
  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Lina & Minghua’s Unforgettable Day at West Lake
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 丽娜和明华来到西湖。
    En: Lina and Minghua arrived at West Lake.

    Zh: 他们决定一起划船。
    En: They decided to go boating together.

    Zh: 早晨的湖面非常平静。
    En: The morning lake surface was very calm.

    Zh: 阳光温暖,鸟儿在歌唱。
    En: The sunlight was warm, and birds were singing.

    Zh: 他们找了一条小船,然后开始划船。
    En: They found a small boat and began rowing.

    Zh: 湖水清澈见底,四周是绿色的植物和美丽的花朵。
    En: The lake water was crystal clear, surrounded by green plants and beautiful flowers.

    Zh: 丽娜和明华都很开心。
    En: Both Lina and Minghua were very happy.

    Zh: 不久,天色突然变了。
    En: Before long, the weather suddenly changed.

    Zh: 乌云密布,风开始变大。
    En: Dark clouds gathered, and the wind started to pick up.

    Zh: “明华,快看!”丽娜指向天空。
    En: "Minghua, look!" Lina pointed to the sky.

    Zh: “好像要下雨了。”
    En: "It looks like it's going to rain."

    Zh: “我们应该回岸边,”明华说。
    En: "We should head back to the shore," Minghua said.

    Zh: 但是,已经来不及了。
    En: But it was already too late.

    Zh: 雷声轰鸣,雨点打在水面上。
    En: Thunder roared, and raindrops hit the water.

    Zh: 风越来越强,湖面上出现大浪。
    En: The wind grew stronger, and large waves appeared on the lake.

    Zh: 小船在大浪中摇晃。
    En: The small boat rocked in the waves.

    Zh: “怎么办?”丽娜紧张地问。
    En: “What should we do?” Lina asked nervously.

    Zh: “别怕,我会保护你。”明华坚定地说。
    En: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you," Minghua said firmly.

    Zh: 他尽力稳住小船,他们一起划回岸边。
    En: He tried his best to steady the boat, and they rowed back to shore together.

    Zh: 突然,一道闪电划破天空。
    En: Suddenly, a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky.

    Zh: 丽娜吓得闭上了眼睛。
    En: Lina closed her eyes in fear.

    Zh: 雷声紧接而来,声音很大。
    En: Thunder followed immediately, very loud.

    Zh: 雨越下越大,小船快速向岸边靠近。
    En: The rain became heavier, and the small boat quickly approached the shore.

    Zh: 湖里涌起的浪花打湿了他们的衣服。
    En: Waves in the lake splashed and soaked their clothes.

    Zh: 明华的手紧紧握住船桨,每一下都用尽全力。
    En: Minghua's hands gripped the oars tightly, using all his strength with each stroke.

    Zh: 终于,他们看到了岸边。
    En: Finally, they saw the shore.

    Zh: 丽娜和明华划得更快了。
    En: Lina and Minghua rowed even faster.

    Zh: 岸边的人们看到他们,急忙跑过来帮忙拉船。
    En: People on the shore saw them and hurried over to help pull the boat in.

    Zh: “好了,安全了!”明华擦了擦额头的汗水。
    En: "Alright, we are safe now!" Minghua wiped the sweat from his forehead.

    Zh: 丽娜笑了,虽然他们都湿透了,但他们还是很高兴。
    En: Lina smiled; although they were soaking wet, they were still very happy.

    Zh: 远处的西湖恢复了平静。
    En: In the distance, West Lake returned to its calm state.

    Zh: 丽娜和明华相视一笑。
    En: Lina and Minghua looked at each other and smiled.

    Zh: 他们知道,这一天会成为他们难忘的回忆。
    En: They knew this day would become an unforgettable memory.

    Zh: 风雨后,天边出现了一道美丽的彩虹,仿佛在祝贺他们的平安归来。
    En: After the storm, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky, as if congratulating them on their safe return.

    Zh: 故事结束了,丽娜和明华在风雨后的西湖边,牵手看彩虹,心中充满了感激和幸福。
    En: The story ended with Lina and Minghua standing by West Lake after the storm, holding hands and watching the rainbow, their hearts filled with gratitude and happiness.

    Vocabulary Words:
    decided: 决定rowing: 划船surface: 湖面crystal clear: 清澈见底calm: 平静surrounded: 四周flowers: 花朵weather: 天色changed: 变了clouds: 乌云gathered: 密布thunder: 雷声raindrops: 雨点waves: 大浪rocked: 摇晃nervously: 紧张地steadied: 稳住streaked: 划破lightning: 闪电splashed: 打湿clothes: 衣服strength: 全力sweat: 汗水wiped: 擦了forehead: 额头soaked: 湿透memory: 回忆beautiful: 美丽rainbow: 彩虹congratulating: 祝贺

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unveiling Mysteries: A Day at Beijing's Forbidden City
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 北京的天空蓝得发亮,阳光温暖地洒在每一个人的脸上。
    En: The sky over Beijing was brilliantly blue, and the warm sunshine was shining gently on everyone's faces.

    Zh: 小明、丽丽和建国决定一起探访故宫。
    En: Xiao Ming, Lili, and Jianguo decided to visit the Forbidden City together.

    Zh: 他们走进了这座皇宫,眼前的景象让他们惊呆了。
    En: As they stepped into the palace, they were stunned by the sight before them.

    Zh: 金碧辉煌的大殿,雕花的柱子,还有那一幅幅古老的壁画。
    En: The grand halls adorned with gold and jade, the intricately carved pillars, and the ancient murals.

    Zh: 丽丽首先说道:“这里真美!你们看,这些画多么精致啊!”
    En: Lili was the first to speak: "It's so beautiful here! Look at how exquisite these paintings are!"

    Zh: 小明点头说:“对啊,我听说故宫有六百多年的历史。”
    En: Xiao Ming nodded and said, "Yeah, I heard that the Forbidden City has a history of over six hundred years."

    Zh: 建国补充道:“是啊,这里以前是皇帝住的地方。
    En: Jianguo added, "Yes, this used to be the place where the emperor lived.

    Zh: 我们现在走的这些路,皇帝也曾经走过。”
    En: The paths we are walking on now were also walked by the emperors."

    Zh: 他们继续往前走,看到了一个巨大的铜狮子。
    En: They continued walking and saw a giant bronze lion.

    Zh: 小明问道:“你们知道这个狮子有什么故事吗?”
    En: Xiao Ming asked, "Do you know the story behind this lion?"

    Zh: 建国回答:“我听说,这个狮子是用来保护皇宫的。
    En: Jianguo replied, "I heard that this lion is here to protect the palace.

    Zh: 它可以赶走坏人。”
    En: It can ward off bad people."

    Zh: 于是,他们怀着敬畏的心情,走进了下一座殿宇。
    En: With a sense of reverence, they walked into the next hall.

    Zh: 这里更是富丽堂皇,雕刻细腻。
    En: It was even more splendid, with intricate carvings.

    Zh: 丽丽看着一个古老的钟表,说:“这钟表看起来好特别,
    En: Lili looked at an ancient clock and said, "This clock looks so special.

    Zh: 我从来没见过这么漂亮的钟!”
    En: I've never seen such a beautiful clock before!"

    Zh: 走了一会儿,朋友们觉得有些累了,他们在一个小亭子里坐下来休息。
    En: After walking for a while, the friends felt a bit tired and sat down in a small pavilion to rest.

    Zh: 小明从背包里拿出了几瓶水,分给大家。
    En: Xiao Ming took out some bottles of water from his backpack and handed them out.

    Zh: 建国喝了一口水,说:“这次来故宫,真是学到了很多东西。”
    En: Jianguo took a sip of water and said, "This visit to the Forbidden City has taught me so much."

    Zh: 丽丽点头:“对啊,不仅看到了美丽的建筑,还了解了很多历史。”
    En: Lili nodded, "Yeah, we've not only seen beautiful architecture but also learned a lot of history."

    Zh: 小明微笑着说:“有机会,我们再来一次吧。
    En: Xiao Ming smiled and said, "Let's do this again sometime.

    Zh: 每次来,都能发现新东西!”
    En: Every time we come, we discover something new!"

    Zh: 朋友们在故宫度过了一个欢乐而充实的下午。
    En: The friends spent a joyful and fulfilling afternoon in the Forbidden City.

    Zh: 他们不仅享受了美景,还学到了很多历史知识。
    En: They not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery but also learned a lot of historical knowledge.

    Zh: 带着满满的收获,他们走出故宫的大门,心情愉快地结束了这次探访。
    En: With their hearts full of new insights, they walked out of the Forbidden City's grand gate, ending this visit on a happy note.

    Zh: 故宫的太阳渐渐西落,金黄色的光辉洒在宫殿上,显得更加神秘。
    En: As the sun began to set over the Forbidden City, casting a golden glow over the palace, it appeared even more mysterious.

    Zh: 小明、丽丽和建国互相道别,约定下次再一起来探访这个神奇的地方。
    En: Xiao Ming, Lili, and Jianguo bid each other farewell, promising to visit this magical place together again.

    Zh: 这一天,他们看到了历史的恢宏,也感受到了友谊的温暖。
    En: On this day, they witnessed the grandeur of history and felt the warmth of friendship.

    Zh: 在故宫的探访让他们明白,历史不仅仅是书本上的文字,它还是一个个鲜活的故事,等待他们去发现。
    En: Their visit to the Forbidden City made them realize that history is not just words in books but living stories waiting to be discovered.

    Vocabulary Words:
    brilliantly: 发亮adorned: 金碧辉煌jade: 玉intricately: 雕花mural: 壁画exquisite: 精致bronze: 铜reverence: 敬畏splendid: 富丽堂皇intricate: 细腻pavilion: 亭子bottles: 瓶子architectural: 建筑insights: 收获golden glow: 金黄色的光辉mysterious: 神秘bid farewell: 道别magical: 神奇grandeur: 恢宏fulfilling: 充实discover: 发现cast: 洒ancient: 古老stunned: 惊呆history: 历史protect: 保护special: 特别warmth: 温暖knowledge: 知识path: 路

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  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Exploring Beijing's Forbidden City: A Family's Autumn Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 在一个太阳明媚的周末,整个北京都沉浸在秋天的美丽中。
    En: On a sunny weekend, all of Beijing was immersed in the beauty of autumn.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽跟随家人一起去参观美丽的故宫。
    En: Xiaoming and Lili went with their family to visit the beautiful Forbidden City.

    Zh: 他们一大早就出发了。
    En: They set off early in the morning.

    Zh: 一路上,小明不停地问爸爸,“故宫有多大呀?” “故宫里有什么好看的呢?”
    En: Along the way, Xiaoming kept asking his father, "How big is the Forbidden City?" "What's interesting to see in the Forbidden City?"

    Zh: 爸爸笑着说,“到了,你就知道了。”
    En: Father, smiling, said, "You'll know when we get there."

    Zh: 到了故宫门口,小明和丽丽都睁大了眼睛。
    En: At the entrance of the Forbidden City, Xiaoming and Lili opened their eyes wide.

    Zh: 红色的宫墙,高大的城门,好像进入了一个神秘的世界。
    En: The red palace walls and the tall city gates made it seem like they were entering a mysterious world.

    Zh: 一家人买了门票,急切地走进宫门。
    En: The family bought tickets and eagerly walked through the gate.

    Zh: 故宫里有很多宫殿。
    En: There are many palaces in the Forbidden City.

    Zh: 第一个宫殿是太和殿。
    En: The first palace was the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

    Zh: 妈妈说,“这里是皇帝上朝的地方。”
    En: Mother said, "This is where the emperor held court."

    Zh: 小明看着高大的殿顶,惊讶地说,“这里真漂亮!”
    En: Xiaoming looked at the tall palace roof and exclaimed, "It’s so beautiful here!"

    Zh: 锋利的琉璃瓦在阳光下闪闪发光。
    En: The sharp glazed tiles sparkled in the sunlight.

    Zh: 丽丽最喜欢昆明湖的荷花池。
    En: Lili's favorite was the lotus pond by Kunming Lake.

    Zh: 她对哥哥说,“这些荷花真美啊!”
    En: She said to her brother, "These lotuses are really beautiful!"

    Zh: 他们在湖边拍了很多照片。
    En: They took many photos by the lake.

    Zh: 爸爸告诉他们,“这里,每一年都开满了荷花。”
    En: Father told them, "Every year, the lotuses bloom here."

    Zh: 在历史博物馆里,一家人看到了许多珍贵的文物。
    En: In the history museum, the family saw many precious cultural relics.

    Zh: 小明指着一个古老的花瓶,说,“这个花瓶好像很值钱。”
    En: Xiaoming pointed to an ancient vase and said, "This vase looks very valuable."

    Zh: 妈妈点点头,说,“是啊,这是几百年前制作的。”
    En: Mother nodded and said, "Yes, it was made hundreds of years ago."

    Zh: 一天很快就过去了。
    En: The day passed quickly.

    Zh: 大家走出故宫时,天色已经暗了下来。
    En: As they walked out of the Forbidden City, night had already fallen.

    Zh: 小明依依不舍地说,“我还想再来看一次。”
    En: Xiaoming, reluctant to leave, said, "I want to come back again."

    Zh: 丽丽也点头同意。
    En: Lili also nodded in agreement.

    Zh: 爸爸笑着说,“没关系,故宫还在这里,以后我们还可以再来。”
    En: Father smiled and said, "Don't worry, the Forbidden City will still be here. We can come back another time."

    Zh: 妈妈也微笑着,说,“希望你们能记得今天学到的知识。”
    En: Mother also smiled and said, "I hope you remember the knowledge you learned today."

    Zh: 在回家的路上,小明和丽丽默默地想着今天的经历。
    En: On the way home, Xiaoming and Lili silently reflected on their experiences of the day.

    Zh: 他们知道,这一天他们不仅看到了美丽的故宫,还学到了许多关于历史的知识。
    En: They knew that they had not only seen the beautiful Forbidden City but also learned a lot about history.

    Zh: 这个周末,他们过得非常充实,非常开心。
    En: That weekend, they had a very fulfilling and happy time.

    Zh: 一家人带着愉快的心情,踏上了回家的路。
    En: The family, with joyful hearts, set off on the road home.

    Zh: 故宫的美丽,留在了他们心中,成为了永远不会忘记的回忆。
    En: The beauty of the Forbidden City stayed in their minds, becoming an unforgettable memory.

    Vocabulary Words:
    immersed: 沉浸visit: 参观mysterious: 神秘relics: 文物exclaimed: 惊讶地说sparkled: 闪闪发光valuable: 值钱bloom: 开(花)fulfilled: 充实reflect: 思考court: 朝廷entrance: 入口tickets: 门票roof: 殿顶palace: 宫殿harmony: 和lotus: 荷花precious: 珍贵eagerly: 急切地unforgettable: 永远不会忘记reluctant: 依依不舍ancient: 古老knowledge: 知识glazed: 琉璃photos: 照片memories: 回忆joyful: 愉快adventure: 经历historical: 历史pride: 骄傲

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Forbidden City Mysteries: Adventures in Ancient Secrets
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 阳光明媚的早晨,故宫的红墙闪耀着光辉。
    En: On a sunny morning, the red walls of the Forbidden City shone brightly.

    Zh: 小明、丽丽和王老师三人准备开始这一天的探索。
    En: Xiao Ming, Lili, and Teacher Wang were prepared to start their day of exploration.

    Zh: 故宫里有无数珍贵的宝藏和历史。
    En: The Forbidden City was filled with countless precious treasures and history.

    Zh: “我们今天去哪儿?”丽丽问道,眼中充满了好奇。
    En: “Where are we going today?” Lili asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.

    Zh: “我们去长廊,”王老师回答,
    En: “We’re going to the Long Corridor,” Teacher Wang replied.

    Zh: “那里有一幅神秘的画卷,我们去看看吧。
    En: “There’s a mysterious painting there. Let’s go take a look.

    Zh: 听说里面有上古传说中的秘密。”
    En: Legend says it holds secrets from ancient times.”

    Zh: 他们穿过院子,走进了长廊。
    En: They crossed the courtyard and entered the Long Corridor.

    Zh: 长廊里挂着许多古老的画卷,每一幅都讲述着一个古老的故事。
    En: Hanging in the corridor were many ancient paintings, each telling an old story.

    Zh: 但是,有一幅画卷特别引人注目。
    En: However, one particular painting stood out.

    Zh: “就是这幅,”王老师说道,
    En: “It’s this one,” Teacher Wang said.

    Zh: “这幅画据说有神秘的力量。”
    En: “This painting is said to have mysterious powers.”

    Zh: 小明和丽丽看着那幅画,画里的山川湖泊栩栩如生。
    En: Xiao Ming and Lili gazed at the painting, which depicted mountains and lakes so vivid they seemed alive.

    Zh: 忽然,画中的景象似乎在动。
    En: Suddenly, the scene in the painting appeared to move.

    Zh: 小明惊讶地眨了眨眼,确定自己没有看错。
    En: Xiao Ming blinked in surprise, certain he wasn't seeing things.

    Zh: “你们也看到了吗?”小明问道。
    En: “Did you see that too?” Xiao Ming asked.

    Zh: 丽丽点了点头,眼睛睁得大大的。
    En: Lili nodded, her eyes wide open.

    Zh: “画里的山川在动!”
    En: “The mountains in the painting are moving!”

    Zh: 王老师也点了点头。
    En: Teacher Wang nodded as well.

    Zh: 他说:“也许这就是画卷的秘密。
    En: He said, “Maybe this is the secret of the painting.

    Zh: 我们需要找到线索。”
    En: We need to find more clues.”

    Zh: 三人决定仔细观察画卷,他们发现角落里有一行小字:
    En: The three decided to observe the painting closely, and they discovered a line of small characters in the corner:

    Zh: “穿越此画,揭开众生秘密。”
    En: “Cross this painting to uncover the secrets of all beings.”

    Zh: “什么意思?”丽丽问。
    En: “What does that mean?” Lili asked.

    Zh: “我也不知道,”王老师皱眉道,“但我们可以试试看。”
    En: “I don’t know either,” Teacher Wang frowned, “but we can give it a try.”

    Zh: 小明鼓起勇气,伸出手指触碰画卷。
    En: Gathering his courage, Xiao Ming reached out and touched the painting.

    Zh: 奇迹般的,画卷发出微弱的光,小明顿时感觉到一股力量把他吸入画中。
    En: Miraculously, the painting emitted a faint glow, and Xiao Ming immediately felt a force pulling him inside.

    Zh: 当他睁开眼睛时,发现自己站在画中的山川之间。
    En: When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing amidst the mountains and rivers depicted in the painting.

    Zh: 丽丽和王老师也被吸了进来,他们站在小明的身边。
    En: Lili and Teacher Wang had also been pulled in and were standing beside him.

    Zh: “我们在画里了!”丽丽惊叫道。
    En: “We’re inside the painting!” Lili exclaimed.

    Zh: “看,这里有条路!”小明指着前方。
    En: “Look, there’s a path here!” Xiao Ming pointed ahead.

    Zh: 三人沿着那条路走,沿途看见许多美丽的景色。
    En: The three followed the path and saw many beautiful scenes along the way.

    Zh: 突然,他们遇到了一位仙风道骨的老人。
    En: Suddenly, they encountered an old man with an aura of a sage.

    Zh: “我是画卷的守护者,”老人轻声道,
    En: “I am the guardian of the painting,” the old man said softly.

    Zh: “你们想知道什么秘密?”
    En: “What secrets do you wish to know?”

    Zh: 王老师说:“我们想知道画卷的秘密。”
    En: Teacher Wang said, “We want to know the secrets of the painting.”

    Zh: 老人笑了笑,说:“真正的秘密是你们心灵的力量。
    En: The old man smiled and said, “The true secret is the power of your hearts.

    Zh: 这幅画卷考验的是你们的勇气和智慧。”
    En: This painting tests your courage and wisdom.”

    Zh: 说完,老人手一挥,三人就回到了长廊。
    En: With that, the old man waved his hand, and the three were back in the Long Corridor.

    Zh: 画卷依旧静静地挂在那里。
    En: The painting still hung quietly there.

    Zh: “原来秘密在于心灵的力量。”王老师感慨道。
    En: “So, the secret is the power of the heart,” Teacher Wang remarked thoughtfully.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽互相看了一眼,脸上浮现出微笑。
    En: Xiao Ming and Lili exchanged a glance and smiled.

    Zh: 他们明白了,每个人心中都有无穷的力量,只要有勇气和智慧,就能揭开任何秘密。
    En: They understood that each person holds infinite power within, and with courage and wisdom, any secret can be unveiled.

    Zh: 然后,他们离开了长廊,继续他们在故宫的探险。
    En: Then, they left the Long Corridor and continued their exploration of the Forbidden City.

    Zh: 这一刻,他们心里充满了自信和希望,因为他们知道自己是最珍贵的宝藏。
    En: In that moment, their hearts were filled with confidence and hope because they knew they themselves were the most precious treasures.

    Vocabulary Words:
    sunny: 阳光明媚courtyard: 院子depicted: 描绘curiosity: 好奇mysterious: 神秘countless: 无数precious: 珍贵legends: 传说ancient: 古老gaze: 注视vivid: 栩栩如生miraculously: 奇迹般的emit: 发出force: 力量pulling: 吸amidst: 之间suddenly: 忽然encountered: 遇到guardian: 守护者aura: 仙风道骨wisdom: 智慧courage: 勇气remarked: 感慨confidence: 自信hope: 希望path: 道路observe: 观察characters: 字treasures: 宝藏unveiled: 揭开

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Family Adventures: A Spring Day at the Summer Palace
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 在一个温暖的春天,阳光明媚,鸟儿欢唱,花儿绽放。
    En: On a warm spring day, the sun was shining brightly, birds were singing joyfully, and flowers were in full bloom.

    Zh: 今天,小明、丽丽和大伟一家决定去颐和园野餐。
    En: Today, Xiaoming, Lili, and Dawei's family decided to go for a picnic at the Summer Palace.

    Zh: “小明,快点,我们要去颐和园了!”妈妈招呼道。
    En: "Xiaoming, hurry up, we are going to the Summer Palace!" Mom called out.

    Zh: 小明飞快穿好鞋子,背上包,一家人兴致勃勃地出发了。
    En: Xiaoming quickly put on his shoes, shouldered his backpack, and the family cheerfully set off.

    Zh: 来到颐和园,大门外挂满了五彩缤纷的花环。
    En: When they arrived at the Summer Palace, the gate was adorned with colorful flower garlands.

    Zh: “哇,真漂亮!”丽丽惊喜道。
    En: "Wow, it's so beautiful!" Lili exclaimed with delight.

    Zh: 他们走进公园,寻找野餐的好地点。
    En: They walked into the park, searching for a good spot for their picnic.

    Zh: 湖边有一片绿草地,水波荡漾,柳树倒映在湖面上。
    En: By the lakeside, there was a patch of green grass, with rippling water and willow trees reflected on the lake’s surface.

    Zh: 爸爸铺开了一张大大的毯子,拿出食物:三明治、苹果、橘子,还有妈妈亲手做的鸡翅。
    En: Dad spread out a large blanket and took out the food: sandwiches, apples, oranges, and mom’s homemade chicken wings.

    Zh: “小明,来帮我摘橘子。”大伟说。
    En: "Xiaoming, come help me pick the oranges," Dawei said.

    Zh: 他们准备了美味的食物,大家开始分享。
    En: They prepared their delicious food and everyone started to share.

    Zh: “爸爸,这里真美啊!”小明赞叹道。
    En: "Dad, this place is so beautiful!" Xiaoming admired.

    Zh: “是的,小明,颐和园不仅风景如画,还有很多历史故事。”爸爸微笑着回答。
    En: "Yes, Xiaoming, the Summer Palace not only has picturesque scenery but is also rich in historical stories," Dad responded with a smile.

    Zh: 美食当前,大家开心地聊着天。
    En: Amidst the delicious food, everyone chatted happily.

    Zh: 丽丽蹦蹦跳跳说:“我们可以坐船吗?”
    En: Lili bounced around and said, "Can we go boating?"

    Zh: “当然可以!”妈妈高兴地回应。
    En: "Of course, we can!" Mom replied cheerfully.

    Zh: 于是他们租了一条小船,在湖上悠闲地划行。
    En: So they rented a small boat and leisurely rowed on the lake.

    Zh: 水面波光潋滟,青山绿水,景色怡人。
    En: The water's surface shimmered, surrounded by verdant hills and lush greenery, the scene was pleasant and serene.

    Zh: 丽丽和小明指着远处的十七孔桥:“那座桥真壮观!”
    En: Lili and Xiaoming pointed toward the distant Seventeen-Arch Bridge: "That bridge is so magnificent!"

    Zh: 划完船,一家人继续在公园里漫步。
    En: After boating, the family continued to stroll through the park.

    Zh: 他们穿过花丛,听着风儿吹过树叶的沙沙声。
    En: They walked through the flower clusters, listening to the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the leaves.

    Zh: 小明突然看到前面的凉亭,兴奋地叫到:“爸爸妈妈,我们可以在那儿休息吗?”
    En: Suddenly, Xiaoming saw a pavilion ahead and excitedly called out, "Mom, Dad, can we rest there?"

    Zh: 凉亭里坐着几位游客,讲述着颐和园的历史。
    En: In the pavilion, several visitors were sitting and recounting the history of the Summer Palace.

    Zh: 他们听得津津有味,仿佛穿越时光,回到了古代。
    En: They listened attentively, as if they had traveled back in time to ancient eras.

    Zh: 时间飞快,一转眼就到了下午。
    En: Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

    Zh: 夕阳的余辉洒在湖面上,温暖而柔和。
    En: The sunset's afterglow cast a warm and gentle light on the lake’s surface.

    Zh: “我们该回家了。”妈妈轻声说道。
    En: "It’s time to go home," Mom said softly.

    Zh: 收拾好东西,一家人依依不舍地离开了颐和园。
    En: After packing up, the family reluctantly left the Summer Palace.

    Zh: 在回家的路上,小明、丽丽和大伟都满怀欢喜和回忆。
    En: On the way home, Xiaoming, Lili, and Dawei were filled with joy and memories.

    Zh: “今天真是美好的一天。”小明感叹道。
    En: "Today was such a wonderful day," Xiaoming sighed.

    Zh: 妈妈拍拍他的肩膀:“颐和园的景色永远欢迎我们。”
    En: Mom patted his shoulder: "The scenery of the Summer Palace will always welcome us."

    Zh: 在温馨的气氛中,一家人愉快地结束了这次难忘的公园野餐。
    En: In this warm atmosphere, the family happily concluded this unforgettable park picnic.

    Zh: 他们知道,以后还会有很多美好的时光等着他们去发现。
    En: They knew that many more beautiful moments awaited them in the future.

    Vocabulary Words:
    warm: 温暖spring: 春天joyfully: 欢唱bloom: 绽放hurry: 快点backpack: 背包adorned: 挂满garlands: 花环exclaimed: 惊喜道lakeside: 湖边rippling: 荡漾willow: 柳树surface: 湖面spread: 铺开blanket: 毯子delicious: 美味的picturesque: 风景如画historical: 历史amidst: 在…中bounced: 蹦蹦跳跳boating: 划船leisurely: 悠闲地verdant: 青lush: 绿水pleasant: 怡人magnificent: 壮观stroll: 漫步pavilion: 凉亭recounting: 讲述attentively: 津津有味

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Drama and Delicacies: An Unforgettable Day at West Lake
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 在一个阳光明媚的早晨,小明、丽丽和华强决定去杭州西湖游玩。
    En: On a sunny morning, Xiao Ming, Li Li, and Hua Qiang decided to visit West Lake in Hangzhou.

    Zh: 西湖是一个非常漂亮的地方,有美丽的花朵,清澈的湖水,还有许多小船。
    En: West Lake is a very beautiful place, with lovely flowers, clear lake water, and many small boats.

    Zh: 三个人都很兴奋。
    En: All three were very excited.

    Zh: 他们租了一条小船,兴高采烈地划向湖中央。
    En: They rented a small boat and cheerfully rowed to the middle of the lake.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽在船里拍照,欣赏风景。华强则站在船边,伸手去摸湖水。
    En: Xiao Ming and Li Li took pictures from the boat and admired the scenery while Hua Qiang stood by the edge, reaching out to touch the lake water.

    Zh: 突然,船一个晃动,华强失去了平衡,“扑通”一声掉进了湖里。
    En: Suddenly, the boat rocked, causing Hua Qiang to lose his balance and with a splash, he fell into the lake.

    Zh: 丽丽惊慌失措地大喊:“华强!小明,快来帮忙!”
    En: Startled, Li Li shouted, “Hua Qiang! Xiao Ming, help quickly!”

    Zh: 小明立刻放下相机,伸手去拉华强,但还是差了一点儿。
    En: Xiao Ming immediately put down his camera and reached out to pull Hua Qiang, but just missed.

    Zh: 华强在水里挣扎,水花四溅。
    En: Hua Qiang struggled in the water, splashing everywhere.

    Zh: 小明冷静下来,说:“丽丽,你赶快去找救生员,我来照看华强。”
    En: Xiao Ming calmed down and said, “Li Li, go find a lifeguard quickly, I’ll watch over Hua Qiang.”

    Zh: 丽丽点点头,立刻跑向岸边。
    En: Li Li nodded and ran towards the shore.

    Zh: 小明拿起一根船上的木杆,尽量让华强抓住。
    En: Xiao Ming picked up a wooden pole from the boat, trying to get Hua Qiang to grab it.

    Zh: 时间一分一秒过去,丽丽终于带着救生员回来了。
    En: As time ticked by, Li Li finally returned with a lifeguard.

    Zh: 救生员迅速地把救生圈抛向华强,华强抓住救生圈,被救生员慢慢拉上了船。
    En: The lifeguard swiftly threw a life ring towards Hua Qiang, who grabbed it and was slowly pulled back onto the boat by the lifeguard.

    Zh: 华强上了船,脸色苍白,但他对小明和丽丽说:“谢谢你们,我没事。”
    En: Hua Qiang got back on the boat, his face pale, but he said to Xiao Ming and Li Li, “Thank you, I’m okay.”

    Zh: 丽丽松了一口气,说:“幸好你没事,我们以后要小心。”
    En: Li Li breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Luckily, you’re okay. We need to be more careful from now on.”

    Zh: 大家擦了擦脸上的水,一起笑了起来。
    En: They wiped the water off their faces and laughed together.

    Zh: 他们决定还是好好欣赏西湖的美景,不再冒险。
    En: They decided to enjoy the beautiful scenery of West Lake without taking any more risks.

    Zh: 之后,他们一起去了湖边的小吃摊,品尝了杭州特色的小吃。
    En: Afterwards, they went to a snack stall by the lake and tasted some of Hangzhou’s local delicacies.

    Zh: 太阳渐渐西沉,西湖的美景在余晖下更加迷人。
    En: As the sun slowly set, the scenery of West Lake became even more enchanting under the twilight.

    Zh: 小明、丽丽和华强坐在湖边,回想起今天的一切,觉得这一天既惊险又难忘。
    En: Sitting by the lake, Xiao Ming, Li Li, and Hua Qiang reminisced about the day’s events, feeling that it was both thrilling and unforgettable.

    Zh: 从此以后,他们更加珍惜友谊,也学会了在危急时刻如何冷静应对。
    En: From then on, they cherished their friendship even more and learned how to stay calm in emergencies.

    Zh: 他们约定,以后每年都来一次西湖,但一定要更加小心。
    En: They agreed to come to West Lake every year but vowed to be more careful.

    Zh: 故事就这样结束了,小明、丽丽和华强在西湖度过了一个精彩的、难忘的日子。
    En: And so the story ends with Xiao Ming, Li Li, and Hua Qiang having spent a wonderful and unforgettable day at West Lake.

    Vocabulary Words:
    sunny: 阳光明媚rented: 租cheerfully: 兴高采烈admired: 欣赏scenery: 风景rocked: 晃动balance: 平衡splash: 扑通startled: 惊慌失措shouted: 大喊struggled: 挣扎splashed: 四溅lifeguard: 救生员swiftly: 迅速wooden pole: 木杆life ring: 救生圈shore: 岸边reached out: 伸手pale: 脸色苍白relief: 松一口气careful: 小心charming: 迷人reminisced: 回想thrilling: 惊险unforgettable: 难忘cherished: 珍惜emergencies: 危急时刻local delicacies: 特色小吃risk: 冒险eventually: 终于

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Mysteries of the Forbidden City: A Young Explorer's Discovery
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 在一个晴朗的早晨,太阳刚刚升起。
    En: On a bright morning, the sun had just risen.

    Zh: 小明、丽丽和伟强三个人在学校门口集合。
    En: Xiao Ming, Lili, and Wei Qiang gathered at the school gate.

    Zh: 今天,他们要去北京故宫参加一次非常特别的历史文化考察。
    En: Today, they were going to the Forbidden City in Beijing to participate in a very special historical and cultural excursion.

    Zh: 大家都很兴奋,因为故宫是一个充满神秘和故事的地方。
    En: Everyone was excited because the Forbidden City is a place full of mystery and stories.

    Zh: 他们乘坐大巴出发了,沿途路过许多高楼大厦。
    En: They took a coach and set off, passing by many skyscrapers along the way.

    Zh: 伟强指着窗外说:“看,那是天安门!”
    En: Wei Qiang pointed out the window and said, ""Look, that's Tiananmen!"

    Zh: 大家纷纷向窗外看去。
    En: Everyone immediately looked out the window.

    Zh: 到了故宫门口,导游阿姨已经在那里等候。
    En: When they arrived at the entrance of the Forbidden City, the tour guide, an auntie, was already waiting there.

    Zh: 她带领大家进入了这个古老而庄严的皇宫。
    En: She led everyone into this ancient and solemn imperial palace.

    Zh: 阿姨开始讲解:“故宫是明清两代皇帝的皇宫,已有近六百年的历史。”
    En: The tour guide began to explain, ""The Forbidden City was the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and it has nearly six hundred years of history."

    Zh: 走过长长的红色城墙,他们来到了太和殿。
    En: After walking past long red walls, they arrived at the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

    Zh: 小明问:“阿姨,这里是干什么的?”
    En: Xiao Ming asked, “Auntie, what is this place for?”

    Zh: 导游阿姨笑着回答:“这是皇帝举行大典的地方。”
    En: The tour guide smiled and replied, “This is where the emperor held grand ceremonies.”

    Zh: 在整个考察过程中,丽丽一直拿着笔记本认真地记录每一个细节。
    En: Throughout the excursion, Lili kept taking notes diligently.

    Zh: 她觉得这里的一切都好神奇。
    En: She found everything here so fascinating.

    Zh: 小明则不停地拍照,想把这些美丽的景色记下来。
    En: Xiao Ming, on the other hand, kept taking photos to capture the beautiful scenery.

    Zh: 伟强喜欢听导游阿姨讲的故事,他觉得故宫里的每一块砖都有一个故事。
    En: Wei Qiang enjoyed listening to the stories told by the tour guide; he felt that every brick in the Forbidden City had a story.

    Zh: 忽然,天上开始飘起了小雨。
    En: Suddenly, light rain began to fall from the sky.

    Zh: 导游阿姨说:“我们去乾清宫躲一躲雨吧。”
    En: The tour guide said, “Let's go to the Palace of Heavenly Purity to take shelter from the rain.”

    Zh: 大家跑进了乾清宫,发现里面非常宽敞。
    En: Everyone ran into the Palace of Heavenly Purity and found it very spacious inside.

    Zh: 小明看到一张金色的龙椅,问:“那是皇帝的座位吗?”
    En: Xiao Ming saw a golden dragon chair and asked, “Is that the emperor's seat?”

    Zh: 阿姨点点头。
    En: The guide nodded.

    Zh: 雨停了。
    En: The rain stopped.

    Zh: 大家继续他们的探索之旅。
    En: They continued their exploration journey.

    Zh: 最后,他们来到了御花园。
    En: Finally, they arrived at the Imperial Garden.

    Zh: 这里有许多美丽的花草树木,还有一些古老的石狮子。
    En: There were many beautiful flowers, plants, and trees, as well as some ancient stone lions.

    Zh: 丽丽站在一棵大树下,感叹道:“真希望这里的树能告诉我们过去的故事。”
    En: Lili stood under a big tree and sighed, “I really wish the trees here could tell us the stories of the past.”

    Zh: 一天的考察结束了,大家回到了学校。
    En: The day's excursion ended, and they returned to school.

    Zh: 小明、丽丽和伟强都感到非常充实。
    En: Xiao Ming, Lili, and Wei Qiang felt very fulfilled.

    Zh: 小明说:“今天真是大开眼界,我们学到了很多。”
    En: Xiao Ming said, “Today was an eye-opener; we learned a lot.”

    Zh: 丽丽也点头同意:“我一定要写一篇关于故宫的作文。”
    En: Lili nodded in agreement, “I am definitely going to write an essay about the Forbidden City.”

    Zh: 伟强最后说:“这次考察让我更加了解了我们的历史。”
    En: Wei Qiang added, “This excursion has made me understand our history even better.”

    Zh: 他们都觉得,这不仅仅是一次考察,更是一次难忘的学习之旅。
    En: They all felt that this was not just an excursion, but an unforgettable learning journey.

    Zh: 这一天将在他们的记忆中,久久不忘。
    En: This day would stay in their memories for a long time.

    Vocabulary Words:
    bright: 晴朗gathered: 集合excursion: 考察skyscrapers: 高楼大厦tour guide: 导游ancient: 古老solemn: 庄严imperial: 皇宫dynasties: 两代ceremonies: 大典diligently: 认真地capture: 记下来brick: 砖shelter: 躲spacious: 宽敞dragon chair: 龙椅seat: 座位exploration: 探索imperial garden: 御花园stone lions: 石狮子fulfilled: 充实eye-opener: 大开眼界essay: 作文understand: 了解history: 历史unforgettable: 难忘learning journey: 学习之旅memories: 记忆mystery: 神秘stories: 故事

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Golden Afternoons: A Day at the Glorious Summer Palace
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 太阳暖暖地照在颐和园的湖面上,湖水波光粼粼。
    En: The sun warmly shone on the surface of the lake at the Summer Palace, making the water glisten.

    Zh: 今天是个特别的日子,王伟和李娜决定来这里享受一个阳光明媚的秋日下午。
    En: Today was a special day, and Wang Wei and Li Na decided to come here to enjoy a sunny autumn afternoon.

    Zh: 颐和园是一个历史悠久的皇家园林,有许多美丽的景点。
    En: The Summer Palace is a historic royal garden with many beautiful sights.

    Zh: 王伟和李娜走在长廊里,欣赏着两旁的画。
    En: Wang Wei and Li Na walked along the long corridor, admiring the paintings on both sides.

    Zh: 长廊的画讲述了许多古老的故事,让他们觉得很有趣。
    En: The paintings in the corridor told many ancient stories, which they found very interesting.

    Zh: “你看那边的佛香阁,多壮观!”李娜指着不远处的一座高楼说。
    En: "Look at the Tower of Buddhist Incense over there, how magnificent!" Li Na pointed to a tall building in the distance.

    Zh: “是啊,从佛香阁可以看到整个颐和园的全景呢。”王伟回忆起他小时候来过这里的情景。
    En: "Yes, you can see the entire view of the Summer Palace from the Tower of Buddhist Incense," Wang Wei recalled the times he had visited when he was young.

    Zh: 他们沿着湖边继续走,看到了美丽的玉澜堂。
    En: They continued walking along the lakeside and saw the beautiful Hall of Jade Ripples.

    Zh: 玉澜堂的建筑非常精致,堂前还有古老的桥梁和流水。
    En: The architecture of the hall was very exquisite, with ancient bridges and flowing water in front.

    Zh: 李娜停下来,拍了几张照片,说想和朋友们分享这里的美景。
    En: Li Na stopped to take some photos, saying she wanted to share the beautiful scenery with her friends.

    Zh: 之后,他们登上了佛香阁。
    En: Afterwards, they climbed the Tower of Buddhist Incense.

    Zh: 站在阁楼上,王伟和李娜看到了颐和园的全貌。
    En: Standing on the pavilion, Wang Wei and Li Na saw the whole panorama of the Summer Palace.

    Zh: 树木金黄,湖水澄澈,一切都让人心旷神怡。
    En: The trees were golden, the lake water clear; everything was breathtaking.

    Zh: 站在高处,王伟对李娜说:“这里真美。我很高兴能和你一起分享这个美好的下午。”
    En: Standing at that height, Wang Wei said to Li Na, "This place is truly beautiful. I'm very happy to share this wonderful afternoon with you."

    Zh: 李娜微笑着点头,说:“我也是。这样的日子真是难得。”
    En: Li Na nodded with a smile and said, "Me too. Such days are rare."

    Zh: 时间过得很快,不知道不觉,太阳开始西沉。
    En: Time passed quickly, and before they knew it, the sun began to set.

    Zh: 黄昏的颐和园更加美丽,金色的阳光洒在湖面上,像一幅画。
    En: The Summer Palace at dusk was even more beautiful, with golden sunlight casting over the lake, like a painting.

    Zh: “我们去苏州街走走吧,那里也很有意思。”李娜提议。
    En: "Let's go take a walk on Suzhou Street. It's also very interesting there," Li Na suggested.

    Zh: “好啊,我记得那里有很多小店,可以买到有趣的纪念品。”王伟笑着回答。
    En: "Sure, I remember there are many little shops where you can buy interesting souvenirs," Wang Wei replied with a smile.

    Zh: 他们走在苏州街的小路上,看到很多卖小吃和手工艺品的摊位。
    En: They walked along the small paths of Suzhou Street, seeing many stalls selling snacks and handicrafts.

    Zh: 王伟给李娜买了一对木雕的小鸟,说要纪念这一天。
    En: Wang Wei bought Li Na a pair of wooden carved birds as a memento of the day.

    Zh: “我们以后再来,好吗?”李娜拿着小鸟,眼神明亮。
    En: "Shall we come back again in the future?" Li Na asked, holding the birds with sparkling eyes.

    Zh: “当然,任何时候都可以。”王伟说。
    En: "Of course, anytime you'd like," Wang Wei replied.

    Zh: 天色渐暗,他们依依不舍地离开了颐和园。
    En: As the sky darkened, they reluctantly left the Summer Palace.

    Zh: 回到家的路上,李娜和王伟幸福地回忆着今天的经历。
    En: On their way home, Li Na and Wang Wei happily reminisced about the day's experiences.

    Zh: 这个阳光明媚的秋日下午在他们心中留下了难忘的回忆。
    En: This sunny autumn afternoon had left unforgettable memories in their hearts.

    Zh: 那样的美景,那样的快乐,总会在心中。
    En: Such beautiful scenery, such joy, would always remain in their hearts.

    Zh: 颐和园的风景如画,也见证了他们的友情与欢笑。
    En: The picturesque landscape of the Summer Palace also witnessed their friendship and laughter.

    Vocabulary Words:
    warmly: 暖暖地surface: 湖面glisten: 波光粼粼historic: 历史悠久admiring: 欣赏paintings: 画ancient: 古老stories: 故事magnificent: 壮观exquisite: 精致lakeside: 湖边take photos: 拍照scenery: 美景architecture: 建筑panorama: 全貌breathtaking: 心旷神怡pavilion: 阁楼rare: 难得stalls: 摊位souvenirs: 纪念品wooden carved: 木雕memento: 纪念sparkling: 明亮reluctantly: 依依不舍reminisced: 回忆unforgettable: 难忘picturesque: 风景如画laughed: 欢笑shared: 分享dusk: 黄昏

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Adventures: Friendship & Challenges on the Great Wall
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 今天天气晴朗,天空中飘着几朵白云。
    En: Today's weather was clear, with a few white clouds in the sky.

    Zh: 李华、王丽和张伟决定去长城游玩。
    En: Li Hua, Wang Li, and Zhang Wei decided to visit the Great Wall.

    Zh: 长城是中国著名的历史遗迹,他们期待已久。
    En: The Great Wall is a famous historical site in China, and they had been looking forward to this trip for a long time.

    Zh: 早上九点,三人到达长城脚下。
    En: At nine o'clock in the morning, the three of them arrived at the foot of the Great Wall.

    Zh: 李华先走上了城墙,
    En: Li Hua was the first to step onto the wall.

    Zh: 他看着远处的景色,心情非常愉快。
    En: He looked at the scenery in the distance and felt extremely happy.

    Zh: 王丽和张伟紧随其后,他们有说有笑,一起欣赏风景。
    En: Wang Li and Zhang Wei followed closely behind, chatting and laughing as they admired the view together.

    Zh: 走了一段时间后,张伟突然觉得呼吸困难。
    En: After walking for a while, Zhang Wei suddenly had trouble breathing.

    Zh: 他停下来,脸色变得苍白。
    En: He stopped, and his face turned pale.

    Zh: 李华问道:“张伟,你还好吗?”
    En: Li Hua asked, "Zhang Wei, are you okay?"

    Zh: 张伟无力地点了点头,但显然情况不妙。
    En: Zhang Wei nodded weakly, but it was clear something was wrong.

    Zh: 王丽急忙拿出手机,想要打电话求助。
    En: Wang Li quickly took out her phone, intending to call for help.

    Zh: 可是这个地方信号不好,电话打不出去。
    En: However, the signal in this area was poor, and she couldn't make the call.

    Zh: 她有些焦急地看着李华。
    En: She looked at Li Hua anxiously.

    Zh: 这时候,李华突然想到,张伟可能是哮喘发作了。
    En: At this moment, Li Hua suddenly realized that Zhang Wei might be having an asthma attack.

    Zh: 他立刻问张伟:“你有带哮喘药吗?”
    En: He immediately asked Zhang Wei, "Did you bring your asthma inhaler?"

    Zh: 张伟点头示意,手指向他的背包。
    En: Zhang Wei nodded and pointed to his backpack.

    Zh: 李华迅速从张伟的背包里找到了哮喘药。
    En: Li Hua quickly found the asthma inhaler in Zhang Wei's backpack.

    Zh: 他把药递给张伟,温柔地说:“深呼吸,然后喷一次。”
    En: He handed it to Zhang Wei and gently said, "Take a deep breath and then use it."

    Zh: 张伟按照李华的话做了,一会儿,他的呼吸渐渐平稳下来。
    En: Zhang Wei followed Li Hua's instructions, and after a while, his breathing gradually steadied.

    Zh: 王丽松了一口气,说:“幸好药在你包里,我们继续小心走吧。”
    En: Wang Li let out a sigh of relief and said, "Luckily, the inhaler was in your bag. Let's keep moving carefully."

    Zh: 张伟笑了一下,说:“谢谢你们,刚刚真是吓死我了。”
    En: Zhang Wei smiled and said, "Thank you both, that really scared me."

    Zh: 他们继续前行,走得更慢,更加小心。
    En: They continued on, walking more slowly and carefully.

    Zh: 他们互相扶持,彼此关心,一起享受旅途的美好。
    En: They supported and cared for each other, enjoying the journey together.

    Zh: 虽然发生了小插曲,但也让他们的友谊更加深厚。
    En: Although there was a minor incident, it strengthened their friendship even more.

    Zh: 到了长城的最高处,三人一起拍了几张照片。
    En: When they reached the highest point of the Great Wall, the three of them took a few photos together.

    Zh: 他们站在高处,看着远方,心里充满了满足和自豪。
    En: Standing at the top, looking out at the distant view, they felt a sense of satisfaction and pride.

    Zh: 傍晚时分,三人安全地回到了山脚下。
    En: By evening, the three safely returned to the foot of the mountain.

    Zh: 他们决定找个小饭馆吃晚饭。
    En: They decided to find a small restaurant to have dinner.

    Zh: 吃饭时,大家聊起了今天的经历,虽然有些惊险,但更多的是开心。
    En: During the meal, they talked about the day's experience, recalling the thrilling moments but mostly the joy they felt.

    Zh: 临别时,李华、王丽和张伟约好,下次还要一起去其他地方旅行。
    En: Before parting, Li Hua, Wang Li, and Zhang Wei agreed to travel to other places together in the future.

    Zh: 长城之行,让他们更加珍惜这份友谊,也学会了如何应对突发情况。
    En: Their trip to the Great Wall made them cherish their friendship even more and taught them how to handle unexpected situations.

    Zh: 故事结束时,长城在夕阳的照耀下,显得格外雄伟壮丽。
    En: As the story ends, the Great Wall appeared especially magnificent and grand under the setting sun.

    Zh: 李华、王丽和张伟,看着这壮丽的景色,心中有说不出的感动和满足。
    En: Li Hua, Wang Li, and Zhang Wei looked at this majestic scene, feeling an indescribable sense of emotion and contentment in their hearts.

    Vocabulary Words:
    clear: 晴朗cloud: 白云historical site: 历史遗迹arrive: 到达scenery: 景色extremely: 非常admire: 欣赏breathe: 呼吸trouble: 困难pale: 苍白realize: 想到asthma: 哮喘inhaler: 哮喘药backpack: 背包steady: 平稳luckily: 幸好incident: 小插曲support: 扶持care: 关心satisfaction: 满足pride: 自豪dinner: 晚饭thrilling: 惊险cherish: 珍惜contentment: 满足magnificent: 雄伟grand: 壮丽emotion: 感动moment: 说不出的journey: 旅途

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Li Ming & Xiao Na's Winter Adventure in a Forgotten Village
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 黎明和晓娜是好朋友。
    En: Li Ming and Xiao Na are good friends.

    Zh: 他们都喜欢滑雪。
    En: They both enjoy skiing.

    Zh: 一个冬天的早晨,他们去了高山滑雪场。
    En: One winter morning, they went to the alpine ski resort.

    Zh: 雪很厚,很白。
    En: The snow was thick and very white.

    Zh: 太阳照在雪上,闪闪发光。
    En: The sun shone on the snow, making it glisten.

    Zh: 黎明和晓娜穿上了滑雪装备。
    En: Li Ming and Xiao Na put on their skiing gear.

    Zh: 他们开始滑雪。
    En: They began to ski.

    Zh: 他们滑过了一片幽静的树林。
    En: They skied through a quiet forest.

    Zh: 突然,黎明停了下来。
    En: Suddenly, Li Ming stopped.

    Zh: 他看到一个黑黑的洞口,
    En: He saw a dark entrance.

    Zh: “晓娜,快看,那边有一个秘密隧道!”
    En: "Xiao Na, look quickly, there’s a secret tunnel over there!"

    Zh: 晓娜也停下来说:“我们进去看看吧。”
    En: Xiao Na also stopped and said, "Let's go inside and take a look."

    Zh: 他们走进了隧道。
    En: They walked into the tunnel.

    Zh: 隧道里很黑,但他们用手机照明。
    En: It was very dark inside, but they used their phones for light.

    Zh: 隧道很长,他们手牵着手,一步一步小心地走着。
    En: The tunnel was very long, and they held hands, walking carefully step by step.

    Zh: 终于,他们看到了亮光。
    En: Finally, they saw light.

    Zh: “我们到了!”黎明说。
    En: "We're here!" said Li Ming.

    Zh: 他们走出隧道,发现自己在一个古老的村庄里。
    En: They walked out of the tunnel and found themselves in an ancient village.

    Zh: 村庄里有很多老房子,但看起来没有人住过。
    En: There were many old houses in the village, but it looked like no one had lived there.

    Zh: 房子的墙上长满了青苔。
    En: The walls of the houses were covered with moss.

    Zh: 村庄的每个角落都弥漫着一种神秘的气氛。
    En: An air of mystery filled every corner of the village.

    Zh: “这里好像被遗忘了。”晓娜说。
    En: "It seems like this place has been forgotten," said Xiao Na.

    Zh: 他们在村庄里走来走去。
    En: They walked around the village.

    Zh: 突然,他们听到了流水声。
    En: Suddenly, they heard the sound of flowing water.

    Zh: 他们走过去,发现了一条小河。
    En: They went over and discovered a small river.

    Zh: 小河边有一个古老的水车。
    En: By the river, there was an ancient waterwheel.

    Zh: “这个水车一定有很多年的历史了。”黎明说。
    En: "This waterwheel must be many years old," said Li Ming.

    Zh: 他们继续探索村庄。
    En: They continued to explore the village.

    Zh: 在一间老房子里,他们发现了一本很旧的日记。
    En: In an old house, they found a very old journal.

    Zh: 黎明轻轻地打开了日记,里面写满了这个村庄的故事。
    En: Li Ming gently opened it, and it was filled with stories about the village.

    Zh: “原来,这个村庄很久以前很热闹。”日记上这样写道。
    En: "It turns out that this village was bustling a long time ago," the journal said.

    Zh: 晓娜说:“村民们为什么离开了这里?”
    En: Xiao Na asked, "Why did the villagers leave this place?"

    Zh: 黎明摇摇头说:“日记本没有说。”
    En: Li Ming shook his head and said, "The journal doesn't say."

    Zh: 他们决定把这个日记带回去,并告诉别人这个村庄的故事。
    En: They decided to take the journal back and tell others the story of the village.

    Zh: 黎明和晓娜走回隧道,再一次手牵着手,回到了高山滑雪场。
    En: Li Ming and Xiao Na walked back through the tunnel, once again holding hands, and returned to the alpine ski resort.

    Zh: 太阳已经快要下山了,
    En: The sun was about to set.

    Zh: 他们看着远处的山,心里充满了回忆和发现的喜悦。
    En: They looked at the distant mountains, their hearts full of memories and the joy of discovery.

    Zh: 黎明说:“今天真是一个神奇的一天!”
    En: Li Ming said, "Today was truly a magical day!"

    Zh: 晓娜点点头说:“是的,我们一起发现了一个被遗忘的村庄。”
    En: Xiao Na nodded and said, "Yes, we discovered a forgotten village together."

    Zh: 他们虽然离开了那个古老的村庄,但这个冒险已经成为他们心中最珍贵的回忆。
    En: Although they left that ancient village, this adventure became their most cherished memory.

    Zh: 故事就这样结束了。
    En: And so the story ended.

    Zh: 他们会永远记得这个冬天,那个秘密隧道,还有那个古老的村庄。
    En: They would always remember this winter, the secret tunnel, and the ancient village.

    Vocabulary Words:
    thick: 厚glisten: 闪闪发光gear: 装备forest: 树林entrance: 洞口tunnel: 隧道carefully: 小心地ancient: 古老moss: 青苔mystery: 神秘village: 村庄flowing: 流水river: 小河waterwheel: 水车journal: 日记bustling: 热闹discovered: 发现memories: 回忆joy: 喜悦cherished: 珍贵的secret: 秘密forgotten: 被遗忘quiet: 幽静的shine: 照step: 步hedge: 长满corner: 角落story: 故事adventure: 冒险explore: 探索

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: The Bond of Friendship and Study by West Lake
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 西湖的早晨,空气清新,天空蓝蓝的。
    En: In the morning at West Lake, the air was fresh and the sky was blue.

    Zh: 李华、王明和张兰三人在期末考试前一天来这里散步。
    En: Li Hua, Wang Ming, and Zhang Lan were taking a walk there the day before their final exams.

    Zh: 他们是好朋友,同班同学。
    En: They were good friends and classmates.

    Zh: 李华说:“我们一起复习吧。考试快到了。”
    En: Li Hua said, "Let’s review together. The exam is coming soon."

    Zh: 王明点头:“好的,我们找个安静的地方吧。”
    En: Wang Ming nodded, "Okay, let’s find a quiet place."

    Zh: 张兰找到一棵大树,大家坐在树下。
    En: Zhang Lan found a big tree, and they all sat under it.

    Zh: 李华拿出书本,王明拿出笔记,张兰带来了草稿纸。
    En: Li Hua took out his books, Wang Ming took out his notes, and Zhang Lan brought some scratch paper.

    Zh: 阳光透过树叶,洒在地上,形成漂亮的光斑。
    En: Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting beautiful spots of light on the ground.

    Zh: 他们复习数学、语文和英语。
    En: They reviewed math, language, and English.

    Zh: 虽然有点紧张,但他们都很认真。
    En: Despite feeling a bit nervous, they all studied seriously.

    Zh: 复习了一个小时后,王明提议:“我们休息一下吧。”
    En: After an hour of studying, Wang Ming suggested, "Let’s take a break."

    Zh: 张兰笑着说:“好啊,我们去湖边看看鱼。”
    En: Zhang Lan smiled and said, "Sure, let’s go to the lake to look at the fish."

    Zh: 他们来到湖边,看到了许多小鱼在水里游来游去。
    En: They went to the lakeside and saw many small fish swimming in the water.

    Zh: 西湖的水很清澈,偶尔还能看到水鸟飞过。
    En: The water of West Lake was very clear, and occasionally they could see water birds flying by.

    Zh: 王明突然说:“我觉得有点饿了。”
    En: Wang Ming suddenly said, "I feel a bit hungry."

    Zh: 李华笑了:“我带了点心,大家一起吃吧。”
    En: Li Hua laughed, "I brought some snacks, let’s share them."

    Zh: 他们坐在湖边,分享着点心,心情渐渐放松下来。
    En: They sat by the lake, sharing the snacks and gradually relaxing.

    Zh: 吃完点心,张兰提议:“我们再复习一会儿吧,时间不多了。”
    En: After finishing the snacks, Zhang Lan suggested, "Let’s review a bit more, we don’t have much time left."

    Zh: 于是,他们又回到树下,继续复习。
    En: So, they went back under the tree and continued reviewing.

    Zh: 西湖的风景美丽,但他们更多的心思在书本上。
    En: The scenery of West Lake was beautiful, but their minds were mostly on their books.

    Zh: 夜幕降临,他们回到学校。
    En: As night fell, they returned to school.

    Zh: 第二天,考试开始了。
    En: The next day, the exams began.

    Zh: 三人都感觉很有信心。因为他们知道,昨天的复习让他们更有准备。
    En: The three of them felt confident because they knew that yesterday’s review had prepared them well.

    Zh: 考试结束后,大家轻松地笑了。
    En: After the exams, everyone smiled with relief.

    Zh: 李华说:“我们真棒!一定能考好!”
    En: Li Hua said, "We did great! We’ll definitely do well!"

    Zh: 张兰和王明也点头:“是啊,一起努力,一起成功!”
    En: Zhang Lan and Wang Ming nodded in agreement, "Yes, we worked together and succeeded together!"

    Zh: 西湖的美丽和那次认真的复习成为三人美好的回忆。
    En: The beauty of West Lake and the earnest review session became a fond memory for the three of them.

    Zh: 期末考试也因为他们的努力而变得顺利。
    En: Their final exams went smoothly because of their efforts.

    Zh: 这次经历不仅强化了他们的知识,还加深了他们的友谊。
    En: This experience not only strengthened their knowledge but also deepened their friendship.

    Zh: 故事就这样在他们的笑声中结束了。
    En: And so, the story ended with their laughter.

    Vocabulary Words:
    fresh: 清新review: 复习quiet: 安静scratch paper: 草稿纸filtered: 透过casting: 洒spots: 光斑despite: 虽然nervous: 紧张suggested: 提议occasionally: 偶尔laughing: 笑了gradually: 渐渐taking a walk: 散步confident: 有信心relief: 轻松prepared: 准备strengthened: 强化knowledge: 知识earnest: 认真的memory: 回忆friendship: 友谊sat: 坐在sunlight: 阳光birds: 水鸟wind: 风景sharing: 分享snacks: 点心classmates: 同学earnest: 认真的

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: A Day on Wangfujing Street: Discovering Traditional Handicrafts
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 王府井大街的阳光很明亮。
    En: The sunshine on Wangfujing Street is very bright.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽今天来到这里,准备购买一些传统工艺品。
    En: Today, Xiaoming and Lili came here to purchase some traditional handicrafts.

    Zh: 街上人很多。
    En: There are many people on the street.

    Zh: 商店里的工艺品都很漂亮。
    En: The handicrafts in the shops are all very beautiful.

    Zh: 有木雕、剪纸、陶瓷。
    En: There are wood carvings, paper cuttings, and ceramics.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽看得眼花缭乱。
    En: Xiaoming and Lili are dazzled by the variety.

    Zh: 首先,他们走进了一家卖陶瓷的店。
    En: First, they walked into a store that sells ceramics.

    Zh: 店里有很多漂亮的花瓶、茶具和瓷碗。
    En: There are many beautiful vases, tea sets, and porcelain bowls in the shop.

    Zh: 丽丽喜欢一个蓝色的花瓶。
    En: Lili likes a blue vase.

    Zh: 她拿起花瓶,仔细看着。
    En: She picks up the vase and examines it closely.

    Zh: 小明说:“这个花瓶很美,我们买这个吧。”
    En: Xiaoming says, "This vase is very beautiful, let's buy this one."

    Zh: 丽丽点点头,他们便把花瓶买下了。
    En: Lili nods, and they buy the vase.

    Zh: 然后,他们去了一家卖剪纸的店。
    En: Then, they went to a shop that sells paper cuttings.

    Zh: 剪纸是中国传统艺术,有很多不同的图案。
    En: Paper cutting is a traditional Chinese art with many different patterns.

    Zh: 有鹤、花朵、人物等等。
    En: There are cranes, flowers, characters, and more.

    Zh: 丽丽看中了一个红色的剪纸,是一只可爱的小猫。
    En: Lili takes a fancy to a red paper cutting of a cute little cat.

    Zh: 她把剪纸拿在手里,显得很开心。
    En: She holds the paper cutting, looking very happy.

    Zh: 小明看着她,也笑了。
    En: Xiaoming watches her and smiles too.

    Zh: 接下来,他们又去了几家木雕店。
    En: Next, they visited several wood carving shops.

    Zh: 木雕特别精美,有龙,有凤,还有一些神话故事中的人物。
    En: The wood carvings are particularly exquisite, with dragons, phoenixes, and characters from mythical stories.

    Zh: 小明喜欢一只雕刻精美的木雕龙。
    En: Xiaoming likes a finely carved wooden dragon.

    Zh: 他摸了摸龙的鳞片,感受着木雕的质感。
    En: He touches the dragon's scales, feeling the texture of the wood carving.

    Zh: 丽丽说:“这条龙好威风,我们也买这个吧。”
    En: Lili says, "This dragon is very majestic, let's buy this too."

    Zh: 小明点点头。
    En: Xiaoming nods.

    Zh: 逛了一整天后,小明和丽丽回到了家。
    En: After shopping all day, Xiaoming and Lili returned home.

    Zh: 他们带着购买的工艺品,心情愉快。
    En: They brought the handicrafts they purchased and felt very happy.

    Zh: 丽丽把花瓶放在窗台上,剪纸贴在墙上,木雕摆在书架上。
    En: Lili placed the vase on the windowsill, the paper cutting on the wall, and the wood carving on the bookshelf.

    Zh: 家里一下子变得很有艺术气息。
    En: The house suddenly became filled with an artistic atmosphere.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽坐在沙发上,回想起在王府井大街的一天,感到特别满足。
    En: Xiaoming and Lili sat on the sofa, reminiscing about their day on Wangfujing Street and feeling particularly satisfied.

    Zh: 丽丽说:“今天真开心,我们以后还要多去这样的地方。”
    En: Lili said, "Today was really fun, we should visit places like this more often."

    Zh: 小明笑着点头。
    En: Xiaoming nodded with a smile.

    Zh: 故事结束。
    En: The story ends.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽都很高兴。
    En: Xiaoming and Lili are both very happy.

    Zh: 他们不仅买到了心仪的工艺品,还更加了解了中国的传统文化。
    En: They not only bought their favorite handicrafts but also got to know more about Chinese traditional culture.

    Zh: 王府井大街给他们留下了美好的回忆。
    En: Wangfujing Street left them with wonderful memories.

    Vocabulary Words:
    sunshine: 阳光purchase: 购买handicrafts: 工艺品carving: 雕刻ceramics: 陶瓷dazzled: 眼花缭乱vase: 花瓶porcelain: 瓷examine: 仔细看pattern: 图案crane: 鹤phoenix: 凤texture: 质感majestic: 威风scales: 鳞片windowsill: 窗台bookshelf: 书架artistic: 艺术气息reminiscing: 回想satisfied: 满足traditional: 传统memories: 回忆beautiful: 漂亮visit: 来到wood: 木finely: 精美characters: 人物feeling: 感到he: 他she: 她

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unveiling the Secrets of the Forbidden City: A Daylong Expedition
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 光辉的天安门前,有一个富丽堂皇的地方,叫做故宫。
    En: In front of the magnificent Tiananmen, there is a splendid place called the Forbidden City.

    Zh: 一天,阳光灿烂,鸟儿在空中飞舞。小明、莉莉和建国决定去故宫游览。
    En: One sunny day, with birds flying in the sky, Xiaoming, Lili, and Jianguo decided to tour the Forbidden City.

    Zh: 他们是最好的朋友,从小学就开始一起上学。
    En: They were the best of friends, having been classmates since elementary school.

    Zh: 他们对历史很感兴趣,今天他们终于有机会来探索这个神秘的地方。
    En: They all had a keen interest in history, and today, they finally had the chance to explore this mysterious place.

    Zh: 故宫的大门高大雄伟,
    En: The grand gates of the Forbidden City stood tall and majestic.

    Zh: 小明兴奋地指着大门说:“我们进去吧!这里一定有很多有趣的东西!”
    En: Excitedly pointing at the gates, Xiaoming said, "Let's go inside! There must be many interesting things here!

    Zh: 莉莉点点头,微笑着回答:“是的,我听说这里有好多皇帝住过的宫殿。”
    En: Lili nodded and responded with a smile, "Yes, I heard many emperors lived in these palaces.

    Zh: 建国也很高兴,他说:“我想看那些珍贵的文物!”
    En: Jianguo also felt delighted and said, "I want to see the precious relics!

    Zh: 他们排队买了票,看到了许多游客也在排队进入。
    En: They queued up to buy tickets, seeing many other tourists lining up to enter as well.

    Zh: 进入故宫后,他们第一时间看到了太和殿。
    En: Upon entering the Forbidden City, the first thing they saw was the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

    Zh: 太和殿的金色屋顶在阳光下闪闪发光,小明惊叹道:“多么壮观的建筑啊!”
    En: Its golden roof gleamed under the sunlight, prompting Xiaoming to exclaim, "What a magnificent building!

    Zh: 莉莉拿出相机拍照,她想把这些美丽的景象记录下来。
    En: Lili took out her camera to capture the beautiful sights.

    Zh: 他们跟着导游进入了各个宫殿。
    En: They followed a tour guide as they entered various palaces.

    Zh: 导游告诉他们,这里曾经住着许多皇帝和皇后。
    En: The guide told them that many emperors and empresses had lived there.

    Zh: 小明看着那些古老的家具和装饰,想象着以前的生活。
    En: Xiaoming, gazing at the ancient furniture and decorations, imagined life in the past.

    Zh: 他问导游:“他们是不是每天都穿得像电视上的皇帝一样?”
    En: He asked the guide, "Did they dress like emperors on TV every day?

    Zh: 导游笑着说:“没错,这里就是他们的家。”
    En: The guide laughed and said, "That's right, this was their home.

    Zh: 中午,他们在故宫的一个小花园里吃了午饭。
    En: At noon, they had lunch in a small garden within the Forbidden City.

    Zh: 花园里有美丽的花朵和翠绿的树木。
    En: The garden was filled with beautiful flowers and lush green trees.

    Zh: 莉莉说:“这里真的是个好地方,
    En: Lili commented, "This is such a nice place.

    Zh: 我们可以休息一会儿。”
    En: We can rest here for a while.

    Zh: 建国则继续研究着手中的导游图,他说:“下午我们去看看珍宝馆,好吗?”
    En: Jianguo continued studying the guide map he had and suggested, "Shall we visit the Treasure Gallery this afternoon?

    Zh: 朋友们都同意了。
    En: His friends agreed.

    Zh: 下午,三个人终于来到了珍宝馆。
    En: In the afternoon, the trio finally reached the Treasure Gallery.

    Zh: 这里展示着各种稀世珍宝,有玉器、金器和瓷器。
    En: It displayed a variety of rare treasures, including jade, gold, and porcelain items.

    Zh: 他们看着那些闪闪发光的宝贝,感到非常奇妙。
    En: Looking at the glittering treasures, they felt amazed.

    Zh: 小明说:“这些东西在古代一定非常贵重。”
    En: Xiaoming said, "These things must have been very valuable in ancient times.

    Zh: 当他们走出珍宝馆,看到太阳渐渐西沉,天空染上了绚丽的晚霞。
    En: As they exited the Treasure Gallery, they saw the sun gradually setting and the sky painted with glorious hues of the evening.

    Zh: 小明感到有些遗憾:“今天一天过得真快。”
    En: Xiaoming felt a bit regretful, "Today went by so fast.

    Zh: 莉莉点头同意:“是的,不过我们学到了很多新东西,也拍了很多照片。”
    En: Lili nodded in agreement, "Yes, but we learned a lot and took many photos.

    Zh: 建国拍拍小明的肩膀:“别担心,我们还可以再来一次。”
    En: Patting Xiaoming on the shoulder, Jianguo said, "Don't worry, we can come again.

    Zh: 朋友们牵着手,走出故宫的大门。
    En: Holding hands, the friends walked out of the Forbidden City gates.

    Zh: 他们决定下次还要来这个美丽的地方,探索更多历史的秘密。
    En: They decided they would visit this beautiful place again to uncover more historical secrets.

    Zh: 故事到这里结束了。
    En: The story ends here.

    Zh: 经过一天的游览,小明、莉莉和建国不仅更加了解了中国的历史,也更加珍惜他们之间的友谊。
    En: After a day's tour, Xiaoming, Lili, and Jianguo not only gained a deeper understanding of China's history but also cherished their friendship even more.

    Zh: 故宫的记忆将永远留在他们心中。
    En: The memories of the Forbidden City would remain in their hearts forever.

    Vocabulary Words:
    magnificent: 光辉splendid: 富丽堂皇mysterious: 神秘majestic: 雄伟precious: 珍贵relics: 文物gleamed: 闪闪发光prompting: 促使ancient: 古老decorations: 装饰guide: 导游furniture: 家具imagined: 想象jade: 玉器porcelain: 瓷器glittering: 闪闪发光valuable: 贵重gradually: 渐渐setting: 西沉glorious: 绚丽hues: 晚霞cherished: 珍惜friendship: 友谊explore: 探索queue: 排队tourists: 游客captured: 记录supreme: 太和harmony: 和谐reluctant: 遗憾

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Enchanting Evenings: A Night Market Adventure in Beijing
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 北京的夜晚静悄悄,但王府井大街却热闹非凡。
    En: The night in Beijing is quiet, but Wangfujing Street is bustling with activity.

    Zh: 夜市的灯光闪烁,人们熙熙攘攘。
    En: The lights of the night market are twinkling, and people are bustling around.

    Zh: 小明、丽丽和阿强三人兴奋地走在王府井大街上。
    En: Xiao Ming, Lili, and Ah Qiang excitedly walk along Wangfujing Street.

    Zh: 他们想寻找那些传说中的特色小吃和独特的纪念品。
    En: They are on a mission to find the legendary local snacks and unique souvenirs.

    Zh: “我想吃那个糖葫芦!”丽丽尖叫道。她指着一家挂满糖葫芦的摊位。
    En: "I want to eat that candied haw!" Lili exclaims. She points to a stall adorned with skewers of candied haws.

    Zh: “好啊,咱们去买吧。”小明微笑着回应。
    En: "Sure, let's go buy some." Xiao Ming responds with a smile.

    Zh: 他们走到摊位前,买了三串糖葫芦。
    En: They arrive at the stall and buy three skewers of candied haws.

    Zh: 糖葫芦甜甜的,他们吃得开心极了。
    En: The sweet taste fills them with joy as they eat.

    Zh: 接着,他们看见一种叫“臭豆腐”的小吃。阿强笑道,“谁敢吃这个?”
    En: Next, they see a snack called "stinky tofu." Ah Qiang laughs and says, "Who dares to eat this?"

    Zh: 丽丽皱眉,“好臭哦!”
    En: Lili wrinkles her nose, "It smells so bad!"

    Zh: 小明壮着胆子说,“我试试。”他吃了一口,惊讶地说,“其实很好吃!”
    En: Summoning his courage, Xiao Ming says, "I'll try it." He takes a bite and surprisingly says, "It's actually delicious!"

    Zh: 他们继续向前走,忽然看到一个卖手工艺品的小摊位。
    En: They continue walking and suddenly see a small stall selling handicrafts.

    Zh: 那里有漂亮的风筝、彩色的扇子,还有精致的陶瓷杯。
    En: There are beautiful kites, colorful fans, and exquisite ceramic cups.

    Zh: “这些好漂亮啊!”丽丽眼睛亮了。
    En: "These are so pretty!" Lili's eyes sparkle.

    Zh: 阿强点头,“我也想买个送给妈妈。”
    En: Ah Qiang nods, "I want to buy one as a gift for my mom."

    Zh: 小明挑了一个蓝色风筝,丽丽买了一把红色的花扇子,阿强选择了一个白色的陶瓷杯。
    En: Xiao Ming picks out a blue kite, Lili buys a red floral fan, and Ah Qiang chooses a white ceramic cup.

    Zh: 每个人都笑得很开心,觉得这次逛夜市真是太值了。
    En: Each person is smiling happily, feeling that this night market trip was totally worth it.

    Zh: 时间不知不觉过得飞快,他们提着战利品,走到了夜市的尽头。
    En: Time flies without them noticing as they carry their treasures and reach the end of the night market.

    Zh: “今天真好玩。”小明说。
    En: "Today was really fun," says Xiao Ming.

    Zh: 丽丽和阿强点头赞同,心里也充满了幸福感。
    En: Lili and Ah Qiang nod in agreement, their hearts filled with happiness.

    Zh: 就这样,他们愉快地结束了在北京王府井大街上的夜市之旅。
    En: Thus, they joyfully conclude their night market adventure on Wangfujing Street in Beijing.

    Zh: 夜晚的凉风吹来,三人心底都是暖暖的,想着下次再一起来逛。
    En: The cool evening breeze blows, warming their hearts as they think about coming back together next time.

    Zh: 故事到这里就结束了。
    En: The story ends here.

    Zh: 望着天边的星星,他们觉得这次的夜市之行成了美好的回忆。
    En: Gazing at the stars in the sky, they cherish this night market trip as a wonderful memory.

    Vocabulary Words:
    quiet: 静悄悄bustling: 热闹非凡legendary: 传说中的snacks: 小吃souvenirs: 纪念品candied haw: 糖葫芦exclaims: 尖叫道stall: 摊位skewers: 串stinky tofu: 臭豆腐laughs: 笑道wrinkles: 皱眉courage: 胆子delicious: 好吃handicrafts: 手工艺品kite: 风筝fan: 扇子ceramic: 陶瓷cup: 杯sparkle: 亮了gift: 送给treasures: 战利品worth it: 太值了vendor: 摊贩exquisite: 精致adorned: 挂满amusing: 好玩joyfully: 愉快地worthy: 值得night market: 夜市

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Forbidden City Adventures: Friendship, Health, Heroic Moments
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 今天是一个阳光明媚的早晨。
    En: Today is a bright and sunny morning.

    Zh: 王伟和李娜决定去北京故宫参观。
    En: Wang Wei and Li Na decided to visit the Forbidden City in Beijing.

    Zh: 他们早早起床,准备了一些食物和水。
    En: They got up early and prepared some food and water.

    Zh: 然后,他们乘坐巴士前往故宫。
    En: Then, they took a bus to the Forbidden City.

    Zh: 到了故宫,他们看到壮丽的宫殿和美丽的花园。
    En: Upon arriving, they saw the magnificent palaces and beautiful gardens.

    Zh: 王伟用手机给李娜拍了很多照片。李娜也用相机记录下这一切。
    En: Wang Wei took many photos of Li Na with his phone, and Li Na also documented everything with her camera.

    Zh: 他们一路上说说笑笑,心情非常好。
    En: They chatted and laughed along the way, in very good spirits.

    Zh: 正午时分,太阳非常强烈,天也很热。
    En: At noon, the sun was very strong and the weather became very hot.

    Zh: 他们走到御花园,准备找一个地方休息。
    En: They walked to the Imperial Garden to find a place to rest.

    Zh: 王伟忽然觉得心脏疼痛。
    En: Suddenly, Wang Wei felt chest pain.

    Zh: 他脸色变得苍白,全身出汗。
    En: His face turned pale and he was sweating all over.

    Zh: 李娜看到这样的情况,十分担心。
    En: Seeing this, Li Na became very worried.

    Zh: “王伟,你怎么了?你还好吗?” 李娜急忙问道。
    En: "Wang Wei, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Li Na asked anxiously.

    Zh: 王伟捂着胸口,喘着粗气:“我……我觉得……不太好。”
    En: Wang Wei clutched his chest, gasping for air, "I... I don't feel... well."

    Zh: 李娜立刻意识到这是心脏病发作。
    En: Li Na immediately realized it was a heart attack and knew she had to act quickly.

    Zh: 她迅速拿出手机,拨打了急救电话:“救命!这里有人突发心脏病!请快来!”
    En: She swiftly took out her phone and dialed the emergency number: "Help! There's someone having a heart attack here! Please come quickly!"

    Zh: 急救人员接到电话,马上赶往现场。
    En: The emergency personnel received the call and hurried to the scene.

    Zh: 他们很快来到故宫御花园,用担架把王伟抬上救护车。
    En: They quickly arrived at the Imperial Garden, lifted Wang Wei onto a stretcher, and placed him in the ambulance.

    Zh: 一路上,李娜紧紧握着王伟的手,安慰他。
    En: Throughout the ride, Li Na held Wang Wei's hand tightly, reassuring him.

    Zh: “王伟,坚持住!医生马上就来了。” 李娜坚定地说道。
    En: "Wang Wei, hang in there! The doctor will be here soon," Li Na said firmly.

    Zh: 救护车飞快地开往医院,急救人员在车上为王伟进行了紧急处理。
    En: The ambulance sped to the hospital, and the emergency personnel administered emergency treatment to Wang Wei in the vehicle.

    Zh: 到了医院,医生迅速开始抢救。
    En: Upon arrival, the doctors immediately started their rescue efforts.

    Zh: 几个小时后,医生走出急救室,对李娜说:“他现在情况稳定了,但需要住院观察几天。”
    En: Several hours later, a doctor emerged from the emergency room and said to Li Na, "He is stable now but needs to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation."

    Zh: 李娜长舒了一口气:“谢谢医生!”她终于放下了心中的石头。
    En: Li Na let out a long sigh of relief, "Thank you, doctor!" She finally felt a weight lifted off her shoulders.

    Zh: 几天后,王伟恢复了健康。
    En: A few days later, Wang Wei recovered.

    Zh: 他们两个人坐在医院花园的长椅上,回忆起那天在故宫发生的事情。
    En: The two of them sat on a bench in the hospital garden, reflecting on what had happened that day in the Forbidden City.

    Zh: “李娜,谢谢你。如果没有你,我可能挺不过来。”王伟感激地说。
    En: "Li Na, thank you. If it weren't for you, I might not have made it," Wang Wei said gratefully.

    Zh: 李娜笑着摇摇头:“你是我的朋友,我当然会帮助你。
    En: Li Na shook her head with a smile, "You're my friend. Of course, I would help you.

    Zh: 以后我们要更加注意健康,再去一次故宫!”
    En: From now on, we must pay more attention to our health, and we'll visit the Forbidden City again!"

    Zh: 王伟点点头,感受到浓浓的友情。
    En: Wang Wei nodded, feeling the strong bond of friendship.

    Zh: 他们决定以后一定要更加注意身体健康,不再让这种事情发生。
    En: They decided to be more vigilant about their health in the future to prevent such incidents.

    Zh: 故事虽然惊险,但结局很美好。
    En: Though the story was thrilling, it ended on a positive note.

    Zh: 人的健康和友情,在这次经历中显得格外重要。
    En: The importance of health and friendship was highlighted through this experience.

    Zh: 王伟和李娜从此更加珍惜每一天,感受到生命的美好。
    En: From then on, Wang Wei and Li Na cherished every day even more, appreciating the beauty of life.

    Vocabulary Words:
    bright: 阳光明媚的visit: 参观prepared: 准备了magnificent: 壮丽的documented: 记录chat: 说说笑笑spirits: 心情strong: 强烈rest: 休息chest pain: 心脏疼痛pale: 苍白sweating: 出汗worried: 担心anxiously: 急忙gasping for air: 喘着粗气heart attack: 心脏病发作emergency: 急救personnel: 人员stretcher: 担架ambulance: 救护车reassuring: 安慰speeds: 飞快地treatment: 处理rescue efforts: 抢救stable: 稳定observation: 观察weight lifted off: 放下了心中的石头reflecting: 回忆gratitude: 感激cherish: 珍惜

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Xiao Ming's Fainting at the Forbidden City
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 北京,晴空万里。
    En: Beijing, with a clear and sunny sky.

    Zh: 小明、丽丽和建国一起去故宫玩。
    En: Xiao Ming, Lili, and Jianguo went to visit the Forbidden City together.

    Zh: 故宫很大,很漂亮。
    En: The Forbidden City was huge and beautiful.

    Zh: 三个人走在红墙边,看着金色屋顶,心情很好。
    En: The three of them walked alongside the red walls, gazing at the golden rooftops, feeling in high spirits.

    Zh: 他们走到乾清宫,那里人很多。
    En: They arrived at the Palace of Heavenly Purity, where there were many people.

    Zh: 小明看着古老的建筑,觉得这里很神奇。
    En: Xiao Ming looked at the ancient buildings and felt that the place was magical.

    Zh: 突然,小明感到头晕,眼前一黑,倒在地上。
    En: Suddenly, Xiao Ming felt dizzy, his vision went dark, and he collapsed to the ground.

    Zh: 丽丽和建国吓坏了,赶紧叫人帮忙。
    En: Lili and Jianguo were terrified and quickly called for help.

    Zh: “快来人啊!有人晕倒了!”丽丽大声叫道。
    En: "Someone come quickly! Someone has fainted!" Lili shouted loudly.

    Zh: 周围的人听见,立刻围了过来。
    En: The people around heard and immediately gathered.

    Zh: 一个热心的游客跑过去,看了看小明,说:“我是一名医生,我来帮忙。”
    En: A kind-hearted tourist ran over, took a look at Xiao Ming, and said, "I am a doctor, let me help."

    Zh: 医生检查了小明的脉搏和呼吸,发现他需要紧急救助。
    En: The doctor checked Xiao Ming's pulse and breath, discovering that he needed urgent assistance.

    Zh: 建国马上掏出手机,拨打急救电话。
    En: Jianguo immediately took out his phone and dialed the emergency number.

    Zh: “120,请快来故宫乾清宫,有人昏倒了。”他说。
    En: "120, please come to the Palace of Heavenly Purity in the Forbidden City, someone has fainted," he said.

    Zh: 不久,救护车来了,两名急救人员迅速把小明抬上担架。
    En: Soon, an ambulance arrived, and two paramedics quickly put Xiao Ming on a stretcher.

    Zh: 丽丽和建国跟着救护车,一起去了医院。
    En: Lili and Jianguo followed the ambulance to the hospital.

    Zh: 到了医院,医生立刻为小明做检查。
    En: At the hospital, the doctor immediately conducted an examination on Xiao Ming.

    Zh: 幸运的是,小明只是因为天气太热,加上他没怎么喝水,所以晕倒了。
    En: Fortunately, Xiao Ming had only fainted due to the hot weather and not drinking enough water.

    Zh: 医生给他打了点滴,小明慢慢醒了过来。
    En: The doctor gave him an IV drip, and Xiao Ming slowly regained consciousness.

    Zh: 丽丽和建国松了一口气,他们握着小明的手,安慰他说:“你没事太好了,我们以后要多注意休息和喝水。”
    En: Lili and Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief; they held Xiao Ming's hand and comforted him, saying, "It's great you're okay. From now on, we need to take more breaks and drink plenty of water."

    Zh: 小明点点头,微笑着说:“谢谢你们,如果没有你们和那些好心人,我真的不知道会怎么样。”
    En: Xiao Ming nodded and smiled, "Thank you. Without you and those kind people, I really don't know what would have happened."

    Zh: 从此以后,小明、丽丽和建国变得更加小心,
    En: From then on, Xiao Ming, Lili, and Jianguo became more cautious.

    Zh: 他们决定每次出门都要带足够的水,还要留意天气预报。
    En: They decided to always carry enough water and check the weather forecast before going out.

    Zh: 这次的经历让他们感受到了朋友的关心和陌生人的帮助,他们更加珍惜每一天的生活。
    En: This experience made them feel the care of friends and the aid of strangers, and they cherished every day of their lives even more.

    Zh: 故事就这样结束了,
    En: And so, the story ends.

    Zh: 三个朋友在未来的日子里继续快乐地探索美丽的世界。
    En: The three friends continued to happily explore the beautiful world in the days to come.

    Vocabulary Words:
    sunny: 晴空万里visit: 玩ancient: 古老的magical: 神奇dizzy: 头晕collapsed: 倒在地上terrified: 吓坏了urgent assistance: 紧急救助ambulance: 救护车paramedics: 急救人员stretcher: 担架examination: 检查fainted: 昏倒IV drip: 点滴consciousness: 醒了过来comforted: 安慰regained: 恢复了forecast: 预报aid: 帮助cherish: 珍惜pulse: 脉搏breath: 呼吸kind-hearted: 热心explore: 探索terrified: 吓坏了gathered: 围了过来hospital: 医院drip: 点滴sigh of relief: 松了一口气future: 未来

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Summer Palace Stories: A Day of Beauty & Growth
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 太阳高高挂在天上,金色的光辉洒满了大地。
    En: The sun hung high in the sky, casting its golden rays across the land.

    Zh: 今天是一个特别的日子。
    En: Today was a special day.

    Zh: 小明、丽华、和建国与他们的同学们一起,去颐和园秋季郊游。
    En: Xiaoming, Lihua, and Jianguo, along with their classmates, went on an autumn outing to the Summer Palace.

    Zh: 颐和园美丽极了。
    En: The Summer Palace was incredibly beautiful.

    Zh: 湖水清澈见底,古老的建筑让人心生向往。
    En: The lake was crystal clear, and the ancient buildings were awe-inspiring.

    Zh: 小明和同学们边走边看,不禁感叹自然的美好。
    En: As Xiaoming and his classmates walked, they marveled at the beauty of nature.

    Zh: 丽华指着远处说:“大家看,那是佛香阁,真漂亮!”
    En: Lihua pointed to the distance and said, "Everyone look, that's the Tower of Buddhist Incense, it's so beautiful!"

    Zh: 建国点点头:“确实很壮观!”
    En: Jianguo nodded, "It truly is magnificent!"

    Zh: 这时,老师宣布了一项任务:“同学们,我们今天要进行一次中文作业比赛,写一篇关于颐和园的作文。”
    En: At that moment, the teacher announced a task: "Class, today we will have a Chinese essay competition to write about the Summer Palace."

    Zh: 同学们开始忙碌起来。
    En: The students got busy right away.

    Zh: 小明坐在湖边,思考着该写些什么。
    En: Xiaoming sat by the lake, pondering what to write.

    Zh: 他看着宁静的湖面,心中有了灵感。
    En: As he gazed at the serene lake surface, inspiration struck him.

    Zh: 丽华坐在长凳上,仔细观察周围的景色。
    En: Lihua sat on a bench, carefully observing the surrounding scenery.

    Zh: 她拿出笔,用心记录下每一个细节。
    En: She took out her pen and meticulously recorded every detail.

    Zh: 建国则选择了倚在树下,一边看景一边写。
    En: Jianguo chose to lean against a tree, writing as he took in the view.

    Zh: 他的笔不停地在纸上移动。
    En: His pen moved continuously across the paper.

    Zh: 时间飞快流逝,比赛很快结束。
    En: Time flew by, and the competition soon ended.

    Zh: 老师收集了大家的作文,开始逐一阅读。
    En: The teacher collected everyone's essays and began reading them one by one.

    Zh: “小明,你写得不错,描写了湖水的宁静。”
    En: "Xiaoming, your writing is great. You captured the tranquility of the lake."

    Zh: “丽华,你也很好,细节丰富,感情真挚。”
    En: "Lihua, yours is excellent too, rich in detail and sincere in emotion."

    Zh: “建国,你的文章很有深度,表达了对颐和园的热爱。”
    En: "Jianguo, your essay is very profound, expressing your love for the Summer Palace."

    Zh: 最后,老师宣布:“今天丽华的作文最好,她是我们的冠军!”
    En: Finally, the teacher announced, "Lihua’s essay is the best today; she is our champion!"

    Zh: 同学们纷纷鼓掌,丽华脸上露出了开心的笑容。
    En: The classmates applauded, and a joyous smile appeared on Lihua's face.

    Zh: 郊游结束时,大家依依不舍地离开了颐和园。
    En: As the outing came to an end, everyone reluctantly left the Summer Palace.

    Zh: 回家的路上,小明、丽华和建国讨论着作文比赛,心情愉快。
    En: On the way home, Xiaoming, Lihua, and Jianguo discussed the essay competition, feeling cheerful.

    Zh: 这次郊游让他们不仅欣赏了美景,还提高了写作水平。
    En: This outing not only allowed them to appreciate the beautiful scenery but also improved their writing skills.

    Zh: 同学们互相鼓励,一同成长,这次秋季郊游将永远留在他们的记忆中。
    En: The students encouraged each other and grew together; this autumn outing would remain forever in their memories.

    Zh: 故事结束了,然而美丽的颐和园和那次特别的比赛,将在他们心中永久流传。
    En: The story ends, but the beautiful Summer Palace and that special competition will live on in their hearts forever.

    Vocabulary Words:
    hung: 挂casting: 洒golden: 金色的rays: 光辉outing: 郊游crystal clear: 清澈见底awe-inspiring: 让人心生向往truly: 确实magnificent: 壮观task: 任务competition: 比赛pondering: 思考inspiration: 灵感serene: 宁静carefully: 仔细meticulously: 用心surrounding: 周围的observing: 观察continuously: 不停地profound: 有深度tranquility: 宁静sincere: 真挚champion: 冠军reluctantly: 依依不舍appreciate: 欣赏encouraged: 鼓励grew: 成长improved: 提高了memories: 记忆forever: 永久

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Exploring the Magnificent Treasures of the Forbidden City
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 秋天的一个早晨,阳光明媚,天空湛蓝。
    En: On a bright and sunny autumn morning, the sky was a clear blue.

    Zh: 学校组织了一次秋游活动。
    En: The school organized a fall outing.

    Zh: 王伟、李娜和张建兴奋地集合在学校操场上。
    En: Wang Wei, Li Na, and Zhang Jian excitedly gathered on the school's playground.

    Zh: 他们将要去北京故宫参观。
    En: They were going to visit the Forbidden City in Beijing.

    Zh: 到达故宫后,王伟看到了高大的红墙和金色的屋顶,非常壮观。
    En: Upon arriving at the Forbidden City, Wang Wei saw the tall red walls and golden roofs, which were incredibly magnificent.

    Zh: 他忍不住赞叹:“真漂亮!”
    En: He couldn't help but exclaim, "It's so beautiful!"

    Zh: 李娜点头说:“是啊,这里的历史文物太有意思了。”
    En: Li Na nodded and said, "Yeah, the historical artifacts here are so interesting."

    Zh: 他们跟着老师和导游,开始参观故宫。
    En: They followed the teacher and the tour guide, starting their tour of the Forbidden City.

    Zh: 导游说:“这是乾清宫,古代皇帝在这里办公。”
    En: The tour guide said, "This is the Palace of Heavenly Purity, where ancient emperors used to work."

    Zh: 王伟拍了一张照片。
    En: Wang Wei took a photo.

    Zh: 他想把这美丽的景象留住。
    En: He wanted to capture this beautiful scene.

    Zh: 接着,他们来到了太和殿。
    En: Next, they arrived at the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

    Zh: 导游介绍:“太和殿是故宫最大的宫殿,是皇帝举行重要仪式的地方。”
    En: The tour guide introduced, "The Hall of Supreme Harmony is the largest hall in the Forbidden City, where the emperor held important ceremonies."

    Zh: 李娜认真地听着,还在笔记本上记下了一些重点。
    En: Li Na listened attentively and jotted down some key points in her notebook.

    Zh: 在午餐时间,他们坐在故宫花园的长椅上吃午餐。
    En: At lunchtime, they sat on a bench in the garden of the Forbidden City to eat.

    Zh: 张建打开饭盒,拿出妈妈准备的三明治。
    En: Zhang Jian opened his lunch box and took out the sandwich his mom had prepared.

    Zh: 他咬了一口说:“今天的食物特别香!”
    En: After taking a bite, he said, "Today's food is especially delicious!"

    Zh: 午餐后,他们继续参观。
    En: After lunch, they continued their tour.

    Zh: 他们看到了许多珍贵的文物。
    En: They saw many precious artifacts.

    Zh: 李娜看了一把宝剑,眼睛瞪得大大的:“这把剑真的很酷!”
    En: Li Na looked at a treasured sword with wide-open eyes, "This sword is really cool!"

    Zh: 最后,他们来到了珍宝馆。
    En: Finally, they arrived at the Treasure Gallery.

    Zh: 里面有很多金银珠宝。
    En: There were many gold and silver jewels inside.

    Zh: 张建兴奋地说:“这里的东西简直太漂亮了!”
    En: Zhang Jian excitedly said, "The items here are simply gorgeous!"

    Zh: 一天的参观很快就结束了。
    En: The day's visit quickly came to an end.

    Zh: 王伟、李娜和张建依依不舍地离开了故宫。
    En: Wang Wei, Li Na, and Zhang Jian reluctantly left the Forbidden City.

    Zh: 他们觉得这次秋游非常有意义,学到了很多历史知识。
    En: They felt that this fall outing was very meaningful and that they had learned a lot about history.

    Zh: 回到学校,他们决定向同学们分享这次难忘的经历。
    En: Back at school, they decided to share this unforgettable experience with their classmates.

    Zh: 老师表扬了他们,鼓励大家继续学习历史。
    En: The teacher praised them and encouraged everyone to continue studying history.

    Zh: 这次秋游结束了,但故宫的美丽和历史文物留在了他们的心中。
    En: This fall outing came to an end, but the beauty and historical artifacts of the Forbidden City remained in their hearts.

    Zh: 他们希望以后还能有机会再来。
    En: They hoped to have the chance to visit again in the future.

    Vocabulary Words:
    autumn: 秋天sunny: 阳光明媚Forbidden City: 故宫magnificent: 壮观exclaim: 赞叹followed: 跟着guide: 导游Palace of Heavenly Purity: 乾清宫treasured sword: 宝剑wide-open: 瞪得大大的gorgeous: 漂亮artifacts: 文物unforgettable: 难忘attentively: 认真地jewels: 珠宝historical: 历史roofs: 屋顶bench: 长椅capture: 留住ceremonies: 仪式key points: 重点precious: 珍贵delicious: 特别香notebook: 笔记本relics: 遗物encouraged: 鼓励meaningful: 有意义treasure gallery: 珍宝馆garden: 花园learned: 学到

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: A Day at the Forbidden City: Friendship and a Fainting Spell
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 在一个晴朗的秋天,小明、婷婷和大伟决定去北京故宫游玩。
    En: On a clear autumn day, Xiao Ming, Ting Ting, and Da Wei decided to visit the Forbidden City in Beijing.

    Zh: 北京故宫很大,有很多美丽的建筑和花园。
    En: The Forbidden City in Beijing is very large, with many beautiful buildings and gardens.

    Zh: 小明和大伟带着相机,想拍很多好看的照片。
    En: Xiao Ming and Da Wei brought cameras, eager to take lots of good photos.

    Zh: 婷婷带着水和零食,因为她知道大家一定会累的。
    En: Ting Ting brought water and snacks because she knew everyone would get tired.

    Zh: 他们走到故宫的午门,看到高大的宫殿。
    En: They walked to the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City and saw the tall palaces.

    Zh: 小明说:“我们先去看太和殿吧!”
    En: Xiao Ming said, "Let’s go see the Hall of Supreme Harmony first!"

    Zh: 大伟点头同意,婷婷也笑着说好。
    En: Da Wei nodded in agreement, and Ting Ting smiled and agreed too.

    Zh: 走着走着,婷婷突然觉得头晕。
    En: As they walked, Ting Ting suddenly started to feel dizzy.

    Zh: 她的脸色变得很苍白,脚步也渐渐慢了下来。
    En: Her face turned very pale, and her steps gradually slowed down.

    Zh: 大伟发现婷婷的异常,赶紧问:“婷婷,你怎么了?”
    En: Da Wei noticed something was wrong with Ting Ting and hurriedly asked, "Ting Ting, what's wrong?"

    Zh: 婷婷想说话,但声音很小。
    En: Ting Ting wanted to speak, but her voice was very faint.

    Zh: 她突然晕倒在地上。
    En: She suddenly fainted and collapsed on the ground.

    Zh: 小明和大伟非常着急,不知道怎么办。
    En: Xiao Ming and Da Wei were very anxious and didn't know what to do.

    Zh: 他们赶紧用手机打电话叫救护车。
    En: They quickly used their phone to call an ambulance.

    Zh: 救护车很快就到了。
    En: The ambulance arrived very quickly.

    Zh: 医护人员迅速检查了婷婷的情况,然后把她抬上救护车。
    En: The medical staff immediately checked on Ting Ting's condition and then carried her onto the ambulance.

    Zh: 小明和大伟也上了车,他们很担心婷婷。
    En: Xiao Ming and Da Wei also got in; they were very worried about Ting Ting.

    Zh: 在医院里,医生告诉他们,婷婷只是因为疲劳和热气晕倒了,休息一下就会好。
    En: At the hospital, the doctor told them that Ting Ting had only fainted due to fatigue and heat and that she would be fine after some rest.

    Zh: 听到这个消息,小明和大伟终于松了一口气。
    En: Hearing this news, Xiao Ming and Da Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

    Zh: 婷婷醒来后,看见小明和大伟担心的神情,
    En: When Ting Ting woke up, she saw the worried expressions on Xiao Ming and Da Wei's faces.

    Zh: 她笑了笑说:“对不起,大家让你们担心了。”
    En: She smiled and said, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

    Zh: 小明握着婷婷的手说:“没关系,健康最重要。”
    En: Xiao Ming held Ting Ting's hand and said, "It's okay, health is the most important thing."

    Zh: 大伟也点头表示同意。
    En: Da Wei nodded in agreement.

    Zh: 他们决定以后要更加注意彼此的健康,再也不会这样大意了。
    En: They decided to be more mindful of each other’s health in the future and never be so careless again.

    Zh: 虽然一天的游玩被打断,但他们的友谊更加深厚了。
    En: Although their day of sightseeing was interrupted, their friendship grew even stronger.

    Zh: 故事就这样结束了,
    En: And so, the story ended.

    Vocabulary Words:
    autumn: 秋天visit: 游玩Forbidden City: 故宫buildings: 建筑gardens: 花园eager: 想snacks: 零食tired: 累Meridian Gate: 午门supreme: 太和harmony: 和dizzy: 头晕pale: 苍白collapsed: 晕倒anxious: 着急ambulance: 救护车medical staff: 医护人员checked: 检查hospital: 医院fainted: 晕倒fatigue: 疲劳heat: 热气condition: 情况rest: 休息relief: 松了一口气wake up: 醒来worried: 担心health: 健康careless: 大意interrupted: 打断

  • Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: From Ice Cream Dreams to Stinky Tofu Delights at Tiananmen
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 在一个晴朗的早晨,蓝天白云,阳光洒满了大地。小明和小华决定去天安门广场玩。
    En: On a clear morning, with blue skies and white clouds, and sunlight spreading over the earth, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua decided to go play at Tiananmen Square.

    Zh: 他们期待着这个特别的日子。
    En: They were looking forward to this special day.

    Zh: 当他们走近广场时,闻到了一股香气。
    En: As they approached the square, they smelled a delightful aroma.

    Zh: 小明指着远处的小摊说:“小华,你闻到了吗?好香啊!一定是冰激凌!”
    En: Xiao Ming pointed to a distant stall and said, "Xiao Hua, do you smell that? It smells so good! It must be ice cream!"

    Zh: 小华舔了舔嘴唇,说:“太好了,我最喜欢冰激凌了。我们快去买吧!”
    En: Licking his lips, Xiao Hua replied, "Great! I love ice cream the most. Let's go and buy some!"

    Zh: 他们高高兴兴地跑向那个小摊。
    En: They happily ran towards the stall.

    Zh: 靠近时,小明看到摊主在忙碌地翻炒着什么东西。
    En: As they got closer, Xiao Ming noticed the vendor busily stir-frying something.

    Zh: 他对小华说:“哦,你看,那个人在做冰激凌呢,一个大锅冰激凌!”
    En: He said to Xiao Hua, "Oh, look, that person is making ice cream, a big pot of ice cream!"

    Zh: 他们排队等候着。
    En: They waited in line.

    Zh: 轮到他们时,小明对摊主说:“叔叔,两份冰激凌。”
    En: When it was their turn, Xiao Ming said to the vendor, "Uncle, two ice creams, please."

    Zh: 摊主露出一个友善的笑容,说:“不好意思,小朋友,这里没有冰激凌,是臭豆腐。”
    En: The vendor smiled kindly and said, "Sorry, kids, there's no ice cream here. It's stinky tofu."

    Zh: 小华的脸一下子垮了下来:“什么?臭豆腐?可是我们要冰激凌!”
    En: Xiao Hua's face fell immediately, "What? Stinky tofu? But we want ice cream!"

    Zh: 听到这句话,旁边的游客们都笑了起来。
    En: Hearing this, the nearby tourists all burst into laughter.

    Zh: 小明和小华看着彼此,不知道该怎么办好。
    En: Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

    Zh: 他们失望地转过身,准备离开。
    En: Disappointed, they turned to leave.

    Zh: 这时,摊主喊住了他们:“小朋友,你们要不要尝一下臭豆腐?可能会惊喜哦!”
    En: Just then, the vendor called out to them, "Kids, would you like to try some stinky tofu? It might surprise you!"

    Zh: 小明犹豫了一下,对小华说:“要不我们试试看,反正也没买到冰激凌。”
    En: Xiao Ming hesitated for a moment and then said to Xiao Hua, "How about we give it a try? We didn't get ice cream anyway."

    Zh: 小华点点头。
    En: Xiao Hua nodded.

    Zh: 摊主给了他们一小份臭豆腐。
    En: The vendor handed them a small portion of stinky tofu.

    Zh: 小明和小华小心地尝了一口。
    En: Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua cautiously took a bite.

    Zh: 他们的眼睛一下子亮了起来。
    En: Their eyes lit up instantly.

    Zh: 小华惊呼道:“哇,这竟然很好吃!”
    En: Xiao Hua exclaimed, "Wow, this is actually really delicious!"

    Zh: 小明也点点头:“叔叔,再给我们一份。”
    En: Xiao Ming nodded in agreement, "Uncle, we’d like another serving."

    Zh: 摊主开心地笑了:“好啊好啊!”
    En: The vendor laughed happily, "Sure, sure!"

    Zh: 就这样,小明和小华发现了新的美味。
    En: In this way, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua discovered a new delicacy.

    Zh: 虽然他们没有买到冰激凌,但他们收获了意外的惊喜。
    En: Although they didn’t get ice cream, they ended up with an unexpected surprise.

    Zh: 故事的结尾,太阳依然高挂在天安门广场的上空,小明和小华手里拿着臭豆腐,嘴里满是欢笑。
    En: In the end, the sun still hung high over Tiananmen Square, and Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua, holding their stinky tofu, were filled with laughter.

    Zh: 他们并肩走在广场上,快乐地分享着这段意想不到的美好经历。
    En: They walked side by side in the square, joyfully sharing this unexpectedly delightful experience.

    Vocabulary Words:
    clear: 晴朗approached: 走近aroma: 香气delightful: 好香vendor: 摊主busily: 忙碌地stir-frying: 翻炒kindly: 友善地stinky tofu: 臭豆腐face fell: 脸垮了burst into laughter: 笑了起来hesitated: 犹豫cautiously: 小心地bite: 尝一口instantly: 一下子exclaimed: 惊呼nod: 点头discovered: 发现delicacy: 美味unexpected: 意外surprise: 惊喜high over: 高挂holding: 拿着filled with laughter: 嘴里满是欢笑side by side: 并肩joyfully: 快乐地sharing: 分享special day: 特别的日子distant: 远处waited in line: 排队等候