Just be yourself.
Your patients come to see you because they LOVE you. They don't keep coming back because your office is pretty or because you have all of the new equipment. They come because you are amazing.
They choose you.
And yes. Even the life suckers will seek you out...we all have those handful of patients that make us cringe when we see them on our schedule. I sure have my share of them. So what's the secret weapon to counteract their 'Debbie Downerness?' Relatability.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen are they discuss the importance of being honest and authentically in your practice.
The Meric System.
A Chiropractor's roadmap and best friend for visceral and non musculoskeletal complaints. This is super helpful with the all too common condition of enuresis or bedwetting. Nothing is more embarrassing for a young boy than wetting the bed every. single. night. Not only is it embarrassingly frustrating for the patient and the parents, but it can also be extremely frustrating to you, the Chiropractor.
All you want is to see some change. If you're not seeing it, you have a few options: add something, eliminate something, or refer out.
It can be that simple.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen are they discuss bedwetting and the main areas to focus on to help with this embarrassing and frustrating condition.
Puuttuva jakso?
Ah, the post surgical and healed fracture patient.
I get it. Sometimes you are in the zone and you totally forget; you're on autopilot. Nothing like a monkey wrench in the middle of your adjusting cluster.
So should you adjust them? Can you even adjust that area? A good rule of thumb is to adjust above and below. But what else do you need to do to give an effective and safe adjustment?
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen as they discuss some of the modifications you need to make when you have a post surgical and/or post fracture patient.
Everyone has had that moment in practice where you momentarily panic when a patient comes in and they are in so much pain you don't know what to do. It's like your brain goes to rest mode and you just stand there hoping the right answer will come to you. And then your inner thoughts creep in (yeah...you know what I'm talking about).
Do I need to call an ambulance? It's really bad for business if an ambulance shows up at my front door... Are they dying? Is this one of those red flag cases they talked about in school? Why did they come to MY office and not the ER? I really hope my other patients don't hear them screaming... I have no f*@ng clue what to do Welp, better clear my schedule. This one is going to be awhile. ...just breathe....this is really going to hurt. Oh hey! I'm a really good Chiropractor and I know what to do! I've got this.Big take home lesson: don't panic and appreciate change. Communication is your best friend with these hard cases. Just trust your gut and you'll know what to do!
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen are they discuss that moment in practice where you need to trust your gut and not panic.
Ah. The frozen shoulder.
You hate to see it in practice and you pray that you don't get one either. They certainly aren't fun for the patient and they aren't fun for the practitioner either. Might be one of the only times a patient has wanted to punch me in practice because they were in so much pain.
Good news! I didn't get a black eye and they survived with complete restoration of their shoulder. So it was a happy ending...
So what do you do when this shows up in your office? Don't panic and remember, this is going to take a hot minute to heal. Patient education is going to be huge with this one. But, you have to act quickly though or this can easily become a chronic problem.
Está no bueno.
Spoiler alert: Being super forceful and yanking on the shoulder is NOT what you want to do with this condition.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss personal and clinical experience with frozen shoulders and how you can restore function to this complex joint.
"Do you think I need a hip replacement?!" The age old question Chiropractors get when our patients have hip pain. Luckily, most of the time the answer is, no, it's usually referred pain from somewhere. And most of the time their 'hip,' is not actually in their anatomical hip either. Having them point to where the pain is is super helpful.
Same with groin pain.
So do you know where to look for that 'somewhere else?'
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss the keys to unlocking the solution to hip and groin pain.
Have you ever felt like you just can't do it anymore or seemed to have lost the passion for Chiropractic that you once had? Is your normal crystal clear focus on the task at hand now blurred and cloudy?
You're not alone and this feeling doesn't have to last forever.
It will get better.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss clinician burnout and what to do if you find yourself struggling with this common situation.
Unless your ideal clients are pregnant moms, you might not have a lot of experience with adjusting pregnant ladies. And I'm sure you already know this, but if you don't, this is your PSA...going to the Chiropractor while pregnant will NOT cause a miscarriage and is NOT dangerous for baby and mom.
Phew, glad I got that off my chest.
And although adjusting a woman during pregnancy is relatively the same when she is not pregnant, there are some modifications that you need to be aware of in order to accommodate both her and baby. Just think to yourself, less is more.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss ways to modify your approach when you have a pregnant patient under your care.
The CT junction. Where to even start when it comes to this region?! I feel like we've mentioned this before on another episode, but the 21st century has not been kind to our heads and necks....well the spine in general, but we're focusing on this area in this podcast.
Anterior head carriage is way more common now than it ever was 30+ years ago due to technology and more sedentary life styles. I'm sure you know this, but feel free to swipe and deploy if you don't, but for every inch the head moves forward from neutral position, another 10 pounds of weight is loaded to the cervical spine. 10 pounds for every inch.....wooooooooah.
No wonder people constantly have tight shoulders and neck pain that never go away.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss some tips and tricks to adjust this complex region so you can provide some dramatic results to your patients.
Text neck. It's a thing, it isn't going away and apparently, it's super common.
No wonder every other patient is coming in with chronic headaches and tight occipital muscles. Not to mention hyperactivation of the sympathetic nervous system. That's a completely different topic and another podcast, but this is the precursor to that conversation!
But there is a relatively simple solution to solving these chronic cases if you know what to look for (and I'll give you a hint, it's not an Atlas adjustment). So put those cell phones down, put your computer monitors in an elevated position, look UP, and listen away.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they talk about a flexed C2 and how it can be the key to offering some relief for chronic headache and migraine sufferers.
I don't know where I heard this, but somewhere, some time ago, someone said restless leg syndrome could get worse if you eat red meat late in the evening.
Umm what?!?
Yeah, I didn't really believe them either; which is a good thing because it's all about biomechanics. So, if it's a biomechanical problem, why does the mainstream medical community think it makes sense to prescribe GABA or other extensive neurologically alerting meds to these patients? (insert cricket sounds here).
Cool part about being a Chiropractor: you get to look like a genius when you fix chronic pains like restless leg syndrome with a few adjustments if you know where to look.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss some key areas to focus on to effectively treat restless leg syndrome and bring back those quiet nights.
Your face. It says a lot without speaking or making any noise. And it's usually the first thing people notice about you. But, have you ever noticed that no one's face looks the same on both sides? I'm sure you have.
But what does it all mean?!?
And no, I'm not talking about reading someone's face to determine their personality. That stuff is super cool and interesting, but that's not what we're talking about today.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they talk about facial asymmetry and how to recognize the subtle differences to make the biggest neurological impact.
"Look Doc, I have this pain along my shin and it only happens while I'm running and jumping. But when I stop, the burning and uncomfortable pain goes away. Can you do anything for it?!?" Seems pretty straightforward, right? But, what if it wasn't and you were the one they came to for a second opinion because you know how to properly diagnosis and treat shin splints. They trust you; you know your stuff; you can fix anything. In this case, you just saved their life, even though it ended up with a leg amputation.
Best piece of advice: always look to the anatomy to tell you what could be going on.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, acts like a duck, chances are.....it's probably be a duck.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss the most common areas to focus on to get rid of those annoying shin splints once and for all!
Cell phone elbow is now the new tennis elbow. All the cool kids have it because they can't put their cell phones down, so you should probably know what to look for and how to treat it. It can be acute or chronic, but the treatments looks totally different. One involves just adjusting, the other can involve ice, taping, bracing, soft tissue work and some adjusting. But you have to know which protocol is more effective for which condition.
So where and what should you look for with this common condition? Look for pain points in the elbow, trigger points along the forearm, and more specifically...subluxations in the WRIST.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss tennis elbow and which carpal adjustment is the key to alleviating this chronic condition.
Why do women stand on a nail, bend their foot in an unnatural position and keep it like that for 8 hours or more a day and then wonder why their feet and back hurt all of the time?!?! Throw in a little laxity of the transversal arch, dropped met heads on the 3rd and 4th metatarsals, bursitis, maybe a stress fracture, and some sweet looking calluses.
All for Fashion. Cool.
So how do you fix this long standing problem that's such an Achilles heel for so many women?!? ....yeah, that was a Dad joke. Check the name of our podcast and just accept it.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss metatarsalgia and ways to address this biomechanical issue.
Pain going up stairs and pain going down stairs can make all the difference in the world when you are assessing a knee. One is caused by muscle imbalances and the is typically from a posterior tibia subluxation. But how do you know which is which, especially when the patient tells you their knee feels 'unstable'? So what about if pain is also present when the leg(s) is extended and then it's painful in the lower tight? Now what's going on?!?!
So what does this patient look like to you? Is it's an athlete? A young, non athletic female that is starting to go through puberty? Or maybe it's an older male that who cracked his patella in half getting into his daughter's car.
Spoiler alert: cracking your knee cap in half is NOT directly related to Patellar Malalignment Syndrome. ...phew, glad we cleared that up!
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss PMS, how to recognize this patellar tracking problem, and what to do about it.
It's shaped like a seahorse and moves unlike any other rib. How many patients do you have that present like this: pain in the CT junction, limited range of motion in their, a lot of neck stiffness, and works in front of a computer all day? ...that's my literal every patient (and my ideal patient if we're talking types of patients I love to see...but I digress).
So don't you think it'd be a good idea to know how to recognize when a neck problem is actually a 1st rib problem?! It's literally a game changer.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss the 1st rib and how to properly asses and adjust a 1st rib.
Do you remember the first time you had a new patient that had a hot low back that literally crawled into your office when you were fresh out of school? What about the sheer panic when you were like, "uh, somebody needs to help this person!"...but then you quickly realized that they came to you for help, no one else is around, and this is what you were trained for.
So what do you do for a patient who's muscles are in protective mode instead of just being hypertonic? It's a major difference and the outcome could cause more pain to your patient if you do it backwards.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss Thomas Syndrome and how to properly asses a patient with acute low back pain.
Did you know that the shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in our bodies, BUT it's also the least stable?! So don't you think you should have a quick and simple way to asses the shoulder? ...especially since most Chiropractors themselves have shoulder issues.
So what about shoulder instability vs frozen shoulder? The presentation looks very different, but the assessment is still the same.
You only need to know 4 directions to unlock this Rubix Cube and what each is checking for: AC joint, SC joint, 1st rib, AI humerus. And what's the one thing all shoulder dysfunctions have in common: T5 rib is ALWAYS involved.
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss this complex, but vey important joint and what other regions correlate to shoulder dysfunction.
Easy with the yanking! But did you know that you can adjust sinuses and help relieve pressure in the ear when a patient is sick or has congestion from allergies?!
And what roles do C2, TMJ, upper thoracic, and the maxillary sinus play with "plugged ears" and sinus congestion?
It can be the most satisfying relief to your patients when you help them get rid of all of the congestion and drain the phlegm and mucus from their sinuses. They would love you forever if you could just make their ears "pop!"
Join Dr. David & Dr. Karen Hannah as they discuss different areas to asses to help relieve congestion.
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