Discussing political philosophy, current events, activism, and the inevitable historical downfall of capitalism from a revolutionary leftist perspective.
Comedians Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster create honest conversations with fascinating people. New episodes every Sunday and Wednesday. Become a Premium Member to receive exclusive benefits
The global politics podcast at the end of the End of History. Politics is back but it’s stranger than ever: join us as we chart a course beyond the age of ’bunga bunga’. Interviews, long-form discussions, docu-series.
Cenk Uygur and a rotation of guest hosts sit down for quick but substantive interviews with political and cultural thought leaders from around the US and the world. Expect to see politicians from both sides of the aisle, media personalities, actors, directors, and more.
Vital Dissent seeks to oppose calamitous escalation in US foreign policy by exposing establishment narratives with well-researched documentary content and insightful guest interviews. Topics include: an antiwar foreign policy, historical revisionism, technocracy, eugenics, government & private corruption, & the use & development of propaganda. Host Patrick MacFarlane is the Justin Raimondo Fellow at the Libertarian Institute. He is a practicing attorney. His work has appeared on and Zerohedge.
We are here to protect marginalized people, educate allies, amplify silenced voices, and have fun while doing it! This is a radical social justice intersectional podcast featuring two women of color, and we are holding a space for you to sit with us as our third!
Our lives have changed – our politics need to change too. Now is a time for us to remember that we need each other as Americans. Now is a time for us to reject those voices that say we don’t. The Braver Angels Podcast brings you face to face with leading voices from across the divide alongside remarkable Americans you did not know existed. Experience a movement to reignite the spirit of America and defeat the forces that divide us. With John Wood, Jr., Ciaran O’Connor and April Lawson.
The Final Straw Radio is a weekly, anarchist show eminating from occupied Cherokee lands in so-called North Carolina and featuring the voices of folks engaged in struggles for liberation and the creation of rad culture since 2009. We're also syndicated on a few community radio stations around the U.S. We frequently also feature radio commentaries from anarchist prisoner Sean Swain and are a proud member of CZN (The Channel Zero Network) and ARN (The A-Radio Network).
Check out our past archives and ways to connect with us at -
Vihreä Tuuma -podcastissa fundeerataan laajasti vihreää ajatusmaailmaa koskettavia teemoja. Tuomme yhteen asiantuntijoita, vaikuttajia ja aktivisteja, joilla on erilaisia näkökulmia maailmamme viheliäisiin ongelmiin. Tarjoamme mahdollisuuksia oppia uutta tästä ajasta.
Podcastia julkaisee Ajatuspaja Visio. Ehdota käsiteltäviä aiheita ja vieraita: AJATUSPAJAVISIO.FI/AJATUSPATA/ -
Kaikki Uusiksi on kerran viikossa ilmestyvä uutispodcast, jossa kommentoidaan ja analysoidaan viikon puheenaiheita takavasemmalta. Juontajina Jussi Virkkunen ja Toivo Haimi.
En åländsk podd om högt och lågt inom hållbar utveckling. Med Erica Scott och Alfons Röblom, talespersoner för partiet Hållbart Initiativ.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A podcast about sexual politics -
Rojin kapinallinen kurdi on podcast, jossa keskustellaan tärkeistä yhteiskunnallisista kysymyksistä teekupillisen äärellä.
Podcastissa käsitellään palavia ajankohtaisia aiheita, jotka herättävät tunteita ja joista moni välttelee puhumista. Tavoitteena on tarjota kuulijoille moninaisempi kuva yhteiskunnan tilasta. Jaksojen teemoina on esimerkiksi mielenterveys ja tasa-arvo. -
Kaikki Paskaksi & Ystävät on podcast, joka syväluotaa meemikulttuuria ja tutustuttaa ihmisiä admineihin meemitilien takana.
Joka jaksossa käsitellään haastateltavan adminin historiaa ja tilien sisältöä, jonka jälkeen nähtävästi ajaudutaan aina uusille urille vähän milloin minnekkin...
Ohjelmaa tuotetaan yhteistyössä Voiman kanssa. -
Sanavalta on podcast julkisen puheen, kielen ja yhteiskunnan ilmiöistä. Äänessä Maija Alander, Vilppu Rantanen ja vaihtuvat vieraat.
Do feminists just hate men? Is the gender pay gap even real? Join Aileen (@tindertranslators) and Dan (@the_nice_ish_psychologist) as they take on the myths of the manosphere, one 'fact' at a time. Content note: there will be sexism, and lots of swears.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Black political and cultural podcast curated by Central IL organizers Ahki the G & Sunny Ture. All opinions expressed here are those of the hosts.
Presidentti – jos kuka – on arvojohtaja. Siksi tässä podcastissa puhutaan presidenttiehdokkaiden kanssa heidän arvoistaan arvoista eli siitä, mikä meitä elämässä oikeasti ohjaa. Sarjaa julkaiseva Diakonissalaitos on yleishyödyllinen säätiökonserni, joka on toiminut rohkeasti ihmisarvon puolesta jo yli 150 vuoden ajan. Keskustelut juontaa toimittaja Kimmo Ohtonen.
Join Raoul Martinez and Yanis Varoufakis for a series of fascinating discussions on power, capitalism and the crises of civilisation with renowned guests from the world of politics and the arts.
Yanis Varoufakis is an economist, politician, author and the former finance minister of Greece. To find out more, go to:
Raoul Martinez is a philosopher, author, artist and filmmaker. To find out more, go to:
This podcast series is released in conjunction with an acclaimed new docuseries about the journey and thought of Yanis Varoufakis, "In The Eye Of The Storm — The Political Odyssey Of Yanis Varoufakis". To find out more, go to:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
David Knight brings you news, interviews and analysis LIVE every weekday morning. With decades of experience as news anchor, reporter and radio host, political candidate, David has broadcast live from events ranging from political conventions to the Bundy ranch standoff. With guests ranging from the former tech head of the NSA to the New Jersey Weedman, the broadcasts are diverse in topics. As an entrepreneur with a background in engineering and politics, Knight explores the junction of business, technology and freedom with experts in their field.