
  • Sarah Andrews has this way of stripping back the noise & replacing hustle with humility. A gentle woman, who describes herself as '90% introvert', she has crated beautiful spaces by considering them her palette to tell stories & then inviting in a global community of folk to share her special space.

    The key, she says, to creating spaces that are warm, nurturing and supportive of the community they are designed to hold, is to be sure that “beautiful is not the ‘budget”.
    “My plan was to teach a few what I knew and then go sailing but it didn't happen like that because what was being taught was so special & it really did what it said on the box”
    Today the futuresteading pod invites you to open the box and learn ways to create spaces that nurture togetherness.

    Things we talked about:
    Hosting masterclass - Sarahs online program
    The Poetry of Spaces - Sarah Andrews
    Captains Rest - Sarah's Accommodation

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    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters

    Show Notes
    How a tumultuous life has lead her to creating spaces that make her feel safe
    Spaces that make you feel the way you want to feel & be the best we can
    Finding your medium to create stories - art, verbal words, design, written words,
    Walking the line of being a hermit that is alone but not wanting to be alone
    Understanding her ratio for a happy life - for her its 90% introverted
    Attracting people together but without the obligation of having to hold them all.
    “I’d found an internal happiness as a host and wanted to gift that to others”
    “Hosting & creating spaces is a science which can be broken down into a process?
    Frustration with the creative world using words that don't have meaningful measure.
    Building tools that could be taught to people who don't think they're creative.
    It’s easy to copy something if you've got a big budget but if you’re creating something that’s creative & individual then the real beauty is uncovered
    “For many reasons captains rest should not have been a success but when it was I was inundated with people asking me to help them do the same for them”
    Humility in creating a global network of minded individuals
    "I don’t have the energy for it to be all about me so it’s lovely to see a community of people connecting from the comfort of my couch"
    Every year I just do what I can - which is different every year - there’s no strategy but it feels good & works for me.
    Enough is not about doing more, having more, seeing more, it’s about how much you can give to the world.
    Building a meaningful community of people she loves & trusts
    I’m a three friend type of person - they’ve seen me through every part of my life
    Being part of a community that is protective of one another & generous
    Inner huddles & outer huddles
    Our community is a success because it’s genuine - it’s not a side hustle or a business venture - I’d be doing it anyway.
    The thing that always links to success is ‘realness’ - when it lights up people’s eyes you know it's true. It’s those who have the bravery to follow that
    A better way of being a community of people interacting with one another is when we sidestep division.
    Being led by kindness - one of the hardest but most rewarding things about being alive.

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  • Summary:
    In a world of consumption & content this chat ponders which containers for connection are going to hold us in relationships that are strong enough to navigate sickness & health, vitality & misery & how we build bridges to thread our significant worlds into one place so we can be ‘whole’. Over & above the individual, we ask ‘how do we build cultures where ‘welcome’ is the default & division is not normalised.

    Casper TerKuile is an articulate, poetic communicator who believes that ritual holds the key for much of this transition work. Where we buck the system, going beyond the prioritising of comfort at the expense of belonging. Casper lyrically leads us through making everyday things deeply intentional, shared moments of magic that change our attitude to the mundane & bring magic to the small threads of potential delight.

    In a desire to move beyond the morass of 'MEH' we consider that whatever the problem - community is the answer & how we might build bridges to connect everyone's efforts to create the necessary structures. What ever they are - you can’t treat community like a shopping centre - waiting to serve your every whim but with nothing offered in return.

    In an unexpected twist we ask: How would someone farm humans? - a lot more singing & dancing & a lot less sitting behind a desk

    We Chatted About:
    Power of Ritual - Casper ter Kuille - rhymes with Smile
    Nearness Project
    The Overstory - Richard Powers
    A Paradise Built in Hell - Rebecca Solnit

    Support the Show
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    Show Notes:
    How are community & spirituality changing
    Less than half the population now consider themselves religious - lowest in history
    How can we connect more deeply with the people who matter
    Exploring spirituality
    Creating pathways to build deeper relationships & bonds
    Creating collaborative covenants - Professional relationships as defined by the way ‘we want to be together’.
    Sacred reading - one of the most profound reading practices - as much about how you are reading as what you are reading
    “I may not be guilty but we are all responsible”
    Potluck dinners to build communities of warmth
    Is your “place” where the trees look like they should?
    Does placeless-ness contribute to a sense of cosmic loneliness?
    Seeing the best of people in tough times - it calls for the best in people
    We were once born into a ‘role’ and way of being
    Making our day to day decisions through the framework of regeneration that results in life.
    Anti elite vitriol in rural USA emphasised and polarised by social media companies
    Relational cohesion
    Nose to tail eating…meat eaten with reverence. Honouring the beast that gave its life
    The value of policy makers in our period of transition
    I went to graduate school on divinity and public politics
    Why change makers need to find homes at all tiers of system change

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  • Illustrator extraordinaire is back to chat! Brenna's talent lies in taking hairy, complex systemic issues and distilling them into bite-sized, actionable messages using just her pencil (& of course her magnificent capacity for critical thought). We check in with her latest updates from life on the road with her partner Charlie McGee touring with his band and they're latest project, building a strawbale small home in Denmark Western Australia.
    We unpack why being a purpose-led creative who's her own boss can be tough but shine a light on the delight of living a life that is cobbled together with many small magic opportunities.
    We get the low down on what life is like in an intentional community - “By being consistently kind and loving, the soul of my community is full of gifting, generosity and a vibrant sharing economy”

    We lamented the state of deep division we're all experiencing and talked frankly about how she's breaking down these divisions in her own world by finding a higher goal to focus on which allows you to set aside your ideological and ethical differences, focusing on the overlap areas instead.
    There is often truth on both sides of peoples belief coins - deep valid beliefs that justify both sides of the coin.
    It's a winding conversation - join us!

    Things we chatted about:

    Formidable Vegetable - latest album
    Dopelganger - Naomi Klein
    Brenna Quinlan online

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    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters

    Show Notes:
    Being on the road gives energy and fresh ideas but 1.5 years was too long
    Home to build a straw bale tiny home
    Learning to switch off as a freelancer - a unique occupational hazard in the gig economy
    Triple edged sword of being a freelancer, a creative and purpose driven
    Having some structure in an unstructured life has meant life feels happier
    Leaning on her community to carry her through the grief of her Dad
    Covid fractured the global permaculture movement but the permaculture convergence was a magnificent opportunity to heal the Australian contingent of the permaculture movement. It was about inclusivity.
    Respectful, inclusive and joyful interaction allows for permaculture to be the peoples movement
    I’m not the permaculture police but she has been able to maintain relationships with people who have different beliefs to her in the interest of maintaining conversation so everybody has the ability to reach out to somebody
    The Left in general has been fractured by extremism and also by an inability for us to accept a belief that differs
    Its ok to feel comfortable with someone’s belief that differs to you
    Communities can teach us how to ask for help
    If you have a profile - go to a funeral - it perks the grieving up no end - Three cheers for costa who showed up for her dads funeral
    Her word - Warmth - like an energetic blanket being worn around during the dark days, their love can be felt

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    Join Billa, co founder of the Wild School, as we navigate back into our custodial selves. Where we use head, hands & heart to rebuild the connective processes that help us become deeply connected people to place & each other. This process requires us to not only think but to really feel, 'It needs to be remembered in the body at a cellular level. “In our bones as women we have generations of wisdom & the sisterhood brings this to life”
    'We are designed to live in tribal sized groups & to take care of country but we lack the skills so it's time to unlearn & relearn.'
    The right environment will trigger the hard wired settings to make us what we are designed to be & the process of relearning how to live together will be more than just building houses & spaces or owning land.
    Billa & her husband Chief have been doing this earth connection & village making work their entire lives & she is measuring her experiences against something in her bones. She is doing this via 5 sacred pathways - these being food as medicine, nature connection, ceremony & ritual, village making & art is medicine. A pedagogy you cannot be schooled on, you need to embody them through experience.
    The most potent experience of all she says is to have gratitude for the mother. Us two-legged humans form a story - “we are merely the current fruiting mushroom of the ancestral mycelium”. its time to be reminded of this in our modern day story.

    Things we chatted about
    Gaia University
    8 shields movement - Jon Young
    Tyson Yinkaporta - right story, wrong story

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    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters

    Show Notes:
    Moving towards a life that moves in circles rather than being square & rigid - finding the sisterhood, herbal medicine, permaculture.
    Women need women but we specifically need sisterhood where we share wisdom & DO together - craft, learn, share,
    DIY-ing her own home at 24
    Intentional communities - are they a study in failure or can we really do this?
    Permaculture has been foundational alongside womens wisdom
    Being alive ‘in village’
    Finding our way back through the cultural repair journey via the 8 shields movement & the 64 cultural elements
    Connecting to country to continue as a species
    Reconciling our history is foundational to rebuilding culture
    You can’t ground community without the land but you can’t just buy land & assume the community will come - the truth of the land needs to be reconciled.
    What we eat is our relationship to the earth mother - it plugs us back in
    Rebuilding deep connection requires all five sacred pathways to be present
    Are we existing in captivity
    Decolonising our body through food
    Building next level connection with our ancestors
    We’ve stopped knowing our bodies
    What else comes with your DNA? More than height or eyes colour
    The humble shall inherit the earth
    Check in with what your ‘baseline’ is - very high in western culture
    Taking care of the baseline & being able to appreciate it is freeing because you can let go of the noisy material things which takes up all the space & consume you.
    White privilege blinkers - question what was taken in order for us to have this

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  • The majority of us are living in cities, and the sad truth is that these highly inhabited hubs are food deserts. Places where food certainty is uncertain and what we do have available is a rapidly homogenising food landscape. The Food Lab is a program based in Sydney and designed to find ways to bring people closer to the soil that grows our food. Creating networks that cross disciplinary boundaries and support the birthing of language and connection points for the influx of migrants unable to translate our food culture.

    We chat about ways of introducing people from communities who have different cultural backgrounds. Finding catalysts to move outside of their communities to share knowledge, culture and business capability.

    At the foundation of all of this food culture building is TRUST. Jamie says 'You can’t go and eat at someone’s table without trust". TRUST is at the centre of everything. When someone cooks a meal for you, you build trust. You can’t love someone without trust first.

    "I have the faith that my brother loves me when he cooks for me"

    Finally, his key advice is 'If you aren’t blessed with enough resources to travel, consider connecting to the cultural pockets in your own city".

    Things we talked about
    Food Lab
    Beau Miles: Cook River episode on You Tube
    Bread and butter project

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    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters

    Show NOTES
    A lotta rockiness along the way but it grew & evolved with the participants needs
    Particularly focussed on female, migrant communities
    Marginalised communities using food to connect with one another
    Building the diversity of the food landscape in Sydney
    Food is something that can be offered even when life is filled with utter newness
    Eliminating the potential of putting too much debt at the outset of a business
    “Assets are power in hospitality”
    The food scene is in danger of becoming homogenised due to the cost of establishment
    The power of mentorship to avoid the loneliness of business
    The chicken and egg of being small and not well resourced but being flooded with applications for support
    Providing a strong stepping stone to graduate people to their own kitchens
    Impact multipliers - equipping people to support others
    100% of the people will employ 4-7 people in the next 3 years
    Why our urban centres are food deserts
    Pomegranate molasses as a way to connect cultural groups
    Normalising enough and not needing to be ‘excessive’
    The power of sharing a meaningful recipe
    There’s something in recipes that lead people back to independence - Food speaks to our identities, holds our stories, this cant be taken away from someone
    As soon as you remove language you remove culture. When food is a language, it can’t be taken from you.
    Everyone has a recipe they just want to share
    What does it look like to belong to a huddle in a city -
    You don't realise how rich culture is until you bust out of your safety zone and look in as an outsider
    He feels shame for growing up in such a place of privilege which buffered him from the realities of other pockets in exactly the same city but with much less privilege.
    “I grew up with a lack of multiculturalism but food can bridge that and connect you to communities you mightn't have had access to”

    Singular word - TRUST

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  • Maria Konecsky refers often to her ancestral memory. For her the way back to those who came before her has been through food. She says “Our food lines, hold our story, no matter what it is, whether its pretty or ugly, grand or humble it holds richness and grit and love and loss” It’s such a beautiful way to unpack our heritage - through food, in her case it’s sometimes ugly food made with love by her OMA who instilled equal part ritual and boredom into her childhood in just the right doses.

    Wherever you are right now, I encourage you to find the thread that links you to your own heritage and give it a tug - dive deeply to understand how the patterns of the past are influencing the behaviours of today to form our own individual stories as part of the collective.

    Referenced in our chat
    Kindred - the book she wrote with her sister
    Gewuzhaus - their shared spice store

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    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters

    Show Notes
    Food is an alternative language to the written or spoken word. Care love and power flows through our hands and into our creation
    Food as opposed to ingredients are special
    We have to keep showing up to cook - especially as mothers - even when its hard
    The magnificence of sharing a business with family - always a process, it takes
    To the nurturers, mothers, keepers of ritual
    Her one word: HOME - connects her to her grandmothers.
    Her kin: why writing a book was an opportunity to delve deeper into her ancestral lines, from all over Europe to ultimately coalesce in Germany
    The importance of ritual, rhythm and routine in a life with young families - ritual helps to ground us and find commonality that we all understand.
    The rituals of her childhood (Christmas in Germany)
    Out of boredom came an ingrained and repetitious focus and love on food. Embedded in their DNA
    A 12 layered Dobosh - spectacular creation to mark special times across the year “more than just making a cake, it was a channelling of my ancestors into the cake to be there for those who need them”
    Mushrooming in Autumn, Winter citrus - balls of colour during the wet grey months, Rituals remind us that life is full of cycles
    Opening Gewurzhaus as a nod to her love of food
    How a can do attitude has been foundational to their willingness to get stuck in and have a go at things that might fill others with fear
    Letting your taste and senses take over to lead you on your next adventure
    Spending 6 months cooking to really learn how spices work
    Kraut holds her story - a much loved ritual that she only does alone - grounds and connects her to her food lines
    Getting her 3 year old to drink kraut juice
    Embracing ugly meat - frugal, hardworking, industrious individuals,
    Chicken broth as an analogy
    How grandmas habits which used to gross her out as a child now form tha backbone of her adult rituals.
    Coming back to getting squeamish and getting past the complex to better understand each other, our food and how we eat it.
    Overcoming the disconnect of where our food comes from - the value of tending life and then taking life.
    Nurturing a shrooming culture via an annual mushroom hunt for mothers day

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  • Join Jade and the tall, smiling pink haired gem as she ponders the many right ways of doing things - when care, intellect & heart goes into the building of skills, earth care & people care we need to honour the effort which is more important than the approach taken.
    Learn why she actively puts herself in front of opportunities & why she uses her platform as an extension to her duty of care - "Its not about me its about the issue”

    "While I have sadness in me about the heartbreaks happening across the world I choose to actively come back to radical hope. If you care for each other and the world we live in there’s no other option but to weave love and joy into life and weave hope into every single day"

    References in the convo
    ABC Gardening Australia
    Gardening Australia Junior program
    The Good Life - Hannahs first book
    Good Life Growing - how to grow fruit and veg in any climate in Australia
    Dan Palmer futuresteading conversation

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    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters

    Show Notes:

    The juggle is real - relying on friends to help us
    Not doing all the things all the time
    Why it’s harder to ask than it is to help
    Take time to build deep relationships. Communities hold us through good & not so good
    Finding people with common interests as the starting place to build a huddle
    Building people care into property design - human behaviours & human nature
    Good permaculture design based on the individuals who are living & stewarding the landscape
    Dan Palmer transformative for the Australian Permaculture community. He challenged & elevated it.
    Bringing people along in challenging conversations at challenging times
    Conversations which build community - “I don’t see the difference between hardened farmers and inner city hipsters” all I see is people who are enthusiastically food growing
    The elusive ‘balance’ - “its doesn’t exist but she is getting better at scheduling so actively builds slots of quiet time to counter balance the external
    The power of a routine
    Putting yourself in the way of opportunities so you can deepen your impact
    Every type of activism is needed but Hannah is best suited to solution orientated activism.
    Don't underestimate the feeling inside you as your accurate guide
    Ikigai formula
    Creating a goat share
    We don’t have to be self sufficient but doing things with intention & love - living towards your values
    Seed saving magnificence - I’ve got the power
    Energetically connecting to people
    Life in front of the camera for ABC gardening Australia
    Ulitising the tools & opportunities available to us in our modern world
    Sometimes it’s about doing the things that are unnecessary (like dying your hair pink) to nurture our psyche
    Learning in public - transparency about openly making mistakes to avoid being pigeonholed
    I hope that in a decade I can publicly admit that I've been wrong about things.
    She is happiest when she is IN the work - not about her but about the shining of light on things that matter to her…it’s just a tool to open a door to talk to people
    Her singular word - LOVE and ACTION

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  • Dr Kate Luckins asks what shade of green are you? The answer is of little consequence and will most certainly ebb with the hokey poke of life - finding your own shade, in your own way is the secret…along with an audit or two of your cupboards, sheds, fridge and mind.

    With a doctorate in sustainability, this Dr knows a thing or two about how we can climb aboard the bandwagon and STAY ON, ultimately resulting in us living "More with Less (which is the name of her new new book) - as our own shade of green.

    Love to Listen? ...Support the show
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    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters
    Buy Kates Book - Live more with Less

    Pod References:
    War on Waste
    Urban Nanna
    Well Nourished Georgia Harding naturopath
    ST ethical eating guides

    Show Notes
    Even when you mean well - life is very busy so its really hard to bring this way of life to the front line
    Crisis fatigue - why the looming Armageddon can cripple us.
    Empathy for our parents managing teenagers who want to create the landfill of tomorrow
    Experimenting with a clothing exchange
    Awakening the consumer in her with the birth of her baby
    Bring unapologetically medium green
    Not doing all the things at once
    A medium, life friendly shade of green which maintains momentum
    Building new habits that are awkward and unfamiliar slowly becoming part of your flow.
    Smug stock stash being built in the freezer
    1 in every 5 bags of shopping is incidentally wasted
    Getting sucked into every foodie, fashion and fun fad
    Life audits - fridge, wardrobe, third drawer down,
    Filling the gap between our concerns and our reality.
    Our cultural issue isn’t what to do its about how we make decisions in the weeds - what should our self expectation be.
    Keeping the paralysis of eco fear at bay
    Finding the times in your life that are well suited to bringing in more change
    Treat yourself like you would a friend who is doing their best
    Its not the people in govt who feel the most powerful its the every day eco heroes who feel enthusiastic and the actions they are taking. Unofficial authorities in their own communities
    Leading by example is the most powerful way to bring systems change
    Diagnosing our reality and changing our language because of it.
    Why the sustainability movement needs a theme song
    More connection, more time, more community, less, consumption, less waste,
    Finding your on ramp to get into this way of being
    Start where your interests lie and don't worry about it being perfect or big”
    The value of the imperfect
    We often buy because we are compensating or obliged to buy…
    Seeding the idea of ‘buying less and valuing it well’
    Why its so bloody hard to raise kids today to be mini ecowarriors
    Buy less and live more in a society that is structurally designed to create waste and
    Find your door in - start with the things that interest you and your energy will be infectious - don't underestimate the ripple effect of
    Rewrite the normal - to include lifestyle upgrades like showering in dams

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  • Kirsten Bradley is one half of permacultures favourite educators MILKWOOD and she joins us as our opening night (very early morning actually) star in the spectacular line up of season nine guests.

    We've had her in our ears before but not since she crossed Bass Straight to set up home and release her new book. The Milkwood Permaculture Living Handbook

    We delve into how she has built her Huddle in the southern most state and how she contributes to the mycelium of community that will form what is ultimately needed in the coming 100 years of skilled up, earth connected, community first folk who just keep showing up - which is easier said than done.

    She talks about our duty of care to the commons and why we need to be comfortable as the receiver and giver in your local soup kitchen.

    Love what you hear? Support the show

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    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters

    Show Notes:
    Building a new life in Tasmania - here we are!
    The forest school that runs along democratic lines with kiddos making decisions (but still have to do maths)
    Teenagers marinating in different ideas and different thinking
    Being confident to let your small human build their own vision and values
    Upskilling FAST: Growing food, making bread, sewing, community connections
    Rebooting our civic duty to be relational with each other
    Changing the world, one habit at a time with her latest book: the Milkwood Permaculture Living Handbook
    Engaging in the commons - taking responsibility for the things which are held in common-wealth (beaches, waters, parks) scraps of land that are worth taking care of and starting a relationship with.
    Using your privilege for purpose - even if limited - use them to help those who don’t have them
    Start by identifying your privileges and call out those who behave in a way that limits rather than supports others
    The value of clever, open, respectful communication with those who don't align with your values
    “No one is in anybody else's shoes so we don’t have the knowledge or the right to make judgments”
    “Whether you’re the soup giver or the soup taker - in times of need, we all need each other and finding the common ground to be on either side of the table is a pillar of how we’ll live in the next 100 years”
    Building partnerships in coalitions of the unlikely
    Mutual aid in her backyard, not just in times of crises but a community way of being
    Making sure you’ve got some really big pots in your pantry to fire up a huge pot of soup if needed
    The million ways to contribute to the community care systems we all need
    Sharing your skills far and wide
    How she’s made online learning as practical and useful as possible
    Do one thing, make it a habit then choose one more thing
    Threading the various communities together to create a dynamic non 9-5 existence
    Compassion speaks to creating futures with other people despite the overlapping crises
    Holding peoples hopes, fears and making sense of that as a huddle.

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  • Remember this beautiful human? She spent some time in your ears way back in series one & two before heading off for a life of adventure & learning in the intellectual home of permaculture. Catie Payne is a courageous one-of-a-kind character full of love and laughter who challenges 'normal' and beats to her own drum.
    Join us for this joyful, 'been-too-long-catchup between Jade & Catie & delve into the last two years of Catie's artistic, rewilding, permaculture filled days.

    Show notes

    Catie now lives at Melliodora permaculture working in exchange for food and accommodation - what is this really like?

    Completed a re-wilding leadership course with Claire Dunne taught her so much about herself and our culture.
    Why storytelling has been an important learning for her and what she now plans to do with this.

    Hiking on a sacred songline in Nitmiluk National Park near Katherine NT, led by the Jaywoyn traditional owners.

    Connecting to nature through sit-spots and wandering in the bush.

    To guide our kids she suggests “rights of passage” rewildling programs that give a reference point to a more grounded, wild and connected life.

    Current reads for Jade and Catie

    Reactivating her love of medicinal weeds through a monthly community herb circle

    Building a vision for women to reclaim the role of natural healers in their communities.

    As the Futuresteading podcast takes an extended break. Catie and Jade relish the many characters and conversations they have shared through the pod.
    Learning that just asking a question unfolds a whole conversation and opportunity to see things from a different perspective.

    Thank you to everyone who has popped Futuresteading in your ears, all of the comments, the tears, the shared knowledge and camaraderie.


    “Plants - Past Present and Future” by Zena Cumpston, Michael Fletcher, Lesley Head

    : https://store.holmgren.com.au/product/plants-past-present-and-future/

    “Wilder, a journey back to life” by Meg Berryman: https://www.megberryman.com/

    “Rewildling the Urban Soul” by Claire Dunne: https://www.naturesapprentice.com.au/

    Ntimiluk Adventures: https://www.nitmiluktours.com.au/

    Podcast partners ROCK!


    Wwoof Australia

    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters

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  • Summary
    "We’ve never been sicker as a species, we've never experienced such high levels of extinction and its time to look past the ‘machine that’s working’ and actively choose not to contribute to it. Instead, its time to share ancestral knowledge, naturopathy, movement & earth based skills with each other & the next generation and nod to our ancestors by learning the ways, diets and nutritional needs of our bodies. Let us experience deep sorrow ahead of rejecting the mainstream colonised and capitalistic system and lets walk away from being a machine centred society so that it supports humans first"

    Show notes
    Life in a commune which is 60% indigenous and 60% queer
    Sharing her ancestorial voice given to her by her mother and her family lineage
    Building on generations prior to build fierceness yet peace in her
    Birthing an event called ‘the gathering’ to fulfil her own need to create a space that was not dominated by whiteness or privilege
    The biggest and greatest job we have on this planet is to raise well and connected children
    Focussing her efforts on marginalised communities
    We cannot be strong female leaders unless we are bringing everyone along with us
    Stepping into a woman centred world
    Why the current system is failing all of us to live long, strong, healthy existences
    Living in deep loving connection with each other & the natural world
    People have never seen intuitive spirituality as fact but its a feminine and necessary path
    Feminine cycle of 28 days, men cycling on 28 hour cycles
    Creating a feminine vision quest
    Women are the wisdom keepers, communicators,
    Shifting away from operating up and out from our body and actively coming back into our bodies which creates a down regulation of our nervous system
    Coming into ONE conscious moment each week
    Growing up with fragmented culture because of colonisation
    Rewriting new paradigms with indigenous culture at the heart
    Actively desiring a small but mighty charitable organisation - without desire for becoming national or global
    The power of localisation
    Coming to “rest” on country
    Rest in the knowing that she is walking on the same country that her blood has walked on in her ancestral linage
    Encouragement to take a pilgrimage to the “homeland” of your ancestors
    Once upon a time there was a well and connected ancestor living and thriving
    Finding our own indiginaity
    Lore created by country and culture
    We are but a minuscule piece of a puzzle made up by the thousands of ancestors who came before us
    Allowing feminine power breathe by openly accepting pain and working through trauma
    Rather than changing the way we work, live, and be in the world we are now relying on abstractions to be the catchall
    Let us return to a religion where water is our god again


    It takes courage to tell the truth - Book
    The returning - Annual event
    Reclaim your kin and decolonise your mind - Course

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  • When did having twin basins and three toilets become the norm? As an architect who bucks the idea of bigger-is-better Jane Hilliard uses the principle of “Enoughness” as a design principle for the built environment. Its better for both the natural environment and the people around us. It allows us to be rich in ways that matter instead of buying into the idea that grandeur will make us happy.
    For her 'enough' looks like going out into her backyard supermarket garden picking something and cooking it. Its also having outdoor space & quiet, unstructured time to think. Guided by the principle of “enoughness,” she manages her work load to keep her energy output within her own capacity while meeting her modest need for resources to sustain her family and business.

    Show notes

    Bringing her love of arts and social justice together
    Sidestepping stress and money in the architecture design world.
    Ensuring sustainability isn't just an add-on rather than core to design
    Why the endless pursuit of “more” and better is relentless and pointless
    Asking “what is enough?” starts with your values and how you want to feel.

    “I ask myself: What is enough work to sustain me, my creativity, my staff and the financial resources we need to sustain my practice.”

    What "enough" looks like for her high-school age children.

    “I enjoy causing a bit of a stir…not in a way that’s shaming anyone…but by pushing back on the system, not individuals.”
    Working a 9 day fortnight
    Small rituals like, morning coffee, starting the day outside, growing food, being present with her children.
    Normalising messy, lived in homes which change with the seasons and as its occupants get older.
    Why central heating has loosened family ties
    Living in a smaller space with less resources helps us develop negotiation skills and foster connections.
    Simplify life by starting with one thing.
    How much are you packing into your week, or your year?

    “The more work I take on, the less time and energy I have for all the other projects we have already, and I’ll enjoy them a little less too.”

    "We have everything we need to go forward into the future. It's not about gaining new knowledge or new skills or new technology or new tools. It's about stripping things back and getting rid of a lot of stuff."
    We need to be grateful for how much the earth gives us and not to take too much.
    Our culture is dominated by growth and seeking opportunity. The desire for more can be part of our status and identity.
    People are trying to meet their needs with things instead of meaning.
    A mentality that “I’ve worked hard and I deserve it” is a strong focus for Jane's clients.
    Just because "you've worked hard and deserve it" doesn’t mean you should aim for the biggest and shiniest.
    "We stay in tents and shacks when we go away, why can’t we bring this spirit into our own house? How about an outdoor kitchen…why not?"


    Designful - Janes design agency

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    Wwoof Australia

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  • "Apple pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze" and what's the point in that. Life as a shepherd in Vermont USA can be lonely but farm time provides opportunity for reflection & cup filling so there's more energy to give to community. "Although I don’t say no to help - I don’t let no help stop me" is the can-do attitude Tammy exudes not only for her sheep breeding but also her natural yarn dying & her intentional life which is deeply committed to her place in Southern Vermont where she likes to beat to her own drum at a scale that works for her. Listen in as she speaks of a life that's lived with purpose, unrushed, in collaboration and in deep trust that the natural world will teach the skills needed at the right time.

    Big thoughts to save the world began as a child
    Seeking more colour beyond numbers
    Learning to smell, feel and hear the seasons on her walk to school
    Her winding path to becoming a single woman farmer
    Learning to natural dye
    Not feeling able to beat the drum until she walks the talk herself
    She never thinks that her farming scale minimises her importance
    Her accidental ownership of black nose valais sheep
    Letting time and nature do much of the work passively
    I’m not in a rush - I’m being responsible so if that’s slower then so be it. Its also a teaching opportunity
    The teaching message is so much greater than just the product.
    Being in a deficit of living with intention
    Discovering the limitless appetite for homesteading skills
    She might be an intense teacher
    Apple Pies served with cheese…it’s a thing
    Sour Pickle, maple syrup and doughnuts - Vermont traditions
    Shepherding can be lonely but it provides time to reset and regroup and fill her tank
    Her desire to see others as happy as she is
    Lift up rather than commiserate
    Planning to run the bingo games when she's in a nursing home
    You learn so much when you're in community
    Becoming accustomed to letting it be not picture perfect
    You cannot go inwards when bad things happen on the farm or you will always be inwards
    Never turn your back on your ideals and trust your heart - really listen to what matters for you
    Sincerely imagining what you are committed to and go with that


    Wing and a Prayer Farm

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  • The talented Megan Grant bought the futuresteading book to life with her vibrant depictions of a seasonal, intentional and ritual rich life. After a year of being asked, this introvert who dreams and thinks in colours and pictures finally said yes to being interviewed. We chat about her intuitive approach to creativity, her deep need to keep trying despite making plenty of work that doesn't make her happy and how a magnificent collaboration with clothing brand Gormon came about - but why she rarely wears the pieces herself.

    Show notes

    Making art her life by intuition
    She thinks and dreams in pictures
    Why picture making is her language to connect to other people
    Developing her style via lots of work that doesn’t make her happy until the ones that make her happy appear
    Her love of children's art more than anything - tapping back into the innocence of children art - her main goal when she paints she has two brains that are in conflict which each other
    Finding the balance between art that is intellectualised and art that is intuitive
    Letting accidents happen and feeling her way through them
    In art it’s important to make terrible work over and over again
    The value of sleeping on things to clarify perspective
    Being reflective to ensure evolution
    Being happy for her work to represent her
    The story of her involvement in the futuresteading book
    Collborating with Gormon clothing
    Being the kids of creative parents
    Art becoming part of your DNA when you’re the child of an artist
    Being prolific in your creativity
    The balance of being an artist that needs to fit ‘normal’ life into it
    The financial compromise of being a full time artist. Part by design and part by necessity
    The life long sacrifice of being an artist despite the reward of being able to create freely
    Creating commission pieces
    Setting out with blind faith and hope
    Despite a 20 year career, she is ‘only just getting started’
    The breathtaking discovery that you could ‘paint for a living’
    Tapping into art for arts sake
    Why art is an important part of simply being alive
    Art brings peace, purpose and the bleeding obvious through interpretation
    Why artists are the provocateurs of our community
    Feeling fortunate to have an endless source of hope and optimism because she has art in her life
    Painting for mental health
    Self containment that comes from her creativity
    Grappling with the need to use art as a statement maker
    Beauty is its own reason for being
    Why art is culturally soothing
    Noticing the weeds at the service station
    Advice for her daughter
    We have to go and make the inspiration happen by doing
    Finding a drive, style and direction in your own time
    “You can’t wait for the inspiration to come”


    Fenton and Fenton
    Megan Grant Instagram
    Gormon clothing
    Gary Miles Art

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    We need an economic system based on values and trust to see genuine change in this critical decade. This intuition led powerhouse is collaboratively leading the thinking for philanthropy & impact investment to shift away from reductionist outcomes to a 'relationship first' approach where she believes the place to begin is with inner work to determine 'who you are', 'what makes you brave' and 'where your voice strongest'

    We’ve got the solutions but the human capacity to make this change is what needs to begin first.

    Why its harder to give money away with meaning than you might think
    Wanting to be more than not just a cheque book
    Asking where humans fit into ecosystems
    Her awakening to disconnection
    Finding people who were also asking questions
    Moving into sustainable ag and food security
    Connecting the environmental crisis & what we eat
    Her appetite to move beyond greenwashing to transformation
    The value of slowing down
    Wanting people to think of her as a broke NGO leader not a rich philanthropist
    Getting her ego out of the way
    Embracing the world she was trying to push away
    What is philanthropy - the skill of giving money away
    Moving assets away from the extractive economic system
    How investment can change systems
    Understanding systems & the levers that need to be pulled to expedite change
    The importance of mass decentralisation & taking a place based approach to bring change
    Starting a relationship with open, honest transparency & an opportunity to co-create solutions
    Relationship requires a number
    Moving at the speed of trust
    Looking for replication not endless growth
    Using compassionate debt as a solution to building relationships that can enable change
    Creating opportunity for replication over scale
    Building models that allow relationships to be at the core
    Rich relationships are paramount
    Understanding connection to country - bringing gentleness from the land into her everyday
    Daily spiritual practice to set the days intentions
    Whatever you resist persists
    Daily practice of staying mindful and present - maintenance
    The danger of defining yourself as “resilient” which doesn’t allow you to be fragile
    Developing a hardiness by sitting in your discomfort
    Keeping the ego in check
    Gleaning joy from rich conversations
    Cocreating a new language that releases our stuckness in the current paradigm
    Discovering how we all contribute in a way that meets our super power
    If its too easy then it must be in the current paradigm and we need to ask, is there another way to do this?
    Stepping around colonialism by being present & really listening
    Being uncomfortable with the new to serve a changed world in the future
    Self sustainability is the piece that often gets left behind
    How can philanthropists play their part
    Finding strength & bravery when you have your people by your side

    Impact sustainability - her business
    Sustainable Table
    Sentient Impact group

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    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters

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  • This homeschooling mum of three spends her days foraging, growing, swapping & upskilling all in the name of continuing to live her version of normal in an abnormal world where we've lost touch with our food, medicine & the natural world.
    After taking her time with her families transition to this way of life, her newfound confidence & conviction ensures she won't be told what to do by big business or have her opinions changed by corporations. Although not all plain sailing-she shares valuable insights into the bumpy but ultimately rewarding path she's been on.
    "Living in a cushioned culture is limiting in our ability to share skills & share knowledge"

    Eating meat that you’ve met - being responsible for the whole life cycle
    Stepping stones to this way of life - starting small, with what you’ve got
    Learning from failure as you scale
    The fallacy of being self sufficient
    Foraging, bartering & selling excess of what you do grow to access the things you don’t grow
    Why being dogmatic isn't always the answer to the long game
    Homeschooling - learning happens everywhere, everyday
    Being led by kids & their natural interest areas
    Building a family rhythm around the personal needs of everyone in the family
    Rebuilding normal
    Why it’s difficult to be a people pleaser but stay true to yourself
    Learning to trust your honesty will be supported & not knocked
    It’s hard to live your normal in an abnormal world - the way we eat, shop treat people
    Education of self is the first step in shifting towards taking agency
    Why food was her on-ramp to understanding how to make her own decisions
    Accepting that a shift in our lives will take time - we each need to take it as we are ready
    Transitioning via new skills & a new mindset
    Letting this way of living be a lifetime of work
    Learning one skill and mastering it each year
    Using herbs to heal now and in the future
    Learning to get used to people not agreeing with how she lives her life
    Making mistakes in safe places while you learn
    Learning how to manage microclimates
    Building an annual seasonal rhythm to ensure balance
    450sq m of intensive growing space for a family of five
    300 sq metres managed by the kids
    Water bath canning, dehydration
    Collecting food waste every week by salvaging food from mainstream supermarkets to supplement her families food
    Why she is opting for a house cow not a house goat
    There’s always next year…..
    Learning to forgive your short comings
    Connecting without belonging
    How not going to a school was a disadvantage
    While she feels at home she doesn't feel like she belongs
    Defying the odds of ‘surviving this life’ & thriving
    Finding ways to connect with people who have different ideals
    The value of relying on your neighbours - creating a sense of place by calling on your neighbours
    Things only move at the speed of trust & a willingness to push through the awkward.
    Start where you are with what you’ve got
    Relying on the building blocks of experience


    Living the dream permaculture

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  • This conversation is difficult to process but important to hear. It asks: "How does Socioecological justice prevail in the face of an irreversible collapse"?

    Its time to accept that infinite growth on a finite planet will be short lived and that those who have agency & privilege have much to do - in big or small ways
    It’s hard to really accept collapse when we have a comfortable lifestyle but let's consider preparing while we still have abundance in our system.

    Show notes

    A new form of activism - possibilities to make the world a better place
    Why climate activism is the most important issue of focus
    The shift in activism following covid
    Introducing disruption to activism
    Socioecological justice
    Justice can only be relative
    Creating a collapse community to help relieve anxieties of reality & locate ourselves
    Putting differences aside to open the door to building localised communities
    Acknowledging how difficult it can be to create community in the individualised society of the affluent west.
    As we ratchet back, our community will be where we physically are.
    Having faith that we can rely on each other
    Consciously connecting is inevitably in train and we will be pushed together
    Relearning to connect, compromise and communicate
    Its unhelpful to create utopian or romanticised ideals
    Insurgent planning - actively creating a plan of readiness to this inevitable collapse
    Being led by the greater group with place based solutions
    Why there is no prescription to future solutions - we need to figure that out for ourselves based on our understanding of the soil, water, culture we are working within
    Breaking down individualisation & risks: outrageous debts & our reliance on fossil fuels
    #talkcollapse - linking people to plant the seeds of a different and just future
    Planting seeds physically and metaphorically for a socioecological collapse
    Talking collapse is not about converting those who don't want to hear it
    The emotional reality of procesing climate grief - face it, expereince it and let is sit behind you with echoes
    Depression goes with the territory but its not a reason to avoid reality
    Ecological awareness as the foundation to discovering more
    Understanding the fragility of the world while also being a ‘doer’
    What a cyclical grief process looks like and feels like
    Cognitive dissonance of having endless choice and capacity to purchase while simultaneously being aware that collapse is inevitable
    The myth of progress being perpetuated by every message around us
    The need to decomplexify
    Building solidarity via social media
    Being sure to remind yourself of how wondrous the world actually is
    Supporting mental wellbeing with various tools
    It’s so important in this point in history to embrace life in whatever form


    Limits to growth - Club of Rome
    Just Collapse

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  • Described as 'all striving no arriving…' Sarah thrives in the early stages of a movement - feeling her way into the zeitgeist of now & unpacks in ways that resonate with reality. Ultimately driven by curiosity & shunning growth, she talks about Wild Activism as a responsibility of the current age with agency in tact.

    Having less fucks to give about speaking her mind & with a bipolar superpower, she shares how she is unlearning & returning to humanity to navigate out of a spiritual PTSD, simulteneously saving but living the fuck out of life’, and why she is off to Paris

    Show notes

    Taking her cue from International women of strengthOwning her intensityHas the lucky country become more racist and bigoted?Why laid back Aussies don’t want their comfort boat rocked by the reality of the less wealthy.Why Aussie’s are aching to not be the anti intellectual country down SouthFeeling into where the pain points are for the humans around herThe story behind donating 100% of the I Quit Sugar profitHer conscious decision to live rather than take her life by stepping into the option of shedding everything and letting go of ALL the things she was attached to.Setting a 5 year goal to be content w not being beholden to the endless desire for more.Trodding her ego into the ground & the outcome thrusting her into growth Every time she releases her grip & lets the flow of life back in - growth prevails.Learning to get engaged & enraged about the climate crisis Turn anxiety into actionWe live in a culture where discomfort & inconvenience thrive yet we feel alive when we are on the edge & pushed out of our comfort zone.Lighting the way back to loveDefining her DharmaFostering indigenous children as a respite carerThe responsibility of steadying yourself when living with anxietyAnxiety can be a super power - hyper vigilant, hyper sensitiveThe evolutionary purpose of anxietyThe rebellious act of bucking the growth paradigm


    This wild and precious life - Sarah WilsonHelen Lewis interview with Jordan PetersonHelen Lewis - Difficult WomenFirst we make the beast beautiful - Sarah WilsonSteve Jobs - Commencement Speech

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  • What if all the memories you made as a kid had been replaced by screens? When an aha moment makes you realise that its time to reframe childhood and embrace an analogue life - one that stimulates creativity, imagination and experiences that instill a need to fight for the natural world over technification. With a biological need for at least 3 hours outside every day...the time to replace screen time with green time is now.

    Show notes

    Feeling like she was failing as a mum
    Breaking the cycle of raising children on full schedules
    “Kids are supposed to be outside for 4-6 hours a day when the weather is good” - Charlotte Mason
    Her first good day as a mum was spent outside as part of a challenge in order to make friends.
    How outdoor play enhances every development for children which gives lifelong benefits
    Setting our kids up for success simply by spending time outside
    Busting screen time statistics
    On average kids are on screens for 7 hours a day but only outside for 7 minutes
    1200 hours a year outside creating rather than on screen
    3 hours of outdoor play for kids of all ages
    Keeping children balanced
    Rescheduling early childhood
    Raising kids who were ruddy, tough, sleeping better
    Outdoor play enhances childhood developing in every sense = cognitive, sensorial, emotional
    Laying the groundwork so they keep it up
    Play that stretches their body and teaches them to trust their bodies and builds endurance, stamina, alertness
    Filling our life with the important things first and push out the time that's left over for screens
    It’s never easy to make this your committed approach but it’s worth it
    Creating rituals that are intentional
    The benefits of being uncomfortable
    Why time slows down when you are doing something new and your senses wake up
    Building identity via time in the outdoors
    If they don’t love an analogue life, they won’t fight for it
    Building a foundation in kids that they can resist the tech pull
    Success is living a fulfilling life that is balanced, connected, maintained ground on values and illusions but grounded and taken day by day
    If we live well today then tomorrow will take care of itself
    Clothes for the season: Wonders of wool to enable the kids to play for so much longer
    Passing down the things = less stuff
    Imagination over screens
    Nature is enough - it meets us all at the stage we are at
    Start right now and be happy to bloom at your own pace which follows your instinct
    Trust your kids to create their own path


    1000 hours outside- book, podcast

    Charlotte Mason - Childhood educator

    Balanced and barefoot - Angela Hanson

    Rewilding the urban soul - Claire Dunn

    The Comfort Crisis - Michael Easter

    The singularity is near - Ray Curswhile

    Podcast partners ROCK!


    Wwoof Aus

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  • Summary

    We know that Western culture lives excessively, endlessly seeking the newest and shiniest new thing. Its shocking that 40% of our food goes to waste, one third of our building materials are never even used. But this way of life will be short lived and thankfully being wasteful is now on the nose and cool cats like Joost are making waves by making junk UBER COOL. What can we do to create a new way forward in what he describes as the most exciting time in human history?

    Show notes

    Keeping family as number one
    Keeping it real with family to ensure they are present
    His journey through waste which began using other peoples junk
    Spending his spare time in junkyards collecting and using other peoples waste
    Even the poster boy doesn't get everything right - examples of things that haven't worked
    For every project that gets up there are 3 or 4 which didn't - that’s having a go! And through the Process we discover a new way forward
    Attracting like minded people to build a community and deliver amazing projects
    Showcasing the innovation and vast knowledge that exists in this country
    Creating binless hospitality businesses
    Curating the message for living waste free so that people understand it.
    Considering materials based on their ability to be recycled
    Living in the most exciting time in human history
    Getting creative to find solutions that allow us to continue our existing lives with minimal compromise
    There's something mentally wrong with us when we endlessly chase the next, new, shiny, big thing.
    Being properly nourished and connected to the outdoors satiated our desires and replace our desire for STUFF.
    Using plants to support our sleep
    Reverting to primitive practices to reconnect to ourselves
    Starting our day with simple, natural world practices
    If we’ve got 3 hours to be on social media, surely we’ve got time to make our everyday actions more intentional.
    We feel great after gardening not just because its sensorially beautiful but because you are breathing in microbiomes
    Observation is a lost trait we need to rebuild
    His fascination with the perfect sized branch for birds
    All his buildings are covered in 8 mil rio mesh because it's perfect for the birds
    If you really want to understand why he makes the decisions he does then check out his instagram pages


    The Greenhouse film -

    Future Food System Instagram

    Podcast partners ROCK!


    Wwoof Australia

    Buy the Book - Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters

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