S3E97 Iconic Edinburgh poet Robert Fergusson is the subject of today's podcast, as Ash looks at his breakthrough poem, 'The Daft Days':
Now mirk December’s dowie faceGlowrs owr the rigs wi sour grimace,While, thro’ his minimum of space,The bleer-ey’d sun,Wi blinkin light and stealing pace,His race doth run.
From naked groves nae birdie sings,To shepherd’s pipe nae hillock rings,The breeze nae od’rous flavour bringsFrom Borean cave,And dwyning nature droops her wings,Wi visage grave.
Mankind but scanty pleasure gleanFrae snawy hill or barren plain,Whan winter, ‘midst his nipping train,Wi frozen spear,Sends drift owr a’ his bleak domain,And guides the weir.
Auld Reikie! thou’rt the canty hole,A bield for many caldrife soul,Wha snugly at thine ingle loll,Baith warm and couth,While round they gar the bicker rollTo weet their mouth.
When merry Yule-day comes, I trou,You’ll scantlins find a hungry mou;Sma are our cares, our stamacks fouO’ gusty gear,And kickshaws, strangers to our view,Sin fairn-year.
Ye browster wives, now busk ye braw,And fling your sorrows far awa;Then come and gie’s the tither blawOf reaming ale,Mair precious than the well of Spa,Our hearts to heal.
Then, tho’ at odds wi a’ the warl’,Amang oursels we’ll never quarrel;Tho’ Discord gie a canker’d snarlTo spoil our glee,As lang’s there’s pith into the barrelWe’ll drink and ‘gree.
Fidlers, your pins in temper fix,And roset weel your fiddle-sticks;But banish vile Italian tricksFrae out your quorum,Not fortes wi pianos mix –Gie’s Tulloch Gorum.
For nought can cheer the heart sae weelAs can a canty Highland reel;It even vivifies the heelTo skip and dance:Lifeless is he wha canna feelIts influence.
Let mirth abound, let social cheerInvest the dawning of the year;Let blithesome innocence appearTo crown our joy;Nor envy wi sarcastic sneerOur bliss destroy.
And thou, great god of Aqua Vitae!Wha sways the empire of this city,When fou we’re sometimes capernoity,Be thou prepar’dTo hedge us frae that black banditti,The City Guard.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E96 On today's episode, Ash looks at a poem from Frieda Hughes' debut collection, Wooroloo, discussing Hughes' longstanding connection with birds, and how 'Kookaburra' relates to the poetry of her parents, Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Puuttuva jakso?
S3E95 A belated Burns Night celebration, featuring one of Burns' lesser liked poems. But one of the only poems to inspire a toilet seat. Tune in for an exploration of Burns' time in Edinburgh, the Enlightenment's paradoxical attitude to Scottishness, and lots of rhyme-whining.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E94 As a Halloween treat, Ash talks with the author of Ominous Whoosh: A Wandering Mind Returns to Twin Peaks, John Thorne. Tune in for a in-depth conversation about Twin Peaks with one of the leading scholars of the show. Follow John on Twitter here: @thornewipAnd purchase Ominous Whoosh: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ominous-Whoosh-Wandering-Returns-Peaks-ebook/dp/B0BCNXTCLJhttp://www.patriciagrisafi.com/about-1
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E93 Ash is again joined by Trish Grisafi to talk about her book Breaking Down Plath as well as Plath's relationship with feminism, the changing reputation of Plath and the "Plath phase". Follow Trish on Twitter here: @PatriciaGrisafiAnd visit her website: http://www.patriciagrisafi.com/about-1
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E92 Ash is joined by Patricia Grisafi to discuss 'Stings' by Sylvia Plath, the third poem in her Bee Sequence. Tune in for a conversation about red comets, queen bees, and scapegoats.Follow Trish on Twitter here: @PatriciaGrisafiAnd visit her website: http://www.patriciagrisafi.com/about-1
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E91 On today's extended interview, Ash talks some more to Peter K. Steinberg, about his work as co-editor of the Collected Letters of Sylvia Plath and The Collected Writings of Assia Wevill.Follow Peter on Twitter here: @sylviaplathinfoAnd visit his website https://sylviaplathinfo.blogspot.com/
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E90 Ash is joined again by Peter K. Steinberg to discuss Sylvia Plath's late poem 'The Swarm'. Tune in to hear about Plath's interest in Napoleon, her experiences bee-keeping and Peter's theory that The Swarm may contain coded references to Assia Wevill. Follow Peter on Twitter here: @sylviaplathinfoAnd visit his website https://sylviaplathinfo.blogspot.com/
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E89 Ash is joined by Peter K. Steinberg to discuss Sylvia Plath's fascinating poem, 'Electra on Azalea Path'. Tune in for a discussion about reckless psychoanalysis, bumblebees (and their ways) and... Tolkien? Follow Peter on Twitter here: @sylviaplathinfoAnd visit his website https://sylviaplathinfo.blogspot.com/
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E88 Ash is joined again by Kate Levey to talk more about her mother, Brigid Brophy: her work outside of writing, her relationship with Iris Murdoch and her reputation today. Follow Kate on Twitter here: @brophyleveyAnd visit her website www.brigidbrophy.com
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E87 "Mozart, sex and death" is in store today, as Ash and his guest Kate Levey discuss her mother's brilliant 1964 novel, The Snow Ball. Follow Kate on Twitter here: @brophyleveyAnd visit her website www.brigidbrophy.com
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:https://ko-fi.com/earreadthis
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E86 Following on from episodes on The Spanish Tragedy and The Birth of Merlin, Darren Freebury-Jones joins Ash once again, this time to talk about his own work on Thomas Kyd and early modern authorship studies. Follow Darren on Twitter here: @FreeburianAnd order a copy of his book, Shakespeare's Tutor, here:https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526164742/
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:https://ko-fi.com/earreadthis
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E85 Ash is joined again by Shakespearean scholar, Darren Freebury-Jones to discuss a rarely-performed Jacobean play, The Birth of Merlin or The Child Hath Found its Father. Their conversation takes in the play's controversial authorship question, the special effects of early modern theatre and Arthurian drama. Follow Darren on Twitter here: @FreeburianAnd order a copy of his book, Shakespeare's Tutor, here:https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526164742/
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:https://ko-fi.com/earreadthis
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E84 Ash is joined by Shakespearean scholar, Darren Freebury-Jones to discuss Thomas Kyd's hugely influential play, The Spanish Tragedy. As well as talking about Darren's specialist subject, the influence of Kyd on Shakespeare, in today's wide-ranging episode we talk about the genre of revenge, the contemporary religious crises in Kyd's England, and the playwright's own sufferings at the hands of the Elizabethan police state. Follow Darren on Twitter here: @FreeburianAnd order a copy of his book, Shakespeare's Tutor, here:https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526164742/
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:https://ko-fi.com/earreadthis
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E83 To celebrate Burns Night, Ash talks about Robert Burns' Now Westlin Winds, a song written at the very start of the Bard's career. Tune in for a discussion of the circumstances that inspired the song, and the long and fruitful afterlife it has had in the repertoire of folk-singers from Burns' day to our own.
Songs featured:
I Had A Horse and I Had Nae Mair by Katherine Campbell:
Now Westlin Winds (Port Gordon Version) by Andrew Calhoun:
Lady Keith Laments by Jock Tamsons Bairds:
Ally Croker by Katherine Liley Lovaig:
Now Westlin Winds by Dick Gaughan:
Noe Westlin Winds at the Scottish Parliament, 2011:
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:https://ko-fi.com/earreadthis
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E82 Ash is joined once again by poet Sarah Corbett to discuss her writing, both poetry and fiction, her vision for The Sylvia Plath Literary Festival and its accompanying anthology, After Sylvia. Follow the festival for updates on digital events here: @plathfest
And follow Sarah on Twitter: @sarahcorbett70
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:https://ko-fi.com/earreadthis
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E81 Poet, novelist and Plath Fest Director Sarah Corbett joins Ash to discuss Plath's November Graveyard; a poem about death, resurrection and the Yorkshire countryside.
Follow Sarah on Twitter: @sarahcorbett70
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:https://ko-fi.com/earreadthis
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E80 Donnie Secreast joins Ash again to talk more about Hardcastle Crags, environmental themes in Plath's work and her search for a 'universal element'. Read Donnie's article here: muse.jhu.edu/article/750706
And follow her on Twitter: @donniesecreast
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:https://ko-fi.com/earreadthis
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E79 Donnie Secreast joins Ash to discuss Plath's nonchalantly brilliant poem, Hardcastle Crags. Set in the Yorkshire Dales, of great interest for its ecological themes and musical intricacy. Read Donnie's article here: muse.jhu.edu/article/750706
And follow her on Twitter: @donniesecreast
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:https://ko-fi.com/earreadthis
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E78 Emily Van Duyne returns to talk about her upcoming book, Loving Sylvia Plath, and further explore some of the biographical themes mentioned in yesterday's episode on 'The Jailor'.
You can read some of Emily's work here:https://lithub.com/author/emily-van-duyne/
And follow her on Twitter: @emilyvanduyne
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:https://ko-fi.com/earreadthis
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
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