TÀssÀ jaksossa juontajana Mikko Honkanen ja vieraana Seppo HÀlikkÀ. Miten B2B-myynnissÀ voi menestyÀ vuodesta toiseen ilman, ettÀ työ muuttuu raskaaksi?
Seppo peilaa omia kokemuksiaan pitkÀstÀ työurastaan ja kertoo, mitkÀ tekijÀt auttavat myyjiÀ kehittymÀÀn huipputekijöiksi. KÀymme lÀpi, miten pitkÀjÀnteisyys, asiakasymmÀrrys ja teknologian hyödyntÀminen vaikuttavat menestykseen.
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
Jaksossa Mikko Honkasen vieraana on Valtteri YlimÀki, Trustmaryn CFO ja Co-Founder. Trustmary on kulkenut pitkÀn matkan videotuotantoyrityksestÀ kansainvÀliseksi SaaS-yritykseksi, joka houkuttelee tuhansia kÀyttÀjiÀ ympÀri maailmaa.
Valtteri kertoo Trustmaryn kasvusta ja siitÀ, miten PLG-strategia on avannut ovet globaalille markkinalle ja mahdollistanut laajentumisen yli 80 maahan. Miten tarkasti mÀÀritelty ihanneasiakasprofiili ja vahva SEO-osaaminen ovat vaikuttaneet menestykseen?
TÀmÀ jakso on tÀynnÀ arvokkaita oppeja kasvuhakuisille SaaS-yrityksille. Kuuntele ja ota parhaat vinkit talteen!
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
Puuttuva jakso?
Jaksossa Jan Ropponen ja Mikko Honkanen keskustelevat arvomyynnistÀ. Jan Ropponen on kirjailija ja Axend-yrityksen perustaja.
ArvomyyntiÀ voidaan kutsua B2B-myynnin salaiseksi aseeksi, jolla voi olla suuri vaikutus tuloksiin. Kun myyntiprosessi keskittyy asiakkaan liiketoiminnan vaikutuksiin, yritys voi saavuttaa merkittÀvÀn kilpailuedun. TÀmÀ on myös todistettu kÀytÀnnössÀ. Yritykset, jotka panostavat myyntiprosessinsa ainutlaatuisuuteen, voivat saavuttaa korkeampia tuloksia.
âMonet yritykset sijoittavat miljoonia mainontaan, mutta eivĂ€t siihen, ettĂ€ heidĂ€n myyntiprosessistaan tulisi uniikki ja aidosti lisĂ€arvoa tuottava.â
Kuuntele ja ota Janin vinkit talteen.
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale.
To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
In this episode of the "Don't Blame the CRM" podcast, we sit down with Robert BrÄkenhielm, a partner at Resultify, to explore the evolution of website design and the possibilities of AI in HubSpot. Robert shares his screen to guide you through helpful tips, making it easy for you to learn alongside him.
From building thousands of websites to founding his own company, Robert discovered his passion for HubSpot and the possibilities within the software.
This episode delves into real-world examples of how AI is reshaping our work processes, including:
- Effortlessly editing websites
- Teaching HubSpot your brand voice to generate tailored text
- Translating entire pages with just a few clicks
- Creating blog posts using AI tools
Tune in to learn how to leverage AI in HubSpot, and donât forget to check out the video for a helpful step-by-step guide.
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale.
To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
In this episode of the "Don't Blame the CRM" podcast, we reflect on a decade of predicting B2B sales trends and look ahead to 2025.
Since 2015, weâve highlighted six key trends each year. Early predictions included Sales Automation, AI, and SDRs.
Later, sales playbooks and personalization emerged. Post-COVID, PLG, RevOps, and hybrid teams took focus.
Most recently, generative AI, signal-based selling, and near-bound strategies have shaped the industry. Whatâs next for 2025?
Here are our predictions:
1. AI Agents and Co-pilots starting to become mainstream
2. Discipline as a competitive edge
3. Founder/Executive-led sales & lead generation
4. Retention is the key
5. Self-serve adoption continues to grow
6. Time for Chief GTM Officers
Tune in to discover more details about the trends that are set to redefine B2B sales and how to stay ahead.
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
TÀssÀ jaksossa Mikko Honkasen, Vainun yksi perustajista, vieraana on Kaksio Labs:in Juha LeppÀnen. Juha toimii sekÀ puheenjohtajana ettÀ perustajana Kaksiolla. Keskustelun teemana on tekoÀly, CRM ja myynnin tehokkuus. LisÀksi pohditaan, missÀ Suomi menee edellÀ mainittujen asioiden kohdalla.
Jaksossa pohditaan, millÀ tasolla myynnin automaatio ja tehokkuus ovat Suomessa ja miten yritykset voivat hyödyntÀÀ CRM-jÀrjestelmiÀ laajemmin liiketoimintansa tukena. Juha ja Mikko pureutuvat myös tekoÀlyn mahdollisuuksiin CRM-jÀrjestelmissÀ, kuten asiakkuuksien preferenssien ennustamiseen ja myyntiprosessien automatisointiin.
LisÀksi jakso tarjoaa vastauksia muun muassa seuraaviin kysymyksiin:
- Kuinka suuri osa suomalaisista yrityksistÀ ei hyödynnÀ CRM-jÀrjestelmÀÀ myynnissÀ?
- Miten CRM-jÀrjestelmÀ kannattaa ottaa kÀyttöön maksimaalisen hyödyn saavuttamiseksi?
- MitÀ on huomioitava, kun harkitaan CRM-jÀrjestelmÀn vaihtoa?
Keskustelussa kÀsitellÀÀn myös tulevaisuuden trendejÀ, kuten feed-pohjaisten palveluiden roolia ja annetaan esimerkkejÀ siitÀ, miten moderni CRM voi toimia myynnin sekÀ koko organisaation tukena.
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
In this episode of the "Don't Blame the CRM" podcast, Johanna, Mentimeterâs COO, talks about the company's growth and its current recruitment for a VP of Revenue Operations.
Mentimeter is based in Stockholm, with offices in North America and Sydney. It has grown from a small team to nearly 400 employees. The company offers a product that facilitates group engagement by collecting and visualizing input. They are transitioning from a self-service model to include enterprise sales, necessitating a strategic focus on revenue operations.
Johanna discusses the challenges and requirements of finding the right candidate for the VP role, emphasizing the need for leadership and strategic skills in revenue operations.
Listen and learn about the necessary skills and what it takes to be a successful RevOps leader.
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
[This podcast episode is In Finnish]
TÀssÀ jaksossa Vainun Mikko Honkasen vieraana on Fellowmindin Sami KankaanpÀÀ (Business lead, CRM).
Jaksossa jutellaan CRM-jÀrjestelmien laajemmasta merkityksestÀ liiketoiminnassa ja siitÀ, miten CRM nÀhdÀÀn usein liian kapeasti pelkkÀnÀ myyntiputkena. Jaksossa kÀydÀÀn lÀpi CRM-toimijoiden muutoksia viimeisen 20 vuoden aikana ja pohditaan, miten tekoÀly mahdollistaa uusia tehokkaita tapoja automatisoida eri prosesseja. Jakso sisÀltÀÀ konkreettisia esimerkkejÀ siitÀ, miten moderni CRM voi auttaa liidien hallinnassa, tarjousten luomisessa ja kokousten valmistelussa.
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
Johanna Korhonen is the CSO of Dear Lucy and was one of the first salespeople at Supermetrics â one of the most successful SaaS companies in the Nordics. In this episode Johanna gives tons of concrete examples how to get started with data in B2B sales and why it's business critical for all companies and salespeople to do so.
Johanna's 10 years in B2B sales.Importance of data in scaling sales.Steps to become data-driven: gather data, implement CRM, build a data culture.Role of sales management in data hygiene.Evolution of sales technology.---
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
This episode is in Finnish.
TÀssÀ jaksossa syvennymme Revenue Operationsin (RevOps) maailmaan Kati Huusko-ViikilÀn kanssa, joka on RevOps-strategiatoimisto Revoryn perustaja. Keskustelemme hÀnen kirjoittamastaan kirjasta "Monikanavaisen myynnin johtaminen - NÀin johdat kaikkia tulovirtoja", joka on ensimmÀinen suomenkielinen opas RevOpsista. Kati jakaa oivalluksiaan ja kokemuksiaan B2B-myynnin ja markkinoinnin alalta sekÀ antaa kÀytÀnnön vinkkejÀ, miten yritykset voivat tehostaa liikevaihdon muodostumista ja johtaa kaikkia tulovirtoja menestyksekkÀÀsti.
Lue lisÀÀ: https://revory.fi/mit%C3%A4-on-revops
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
[This podcast episode is In Finnish]
Tervetuloa podcastin kolmanteen kauteen, joka alkaa jaksolla 21. TÀssÀ jaksossa Vainun Mikko Honkanen haastattelee revenueops.fi -palvelun kanssaperustajaa (ja yhtÀ Vainun parhaimmista myyjistÀ) Mika Jordanovia.
Jaksossa kÀydÀÀn lÀpi miten RevOps purkaa perinteiset siilot, yhdistÀÀ eri osastot ja pyrkii suuntamaan prosessit yrityksen liikevaihdon maksimoimiseen. Opit, miksi RevOps on noussut suosioon, kuinka se eroaa SalesOpsista ja miksi talousjohtajan rooli on keskeinen. Kuule konkreettisia esimerkkejÀ ja vinkkejÀ, miten RevOps voi tuoda merkittÀviÀ hyötyjÀ juuri sinun yrityksellesi.
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
In this episode, Aamer Hasu and Wouter Dieleman discuss key strategies for optimizing Revenue Operations (RevOps).
Note: this episode contains a few of minutes of screensharing, which of course cannot be seen on a podcast. But we have this episode on our YouTube channel @vainuapp so you can check the screenshare there.
Segment 1: Understanding Your Audience
Learn how defining your Total Addressable Market (TAM) and Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is crucial for aligning go-to-market strategies and optimizing budget allocation.Segment 2: Delving into TAM, SAM, and SOM
Understand the differences between TAM, Serviceable Available Market (SAM), and Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) and how tools like Vainu aid in strategic planning.Segment 3: Engagement - Who Are Your Stars?
Explore methods for tracking engagement and the benefits of identifying highly engaged accounts using tools like HubSpot.Segment 4: The Power of Data for Personalization
Discover how platforms like Vainu enhance data collection for personalized marketing approaches and better decision-making.Join us for actionable insights to enhance your RevOps and GTM efforts!
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
Thereâs a growing amount of new RevOps people in the Nordics. If youâre one of them, what key things should you focus on? Tune in to the first panel discussion of vloxqâs new OPEX Community, where Lotte Nedergaard Lauridsen, SaaS Lead & Co-founder of Helion B2B, Alexander Mason, CRO at Retriever, Wilma Eriksson, CRO and Co-founder of vloxq CPQ, and Mikko Honkanen, CEO and Co-founder of Vainu discuss the most critical trends and their impact on revenue generation and enablement in 2023, including:
â the most essential actions and best practices that will help RevOps professionals to better align their teams and strategies to optimize revenue gen in 2023
â predictions about the future and their potential impact on the RevOps function, allowing RevOps professionals to proactively adapt and plan for changes to ensure success.
This episode is a recording from a live webinar on 15 March 2023.
Communication fatigue is a real challenge. Peopleâincluding your potential buyersâare being bombarded with messages daily. Given that this is unlikely to change anytime soon, what can you do? We teamed up with Sharen Murnaghan (HubSpot), Joakim Steenfos (Radiant), and Per Allin (Contractbook) to answer this very question and give you actionable tips on how sales teams can tackle communication fatigue among prospects.
Expect to learn about
âa sales model thatâll increase your hit and win rates
âhow to integrate existing customers into new business strategies
âwhich channels B2B companies should be using
âhow to increase account engagement by improving your segmentation
And more!
This episode is a recording from a live webinar on 9 March 2023.
In this episode, Vainu's co-founder Mikko discussed with Henri Ripatti, Sales Operations Director at Supermetrics, one of the fastest-growing SaaS businesses in the Nordic countries.
At Supermetrics, an operations team of seven is currently spending almost half of their time on Salesforce-related tasks. How does this lean SalesOps team at Supermetrics orchestrate a tech stack of 30 different sales and marketing technologies â most integrated with Salesforce? How does a company growing almost 40% yearly apply product-led and sales-led motions? When and with which opportunities should a sales team be involved in the sales process vs. applying only a self-serve approach?
And more!
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit https://www.vainu.com
In our 16th Don't Blame the CRM podcast episode, we discussed with Elisabeth Norberg, Revenue Operations & Intelligence Manager at Swedish telecommunications software company, Telavox.
Knowing your customers is essential. With a background in marketing and having worked with RevOps for close to 4 years, Elisabeth is acutely aware of this fact, and today sheâs here to share some of her knowledge with all of us. Expect to learn:
â What other tips does Elisabeth have for the newcomers in the RevOps space
â Why should RevOps people be spending time on sales calls
â What are some of the latest trends RevOps teams need to pay attention to
â How and why RevOps plays an essential role in post-acquisition at Telavox
â How Telavox runs sales, marketing, service, and also CS in HubSpot
And more!
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit www.vainu.com.
In this episode of the Don't Blame the CRM podcast, Mikko Honkanen, Vainu co-founder, and Lotte Nedergaard Lauridsen, co-founder, partner & SaaS lead at Helion B2B, discusses the challenges and best practices for managing data and properties in HubSpot.
Lotte has been working with implementing and building HubSpot setups for the past 8 years and knows the ins and outs of the system, whereas Mikko, one of the product leads at Vainu, is always on the lookout for the best possible ways to deliver company data so that it's easy to use and actionable.
â What are companies' most common pitfalls in managing their HubSpot data?
â Are the CRMs of SaaS companies generally in good shape or not?
â How do you start building a HubSpot data setup that serves your business goals?
â How do you start a data cleanup or migration project?
And more!
Vainu specializes in providing relevant, reliable, and timely company data for B2B businesses and helps B2B professionals plan and execute effective sales and marketing initiatives at scale. To find out more about Vainu, visit www.vainu.com.
âBring RevOps in early. It creates less of a headache laterâ.
And why is that, exactly? How to build a solid tech stack from RevOps point of view, and what does Demostack's tech stack look like? What's the purpose of all these technologies for efficient growth? What is "demo experience" all about, and why is that important for sales and scaling up?
In this episode of the RevOps interview series, we had the privilege to discuss the questions above and more with Eric Portugal Welsh, RevOps, and Go-to-Market Leader at Demostack.
Demostack offers presales software helping other software companies create and deliver customized demo environments to show their product in the best light in every use case.
In this episode of the Donât Blame the CRM podcast, Mikko discusses with Adam Holmgren, Global Demand Generation Strategy Lead at GetAccept. Adam has been at the forefront of the Demand Generation movement, and in this 30-minute episode, Adams shares his views about
- whatâs working in demand gen and whatâs not
- how to get marketing, sales, and product to work towards the same ICP
- the importance of measuring success with KPIs that are actually relevant
- why is executing both âone-to-manyâ and account-based marketing tactics important
- The year 2023 with tight budget constraints regarding marketing channels and tactics â where to focus, what to leave out?
Why and how to build and leverage HubSpot Workflows to grow and scale up?
In the 12th episode of the Vainu RevOps interview series, you'll get to hear concrete tips and use cases from a real HubSpot expert, Rune Aabo, Head of Business Development and a certified HubSpot trainer at HubSpot partner Radiant.
During our deep dive into the HubSpot growth ecosystem, we touch upon, e.g.,
â What are HubSpot Workflows actually about?
â Why is storing the key sales intelligence pieces into HubSpot properties so important?
â What is the best place for company data in HubSpot: Notes, Tasks, or Company Properties? Why is this even relevant or important for companies to think about?
â What's hindering or stopping some companies out there from leveraging the Workflows to the fullest?
â Who should be responsible for building and maintaining the workflows?
And more!
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