
  • Have you ever wondered how to transform a sensitive, easily spooked, or defensive horse into a confident and relaxed partner?

    You'll hear about specific cases where observing subtle cues and applying gentle, supportive touch made a significant difference in a horse's emotional and physical well-being.

    We'll also explore the art of understanding and communicating with horses through their breathing. Learn the importance of recognizing early signs of agitation and how to respond with Connected Breathing, a mindfulness-based exercise that helps release tension, refine communication, and deepen your connection with your horse.

    Want to learn more? Join the Move with Your Horse waitlist! https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 🐴

    Remember, you and your horse deserve to feel great. Together!


    Podcast show notes for this episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h79

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • What if horse training could be more about partnership and mutual respect than following rigid regimes?

    On this episode of the Easier Movement, Happier Horses podcast, Mary Debono uncovers the transformative approach of facilitating learning opportunities for your horse. By focusing on what your horse already finds easy and gently expanding on that, you can build a cooperative and enjoyable training experience.

    Mary emphasizes the importance of compassionate curiosity, an attitude that fosters creative problem-solving and strengthens the bond between you and your equine partner.

    Join us as we explore how to integrate your values into your horse training, whether you're riding, doing groundwork, or engaging in hands-on exercises. Mary shares insights from her Move With Your Horse program, revealing how to gradually and thoughtfully expand your horse's capabilities.

    This episode promises to shift your perspective on training, making it a joyful and enriching process for both you and your horse. Tune in and discover how to create a harmonious and responsive partnership by embracing curiosity and patience in your interactions.

    Ready to embark on this transformative journey?
    Join the Move with Your Horse waitlist! https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 🐴

    Remember, you and your horse deserve to feel great. Together!


    Podcast show notes for this episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h78

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Can the way you think about your body transform your riding experience? Join me, Mary Debono, on the Easier Movement, Happier Horses podcast as we explore a crucial concept for equestrians: understanding the difference between using body parts in isolation versus independently. This might sound like a subtle shift, but it can lead to a profound improvement in your movement coordination and your harmony with your horse. By gaining better control and awareness of how you move both in and out of the saddle, you can elevate your nonverbal communication with your horse, resulting in a more enjoyable and effective riding journey.

    Throughout this episode, I’ll guide you through breaking free from maladaptive movement habits that limit your potential and cause unnecessary fatigue or injury. We'll discuss the importance of learning to use your body parts independently, fostering healthier and more harmonious movements that benefit your overall well-being. Tune in for practical advice and valuable insights aimed at helping you cultivate greater body awareness, enhance your athleticism, and build a more pleasurable and productive connection with your horse. Make mindful adjustments, transform your riding, and discover the joy of moving in harmony with your equine partner.

    Ready to embark on this transformative journey?
    Join the Move with Your Horse waitlist! https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 🐴

    Remember, you and your horse deserve to feel great. Together!


    Podcast show notes for this episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h77

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • Are there things about yourself or your horse that you'd like to fix?

    In this episode, I challenge the notion that you or your horse needs fixing.

    Instead, we embrace a holistic approach. Drawing on my 30 years of experience as a Feldenkrais teacher specializing in horses and riders, I explain how our nervous systems develop habits and how, by working in harmony with these natural processes, we can foster better movement options and deeper connections with our horses.

    Discover the Move With Your Horse program's core framework, Possibilities in Motion, which uses gentle methods to relieve tension and open up new movement possibilities.

    💥For more details on this framework, please grab your free PDF at marydebono.com/framework 💥

    Ready to embark on this transformative journey?
    Join the Move with Your Horse waitlist! https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 🐴

    Remember, you and your horse deserve to feel great. Together!


    Podcast show notes for this episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h76

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • Beyond better performance, learn how improved movement can boost confidence, reduce anxiety, and create a deeper connection between you and your horse.

    Discover ways to make saddling up a positive experience and explore a holistic approach to movement that unlocks a happier you and a happier horse.

    Beyond Performance:

    Boost Confidence: Discover how improved suppleness can boost your horse's confidence and sense of well-being. Just like us, restrictions can breed anxiety.Feel the Shift: Improved movement isn't just about physical ease; it elevates your emotional state. Learn how positive changes in your body can spark optimism and a sense of possibility.Build Trust, Not Tension: Ditch the forceful methods! Mary explains how gentle, Feldenkrais-inspired techniques foster trust and a harmonious relationship with your horse.

    A Happier You, a Happier Horse:

    Reduced Stress & Anxiety: Improved movement isn't just about coordination and strength; it's about nervous system regulation. Experience calm and refine your feel at the same time. Deeper Connection: As your movement awareness grows, so does your ability to connect with your horse. Imagine a state of "shared awareness" where both of you are in sync.Rediscover Joy: Saddling up shouldn't be a battle! Mary offers solutions that make tacking up a pleasurable experience for your horse, setting the stage for a happier, more harmonious ride.

    Movement for More Than Mechanics:

    Movement improvement goes beyond improving your dressage score or cantering down that trail. It's about a holistic approach that unlocks a deeper connection, bringing more joy and harmony to your relationship with your horse.

    Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Tune in to the full episode and join the waitlist for Mary's Move with Your Horse program. 🐴

    Remember, you and your horse deserve to feel great. Together!


    Podcast show notes for this episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h75

    Join the Move with Your Horse waitlist! https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 🐴

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • Key Takeaways

    - Pulling on the tail can harm horses with back tightness, triggering a defensive response

    - Instead of pulling, support the tail forward to relax the muscles

    - Focus on building trust and offering new options to the horse

    - Prioritize somatic education and integrated movement over structural manipulation

    - Consider the "Move with Your Horse" program for detailed tail support guidance

    - Practice safety precautions for you and your horse

    - Be mindful, and prioritize the horse's comfort and well-being

    - Tail traction exercises, or tail stretches, *may* benefit horses when done with the proper preparation so that the horse cab experience a safe, balanced and coordinated lengthening through the spine


    Podcast show notes for this episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h74

    Join the Move with Your Horse waitlist! https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 🐴

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.


  • Injury keeping you out of the saddle? Learn actionable steps to help you stay connected to your horse, facilitate your healing, and improve your horsemanship. Learn about mindful movement, mental training, and creative ground exercises.

    Use your recovery time to deepen your connection with your horse and come back to riding even stronger than before!

    Use your recovery time to improve in these areas:

    Mindful Movement: explore approaches such as the Feldenkrais Method to improve body awareness and movement, even with limitations. Micro-movements and mental visualization can be powerful tools for healing injuries and enhancing riding skills.

    Deepen the Connection with Your Horse: creative ground exercises and positive reinforcement training can strengthen your bond with your horse while riding is on hold.

    Self-Awareness: How you move, breathe and direct your attention shapes your interactions with your horse. Take the time to deepen your connection with your horse by being mindful of your movement, breathing and thoughts

    By exploring these strategies, you can transform your injury layoff into a period of focused learning and deeper connection with your horse. Get ready to return to the saddle a more knowledgeable, centered, and harmonious rider!


    Podcast show notes for this episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h73

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Previous episode: Laid Up Horse? Here's How to Make the Most of It

    Horse Running to Mounting Block: https://app.searchie.io/watch/mpDoYw9Gq4

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • Horse sidelined with an injury? Don't despair!

    Join Mary Debono, your equine expert, as she unveils the silver lining within stall rest. In this episode, you'll discover how to transform recovery time into relationship-building gold.

    Master the art of mindful movement: Discover the magic of hand-walking in sync with your horse, fostering a deeper understanding of your horse's movement.

    Unlock the power of Connected Breathing, where you and your horse find harmony through observing each other's rhythm.

    Challenge those routines: Learn the benefits of leading your horse from the "wrong" side, and keeping your horse's nervous system engaged in a positive way.

    Become a master detective of your horse's body language: Sharpen your observation skills to decode your horse's smallest cues and subtle signs of tension.

    Discover how by being truly present with your horse during recovery, you can not only strengthen your bond but also elevate your horsemanship skills to a whole new level.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to turn a setback into a breakthrough for you and your horse!


    Podcast show notes for this episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h72

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • Does your horse sometimes seem reluctant or struggle with the activities you've chosen?

    Too often, owners force horses into roles or disciplines unsuitable for their physical abilities or temperament.

    The key to harmony is finding mutually enjoyable activities for both horse and human. While challenging our horses is important, we must also respect their individual needs and limitations.

    In this episode, Mary encourages shifting our mindset, adjusting expectations, and prioritizing activities that create a positive experience.

    Building a partnership centered on understanding and shared happiness, rather than forced submission, is the core philosophy. Join Mary as she offers solutions for overcoming physical and emotional obstacles to better connect with your horse. Get her expert advice for bringing out the best in both you and your equine partner.


    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h71

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • Maybe you’re learning a new form of bodywork and you can’t wait to use it to help your horse. But your horse says, “No thanks!”

    In this episode, you'll hear about the strategies I use to help horses relax, enjoy and benefit from hands-on work.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    - The importance of understanding your horse's past experiences

    - The power of connected breathing and relaxation techniques

    - How to work with a horse through their skeleton for a non-threatening touch

    - Strategies to provide immediate relief and build trust

    - The concept of shared awareness and its benefits in your relationship


    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h70

    Video of Rib Rocking: https://app.searchie.io/watch/jVDGwM0EDW

    Video of Back Muscle Lifts: https://app.searchie.io/watch/AYDapoPw2Q

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • How can this feel easier? It's one of my favorite questions.

    But for many of us, we're so used to trying hard, to struggling, that we forget that things could feel easier for us and our horses.

    This episode discusses the common "addiction" to struggling with horses and its negative impact on the horse-human relationship.

    Key Takeaways

    - Importance of movement, breathing, and attention in shaping interactions with horses

    - Habitual worrying and struggling can create stress and strain in the brain

    - Personal experience of overcoming worry and stress with the help of a Feldenkrais practitioner

    - Tips for getting off the struggle train: connect with oneself, notice physical sensations without judgment, train the brain to focus on what is going well

    - Changing the brain's focus to what feels good and what the horse does easily promotes a positive and solution-oriented mindset

    - Being present, embracing compassionate curiosity, and expanding possibilities

    - Developing sensory acuity and intuition for unconscious insights on improving horse interactions


    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h69

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • Rocking your horse can have positive effects on a horse's muscles, nervous system, and overall movement. Rocking should be done with lightness, effortlessness, and pleasure for both horse and rider. Being well-organized and coordinated is important for effective communication with the horse.

    Key Takeaways from this episode:

    - Dressage rider realizes that her horse isn't "stubborn" and "lazy" after all.

    - Learns to rock her horse from different parts of its body to initiate movement

    - Develops real feel for her horse and recognizes its innate desire to move

    - Discovers horse needs connection and congruency, not laziness or stubbornness

    - Rocking can have positive effects on horse's muscles, nervous system, and overall movement

    - Rocking should be done with lightness, effortlessness, and pleasure for both horse and rider

    - Being well-organized and coordinated is important for effective communication with the horse

    - Rocking should be done slowly and small to notice subtle differences and allow for nervous system improvements

    - Creating a learning environment where the horse chooses better options is crucial, rather than forcing or manipulating


    CLICK HERE FOR A SNEAK PEEK VIDEO of how I introduce Rocking with a horse, which can lead to more comfortable, balanced, and athletic movement for the horse.

    And if that piques your interest, please check out the details for the Move with Your Horse online program. We'd love to have you join us!

    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h68

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Have a question? Email [email protected].

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • Did you know that your horse’s sternum plays a key role in helping your horse round the back easily?

    The sternum and ribs are often overlooked, yet they play a key role in ensuring horses have freer, healthier and more comfortable movement.

    In this episode, Mary Debono discusses the role of the rib cage in reducing stress and wear and tear on the horse’s back, neck and limbs.

    When horses are reminded how their rib cage can participate and support their movement, it can lead to freer, healthier backs, necks and legs. And more elegant, harmonious movement.

    And the same is true for you too!

    We take a deep dive into this in our Move with Your Horse online program and I’m excited to announce that enrollment is open for a limited time!

    CLICK HERE FOR A SNEAK PEEK VIDEO of how I introduce working with the horse's sternum which can lead to more comfortable, balanced, and athletic movement for the horse.

    And if that piques your interest, please check out the details for the Move with Your Horse online program. We'd love to have you join us!

    Learn how to improve your horse's movement and comfort by addressing rib cage restrictions. Gentle, hands-on movements can help by retraining the brain and inviting new movement possibilities for your horse.

    We want you AND your horse to feel better and move with greater ease. That's why the Move with Your Horse program includes both Feldenkrais Method Ⓡ for humans and Debono Moves for horses, and includes pre-recorded videos AND live coaching. Our coaching and support is unmatched. Because you and your horse deserve to feel great. Together.

    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h67

    Have a question? Email [email protected].

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • 💥 Sign up to be among the first to know when we open the doors to our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse! https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse

    In this episode, Mary Debono delves into the common challenge of girthy horses who dislike being tacked up and shares her mission to transform it into a positive experience for you and your horse:

    Transforming Tacking Up: Mary aims to not only help horses tolerate being tacked up but to genuinely enjoy the process. Yes, this is possible!Positive Reinforcement Using Food vs. Positive Reinforcement from Tacking Up: While acknowledging the effectiveness of food-based positive reinforcement, Mary emphasizes the importance of physically preparing the horse's sternum and rib cage area to enhance their comfort and movement possibilities and to make tacking up itself a pleasurable experience. Tuning into Body Language: Mary stresses the significance of observing the horse's reactions and body language during the tacking up process, allowing them to feel differently and empowering them with a choice.Improving Quality of Life: Mary discusses the profound impact of our interactions with horses on their quality of life, advocating for a clear and loving connection.Move with Your Horse Program: Mary introduces her online program utilizing the Feldenkrais MethodⓇ and Debono Moves to enhance movement, balance, and flexibility for both horse and rider. Listeners are encouraged to join the waitlist for more information and perks. Join the waitlist here.

    🐴 Our Move with Your Horse program offers Feldenkrais lessons and live coaching so that you AND your horse can move and feel better than ever!

    💥 Sign up to be among the first to know when we open the doors to our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse! 🐴 https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 💥

    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h66

    Tacking Up blog post mentioned in the episode

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • 💥 Sign up to be among the first to know when we open the doors to our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse! https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse

    Wish your hips were more flexible or comfortable? Learn why the Feldenkrais MethodⓇ is different from stretching and strengthening programs. To improve your hips, explore this holistic, whole-body approach to movement, so you AND your horse can experience more comfort, elegance, athleticism and harmony.

    Key Takeaways from the Podcast Episode:

    1. Hips are a Common Issue: Many people, across different ages and riding disciplines, struggle with tight, stiff, or uncomfortable hips. This is often a significant obstacle in riding comfortably and effectively.

    2. The Feldenkrais MethodⓇ: Mary Debono discusses her personal experience with severe hip problems and how she found relief through the Feldenkrais Method. This method focuses on holistic approaches to movement and can offer relief from hip pain and stiffness.

    3. Unique Approach to Hip Improvement: Unlike other methods that may focus solely on stretching or strengthening the hip muscles, the Feldenkrais Method takes into account individual history, injuries, and unique structural differences. It aims to help individuals organize their movements more efficiently to relieve stress around the hips.

    4. Connection Between Human and Horse: Debono emphasizes the importance of integrating movement improvement for both humans and horses. Techniques like the Ischium Wave not only benefit the human but also help horses by transmitting ease and relaxation through their musculature.

    5. Whole Body Functional Approach: Instead of isolated exercises, the Feldenkrais Method encourages a holistic understanding of movement, emphasizing efficient coordination throughout the entire body. This approach fosters regenerative movement patterns, reducing wear and tear on joints and muscles.

    6. Biological Optimism: The method instills hope by encouraging curiosity about aches and pains, exploring ways to reduce effort and heal, and promoting coordinated movement to prevent compensation after injuries heal.

    7. Benefits of Joining the Move With Your Horse group: Debono invites listeners to join her program (opening our doors soon!), which offers live coaching, professionally pre-recorded videos, other supporting materials (pdfs, etc.), and a unique blend of human and horse movement improvement techniques.

    8. Encouragement to Explore Holistic Approaches: Listeners are encouraged to explore holistic, global approaches to addressing their own or their horse's movement issues, with the understanding that both human and horse deserve to feel great together.

    🐴 Our Move with Your Horse program offers Feldenkrais lessons and live coaching so that you AND your horse can move and feel better than ever!

    💥 Sign up to be among the first to know when we open the doors to our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse! 🐴 https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 💥

    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h65

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    Email [email protected]

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice.

  • Learn why the Feldenkrais MethodⓇ is gaining in popularity among equestrians. This innovative approach can improve your flexibility, balance and strength. And it can feel almost effortless.

    In this episode, you'll hear how the Feldenkrais Method can improve your ability to ride easily and comfortably - at any age!

    Want to know more?

    Key Takeaways:

    Feldenkrais Method improves flexibility, balance, and strength, especially with age You can improve your riding and your confidence through Feldenkrais lessons Focuses on coordination and organization of the body for efficient movementHelps regain proprioception, balance, flexibility, and strength after injuries or agingTakes a holistic approach to physical and mental well-beingDoes not emphasize stretching, which can exacerbate inefficient movement habitsEnhances body awareness for riders and horsesImprove how you move and feel in and out of the saddle!

    🐴 Our Move with Your Horse program offers Feldenkrais lessons and live coaching so that you AND your horse can move and feel better than ever!

    💥 Sign up to be among the first to know when we open the doors to our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse! 🐴 https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 💥

    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h64

    Free rider masterclass: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider if you or your horse are unwell or injured.

  • Ready to improve your body awareness? Mary Debono guides you through a transformative body scan exercise designed to enhance your body awareness and melt away tension.

    Discover how subtle shifts in your own body can lead to a more harmonious connection with your horse. This practice will not only improve your riding skills, but also leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

    You'll also hear about our exciting new Move With Your Horse online group coaching program at the end of the podcast. https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 💥

    Key Takeaways:

    Body awareness is crucial for riders to improve movement, reduce tension, and enhance their connection with horses.The body awareness exercise involves lying down comfortably and observing breathing patterns, followed by focusing on specific body parts with mindfulness.Gentle movements and visualization techniques can help promote relaxation and release tension.Transitioning mindfully to sitting and standing integrates newfound awareness into everyday activities.Developing body awareness contributes to a harmonious relationship with horses and improves overall well-being for both rider and horse.

    💥Want to learn how to help you and your horse even more? Sign up to be among the first to know when we open the doors to our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse! 🐴 https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 💥

    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h63

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider if you or your horse are unwell or injured.

  • 💥Want to learn how to help you and your horse even more? Sign up to be among the first to know when we open the doors to our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse! 🐴 https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 💥

    Would you like to be more supple, balanced and strong? Would you like to improve your horse's movement too? In this episode, we'll discuss why simply repeating movements won't help, and can actually make things worse!

    Our bodies were made to move, but so often both we and our horses get stuck in less-than-ideal movement patterns. Mindless repetition of a movement won't fix the problem, it can exacerbate it. To improve a movement, you must focus on the quality of the movement, not the quantity.

    To do that, you must pay attention to how you initiate movement. This mindful method can dramatically improve your movement and your horse's movement. It's key to improving balance, flexibility, and power, and can help make you and your horse a more harmonious and elegant team.

    Key Takeaways

    Focus on the quality of a movement, not how many times you do it.Mindless repetition of a movement can make things worse! For better movement, pay close attention to how you initiate that movement.Slow down and make your movements smaller to build awareness of movement patterns.Work on non-habitual movements to engage your nervous system.Honor the 4 keys of healthy movement: Relaxed breathing, effortlessness, appropriate posture, and reversibility.Prioritize a sense of ease in your movement.Focus on the easier side first before exploring the more challenging side.Always stop and rest for a moment between movements to let your muscles fully relax.You communicate your underlying sense of ease (or lack thereof) to your horse.Movement should feel good!

    💥Want to learn how to help you and your horse even more? Sign up to be among the first to know when we open the doors to our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse! 🐴 https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 💥

    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h62

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider if you or your horse are unwell or injured.

  • Learn Practical Strategies to Cultivate Awareness and Release Tension

    Join host Mary Debono as she explores the harmful effects of doing too much, both for humans and horses. Through anecdotes and insights, discover how excessive tension impacts movement and well-being.

    Learn practical strategies to cultivate awareness and release unnecessary effort. Tune in for a transformative discussion on achieving greater ease, harmony, and vitality in your life and your equine partnerships.

    💥Want to learn how to help you and your horse even more? Sign up to be among the first to know when we open the doors to our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse! 🐴 https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse 💥

    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h61

    Key Takeaways 🔑

    - The Feldenkrais MethodⓇ teaches how to let go of unnecessary tension and find a balance between doing and not doing.

    - In horses, tightness in the back can be caused by a lack of flexibility in the rib cage.

    - The Feldenkrais MethodⓇ and Debono Moves help horses and humans develop a sensory distinction between engaging and not engaging certain muscles.

    - Small, slow movements and focusing on initiating movements from different points can develop this sensory distinction.

    - Unnecessary tension and effort in humans can be felt by horses and affect their interactions and well-being.

    - Increasing awareness of how we move, breathe, and direct our attention can positively impact our relationship with horses.

    - The key is to do less and find ways to make movements feel easier by letting go of unnecessary tension.

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider if you or your horse are unwell or injured.

  • Do you feel crooked in the saddle? You're not alone! In this episode of Easier Movement, Happier Horses, we'll dive into the problem of uneven seat bones.

    This common issue isn't just about aesthetics. It can affect your riding ability, contribute to a lack of confidence, create physical discomfort, and even throw your horse off balance.

    It’s an incredibly common problem for riders.

    And the thing is, you may be crooked even if you feel perfectly even!

    But your HORSE feels your unevenness.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    The surprising consequences: Discover how imbalances affect you and your horse, from postural stress to communication glitches. ‍Keys to conquering crookedness: Slow down, embrace playful exploration, and use approaches like the Feldenkrais MethodⓇ to find your center - effortlessly.Your free roadmap to a more balanced seat: The 3 videos from my free rider masterclass are a good foundation to help you become more aware and responsive in your seat. Grab the free rider masterclass here. 💥

    💥Grab the FREE rider masterclass videos here: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

    After you do all three videos from the rider masterclass, I invite you to explore this additional video to improve even more. (But please don't skip over the first 3 videos - they’re essential!) You can find the fourth, bonus video here. ⬅️

    💥Want to improve even more? Sign up to be among the first to know when we open the doors to our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse! 🐴 https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse

    Podcast show notes for THIS episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h60

    All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider if you or your horse are unwell or injured.