On this ep. of the Duck Gun Podcast, Jordan sits down and recounts the Horror stories from Duck hunting over the years, Lessons learned from them and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this ep. of the Duck Gun Podcast Jordan sits down to answer all the question! From the Timber Queen, Chief's Duck Gun Progression, hunts planned for next season and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
Puuttuva jakso?
On this ep. of the Duck Gun Podcast Jordan sits down with Elliott Snider of Freelance Duck Hunting and they discuss everything this season had for him and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
In this ep. of the Duck Gun Podcast Jordan sits down to and talks about the end of season and the end of a chapter of the Duck Gun Podcast and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this ep of the Duck Gun Podcast, Jordan sits down with Austin Redfern the talk the Kentucky Duck and Goose Hunting trip, the plight of the Ballard County Mallard, Speckle belly Goose hunting, the story of how Austin Build the Kentucky Big blind and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this ep. of the Duck Gun Podcast Jordan is joined by Killer Kev! Long time hunting buddies this ep is long over due! They sit down and discuss how they meet, waterfowl hunting through the years, their current trip to Kentucky to chase waterfowl and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this ep of the Duck Gun Podcast, Jordan sits down and goes over the epic tale of snow, ice mallards, 7 days of local public land freelance duck hunting and much much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this episode of the Duck Gun Podcast Jordan sits down with Chase from Somewhere in Wisconsin. They Talk north wind migration day strats, how to be the best traveling duck hunter and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this ep of the Duck Gun Podcast Jordan sits down with Chef Jean Paul! They taking hunting season, Louisiana culture, season 4 of Duck Camp Dinners, answer listener questions and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this hunt Jordan sits down with the crew and special guest from Weatherby! They Take duck hunting, the new Weatherby Shotgun, relive a couple awesome duck hunts from the trip and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this ep of the Duck Gun Podcast, Jordan sits down with Lee and Hunter. They talk about the first 2 days of the Duck hunting trip, the diver success they've been having and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this ep of the Duck Gun Podcast Jordan answers all your toughest question, shares a story of the Magical north wind migration and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this episode of the Duck Gun Podcast I am Joined by Ben of Flight day ammo. We talk our favorite shell and shot combines per species and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On today's ep of the Duck Gun Podcast Jordan and Lee sit down. Jordan Share the Yuge success of the Duck Gun Pastrami Kit Launch, goes over the recent duck hunting success failures and much much more!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this episode of the Duck Gun Podcast Jordan Leroy Decoy and Devin the Urban Marauders sit down on their way to Nodak. They Talk duck hunting and much much more! I also unveil my new waterfowl pastrami kit!
Duck Gun Pastrami - https://duckgunwildseasonings.com/
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this ep. of the Duck Gun Podcast, Jordan sits down with Jay from Dirty Duck Coffee! They talk growing up in a Duck Hunting Family, Freelancing on public land in college, starting a duck hunting company and much much more!
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this Episode of the Duck Gun Podcast, Jordan sit down the SS Timber Queen Crew. They talk about the success failures and obstacles over come on their way to bagging over 100 Wood Ducks in a very short time! That and much much more! Part 2
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this Episode of the Duck Gun Podcast, Jordan sit down the SS Timber Queen Crew. They talk about the success failures and obstacles over come on their way to bagging over 100 Wood Ducks in a very short time! That and much much more!
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this episode of the Duck Gun Podcast. Jordan Hunter Zack and Leroy bring an update on their 10 day trip on the Mississippi River. They Talk A new hunter perspective, Scouting, Wood Duck Limits and much much more!
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
On this episode of the Duck Gun Podcast, Jordan Hunter Zack and Elliot Sit down to discuss the Duck Opener, Elliot's thoughts on the SS Timber Queen, Elliot outs Hunter's as a big Betrayer and much much more!
Patreon - www.patreon/duckgunchronicles
OnX - https://www.onxmaps.com/
Weatherby - weatherby.com
Final Approach - https://fabrand.com/ use Code - DuckGun
Dirty Duck Coffee - dirtyduckcoffee.com use code - DuckGun
Finisher - adrenal-line.com use code - DuckGun
Flight Day Ammunition - www.flightdayammo.com use code - DuckGun
Quickcoys - https://www.quickcoys.com/
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