Join us for this week’s Editor’s Choice Article about ‘Machine Learning Based Prediction of Post-operative Infrarenal Endograft Apposition for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms' (Nov 2024 EJVES). We are honoured to have the first author Dr. van Veldhuizen join us for an in depth discussion of the paper, explaining the intricacies of the model and what this research could mean for future automated preoperative aortic planning.
Link to full article:
Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Post-operative Infrarenal Endograft Apposition for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Willemina van Veldhuizen, Jean-Paul P.M. de Vries, Annemarii Tuinstra, Jelmer M. Wolterink, Richte. C.L. Schuurmann, Virtual Stenting Study Group. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. November 2024. 68(5):577-578.
Unlocking Endoleak Risk: Machine Learning and Aortic Geometry in Endovascular Aneurysm Repair Failure Prediction Ryan Gouveia E Melo, Graeme K Ambler European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery November 2024. Volume 68, Issue 5, P577-578.Link to full article: https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1078-5884(24)00685-3Shortest Apposition Length at the First Postoperative Computed Tomography Angiography Identifies Patients at Risk for Developing a Late Type la Endoleak, After Endovascular Aneurysm Repair. Anna C.M. Geraedts, MD, Roy Zuidema, MD. ODYSSEUS-TIEL Study Group. Volume 31, Issue 2. Journal of Endovascular Therapy. Volume 31, Issue 2, April 2024. Pages 274-281.Link to full article: https://doi.org/10.1177/15266028221120514Use of Artificial Intelligence With Deep Learning Approaches for the Follow-up of Infrarenal Endovascular Aortic Repair. Quentin Coatsaliou, Fabien Largyre, Caroline Caradu, et al. Journal of Endovascular Therapy. 2024 May 9.https://doi.org/10.1177/15266028241252097 -
This paper explores whether machine learning techniques can improve the prediction of arteriovenous access survival and avoid failures in patients transitioning from central venous catheters to arteriovenous fistulas or grafts. It was published as an Editor’s choice paper in EJVES November 2024.
Editor's Choice – Challenges of Predicting Arteriovenous Access Survival Prior to Conversion from Catheter
Hofmann, Amun G et al.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Volume 68, Issue 5, 654 - 662, November 2024
Puuttuva jakso?
During the ESVS Annual Meeting in Kraków, we had the lovely opportunity to exchange with Flavia Gentile and Roberta Brambilla, respectively the former and current ESVS Academy Pathway Leads for Dialysis.
Together, we dig deeper into the gaps of evidence in vascular access obstruction. In this second part of this discussion.
More on the ESVS Dialysis Pathway: https://esvs.org/esvs-academy/esvs-academy-pathways/vascular-access-path/
During the ESVS Annual Meeting in Kraków, we had the lovely opportunity to exchange with Flavia Gentile and Roberta Brambilla, respectively the former and current ESVS Academy Pathway Leads for Dialysis.
Together, we dig deeper into the gaps of evidence in vascular access obstruction. In this first part of this discussion, we discuss pre-operative planning, and patient selection and assessment.
More on the ESVS Dialysis Pathway: https://esvs.org/esvs-academy/esvs-academy-pathways/vascular-access-path/
In today's podcast, Laurence Bertrand and Suzanne Stokmans dissect this multicentre observational study from Japan recently published in the EJVES looking at infra popliteal revascularisation in CLTI. This study focuses on choosing the appropriate target lesion to achieve infrapopliteal revascularisation. They compare targeting in line flow to the wound based on personalised angiograms as opposed to in line flow to the foot based on the traditional angiosome concept.
Link to the full article (Open Access): https://www.ejves.com/article/S1078-5884(24)00634-8/fulltext
Editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (EJVES), Prof. Martin Björck, and Senior Editor, Assistant Prof. Jon Boyle joins Egle Kavaliunaite in today's podcast.
Together, they discuss the latest EJVES Editorial on Reporting Standards, "Why Should You Submit Your Best Papers to the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery?", published in the January 2025 issue.
Read the editorial here: https://www.ejves.com/article/S1078-5884(24)00905-5/fulltext
Today we are going to discuss another Editor’s Choice article from the European Journal for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (EJVES). The title is: Association of Pedal Acceleration Time With Healing and Amputation Free Survival in Patients With Ulceration and Gangrene by Odette Hart et al from The University of Auckland and Waikato Hospital in Hamilton, New Zealand. The article was published as an Editor’s choice in the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular surgery in October 2024.
Editor's Choice – Association of Pedal Acceleration Time With Healing and Amputation Free Survival in Patients With Ulceration and Gangrene
Hart, Odette et al.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Volume 68, Issue 4, 490 - 497
Here is a teaser of some of what you can expect from ESVS this year... Happy 2025!
Chronic venous disease, which affects almost 70% of the population, has recently been proved to be associated with increased prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and all-cause death. We explore the evidence sustaining this statement, potential pathophysiological pathways underlying the association, and implications for everyday clinical practice with Dr. Joana Ferreira. You'll be surprised, and inspired, by this paradigm shift!
This podcast with Prof. Robert Hinchliffe and Prof. Stephen Black gives some extra information on the EVeR registry, an initiative aimed at advancing our understanding and treatment of venous diseases. This registry is a collaborative effort between leading vascular specialists, researchers, and healthcare institutions across Europe. The registry was developed in collaboration with the European Vascular Research Collaborative (EVRC).
Deep venous diseases affect millions of people worldwide. Despite their prevalence, many aspects of these conditions remain poorly understood. EVeR will play a crucial role in addressing this knowledge gap by:
- Collecting comprehensive data: Gathering detailed information on patients with venous diseases, including their symptoms, medical history, treatments, and outcomes.
- Evaluating treatment effectiveness: Assessing the efficacy of different treatment options for venous diseases.
- Improving patient care: Ultimately, EVeR will help to improve the treatment and management of venous diseases
If you are a healthcare professional treating patients with venous diseases, we encourage you to join EVeR. By contributing data to the registry, you can help to improve the lives of patients with these conditions.
Join us in this expert interview of 2024 PAD guideline Co-Author Dr. Van de Water (Maastricht) and 2023 ZILVERPASS Author Dr. Bosiers (Bern) in this timely debate.
- Bosiers M, De Donato G, Torsello G, et al. ZILVERPASS study: ZILVER PTX Stent vs Bypass Surgery in Femoropopliteal lesions. J Cardiovasc Surg. 2023. https://doi.org/10.23736/S0021- 9509.23.12607
- RJ Vossen, TM Fokkema, AC Vahl, and R Balm. Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing the autogenous vein bypass versus a prosthetic graft for above-the-knee femoropopliteal bypass surgery in patients with intermittent claudication. Vascular. Sept 6 2022. Vol 32 issue 1.
- Maxime Dubosq-Lebaz , Audrey Fels , Gilles Chatellier , Yann Gouëffic Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Clinical Outcomes After Endovascular Treatment in Patients With Femoropopliteal Lesions Greater Than 150 mm. J Endovasc Ther. 2023 Sep 30:15266028231202709.
- Alik Farber et al. Surgery or Endovascular Therapy for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia (BEST-CLI). N Engl J Med. 2022 Dec 22;387(25):2305-2316.
- Andrew W Bradbury et al. A vein bypass first versus a best endovascular treatment first revascularisation strategy for patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia who required an infra-popliteal, with or without an additional more proximal infra-inguinal revascularisation procedure to restore limb perfusion (BASIL-2): an open-label, randomised, multicentre, phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2023 May 27;401(10390):1798-1809.
- Nordanstig et al. European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) 2024 Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Asymptomatic Lower Limb Peripheral Arterial Disease and Intermittent Claudication. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg (2024) 67, 9e96)References:
- Bosiers M, De Donato G, Torsello G, et al. ZILVERPASS study: ZILVER PTX Stent vs Bypass Surgery in Femoropopliteal lesions. J Cardiovasc Surg. 2023. https://doi.org/10.23736/S0021- 9509.23.12607
- RJ Vossen, TM Fokkema, AC Vahl, and R Balm. Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing the autogenous vein bypass versus a prosthetic graft for above-the-knee femoropopliteal bypass surgery in patients with intermittent claudication. Vascular. Sept 6 2022. Vol 32 issue 1.
- Maxime Dubosq-Lebaz , Audrey Fels , Gilles Chatellier , Yann Gouëffic Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Clinical Outcomes After Endovascular Treatment in Patients With Femoropopliteal Lesions Greater Than 150 mm. J Endovasc Ther. 2023 Sep 30:15266028231202709.
- Alik Farber et al. Surgery or Endovascular Therapy for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia (BEST-CLI). N Engl J Med. 2022 Dec 22;387(25):2305-2316.
- Andrew W Bradbury et al. A vein bypass first versus a best endovascular treatment first revascularisation strategy for patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia who required an infra-popliteal, with or without an additional more proximal infra-inguinal revascularisation procedure to restore limb perfusion (BASIL-2): an open-label, randomised, multicentre, phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2023 May 27;401(10390):1798-1809.
- Nordanstig et al. European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) 2024 Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Asymptomatic Lower Limb Peripheral Arterial Disease and Intermittent Claudication. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg (2024) 67, 9e96)
In this week's episode, together with a cardiologist Dr. Gisela Teixido Tura, we will try to unwrap a complex topic of aortopathies, placing a lot of focus on the success of the treatment in diagnostics of those conditions and a multidisciplinary management. Take a listen!
Non-technical skills have a big influence on surgical patient outcomes. For the first time, during the ESVS Annual Meeting, a specific Academy workshop was focused on this topic. In this podcast, Drs. Andrew Garnham and Rosie Darwood guide us through the concept, teaching and practice of these skills for vascular surgeons. Listen on!
Today’s episode is a throwback to ESVS Annual meeting in Krakow. Prof. E.Avgerinos has shared his knowledge about pelvic venous disease, while also taking opportunity to raise awarness on this condition. We focus on an overview of the disease with detailed information on pelvic embolisation- take a listen, you won’t regret it.
In this podcast, we talk with Drs. Melina Vega de Ceniga and Arindam Chaudhuri, former and current Editors in chief of the ESVS journal Vascular Forum, about the revamp and development of the journal, about the achievement of the impact factor, about team work, and much more!
EJVES Vascular Forum is aimed primarily at vascular surgeons dealing with patients who have arterial, venous and lymphatic diseases. The focus of the journal is to provide an inclusive multimedia platform for education, dissemination of scientific content, interactive discussion and opinion formation. It publishes case reports and case series, technical notes, original research in a medium length format, literary reviews with educational value and other commissioned educational pieces, like evidence based clinical scenarios.
Head to the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Vascular Forum at ejvesreports.com
Have you moved to a different country to do your training or to work as a consultant, or are you thinking of doing it and are wondering about the pros and cons? Well, this is exactly the topic of today’s podcast: vascular nomads. Recording from the 2024 ESVS Annual Meeting in Krakow we are grateful for the open and honest stories of Carlota Fernandez Prendes and Vaiva Dabravolskaité, living and working successfully as Vascular Nomads.
Editor's Choice Episode: the COSTLY-TLR study evaluates the cost of revascularising PAD patients with restenosed or reoccluded stents. Laurence Bertrand interviews authors Dr. Konstantinos Stavroulakis and Prof. Dr. Athanasios Saratzis to discuss their findings and the potential consequences for clinical practice.
Link to the original article:
Link to references article in discussion:
Welcome to the final episode of the Q&A series of the 2024 ESVS clinical practice guidelines on the Management of Abdominal Aorto-Iliac Artery Aneurysms. In this series of podcasts, we are highlighting the new, complex and most controversial recommendations in these guideline. On today’s episode we will talk about the postoperative management of AAA patients.
Welcome to part 2 of the Q&A series of the 2024 ESVS clinical practice guidelines on the Management of Abdominal Aorto-Iliac Artery Aneurysms. In this podcast, we will highlight the new, complex and most controversial recommendations in this guideline. On today’s episode we will dive deeper into the peroperative management of AAA patients.
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