Welcome! Maybe you are already learning Turkish with us on Youtube? On the Easy Turkish Podcast, we discuss topics from Turkey and around the world. In our episodes we will discuss a topic we choose, explain an idiom or an expression, recommend a movie, a TV series or a song and we will answer your questions. Members get full transcripts and our exclusive vocabulary helper for each episode.
Short podcasts to improve your English at work.
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This podcast is for all the lovers of the Italian language who think grammar is necessary but not sufficient. By listening to Barbara's stories in Italian you'll dive into the Italian world in order to learn Italian in an authentic way.
Tipy a triky pre tvoju angličtinu
Become a Paid Subscriber: this class, we'll walk you though English Tenses, show you how and when to use them and the difference mistakes to avoid when using them. We'll also take some practical examples to helping you using those tenses correctly!
English Language Learning, but not as you know it - Leadership and Management content, Coaching topics ... as well as creative writing, art, sport, comedy, poetry, crafts, plenty of other stuff ...
Brush up on your German anytime with this daily vocabulary podcast series! This podcast was created to help you improve your vocabulary no matter what your current level is (beginner, intermediate or advanced).
You'll find topics like food, city, work, real estate, transportation and more!
You will first hear the words in English and then they will be repeated twice in German with pauses to give you time to assimilate them. Good luck! -
Te enseño todos mis trucos y secretos para aprender más de 23 idiomas. Support this podcast:
Podcast, který tě naučí španělsky a zároveň tě naučí také milovat tuhle horkokrevnou kulturu. 💃
Dvě epizody týdně. 🎙
Jedna ti dá vědomosti v oblasti jazyka a ta druhá ti pomůže zmírnit kulturní šok, až do Španělska nebo do jiné latinskoamerické země opravdu vyrazíš. 🇪🇸 -
Ona je výživová poradkyňa, ktorá sama vie, ako veľmi dokáže zdravý životný štýl a racionálna strava zatočiť s viacerými zdravotnými problémami. On je profesionálny moderátor, ktorý sa vie pýtať. Obaja spojili svoje sily, aby nám všetkým ukázali, aká dôležitá je strava, prevencia a zodpovedný prístup k nášmu telu. Vďaka svojim hosťom, jazyku, ktorému porozumie každý a aktuálnym témam, ale aj uvoľnenej atmosfére zistíme, že zdravie nie je veda.
Casino Talk ponúka tie najzaujímavejšie rozhovory zo sveta hazardných hier. Navyše ako dlhoroční hráči ti prinášame jedinečné školenia, ktoré ťa naučia stať sa „Smart Gamblerom“.
Podcast Casino Talk ti prináša aplikácia My Casino Hub, tvoj sprievodca svetom hier.
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Daniel Lazar offers analysis of the six AP CoGoPo countries: Britain, Russia, China, Iran, Nigeria, and Mexico.
Podcast študentov a absolventov Slovenskej Technickej Univerzity.
Rozprávam o tom, ako schudnúť. No aj iné témy sa dozviete. Chudnutie totiž nie je jediná téma, ktorej sa venujem.
Diktát pro čtvrťáky od Elišky
Stuff about tectonic plates
Conheça um pouco sobre os principais setores econômicos de seus municípios!
My podcast is randomly, I can add many content that I want to be.