Visit our page to learn more about Nonprofit Grant ProgramsLearn more about the Consolidated and Annual PlansCurrent 2020-2025 Consolidated PlanPortuguese Organization for Social Services and Opportunities (POSSO)
• Visit the Housing Element website to learn more.
• San José's Envision 2040 General Plan
• Learn about Chapter 3: Housing Goals and Strategies
• Check out the Housing Catalyst Workplan Dashboard to keep up with the progress made in San José.
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Please visit our Housing Department Website to learn more about the work we do for our community.Sign up for The Housing Department NewsletterFor all the updates, follow us on Social Media:InstagramFacebookTwitterHousing Element - State law requires that every City and county in California adopt a Housing Element as part of its General Plan. The purpose of the Housing Element is to ensure that local governments adequately plan to meet the housing needs of all people within the community - regardless of their income.Soft Story Retrofit Program - Modern building codes developed by the State of California and enforced locally by the City of San José include standards for earthquakes that have resulted in buildings that are resilient to most earthquakes. However, buildings constructed before these earthquake standards went into effect may not be as resilient unless they have been retrofitted.
Affordable Housing - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development defines “affordable housing” as housing on which the occupant pays no more than 30 percent of gross income for housing costs, including utilities.
Learn more about EAH HousingApply for Affordable HousingVisit the Doorway Portal in your language:English Español Tiếng Việt 中文Visit Santa Clara County Housing Authority to learn about the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.Visit the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to read the Housing Choice Vouchers Fact Sheet -
To learn more about Planning Building and Code Enforcement, please visit CSJ Planning Building and Code Enforcement home pageLearn more about the 2040 General PlanLearn about the 4-year reviewGeneral Plan - In California, cities and counties are required by State law to have a General Plan. It is the local government's long-term blueprint for future development. Pursuant to State law, the General Plan must accommodate the required amount of projected population growth the State of California estimates for each city.
To learn more about Renting Has Its Rights, please visit sanjoseca.gov/rentalrights. To learn more about San José Housing Ordinances, please visit - Housing OrdinancesVisit our Eviction Process Page to learn about resources and steps involved during the eviction process.Petition - Petitions are written request to appeal actions taken by landlords or tenants.Apartment Rent Ordinance(ARO) - Landlords may increase rent one time in a 12-month period, and the increase may be up to 5%. The City has a petition process in place to resolve landlord/tenant disputes regarding rent increases.Tenant Protection Ordinance(TPO) - There are 13 “just causes” for which landlords may evict tenants. When a landlord notifies a tenant of their intent to terminate a lease, the landlord must cite one of the 13 just causes, and must provide the City with a copy of the notice within three days.Ellis Act Ordinance(EAO) - When landlords remove an apartment from the rental market under the Ellis Act, they must provide tenants with 6-12 months notice, and they must provide tenants with relocation benefits.Mobilehome Ordinance(MHRO) - Mobilehome park owners may increase the rent for mobilehome spaces once a year. A formula is used to determine rent increases, which are at least 3% but not more than 7%.
Visit our page to learn more about the Rent Stabilization ProgramReceived a Notice to Vacate? Understand what they mean on ourUnderstand Eviction ProceduresEviction Help CenterSacred Heart Community Service – Rental AssistanceUnlawful Detainer - If the tenant does not voluntarily move out after the landlord has properly given the required notice to the tenant, the landlord can begin the court eviction process. In order to evict the tenant, the landlord must file an unlawful detainer lawsuit in Superior Court in the county where the rental unit is located and then properly serve you with a summons and a copy of the unlawful detainer complaint.
Visit the Heading Home website to learn more.Continuum of Care (COC)Santa Clara County Rapid RehousingBill Wilson Center – Here4You – Hotline (408)385-2400Emergency Housing Voucher(EHV)Casitas de EsperanzaYouth Homelessness Demonstration ProgramFamily Supportive Housing prioritizes shelter services for families facing urgent need - Call (408)926-8885Functional Zero - the number of housing placements for families is greater than the number of families entering homelessness.
Please visit The Office of Emergency Management website to learn more.Sign up for AlertSCCFor guides, alerts and more information visit CalOES.ca.govTips on how to prepare Ready.govBe PreparedBe InformedBe TrainedRequest an InspectionEmergency Operations Center(EOC) - the City, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a location from which centralized emergency management can be performed during a major emergency or disaster. This facilitates a coordinated response by the Director of Emergency Services, Emergency Management Staff, and representatives from organizations that are assigned emergency management responsibilities.
Impact fees - one-time charges assessed by a local government against a new development project to help pay for new or expanded public capital facilities that will directly address the increased demand for services created by that development.Learn more about the Committee to House the Bay Area(CASA) and the 3 P’s.BAHFA Doorway Housing PortalCity of San Jose Doorway PortalLearn about the Regional Bond Ballot Measure – Bay Area Housing For AllSign up for the BAHFA mailing list – BAHFA Mailing List
Builders Remedy - The builder's remedy is a mechanism in the Housing Accountability Act that prohibits any city that has not adopted a compliant housing element by the required deadline from applying its general plan and zoning standards to reject certain housing development projects.Housing Accountability Act - empowers the State of California to limit local government's ability to restrict the development of new housing.Housing Methodology CommitteeRegional Early Action Planning (REAP) GrantLearn more about the RHNALearn more about the Housing Element
To learn more about Planning Building and Code Enforcement, please visit the City’s Planning Building and Code Enforcement home pageCEQA ReviewSJpermits.orgLearn more about the San José General PlanAB-2162 - require local entities to streamline the approval of housing projects containing a minimum amount of Supportive Housing by providing a ministerial approval process, removing the requirement for CEQA analysis and removing the requirement for Conditional Use Authorization or other similar discretionary entitlements granted by the Planning Commission.SB 35 - allows qualified multifamily infill projects to go through a simplified and expedited housing approval process in jurisdictions that are not on track to meet their housing production goals.
To learn more about the HomeFirst, please visit https://www.homefirstscc.org/. To learn more about the AmericanRed Cross, please visit - https://www.redcross.org/To learn more about the Office of Emergency Management, please visit - https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments-offices/office-of-the-city-manager/emergency-managementBeautify SJThe Bill Wilson Center
Thanks so much, Chad and Greg, for joining me on today’s episode. To learn more about the Lived Experience Advisory Board, please visit https://leabsv.org/.
Destination: Home
Continuum of Care (COC)
Info on Interim Housing Communities
Lived Experienced Advisory Board(LEAB) - The board is a leadership development community created and operated by individuals with current or past lived experience of homelessness. Members make recommendations for improvement and assist with the implementation of programs and services. LEAB is a platform to evaluate and shift power from traditional systems of care to those with lived experience.
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - one of the executive departments of the U.S. federal government. It administers federal housing and urban development laws.
To learn more about Affordable Housing Financing, please visit our website at www.sjhousing.org.
Bond Funding
Inclusionary rental compliance
Developer Fees and Charges
Learn about Rent Stabilization
Commercial Linkage Fee
Requirements for City Funding
SOMOS Mayfair – their mission is to support children, organize families, and connect neighbors to uplift the dreams, power, and leadership of the community and address systemic inequities.
To learn more about Project Homekey, please visit the State website at https://www.hcd.ca.gov.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) - CEQA requires public agencies to “look before they leap” and consider the environmental consequences of their discretionary actions. CEQA is intended to inform government decision-makers and the public about the potential environmental effects of proposed activities and to prevent significant, avoidable environmental damage.
If you are just beginning to learn about CEQA, visit their Getting Started page.Continuum of Care (COC)
Santa Clara County Community Plan to End Homelessness 2020-2025
Jamboree Housing
Notice of Funding Availability
To learn more about the City’s Apartment Rent ordinance and other housing ordinances, visit our website at www.sjhousing.org.
San José OrdinancesLearn about Rent StabilizationLearn about the Rent RegistryUnderstanding Eviction Procedures 13 Just Causes -
To learn more about the Bill Wilson Center, visit https://www.billwilsoncenter.org.
John Burton Advocates For You
Rapid Rehousing
Runaway Homeless Youth Act
United States Department of Health and Human Services(HHS)
Youth Homelessness Demonstration grant
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - one of the executive departments of the U.S. federal government. It administers federal housing and urban development laws.
Handbook for HUD - Housing for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
Transitional Housing Program - provides funding to counties for child welfare services agencies to help young adults aged 18 to 24 years find and maintain housing, with priority given to those formerly in the foster care or probation systems.
Point-in-Time(PIT) - count is an annual effort led by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to estimate the number of Americans, including Veterans, without safe, stable housing.
To learn more about the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, please visit https://www.svlg.org.
Terms and topics discussed:
Regional Housing Needs Assessment(RHNA)The National Association of Realtors shortage trackerL.A. Times ArticleFactoryOSMeasure EBill AB 2234Deed-restricted affordable housing - refers to housing units, such as apartments, that have a use restriction that limits the rent or purchase price and requires occupancy by low-income households for a set period of time. Without deed restrictions, affordable housing can rise with the market, pricing out residents.Joint Powers Authorities(JPA) - a term used to describe government agencies that have agreed to combine their powers and resources to work on common problems. -
Read Elijah's Working Paper: https://www.elijahdelacampa.com/research
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