
  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Article: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/the-sc...Forums: https://forum.dryfastingclub.com/Dry fasting has been hailed for its potential benefits in healing, longevity, and weight loss, primarily due to its unique mechanism of promoting autophagy independent of nutrient starvation, specifically through dehydration. This process is crucial for those dealing with severe illnesses, particularly autoimmune diseases, which may impair autophagic functions due to various factors like mitochondrial dysfunction and disruption of macroautophagy through the ULK1 System. Testing autophagic pathways through methods such as the ULK1 Kinase Assay can provide insight into the state of one's macroautophagy pathways, offering a deeper understanding rather than a direct solution. Dry fasting serves as a loophole to potentially rectify autophagic dysfunctions by circumventing the nutrient-dependent ULK1 pathway, leveraging hypertonic stress induced by dehydration. This stress, both hypovolemic and hypertonic, has been shown to be manageable in experienced individuals over a 5-day dry fast, suggesting its safety and effectiveness in initiating profound cellular healing and autophagy, notably through microtubule reorganization. Microtubules, essential for cellular health and autophagy, facilitate the transport of autophagosomes to lysosomes for degradation. A study examining hypertonic stress highlights its role in enhancing autophagy and microtubule-dependent autophagosomal clusters, indicating that dry fasting not only boosts autophagy but also restructures cellular components for improved function. This method of fasting, particularly when transitioning from a dry to a water fast after reaching an acidotic crisis, may offer a balanced approach to harnessing autophagy's full potential while mitigating risks, marking a significant stride in understanding cellular protection and healing in hypertonic conditions.#waterfast #dryfast #autophagy #fasting #stress #hormesis #dehydration #scienceJoin us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.Support the Dry Fasting Club on Patreon & join my private Discord group (not the same as the free open group) for live Q&As, dry fasting interpretations, early-access episodes, fasting advice & more: https://www.patreon.com/dryfastingclub/ 💛If you enjoyed the video, please like, subscribe & share!

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Article: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/osmolytes-are-one-of-the-keys-to-surviving-dehydration-when-fasting/Forums: https://forum.dryfastingclub.com/Osmolytes are vital molecules that help our bodies thrive, especially during dry fasting, by maintaining cellular balance and ensuring survival under stress conditions like dehydration. These small, highly soluble molecules are crucial for preserving cell integrity, stabilizing proteins, and supporting cellular functions by managing water levels within cells. Their role becomes even more significant in the context of dry fasting, a practice where no food or water is consumed, as they assist in retaining water and maintaining cellular function despite limited external resources. Research highlights the protective mechanism of osmolytes, which enables us to withstand long periods without water, safeguarding cellular structures and ensuring the continuation of biological processes. This insight into osmolytes opens up possibilities for enhancing dry fasting benefits through strategies like supplementation, aiming to balance these molecules within the body to support health and potentially slow aging by improving cellular resilience and function.#waterfast #dryfast #autophagy #science #dehydration #fasting #taurine #glycine #osmolytes #structuredwater Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

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  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Article: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/the-science-behind-how-our-body-makes-more-of-its-own-water-when-dry-fasting/Forums: https://forum.dryfastingclub.com/Dry fasting is perceived as an extreme and daunting practice, primarily due to fears of dehydration and potential death, a concern especially contrasted against water fasting, where individuals sustain themselves on water alone. This juxtaposition highlights the skepticism even within fasting communities, with water fasters viewing dry fasting as an extreme step further. However, embracing the concept of dry fasting begins with understanding the body's resilience and capability to survive without immediate water intake for more than three days for most individuals, barring certain health conditions or extreme physical exertion. Scientific insights, such as those from studies on birds like zebra finches, reveal that organisms can generate metabolic water through fat oxidation, indicating that fat serves as a crucial source for metabolic water production. This biological mechanism, along with cellular adaptations like osmolyte accumulation and hyperosmotic stress-induced autophagy, supports the body's ability to manage dehydration. These processes underscore the potential of dry fasting, challenging established views on hydration and fasting, and suggesting a complex interplay between fat metabolism, water production, and cellular homeostasis.#waterfast #dryfast #autophagy #science #dehydration #fasting #water #hydrogenwater #structuredwater Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Article: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/the-science-behind-how-a-1-day-dry-fast-is-equivalent-to-a-3-day-water-fast/Forums: https://forum.dryfastingclub.com/Dive into the intriguing realm of dry fasting and its potential impact on autophagy and stem cell vitality, as illuminated by the study, "The ‘selfish brain’ is regulated by aquaporins and autophagy under nutrient deprivation." This research meticulously tracks LC3-II levels, a key protein in autophagy, revealing how the brain adapts to various fasting states, including complete food and water deprivation. The findings suggest that dry fasting might significantly boost autophagy in the brain and nervous system, possibly offering more benefits in a single day than three days of traditional water fasting. However, this raises crucial questions about the balance between enhancing cellular renewal and risking potential stem cell exhaustion. As we explore this delicate interplay, we uncover the profound complexities of our body's self-preservation mechanisms, offering a glimpse into the potential of dry fasting as a tool for health and rejuvenation.#waterfast #dryfast #autophagy #science #dehydration #fastingJoin us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Article: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/harnessing-the-anterior-mid-cingulate-cortex-through-fasting-how-to-increase-willpower-and-become-a-superager/Unlock the potential of your brain and elevate your willpower by embracing the practice of fasting, a transformative approach that specifically enhances the anterior mid-cingulate cortex. This region of the brain is crucial for developing superior cognitive resilience, crucial in becoming a 'superager'. Fasting not only fortifies your willpower but also stimulates neuronal growth and fortifies synaptic connections in this critical brain area. By incorporating structured fasting into your routine, you're not just nurturing your body; you're also cultivating a resilient, high-performance mind, setting the stage for improved decision-making, heightened focus, and an exceptional aging process. Engage in this cerebral enhancement journey and unlock your full potential as a superager, with the power of fasting as your catalyst for profound cognitive empowerment.#anteriormidcingulatecortex, #willpower #superager #fasting #addictionrecoveryJoin us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/In this video, we delve into the nuanced practices and theories surrounding dry fasting, particularly focusing on the contrasting approaches of August Dunning and Filonov. Dunning, a prominent figure in the Western adaptation of dry fasting, presents a scientific and empathetic approach, differing from Filonov's traditional and rigorous methods. While acknowledging Filonov's significant contributions and experience, we lean towards Dunning's methodology which resonates more with modern, critical thinking and personal responsibility in health management. We explore the debate around Fisetin, a biohacker's gem, and discuss its alternatives like Quercetin and Curcumin, emphasizing the importance of a balanced, plant-rich diet and questioning the necessity of expensive supplements. The video also addresses the misconceptions about baking soda post-fasting and the potential risks of water absorption during dry fasting, highlighting the intriguing role of aquaporins in skin hydration. Join us as we dissect these complex practices, advocate for informed decision-making, and explore the science behind fasting and overall well-being.#DryFasting, #FastingScience, #HealthJourney, #Biohacking, #NutritionFacts, #WellnessTipsJoin us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/The relationship between calorie intake and the cessation of autophagy, along with fasting benefits, is a nuanced area of study within nutritional science and cellular biology. Autophagy, a cellular process of self-cleaning where cells degrade and recycle their components, is often activated during periods of low energy availability, such as fasting. The key to this activation lies in the cellular energy sensor known as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK).When the body is in a state of caloric deficit, or fasting, AMPK activity increases. This occurs because the ratio of AMP (adenosine monophosphate) to ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in cells rises when energy is low, signaling to the cell that it needs to conserve energy and recycle cellular components. This process is crucial for cellular maintenance and has been linked to various health benefits, including improved metabolic efficiency and longevity.There isn't a specific calorie threshold universally agreed upon that halts autophagy, as it can vary depending on individual metabolism, the type of nutrients consumed, and overall physiological context. However, the reintroduction of food, particularly carbohydrates and proteins, can signal an energy surplus to the body, leading to a decrease in AMPK activity and a subsequent reduction in autophagy. This is because these macronutrients, especially when they increase blood glucose and insulin levels, promote anabolic processes that are counter to the catabolic nature of autophagy.In summary, while the exact calorie amount that stops autophagy is not definitively established and can vary, the key lies in understanding the body's response to energy availability, as mediated by cellular signals like AMPK. The type of food consumed plays a significant role in this process, with an emphasis on how it affects energy and hormonal signals within the body.#calories #autophagy #fasting #ketones #ampk #mtor Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/In the dynamic world of health and wellness, dry fasting stands out for its potential benefits like accelerated fat loss and improved mental clarity. Integrating coffee, specifically for its caffeine content, can significantly enhance this fasting method. Caffeine boosts metabolism, suppresses appetite, and improves focus, making dry fasting more manageable and effective. However, it's crucial to balance caffeine intake with hydration needs to avoid dehydration, particularly given the absence of direct water intake in dry fasting. The success of combining coffee with dry fasting hinges on understanding individual body responses and maintaining moderation. This synergy between coffee and dry fasting offers a compelling approach for those exploring advanced health and wellness practices.#Coffee #ketones #fasting #fattyacid #autophagy Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Welcome to an exciting exploration of gut health and fasting, focusing on the lesser-known yet crucial goblet cells and their role during dry fasting. Goblet cells, nestled in our gut, are key to producing mucin, a protective mucus that not only safeguards our gut lining but also fosters a healthy environment for beneficial gut bacteria. In the fascinating process of dry fasting, these cells continue to support good bacteria, while the harmful ones struggle without their preferred nutrient, glucose. This selective process might help reset our gut flora, similar to how a liver flush rejuvenates liver function. Studies, like those on Ramadan fasting, show that such practices can significantly alter our gut microbiome, encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, while also boosting bacterial diversity. This reshaping of our microbial landscape is akin to pruning an overgrown garden, allowing a more diverse and healthy ecosystem to thrive. Remember, our discussions about health are for educational purposes and should always be complemented with professional advice, especially when considering potent practices like dry fasting.#Guthealth #microbiome #fasting #autophagyThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Article: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/do-you-absorb-water-through-the-skin-during-fasting/The accepted scientific consensus is that while the skin contains aquaporins, which are channels that facilitate water transport, it does not significantly absorb water under normal or fasting conditions. The skin's primary function is to act as a barrier, protecting against water loss and external substances. This barrier is highly effective, and while minor water absorption can occur, it is not substantial enough to contribute meaningfully to overall hydration. The body's hydration needs are primarily met through oral intake of fluids. However, we're now going to dig into aquaporins and their relation to hydration in the body. In fact, they may be one of the keys to explaining the phenomenon of water absorption through the skin during prolonged dry fasting.#dehydration #fasting #waterretention Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Fasting is increasingly recognized for its potential anti-parasitic action, offering a unique approach to combating parasitic infections. The mechanism behind this benefit is thought to stem from the body's adaptive response to the absence of food. During fasting, the body undergoes various metabolic changes, including the activation of autophagy, a cellular cleanup process that may help eliminate parasites or reduce their ability to thrive. Additionally, fasting can alter the gut environment, making it less hospitable for certain parasites by reducing available nutrients and disrupting their life cycle. While this approach shows promise, more research is needed to fully understand and harness the anti-parasitic effects of fasting, especially in terms of its application in medical practice. This method should be considered complementary to traditional treatments and undertaken under medical supervision.#Autophagy, #Parasites, #FastingBenefits, #GutHealth, #MetabolicHealth, #CellularRepair, #DigestiveWellness, #FastingAndHealth, #ParasiteDetox, #FastingForWellness, #ImmuneBoosting, #NaturalDetox, #GutCleanse, #HealthFasting, #BodyCleansing, #NutritionalFasting.Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Dry fasting, a practice involving abstaining from both food and water for a period of time, is sometimes discussed in alternative medicine circles for its potential benefits against chronic illnesses, including Lyme disease, Babesia, and Bartonella. The theory behind using dry fasting for these conditions hinges on the idea of inducing a heightened state of autophagy, the body's process of cleaning out damaged cells and regenerating newer, healthier cells. Proponents believe that this process can help the body fight off the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease and its co-infections like Babesia and Bartonella, as it may strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. Additionally, the stress that dry fasting puts on the body is thought to create a less hospitable environment for these pathogens.Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Scorch Protocol: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l-F9pCuh942zn5rS_FXVxGzbCtXN0-toBipeMZTAbOc/edit?usp=sharingResearch Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/We delve into why individuals with similar Heart Rate Variability (HRV) levels may exhibit vastly different health profiles. The essence of this discussion lies in understanding that while HRV is an essential metric reflecting the balance between our sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous systems, it's not a standalone indicator. For instance, exercise significantly boosts HRV by introducing beneficial stressors, fostering a stronger resilience against future stress. However, the balancing act between training intensity and recovery varies from person to person. Take two hypothetical individuals, John and Jack, both with similar HRV levels. John indulges in weekend partying, causing drastic fluctuations in his HRV, while Jack maintains a more stable lifestyle with controlled exercise and minimal partying. This difference in lifestyle choices makes Jack’s HRV a more reliable health metric.Expanding on this, the discussion shifts to the role of fasting in modulating HRV. Fasting has been shown to suppress the sympathetic nervous system, a finding supported by various studies. It links ketosis to a calmer mood, and β-hydroxybutyrate, a compound produced during fasting, is found to suppress sympathetic activity. These insights suggest that fasting not only helps the body enter a restful state but also raises the HRV baseline post-fasting. Incorporating fasting into a health regimen could significantly improve HRV and overall well-being.In conclusion, HRV is a multifaceted metric, influenced by various lifestyle factors like exercise, diet, and even psychological state. While it offers valuable insights into autonomic nervous system balance, it’s the broader context of lifestyle choices and health practices that truly defines its role in personal health and stress resilience. This deep dive into HRV and its influencers is not just an academic discussion, but a practical guide to improving one's health and understanding the intricate connections within our body’s systems.Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studiesThe concept of using extended fasting as a potential approach to healing Lyme disease is grounded in several biological theories. Lyme disease, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, is typically treated with antibiotics, but some propose that fasting could offer additional benefits. Here are a few theories on why extended fasting might be beneficial in treating Lyme disease:1. Enhanced Immune System FunctionExtended fasting has been shown to initiate a process known as autophagy, where cells begin to clear out damaged components. This process can lead to a rejuvenation of the immune system, potentially enhancing the body’s ability to fight Lyme disease. Additionally, fasting can lead to the reduction of inflammation in the body, which is a key component in the immune response to infections like Lyme disease.2. Hormesis and Stress ResponseFasting induces a state of hormesis – a biological phenomenon where a mild stressor triggers an adaptive beneficial response in the body. This mild stress can stimulate a stronger immune response, potentially making the body more capable of combating the Lyme disease bacteria. The stress response induced by fasting also leads to the production of heat shock proteins, which can help in repairing cellular damage and improving cellular function.3. Changes in MicrobiomeFasting can alter the gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in immune function. Changes in the gut flora during extended fasting may enhance the body's ability to deal with pathogens, including Borrelia burgdorferi. A healthier gut microbiome is linked to better overall immunity, which could indirectly contribute to fighting off Lyme disease.4. Reduction in Nutrient AvailabilitySome theories suggest that fasting could limit the availability of certain nutrients that pathogens rely on for survival. By creating an environment that is less hospitable to the bacteria, fasting might help in reducing bacterial load or even weakening the bacteria, making them more susceptible to the body’s immune responses.5. Cellular and Metabolic ShiftsDuring extended fasting, the body shifts from using glucose as a primary energy source to using ketone bodies. This metabolic shift can have various cellular effects, including improved mitochondrial function and efficiency. Better cellular energy production might enhance the body's capacity to fight infections.The Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Scorch Protocol: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l-F9pCuh942zn5rS_FXVxGzbCtXN0-toBipeMZTAbOc/edit?usp=sharingResearch Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Today we’ll be talking all about refeeding after a dry fast. The animal-based diet vs a plant-based diet. Have you ever wondered why carbohydrates are introduced in most refeeding protocols and fat is not advised? We’ll dive into liver and bile function and your digestive system. Why viral reactivation needs to be taken into consideration for those trying to heal an autoimmune disease and how long you should rehydrate your organs. We’ll talk about why sodium is not advised early on, and strategies to help stick to a good plan. We’ll dive into different strategies depending on diet, illness, or length of the fast. So strap yourselves in!Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Scorch Protocol: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l...Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/#carnivore #carnivorediet #vegan #gastrointestinalhealth #gutbrainaxis #gutbrainconnection #digestivehealth #fasting #dryfasting Dry Fasting Miracles: Carnivore vs Vegan Gastrointestinal Gut-Brain Axis Healing with Nessim Ko" delves into the fascinating world of dry fasting and its impact on gut health, exploring two distinct dietary perspectives: carnivore and vegan. Walk through this unique exploration of how abstaining from both food and water for specific periods can lead to profound healing and rejuvenation within the gastrointestinal system and its connection to brain health.Dry fasting, an ancient practice now gaining traction in modern wellness circles for its potential to reset the digestive system and enhance overall health. Nessim Ko's insights offer a balanced view of how both carnivore and vegan diets interact with this fasting method, influencing the gut-brain axis – a critical pathway linking our gut health to mental well-being.In this enlightening discussion, we talk about how each diet – carnivore, focusing on animal products, and vegan, based entirely on plant-based foods – can uniquely support or challenge the gut during dry fasting. He delves into the science behind how these dietary choices impact gut microbiota, inflammation levels, and nutrient absorption, all crucial factors in the gut-brain connection.We touch on the miracles attributed to dry fasting, from improved digestive function and gut health to enhanced mental clarity and emotional balance. Emphasizing the importance of understanding individual health needs and choosing a dietary approach that aligns with one's specific goals and body requirements, especially when undertaking something as challenging as dry fasting.Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Scorch Protocol: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l-F9pCuh942zn5rS_FXVxGzbCtXN0-toBipeMZTAbOc/edit?usp=sharingResearch Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/#spinalcordinjuryrecovery #stenosis#osteoarthritistreatment #osteoarthritis #lumbarspinal #stenosi#cervicalspine #degenerativediscdisease Spine DiseasePhysical Therapy for Stenosis#arthritis #arthritispainreliefNon-Surgical Spinal Stenosis TreatmentsExercise for Spinal OsteoarthritisSpinal Stenosis Surgery OptionsSpinal stenosis, a condition characterized by the narrowing of spaces within the spine, can cause pain, numbness, and mobility issues due to the compression of spinal nerves. Emerging research suggests that fasting might offer therapeutic benefits for spinal stenosis through mechanisms like autophagy and stem cell regeneration. Autophagy, a process activated during fasting, involves the cellular self-cleaning of damaged proteins and organelles, potentially reducing inflammation and aiding in the repair of damaged spinal tissues. Additionally, fasting may stimulate stem cell regeneration, which can lead to the rejuvenation of cells and tissues in the spinal area. These regenerative processes could potentially alleviate some symptoms of spinal stenosis by improving spinal health and function.Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • I wasn't sure if I would upload the dry fasting for dummies series into the podcast channel, but I decided why not. I hope you enjoy it and find some value from it! -Yannick

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Scorch Protocol: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l...Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/Everyone always wants results as fast as possible. But you have to remember that your body has undergone significant wear and tear for a very long time. Reversing this damage through fasting is relatively fast, but you need to be realistic. It is not a pill you pop and feel better. It’s a gradual grind with continuous improvements. These improvements are all-around fixes. Your blood, your organs, your metabolic pathways, your mitochondria. Imagine your body as an onion with many layers. You want to get to the core, but you have to slowly peel away the layers to get there. Each fast peels away at it, but don’t expect one or two fasts to get it done. For example. When you are sick or have underlying problems, you can expect flare-ups during the refeeds. Especially when you quit in the middle of a crisis. Aiming for a 5-day dry fast basically guarantees you initiate and complete an acidotic crisis in a safe window. An acidotic crisis is when your body enters such a highly acidic state due to ketosis that it needs to activate new homeostasis mechanisms to balance itself out. It is theorized that you need to get through this activation to get the full stem cell regenerative powers offered by a dry fast. If you want to aim for the second one you’ll need to get to 7-9 days completed. The secondary one incorporates a mechanism tied to dehydration, acidity, and cortisol. This is a bit of a deeper dive and we could also talk about the link to fasting with heart rate variability and cortisol levels, as seen in my past HRV data tracking here, but i’ll leave that for you to dig into. This speeds up healing, but you can usually get there with multiple 5-day ones instead. As you detox and heal, the pathogens as well as your own body can panic. Toxins can be varied. There can be bacterial endotoxins, heavy metals, other toxins inside fat cells, and more. When they are released into the body, the burden is placed on your organs. If you have a leaky gut the detox can be even worse. Lucky for you dry fasting repairs leaky gut. Common symptoms are Bloating, Gas, Headaches, Diarrhea, Joint Pain, and Nausea. Because of this, you might feel like your health is regressing, but if you’re dry fasting correctly, you will continuously be strengthening your body and it starts to quickly stack up. This is also why it’s recommended to first do a 3-day water fast before you even attempt dry fasting, followed by a 36-hour dry fast, and then a 3-day dry fast. This is the quickest that you should approach it. I’ve seen way too many people go too fast and suffer horrible side effects, there is such a thing as detox overload and it's often seen as an extremely elevated heart rate or extreme side effects. I want to add that even though some people go too fast and end up suffering more than they need to, they almost always eventually stabilize and improve their baseline in the end, so even overdoing it is not the end of the world, so don’t panic. There are a lot of intricacies that go into it, like knowing that women experience a higher release of ghrelin during fasts. If you are relatively healthy and looking for simple anti-aging and weight loss you can make great strides by focusing on performing 3-5 day dry fasts and you won’t have to worry about the deeper stages.Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

  • https://www.dryfastingclub.com/dry-fasting-stress-manging-viral-reactivations-for-long-covid/In the journey to understand and recover from advanced post-viral illnesses like Long Covid, a critical element is the phenomenon of viral reactivation, exacerbated by various stressors. Many postulate that the weakening of the immune system allows latent viruses, such as cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and others, to reactivate, causing further health issues. Such reactivations can have severe systemic impacts, with the immune system overwhelmed, leading to symptoms from brain fog to mineral depletion, and sleep disturbances. Certain behaviors, such as exposing oneself to cold after a workout, may even trigger these reactivations. It's also believed that after extended fasting, while the immune system is undergoing a reset, individuals are particularly vulnerable to relapses if exposed to stress. Hence, during these crucial periods, it's essential to maintain a balanced environment, avoid extreme cold, refrain from rigorous exercise, and generally protect oneself from potential triggers. This holistic understanding and approach to management are seen as key to navigating and recovering from such challenging health scenarios.

  • So many people are concerned about muscle loss on a dry fast that these type of questions get asked pretty frequently. It's sort of a human condition to want to have it all, so that even when you are undergoing something as drastic as a dry fast for your health, you're still looking at ways to have your cake and eat it too. In this case people really worry about maintaining their gains. It's understandable, to a certain degree. I'll try to answer the questions as best as possible and guide you in a way that will allow you to make your own decisions on how much you will take muscle preservation into consideration during your next dry fast. However, I will ask one thing of you. Please remember why you are here, and that dry fasting is dangerous if done incorrectly and aggressively. Sometimes that means sitting back and letting the healing forces of your body do what they do best.Does dry fasting lead to significant muscle loss?When compared to water fasting, dry fasting loses much less muscle. During a water fast you can expect approximately a 50-50 split on muscle and fat loss. On a dry fast, you can expect something like 25-75 muscle and fat loss. That is a massive difference. Especially when you take into consideration that a dry fast takes much less time to achieve similar and better results than a much longer water fast. The simplified way of looking at it is that one day of dry fasting is equal to three days of water fasting. It's worth noting that the extent of muscle loss during a fast can be influenced by several factors, including the individual's starting body composition, the total duration of the fast, and any physical activity undertaken during the fast. Moreover, the body adapts to fasting by increasing its use of fat as a primary energy source, thereby sparing muscle proteinWebsite: https://dryfastingclub.comJoin us on Discord : https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclubJoin us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclubThe Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.