
  • Today’s episode takes a holistic deep dive into why change feels dangerous. Across all human cultures over many millennia, some risk has always been inherent in the venture of change. Change in one’s social circumstances, environment, societal norms, and the shifting of seasons have always brought with them a certain threat of uncertainty. But today, hundreds of thousands of years after the programmed responses to risk began to form in the human mind, the consequences of change are altogether less dire than they ever have been, while the threat feels larger than ever.

    We explore what this means for humans living in modern times, why it is important to strive to override and outgrow our responses as they perceived and provoked by the primitive centers of the mind, the psychospiritual implications of change, how our associations with risk developed in ancient times, how the loss of healthy culture contributes to our inability to respond appropriately to risk, and much, much more.

  • Health by natural action is really about radical self honesty, and the steps we take after making the choice to live with purpose under the predisposition of courage and hope. It is easy to get stuck once we decide we want to grow, we want to achieve something in life, we want to do something meaningful with our time. This is because we look outward for what direction to take, often latching onto opinions of others as our newfound identities, unknowingly falling for the same sense of security based on false reality that we set off to escape. In this episode, we discuss how to overcome these cycles, and arrive at a place of true Self-Knowing beyond the belief we are meant for something more.

    Today's show also covers :

    How the nature of our relationships with self, other, our environment, is predisposed to be largely symbiotic and universally beneficial for the planetHow the conditions that shift us away from harmony with Self is often ever present and unfolds from our time of birthWhat a fear state, scarcity mindset, and the wounded Self areHow to begin living in a state of courage, hope, and positivityWhy belief is tied to doubt, and is not needed when we foster awarenessHow crisis comes into our lives to drive us toward change in the absence of a dreamHow to eliminate crisis cycles in your lifeHow Radical Self Honesty is what brings us from a state of fear into alignment with natural actionHow being honest with our chosen actions removes interference and dis-ease, allowing health to occurHow to avoid common pitfalls in the journey of self actualization by not becoming your opinionsHow information overload and disconnection from wisdom traditions has caused large amounts of distress in the human designHow we know what is best for us in every moment even when we do not know we doHow we can bring unconscious knowing of our greatest good into our present awarenessand more!!!!
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  • This episode is sometimes every bit as vulgar, jarring, and controversial as it is beautiful, enlightening, and invigorating for the most part. What is life without some hardcore self reflection every now and then anyways right?

    In today’s very special comeback episode of FHP:

    Where I’ve been mentally and emotionally, and what evolutions I have been through these past 6 monthsHow frustration and self imposed pressure can creep up on us and what to do once we find ourselves thereBalancing surrender and action in the face of perceived adversityThe practice of waiting for answers to come to usWhen is it okay to be uncomfortable vs always fighting for or fleeing toward comfortTaking full authority over your actions in times of struggle Why manifestation is a false god and you shouldn’t wait to be saved Lots more on radical self honestyOur outlook on where the show goes from here
  • Sean Wattenbarger DC joins me on the show this week! Sean is a world class chiropractor with an exceptional depth of understanding and wisdom when it comes to human health. He is one of the most innovative, imaginative, and introspective healthcare practitioners I have ever met. What truly sets him apart in my eyes is the amount of heart he brings to his adjusting table. Listening to this conversation, you will understand what I mean.

    We Discuss:

    The art, science, and possibilities of Bio Geometric IntegrationFinding satisfaction in our accomplishments and the results of our work in the face of never ending expectations, be they self imposed or otherwise. Why Sean continues to invest lots of time and energy in extracurricular education many years after graduating with his doctorate degreeMechanisms of Healing in Chiropractic facilitation (what the heck happens when we lay hands on each other, and what potentially can happen)Some of Sean’s greatest influences in expanding his foundations for wisdom and truth seekingWhat Sean hopes to bring into people’s lives when they lay on his adjusting tableThe importance of healthy guts and open heartsA Chiropractor’s perspective on C0>!d 19And more!!!

    Time Markers:

    @Start - 24:13 Introductions and Sean’s History of Finding his Potential in the Chiropractic Profession

    @24:13 - 35:41 Enjoying Life and Finding Satisfaction in Our Success in the Face of Never Ending Expectations

    @35:41 - 52:26 Endless Education - Why Sean Continues to Invest so much Time, Energy, and Attention into Learning, Years after his Licensure as a Doctor

    @52:26 - 59:11 The Mechanism of Healing and Increasing of Awareness through Shared Experience of Energetic Interface with Mentors and Gurus - What the Heck Happens during Hands on Healing Workshops…

    @59:11 - 1:06:16 Some of Sean’s Greatest Influences and Resources for Growth in Knowledge and Wisdom.

    @1:06:16 - 1:17:07 What The Adjustment Brings into People’s Lives

    @1:17:07 - 1:23:23 Healthy Guts and Open Hearts - Experiences of Healing through the Clearing of Our Vessels

    @1:23:23- 1:53:29 A Chiropractor’s Perspective and Experiences within the The Covid Narrative

    @1:53:29 - Closing Thoughts on What is Important Enough to Fight for and Love with All Our Hearts in this World

    Show Notes:

    Sean Wattenbarger DC on Facebook

    Chrysalis Chiropractic Kansas City

  • Josh Logan Young joins us this week on Forager Health Podcast! Join us in this intimate and heartfelt container where we break down Josh’s lifetime of insight on all the ways men are trained to fail in our modern relationships and how to rewrite the script on what intimacy with yourself and your partners can look like.

    We break down in great detail many ways to grow into your potential as a divine masculine sexual expression of Self. Josh and I go back and forth in expressing the pitfalls commonly faced and the lengths we need to go to for change to be seen in our daily habits and lifelong patterns.

    We also discuss:

    What Sacred Sexuality looks like both when alone and when experimenting with a partner. Conventional and not-so-common practices, considerations, and strategies for stepping into your Truth as someone who is able to hold Sacred Space for yourself and others.Shadow Work for couples & having conversations about your sex life.How Pain and heartbreak can be used as a catalyst for healing if we choose it to be. The meaning of Devotional relationships and how a Devotional mindset can shape your reality for healthier partnershipsUnderstanding pleasure, and how we can use or abuse our Sacred Masculine EnergyHow Sex is supposed to be, and the practices and energetics of Sacred SexOvercoming Generational Trauma one conversation at a timeAnd More!!

    Show Notes:

    David Deida’s books:

    Way of the Superior ManSacred Sex Manual

    Time Markers:

    @Start - 15:18 Introductions, Trauma Responses in Everything We Do?!?!, When Trauma is Real and What it Means to Feel Free of it

    @15:18- 25:47 Couples Shadow Work - What it Looks Like to Bear it All with your Partner, Feel Held, Work Through the Pain of Truly Knowing One Another

    @25:47 - 39:44 Josh’s History with Self Hate, Shame, Trauma, and Relationships Gone Wrong as a Catalyst for Healing

    @39:44 - 54:52 Josh’s Response to the Pain Point - His Personal Practices and Largest Emphases within The Healer’s Journey Including Choosing to Be Single Until Devotion Came into His Life

    @54:52 - 1:01:21 Sacred Sexuality - Use and Misuse of Your Sacred Energy, Communication with The Body We Are Given, Understanding Pleasure, and Knowing Ourselves Through Intimacy and Acknowledgment of Harm

    @1:01:21 - 1:11:58 Choosing an Adult Reason for Sexual Intimacy, Conscious Intercourse, Responding Differently to Your Felt Dissatisfaction, Creating Love, and Expressing Your True Feelings Through Sex

    @1:11:58 - 1:35:04 The Practices and Energetics of Sacred Sex, Sacred Exploration for Individuals and Couples , and How to Progress from Increased Sensitivity to Achieving Transcendence with Your Partner

    @1:35:04 How Sex is Supposed to Be - Overcoming Societal Trauma One Conversation at a Time, and Where to Start Even if You Think You Can’t

  • This week we round up our deep dive into the teachings of Bruce Lee. Our conversation flows through many thought provoking concepts including learning to die, discovering the true nature of our Selves, dissolving our codependency with the Ego as armor against the world’s expectations, and how to build a healthy self-relationship.

    One thing readily apparent through all of Bruce’s writings is how interwoven and well versed his thoughts were as a fluid philosophical system. All ideologies he displays tend to compliment and strengthen each other as you guide yourself through them, as any philosophy on living life well should.

    One theme that comes into focus in today’s look at some of Bruce’s thoughts is this idea of common roots to all the self imposed boundaries we face as humans that keep us from the level of introspection and accountability required to break the rhythm of our lives often enough to achieve lives that are lived vibrantly, fully, and in a state of ready awareness.

    I would like to think that by looking within as deeply, frequently, and honestly as Bruce did, he not only achieved a lifestyle closer that ever-distant image of full self-actualization than most ever have or ever will, but that he also left behind a beautiful blue print on how we can do the same. Not by following his rhythm, his actions, his patterns, his thoughts, but by allowing his teachings to lead us by example as we look within ourselves, and find our own ways to break the rhythms keeping us from being Someone Real.

    Show Notes:

    Bruce Lee Podcast Episodes used as main sources:

    The Ego Boundary

    Conquer Yourself - The Fetters

    Conquer Yourself - The Keys

    Broken Rhythm

    The Six Diseases

    The Art of Dying

  • I have idolized Bruce Lee since I was a young child. I would watch his 4 movies countless times growing up. Before I became old enough to put a finger on what was so different about him, I knew there was an extra special something about the man who still to this day has the power to captivate people by name and image alone. Many years later, my fascination only goes stronger, and the lessons this timeless international icon continues to provide are only becoming more profound, and more necessary. Join me in this fun loving episode as I break down the major #brucelee moments in my life and reflect on some of the biggest teachings I have been blessed with through the influence his daughter @shannonlee and the Bruce Lee Podcast.

    Show Notes:

    Bruce Lee Podcast

    Bruce Lee’s Affirmations on Episode# Fifteen - Sixteen - Seventeen

  • This week's episode is about how to navigate your responses to adversity the next time you feel the weight of your own expectations on your shoulders. We are just over the summer solstice at the time of this Airing - the thunderous rush of Spring and early summer has come and gone, if you are success-oriented or a seeker of expansion, a devotee to the evolution of your timeline…

    Than this past season has likely contained a fair deal of effort on your part to expand and evolve the nature of your offerings and services - your Self care, your relating with others, your professional standings - all of it wants to grow with the seasons

    And if you are like me, you may find year to year that sometimes, you can look back at the first half of the year and be really proud of what has changed, and other times, it feels like the circumference of your energy field rebounds almost completely in response to each of your attempts to be a bigger version of yourself. Maybe you have a mix of both going on right now depending on the nature of your focus or what your measures of personal success are.

    Either way, I am sure we have all experienced those moments we perceive the needle isn’t budging despite our best efforts. Join us in this conversation as I offer some the best ways I currently deal with stress and get back into Flow when I find myself in a funk of my own design.

  • Dr. Garrett Panno is back on FHP this week!!! Garrett is one of the most earnest, genuine, humble, open minded and well-versed natural health enthusiasts I have ever met. He is a constant learner, a talented leader, a great speaker and all around kind hearted human.

    Garrett works a practicing chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner. He helps people of all ages from all walks of life attain new degrees of health and vitality. As a type 1 diabetic himself, Garrett has a special passion and interest in helping people with diabetic conditions increase their quality of life.

    Today’s conversation tackles a little bit of everything from daily routines and personal reflections on decision making in the face the adversity, to pre-history speculation on the nature of human relationships and possible roles of predestined determinism in the onset of chronic dis-ease states!

    Seriously - We pack a lot of introspection into this one…

    We also delve into:

    The meaning behind Life’s greatest challengesBeing Present while Honoring Future Possibilities The Potential of Future Intimacy in Platonic Relationships and Community UnitsGarrett’s Background in Functional Medicine and Qualities to Look for in Effective Healthcare PractitionersWhere Healing Really Comes from, and Our Roles in the Healing ProcessGarrett’s Personal Story of Why He Began Running and The Importance of Shifting Your ‘Why’ as Time Goes OnA Sharing of Perspectives on Marathon and Ultra Running, and Discussing Healing Properties and Life Commitment Strategies of a Sustainable Running Practice

    Time Markers:

    @12:35 - 26:17 - Introductions, Routines, Rituals, and Reflections on Ways to Connect with Self

    @26:17 - 38:00 How to Invest, Endure, and Live Life During Times of Uncertainty

    @38:00 - 50:17 Making Big Decisions with Great Risk of Loss, and Balancing Life as a Type 1 Diabetic

    @50:17 - 57:52 The Meaning Behind Our Biggest Challenges - Predestined Dis-ease and the Gift of Interference

    @57:52 - 1:17:38 Future Perspectives and Evolution of Human Relations

    @1:17:38 - 1:29:40 Garrett’s Background in Functional Medicine and What to Look for in an Effective Healthcare Practitioner

    @1:29:40 - 1:40:11 Where Does Healing Come From Anyway? And Where are We Due to Give Ourselves Credit?

    @1:40:11 - 2:28:03 How Garrett Got into Training for Marathons, Exploring the Reasons Why he Runs, and Discussing Distance Running as a Sustainable and Healing Practice

    Show Notes:

    Dr. Garrett on Instagram

    Dr. Garrett on Facebook

    The Diabuddies Podcast

    Dr. Garrett’s Chiropractic Practice

  • When Kevion Speaks, healing happens in real time. Seriously. Just listen to these words that come about in our conversation in the way they come about.

    Kevion is a Word Master, a Weaver of Spells, a Master Teacher and Provider of Nature Medicine. He is a practicing shamanic healer and he conducts personal and group ceremony leveraging sound, energy medicine, and nature to help people heal. He is also a public grade school teacher who helps connect children with holistic and organic food production practices!

    His wisdom transcends his years, while his skillset transcends all labels. Above all else, Kevion is just a beautiful human.

    It isn’t too long before we are taken into a deep Flow State discussing the nature of our own healing journeys, our ritualistic lifestyles, the nature of struggle and lessons discerned from within our relationships, the importance of stillness and introspection, and what human relating might have looked like in times of prehistory when the divine duality within each of us was more freely expressed than it is today.

    And thats just like the first half hour!!

    We also dive into:

    Lessons from our elders and contentment in a simple life well livedThe romanticizing of trauma work and distortion of life through the experience of screening technologyThe depth of connection and access to Wisdom we can achieve in ritualistic interaction with natureThe value of teaching our children what real food looks like and where it comes from Kevion’s experience of getting to bring his light and ecological wisdom to suburban grade school classrooms where he teaches an interactive program on Agricultural Science and Technology.

    Show Notes:

    You can find Kevion @kevion.devante on instagram

    Check our our two prior conversations here on the concept of Peace, sound healing, tantra, and sex magic:



    Time Markers:

    @6:02 - 20:54 Introductions, The Struggles of Deepening Your Spiritual Practice, and Unconventional Thoughts on Healing & Relationships

    @20:54 - 34:45 Intimacy and Consideration as Normalcy, and Finding a Place of Compassion

    @34:45 - 43:06 The Retaliation of an Isolation Virus, Making Love a Priority in Your Life, and Exploring the Adult Human Psyche

    @43:06 - 52:21 Simplicity in the Darkness - Disconnected People Don’t Have to Feel, and Connected People Don’t Have a Choice but to Search for Feeling

    @52:21 - 1:07:14 Looking for a Simple Life Well Lived - Lessons from Relating With and Consideration of Our Elders and Young Ones

    @1:07:14 - 1:11:58 The Screening and Distortion of Life by Way of Duality and the Romanticizing of Confronting Your Darkness

    @1:11:58 - 1:22:20 Being a Glitch in the System and Guiding Young Ones to Walk their Own Path

    @1:22:20 - 1:44:11 Kevion’s Experience of Sharing Nature, Wisdom, and Compassion with the Next Generation as a grade school teacher

    @1:44:11 - End - Kevion’s Methods and Philosophy for Connecting with Nature

  • What does it feel like to achieve a state of non-reactive neutrality in Service of another?

    The act of holding space for the sake of a human in need happens all too rarely in today’s cultural landscape. Standing guard as the non-reactive neutral Source of council, comfort, and compassion used to be commonplace.

    It is critical for us as humans to able to create containers where people we care about feel safe to fully and honestly express themselves without fear of judgement, dismissal, abandonment, or worse - be met with trauma-dominant reactions of another when they themselves are bearing their hearts in hopes of healing.

    This week, we discuss building the capacity and the skill in your own integrity and knowingness of Self - The relationship you have with your Identity as it is built through our journeys of personal liberation from our own pains - to be able to truly BE THERE 100% for someone when they come to you in need.

    Join us and learn what it feels like to transcend yourself in order to Give from a place of selfless compassion.

  • @ArtemisAscendant joins us for this week’s show!! Christa Whiteman is an adult-onset hunter, conservationist, practicing chiropractor, and clinical herbalist who shares her passion for the wild foods lifestyle she has so lovingly dedicated her life to with all manner of newcomers to the outdoors through social media, and through multiple educational outdoors organizations and mentoring opportunities.

    I hope you leave after listening to todays episode with a deeper sense of belonging and feeling of being welcome in whatever outdoor pursuits you have a mind to start engaging in, and how life can be enriched when its shaped by the seasons and influenced by the landscape.

    One thing will be really apparent as you listen in - When our minds are focused on engaging in the outdoors as an intrinsic value that is heavily connected to someone’s lifestyle, theres always something to be excited about.

    We quickly flow into a talk on the importance of always striving to expand your knowledge of the local and not so local landscape to provide valuable insight to listeners new to hunting or foraging on the nuances and amount and types of effort it takes to actually be successful in procurement of wild foods. Each season’s peak may only be a certain month out of the calendar year, but each and every individual pursuit has year round work for us if we want to find sustainable success.

    We then appropriately spend some time discussing optimizing our time in the outdoors and the dedication it takes to develop a well rounded relationship with your local ecosystems.

    We also talk about how strong community exists in outdoors circles, the value of good mentorship in outdoor pursuits, biggest barriers to entry as adult hunters, for women, and for members of minority groups trying to get involved outdoors, social media’s influences on hunting and fishing culture, and what needs to change for this type of lifestyle to evolve with the times.

    Tons of valuable info and great resources in the shownotes for today’s talk. Please do check out @artemisascendant - her content is awesome - and hope you enjoy the show!!

    Show Notes:

    Christa on Instagram

    Christa’s Herbalism page on Insta

    Artemis Sportswomen

    Hunters of Color (HOC) - BIPOC Outdoors Mentorship and Resources

    Arthur Haines - Foraging and Wildcrafting author and teacher

    book - Conquistadors of the Useless

    Backcountry Hunters and Anglers

    Podcast with Jen Davis of Artemis Sportswomen

    Time Markers:

    @Start - 33:02 Introductions, Outdoors Small Talk, Christa’s Current Outlook on Wild Food in 2022, and the Value of Building an Expansive Network of Lands you Know

    @33:02 - 50:11 Better Ways to Begin Hunting, Why One Person’s Tactics Might Not Work for Another, and Deciding to Begin Pursuing Wild Foods as an Adult.

    @50:11- 59:11 Balancing Our Passions with Life’s Need for Our Participation - Optimizing Our Use of Time Outdoors

    @59:11 - 1:13:05 Stepping into New Ways of Being in Nature, How Outdoorsmanship Offers a Lifetime of Learning, the Value of Mentorship, and Where Real Community Still Exists

    @1:13:05 - 1:21:02 Biggest barriers to Entry - Knowledge and Confidence

    @1:21:02 - 1:33:40 Unique Challenges of Becoming a Sportswoman

    @1:33:40 - 1:51:32 A Social Media Driven Hunting, Fishing, and Foraging Renaissance, and What All Outdoorsmen Should Know to Promote Diversification in the Field.

    @1:51:32 Christa Shares Some of Her Favorite Resources for Learning to Become Engaged Outdoors

  • Jill Alanna Nixon is a Reiki Master teacher, Manifestation Coach and Shamanic Healing Arts Facilitator. Jill has a great deal of passion for helping people recover from patterns of trauma, coping mechanisms, and addiction. She helps people heal themselves by identifying limiting belief structures that can keep us unknowingly bogged down in looping cycles of habits and reactions that get in the way of the opportunity we have to create the lives of our dreams.

    We get into many of Jill's personal stories that led her to be able to surrender to the knowing that the world does conspire in our favor. Her journey stands as proof that if we allow ourselves to be still enough to listen to the signals we are constantly receiving, great shifts in our Reality can occur.

    We break things down down into practical, nitty gritty advice on what manifestation is, how it works for and against us depending on how we choose to express ourselves in the world, and what type of self-work we need to invest in to begin creating our own realities.

    I think by expressing a lot of both of our own personal backgrounds including moments of awakening, some of the shadow work we've done over the years, and examples of self-work leading into present day - we manage to deliver a conversation on this sometimes very spacey topic in really clear and simple terms that should make manifestation feel like a skill accessible to us all.

    Show Notes:

    @JillAlannaNixon on Instagram

    Bliss by Gary Ramsey

    The Body Keeps the Score

    Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza

    Balanced Blonde - manifested Lyme Healing

    Time Markers:

    @Start - 8:45 Introductions

    @8:45 - 18:06 Precursors to Manifestation - Knowing Thyself, Shedding Layers, and Personal Empowerment

    @18:06 - 42:05 Jill’s Journey of Surrender and Trust - From Actress and Waitress to Spiritual Seeker and Healing Guide

    @42:05 - 53:25 The Totality of Reality - Being Ready to Invest in Something More than the Physical, and Confronting the Source of all Suffering

    @53:25 - 1:01:22 Living in Altered States of Reality without Psychedelics, and Why Talk Therapy without Integration Work does More Harm than Good

    @1:01:22 - 1:17:04 Shadow Work 101: The Difference Between Temporary Relief and Permanent Transformation, and Why its Crucial Healing Comes to Us as a Feeling.

    @1:17:04 - 1:35:24 Our Greatest Gifts Come from the Largest Adversities, and Reclamation of Your Childhood Soul Wisdom in Order to Embody Your Truth

    @1:35:24 - 1:51:36 Manifestation as Prayer with Gratitude, and Common Blockages & Obstacles to Manifesting Your Best Life

    @1:51:36 - Closing Thoughts

  • Kersten Kimura is a personal trainer and health coach that specializes in helping women overcome weight management, hormonal, and stress management issues.

    She helps women work past misinformation and stigmas within the health and fitness industry that often keep them from achieving lasting results.

    Kersten’s holistic coaching methods focus on long-term achievement and improvements in personal lifestyle choices by combining hormonal health and nervous system regulation with periodized macro-based nutrition tracking and personalized strength training programs.

    She has developed a passion for everything she offers to the people she helps by way of her own health and fitness journey and the discoveries she’s made through over a decade of self exploration - from long distance running and strength training, to meditation, breathwork, psychedelic plant medicines, and cold exposure therapy… Kersten’s story is overflowing with wisdom from personal experience and this conversation is ripe with actionable information suitable for all humans - women and men alike.

    Show Notes:

    Kersten’s Coaching Website

    Kersten on Instagram

    Kersten on Youtube

    Book: Breathing Cure by Patrick Mckeown

    Time Markers:

    @Start - Introductions and Major Life Shifts - Kerten’s Career Change as a PHD Exchange Student After Coming to the U.S.

    @16:11 - 22:25 You are not supposed to struggle: Misinformation and physiological misperceptions in Women’s Health

    @22:25 - 30:46 Eating More to Lose Weight, What to do Before and After Dieting, & Missing Links in Women’s Weight Loss

    @30:46 - 48:04 Underweight vs Overweight - Training and Lifestyle Tactics for Overcoming Trauma and the Coping Mechanisms Behind Eating Disorders and Food Addictions

    @48:04 - 56:28 Discipline Vs Dependance - The Fine Line Between Healthy Habits and Obsession in Pursuit of Fitness

    @56:28 - 1:00:00 Our Old Friend, Hitting Rock Bottom - Signs, Symptoms, and Positive Outcomes

    @1:00:00 - 1:08:04 The Importance of Coaching & Kersten’s Biggest Lessons from 5 Straight Years of Working with Coaches

    @1:08:04 - 1:41:42 Breathwork & Cold Exposure for Health, Wellbeing, and Personal Empowerment

    @1:41:42 - Closing Thoughts

  • What it Feels Like to Be Connected with Your Purpose! Today’s Show takes a super deep dive into what it feels like when we are in alignment with our highest timelines, on the road toward offering our greatest gifts back to the World and ultimately toward self-actualization.

    It’s often easy for us to recall moments of elation, joy, relief, & full-bodied satisfaction that come with each passing milestone of success in life - Moments that come and go like passing reminders of how Life felt when we were young. They come as glimpses into how much simpler chasing our passions is as children. A far cry from what pursuing our Purpose becomes when we awaken the curious and creative child within us as adults.

    Between these Sparks of Light within the fog that can surround us when we choose to chase our Dreams, the paths we take can sometimes feel uncomfortable. Maybe sometimes we feel more insecure than when we started. Other moments leave us feeling like we are taking steps backwards, like everything we are doing must be wrong.

    How do we know for sure when we are on the right track? Aren’t these periods of uncertainty when it is most important for us to be able to tell? In This week’s discussion we break down many practical, easy, and natural ways to leverage our Intuitions and connections to our Truths in finding answers when we need them the most.

    Time Markers:

    @Start - 19:24 Introductions, What Connection with Real Lasting Truth Feels Like, and the Faults in Relying on Role Identification in Search of Authentic Alignment with Soul

    @19:24 - Ego Attachment Happens throughout the Lifespan - So Our Trust & Vigilance in Surrendering Needs to Last as Well

    @ 22:34 - 30:38 You May Be on the Right track If… No One In Your Life Understands What the Fuck You Are Trying to Do or Why….

    @30:28 - 33:57 Can you Envision Your Highest Self in Full Bliss at the Completion of Your Current Objective?

    @33:57 - 38:39 If ‘NO’ Comes from Within - You Are Off Target

    @38:39 - 43:08 If Your Actions Bring Genuine Suffering Into Your Life - You Are Off Target

    @43:08 - 1:00:36 Life-Spanning Inquisition - Testing for Intuitive Alignment in Various Life Categories, Starting with Relationships

    @1:00:36 - 1:11:40 Living Situations: Are You Where You Belong? & Money Making Labels - Are You Aligned with Your Virtues at Work?

    @1:11:40 - 1:18:22 Social Circles: Are You Gaining On Your Truth While Socializing, or Are You Holding Everyone Around You Up?

    @1:18:22 - Finish - Honesty In Who You Need to Be and Who You Are Not In Alignment with Purpose - Life Habits, Human Design, Building Your Team, & Playing Your Strengths

  • How to Build your Intuition. Its Season 2 Episode 1 Everybody!!! I lead us on a deep dissection of all the root practices and principles behind unleashing your Intuitive Mind and living an Intuitive Life on this week’s Solo episode.

    I Discuss why it is crucial to always challenge what we think we ‘know’.

    I cite two types of callings in Life that are OKAY to act on in patterns outside of Intuitive Rhythm.

    I explain in great detail why it is so important to accept that our imaginations are not only Real but are perhaps the most important guides we have toward Self-Actualization.

    I break down how to recognize patterns and cycles of coping mechanisms and habits rooted in traumatic conditioning and how these programs cause static build up that keep us from being able to tune into our Intuitive Wisdom.

    And of course, I also speak deeply on what it takes for us to remove these blockages and turn the VOLUME UP on our Authentic Innate Knowing.

    All this and much more in our first show back on the air! Walk on with us!!

    Don't forget to let me know what you think of the new show, and give us some feedback on our new DOPE logo, Trailer, and podcast Intro

    Time Markers:

    @2:53 - 6:51 Allowing Our Selves to Begin to Feel

    @6:51 - 18:13 You can’t Live Intuitively without Always Challenging What You ‘Know’

    @18:13 - 27:11 Everything in Life is Always Shifting According to Our Relationships with the Greatest Good and the Highest Self

    @27:11 - 34:57 How to Listen: Accept that all Your Thoughts, Dreams, and Imaginations are Real

    @34:57 - 38:25 How to Let Go: Accept that the body reflects the state of the mind and the mind reflects the state of the heart - The Somatic Experience of Vitality

    @38:25- 43:50 How to Tune In: Patterns of Self Betrayal, Outcomes of Cyclical Coping Mechanisms, & How Accumulation of Static Clouds Our Innate Signaling

    @43:50 - 47:43 Holistic Systemic Nourishment: What Following Our Intuition Demands of Us - What it Means, and How Much We Need to Give before its Real

    @ 47:43 - 50:55 How to Turn up the Volume: Intuition Requires Regular Authentic Action, and Lack of Action Misaligned with the Highest Self

    @50:55 - Closing out - What it Feels Like to be Connected to Your Purpose

  • On this special solo episode I share a glimpse into the inner workings of the passion it takes to create a one-man podcast production. I get deep down and vulnerable with my motivations and intentions for making the show during its first year.

    I discuss how my reasons must change moving forward and what my current WHY for continuing to produce this podcast is. I talk about my expectations for the show versus our actual outcomes for year one. I also give an insider's perspective on the impact leading a health-oriented show like this has had on my life.

    Then we look forward into Season 2, sharing changes and talking about what improvements in the quality and value of production I hope to make in the year to come. I dive into what you can look forward to for our conversations in 2022 and what big changes our listeners should really be excited for. As always, know that you are loved, and thank you for listening.

  • Today we are painting a picture of the galactic myriad of systems and influences that come together to create our food - Starting with the Cosmic Bio-battery of the living soil complex, and ranging far and wide into areas of discussion including but not limited to:

    What it means for our food to be recently alive and wellThe importance of cooking methods, post-harvest treatment, chronobiological match making in diet selection, and saying grace before mealsHow magnetic and electrical forces join together with water, minerals, and oxygen to create complete, healthy plantsHow real whole complete soil systems creating real whole complete ecosystems, cultivating real whole complete plants, bugs, fungi and animals that support all systems local and foreign - down the watershed and into the future of Time.How food is a product of the earth upon which it is grown, which is a product of the ecosystem that produced the earth it rises from.What happens when components of the environment our food comes from are missing. Why solely plant-based diets sourced from industrial organic agriculture are not sustainable or promoting of Vitality.

    Show Notes:

    Links to Resources

    Victor Schauberger

    Rudolph Steiner

    Phillip S Callahan on Paramagnetism

    Weston A Price Foundation

    Dr. Thomas Cowan's Works

    Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve

    Omnivores Dilemma Michael Pollan

    Aldo Leopold Sand County Almanac

    Biochemical Individuality

    Supersize me 2

    Clarkson’s Farm

    Biggest Little Farm

    The Hidden Life of Trees

    I Will Teach You to Be Rich

    Time Markers

    @Start - 17:04 Introductions and Episode Breakdown

    @17:04 - 25:31 No one needs this conversation. We already know what food is. We always have known and always will know. We are designed to identify food.

    @25:31 - 36:16 Is your food recently alive and well?

    @36:16 - 42:10 Post harvest treatment

    @42:10 - 49:31 Would your food give back nothing but benefit should it be returned to the Earth.

    @49:31 - 58:41 Bring the Wild back into Your Life

    @58:41 - 1:08:37 Chronobiology and Ancestry in the Diet

    @1:08:37 - 1:15:12 Be King of the Tribe

    @1:15:12 - 1:23:54 The Baxter Effect - Saying Grace, Gratitude, & Reprogramming your Food for Bodily Acceptance

    @1:23:54 - 1:31:21 Cooking, Preservation, and Storage Methods Matter

    @1:31:21 - 1:46:50 What Food is and how it is created… starting with paramagnetism and astrological influences

    @1:46:50 - 2:02:55 How paramagnetic and diamagnetic potential comes together to create the stage for Life in the soil

    @2:02:55 - Nutrient availability and transmutation in real soils, and how fungus dictates ecological health. +How ecology is destroyed by relying on external inputs that kill natural system-builders. +Bringing it all together!

  • Learn everything about what is not food and discover ways to begin avoiding fake foods. We arm our listeners this week with defenses against poor decision making by talking about the inner mechanisms behind why harmful food products exist.

    We discuss why we have such a hard time breaking free of fake food in our efforts to live healthfully, and reveal how we have come to be raised in a world where children are often conditioned to be emotionally attached to harmful food choices for reasons you may not expect.

    This episode is also a big tease! - you’ll hear us discussing the whole time how we are supposed to be building up to describing what food is, but in reality we spent so long covering what isn’t food that we decided it should stand on its own merit, and now we have a 4 part series in the making!

    This is our most important conversation to date on the show, and its dense with information and perspectives on nutrition you aren’t likely to find anywhere else - so don’t miss it!!

    Time Markers:

    @start - 12:21 - Introductions, and defining your dreams by knowing your nightmares

    @12:21 - 29:41 Why we should care about what we eat and where its from - Cellular Membrane Integrity, Gut Health, and Food as Environmental Information

    @29:41 - 40:10 The Pitfalls of Diet Idolatry - How our needs constantly change on an individual and seasonal basis

    @40:10 - 48:02 Why we should care about how to define food

    @48:02 - 57:24 More Variety! Real food means cooking your own, and that means fostering creativity, curiosity, and excitement in your life

    @57:24 - 1:05:37 We don’t know how we feel until we have something to compare to our baseline

    @1:05:37 - 1:43:18 What Food Isn’t, why its last in our budgets, and what cooking in low socioeconomic groups used to look like

    @1:43:18 - End: On what’s to come in this most important series on food