Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey shares how you can start solving bigger problems by thinking bigger and eliminating the smaller things that keep you from thinking big.
Thinking about your future requires you to break out of the mindset of linear growth. Strive to envision your future in more significant terms. Where do you want to be 25 years from now?
Identify and solve big problems. Focusing on solving significant problems can lead to substantial progress. This includes not just identifying these issues but also determining the best ways to solve them.
Find solutions for smaller problems that will either take care of them once and for all or can be outsourced so you keep your time and energy focused on solving bigger problems both in your life and as a Fractional CMO.
To free up time for strategic thinking, delegate operational and routine tasks. It's essential to delegate tasks and not just responsibility, enabling you to focus on more high-impact work.
By simplifying the ways that team members report to you, you can be more effective. Simplified reporting structures can also reduce the burden on leaders.
A crucial role for Fractional CMOs is to predict the future using data. This involves staying ahead of trends, technology, and market shifts and being proactive in responding to them.
Continuously monitor your market and industry. Be aware of changes and developments in your niche to stay ahead of competitors and adapt your marketing strategies.
Quote of the Show:
“Solving the problem isn't becoming an expert in every single piece of marketing technology; Solving the problem is identifying the problem and figuring out who can solve it.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
10X IS EASIER THAN 2X by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy
Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy
Personality Isn't Permanent by Dr. Benjamin Hardy
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/xPxMCFSCmA8
Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey shares what he learned while at Copy Chief Live about the value that Fractional Chief Marketing Officers provide to their clients. Casey also dives into why your fractional clients need to be the leader of their marketing team rather than just another person who can complete small marketing tasks.
Great copywriters understand the buyer's pain points and they can craft copy that highlights those pain points in such an emotionally impactful way that the buyer then wants to buy that solution to their pain points.
Two things that aren’t required for great copy are an amazing funnel and every copywriting trick in the book. Great copy should be able to stand on its own. For example, it could be part of a direct mailer, a long-form webpage, or a YouTube video.
Fractional clients that are personally involved in delivering value for their customer needs their Factional CMO to come into their organization and be the leader of the marketing team. They need to lead the rest of the business, they don’t have time to lead the marketing team.
While you might be able to do X marketing task, it’s likely a better use of time to have someone on your team address X task, so you can give the rest of the marketing team their assignments so you can solve bigger problems.
For example, a military general should spend most of their time at the frontline of the battle with a rifle in their hand, their job is to devise the best plan to accomplish their goal. Likewise, a marketing leader's primary responsibility is making smart decisions, and they should avoid getting involved in every detail of marketing.
Once you stop being the do-er of every marketing task and become the marketing leader that your fractional client needs you to be, you will become more valuable to them which will result in higher paychecks for you.
Quote of the Show:
“Copywriters matched with a good product team can make beautiful things happen.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Copy Chief Live - Event in Nashville, TN
Kevin Rogers - Founder of Copy Chief Live
Example of Video Sales Letter from Gundry MD: https://www2.enrichyourfood.com/video220413a_ap/?sessionid=1561352762079
Jeff Walker - Creator of the Product Launch Formula
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/xPxMCFSCmA8
Puuttuva jakso?
Yes, going down rabbit holes can be fun, but it’s usually not efficient. Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey delves into why the simplest solution is better than the complex, fun solution and how this applies to solving bigger problems for your client businesses.
While you may enjoy complex solutions or processes if there is a simpler process that produces the same results, just with less fun, you should choose the simpler solution. If you are only being measured on delivering X result, then you should focus on delivering that result, rather than how creative you can make the process to get to that result.
Uncover which specific outcome is the most important and concentrate on achieving that fundamental goal.
For Fractional CMOs in particular, the outcomes that your clients want most are likely to be sales outcomes, not marketing outcomes. Don’t get dragged down into the details of tactics used to achieve those outcomes, stay elevated so you can solve bigger problems.
In the words of Leonardo da Vinci, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." There is elegance in simple, effective solutions. For example, if you struggle to explain your client’s core business, you should boil the concepts down further.
Prioritize actions and strategies that directly impact customer acquisition and retention. These are fundamental to any business.
Focus on mastering a few things well. It’s better to do a few things in marketing exceptionally well rather than attempting to become an expert in everything all at once.
Quote of the Show:
“Don't do everything all at once, keep it really simple so you can maximize the results wherever you are.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/7I5oIKLuOaA
What is the number one campaign to run when joining a new client as a Fractional CMO? Track EVERYTHING. Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey breaks down why you need to track every aspect of your marketing efforts, from traffic sources to conversions, and how to do it.
Use UTMs: Utilize UTM (Urchine Tracking Metric) parameters to track the sources, mediums, and campaigns that drive traffic to your website.
Consider using vanity URLs to easily redirect and track the effectiveness of specific campaigns or traffic sources. For example, fractionalcmoshow.com redirects to cmox.co/podcast.
Implement a data warehouse to centralize and organize all collected data for better reporting and analysis.
Attribute customer actions to specific marketing efforts to understand which channels are most effective. Don’t rely on customers to tell you where they came from, use UTMs to know where they came from.
Continuously monitor and review your tracking efforts to identify gaps and areas for improvement. While UTMs and site traffic don’t need to be checked weekly, you should definitely be checking it at least every quarter.
As a CMO, it’s up to you to ensure that tracking and data collection are prioritized throughout the organization. Educate your team and clients about the importance of tracking, and make it a fundamental part of your marketing strategy.
Tracking provides reliable data that will reveal valuable insights in the long term, helping to make informed decisions about marketing strategies.
Quote of the Show:
“Track literally everything you can.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Data Warehouse: https://cmox.co/podcast/fractionalcmoshow-ep67/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/xPxMCFSCmA8
Next quarter is getting closer by the second, so what should you be thinking about now to set up your future success? Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey looks ahead to next quarter and shares the questions you should be asking as a marketing leader today to ensure your success in the future.
Do your clients sell a product? A savvy CMO should be aware of supply chain issues, especially those related to manufacturing and shipping, as these can impact your clients’ businesses.
With Q4 looming, Fractional CMOs should proactively ask clients about their Q4 targets and what success looks like for them. This helps in preparing marketing strategies accordingly.
If your Fractional client’s business regularly experiences seasonal fluctuations, make sure that you are well-prepared to face them. What can you do now to make the most of the seasonal high when it hits to also help cover the impact of seasonal lows?
If you know that a seasonal boom will require everyone on your team to go above and beyond and work late consistently, what can you do now to foster your relationship with them? For example, you could give them time off before or after the rush.
Develop a “Die-on-the-Hill” marketing strategy that you can have full confidence in. This should be based on extensive research, planning, and conviction. Consider the growth goals of the CEO and determine the best path to accomplish them. If new information surfaces, you should examine it and then reassess your position.
Build a future for your employees that can accommodate the achievement of their dreams and aspirations. If the future you paint for employees is too small, they will begin to feel stuck and boxed in by the ceiling of this future which will prompt them to look for other work. Your vision should be grand enough that employees can attain their goals within it.
As a Fractional CMO, your job is to keep creating bigger outcomes. This means identifying what the executives want, distilling that into the marketing outcomes required, and then driving towards that. In essence, your job is to be challenged by the executive team to do X, figure out how to do X, and then execute your plan to achieve X.
Quote of the Show:
“How do you get to be a strong leader? Ask big questions from the executive team.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/xis-nfwzkD0
Success as a Fractional CMO is rooted in having a healthy and balanced mindset throughout the ups and downs of life and business. Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey discusses how to cultivate a balanced and mindful approach in your Fractional CMO practice, why you celebrate your success in moderation, and the importance of practicing empathetic joy.
Embrace the Buddhist concept of equanimity – maintaining emotional balance in the face of highs and lows. This mindset can help you navigate the uncertainties of the marketing world.
Cultivate a sense of calm and levelheadedness during both successful and challenging times. This will enable you to make more rational decisions and manage stress effectively.
Prepare for the highs and lows inherent in business. Recognize that being a Fractional CMO for multiple clients comes with highs and lows. Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally to handle both success and setbacks.
Shift your focus from outcome-based success to the intention and effort you put into your work. This can help you stay motivated and resilient regardless of the immediate results.
Celebrate your wins, both small and large, but don’t rest on your laurels. Celebrating your efforts will boost your confidence and motivation to continue pushing forward.
Embrace the learning process by remaining open to feedback and refining your strategies. This willingness to adapt and learn will set you apart as a dynamic marketing leader.
Practice empathetic joy by genuinely celebrating the successes of your team members and colleagues. This fosters a positive environment and strengthens team relationships.
Aim to find a balance between your professional and personal life. Prioritize self-care, family time, and hobbies, which will enhance your overall well-being and effectiveness as a leader.
Quote of the Show:
“Keep going and don't think that you will arrive. You're never going to be there. The moment doesn't last for long.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/xPxMCFSCmA8
How do you innovate as the Chief Marketing Officer of a company that you are just stepping into? Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey discusses when CMOs should start to innovate, how not to innovate, and two approaches to finding novel solutions that enable your to solve bigger problems.
There are few opportunities for a new CMO to innovate within the first quarter of their tenure. The focus of this period should be on aligning their team and ensuring person and role fit. A certain amount of triaging is also a necessary part of this stage.
You don’t innovate by copying others. It’s impossible to copy what another company is doing and expect to be seen as the leader. By relying on copying them, you are always behind them.
Rather than copying another company’s actions, instead try to emulate how they think and approach problems. What do they hold to be true? What constraints have they put in place? By recreating their process of thinking, you can produce much greater results.
A few ways to understand someone else’s thought process include listening to their podcast appearance, watching their TED Talks, reading their blogs, or even examining their career.
An important way to drive innovation is to have a process to follow. The first step of the process is to identify the problem. Next, define what success looks like. Then figure out how to innovate a solution to solve the problem and meet the success criteria.
When innovating, try to look at the problem from every considerable angle to find multiple possible solutions. Also, consider the Kaizen approach that focuses on constantly making minor improvements, these will build to a great impact over time.
Quote of the Show:
“How do you innovate? It's not by copying what they've done, but trying to emulate how they think.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Internet Archive website: https://archive.org/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/ThocrAzXcMg
You’ll almost never force yourself to really take a risk and act boldly if you know you can just turn around and go home. Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey discusses the importance of fully committing to your choices, why you should start making changes now rather than later, and which mistakes you can learn from others so as not to follow in their poorly trod footsteps.
Embrace the idea of committing fully to your goals. Burn the bridges behind you and remove any safety nets to ensure you're fully invested in your success as a senior marketing leader.
Challenges and tough moments are valuable opportunities for growth. Although you might feel like you are hitting your lowest point, the adversity you face can lead to a reinvigorated belief in yourself and your capabilities.
Don't wait for a critical moment of failure to spur action. Instead, proactively work towards your goals to avoid unnecessary stress and setbacks. Start making the changes you want to implement today, this will get you closer to your goal even faster.
Look to successful fractional CMOs who have paved the way before you. Learn from their experiences to fast-track your own growth and success.
Shift your focus from tasks to results. Prioritize projects and strategies that lead to tangible outcomes and impact for your clients.
Develop a consistent and reliable pipeline of potential clients. Cultivate relationships and a strong reputation to attract new business opportunities.
Stand out by offering something distinctive. Highlight your expertise, strengths, and specialized skills that make you a sought-after senior marketing leader.
Quote of the Show:
“The only path is forward and you have to build to get the outcome that you want. If you're willing to do that, you will be successful. It is inevitable that you'll be successful. It is inevitable that you'll work every day on it because you are excited about it.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/cN8Q0bSegpk
What does it take to go from full-time employment to becoming a Fractional CMO? Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey discusses the risks associated with becoming a Fractional CMO and the amazing opportunities that make those risks worth taking.
The first thing to think about when becoming self-employed is your healthcare insurance. In the United States, an adequate plan to cover yourself and your family, not to mention potential employees is expensive. Top policies can start at $600 per person, per month.
As a Fractional CMO, you can choose what contract lengths to sell to your clients. You’ll start out with 3-month contracts, but as you gain notoriety and recognition, these can increase to 6 or 12-month contracts. This lessens how often you need new clients.
Being a Fractional CMO is about more than just achieving the same level of income as your current job or even exceeding that. By building out your Fractional CMO practice, which is really a service-based business, you can build a company with equity.
Understand that being an entrepreneur comes with struggles, however, you have control over how everything is done. While there are ups and downs, the ups greatly outweigh the downs.
Decide if you need autonomy in your career more than the safety of working for the same company for your career. Owning your own business as a Fractional CMO offers a limitless upside in terms of income, happiness, satisfaction, free time, and impact.
Instead of pursuing low-profit, high-volume deals, you can prioritize landing a few high-value clients as a Fractional CMO. A small number of clients can generate a significant income. Aim to build long-term relationships with clients, renewing contracts and extending their contract duration over time.
Consider specializing in a niche industry as a Fractional CMO. Look for industries where you can become the go-to expert. The early stages of these niches offer great opportunities for growth and establishing yourself as a marketing leader.
Quote of the Show:
“There are so many niches in industries that are available for someone to step in and become the defacto number one Fractional CMO. If you're listening to this, you're still early.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/OgwggGLcX4Y
In order to execute your strategy for your fractional clients, you need to build a strong marketing team within their company to execute that strategy. Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey outlines why Fractional CMOs need to have a Marketing Technician on their team, how to mentally approach building your team, and when to hire full-time versus a contractor.
As a Fractional CMO, a Marketing Technician is the minimum viable you need in order to get impactful work done. The job of the Marketing Technician is to execute the strategies you develop within a fractional client, which helps you focus on solving bigger problems.
One of the most important decisions to make when hiring a Marketing Technician is whether they need to be local or if they can be remote. Hiring locally limits the available talent and often costs more. Marketing Technicians also have little prior experience.
When looking for the right person to add to your marketing team, make sure they fit the culture of your fractional client and can be self-directed. If you find the right person, they can grow into a mature role, such as the Director of Marketing, and manage teams.
Mentally, you should always be open to hiring someone if they would be a great fit, even if they currently have a job they enjoy.
Expect the hiring process to take at least 45 days at a minimum. This encompasses every stage a candidate must work through from the interview process, giving their two-week notice, and finally starting work.
For tactics such as SEO, PPC, and CRO, look to hire Tacticians that have specialized experience with their specific marketing tactic. While there is value in having full-time Marketing Technicians, it can be advantageous to hire specialized vendors as contractors.
On the technical side of marketing, you would ideally have the budget to employ someone full-time. When looking for a developer, don’t constrain yourself to only hiring people from one country or who are native speakers of your language. Offshore freelancers can provide cost-effective labor that is also extremely high quality.
Quote of the Show:
“The people that are available to be hired are oftentimes not the people you want to hire.” - Casey Stanton
Shout Outs:
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Episode #063 - Zero Trust Environment: https://youtu.be/EuUbApppWnc
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/9u377fJ6E88
You don’t get ahead in business by copying what successful people do, you get ahead by copying how they think. Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey discusses how to develop a better way of thinking by using three specific mental models: The Map is Not The Territory, The Circle of Competence, and First Principles Thinking.
If you want to achieve the same success that someone else has, don’t copy what they’ve done or what they’re doing, copy how they think. For example, a company could copy a great ad from a competitor, but without innovating, they’re always going to follow, never lead.
Becoming a more innovative company at the forefront of the market requires a better way of thinking, rather than simply copying what already exists in the market.
The first mental model is “The Map is not the Territory”. A map does not perfectly reflect every detail of a landscape, nor does your best strategy account for every nuance with your client. The simple ideas you want to deploy are not simple.
The second mental model is the “Circle of Competence”. You need to know where your knowledge of a particular topic ends and higher experts in that field to do the work. It’s good to have a base-level understanding of many topics so you know what to look for.
The third mental model is “First Principles Thinking”. While new ideas are extremely exciting, before engaging with them, you need to check if they align with the basic ways to grow a business. Does this new idea help you gain new customers, grow the transaction value, or increase the frequency of repeat purchases? If not, you need to focus on other ideas that will fulfill one of those outcomes.
Add these models to your mindset alongside solving bigger problems and delegating everything but leadership.
Quote of the Show:
“Improving your thinking will improve all areas of your life.” - Casey Stanton
Shout Outs:
Charlie Munger
Jay Abraham
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/zaAGsnCjZBc
Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey shares how to get more stuff done without working full-time for your client. You’ll hear about the importance of setting milestones, what you need for holding your team accountable, and how to construct self-sufficient teams that you can leverage.
As a Fractional CMO, you are responsible for a wide variety of outcomes. Within a given day, you might be in charge of 80 hours worth of work being accomplished for a client. That is the equivalent of having ten direct reports all working eight hours a day.
The two foundations to getting more done in less time are solving bigger problems and delegating everything except leadership. These two concepts are central to attaining success in both work and life as a Fractional CMO.
A key tactic for Fractional CMOs is setting weekly or bi-weekly milestones that track to the progress of a quarterly goal for your team. Build a culture of candidness around the milestones to hold people accountable and find when to help the team if they’re behind.
To be an effective Fractional CMO, you need to build self-managing teams that can get stuff done and handle most issues. Successful Fractional CMOs with multiple clients don’t micro-manage their teams, they support them from a high level.
If you hear that someone on your team is off-track of their milestones, you need to reach out to them and ask how you can help them. This team member will be likely to reciprocate this action the next time someone is falling behind their milestone.
Think of milestones as photograph-able outcomes, such as a webpage being built and deployed, X amount of emails sent, all of the collateral for a live event. Create milestones by breaking down the larger outcome into more manageable pieces
As the CMO, it’s not your job to think through every little detail of each campaign, live event, etc. Your job is to make sure that those details are thought through by someone, and you can then review their work afterward.
Quote of the Show:
“If you want to micro-manage people, you cannot be a Fractional CMO, have multiple clients, and be very successful.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/invite
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey dives into a component of executive coaching that you should use to develop both yourself and your team.
When you come across a mistake, the employee who made it likely already feels bad about it, so it’s not helpful to shame them for the mistake.
Once the issue has been discovered, your first step should be to “take a photograph of it”. It’s better to show your team what you saw than try to tell them a story about the problem.
The next step is to ask your team what happened that led to this issue. You don’t need an immediate answer to this, so give people a few minutes to think. The response you want to get is how this mistake happened rather than excuses for why it happened.
Even when you know what the right answer is for fixing the problem, it will make a greater impact on your team if you ask them and give them the space to share the correct answer.
Every member of your team is not always going to be perfect and they will make mistakes. The people you want on your team are those that will own their mistakes and fix them.
When something breaks down, you have the opportunity to show up as the kind of leader that builds up their team and uses this mistake as a learning moment. During weekly team meetings, encourage team members to share how they fixed a problem.
Quote of the Show:
“I don't tell someone what needs to change, I ask them what needs to change.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/invite
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Shout Outs:
The Streisand Effect - Episode #053 - https://fractionalcmo.libsyn.com/the-streisand-effect-casey-stanton-fractional-cmo-show-episode-052
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey shares a helpful mental model to use when joining a new fractional client and needing to clean up their mismanaged data.
There is a vast number of businesses that are trying to run all of their marketing through very basic tools. For example, some companies attempt to use Mailchimp, an effective email tool as their CRM. This results in poor reporting and missing crucial data.
Fractional CMOs entering such a company often create a new way to organize the company’s data to make it usable. As soon as they create the new structure, they incur a “debt”; the “debt” being all of the pre-existing data that does not follow the new structure.
When implementing a new data structure, “net new” refers to the records created under the new format. For example, net new customer records could have tags related to their purchases, but if those tags are brand new then none of the older contacts have them.
While there is no one solution for paying off the debt in the prior example, it is still something that you as a marketing leader need to tackle. It’s imperative that you spend time thinking about how to balance the net new and debt.
When you deploy something too early without considering the potential long-term implications that can come from the half-baked rollout.
For example, if you wanted to use OAuth credentialling for customers across both Shopify and the company forum, but only rolled out the OAuth for the forum, customers would have to create a separate login for Shopify which creates friction.
Quote of the Show:
“You're the Fractional CMO, but the whole organization always looks at you as the CMO.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/invite
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/usIAT9ke-C4
Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey is focused on discussing what CMOs need from their CRMs, the relationship between a company and technology, and how to build a strong marketing foundation in a company.
When evaluating whether you should work with a client, it’s important to examine their openness to using technology to help them improve what they do. It’s much easier to work with a company that is open to adapting and using technology.
The baseline for any company’s tech stack is a quality CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool. While some companies will try to force a tool like Mailchimp into the role of a CRM, it’s better to use purpose-made software.
At its core, data warehousing refers to storing all of the data that could matter to your client in an organized, searchable way. Examples of data to store include lead origination date, lead source, contact information, purchase history, etc.
The main criterion for a data warehousing solution that you need to consider as a CMO is whether you can easily access that data through queries. If you can’t extract trends in the data or filter it, that solution has little practical value.
The right data storage tool for you depends on your company but at the very least you should be able to track a lead’s journey through the funnel.
As the CMO, you don’t have to be the one that handles every technical aspect of implementing a new MarTech tool. Delegate out the details so you can solve bigger problems.
Quote of the Show:
“I would much rather work with a company that was open to using middleware like Zapier to get stuff to happen than one who wasn't” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/invite
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/-Cy9Uj7nLJk
Sharing insights from his own marketing journey is Casey Stanton, the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. Casey explores what you need to do in your day-to-day in order to solve bigger problems and get paid for the amazing work you do.
The bigger and more impactful the problem that you’re solving is for a client, the more you’ll be able to charge for your services. Your compensation is tied to the size and severity of the problems you solve.
When companies like Deloitte are brought in to consult on how to fix a big problem, they’re brought in because they are known for solving big problems. How do you position yourself to become known for solving big problems?
One way to gain notoriety for fixing large issues is to stop solving small problems. To do this you can hire someone or outsource the labor. For Fractional CMOs, you really need to have a marketing technician as a direct report to tackle the issues thrown at you.
You should be able to give your direct report marketing technician 15 minutes of instruction and let that inform their next 40 hours of work. For example, you would ask them to set up an email tool and then they would choose the right one and implement it.
As a Fractional CMO, you need to make decisions that maintain a certain balance of speed and cost. While you never want to overpay, there are times when getting something done faster is worth paying extra for.
When you think about solving bigger problems, try to globalize the problem and think about how you can remove it completely so that it never rears its head again. Even if there are small exceptions that need to be made down the line, get a process in place.
When focused on the biggest problems, you provide the most value if you identify the critical KPIs to track, identify who owns those KPIs, and drive those people to deliver on those KPIs, every week, every month, and every quarter, that business will grow faster, with more predictability and less frustration.
Quote of the Show:
“The bigger the problem that you solve, the bigger the impact and the bigger the paycheck” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/invite
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/SrDbp5Vr_ec
Taking care of your mental health, along with your team’s mental health, is critical to growing as a marketer, let alone a Fractional CMO. Sharing insights from his own marketing journey is Casey Stanton, the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. Casey dives into that ways to measure your own success, which type of goals will be most fulfilling for you once achieved, and why celebrating the micro-wins within your team is so important.
Measuring yourself from where you are to how far you have to go to be successful will never get you there. Instead, create clear, tangible, and attainable goals and write them down. For example, instead of saying you want a half-million-dollar year Fractional CMO practice, write down specific income targets for hours worked.
When you try to measure your success by working toward getting something like a watch, once you get the watch, it feels like a hollow victory because your eyes will now be fixated on getting some greater prize which will be equally as hollow.
Don’t think that because you don't have a case study as a Fractional CMO, you don't deserve a $10,000/month deal. If you're solving a problem that needs the focus of a $ 10,000-a-month Fractional CMO, you have to charge appropriately for your work.
Your team should be looking to be responsible for more outcomes and increasingly challenging work. If you hire right and build a good culture, your team won’t be reaming about taking a break after finishing a task, they’ll be looking for what’s next.
It’s important to celebrate your wins and create an environment where your team can do the same. Celebrate micro-wins and call out team members who contribute. Create a culture of support, respect, trust, and camaraderie within your team.
For example, create a Slack channel called “Wins” and use it to highlight team members for exhibiting a core value, going above and beyond, or coming up with a great idea. Once you kickstart this channel, your team will start to highlight each other.
Encourage your team to take time off and enjoy themselves, provided that outcomes are being met. As the Fractional CMO, it’s not your job to micromanage each team member and their entire lives.
Quote of the Show:
“If you measure yourself from where you are to how far you have to go to be successful, you will never get there” - Casey Stanton
Shout Outs:
Nibir Das
Charlie Munger
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/invite
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/jRkLkeqcLTA
Let’s face it, successful email marketing is hard and there are a lot of nuances that go into doing it right. Here to demystify email marketing and guide you to peak conversion rates is Casey Stanton, the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. Casey shares great advice for anyone using email marketing as a channel including why they need a separate domain for emailing “Yellow Light contacts, what’s required for a successful multi-part email campaign, and how marketers can improve their email delivery rates with one simple question.
It’s vital to protect the primary domain of your rational clients if you ever want to have any measure of success with using email as a channel. Spammy practices can get your domain blocklisted by your own email tool and by the recipient’s email provider.
The two biggest email and spam-related regulations that senders need to be aware of are CAN-SPAM and GDPR. CAN-SPAM applies to emails sent from or to email addresses in the US. GDPR applies to those in the European Union.
For “Yellow Light” contacts with a higher risk of unsubscribing or reporting your email as spam, it’s safer to send emails to them from a separate domain and email. This protects the reputation of your fractional client’s company website and emails.
To set up a separate email for “Yellow Light” contacts, you’ll want another domain that is at least a week old. For example adding company.co if you have company.com. Set up a 301 redirect so any traffic to that website is sent to your actual website and add UTMs.
The first email you send to a list is crucial. Know what outcome you want and build a multi-part email series to accomplish that. Multi-part email series should range from 3-5 emails with each successive email filtering out those that have taken the action.
Write emails as if it’s to your mom. People are more likely to engage with casual emails that are entertaining and enjoyable to read, rather than boring and dry corporate emails loaded with logos, links, and images.
Consider timing and frequency when sending emails, ideally sending between 10am-3pm ET on Tuesdays-Thursdays for most businesses. This impacts email open rates, so it's important to choose the right time to send your emails for your niche.
By asking recipients to reply to your emails, you can improve inbox deliverability and avoid being marked as spam.
Quote of the Show:
“You never want to email someone multiple times to ask them to perform an action that they've already taken” - Casey Stanton
Shout Outs:
MX Toolbox: https://mxtoolbox.com/
SEM Fresh & Spam Eating Monkey: https://spameatingmonkey.com/lookup
MailerLite: https://www.mailerlite.com/
Sendinblue: https://www.sendinblue.com/
NeverBounce: https://neverbounce.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call/
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/U92XEmY4i-Y
Safely securing your company’s data has never been more important than it is now, especially in the wake of the LastPass hack. Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. Casey shares a few cyber security best practices for your fractional clients, the tech details that you actually need to know, and why your customers’ data is the number one thing you need to think about as a Fractional CMO.
As a Fractional CMO, you need to accept technology as a part of your day-to-day and lean into it. This does not mean you need to be an expert in tech and cybersecurity, but you do need to think critically from the outside.
It’s important to understand the basics of your clients’ technological infrastructure. Are their servers in the office or in a data center somewhere in California? Who has access?
The number one thing you should be concerned about as a Fractional CMO is customer data. This includes leads, customers, partners, and anything related to them such as purchase history. This data is typically in a CRM tool or data warehouse.
If your customer only uses one username and password for all of their users, there won’t be an audit trail linked to a specific user in case something bad was to happen.
Everyone that works for your client should not have the same level of visibility and permissions which give them access to everything in a tool that the company uses.
Using two-factor authentication is a great way to strengthen your clients’ security. Two-factor authentication requires users to input a code that is sent to their designated cell phone after entering their username and password.
Although it can be painful, a good way to keep your company’s data safe and secure is to lock everyone out of everything and then give them access once they need it.
Quote of the Show:
“The first thing you have to do as a Fractional CMO is to lean into technology” - Casey Stanton
Shout Outs:
Troy Hunt - Industry-leading security researcher
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call/
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. Casey dives into the importance of putting constraints on your work hours and how hobbies can help you become a deadlier Fractional CMO.
No matter what constraints you may have in your life you still need to get the same done. According to Parkinson’s Law, work takes the time allotted. What constraints are you adding to your life so that you can work more efficiently?
By adding artificial constraints to your work day, it forces you to have to get your work done in that time. However you have to fill that freed up time with something else, whether that be meditation, marathon training, or spending more time with your family.
Ask yourself what you would do with your time if you worked half as much as you do now?
Even if you never want to retire, imagine what you would do if you were retired. What would fill your time? Now think about what if you could do those things starting next month.
When you add constraints on your time by scheduling time for yourself to delve into hobbies, you make yourself have to work more effectively and efficiently which will make you deadlier as a Fractional CMO.
Quote of the Show:
“The less time you have, the more pressure you'll have on yourself to get it right, be focused, and generate a great outcome.” - Casey Stanton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyStanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseystanton/
CMOx Website: https://cmox.co/call/
The Fractional CMO Method: https://cmox.co/book/
Ways to Tune In:
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/039bc2d6-c1b5-4ced-ac2a-437e69546e7c/fractional-cmo-show
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fractional-cmo-show/id1592740671
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1HGwnjsXA4c4gYQvj4w53E?si=bd6e0908e25749ec
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mcmFjdGlvbmFsY21vLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpNDTveb0AhUXEFkFHaZcDtYQ9sEGegQIARAC
YouTube: https://youtu.be/teUbxEhcnJI
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