My grandmothers were two of my favorite people in the world, and I learned a thing or two from them about how to live a truly healthy life. Sometimes we need to look to our elders for advice, instead of the latest influencer of the week!! Am I right?!!
Let's do this!
Need help with your weight loss goals? Book a free consultation HERE
Some days it seems like the cards are stacked against you when it comes to cooking a healthy meal at home. I get it!! Today, I am sharing one of my best tips to avoid the drive-thru when life gets crazy. This works every time!
Need help reaching your weight loss goals? Book a complimentary coaching call HERE
Puuttuva jakso?
Are you feeling more drained than excited about your life? More tired than joyful? Join the club!
While happiness is not the goal of the Christian life, it doesn't mean we have to be sad or miserable. We can find more joy and yes, happiness, by doing a few simple practices that take under 5 minutes.
Let's go!
Interested in coaching with me? Book a complimentary call HERE to see if we are a good fit!
Happy New Year, friends! I wanted to kick off the year by sharing a secret to weight loss that so many women are missing - and it has nothing to do with food or exercise. It's actually fun, but it's not always easy to remember or do consistently. So let's talk about it!
P.S. I only have 2 openings left for whole health coaching clients. Apply HERE!
As we head into the holiday season, sugar is EVERYWHERE. But that doesn't mean you have to let it master you!
Today I am resharing an episode from last year that is actually still the highest downloaded episode in the history of the Getting Unstuck podcast. It’s such a really good reminder for us all about how to look at sugar from a proper perspective, and not let it steal your joy or your health out from under you.
Let’s talk about how to fight sugar the smart way!
Next steps: Apply for a free health coaching session HERE
Have you ever opened up your bible to try to read, but then you read something that makes you uncomfortable or confused.
Maybe it’s something that doesn't make sense, or seems to contradict what you’ve read before. Maybe it's violent or disturbing or just strange, and it starts to make you feel further away from God, not closer.
If you’ve ever struggled with doubts or inner turmoil when reading your Bible, this episode is for you my friend!! Let’s dive in!!
Next steps: Book a clarity call HERE
For the past 2 weeks, we have talked about how to get motivated to read your bible, and how to create time to actually start the habit.
But now, the rubber meets the road - what do you actually DO when you read your bible? Where do you start? How much do you read? Do you read it like a textbook? Is there a certain bible study you should do first? It can be just a tad overwhelming, I know!
Today I am breaking down exactly what you should be doing to get the most out of your Bible reading time! Here we go!
Next steps: Book a clarity call HERE
How many of you wish you had more time in your day?
Kind of a silly question. Unless maybe you’re retired, pretty much everyone I talk to has more to do in one day than can possibly get done.
But, God still calls us to find time to read his word. It is a really important step toward becoming more like Jesus.
This week, I’m going to help you get past the busy, and the distractions and create more time to do just that. Here we go!
Next steps: Book a free clarity call HERE
How many times have you thought to yourself, I should read my bible more? Maybe you’re in church or listening to a sermon or podcast and some scripture is quoted and you think - that’s such a great message. I need more of that.
But then days go by, and weeks, and months and years, and you still don’t have the bible reading habits that you wish you did.
For the next 3 weeks, we are going to be talking about all things Bible Reading. And today, I'm starting with motivation.
There are many many people out in the world who would call themselves a Christian, but they have no real burning desire to read their Bible. And by the end of this episode, I do not want that person to be you. So let’s get to it!
Book your free clarity call HERE
Happy Tuesday friends! Today I am kicking off a 3 week series on Bible reading that I’m really excited about. I know Bible reading and Bible study is something that many of you want to do, or have done with some consistency at times, but you still struggle with making it a priority, staying motivated, and feeling like you are getting something out of the time you are spending reading your Bible.
We will be talking about ALL those things and more over the next few weeks!
But today, I wanted to kick off this series by replaying the very first episode I ever recorded for the Getting Unstuck podcast. It was originally called "God’s Prescription for a Healthy Life". Even if you’ve listened before, I’d encourage you to listen again.
I’m guessing most of you would say that your health is a really high priority in your life. And in this episode, I dive into the difference between the world's definition of health, and God's definition. And what a difference that can make in transforming your whole life!
Let's dive in!
Next steps: Apply for a complimentary health coaching call HERE
One of the main reasons why you might be stuck in your health journey, is because you believe you can’t change. Maybe you’ve never been a morning person and you’ve never eaten a vegetable and you’ve never lifted a weight.
Maybe you believe you will always struggle with sweets, and never be able to control yourself around a plate of brownies.
It could be in the spiritual realm - maybe you believe you aren’t smart enough to understand the bible. Or you will never be good at journaling, so you have given up on those things.
I have some really good news today! Listen in, and I’ll show you how you are not only capable of change, but it can be a whole lot easier than you thought it would be.
Let’s get it!
Next steps: Apply for a free health coaching consultation HERE
If I asked you today what your biggest health goal is, many of you would say "lose 20 lbs". It's a big enough goal to really see and feel a difference in your body.
And that is exactly what my client did a few weeks ago. It wasn’t painful, it wasn’t restrictive, and she is now wearing pants she hasn’t worn in over a year!
Today, I am sharing the 3 things she did to make this change happen. Let's dive in!
Next steps: Book a complimentary coaching call with me HERE!
Raise your hand if you wish God would just send you a clear list of things you need to do in your life?
If we are honest, most of us are really looking for clarity on one or maybe multiple issues in our lives at any given time.
And if the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that this life is very uncertain.
Today I am talking through what it looks like to find clarity in the middle of an uncertain world, and it's probably not what you think! Let’s dive in!
Want personalized help from me? Book a free clarity call HERE (spots are limited!)
Most of you listening have lost weight at some point in your life. You went on a diet and lost 5, 10, maybe even 30 or 40+ pounds.
And chances are, you gained at least some of it back. Maybe all of it. Maybe even more than you lost.
As a woman, that is one of the most difficult things to go through. It messes with your self image and your confidence, and it is really defeating.
Today I want to teach you the two things you need to know to lose weight and NOT gain it back.
Let’s go!
Need some extra help? Apply for health coaching HERE
Have you ever gotten excited about starting a new exercise routine, and bam - you get injured!!!
Or maybe you have been working out consistently for years and then out of nowhere, you find yourself sidelined with an injury.
Either way, it is SUPER frustrating to want to workout, but your body is unable to do what you want to do.
Today I am sharing some simple tips and tricks for staying positive, keeping your healthy habits in place, and seeing results even when you are injured. Let’s get it!
Want personalized help? Apply for a free health coaching session HERE
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