In this episode we discuss the dangerous SSRI medications and their possible link to violent events across the country and how these were exposed to the broader community by Tucker Carlson. We speculate about the link between Tucker's reporting and his being let go at Fox News.
A transcript and supporting links can be found in my SubStack article at:
Links discussed/used for this episode:
In this episode we will discuss the facts about solar energy production, particularly the associated costs. We will provide a specific example to show that it is not cost effective. Also a transcript and supporting materials can be found in my SubStack article at:
Puuttuva jakso?
In this episode we discuss the rolling blackouts that happened around the Christmas 2022 timeframe and the reason they were uncalled for. As in previous episodes you can read along on my sub-stack which will also link to the background articles and information.
Please pass along to friends and subscribe.
In this episode I am joined by Wendi Strauch Mahoney. We are discussing what is really going on with election integrity. What led to the “potential” election fraud in 2020 and what can be done to prevent it in the future. Wendi who writes for UncoverDC has researched and followed this topic extensively for the last couple of years.
Some links to articles related to our discussion.
A summary list of articles: https://uncoverdc.wpengine.com/2022/05/10/complete-coverage-of-true-the-vote-and-election-integrity/
The influence of Zuckerbucks: https://www.uncoverdc.com/2022/04/12/ctcl-announces-80-million-program-to-run-elections/
Influence of mail in ballots
In this episode we are talking with Ron Davison about the facts related to CO2.
I ran across Ron’s work a few months ago and thought he was really good at presenting the facts on this highly technical issue in a fairly easy to understand manner. He’s written a downloadable book on the subject and publishes regular position papers at his website https://www.climatechangeandmusic.com.
Ron is a chemical engineer and has a background in energy and CO2 having actually built a CO2 sequestration plant.
Graphics that support this podcast can be found at:
In this episode we discuss the problem of storing energy and specifically renewable energy that is produced by wind turbines and solar arrays. Our guest for this episode is Francis Menton. Francis blogs at the ManhattanContrarian.com and writes about climate, energy and a little on politics. On his blog he takes a critical look at the storage techniques, costs and issues associated with renewable energy storage. He poses an interesting challenge of creating a demonstration program where some community, some area relies solely on renewable energy and available storage. You can read his latest article the demonstration program issue here:
In this episode we are going to give you an alternate perspective on the temperature increases supposedly caused by climate change. The media and the climate crusaders would have you believe that it is causing irreparable harm to our world, that we are driving up temperatures beyond livable levels and dooming the future of younger generations. Is it really happening? Is any of that true? Is it really that bad?
Graphics are available on my Substack
In this episode of the Facts Are What Matter we are going to analyze and discuss the practicality, as far as energy, of moving from gasoline powered automobiles to all electric passenger cars and light trucks. We will calculate how much additional electricity is needed for 100% electric cars and light trucks. Then we will compute how much new generation we would need and if it could be met with current resources. How many nuclear reactors or solar arrays will be needed. How much real estate will that take. Finally we will answer if it can it be done by the 2050 goal or is it a "Bright Green Impossibility".
Links and graphics for this episode can be found at https://daveswinford.substack.com
I was fortunate to be joined on this episode by Dr. David Rasnick. Dr. Rasnick is one of those HIV/AIDS dissenting voices mentioned in the Real Anthony Fauci book. You will be hearing a discussion between myself and Dr. Rasnick about the book, the AIDS/HIV dogma, and its parallels to the current Covid situation.
If you really want to know all the details and particulars of the AIDS/HIV hypothesis you are going to have to read the book or at least review some of the online materials.
I’ll put some more info on my SubStack where you can download this intro, get more information from the linked pages and if you subscribe to my Substack channel it’s a great way to get notified of new content and to post comments, rebuttals, or just yell and scream at everyone.
In this episode we discuss the efficacy of the COVID-19 Vaccines. Do they work now, have they ever worked, are people being damaged and dying? We discuss some of the recent studies and data. We also describe how the vaccine testing program was executed. The concept of relative risk reduction vs absolute risk reduction is presented. You will hear a lot of things you may not be hearing from the media and you will understand who is potentially motivated by the profits (follow the money).
In the end you will have a lot of information from which to make your own determination on whether the vaccines are safe and worthwhile taking. Some sources used in this episode include: Alex Berenson (Substack); Tracy Beanz and the crew at UndercoverDC.com; Sharyl Attkisson; Justin Hart with Rational Ground; Steve Kirsch (Substack); Daniel Horowitz Conservative Review podcast; and the Canadian Covid Care Alliance.
In this episode we will discuss what is 5G, a little about cell phone technology and some of the theories (conspiracy?) about 5G..
We discuss the basics of what 5G is and what the promise of the technology may hold. We discuss the technical challenges that the new operating bands will hold and the large investment in the backend infrastructure that will be required by the cell phone companies. We also discuss some of the "conspiracy" theories that are circulating about 5G and will explain how most of those don't make logical sense.
In this episode we will look at the control that government institutions have over your medical treatment and why you may not be getting the medications and care that you want or need. You get the care that the institutions allow you to get. We interview Dr Ted Noel a retired anesthesiologist who describes the unwritten rules and control that government organizations like Medicare and the CDC have over your care.
Dr Ted posts as:
DoctorTed and @vidzette
Contact us at: factsarewhatmatter@gmail.com
In this episode we discuss some of the facts about COVID-19 that aren't being widely publicized. We discuss the testimony and comments of several doctors who have made several statement that haven't been given a lot of attention. We also make a bold prediction about the future of the virus and the path ahead.
In this episode we will discuss how to effectively lie with data.
We discuss the facts on how to exaggerate percentages using small sample sizes. How to use selective sampling to exclude in convenient facts. The facts on how to bin or group data to obfuscate and confuse. How to calculate and present metrics that are accurate but don't address the issue. We discuss the facts on how to manipulate the presentation of information with scaling of axes. Finally, how to combine and compare data that are clearly different.
In this episode we discuss the facts on the issues and problems in moving away from fossil fuel based energy sources. We discuss the technical issues with alternative fuel sources and the economics of these alternative sources. Finally, we will attempt to answer the question of whether the goal of fossil fuel independence by 2050 is really a viable plan...at all.
In this episode we discuss the effectiveness of masks in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and will present 3 arguments: 1) Size of a virus versus the gaps in and around masks of any kind; 2) When looking at the Covid case counts from any state vs mask mandate dates, they show no discernible difference; 3) Scientific studies done both before and after COVID showed that simple masks are ineffective against a virus.
Sites referenced in this episode:
Video from Dr Theodore Noel...YouTube has removed it (of course) but if you search around you can find images and maybe the video. As of today it is visible from the SWPRS.org site that was referenced.Note: just as this article was being produced the FOIA information from Buzzfeed with the Dr Fauci emails just came out...boom !!!
This episode we will discuss President Biden's press conference on gun control and point out some of the fallacies in his statements. We will also talk with special guest Jenna Curren and find out what the facts are with respect to gun violence and get the statistics from the Universal Crime Report (UCR) put out by the FBI.
In this episode we will dive into the so called gender pay gap. Some politicians tell us that women are paid 75% of what men are paid. Is that real, is that true? Listen to hear what our research discovers.
Contact us at factsarewhatmatter@gmail.com
In this episode we discuss the tax laws and breakdown who is actually paying taxes and what taxes they are paying. We discuss "fairness" and the concept of social justice in tax laws.
This episode will discuss the actual lack of consensus on man-made climate change as well as the challenge in measuring it against a known baseline.
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