Seriah is joined by Adam Sayne of the Conspirinormal podcast and the Strange Realities Conference and a fringy character named Vincent Treewell, who apparently hosts The Weird Part podcast in his spare time. Topics include Vincent’s health experience, the history and pitfalls of podcasting, the emergence of the WDTRG-verse, the movie “Something in the Dirt”, directors Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, “Nevaeh’s Nightmare” podcast/youtube channel, the Cottingley Fairies hoax, the Theosophical Society and its influence, the 1911 book “The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries” by Walter Evans-Wentz, the book “The Secret Teaching of All Ages” by Manly P. Hall, Arthur Conan Doyle, Spiritualism, 19th and early 20th century photography, Harry Houdini, the ongoing saga of the cousins Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths who created the Cottingley Fairies, fraud and sincerity in the Spiritualist movement, the Reverend Stacy Schulman and the National Spiritualist Association of Churches USA, the burned-over district in upstate New York, Steven Snider/Recluse and a hidden history of crime and vice among turn-of-the-century Spiritualist mediums, the Fox sisters, hoaxing and its relationship to legitimate paranormal activity, the Enfield poltergeist case, Stan Romanek, Allen Greenfield, Jim Mosley and Gray Barker, Whitley Strieber, Jeff Ritzmann, manipulation of the human mind, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, the glimmer man, cultural imagery and paranormal phenomenon, Vincent’s cryptid sighting, the Google blimp incident and human perception, the anthology podcast “Undertow”, the Highgate vampire, “World of the Unexplained” podcast, Bishop Sean Manchester, David Farrant, Vincent’s interview with the late blogger EsoterX, Adam’s interviews with Dr. Future and Walter Bosley, Sondra London, the book “Good Little Soldiers”, Gary Revel and the MLK assassination, deceased guests, virtual friendships, Adam’s visit to Seriah, and much more! This discussion was a joy to participate in and fascinating to listen to!
Pinkerton- once bigger in size than the U.S. Army, so big that some states outlawed them. Did the Pinkerton agency become the F.B.I.? Did they actually stop a presidential assassination attempt? Are they worthy of their folk hero status or is there a deeper story here? Brandon dives into the Pinkertons!
Email us at: downtherh@protonmail.com -
Puuttuva jakso?
Listen in as we dig down deeper into the context of the scripture of from its original language and take a look into the Bible code! You won't want to miss this episode!
In this episode, BT talks with Matt Arnold about Ghosts, Ghouls, and God. The conversation dives deep into the Witch of Endor with a focusing on the cultural aspects that make this interaction in 2 Samuel deeper than it would at first seem. In no way is this a definitive answer to the curious story we find, but it does give some illuminating arguments as to why people are forbidden from Necromancy.
Matt Arnolds Website: https://ghostsghoulsandgod.co.uk/
His Book: The Invisible Dimension -
Welcome my friends, to Paranormal Heart Podcast! On this segment, my special guest is Ron the Cryptoguru Murphy. Ron helps me to celebrate 7th year of podcasting. Ron also discusses a topic I haven't covered before, Thunderbirds. Ron Murphy has been investigating the stuff of nightmares for over 30 years. He has investigated the things that go bump in the night and meticulously researched the historical and psychological context of myths and legends from around the world. Mr. Murphy seeks to uncover the archetypal precedent for the monsters that haunt our collective thoughts. Ron has appeared on Red Earth Uncovered for the APTN in Canada. In the US, he has been featured on True Terror with Robert Englund on the Travel Channel and on Monster Files on the Discovery channel, appearing as an expert on Thunderbird mythology.
www.facebook.com/ronald.murphy.96 -
In this episode KJ covers the famous UFO account from 1955 known as the Hopkinsville Goblin Encounter. Bill covers two Bigfoot encounters including a Bigfoot encounter from Maine that begins with some "bigfoot snarf" all over a woman's home windows. And some great listener mail. Please join us! Thank you for listening!
Produced by: "Bigfoot Terror in the Woods L.L.C." -
How does the Bible compare to the Quran? As Christians, how can we evangelize to the Muslim? On this epsiode, Chuck talks about how we can reach out to our fellow Muslims. Pastor George Saieg has an excellent ministry that explains what you need to know on why we can believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and how we can communicate that to Muslims. We talk about the ideas that are found in the Quran and contradictions that exist in the different translations of the Quran. We must approach Muslims with love and compassion and find ways to lead them to Christ. They are already zealous and desire a relationship with the most high God.
If you'd like to learn more, follow the link below for more information. Don't forget to spread the fire!
https://www.ministrytomuslims.com/ -
We have reached Canary Cry Radio maximum velocity!!!!
Through various agencies, the U.S., China, Russia, England and several other countries are working on and developing what are being called super soldiers. What are super soldiers? How do they become super? Is this something we should all be concerned about? What is the end goal with these super soldiers and where are they at in their development?
Email us at: downtherh@protonmail.com -
Todd Callendar rejoins the program to share his insight into some of the top issues from UFO files, suppressed science, advanced physics and more. Callendar possesses unique insight with decades of experience in the financial sector and his groundbreaking lawsuit against the Department of Defense.
You can follow Todd Calledar on his channel at https://clouthub.com/Vaxxchoice -
In this episode we dig into the gematria codes and how Trump's name seems to be associated to the number 7 or multiple 7's and if this means anything and if so, what?
Then we look at the idea that Trump's family are time travelers and this is the entire reason they have been successful and they have been dropping little clues throughout time!
The question has been circulating on conspiracy theory web sites for several months and is backed by various pieces of "evidence" (such as Donald Trump's uncle John Trump's purported relationship with Nikola Tesla). Now a series of books published over century ago is receiving attention for their seemingly all-too-eerie connections to the Trump family. One of which is titled Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey, written back in the 1800's, which tells of a young boy who went to Russia and found a portal inside a cave to travel through time! -
Mountain update full of gleeful downloads on the parallels in the Gospel to our nation and the tumult between David and Saul.
Beyond Mars is the future Civilization of the Kingdom Come!
Journalist Maryam Henein joins the program to share her worldwide exclusive with the FBI informant John Turscak. He was also a cartel member and the man who stabbed Derrick Chauvin in prison. She explains why he was an informant and why he tried to kill Derrick Chauvin. She also explains why she was given his story when the mainstream media, such as 60 Minutes, CNN and others, were all trying to get his story.
You can support Maryam and her professional journalism at https://MaryamHenein.Substack.com -
But Jonathan, Saul's son, delighted much in David, and he told David, Saul my father is seeking to kill you. Now therefore, take heed to yourself in the morning, and stay in a secret place and hide yourself.
1 Samuel 19:2
Tonight I talk about the future of Adventures of Captain Epoch
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Email: captainepoch79@proton.me
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Music by UDIO - Näytä enemmän