新年快樂!在2024年的除夕,環境部發布了最新的溫室氣體管制目標草案。此次減碳目標進一步提升,並將碳盤查的對象擴大,新增500家企業與2萬間門市,要求於2026年完成排放量登錄,未完成者將面臨罰款。這項政策不僅對企業帶來挑戰,也可能影響民生經濟,值得我們深入探討。在COP29期間,主持人施倩如訪問了永續管理顧問公司艾城市的兩位重量級專家:執行長劉正興與策略長陳晧。他們不僅是碳盤查與碳權交易領域的翹楚,更是她準備「淨零碳管理師IPAS」證照時的講師。特別的是,他們都來自軍官背景,將軍旅中的精準執行力與策略思維,成功轉化為永續管理領域的競爭優勢,為企業提供高效、務實的減碳策略與建議。 他們將分享: ✅ 何謂碳盤查與碳權交易? ✅ IPAS證照在企業界的應用與重要性: 標準化排放管理,提升內部效率符合法規要求,避免罰款風險增強企業永續報告與國際認證的可信度✅ 如何將軍旅經驗轉化為永續管理的核心競爭力? 📢 立即收聽! • Apple Podcasts 👉 https://apple.co/3YNCxFV • Spotify 👉 https://bit.ly/48rqzpy • SoundOn 👉 https://player.soundon.fm/p/ESG/ • YouTube 👉 /@esg_detectives 👉 新的一年,讓我們攜手實現淨零願景! Happy New Year! On New Year's Eve, Taiwan's Ministry of Environment announced its latest greenhouse gas control targets, raising the reduction goal and expanding carbon audit requirements to include 500 additional companies and 20,000 retail locations by 2026. This policy introduces new challenges for businesses and the economy. In this special episode, host Daphne Shih interviews Zhengxing Liu, CEO, and Hao Chen, Chief Strategy Officer of sustainable consulting firm Ai City. Both are former military officers who successfully transitioned into sustainability consulting, leveraging their precision and strategic thinking to help companies achieve effective carbon reduction strategies. #ESG調查局, #碳盤查, #碳權交易, #碳中和, #減碳策略, #永續管理 #ESGdetectives, #Sustainability, #IPAS, #NetZero, #carbonneutrality, #carboncredit #CarbonFootprintVerification --Hosting provided by SoundOn
本集邀請誠佳科紡董事長王葉訓 (Eddie Wang),揭開廢棄牡蠣殼華麗轉身的秘密。他從海邊成長的經驗出發,結合理工背景與塑膠產業的專業,創新研發出海毛紗品牌 Seawool,成功吸引多家國際時尚品牌合作。Eddie不僅分享循環經濟的實踐成果,也談及創業過程中的艱辛挑戰,並持續探索材料應用的可能性,從消臭布料、抗紫外線產品到高性能建材,為減少石化燃料產品的使用貢獻一己之力。這一集帶你了解如何從廢棄物中找到永續創新的商機! • Apple Podcasts 👉 https://apple.co/3YNCxFV • Spotify 👉 https://bit.ly/48rqzpy • SoundOn 👉 https://player.soundon.fm/p/ESG/ • YouTube 👉 / @esg_detectives This week on ESG Detectives: Eddie Wang, Chairman of Hans Global Textile, shares how discarded oyster shells are being transformed into high-performance textiles and eco-friendly materials. Learn how Seawool, a revolutionary fabric brand, has gained recognition from global fashion brands. Eddie also discusses his journey from the plastics industry to sustainable innovation, highlighting the challenges of entrepreneurship and the potential applications of Seawool in odor-control fabrics, UV-resistant products, and advanced building materials. #ESG調查局 #循環經濟 #海毛紗 #永續發展 #功能性紡織 #牡蠣殼創新 #抗紫外線 #消臭科技 #NetZero #Sustainability #EcoFashion #Seawool #ESGDetectives --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Puuttuva jakso?
火鍋季正式開鍋!但你知道這些菇背後蘊藏著環保與永續的創新嗎?本集邀請蕈優生物科技副總經理方紹宇,分享如何運用智慧農業與循環經濟應對氣候變遷及土地成本挑戰,並引領台灣菇產業邁向淨零碳排。此外,他還談到如何多角經營,將面膜、觀光農場及餐廳結合,滿足消費者的期待。 • Apple Podcasts 👉 https://apple.co/3YNCxFV • Spotify 👉 https://bit.ly/48rqzpy • SoundOn 👉 https://player.soundon.fm/p/ESG/ • YouTube 👉 / @esg_detectives This week on ESG Detectives, Fang Shaoyu, VP of Q-Yo Biotechnology, explores how smart agriculture and the circular economy are transforming Taiwan’s mushroom industry toward net-zero emissions. From eco-friendly farming to diversifying into tourism and skincare, Fang shares how sustainability drives innovation. #ESG調查局, #火鍋季, #淨零排放, #循環經濟, #智慧農業, #永續發展, #NetZero, #ESGDetectives, #Sustainability, #CircularEconomy, #SmartAgriculture, #Mushrooms, #EcoInnovation --Hosting provided by SoundOn
一卡通如何以「綠點」激勵減碳行動?本週邀請到一卡通總經理鄭鎧尹Keynes Cheng博士,分享一卡通如何結合大數據和回饋計畫,提升了大眾使用公共運輸的意願,推廣低碳生活。 數據驅動的減碳策略:鄭鎧尹博士分享了一卡通如何通過整合通勤數據,協助企業和個人精確計算碳排放減少成效。透過與小港醫院、東南水泥等企業合作,以企業識別證引領員工低碳通勤潮流。綠點計畫鼓勵大眾運輸:為鼓勵民眾多搭乘大眾交通工具,一卡通推出「綠點」回饋活動。民眾搭乘捷運、客運、單車等指定運具可享綠點回饋,折抵交通費用。大型活動中的環保行動:高雄經常舉辦大型演唱會,一卡通規劃推出「綠點登錄券」,鼓勵觀眾多使用大眾運輸參與活動,每次搭乘可獲得綠點積分回饋。無論是企業還是個人,這集節目讓您了解一卡通如何透過數位工具與綠色回饋,推動台灣的永續發展。記得收聽、按讚、訂閱和分享!在以下平台關注我們: • Apple Podcasts 👉 https://apple.co/3YNCxFV • Spotify 👉 https://bit.ly/48rqzpy • SoundOn 👉 https://player.soundon.fm/p/ESG/ • YouTube 👉 / @esg_detectives #ESG調查局, #一卡通, #綠點, #減碳, #大眾運輸, #永續發展, #低碳生活, #智慧交通, #企業合作, #數據驅動, #ESGDetectives, #iPASS, #GreenPoints, #CarbonReduction, #PublicTransport, #Sustainability, #BigData, #GreenInitiatives, #SmartCity, #EcoFriendly This episode features iPASS President Keynes Cheng discussing how "Green Points" encourage carbon reduction and low-carbon lifestyles in Taiwan. Cheng highlights data-driven strategies, partnerships for low-carbon commuting, and incentives for public transport use. Tune in to see how iPASS is driving sustainability through Green Points! --Hosting provided by SoundOn
電動車真的如想像中環保嗎?本週我們邀請到 Mosaic Ventures 的 Volker Heistermann,揭開電動車與 AI 技術的環保真相。他將分享電動車如何透過 AI 和半導體優化能源使用,卻也帶來新的環境挑戰。從 Tesla 特斯拉的碳中和路徑到半導體製造背後的隱藏代價,這集節目將顛覆你對綠色科技的理解。 想知道科技進步背後的環保秘密嗎?這集絕對不容錯過!立即收聽,了解汽車與科技產業中的永續真相。 每兩週更新,記得收聽、按讚、訂閱和分享!在以下平台關注我們: • Apple Podcasts 👉 https://apple.co/47TP4vf • Spotify 👉 https://t.ly/-B6Cd • SoundOn 👉 https://dub.sh/lg4MG3M • YouTube 👉 / @esg_detectives #ESG調查局, #AI, #電動車, #半導體, #永續發展, #碳足跡, #綠色科技, #汽車科技, #ESGDetectives, #AI, #EV, #Semiconductors, #Sustainability, #GreenTech, #AutomotiveTech Are electric vehicles (EVs) truly as eco-friendly as we imagine? This week, we welcome Volker Heistermann from Mosaic Ventures to reveal the environmental truth behind EVs and AI technology. He will discuss how EVs leverage AI and semiconductors to optimize energy use, while also presenting new environmental challenges. From Tesla’s carbon neutrality path to the hidden costs behind semiconductor manufacturing, this episode will reshape your understanding of green technology. Curious to uncover the environmental secrets behind tech advancements? Don’t miss out! Tune in now to learn the real sustainability story behind the automotive and tech industries. New episodes every two weeks—make sure to listen, like, subscribe, and share! --Hosting provided by SoundOn
🌟 台北時裝週即將登場,我們邀請到輝台公司總經理劉凱葳(Jerry Liu),深入剖析紡織業如何面對當前的挑戰,為這個夕陽產業注入創新能量! 🧵 在本集中,Jerry 將分享他如何在父親離世後,懷著對父親教誨的感恩,繼承事業並推動公司轉型。他將傳統紡織公司帶入數位化改革的道路,拓展B2B跨境電商市場,並引領公司進入 ESG 與永續發展的新紀元。此外,Jerry 也將揭示如何與客戶及供應商合作,推動環保再生織材與創新生質材質的應用。 🌿 對於目前的 快時尚(Fast Fashion),Jerry 表示,這已經進化成「極速時尚」,令人擔憂。他強調無論在產業端還是消費者端,都需要共同努力,加強回收機制並推動更負責任的消費習慣。 節目隔週更新!別忘了收聽、按讚、訂閱、分享,並在以下平台關注我們: Apple Podcasts 👉 https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/1736736826 Spotify 👉 https://open.spotify.com/show/7utgrPSF7aK9LfwT3YyO4J SoundOn 👉 https://sndn.link/ESG/jFpWAf?preview=true YouTube 👉 www.youtube.com/@ESG_Detectives #ESG調查局, #紡織業, #永續發展, #快時尚, #數位轉型, #企業二代, #輝台, #ESGDetectives, #Sustainability, #Podcast, #TextileIndustry, #Fashion, #SocialImpact #FastFashion #Change 🌟 Jerry Liu, General Manager of Fantastic Enterprise Co., shares how he transformed his family’s traditional textile business into a B2B e-commerce leader, embracing ESG and sustainability. He discusses using eco-friendly materials like oyster shells and the challenges of ultra-fast fashion, calling for industry and consumer change. --Hosting provided by SoundOn
暑假接近尾聲,是否去旅遊了嗎?如果您想了解旅遊行業的最新趨勢,本週我們非常榮幸邀請到雄獅旅遊的投資長 Ryan Sheng 來到節目。他將分享自己在這個職位上所承擔的責任,以及雄獅旅遊如何在旅遊行業日益重視 ESG 的背景下,推動生態旅遊、減少碳足跡等可持續發展議題。Ryan 也將深入探討他在選擇新創團隊時的標準,並揭示他在投資中最看重的特質。 作為啟蒙計畫的共同創辦人之一,Ryan 會談及他在指導新創企業家過程中的經驗和心得。此外,我們還會聊到 Ryan 過去十年以上的搖滾樂經歷,看看音樂如何在他的投資工作中產生影響。無論您是剛踏入新創領域的新人,還是對旅遊、投資與搖滾音樂的交集感興趣,本集都將帶來滿滿的洞見與啟發。別錯過 Ryan 對於新創領域新人的寶貴建議! 每兩週更新一集,記得收聽、按讚、訂閱和分享!在以下平台關注我們: • Apple Podcasts 👉 https://apple.co/4cNmTiu • Spotify 👉 https://t.ly/yHCj1 • SoundOn 👉 https://sndn.link/ESG/u7cllO • YouTube 👉 / @esg_detectives #ESG調查局, #投資, #生態旅遊, #永續發展, #新創, #搖滾音樂, #雄獅旅遊, #環境保護, #旅遊業 This week, we're thrilled to host Ryan Sheng, Chief Investment Officer of Lion Travel. Ryan discusses his role and how Lion Travel is embracing ESG principles, from eco-friendly tourism to reducing carbon footprints. He also shares his criteria for selecting startups and his experiences mentoring new entrepreneurs. For a twist, Ryan reflects on how his decade-long journey as a rock musician influences his investment decisions. Whether you're new to startups or curious about the mix of travel, investment, and music, this episode is packed with insights. Don’t miss Ryan’s valuable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs! #ESGDetectives, #Investment, #EcoTourism, #Sustainability, #Startups, #RockMusic, #LionTravel, #EnvironmentalProtection, #TravelIndustry --Hosting provided by SoundOn
巴黎奧運如火如荼進行中,還記得當年阿美族長老郭英男的音樂成為亞特蘭大奧運的主題曲嗎?八月一日是台灣原住民日,我們很榮幸邀請到原住民族委員會宋麗茹處長來到ESG調查局。本集我們將探索台灣如何發展生態旅遊,以及其作為世界原住民旅遊高峰論壇Tulu的主辦方,推動永續旅遊的努力。宋處長還分享了一些精彩的暑假旅遊點子,無論是與鄒族在阿里山的河邊用餐,還是走進花蓮豐濱的海岸美景,總有適合一家大小的活動,寓教於樂!此外,她還介紹了原民文創商品的電商平台LiMA,以及旅遊資訊網站-看見太陽,促進原住民企業的發展。 每兩週更新一集,別忘了收聽、按讚、訂閱和分享!並在以下平台關注我們: Apple Podcasts 👉 https://apple.co/3WEfoUWSpotify 👉 https://spti.fi/20HJ9UoSoundOn 👉 https://tinyurl.com/5n6fm5j2YouTube 👉 / @esg_detectives#ESG調查局, #生態旅遊 , #永續發展 , #原住民 , #文化 , #Tulu , #LiMA , #巴黎奧運 , #環境保護 As the Paris Olympics captivate the world, let's remember how the music of Amis tribal elder Difang Duana became the theme for the Atlanta Olympics. August 1st is Taiwan Indigenous Peoples' Day, and we're honored to have Director Li-Ju Sung from the Council of Indigenous Peoples join us. In this episode, we explore Taiwan's eco-tourism and its role as the host of the World Indigenous Tourism Summit, Tulu, promoting sustainable travel. Director Sung shares fantastic summer travel ideas—whether dining by a river with the Tsou tribe in Alishan or exploring the coastal beauty of Fengbin in Hualien, there's something for everyone! Plus, she introduces LiMA, an e-commerce platform for Indigenous cultural products, boosting Indigenous entrepreneurship. #ESGDetectives, #EcoTourism, #Sustainability, #IndigenousRights, #Cultural, #Tulu, #LiMA, #ParisOlympics2024, #EnvironmentalProtection, --Hosting provided by SoundOn
台灣這座被世界譽為福爾摩沙的小島,擁有得天獨厚的自然地理條件,尤其是其風場。由於東北季風的影響,台灣具備發展風力發電的絕佳條件,吸引了眾多歐洲風力發電大國前來架設風機。本集節目特邀源自丹麥的尼阿斯NIARS顧問公司,總監黃敬文將分享風力發電機在台灣的架設歷程以及前期評估過程。此外,黃敬文總監也提到,為響應企業加入ESG理念的潮流,尼阿斯公司已與多所大學展開產學合作,深入基層,培育新一代的ESG專業人才。 節目每兩週更新一集,請收聽、點讃、訂閱並分享! 追蹤我們: Apple Podcasts👉https://apple.co/4aH1MxB Spotify👉 https://open.spotify.com/episode/1A2qwhNUtKTjreRNBj1aDP?si=0c67fbc51f1849fc SoundOn 👉 https://player.soundon.fm/p/411cc9c3-f264-4f98-b7d8-a52a75784b81 YouTube👉 https://youtu.be/WwMpS05vOas?si=euDgG99dt2lZTIR_ #ESG調查局, #尼阿斯, #風力發電, #離岸風機, #可持續發展, #永續, #環境保護, #產學合作, #綠能 Taiwan, known to the world as Formosa, is blessed with exceptional natural geographic conditions, particularly its wind farms. Influenced by the northeast monsoon, Taiwan has ideal conditions for developing wind power, attracting numerous leading European wind energy countries to set up wind turbines here. In this episode, we are pleased to invite Mr. Ching-Wen Huang, Director of the Danish consulting firm NIARS, to share the history and preliminary assessment process of setting up wind turbines in Taiwan. Additionally, Director Huang will discuss how, in response to the growing trend of companies embracing ESG principles, NIARS has partnered with several universities to foster the next generation of ESG talent through industry-academia collaboration. Follow us: Apple Podcasts👉https://apple.co/4aH1MxB Spotify👉https://open.spotify.com/show/7utgrPS… SoundOn 👉 https://player.soundon.fm/p/411cc9c3-f264-4f98-b7d8-a52a75784b81 YouTube👉/ https://youtu.be/QxqPQFlIsN4?si=I3uuTgX8nXGjzxUG #ESGDetectives, #NIARS, #Wen, #SustainableDevelopment, #windpower, #Industry cooperation, #greenpower --Hosting provided by SoundOn
在最新的ESG 調查局節目中,華夏玻璃的第四代總裁廖冠傑Richard,與大家分享他在家族企業中的經營理念。玻璃工業或許在大眾眼中是個夕陽產業,然而Richard卻運用了ESG的理念,使他的企業不僅能持續發展,更成為了環保的典範。近年來,他也創立了自己的品牌-Aqua Soul,為我們的生活注入了更多美感!除了推廣自身品牌,Richard先生在節目中也呼籲,環保必須從日常生活中的點滴做起,例如使用環保杯、選擇玻璃容器,甚至可以在超市回收領取回收費用,這些都是我們每個人為地球貢獻力量的小而美的方式。有興趣的聽眾朋友們也可以關注Richard的Podcast-玻璃兄弟玻科客:https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/%E7%8E%BB%E7%92%83%E5%85%84%E5%BC%9F%E7%8E%BB%E7%A7%91%E5%AE%A2/id1557815788?l=en-GB ESG 調查局,節目每兩週更新一集,請收聽、點讃、訂閱並分享! Apple Podcasts👉https://apple.co/4aH1MxB Spotify👉https://sptfy.com/R6gm SoundOn 👉 https://tinyurl.com/yt8f94c5 YouTube👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doINsyogezI #ESG調查局, #創新, #華夏玻璃, #玻璃, #可持續發展, #永續, #社會企業, #環境保護, #再生, #回收杯, #AQUASOUL In the latest episode of ESG Detective, Richard Liao, the fourth-generation CEO of Hua-Shia Glass, shared his management philosophy within the family business. While the glass industry may be considered a sunset industry by the public, Richard has applied ESG principles, making his company not only sustainable but also an environmental exemplar. In recent years, he has also founded his own brand, Aqua Soul, infusing more aesthetics into our lives! Apart from promoting his own brand, Mr. Richard emphasizes on the show that environmental protection starts with small actions in our daily lives, such as using eco-friendly cups, opting for glass containers, and even collecting recycling fees at supermarkets. These are the beautiful ways each of us can contribute to the planet. The audience who Interested in Richard’s podcast, please follow the link: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/%E7%8E%BB%E7%92%83%E5%85%84%E5%BC%9F%E7%8E%BB%E7%A7%91%E5%AE%A2/id1557815788?l=en-GB Follow us: Apple Podcasts👉https://apple.co/4aH1MxB Spotify👉https://sptfy.com/R6gm SoundOn 👉https://tinyurl.com/yt8f94c5 YouTube👉https://youtu.be/QxqPQFlIsN4?si=I3uuTgX8nXGjzxUG #ESGDetectives, #Innovation, #hwahsia, #Richard, #SustainableDevelopment, #recycle, #aquasoul, #glasses --Hosting provided by SoundOn
畢業季來臨,節目邀請了銘傳大學設計學院副院長暨建築學系副教授李芝瑜Jeanne Lee,一同探索未來教育的新定義。李副院長將介紹銘傳大學如何將課程設計與創新及環境永續發展緊密結合,彰顯大學的社會責任(USR)。 節目內容還介紹銘傳大學校內的千人種樹活動,以及教師與學生們攜手將百貨商場過季裝飾品改造成偏鄉學校圖書館的家具,實現資源循環再利用。 我們還將探討如何鼓勵學生參與設計學校的文創商品,為創業者播下希望的種子。此外,李副院長也將國際流行的藝文活動Open Taipei帶進台北,推動城市美學。 最後,我們關注少子化對大學的影響。李副院長表示,少子化對銘傳大學影響不大,因為國際學生絡繹不絕。欲了解更多銘傳國際學院的資訊,請上網站:https://ic.mcu.edu.tw/homepage-zh/ 節目每兩週更新一集,請收聽、點讃、訂閱並分享! 追蹤我們: Apple Podcasts👉https://apple.co/4aH1MxB Spotify👉https://open.spotify.com/show/7utgrPS… SoundOn 👉 https://player.soundon.fm/p/411cc9c3-f264-4f98-b7d8-a52a75784b81 YouTube👉/ https://youtu.be/QxqPQFlIsN4?si=I3uuTgX8nXGjzxUG #ESG調查局, #創新, #銘傳大學, #MCU, #建築系, #可持續發展, #永續, #社會企業, #環境保護, #USR大學社會責任, #種樹, #綠色存款, #高等教育, #國際化 ESG Detectives🔍 Episode 10: Shaping Education at Ming Chuan University Join us for this episode as we explore the future of education with Dr. Jeanne Lee, Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Architecture at Ming Chuan University’s School of Design. Discover how Ming Chuan integrates ESG into its courses, emphasizing sustainable development and University Social Responsibility (USR). Learn about their tree-planting initiative and innovative projects like repurposing mall decorations into furniture for rural school libraries. Moreover, Associate Dean Lee has introduced a popular international event, Open Taipei, into the city, promoting urban aesthetics and architecture. Lastly, Associate Dean Lee noted that declining birth rates have little impact on Ming Chuan University, thanks to a steady influx of international students. For more details on Ming Chuan's International College, visit their website. Follow us: Apple Podcasts👉https://apple.co/4aH1MxB Spotify👉https://open.spotify.com/show/7utgrPS… SoundOn 👉 https://player.soundon.fm/p/411cc9c3-f264-4f98-b7d8-a52a75784b81 YouTube👉/ https://youtu.be/QxqPQFlIsN4?si=I3uuTgX8nXGjzxUG #ESGDetectives, #Innovation, #MingChuanUniversity, #MCU, #SustainableDevelopment, #USR, #SocialResponsibility --Hosting provided by SoundOn
在本節目中,我們邀請到了Voodoo Cycles的總裁 Deana Lam,Deana 帶來了一個非常新穎的想法-在火星上騎單車!這不僅僅是異想天開,更與地球的可持續發展息息相關。製造適合火星環境的自行車,所使用的材料都是環保的。不僅如此,騎自行車本身也是一種能夠減少碳足跡的通勤方式,還能適度地幫助我們放鬆心靈。這種創新的思維不僅有助於探索外太空,更能推動我們在地球上採取更加環保的生活方式。 另外,也提供各位聽眾朋友們一則活動訊息,6/8端午節假期開始,為了迎陽明山接花季 活動,Voodoo 在竹子湖畔將提供腳踏車出租活動。有興趣的朋友們歡迎至臉書紛絲團了解詳情。 https://www.facebook.com/VooDooCyclesTW/?locale=zh_TW In this episode, we have invited Deana Lam, the president of Voodoo Cycle. Deana has brought forth a truly novel idea: cycling on Mars! This is an extremely innovative concept that is not just a whimsical notion, but also closely linked to sustainable development on Earth. The bicycles designed for the Martian environment are made from eco-friendly materials. Moreover, cycling itself is a means of commuting that can reduce our carbon footprint while also providing a way to relax and unwind. This kind of innovative thinking not only aids in space exploration but also encourages us to adopt more environmentally friendly lifestyles here on Earth.Deana also provides an event message to all of the audience. The Dragon Boat Festival holiday begins on June 8, in order to welcome the flower season in Yangmingshan, Voodoo Bicycles provides bicycle rental activities. Welcome all of the audience to participate! You can also find more information through their Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/VooDooCyclesTW/?locale=zh_TW 每兩週更新一集,別忘了收聽按讚訂閱分享,並在以下平台關注我們: Apple Podcasts👉https://apple.co/4aH1MxB Spotify👉https://open.spotify.com/show/7utgrPS… SoundOn 👉 https://player.soundon.fm/p/411cc9c3-f264-4f98-b7d8-a52a75784b81 YouTube👉/ @esg_detectives #ESG調查局, #創新, #VoodooCycle, #可持續發展, #永續, #ESGDetectives, #環境保護, #體育, #體育用品, #單車, #陽明山, #火星, #再生, #運動, #健康, #Sustainability, #podcast, #innovation, #sustainabletravel, #commutebybike, #cycling, #bicycle, #Mars, #sustainabilitytolongevity, #future, #humanityonmars, #reducingcarbonfootprint, #netzero, #cycletomars, #ESG --Hosting provided by SoundOn
In this episode, we welcome Arthur Wittouck, Decathlon's Production Sustainability Leader. Arthur has introduced and promoted sustainable practices from the French headquarter to Taiwan, such as recycling used sports equipment and creating apparel from recycled plastic bottles. He also encourages customers to use public transportation or cycle to the store. Let's enjoy sports and shopping while contributing to the planet! 在本節目中,我們邀請到了Decathlon迪卡儂的永續發展主管Arthur Wittouck。Arthur將法國總部的永續發展趨勢引進台灣並大力推動,例如回收壽命結束的運動用品、使用寶特瓶回收製成的排汗衣等。此外,他還鼓勵消費者多搭乘大眾運輸工具或騎腳踏車前來購物。讓我們在享受運動及購物樂趣的同時,也為地球盡一份心力! 每兩週更新一集,別忘了收聽按讚訂閱分享,並在以下平台關注我們: Apple Podcasts👉https://apple.co/4aH1MxB Spotify👉 https://open.spotify.com/show/7utgrPSF7aK9LfwT3YyO4J?si=da4e54b00a6d4fcd SoundOn 👉 https://sndn.link/ESG KKBOX👉 https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/-q6v-2MY-PMByUK-D1 YouTube👉/ @esg_detectives #ESG調查局, #創新, #迪卡儂, #decathlon #可持續發展, #永續, #ESGDetectives, #Sustainability, #podcast, #innovation, #GreenProcurement, #SocialEnterprise, #創新, #永續, #環境保護, #體育, #體育用品, #再生, #運動, --Hosting provided by SoundOn
在這個母親節特別節目中,我們邀請到芙彤園Blueseeds的創辦人詹茹惠Stephanie,分享她感人至深的創業故事。Stephanie不僅將談及她從科技業高管轉型為B Corp社會企業家的心路歷程,還將揭示她母親當年如何支持她創業。此外,還會深入探討她在追求商業利益的同時,如何平衡環保與社會責任的挑戰,以及她如何建構綠色採購鏈和培育視障調香師。這個充滿溫情和勵志的創業故事,絕對值得您關注! In this special Mother's Day edition of our podcast, we'll be joined by Stephanie, founder of Blueseeds. She'll share her inspiring journey from tech executive to B Corp social entrepreneur, highlighting the unwavering support she received from her mother. We'll also discuss her innovative approaches to green procurement and empowering visually impaired perfumers. Get ready for an episode filled with warmth, inspiration, and invaluable insights! 節目每週三更新!別忘了收聽按讚訂閱分享,並在以下平台關注我們: Apple Podcasts👉https://apple.co/4aH1MxBSpotify👉https://open.spotify.com/show/7utgrPS…YouTube👉/ @esg_detectivesBlueseeds 官網7折優惠碼👉 Staphenie70168 https://www.blueseeds.com.tw/ 請於結帳時輸入,及優惠產品恕無法重複折扣 #ESG調查局, #創業, #創新, #芙彤園, #精油女王, #詹茹惠, #可持續發展, #永續, #ESGDetectives, #Sustainability, #podcast, #Entrepreneurship, #innovation, #essentialoils, #MothersDay, #SocialImpact, #GreenProcurement, #BCorp, #SocialEnterprise, 創業, 創新, 永續, 環境保護, 芙彤園, 精油, 母親節 --Hosting provided by SoundOn
每個人的一生當中,多少都會有一個想要創業或自己當老闆的夢想吧?但當要輪到我們創業的時候,要怎麼樣起步?我們該做什麼樣的準備?今天,我們邀請到前味全龍領隊、現任桃園市體育發展基金會董事兼執行長吳德威先生來分享他所經歷的故事。一位成功的創業著是如何看待產業的轉變,從台灣最早的電子產業,到現今最流行的電子競技產業,該如何掌握最新的市場趨勢並且進而成為一位成功的創業者?歡迎大家一起聆聽吳德威先生的故事! In everyone's life, at least one dream is to start a business or be one's own boss, right? But when it’s our turn to start a business, how do we get started? What preparations should we make? Today, we invite David Wu, the former team leader of WDragons and current director and CEO of the Taoyuan City Sports Development Foundation, to share his story. How does a successful entrepreneur view industry changes, from Taiwan's earliest electronics industry to today's most popular e-sports industry? How can he grasp the latest market trends and become a successful entrepreneur? Welcome everyone to listen to David Wu’s story! 節目每週三更新!別忘了收聽按讚訂閱分享,並在以下平台關注我們: · Apple Podcasts👉 https://apple.co/4aH1MxB Spotify👉https://open.spotify.com/show/7utgrPS… · YouTube👉 / @esg_detectives #ESG調查局, #創業, #創新, #領隊, #電競, #體育 #可持續發展, #永續, #ESGDetectives, #Sustainability, #podcast, Entrepreneurship, #innovation, #leader, #esports, #sports --Hosting provided by SoundOn
World Earth Day just passed, sparking global discussions on carbon reduction. But do you know about carbon capture? Meet Climeworks, one of the world's largest carbon capture companies based in Switzerland, with a capitalization exceeding $830 million. Each year, they capture over one million metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, storing it underground. Join us as we uncover their groundbreaking work with Climeworks' Asian representative, Trishna Nagrani. #ESGDetectives #Climeworks #CarbonCapture #Innovation #Sustainability 世界地球日剛過,全球正在熱烈討論減碳議題,但你了解什麼是碳捕捉嗎?位於瑞士的Climeworks是全球最大的碳捕捉公司之一,資本額超過8.3億美元。每年,他們能從大氣中捕捉超過一百萬公噸的二氧化碳,並將其儲存於地下。他們是如何實現這一驚人壯舉的呢?讓我們一起跟隨Climeworks的亞洲代表Trishna Nagrani,探索這個問題的答案。 📅 節目每週三更新!別忘了收聽按讚訂閱分享,並在以下平台關注我們💚: Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/4aH1MxBSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7utgrPSF7aK9LfwT3YyO4JYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ESG_Detectives#ESG調查局 #Climeworks #碳捕捉 #創新 #可持續發展 #永續 #ESGDetectives #Climeworks #CarbonCapture #Innovation #Sustainability --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Welcome to ESG Detectives! In this episode, we delve into the innovative work of Worapoj Ruenrerngwong, founder of Chosen, a smart energy management system for electric vehicle charging stations. Worapoj, a Thai engineer, aims to reduce electricity costs and prevent power outages when multiple vehicles are charging simultaneously. Join us as we explore how Chosen achieves this balance and contributes to sustainable energy solutions. 歡迎來到 ESG 調查局!在這一集中,我們將深入了解泰國工程師 Worapoj Ruenrerngwong 的創新工作,他創辦了 Chosen,一個為電動車充電站提供智慧能源管理系統的公司。Worapoj 致力於降低電費支出,並防止多車同時充電時的電力中斷。讓我們一起探討 Chosen 是如何實現這種平衡,並為永續能源解決方案做出貢獻。 #ESGDetectives, #Chosen, #SmartEnergy, #EVCharging, #SustainableTransportation, #Innovation, #ESG調查局, #Chosen, #智慧能源, #電動車充電, #永續, #創新, #GreenTech, #RenewableEnergy, #ClimateAction, #CleanTransportation, #FutureMobility, #EnvironmentalJustice, #GreenCities, #CarbonNeutral, #TechForGood, #CleanTech, #充電樁, --Hosting provided by SoundOn
ESG 調查局 ep3.塑膠之謎-地球救贖之路?許祥瑞_ ESG Detectives_The Plastic Enigma: Path to Earth's Redemption? 歡迎收聽《ESG 調查局》!在本集中,我們將帶大家一同解密塑膠的奧秘,了解永續材質圖書館如何幫助企業尋找環保原料,並探索塑膠工業的可持續發展。我們的嘉賓是財團法人塑膠工業技術發展中心的經理,許祥瑞先生。在這場冒險中,我們將一同揭開塑膠的神秘面紗,發現它的驚奇之處,並共同尋找拯救地球的新途徑! 1. 探索塑膠的神秘世界:我們將一同揭開塑膠的神秘面紗,並探索這個被視為地球敵人的材料,其實可能是我們未來的救贖! 2. 塑膠對地球的影響:我們將探討塑膠對地球的負面影響,以及如何透過創新和技術,將這個問題轉化為解決方案的契機。 3. 循環經濟中的塑膠角色:探索塑膠在循環經濟中的關鍵作用,以及它如何成為資源回收和再利用的重要元素。 4.塑膠工業中心的使命與目標:聽許經理分享塑膠中心的使命和目標,以及他們如何致力於促進塑膠工業的可持續發展。 5. 永續材質圖書館的奇幻世界:探索塑膠中心的永續材質圖書館,這個充滿驚奇的寶庫將如何推動永續發展的材料選擇和應用。 6. ESG永續管理研習班:塑膠中心與僑委會合作的ESG永續管理研習班,4月中開辦,這個活動如何在推動永續發展方面發揮作用。 7. 近來熱門的漂綠話題:如何明確識別企業是否真正致力於ESG,而非僅僅利用綠色行銷手段? 謝謝大家的收聽,讓我們一起為地球的永續發展盡一份心力! Welcome to "ESG Detectives"! In this episode, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of plastic, understand its impact on our planet, and explore the sustainable development of the plastic industry. Our guest today is Mr. Hsu Hsiang-Jui, Manager of the Plastics Industry Development Center, who will guide us through this exploration. 1. Unveiling the Mysteries of Plastic: We delve into the enigmatic world of plastic, discovering its marvels and seeking new pathways to save our planet. 2. The Impact of Plastic on Earth: We discuss the negative effects of plastic on our planet and how we can turn this challenge into an opportunity for solutions through innovation and technology. 3. The Role of Plastic in the Circular Economy: Exploring the pivotal role of plastic in the circular economy as a key element in resource recycling and reuse. 4. Mission and Goals of the Plastics Industry Center: Mr. Hsu Hsiang-Jui shares the center's mission and goals, focusing on promoting sustainable development in the plastic industry. 5. The Fantastical World of the Sustainable Materials Library: We uncover how the Sustainable Materials Library established by the Plastics Center drives material selection and application for sustainable development. 6. ESG Sustainability Management Workshops: Discussion on how ESG sustainability management workshops, organized in collaboration with the Overseas Community Affairs Council, contribute to advancing sustainability development. 7. Recent Hot Topics in Greenwashing: Exploring methods to accurately identify companies genuinely committed to ESG rather than merely utilizing green marketing tactics. #ESGDetectives #SustainabilityTalks #PlasticRevelation #SaveThePlanet #PlasticInnovation #CircularEconomy #SustainableMaterials #PlasticSustainability #GreenWash #ESG調查局 #永續 #循環經濟 #拯救地球 #ESG倡議 #塑膠創新 #塑膠 #綠色科技 #ESG #綠色行銷 #漂綠 --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Welcome to ESG Detectives! This episode, we explore Bobby Mahasith's innovative work at GreenrocketVC in Thailand. Bobby returned from Paris's bustling beauty industry to establish GreenrocketVC. His mission? Transforming air into drinkable water, aiming to revolutionize the drinking water industry like Tesla. Join us as we uncover Bobby's journey and his efforts to boost Asia's green industry with innovative partners. #ESGDetectives #AirtoWater #GreenrocketVC #GreenTech #AsiaGreenIndustry 歡迎來到 ESG 調查局!這集中,我們探索泰國 GreenrocketVC 創辦人 Bobby Mahasith 的創新工作。Bobby 從巴黎繁華的美妝業回到泰國,創立了 GreenrocketVC。他的使命是將空氣轉化為可飲用的水,立志像特斯拉一樣改革飲用水行業。讓我們一起揭開 Bobby 的旅程,以及他與創新夥伴一同推動亞洲綠色產業的努力。#ESG調查局 #永續發展 #空氣變水 #綠色科技 #創業 YouTube影片版(中文字幕Chinese Subtitles) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKzO63nYNA --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Welcome to ESG Detectives! In this episode, we're thrilled to introduce Elias Ek, President of Enspyre, a leading B2B marketing firm in Taipei, and co-founder of Keego Mobility, a cutting-edge delivery e-bike company. Join us as we explore Elias's passion for sustainability and his insights into the e-bike industry. #ESGDetectives #SustainabilityTalks #EliasEk #EbikeRevolution #KeegoMobility #ESGInitiatives #GreenDelivery #B2BMarketing #TaipeiBusiness #InnovationInsights #TechTrends #sustainablemobility #esg #entrepreneur 歡迎來到《ESG 調查局》!這次節目我們要介紹的是 Elias Ek!來自瑞典的他是一位來自瑞典的總裁,管理台北的 B2B 行銷公司 Enspyre,同時也是 Keego Mobility 的創辦人之一!年少的他,騎著單車穿梭歐洲街頭送報紙,現在的他,想以E-Bike電動單車掀起送貨新風潮!從超酷的科技創新到消費者的新愛好,一起聽聽電動單車如何改寫城市送貨規則!#ESG調查局 #永續發展 #電動單車 #ESG倡議 #綠色送貨 #B2B行銷 #新創 #科技趨勢 #企業家 --Hosting provided by SoundOn