Remembering Aurora Miranda.” John Canemaker’s Animated Eye, 2 Sept. 2017, http://animatedeye.johncanemaker.com/blog/remembering-aurora-miranda/.
Ferguson, Norman, et al., directors. Disney's Exclusive Archive Collection: Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros. Disney Enterprises, 1995. Laserdisc.
Kaufman, J.B. “Baía.” South of the Border with Disney: Walt Disney and the Good Neighbor Program (1941-1948), Disney Editions, NY, New York, 2009, pp. 193–207. Book.Laberynth of Marble. “Bahia de Todos Los Santos Version Disney 1/2.” YouTube, YouTube, 18 Jan. 2009, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqVf5itqLb8.
McCann, Bryan. Review of Roots of Brazil, by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. The Americas, vol. 71, no. 2, 2014, p. 367-368. Project MUSE, https://doi.org/10.1353/tam.2014.0128.
Perk, Hans. “Prod. 2721 - Bahia (I).” A. Film L.A., 30 May 2007, http://afilmla.blogspot.com/2007/05/prod-2721-bahia-i.html.
"Prod. 2721 - Bahia (II)." A. Film L.A., 31 May 2007, https://afilmla.blogspot.com/2007/05/prod-2721-bahia-ii.html.
"Prod. 2016 - The Three Caballeros (II)." A. Film L.A., 9 Jun. 2007, https://afilmla.blogspot.com/2007/06/prod-2016-three-caballeros-ii.html.
Renaut, Christian. "Aquarela do Brazil.” The Best of Disney’s Animated Features, vol. 2, Christian Renaut, 2022, pp. 166. Book.Rick Colom Collection. “1944 Charles Wolcott - Os Quindins de Yayá (Nestor Amaral, Vocal).” YouTube, YouTube, 5 May 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vejNWfCwyTc.
Sousa, Eli. “Jeitinho Brasileiro: The Master Code to Understand Brazil.” Bitesize Brazil, 1 May 2023, http://bitesizebrazil.com/understanding-jeitinho-brasileiro/.Send us a text
Well, we finally made it (maybe a month early, but it's all about the celebration)!
Christina & Joey (@whenuwishuponapodcast) are on hand to recount memories, play games, and lament the current state of the WDC with your host, Wyatt.
You can find the show @disreeltoreelpodcast and host Wyatt @goldenafternoon51 on Instagram!
*Logo by johnmakesart*
Men depicted in logo: Walt Disney & Ken Anderson, Brendon Urie (as the Prince from Snow White), Luke Evans (as Gaston from 2017's Beauty and the Beast), and Wyatt in a suit inspired by Sorcerer Mickey, Fred Astaire, and Blake Lively's 2018 Met Gala lewk.
Canemaker, John, and Ken Anderson. “Chapter 15: Ken Anderson.” Before the Animation Begins: The Art and Lives of Disney Inspirational Sketch Artists, 1st ed., Hyperion, Glendale, CA, 1996, pp. 174–175. Book.
Escobar, Alex. “Ken Anderson.” Alex Escobar | Art & Animation, Alex Escobar | Art & Animation, 11 Mar. 2024, https://alextoons.com/blog/kenanderson?rq=Ken%20anderson.
Gasulla, Alexandre. “Walt Disney Animation Studios - A Tribute.” YouTube, YouTube, 30 Aug. 2017, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAPV-LI4tWk.Linetsky, Barry. “Did Walt Disney Really Say That?” Strategic Planning | Managerial Effectiveness | Author | Toronto, https://barrylinetsky.com/did-walt-disney-really-say-that/.
“The Most Famous DeMolay of All: Walt Disney.” DeMolay International, 19 Oct. 2018, https://demolay.org/the-most-famous-demolay-of-all-walt-disney/.
Smith, Dave and Walt Disney. "On Life." The Quotable Walt Disney, 1st ed., Disney Editions, New York, NY, 2001, p. 256. Book.
Subtitled Plays. “Snow White 📻 Lux Radio Theater with Walt Disney as Guest.” YouTube, YouTube, 9 Oct. 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bumqBCYH7j0&t=2793s.Send us a text
We come back with Disney's centennial flop... and boy, did it make a nose dive. Frankie Sparks (@shoottheflick) returns to join Wyatt in a discussion on this most befuddling celebration of Disney fandom yet.
Astor Rhymemaster. “‘This Wish,’ the Most Awkward ‘I Want’ Song.” YouTube, YouTube, 4 Jan. 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E2SJp1XmTc&t=19s.
“Why ‘This Is the Thanks I Get?’ Failed as a Villain Song.” YouTube, YouTube, 27 Dec. 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJOSBiPMQoE&t=53s.
ColeyDoesThings. “The Disney Fandom We Almost Had.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Feb. 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw4x3n_PBLI.
DVDFilmBonus. “Wish 2023 ( Disney ) Making of & Behind the Scenes + Deleted Scenes.” YouTube, YouTube, 12 Mar. 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZyziDEf5tI&t=3884s.
OrbitalMoonRat. “At All Costs - Wish Fan Storyboard/Animatic.” YouTube, YouTube, 11 Jan. 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMpJzMj-d6E.
Rebello, Stephen, et al. The Art of Wish. Chronicle Books, 2023.
Sarto, Dan. “Jennifer Lee Talks Walt Disney Animation Studios’ ‘Wish.’” Animation World Network, 22 Nov. 2023, http://www.awn.com/animationworld/jennifer-lee-talks-walt-disney-animation-studios-wish.Send us a text
Call-oo, callay, a new episode today!
Ray returns to discuss an abandoned version of Alice with Wyatt. Along the way, they discover Walt’s one-sided amusement with the book and Raeley sets up her own tabletop RPG campaign based on this adaptation.
You can find the show @disreeltoreelpodcast and host Wyatt @goldenafternoon51 on Instagram!
Feel free to write in at [email protected].
Allan, Robin. “Alice in Wonderland (1951).” Walt Disney and Europe: European Influences on the Animated Feature Films of Walt Disney, John Libbey, London, 1999, pp. 211-217. Book.
Disney Ashman Demos. “Dance - 1947 Instrumental Demo - Alice in Wonderland.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Jan. 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdMaV4m5SDQ.
“Speak Roughly to Your Little Boy - 1947 Demo - Alice in Wonderland.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Jan. 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogvw9jo_hyI.
Geronimi, Clyde, et al., directors. Disney's Exclusive Archive Collection: Alice in Wonderland. Disney Enterprises, 1995. Laserdisc.
Ghez, Didier. “David Hall: The Dapper Artist in Wonderland.” They Drew As They Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney’s Musical Years: Part One, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, CA, 2016, p. 170. Book.
Salisbury, Mark. Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland: An Illustrated Journey through Time. Disney Editions, 2016. Book.
Schroeder, Russell, et al. “‘It’s Crazy to Be Sane.’” Disney’s Lost Chords, vol. 3, Voight Publications, Robbinsville, NC, 2017, pp. 180–182. Book.Send us a text
When a tale as old as time is retold... for the pedants of Cracked dot com.
With the help of friend and @shoottheflick co-host Frankie Sparks, Wyatt trudged thru the swamps of 2010s live-action remakes. Boy, are you in for a wild ride.
Abramovitch, Seth. “Original ‘Lion King’ Screenwriter Apprehensive of Remake: ‘I Wasn’t Thrilled with “Beauty and the Beast.”’” The Hollywood Reporter, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 Dec. 2018, https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/linda-woolverton-lion-king-remake-beauty-beast-1165869/.
Ellis, Lindsay. “That Time Disney Remade Beauty and the Beast.” YouTube, YouTube, 31 July 2018, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpUx9DnQUkA.
Sideways. “The Problem with Auto-Tune.” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Oct. 2020, http:www.youtube.com/watch?v=05hTQC1CZko&t=1010s.
“Why the Music in the Live Action Disney Remakes Is Worse than You Thought.” YouTube, YouTube, 29 Feb. 2020, http:www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaO3M-zZR8E.
Tingen, Paul. “Inside Track: Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.” Sound on Sound, June 2017, https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/inside-track-disneys-beauty-and-beast.Send us a text
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
Long time no hear, but I return with the archetypal romance of 1950's Cinderella. With the help of friend/fashion historian Marley Healy, we break down the lewks of the Royal Ball, as well as the depiction of romance in early Disney films. In this case, it helps if your Prince Charming's a Christian Dior stan.
Disney, Walt and Corey Burton. “In Walt’s Own Words: The Envisioning of Cinderella.” Cinderella: Signature Collection, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2019. Blu-ray Disc.
Mason, Heather. “Ilene Woods ‘So This Is Love’ (1949 Promotional Single).” YouTube, YouTube, 23 July 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgpzDzby9gM.
Lugli, Emanuele. “Tear That Dress Off: Cinderella (1950) and Disney’s Critique of Postwar Fashion.” Bright Lights Film Journal, 15 Feb. 2018, https://brightlightsfilm.com/tear-that-dress-off-cinderella-1950-and-disneys-critique-of-postwar-fashion/.
Perk, Hans. “Prod. 2063 - Cinderella (XIV) - Seq. 04.0 - King & Duke at Ball.” A. Film L.A., 14 May 2011, https://afilmla.blogspot.com/2011/05/prod-2063-cinderella-xiv-seq-040-king_14.html.
“Prod. 2063 - Cinderella (XV) - Seq. 4.1 - Clock Strikes.” A. Film L.A., 15 May 2011, https://afilmla.blogspot.com/2011/05/prod-2063-cinderella-xv-seq-41-clock_15.html.Send us a text
"Heigh-ho, the merry-o!" Our first episode of 2024 takes us back into the story of Pinocchio. Joining Wyatt is children's literature professor and head of DisNet operations, Rebecca Rowe!
Allan, Robin. “Marionettes.” Walt Disney and Europe: European Influences on the Animated Feature Films of Walt Disney, John Libbey, London, 1999, pp. 74. Book.
Kaufman, J. B. “Fame--and Stromboli.” Pinocchio: The Making of the Disney Epic, The Walt Disney Family Foundation Press, San Francisco, CA, 2015, pp. 182-185. Book.Flood, W. H. Grattan “The Conscription of Choristers for the Chapel Royal from 1400 to 1700.” The Musical Times, vol. 57, no. 884, 1916, pp. 466–67. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/910236.
Soth, Amelia. “Her Majesty’s Kidnappers.” JSTOR Daily, JSTOR, 17 Sept. 2020, daily.jstor.org/kidnapping-for-the-queens-choir/.
Subtitled Plays. “Pinocchio with Cliff Edwards 📻 Lux Radio Theater.” YouTube, YouTube, 25 Sept. 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GILNZUmn-Yc&t=2333s.Send us a text
Yup. This is our holiday episode. Scholar Abigail Fine returns to share her expertise on fairy godmothers with Wyatt as we break down Sequence 3 of Walt Disney's Cinderella.
The78Prof. “1947 Hits Archive: Chi-Baba Chi-Baba - Perry Como (a #1 Record).” YouTube, YouTube, 14 May 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIiSXQ9QCDE.
Ander, Cost. “Perry Como Presents Cinderella (Live, 1950).” YouTube, YouTube, 11 Dec. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ-n5mJqS2E.Cadelago, Christopher. “Obituary: Mary Alice O’Connor.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 16 June 2010, https://www.latimes.com/socal/burbank-leader/news/blr-obit061210222020-story.html.
Solomon, Charles, and Marc Davis. “Chapter Two: Cinderella.” The Disney Princess: A Celebration of Art & Creativity, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, CA, 2020, p. 53. Book.
The Disney Archives. “Cinderella - The Real Fairy Godmother.” YouTube, YouTube, 23 Dec. 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CBJy5ClmzQ&list=PLhOndNwQYfNAkf3KALs78KigHeeA_d-pS&index=4.
Disney, Walt and Corey Burton. “In Walt’s Own Words: The Envisioning of Cinderella.” Cinderella: Signature Collection, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2019. Blu-ray Disc.Huver, Scott. “The Real-Life Romance That Inspired ‘Cinderella’s’ Fairy Godmother.” NBC Connecticut, NBC Connecticut, 2 Oct. 2012, https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/national-international/the-real-life-romance-that-inspired-cinderellas-fairy-godmother/1915785/.
Lugli, Emanuele. “Tear That Dress Off: Cinderella (1950) and Disney’s Critique of Postwar Fashion.” Bright Lights Film Journal, 15 Feb. 2018, https://brightlightsfilm.com/tear-that-dress-off-cinderella-1950-and-disneys-critique-of-postwar-fashion/.Perk, Hans. “Prod. 2063 - Cinderella (Xiii) - Seq. 03.0 - Fairy Godmother.” A. Film L.A., 13 May 2011, https://afilmla.blogspot.com/2011/05/prod-2063-cinderella-xiii-seq-030-fairy_13.html?m=1.
Renaut, Christian. “Fairy Godmother (Sequence 08.00).” The Best of Disney’s Animated Features, vol. 2, Christian Renaut, 2022, pp. 211-252. Book.Send us a text
It may not be the end of the world as we know it. But with 2005's Chicken Little, we uncover an earth-shattering moment in Disney animation. It's a tale of corporate upheaval, creative fatigue, and artistic change which Ray is poised to recount for everyone... to Wyatt's disgruntlement.
Animation Compendia. “Chicken Little - Teaser Trailer #1 (March 30, 2004).” YouTube, YouTube, 4 Sept. 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ymn_XI2GdU&list=PLfQnigF_xmZHXuz6_V-7nVIlG0qRZvGDM&index=2.
justin Quintanilla. “Chicken Little Shop Commercial.” YouTube, YouTube, 14 Oct. 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrAgwCAdris&list=PLfQnigF_xmZHXuz6_V-7nVIlG0qRZvGDM&index=29.
Lee, Michael J. “MARK DINDAL & RANDY FULLMER on ‘CHICKEN LITTLE.’” Radio Free Entertainment, 16 Oct. 2005, https://movies.radiofree.com/interviews/chickenl_mark_dindal_randy_fullmer.shtml.
ScreenSlam. “Chicken Little: Production Broll Part 1 of 2 .” YouTube, YouTube, 10 July 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty0FwxcQseI&list=PLfQnigF_xmZHXuz6_V-7nVIlG0qRZvGDM&index=11.
“Chicken Little: Production Broll Part 2 of 2.” YouTube, YouTube, 10 July 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy-eZcSMz4I&list=PLfQnigF_xmZHXuz6_V-7nVIlG0qRZvGDM&index=12.
Taylor, Drew. “Chicken Little: Inside the History of Disney’s First CGI Movie.” Collider, 9 Nov. 2020, https://collider.com/disney-chicken-little-history-explained/.
WonderLand. “Chicken Little 2005 Behind the Scenes.” YouTube, YouTube, 8 Nov. 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvkGUZTr47Y.Send us a text
Back at it again with the magic mirrors! Apologies for the runtime, but Dr. Bee Eldridge joins Wyatt to discuss the rivalry between Queen Grimhilde and Snow White. We also break off into tangents about a Shakespearean (or "all-male") version of Snow White and the logistics of public restrooms.
Croonr1. “One Song (1938) - Kenny Baker.” YouTube, 18 July 2013, https://youtu.be/Ctqa7kAdAvI?si=pZeV_qjEuPl8Kru0.
Danley, Michael Sky. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - First Mirror Scene, February 14, 1935.” Sky Danley Productions, 15 Apr. 2020, https://www.skydanley.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-first-mirror-scene-february-14-1935/.
Johnson, David. “Bob Cook.” Snow White’s People: An Oral History of the Disney Film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, edited by Didier Ghez, vol. 1, Theme Park Press, Las Vegas, NV, 2017, pp. 194–195. Book.Kaufman, J. B. “Snow White Meets the Prince.” The Fairest One of All: The Making of Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Walt Disney Family Foundation Press, San Francisco, CA, 2012, p.104-109. Book.
“I’m Wishing.” Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: The Art and Creation of Walt Disney’s Classic Animated Film, Walt Disney Family Foundation Press, San Francisco, CA, 2012, p.38-57. Book.
“Unusual Suspects: The Prince.” The Walt Disney Family Museum, 4 Apr. 2013, https://www.waltdisney.org/blog/unusual-suspects-prince.Perk, Hans. “Prod. 2001 - Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs (I).” A. Film L.A., 20 Oct. 2009, https://afilmla.blogspot.com/search/label/SnowWhite?updated-max=2009-10-21T13%3A00%3A00-07%3A00&max-results=20&start=23&by-date=false.
Robert. “The Good Housekeeping Serial.” Filmic Light - Snow White Archive, 4 Dec. 2012, https://filmic-light.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-good-housekeeping-serial.html?m=1.
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Happy Halloween, daaaarlings! To celebrate this annual tradition, Wyatt and Ray turn the clock back to 1929. We witness the birth of the Silly Symphony cartoon, the shady business practices of a Mr. Pat Powers, and share our thoughts on the best country music stars of 2023. Truly a celebration of all things Disney.
Johnson, Mindy. “Mary Tebb & Disney’s Groundbreaking The Skeleton Dance.” Mindy Johnson Creative, mindyjohnsoncreative, 11 June 2018, https://www.mindyjohnsoncreative.com/single-post/2018/06/11/mary-tebb-disneys-groundbreaking-the-skeleton-dance.
“Tracing & Opaquing.” Ink & Paint: The Women of Walt Disney’s Animation, Disney Editions, Los Angeles, CA, 2017, p. 59-60. Book.
Korkis, Jim. “The Skeleton Dance Story.” MousePlanet, 15 Oct. 2020, https://www.mouseplanet.com/12776/The_Skeleton_Dance_Story.
Lee, Micah. “The Skeleton Dance Song.” YouTube, YouTube, 24 Oct. 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV_FGV1CWkw.
Merritt, Russell, and J. B. Kaufman. “The Skeleton of an Idea.” Walt Disney’s Silly Symphonies: A Companion to the Classic Cartoon Series, 2nd ed., Disney Editions, Glendale, CA, 2016, pp. 5–8. Book.
The Musicologist. “The Skeleton Dance (1929) - Cartoon Music Analysis.” YouTube, YouTube, 23 Jan. 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4K9S587qwU.
Thomas, Bob. "The Cartoon Maker: 1923-1934."Walt Disney: An American Original. Disney Editions, Glendale, CA, 1994, p. 99-103. Book.Send us a text
We (and by "we," I mean me, Wyatt) at Disney Reel to Reel love a good guilty pleasure movie. High School Musical: The Concert: All Access Pass is more than that. It's a time capsule, in all its uncomfortable, sparkly glory. Frankie Sparks of @shoottheflick joins me on this trip through 2006-2007 pop culture.
You can find the show @disreeltoreelpodcast and host Wyatt @goldenafternoon51 on Instagram!
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