
  • I'm closing down this podcast at the end of June 2024. But, life goes on. I've moved all my written, audio and even video over to www.jameshazelwood.substack.com

    Join me there.

    It's been great

    Thank you


  • I read the opening chapter of my new book, Ordinary Mysteries: Reflections on Faith, Doubt & Meaning. The book launches on April 30, 2024. But I've got a pre-launch special of a hardbound color edition. More information at www.ordinarymysteriesbook.com

    or my website www.jameshazelwood.net

    Book Description

    Journey between two realms—the sacred and the mundane—with this thoughtful collection of essays on spirituality in everyday life. Drawing upon personal stories, cultural references, and wisdom from every age, James Hazelwood invites readers to uncover the thin spaces where heaven and earth meet.

    From daily encounters in nature to the symbolism of dreams, the mundane is revealed as a gateway to the divine. Hazelwood explores the power to awaken grace and meaning through spiritual practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and compassion. With humor and heart, these stories and reflections offer insight for those looking to deepen their faith and nurture their spiritual life amidst the complexities of the modern world.

    Blending theology, philosophy, and psychology, this book will open you to the extraordinary mysteries in ordinary life. Discover how attentiveness and an open heart can reveal the holy ground beneath your feet. This is an invitation to the spiritual journey, where your own story is woven into the Infinite.


    “ORDINARY MYSTERIES is extraordinary in how much in-depth theology, psychology, and spirituality are brought together in one book. Here is Carl Jung paired with Howard Thurmond. Explorations into Trinity, Beatitudes, Ash Wednesday. We are invited to a “holy curiosity” and “a gritty mysticism grounded in compassion.”

    Bishop Doug Fisher
    Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts

    “Throughout this book of essays, James Hazelwood extends a continual and continuous invitation that dares us to see differently. Adjusting the lens and opening the aperture, he offers a view that is wider, deeper and nuanced by a light that allows the detail of shadow to emerge. Jim's scope is broad, his humor wry and his gaze unflinching. Reading Ordinary Mysteries felt like meeting a friend for honest conversation over multiple cups of strong coffee. I was left with a sharpened awareness of The Holy within and around me.”

    Sheila Longo Petruccelli
    Director of Creative Embodiment
    The Haden Institute

    James Hazelwood serves as Bishop of the New England Synod (ELCA Lutheran). His previous books include Everyday Spirituality and Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life. His website is www.jameshazelwood.net

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  • Rev. Dr. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson is Associate Pastor at Tokyo Lutheran Church and the Founder of Thornbush Press. She has written, edited, and contributed to numerous books of both theology and fiction and has published hundreds of articles. She hosts the podcasts Queen of the Sciences, Sarah Hinlicky Wilson Stories, and The Disentanglement Podcast, and writes the e-newsletter Theology & a Recipe.

    She is the Founder of Thornbush Press, launched in 2020, and author of a number of books under its imprint: I Am a Brave Bridge, Sermon on the Mount: A Poetic Paraphrase, Small Catechism: Memorizing Edition, Pearly Gates: Parables from the Final Threshold, To Baptize or Not to Baptize: A Practical Guide for Clergy, and A-Tumblin’ Down.

    https://www.sarahhinlickywilson.com/theology https://thornbushpress.com/books/
  • Guest: Professor Volker Leppin, Horace Tracy Pitkin Professor of Historical Theology at Yale Divinity School. He is a native of Germany, and a Reformation scholar

    Show Notes

    In the interview, Volker suggests people read Martin Luther’s Treatise on Christian Liberty also called the Freedom of a Christian. You can find many translations. Here is one for free online, though I prefer the version in Timothy Lull’s Martin Luther’s Writing collection.

    My regular Newsletter with an Essay on Mysticism and Psychology


    Volker Leppin Bio

    Educated at the University of Marburg Heidelberg University, and the Theological Academic Year in Jerusalem program, Volker Leppin received a chair in Church History at the University of Jena (Thuringia, Germany) in 2000. Ten years later, he moved to the University of Tübingen in Southern Germany, where he held the chair in Church History and directed the Institute for Late Middle Ages and Reformation from 2010 to 2021. He is a member of the Academies of Sciences at Heidelberg, the Saxonian Academy of Sciences, and as well the European Academy of Arts and Sciences, Salzburg, Austria, three distinguished scholarly societies in Europe.

    Professor Leppin is the author of 20 monographs, most of them in German.

    His biography of Martin Luther, Martin Luther. A Late Medieval Life, (Baker Academic, 2017) is also available in English. He has provided several critical text editions, e.g. William of Ockham, Dialogus. Part 2. Part 3, Tract 1, ed. with John Kilcullen, John Scott and Jan Ballweg (Oxford, 2011). In addition, he is the editor or co-editor of 53 books, and the author of more than 300 scholarly articles and chapters, altogether covering a broad range of interests from antiquity to the modern area.

    Professor Leppin’s scholarship is particularly interested in medieval and Reformation studies. He argues that the Reformation should be understood as a transformation of the medieval world rather than a stark rupture. His work also focuses on the history of spirituality, mainly in mysticism. Accordingly, his most recent book is a history of Christian mysticism from the Bible to the 20th century: Ruhen in Gott (Rest in God).


    Host: James Hazelwood

    James Hazelwood, author, bishop, and spiritual companion, is the author of Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life and Everyday Spirituality: Discover a Life of Hope, Peace, and Meaning. His website is www.jameshazelwood.net

  • Joanna Penn on Writing the Shadow

    Episode 89. Special Edition Interview with Author, Creative, Businesswoman and Host of the Creative Penn podcast, Joanna Penn.

    Joanna is a multidimensional person with interests spanning psychology, theology, business, writing, publishing, and Artificial Intelligence among many pursuits. She is the author of over 45 books, and she’s already imagining the next one. Her most recent is Writing the Shadow: Turn your Inner Darkness into Words. That’s the focus of our conversation in this episode.

    To join the kickstarter campaign or buy the book click here www.TheCreativePenn.com/shadowbook

    Personal Updates

    On Wednesday evening, October 11, I’ll be joined by local musician Mike Bussey for an evening called “Songs and Stories of Weird Wisdom.” Cross Mills Library in Charlestown, Rhode Island.

    Write me at jim@jameshazelwood.net

    My Weekly Newsletter with an Essay on Mysticism and Psychology


    Guest Bio - Joanna (J.F. Penn) Penn



    She is an award-nominated, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author with 45+ books, with almost a million sold across 169 countries and 5 languages. She is a podcaster, international speaker, and award-winning creative entrepreneur.

    Joanna (J.F.) Penn
    New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Thriller Author
    Podcaster. Speaker. Award-winning Entrepreneur.

    For authors and writers:



    The Creative Penn Podcast: www.TheCreativePenn.com/podcasts/


    Thrillers, dark fantasy, crime, horror:




    Host: James Hazelwood

    James Hazelwood, author, bishop, and spiritual companion, is the author of Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life and Everyday Spirituality: Discover a Life of Hope, Peace, and Meaning. His website is www.jameshazelwood.net

  • Encountering Mystery

    Guest: Professor Dale Allison, Princeton Theological Seminary, author of many books on the New Testament. The most recent book and topic of our conversation is Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age

    Personal Updates

    On Wednesday evening, October 11, I’ll be joined by local musician Mike Bussey for an evening called “Songs and Stories of Weird Wisdom.” Cross Mills Library in Charlestown, Rhode Island.

    Write me at jim@jameshazelwood.net

    My Weekly Newsletter with an Essay on Mysticism and Psychology


    Dale Allison Bio

    Dale C. Allison, Jr. is the Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary. He earned his MA and PhD from Duke University. His academic research and publications include the historical Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew, Second Temple Judaism, and the history of the interpretation and application of biblical texts. His book, Constructing Jesus, was selected as “Best Book Relating to the New Testament” for 2009–2010 by the Biblical Archaeology Society. His most recent books are The Resurrection of Jesus: Apologetics, Polemic, History and Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age. He served for several years as the main New Testament editor for de Gruyter’s International Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception and has been on the editorial boards of multiple academic journals. On a more popular level, he has written books on George Harrison, religious experience, and death and what might lie beyond.


    Host: James Hazelwood

    James Hazelwood, author, bishop, and spiritual companion, is the author of Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life and Everyday Spirituality: Discover a Life of Hope, Peace, and Meaning. His website is www.jameshazelwood.net

  • Guest Sept 2023 is Sheri Kling

    Coming up. Interviews with Dale Allison Encountering Mystery, David Tracey, Volker Leppin and Joanna Penn

    Substack Newsletter. https://jameshazelwood.substack.com/

    Thanks to the newest supporter, Jonathan V, and others Charlie, Paul, Marilyn, Rick, Matt, Ron, William, Leslie.


    Today's interview

    As an accomplished keynoter, faculty member of the Haden Institute, and director of Process & Faith for the Center for Process Studies and Claremont School of Theology,

    Dr. Sheri regularly speaks to groups, leads retreats, works one-on-one with individuals who seek to deepen their spiritual lives, and guides groups in online and in-person special events. Her primary text, A Process Spirituality: Christian and Transreligious Resources for Transformation was published by Lexington Books in 2020. She has numerous other publications and has released three music CDs.

    Dr. Sheri Kling holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Religion (Claremont School of Theology) and a M.A. of theological studies (Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago). She is a faculty member of the Haden Institute and a singer-songwriter, guitarist, and recording artist who considers herself a “voice for transformation."


  • Episode 86 or Episode 5 of Season 2

    Guest: Rev. Stuart Higginbotham, Episcopal Priest serving Grace Episcopal Church in Gainsville, Georgia. http://www.gracechurchgainesville.org. Full Bio below

    Author of The Heart of a Calling


    Commend to you the work of Dr. Martin Shaw. Martin is a storyteller and author. https://drmartinshaw.com

    Stephen Jenkinson. He is a former Hospice and Palliative Care director in Toronto, Canada. Grief & Mystery. https://orphanwisdom.com

    Dr. Fanny Brewster has a new book out titled Race and the Unconscious: An Africanist Depth Psychology Perspective on Dreaming

    August 4, 2023 Book Launch


    Personal Updates

    On Wednesday evening, September 13, I’ll be joined by local musician Mike Bussey for an evening called “Songs and Stories of Weird Wisdom.” Cross Mills Library in Charlestown, Rhode Island.

    Write me at jim@jameshazelwood.net

    My Weekly Newsletter with an Essay on Mysticism and Psychology


    Poem by William Stafford

    The Way it Is

    There’s a thread you follow. It goes among
    things that change. But it doesn’t change.

    People wonder about what you are pursuing.
    You have to explain about the thread.
    But it is hard for others to see.
    While you hold it you can’t get lost.

    Tragedies happen; people get hurt
    or die; and you suffer and get old.
    Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.
    You don’t ever let go of the thread.

    Stuart’s Bio

    I began my cure as rector of Grace in early January 2014, after serving as Senior Associate at St. Benedict’s in Smyrna, Georgia, for over five years. Working with the entire leadership team at Grace, I have a particular passion for the intersection of contemplative practices and congregational development. Grace is an extraordinary community of nearly one thousand souls, and I feel blessed to live and pray among them as we prepare to celebrate our Bicentennial in 2028. I also serve as Assistant Professor in the Practice of Spiritual Formation and Ministry at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. At Candler, I focus on the contextual education of the Episcopal and Anglican seminarians, exploring the dynamics of congregational life in a “laboratory of spiritual imagination.”

    Candler School of Theology Anglican/Episcopal Studies Program

    My broader work as a priest, teacher, retreat leader, and author is grounded in the Christian contemplative tradition. I continue to share in ongoing conversations with friends from the New Contemplative Exchange, a fellowship first gathered by Thomas Keating, Richard Rohr, Tilden Edwards, and Laurence Freeman at St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado in August 2017. Since that time, I contributed to and co-edited the volume Contemplation and Community: A Gathering of Fresh Voices for a Living Tradition (Crossroad, 2019) and am the author of The Heart of a Calling: The Practice of Christian Mindfulness in Congregational Ministry (Crossroad, 2021).

    Before “church life,” I studied in the pre-med program at Lyon College in Batesville, Arkansas (B.S. in Biology, summa cum laude), and I did my initial theological studies at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia (M.Div, honors in spiritual formation). I also completed a certificate in Anglican Studies and the Doctor of Ministry degree from the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee Tennessee.

    With the global contemplative community, I have worked with the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, the World Community for Christian Meditation, Contemplative Outreach, the Candler School of Theology, Mepkin Abbey, and others. As well, I continue my practice and research into the connections between the Christian contemplative tradition and the Tibetan/Himalayan Buddhism, and I have a deep appreciation for the intersection of poetry and contemplative practice.

    My wife, Lisa, and I have one daughter, Evelyn. We both grew up in Southeastern Arkansas, in the Mississippi Delta, with fried catfish, sweet tea, and mosquitoes the size of small birds.


    Host: James Hazelwood

    James Hazelwood, author, bishop, and spiritual companion, is the author of Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life and Everyday Spirituality: Discover a Life of Hope, Peace, and Meaning. His website is www.jameshazelwood.net

  • Episode 85 or Episode 4 of Season 2

    Guest: Sheila Petruccelli

    Emails and letters

    Write me at jim@jameshazelwood.net

    My Weekly Newsletter with an Essay on Mysticism and Psychology


    Interview Guest & Links

    Sheila Petruccelli is the Director of Creative Embodiment at the Haden Institute which is a Center for Spiritual Direction training in North Carolina. She is also an artist and spiritual director herself.

    You can find her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/sheila.petruccelli/

    Links from our conversation

    Haden Institute https://www.hadeninstitute.com

    The Poetry of David Whyte https://davidwhyte.com

    Photo of My Dream Book from my time in the Creative Space

    The Work of Brene Brown on Creative Shame https://brenebrown.com

    Robert Bly’s Poetry https://robertbly.com

    His book Loving a Woman in Two Worlds

    Rag & Bone Shop of the Heart : Poetry for Men Edited by Bly, Hillman and Meade

    About Sheila Sheila Petruccelli is the Director of Creative Embodiment at the Haden Institute, a Center for Spiritual Direction training in North Carolina. She is also an artist and spiritual director herself.

    You can find her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/sheila.petruccelli/

    James Hazelwood, author, bishop, and spiritual companion, is the author of Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life and Everyday Spirituality: Discover a Life of Hope, Peace, and Meaning. His website is www.jameshazelwood.net

  • Episode 84 or Episode 3 of Season 2

    Guest: Dr. Lerita Coleman Brown

    Link to my Substack Article on Howard Thurman and Carl Jung



    I was a guest on the Retirement Wisdom Podcast

    Podcast Episode here

    PSYCHE & EARTH -A Relationship in Crisis
    November 2–5, 2023
    Santa Fe, New Mexico

    Hartford International University

    Eco-Spirituality Program

    Click here

    Personal Updates

    Emails and letters

    Write me at jim@jameshazelwood.net

    My Weekly Newsletter with an Essay on Mysticism and Psychology


    Interview Guest & Links

    Lerita Coleman Brown, author, speaker, heart and kidney transplant recipient, and former psychology professor. As a Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation graduate, I serve as a *spiritual director/companion retreat leader.

    She lives in Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, with my husband, and our family includes two grown children and one grandchild who resides in Dallas, Texas, and Baltimore, Maryland.

    Author of a New Book on Howard Thurman, “What Makes Your Heart Sing: A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman.”

    Lerita Coleman Brown's website https://leritacolemanbrown.com

    Howard Thurman resources

    On Dr Coleman Brown's website page https://leritacolemanbrown.com/?page_id=76262

    PBS Documentary on Howard Thurman “Backs Against the Wall” https://youtu.be/wVl_irB59lM?t=2

    Candler Emory University Thurman Audio Archives https://thurman.pitts.emory.edu/items/browse

    Books by Howard Thurman mentioned in the Podcast

    Howard Thurman, With Hand and Heart: The Autobiography of Howard Thurman New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1981. Howard Thurman, Jesus and the Disinherited Boston: Beacon Press, (1949), 1996 (reprint edition). Howard Thurman, Meditations of the Heart Boston: Beacon Press, 1999

    Doctor Coleman Brown’s new book What Makes Your Heart Sing 2023

    James Hazelwood, author, bishop, and spiritual companion, is the author of Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life and Everyday Spirituality: Discover a Life of Hope, Peace, and Meaning. His website is www.jameshazelwood.net

  • Episode 83 or Episode 2 of Season 2

    Guest: Rev Dale Selover, Spiritual Director at the House Next Door


    Holy Land trip January 15 to 25, 2024

    NY Jung on Hudson Event July 16 - 22

    Where did the phrase gritty mysticism come from?

    Book Contemplating Christ: The Gospels and the Interior Life by Vincent Pizzuto

    Discussion Guide for Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life is available now, The Study Guide can be found here - click here

    Personal Updates

    Emails and letters

    Sue asks a question about John 14:6 and the seemingly exclusionary saying of Jesus “I am the Way, the Life, and the Truth; no one comes to the Father except through me.

    I recently preached on this text at Redeemer Lutheran in Bangor, Maine, and they recorded the sermon on their Facebook page. It’s here, and the sermon begins at the 26-minute mark.

    Write me at jim@jameshazelwood.net

    Interview Guest

    Pastor Dale Selover serves as the Director of The House Next Door, a Prince of Peace Lutheran Church ministry in Princeton Junction, NJ where she provides a spiritual direction and retreat ministry. Pastor Selover received her training as a spiritual director through Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development. She also on the teaching staff of Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development.

    Pastor Selover has been a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for over thirty years. She has served congregations in New Jersey. She is a graduate of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg and Gettysburg College. Dale is married to Pastor Peter Froehlke. They are the proud parents of two daughters: Sara Grace and Hannah Ruth.

    To contact Dale Selover, visit the House Next Door’s website: www.housenextdoornj.org.

    James Hazelwood, author, bishop, and spiritual companion, is the author of Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life and Everyday Spirituality: Discover a Life of Hope, Peace, and Meaning. His website is www.jameshazelwood.net

  • April 29, 2023, Everyday Spirituality Podcast Show Notes

    Yes, we are back after a two-year period of hibernation.

    In this episode, I relaunch the show, describe the new format and play a throwback interview from November 202 with Jungian Analyst Jason Smith.

    Dick Russell Biography of James Hillman Volume II releases May 30, 2023

    The Life and Ideas of James Hillman: Volume II: Revisioning Psychology

    News of the Passing of Rev Bob Haden, Founder of the Haden Institute

    Obituary Here

    Haden Institute Summer Conference on Dreams & Spirituality

    With Joy Harjo, Catherine Meeks & John Phillip Newell

    May 28 to June 2

    My New Book, Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life

    Released April 27, 2023

    Interview Guest - Jason Smith, Jungian Analyst

    Author of Religious but Not Religious: Living a Symbolic Life

    Host of the Digital Jung Podcast


    Connect with me on Social




    Email jim@jameshazelwood.net

  • Episode 81 is a sermon preached at Trinity Lutheran Church in Brattleboro, Vermont on May 16th on the occasion of their Confirmation of two young men in the rite of Affirmation of Baptism.

    The reference to the book Primary Speech: A Psychology of Prayer by Ann & Barry Ulanov


  • Episode 80. I speak with Dave Daubert about his new book the Hybrid Church. What's going to happen as we emerge from the pandemic?



  • Episode 75 Author Anna Woofenden is our guest. We discuss her new book "This is God's Table.' Anna is also the co-host of the Food & Faith Podcast.


