
  • Everyone has their own stories to tell and storytelling is a skill close to Jill’s heart. In this episode we dive headfirst into Jill's amazing passion for storytelling, a significant and timeless art form. We'll be exploring all the juicy details about how narrative works its magic, bringing people together and shaping our lives.

    Jill's dedication to storytelling is no joke, and she's gonna take us on a wild ride through her struggles and triumphs as a storyteller. It's gonna be so compelling, you won't wanna miss it! You'll be hooked by her eloquent words and ability to remind us that everyone has a fantastic and captivating story to share with the world. So tune in and be ready to be wowed by the enchanting power of storytelling!

    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

  • Brandi Vezina's musical journey is a testament to her authenticity and passion for her craft. With a strong connection to classic country and rock, her sound is a blend of traditional and contemporary elements that captivate audiences.

    Brandi's roots as a Red River Metis further enrich her music, infusing it with cultural depth and a unique perspective.

    Through her heartfelt lyrics and soulful melodies, she sings and writes about the realities of life, love, and personal growth.

    Moreover, Vezina is a dedicated animal advocate, using her platform to raise awareness and support for causes close to her heart.

    Her commitment to both music and animal welfare is a reflection of her genuine desire to make a positive impact in the world.

    Through her authentic storytelling and passionate performances, she aims to inspire others to embrace their true selves and live with confidence.

    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Connect with Brandi through:

    Website: https://www.brandivezina.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brandivezina

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandivezinamusic

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/brandivezina1

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brandivezinamusic?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

    Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/brandi-vezina/1476474890



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    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Blain Constant is an Indigenous Motivational Speaker and Business Owner. He has triumphed over addiction and homelessness to become a symbol of hope and resilience. With his captivating tale of Recovery and Resilience, Blain travels across North America, engaging audiences with his fiddle and motivational talks.

    In addition to his speaking engagements, Blain is a talented self-taught musician with over 22 years of experience. He has mesmerized crowds of up to 35,000 people in Canada and the United States, including a memorable performance for the late Queen Elizabeth when he was just 15 years old.

    Blain's personal journey is a testament to the power of determination and self-discovery. After struggling with addiction for over a decade, he found himself homeless on the streets of Winnipeg for four challenging years. However, Blain made the courageous decision to embrace sobriety, and he has proudly maintained it for the past 9.5 years, offering valuable insights along the way.

    Blain fearlessly confronts the harsh realities of addiction in his presentations, providing an honest glimpse into its consequences. But he goes beyond that, sharing the invaluable lessons he has learned on his path to recovery. His aim is to motivate, inspire, and empower all who have the opportunity to hear him speak.

    Blain joins forces with Jill to explore the transformative power of self-love in healing and recovery. Together, they share personal stories that highlight the profound impact of self-compassion. Their dialogue offers guidance and inspiration for individuals seeking solace and renewal.

    Join Jill and Blain as they engage in a remarkable conversation, delving into the intricacies of self-love and its transformative effects on the journey towards healing and recovery.

    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Connect with Blain through:

    Facebook: Blain Constant


    Instagram: @blainconstant1


  • In this episode, Jill opens up about why she was absent last week, but don't fret – the reason turned out to be incredibly beneficial for her mental well-being.


    Jill finally attended a highly anticipated event in Florida, something the universe had been nudging her towards since 2015. At last, she heeded the call.


    Join Jill as she shares her "Aha Moments" from an inspiring 2-day motivational event. Additionally, she takes us on a nostalgic journey through her mental wellness evolution, from self-help books to engaging conferences.


    To sweeten the deal, Jill shares the invaluable takeaways she gained from this transformative experience.


    So, tune in and be prepared to jot down some notes – you're sure to gain valuable insights from this episode.


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com


    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • Are you a solopreneur trying to take your business to the next level? Or are you dreaming of being an entrepreneur, but something is hindering you? If you are either one, then this episode is perfect for you!


    Discover the secrets of successful entrepreneurship with Jill as she unveils her tried and tested 10 mindset musts for aspiring entrepreneurs in this episode.


    Drawing from her own experiences as a DIY entrepreneur, Jill shares invaluable insights on how to take your business to the next level. Be sure to tune in and get ready to take notes as Jill unpacks these actionable and inspiring tips that can help you transform your business.----more----

    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com


    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • Jill is back with a brand new episode packed with value after a brief hiatus.

    In this episode, she shares insights into recent events in her life and what caused her to step away from podcasting. Jill also gives a brief overview of her Awaken the Spirit program, highlighting the importance of each aspect of the training.

    In addition, three returning attendees of the program join Jill to share their experiences and discuss the reasons why they keep coming back.

    Listen to this episode now to gain valuable insights and inspiration from Jill and her guests.

    ----more----00:19:50 - Terry McKellep’s Testimonial

    00:42:32 - Alicia Martin’s Testimonial

    00:53:25 - Jonathon Sayese’s Testimonial

    ----more----Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com


    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • Have you ever felt like things are going so well, but for some reason, you keep waiting for bad things to happen?


    This episode is made for you if you are familiar with that feeling. Jill will be imparting her wisdom about resistance. She explains how resistance is anything standing in our way, whether we put it there or not. It can be a natural occurrence or something we decided to do to hinder ourselves.


    Jill talks about how we can recognize resistance in our daily lives and push through and break the walls.


    Listen now to start getting rid of resistance and achieve your goals.


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone




    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com


    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • If you’ve wondered why Jill hasn’t posted anything for the past weeks, here’s an episode explaining why.


    In this episode, Jill will share how she pushed herself to the limit before the year ended. She was so busy, she barely had time to rest and relax. Therefore, she decided to focus on herself as 2023 starts.


    In the first few days, the feeling of exhaustion and burnout is evident. She then actively chose herself throughout the first few days, revamping her room, redecorating her house, going to the gym, cooking healthier food, and meditating.


    For Jill, choosing herself is aligned with her motto of quality over quantity in everything she does. She doesn’t want to put out lacklustre content just for the sake of it.


    Now, Jill is back, and she shares her new objectives for this year.


    If you’re in a slump and want to pick yourself up, this episode is for you.


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • Happy New Year!

    ----more----Who doesn’t love new beginnings? Definitely not Jill!


    She loves the new year and starting something so much she created a whole guide on how you can get it right. Of course, new beginnings with no direction are like making desserts for the first time with no recipe. This is why this episode is perfect for the beginning of 2023. Let’s start your year right by going through the goal-setting process. ----more----


    Prepare your notes, as Jill will guide you through the essential parts of this process that would make you want to start doing it right away. She will share what the questions you should answer are and how you can engrain these goals in your mind.


    Spoiler alert: Jill has a special surprise for you in this episode.

    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • How often do you give thanks for all the blessings in your life? Or in what ways do you give thanks?


    Sometimes we overlook the amazing things happening in our lives because of the not-so-good things. That’s why Jill shares how being intentionally grateful will change your life the same way it changed hers.


    In this episode, she shares how she practices gratitude on a daily basis. Of course, it’s not an overnight fix. Jill emphasizes the importance of being intentional with making time to be grateful for the things in our lives through journaling, affirmations, etc. There’s no one-size fits all approach, but surely being more grateful will help you realign your perspective into a more positive outlook in life.


    Moreover, Jill shares how gratitude should also be shared. We don’t know everyone’s struggle, and being nice is the least we can do. Who knows, maybe that one compliment can make a person’s day.


    Listen to this episode and be more grateful each day!


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • Stephanie Harpe is an International Advocate for MMEIP Murdered or Missing and Exploited Indigenous Peoples, Murder Attempt, Exploitation Survivors and Family members who was a part of public testimony for the National Inquiry. Keynote Speaker for United Nations, travelled to 50 Indigenous communities in western Canada and hosted MMEIP support group for 3 years.


    She completed 2 provincial action plans for Alberta for the National Action Plan, Grassroots works with oppressed people on human rights, safety and security. Stephanie also developed 16 topics for Wellness and Safety Super clinics and lived experience coaching. Invited to London, Dubai and Malaysia for the largest youth conferences in the world to speak the truth of how Indigenous people have to survive in their own country called Canada. TEDx Talk titled Indigenous Suffering and Survival to Success.


    Stephanie is an award-nominated Singer and songwriter for Stephanie Harpe Experience (S.H.E.), Actress and former casting agent for local to Hollywood productions. Indigenous truth and training are in an all time high demand as she is a Survivor, Daughter of a Murdered Mother and Niece of the Historical Chief of Fort McKay First Nations.


    In this episode, she shares how her advocacy began and the effect on the lives of other people. She also talks about how she releases all the stress from her work – through music, a great support system, and travelling.


    Join Jill and Stephanie in this episode, where they talk about systemic racism, generational trauma, and the injustice our Indigenous people are experiencing today.


    Connect with Stephanie through:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieHarpeExperience

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harpestephanie/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stephanie.harpe


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • Today, we'll talk about the amazing event that happened on December 2, 2022 – Driving While Indigenous. This was an event where people were able to share success concepts, inspire and be inspired by our own Indigenous success stories.


    If you're an avid listener, some of our guests were a part of the event. Jessica Dumas, Ted Williams, Greg Personius, and The Resilience were all there to share a common cause. The event's main goal was to motivate indigenous people to reach their dreams.


    Jill shares all about what happened during the event and how the event came to fruition in this podcast episode. She emphasized how this event was a product of years of hard work and a lot of belief. Despite the financial constraints, Jill's belief pulled through with the help of her loving and supportive husband. Also, it is evident that the universe wanted this event to happen, as an anonymous donor reached out to Jill days before the event.


    Want to know how Jill did this successful culmination of inspiring individuals? Listen to this episode, and don't forget to rate and share!


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • Contrary to other people’s beliefs, words are more powerful than we think. This episode proves this to be true as Jill shares how affirmations led her to become the woman she is today.


    She explains what affirmations are and how negative affirmations are a thing we don’t notice we’re doing. The culture of negative self-talk was passed on to us as if it were the normal thing to do. Jill proves otherwise.


    In this episode, Jill emphasizes how our brains can be so powerful. An example of this is when she started doing affirmations when she wanted to get out of a dark place in her life. She decided to write and say affirmations and start believing them. Eventually, she notices that her life starts changing. She learned to love herself and be her affirmations.


    Are you ready to harness the power of affirmations with Jill? Listen to this episode to know how it can help you and how you can pivot your life through affirmations.


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32

  • Do you believe in perfect timing? I believe that everything happens for us exactly when it should, and it doesn’t hurt to follow the signs, either. Jade Turner’s story proves this to be true.


    Jade Turner is a mom, a musician, a millwright and an incredible woman wearing multiple hats at the same time. In this episode, she shares her story of what it was like as a kid growing up moving from place to place, making it hard for her to connect with people. Eventually, she did forge valuable relationships. Relationships that helped her in her music journey and growth as an indie artist.


    Jade also shares how connecting with her roots and attending ceremonies help ground her, fuel her and keep her forging ahead with optimism.


    Listen now and get to know more about Jade and the amazing things she’s got in store.


    Connect with Jade: https://linktr.ee/jadeturner

    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32

  • In today’s episode, we are joined by Ted Williams to share his story about self-actualization and listening to your intuition or that little voice.


    Ted first became the Chief of his reserve at a very young age, at 29. Even more impressive is that he self-actualized or manifested this to happen. He shares his story about wanting to be a Chief and believing that he would be a Chief someday since he was 12.


    In this episode, Ted and I share anecdotes about using the power of belief to achieve your goals. We talk about how putting it out there, whether a picture on your fridge or a sticky note on your desk, will help you visualize and manifest all your goals.


    If you want to strengthen your belief and harness that power, listen now to Jill and Ted’s insightful conversation.


    Connect with Ted:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ted.williams/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ted-williams-6457b47/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/william_mccue

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teawilliams


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32

  • Today’s episode is filled with stories of alignment and following whatever is set for you without any questions. To talk more about this, we are joined by Tchadas Leo.


    Tchadas Leo is the Host and Producer for his show "Our Native Land: through Chek TV/Podcasts. The show currently broadcasts on channel 6 every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. Our Native Land is now approaching its 100th episode. During these episodes, he interviews mostly Indigenous but also non-Indigenous individuals, artists, entrepreneurs, language teachers, cooks, workers, politicians, athletes, lawmakers, or members of the public who have something noteworthy to share about being Indigenous in Canada.


    Overall, Our Native Land has significant insights on contemporaneous Indigenous Canadians and their contributions to creating a new non-colonialist vision of Indigenous people as a thriving, positive force building a Canada we can all call “Our Native Land.”


    Join us as we discuss Tchadas’ colorful family history and how he landed in the podcast field and is now creating ripples of change with his insights.


    Connect with Tchadas:

    Website: https://tchadasleo.ca

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tchadas_leo/

  • In today’s episode, we are joined by the iconic duo, The Resilience. Lisa Muswagon and her husband Hellnback (Karmen Omeasoo) make up the powerhouse musical duo known as The Resilience. The Resilience is a new sound of hip hop with an Indigenous flavour. Their style consists of Hellnback's fire flow of timeless lyrics while Lisa finds the beat of the sound, adding a fresh new wave to the scene. With respect to the understanding of the cultural component, The Resilience strives to ensure their ancestors are honoured in music by sharing the narratives and stories of the intergenerational impacts of the Residential School. Their content can be utilized as teaching tools and music for our upcoming generation.


    Lisa and Karmen will share their stories before being The Resilience and how they met each other and made music together. Because their views align, they use their music to influence and make a difference in the Indigenous community first and then with the world.


    Their presence is growing on TikTok, which allows them to reach and connect with the younger generations. More great things are to be seen with this power couple, from new albums to more TikTok videos that are both funny and educational.


    Tune in, and let’s chat with The Resilience!


    Connect with The Resilience through these links:

    Website: www.theresilience.ca

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisamuswagon


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.resilience.music/



    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theresiliencemusic




    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com


    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • Today we’re joined by Greg Personius. He is a budding musician, comedian, emcee and event coordinator. He is a member of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation and a proud father to daughter Roselyn.


    In this episode, we’ll talk about how he wears many hats. Greg shares his childhood, wherein he was bullied at school and used humour to cope. Then, he started to see how he was a great performer.


    As his career progressed, he was diagnosed with kidney failure and underwent dialysis. What’s impressive is that instead of moping, hating, and being stuck, he chose to be happy and bring happiness to other people.


    With all these things happening in Greg’s life, he never forgot about his passion for volunteering. He speaks to the youth and imparts his journey to encourage the young ones to look at the brighter side of life.


    Tune in and get to know Greg Personius, a budding musician, comedian, emcee, event coordinator, volunteer, and loving father.


    Connect with Greg Personius through these links:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greg.personius.9

    Email: [email protected]

    Tiktok: gpersonius99


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com

    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • If you didn’t know, I am the author of the book “The Tale of Tiger Lily.” So, for today I will take you through my process behind writing this idea that I had when I was in my 20s, but didn’t start writing till my 30’s, then finally put into fruition after 7 years.


    If you are interested in reading my book, here’s an excerpt:We can all recall the story of Peter Pan, and the brief but profound interlude with the lovely and discerning Tiger Lily.

    When we saw her last, the beautiful Native American monarch had been captured by the infamous Captain Hook, who had bound her wrists and ankles and left her on a rock to await the imminent doom of the rising tide. Hook taunted her to reveal the whereabouts of Peter Pan, claiming she would risk the fate of never making it to the “happy hunting grounds” if she were to die a death of drowning. Through it all, Tiger Lily remained silent, proud and brave that she refused to reveal the hideout of Peter Pan even as the tide rushed in and threatened to wash her away. It was in that precise moment that Peter Pan swooped in to battle the angry captain and rescue Tiger Lily seconds before drowning. He would return her to the safety of her eagerly awaiting father, Chief Great Little Big Panther, and the tribe would celebrate Peter into the night.

    That was the last we saw of the noble Tiger Lily and we are left only to speculate how such a young lady could have been so selfless and brave. What images raced through her mind as she was near death? If we could go back to that night and listen to her thoughts, what tale would they tell?

    Could it be possible that the stubborn pride we all saw was but a mask for despair, and her silence, but a plea to end it all? If we could go back and delve further into her mind, what if Tiger Lily revealed that she did not want to be saved that fateful night at Mermaid’s Lagoon? That she did not want to return to her village and the emptiness that awaited her there? When the tide rose up and Captain Hook was threatening her with death, could it be that she welcomed it? The only way that we will ever know is if we travel back before the capture, before Peter, before Tiger Lily could ever foresee that such danger was looming in her future.

    If you are as curious as I, let us allow Tiger Lily to take us back to the days before this fateful event, before she felt that silence was the only way to end her suffering. Let us hear the tale of Tiger Lily…

    You have just read the forward! If you would like to read on, the first 3 chapters are up on my blog! And if you’d like to continue, please visit Amazon


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone




    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com


    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

  • Today’s episode is very timely and a lesson we all need sooner rather than later. It’s all about not letting other people’s opinions have power over you.


    I share stories from when I was young and when I allowed myself to get sucked into teenage drama, but there finally came a moment when I decided that I will no longer give up my power.


    Since that realization, I adopted the mantra “What other people think of you is none of your business” and continued to carry it with me throughout my adult life.


    I also share a story of how that lesson has helped me be brave enough to share my self-proclaimed name, Jill Featherstone, with the world. It may have taken 40 years before I 100% owned that name, but it freed me.


    If you want to hear the full glory of these stories, tune in now!


    Connect with Jill through:

    Facebook: Jill Featherstone



    Instagram: @_jill_featherstone

    Website: www.jillfeatherstone.com

    Website: www.featherstonesupportservicess.com


    Purchase The Tale of Tiger Lily

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Tale-Tiger-Lily-Jill-Featherstone/dp/1777400511/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32WK62UK98TGM&keywords=the+tale+of+tiger+lily&qid=1663189605&sprefix=the+tale+of+tiger+lily%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1