
  • This  Womens Climate Conversation identifies some tools and ways forward to caring for future generations and all life.  Guests: Susan Moylan-Coombs is the founding director of The Gaimaragal Group, which she established to create a new story of connection and wellbeing for all Australians.The group’s aim is to facilitate the voice for our Elders in the contemporary social space, empower First Nations youth to realise their full potential, and provide two-way cultural translation to bring individuals and communities together. Susan’s ancestry is Woolwonga and Gurindji from the Northern Territory.  She has extensive experience working with First Australian communities nationally, with specific expertise in community consultation, empowerment and the facilitation of voice and storytelling. Susan previously held the positions of Executive Producer ABC’s Indigenous Programs Unit and Head of Production, NITV a division of SBS. Professor Susan Harris Rimmer is the Director of the Griffith University Policy Innovation Hub, which helps policy-makers solve policy problems through evidence based collaboration with multidisciplinary experts.Sue works at the intersection of human rights and politics and researches gender dynamics in transitions. She is a member of the Law Futures Centre and the Griffith Asia Institute. Dr Elise Stephenson is Deputy Director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership (GIWL) and National Security College (NSC) at the Australian National University, as well as an Adjunct in the Griffith Asia Institute.A political scientist and international relations scholar, Dr Stephenson’s research focuses on intervening at critical junctures to ensure equality in ‘frontier’ international affairs and grand challenges. She researches gender and sexuality, leadership, equality and justice across politics, diplomacy, national security, government, intelligence, and the Asia Pacific.  Hosted by Janet Salisbury, co-founder of the Women's Climate Congress  Earth Matters #1459 was produced by Bec Horridge on Ngunnawal and Ngambri lands in Canberra. 

  • “Caring for future generations and all Life” is the topic of this ground breaker Womens Climate Conversation.   “How do we look to the future when we haven’t addressed the historical issues of the past”. Susan Moylan-Coombs Guests: Susan Moylan-Coombs is the founding director of The Gaimaragal Group, which she established to create a new story of connection and wellbeing for all Australians.The group’s aim is to facilitate the voice for our Elders in the contemporary social space, empower First Nations youth to realise their full potential, and provide two-way cultural translation to bring individuals and communities together. Susan’s ancestry is Woolwonga and Gurindji from the Northern Territory.  She has extensive experience working with First Australian communities nationally, with specific expertise in community consultation, empowerment and the facilitation of voice and storytelling. Susan previously held the positions of Executive Producer ABC’s Indigenous Programs Unit and Head of Production, NITV a division of SBS. Professor Susan Harris Rimmer is the Director of the Griffith University Policy Innovation Hub, which helps policy-makers solve policy problems through evidence based collaboration with multidisciplinary experts.Sue works at the intersection of human rights and politics and researches gender dynamics in transitions. She is a member of the Law Futures Centre and the Griffith Asia Institute.  Dr Elise Stephenson is Deputy Director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership (GIWL) and National Security College (NSC) at the Australian National University, as well as an Adjunct in the Griffith Asia Institute.A political scientist and international relations scholar, Dr Stephenson’s research focuses on intervening at critical junctures to ensure equality in ‘frontier’ international affairs and grand challenges. She researches gender and sexuality, leadership, equality and justice across politics, diplomacy, national security, government, intelligence, and the Asia Pacific.  Hosted by Janet Salisbury, co-founder of the Women's Climate Congress       Part Two is coming on the 7th August.Earth Matters #1458 was produced by Bec Horridge on Ngunnawal and Ngambri lands in Canberra. 

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  • 1080 is primarily used in the struggle to protect native species from other invasive animals - but it is even used to control native dingoes, and other species of wallaby, possum and pademelon. Is it right to cause death in such a traumatic way? And what about the impact on our domesticated four legged friends?We talk to Alex Vince from the Coalition Against 1080 about their push to stop the use of this dangerous chemical.Earth Matters #1465 was produced on Jabirr Jabirr Land by Phil Evans

  • Samuel Janama Sandy is chair of the Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation representing eleven native title areas across the Beetaloo area that is slated for intensive fracking. Samuel shares some good reasons why fracking companies must: “Pack up and go home”. He documents the unfair “negations” fracking companies imposed on his community to get so-called “agreements” to frack. The impact of fracking chemicals forced into four kilometer deep holes through precious water aquifers is of huge concern. Guest: Samuel Janama Sandy, Chair of the Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation Stop Fracking the Territory Petition: Frack Free NT Music: MidIlbingini Agiyabarda (When The Water Goes Down) David Garnham & the Reasons to LiveThis song was written by Samuel's nephew, Stuart Nuggett with his mother Janet Gregory and David Garnham in a collaboration expressing deep concern over the fracking that is occurring and is set to expand in the Beetaloo Basin, NT. See the video here. Ecopella; Divest from their “Your needed now album” News LinksKatherine Times: Another controversial Beetaloo deal signed - Nurrdalinji Aboriginal CorporationGas projects to require Commonwealth approval after Labor-Greens deal expands water trigger - ABC NewsEmpire Energy Group Ltd (ASX:EEG) Signs Gas Sales Agreement With NT Government (menafn.com)New York moves to update its fracking ban to include liquid carbon-dioxide as well as water (msn.com)Remote NT Traditional Owners left out of river cons... | NITIndigenous water map petition will bring NT cotton and gas concerns to Canberra - ABC NewsThree years, three Garma festivals, and three different versions of Anthony Albanese - ABC News Earth Matters #1464 was produced by Bec Horridge on the lands of the Dagoman, Jawoyn people, and Walpiri in Katherine, Northern Territory and on, Ngunnawal and Ngambii Country in Canberra.

  • Approvals for  a new nuclear waste facility on Meandup/Garden Island in WA were recently granted to service US and UK submarines.We speak with Mia Pepper from the Conservation Council of WA and Nuclear Free WA about this latest development in the ongoing AUKUS saga.Featuring music from Monkey Marc, CAIN, Combat Wombat and Krzysztof PendereckiEarth Matters #1463 was produced by Phil Evans on Jabirr Jabirr land.

  • Today, we're looking at a significant legal battle brewing in Bougainville, an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea that voted for independence in 2019. Thousands of residents have come together to file a class action lawsuit against mining giant Rio Tinto and its former subsidiary, Bougainville Copper Ltd, over what they claim is historical mismanagement of the massive Panguna copper mine.We hear from human rights activist and Bougainville advocate, Vikki John.#1463 Produced by Phil Evans with thanks to Jan Bartlett and 3CR.

  • We catch up with Ella and Nate from Blockade Australia for the latest about their ongoing spree of actions.We also take a look at why Blockade Australia are taking action, and what some of the consequences being faced by activists.Check out https://www.blockadeaustralia.com/ for links and more details.Featuring music by Monkey Marc and DRMNGNOW.Earth Matters #1461 was produced by Phil Evans on Ngarla Pananykarra

  • What is it like to be an activist in the belly of the beast?We talk to Chris, Fiona, and Rachel from the Pilbara Climate Network about their experience working for climate justice in the remote, north west mining town of Karratha. Many people would have heard the stories of city based activists working to 'Disrupt Burrup Hub' - but what of the folks who wake up to the harsh reality of the mass industrial project everyday?Check out Pilbara Climate Network on Facebook.Featuring music by Monkey Marc and Jimblah.Earth Matters #1460 was produced on Ngarluma ngurra and Nyamal Land by Phil Evans

  • We hear the story of Coedie, the Wangan and Jagalingou man who for over a thousand and thirty days has been reoccupying his country in defiance of Adanis coal mine, at Waddananggu  in QLD On Monday 17th June 2024 Pentarch timber mill,  entrances were blockaded for four and a half hours by about 30 people concerned Pentarch is milling illegally logged timber.Meanwhile in the south of NSW  South East Forest Rescue has won legal status to sue NSW Forestry Corp. This groundbreaking decision could open the gates to more groups accessing the courts to take legal action against Forestry Corp. Sooty from South East Forest Rescue explains.Links:Coedi asks for support and to donate to the  Legal Fund.to help us to prevail in the struggle to have human rights upheld and sacred sites protected: Chip in here.Sooty and South East Forest Rescue also require further funds to see this through to a successful outcome for our precious endangered Greater Gliders: Chip in here:Wangan & Jagalingou Family CouncilSouth East Forest RescueEarth Matters #1458 was produced by Bec Horridge on the lands of the Biripi and Worimi people at Elands, NSW.

  • This week, Peter Dutton received a radioactive reception after announcing a bold plan to implement nuclear energy, should the Liberals win the next federal election.It marks a new chapter in Australia’s ongoing climate wars, and while there’s little details about costs or timelines, the prospect of nuclear power has been met with fierce opposition from energy leaders, environmentalists, and state governments.Jacob speaks with nuclear-free campaigner Dr Jim Green; Kokatha elder and co-President of the Australia Nuclear Free Alliance Aunty Sue Coleman Haseldine; Sanne de Swart, Stell Bruyn, Michaela Stubbs, and Tom Freire from the Friends of the Earth Nuclear-Free Collective; and Senior Lecturer in Science and Technology Studies Darrin Durant.

  • Fifty Knitting Nannas against Coal, Gas and Greed made power tea  in Canberra and needled against the government's Future Gas Plan. What’s the point of going to talk to politicians in Canberra and is it worth it. Nannas will tell you. Then we hear the plea from Aunty Susan Anderson that her  flood displaced clan be allowed to return to their houses and cultural connections on Cabbage Tree Island on Bundjalung country near Wardell , NSW. LinksJali Land Council accused of land grab – The EchodEarth matters #1456 was produced by Bec Horridge with assistance from Sean O'Shannessy Guest Contrubuter; Annie Close. 

  • Much of the environmental catastrophe happening around the world is being driven by ongoing colonialism.Recently Friends of the Earth held a panel discussion looking at the intersection of colonialism and the environment, in context of the current genocide, and ecocide, in Gaza.We hear stories from Australia, Malaysia, and Palestine, drawing together common threads to inspire collective action.We hear from:Jasper Cohen-Hunter: A Gunung-Willam-Balluk man of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung people with ancestral ties to the Ngurai-Illum peoples of the Kulin Nation. He is a podcaster focusing on the study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cinemas on his platform Mirring Yalingwa. Meenakshi “Meena” Raman: The President of Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Legal Advisor to Consumers Association of Penang and Coordinator of Third World Network’s Climate Change Programme. Meena practiced public interest law for over 25 years, representing grassroots communities taking on big corporations in Malaysia. She was a co-founder of Environmental Lawyers Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) and Chair of Friends of the Earth International, which has 75 member groups around the world. Meena served as an “Active Observer: of the Green Climate Fund from 2012 to 2015, and has actively participated in the UNFCCC negotiations since 2007. Abeer M. Butmeh: A water and environmental engineer, and the coordinator of PENGON - FOE Palestine. She is a leading woman activist in Palestine and an alliance of environmental justice organisations in Palestine. Abeer works closely with affected communities, the youth sector and with local government councils in addressing the environmental problems faced by the Palestinian people. She has various skills in campaigning, coordination, communication and facilitation between different bodies with more than 10 years’ experience in this area. She is a researcher in different environmental topics mainly in water and climate change, she is a trainer in different environmental subjects; water, wastewater and environmental issues. She also is an active member in many social and environmental networks at local and international levels.Featuring music by Yorta Yorta artist, Allara. Thanks to Friends of the Earth Melbourne for their kind assistance in production.Earth matters #1455 was produced by Phil Evans

  • Over the last twelve months, scientists have been documenting a string of record breaking temperatures.The global average between May 2023 and April 2024, reached a new record of 1.61 degrees Celsius above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average.While Australia has avoided some of that heat the last month, south east Asia has been in the grips of an extreme heatwave.Jacob speaks to climate scientist Dr Linden Ashcroft, Filipino climate activist Jefferson Estela, and Research and Advocacy Staff at the Philippines Centre for Environmental Concerns, Kristine Joice Leray.Earth Matters presents local, national and international grassroots perspectives on environmental concerns and broadcasts weekly to a national audience since 1996. 

  •    Land rights and fight for environmental justice for PalestineProfessor Mazin Qumsiyeh is a scientist, author, activist and academic at Bethlehem University and Director of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability. He's in Australia on a speaking tour on land rights and environmental justice in Palestine. Mazin tells us about the work of protecting biodiversity in the context of ongoing colonisation and conflict, the importance of hope in the midst of struggle and the devastating impact of Israel's attacks on Gaza over the past six months on the people and the  environment. Earth Matters #1452, Produced by Judith Peppard  Music: Anouar Brahem For No Apparent Reason and Al Birwa, from the album The Astounding Eyes of Rita dedicated to the memory of the great Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish--------------------

  • Reconnecting with nature; the living world,  through Deep Ecology workshops is taking off in Australia.   John Seed and his colleagues are helping people all over this country and overseas  find their ecological self. The Deep Ecology workshops are booked out and participants  are  much more mainstream than in the past.   Plus:  John gives practical suggestions on how to find direction in life.Music: A new recording of Johns Seed singing his song Expanding Universe. Links:John Seeds Deep Ecology workshop schedule on The Rainforest Information Centre website. Rising Tide: A national network currently mobilising ten thousand people for ten days of non violent action using  smalll boats to block the shipping channelto close down Newcastle coal kexport faciltiy for  48 hours.10,000 people, over 10 daysTues Nov 19 — Thurs Nov 28, 2024“2023 is a year of reckoning. It must be a year of game-changing climate action. We need disruption to end the destruction. No more baby steps. No more excuses. No more greenwashing. No more bottomless greed of the fossil fuel industry and its enablers.” — Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Falling in Love with the World - Active Hope Spiral - free online, Sundays @5pm AEDT.  Hosted by Nettie Hulme "Active Hope is a practice that encourages us to find and offer our best response to global issues during this time of unfolding crisis. It’s about facing the mess we’re in and playing our role in the collective transition toward a society and way of being that supports the flourishing of life1." [OpenAI, 2024]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm, x10 Week Online and In-Person Study Group. Hosted by Skye Cielita Flor "A deep dive into this profound body of work by renowned master herbalist, earth poet, bardic naturalist, deep ecologist and prolific award-winning author of 25 books, the late Stephen Harrod Buhner. Stephen was a radical thinker, polymath and synthesiser whose work continues to have a deep and lasting impact on Plant People and Deep Ecologists all over the world."           Skye Cielita Flor Earth Matters Episode #1451 produced by Bec Horridge on Darkinjung Country at the Narara Valley Ecovillage, NSW. 

  • Right now in Brunswick Heads in northern NSW, hundreds of activists are fighting to save an important ecosystem.Property developers have been given the greenlight to build apartment blocks across Wallum, a coastal landscape home to over a dozen threatened species of flora and fauna, and trees that predate British colonisation.Activists are calling the project a ‘zombie development’, with environmental approvals given to the site over a decade ago that likely don’t meet today’s standards.Jacob speaks to Save Wallum campaign organiser Svea Pittman, and NSW Greens MP Sue Higginson, about the proposed development and environmental conservation in planning laws.

  • We take a look at how the campaign to stop fracking and unconventional gas mining in WA is going.The long running campaign has had many successes along the way, and has managed to keep the industry at bay in the resource industry captured state.We talk with Claire McKinnon from Lock the Gate WA for the update. Check out and support their great work at frackfreewa.org.auMusic: End of the World Dub by Combat WombatPhoto: Lock the GateProducer: Phil EvansProduced on Whadjuk Noongar boodja - Boorloo/Perth WA.Earth Matters Episode #1449

  • Bid for World Heritage listing for the Nullarbor and the Great Australian Bight Mirning Elders supported by the Wilderness Society of South Australia are calling for the Great Australian Bight and the Nullarbor to be World Heritage listed to protect this iconic place for good. Peter Owen outlines the Wilderness Society's work to protect the area going back almost 20 years. Mirning Elders describe their connection to country and the urgency of protecting the Bight and the Nullarbor. And finally, we look at how the bid for World Heritage listing is progressing. GuestsUncle Bunna Lawrie, Mirning Elder and Whale Songman Mirning Elders: Aunty Dorcas Miller, Aunty Rose Miller and Robbie Miller Peter Owen, Director, Wilderness Society of South Australia To sign the Petition, open "Protect it for good" on the Wilderness Society website (below):https://www.wilderness.org.au/iconic-places/great-australian-bight Draft Consultation Documenthttps://www.wilderness.org.au/images/uploads/WorldHeritageBightNullarbor.pdf Music: Dancing in the Moonlight, by Uncle Bunna Lawrie and Coloured Stone Photo: Bunda Cliffs by Brad Leue. Photo provided by Peter Owen Damage to Koonalda Caves: Media reportshttps://nit.com.au/21-12-2022/4564/vandals-destroy-40000-year-old-cahttps://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2022/dec/21/ancient-aboriginal-rock-art-destroyed-by-vandals-in-tragic-loss-at-sacred-sa-sitehttps://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/30000-year-old-indigenous-cave-drawings-in-australia-have-been-destroyed-180981363/ Websiteshttps://mirning.org/https://www.wilderness.org.au/iconic-places/great-australian-bight Producer: Judith PeppardEarth Matters Episode #1448 

  • Peter Dutton has threatened to reduce access to the Environmental Defenders Organisation; the independent legal representation for community groups attempting to enforce the law against the climate crimes of  the fossil fuel industry. Dutton made this threat when he was speaking to an event organised by the Council for Minerals Energy in Perth to an audience including some of the Liberal Party's biggest donors.Independent Federal MP  Zali Steggall (OAM) spoke to Sean O'Shannessy on the politics of Duddo's threats and Dr Chris McGrath  ABarrister specialising in environmental law and researcher and University of Queensland), regarding some of the legal implications of these threats. Links: Transcript of Peter Duttons speech to The Chamber of Minerals and Energy. Earth Matters # #1447 was produced by Sean O'Shannessy on Bundjalung Country; first for the "Environmental as Anything" radio show on River FM,  and then by Bec Horridge for Earth Matters. 

  • On Saturday March 23, Tasmanians headed to the polls in an early election – but one issue seemed to be absent in the public debate: the environment.With the Liberals likely to govern for a fourth term in a minority government, most likely with the Jacqui Lambie Network, the future of issues such as native logging, climate change, and marine conservation remains uncertain.So what’s next for the island state, the home of prominent environmentalists Bob Brown and Christine Milne, and one of the birthplaces of the global Greens movement?Jacob Gamble speaks with Campaigns Manager at the Bob Brown Foundation Jenny Weber, peaceful forest activist Dr Colette Harmsen, and director of the Monash Climate Change Communications Research Hub Professor Libby Lester.