
  • We know God has great plans for this podcast and we cannot wait to come back fresh and with new content for you. We don't know what this space will look like, but we know it will be wonderful! Girls, keep in touch with us and subscribe to our newsletter - it's free and we will continue to update you on the new things coming. We will miss you all!! Goodbye for now!


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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    Purple Planet Music https://www.purple-planet.com/

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

  • Does God care about our losses? When a loved one dies, does he care? What about the death of our pets? Tune in to listen to Bible Boost with Rosanne and find out how God really feels.


    Read story on blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/healing-hearts-embracing-gods-presence-through-loss/

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    Purple Planet Music https://www.purple-planet.com/

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Zoe rolled her eyes at each photo she scrolled through on social media feed–she paused at the photo of a family - she felt sick looking at their faces and fake smiles. Not that anyone would know those smiles were fake.

    They looked so genuine and super happy. The whole family looked picture perfect. They were dressed impeccably. The twins looked like dolls with their red hair and freckled smiling faces - big dimples dances on their little cheeks.

    The brother looked handsome in his dark suit and polka-dot bow tie. The older girl was dressed in a pretty blue dress and Nike sneakers–she had a big grin on her face as she posed next to her mother and brother–but her green eyes held a tinge of sadness. Tears welled in Zoe’s eyes as she studied the photo - feeling angry, she tossed the phone across her bed. It rolled, then dropped to the carpeted floor with a soft thud.

    “Fake! Liar!” she seethed under her breath.

    She hated those photos of her and her family–fake and fake. It has only been three days since her parents have celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary, so the events of the day were fresh in her mind.

    Join Esther and Steph as they talk about how hard it is to fake what's going on...Tune in to find out the rest of the story.


    Read story on blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/the-masked-reality-navigating-the-pressure-to-pretend/

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

  • Does God care about the little things in our lives? Listen today to Rosanne's Bible Boost and what Esther and Steph have to say about it. Tune in to find out about our amazing and loving God.


    Read story on blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/the-god-who-notices-discovering-gods-care-in-the-details-of-your-life/

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    Purple Planet Music https://www.purple-planet.com/

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

  • “Stop!” Ella’s voice rang clear from the other side of the phone. “Seriously Chloe, did you hear yourself? I mean, you’re talking about stuff that isn’t even close to happening. Or are you going to get married tomorrow or something?”

    Chloe shook her head. “No. No, I’m not.”

    “And are you going to graduate next week? We have 2 and a half years to go. So much can happen. In my opinion, you need to rip every page of that book and let God take care of your future. You’re going to have a worry heart attack for nothing.”

    Chloe's dark eyes rounded at her friends’ words. She opened her mouth to defend herself, but nothing came out. She looked down at her list. Ella was right. Everything she had written was for when she was a grownup. Maybe she should let God take care of the future?...

    Today, Steph and Esther are talking all about why you should NOT stress or worry about planning every detail of your future - tune in to listen in...


    Read story on blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/future-frenzy-teen-girls-and-the-pressure-to-plan/


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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

  • Today we have another episode from Rosanne all about dealing with stress - Also, Steph and Esther give you some tips on things you can do when you're feeling anxious and stress. Tune in to find out...


    Read story on blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/stress-less-finding-calm-amid-stress/

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    Purple Planet Music https://www.purple-planet.com/

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

  • Morgan waved to the new girl and motioned for her to come and sit with them at the table where the praise and worship team sat looking at a list of songs for the new year.

    “What are you doing?” Kelly whispered as she watched Tessa, the new girl, heading their way.

    Morgan frowned. “I’m inviting Tessa to sit with us.”

    “We know that!” Julie said with eyes wide. “But, why? I don’t really think she fits in with us.”

    “She’s a little different.” Nelli added. “She can find other people to sit with.”

    “Shh, she’s coming.” Tessa suddenly got busy with the songbook.

    Morgan shook her head, not believing what was coming out of her friend's mouth. A soft hello interrupted any further thoughts as Tessa sat next to her.

    “Hey!” Morgan grinned. “Glad you came to church today.”

    Tessa tucked a strand of her dark hair behind an ear. She smiled shyly, her light brown eyes sparkling. “Me too.”

    “Do you sing?” Nelli asked, leaning forward and staring at the new girl.

    Morgan’s eyes widened. How rude. She didn’t even say hello to Tessa.

    Today Steph and Esther are talking all about cliques in church! Do they happen or they don't because church people are too Christian? Find out in this episode.


    Read story on blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/in-the-pew-dealing-with-church-cliques/

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    Purple Planet Music https://www.purple-planet.com/

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

  • “Want a drink?” Amanda asked.

    “Sure, thanks” Lilian agreed taking it. She needed to wash down the crunchy spring rolls.

    Taking the bottle she quickly scanned it like her dad and brother had warned her to.

    Oh, it had alcohol. She couldn’t drink it.

    “Thanks guys but it’s got alcohol” Lillian said returning the bottle to her friends.

    “Well it’s Lil's 18th, but we got it because it literally says 1% alcohol.” Julz stated pointing to the line claiming the small percentage.

    “One percent Lil, really?” Amanda said handing her back the bottle.

    Lillian read the ingredients and the percent on alcohol. It really was only one percent....

    Today Steph and Esther are talking all about peer pressure. Have you ever found yourself being pressured by friends to do something you didn't want to do but did it anyways? Listen up for some tips on how to conquer this with God's help!


    Read story on blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/resilient-rebels-defying-peer-pressure/

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    Featured Music Artist: Moriah Peters

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.music credit: Purple planet music

  • When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

    When you want to get your license, the first thing you should do is read the driving manual, to know very well the traffic streets and what are the rules that are required of you.

    Studying the Bible is exactly like the driving book, it is the instruction manual that leads and guide us.

    Today Steph and Esther are talking about how God's word is a guide that lights life. Rosanne also shares some awesome thoghts on this. Do you struggle reading the Bible? Listen up for some tips on how to conquer this with God's help! ___________________________________

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    Featured Music Artist: Moriah Peters

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.music credit: Purple planet music

  • “I don’t see why we have to be so poor!” Jessica moaned as she helped her mum make dinner that evening.

    “Poor?” Her mother laughed. “We’re not poor Jess.”

    Jessica harrumphed – it was Monday night and she had spent a whole day at her new friends house. Britany was not only really nice but also super rich.

    “Mum, if you saw Britany’s house, you will also see how poor we are.” Jessica paused as she peeled the potatoes. “Her room is massive! I mean she has a tv three sizes bigger than our tv. It sits on her wall. Her bed is King size and pretty with flowers and it’s from France mum. France!? Mine is from China. Ugh.”...

    Today Steph and Esther are talking all about coveting and wanting other people's things. Do you struggle with this? Listen up for some tips on how to conquer this with God's help!


    Visit the website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au

    Read story on blog: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/envy-erased-empowering-girls-beyond-coveting/

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    Featured Music Artist: Moriah Peters

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.music credit: Purple planet music

  • Paige chewed on another fry waiting for Imogen to finish texting. Paige and her family were visiting for the week and catching up with friends and relatives. It was so good to see everyone again and today Paige was meeting up with her good friend Imogen.

    Feeling her stomach rumble Paige decided to pick up her burger and begin to eat. Imogen was busy with her phone. Again!!...

    Today Steph and Esther are talking all about being tech obsessed. Do you struggle with it? Listen up for some tips on how to conquer this with God's help!


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    Featured Music Artist: Natalie Grant with Cory Asbury

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.music credit: Purple planet music

  • She watched her sister put her bag in the boot of the car – every single movement was perfect. Her nails neatly filed. Her uniform highlighting her athletic legs and her blazer showed off all her seven badges announcing all her roles at school.

    Shae felt a little bang of jealously as she got behind the wheel and drove off. She knew she shouldn’t feel that way towards her sister, but she couldn’t help it...

    Today Steph and Esther are talking all about comparison. Do you struggle with it? Listen up for some tips on how to conquer this with God's help! ___________________________________

    Read story on blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/mirror-mirror-dealing-with-comparison/

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    Featured music artist: Cory Asbury

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.music credit: Purple planet music

  • Today on Bible Boost, Rosanne tells us about her experience when her parents told her she had to move houses and leave her friends behind.

    Listen to the full episode to see what happens.

    Also, don't forget that we are doing some re-airs these next few months as we prepare fresh new content for you! A complete podcast revamp! Exciting times ahead.


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    Artist of the month: Cory Asbury

    Verse of the month: Romans 8:28 (NIV) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.music credit: Purple planet music

  • Today we are doing bible archives – and learning about this bible character who had amazing strong faith. God asked him to do something that none of us would ever do!

    Listen to the full episode to see what happens.


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    Artist of the month: Cory Asbury

    Verse of the month: Romans 8:28 (NIV) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.music credit: Purple planet music

  • "The first few weeks back at school became tougher than they had ever been over the holidays. Not only was I tired, I was thirsty ALL THE TIME. I couldn’t even concentrate in class. All I could think about was how thirsty I was, despite drinking over five litres of water each day. What was happening?

    “It’s just a hot summer,” I kept telling myself.

    Little did I realize that my nice, ordered world was about to be turned completely upside down. It wasn’t until one night at an orchestra rehearsal that my body decided it couldn’t go on any longer. I was ready to collapse and Mum decided we would detour via the hospital where she worked, on the way home. We didn’t go home that night."

    Listen to the full episode to see what happens.


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    Artist of the month: Cory Asbury

    Verse of the month: Romans 8:28 (NIV) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.music credit: Purple planet music

  • Today on Bible Boost, Rosanne tells us about the experience she had at church with the mean girls.

    An episode not to be missed!

    Listen to the full episode to see what happens.


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    Artist of the month: Riley Clemmons

    Verse of the month: Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV) Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

    Keep in the loop by signing to our GIGI Notes HERE


    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.music credit: Purple planet music

  • "Dear diary,

    My dad’s having an affair! It all started a week ago when I stayed home from school. I was sick and was curled up in my bed, trying to fall asleep. A soft knock on the front door made me sit up, and I wondered who could be knocking at 10 am. Mum was home, and I tiptoed and peeked out the window. A sleek black car was parked in front of our house—a tall woman dressed in a dark trousers and a nice top stood there—she had short dark hair and her skin was nicely tanned—she looked very pretty.

    “Yes, can I help you?” Mum smiled.

    “Is Drew home?” she asked, looking at her surroundings.

    “Drew? As in my husband?”

    The woman nodded slowly. “I’m looking for him.” She said.

    “Sorry, he’s at work, but if you leave a message and a name I can get him to call you back?”

    The woman stared at mum for a few seconds. Then she mumbled something and hurried off.

    I stood at the window a little longer and watched her get into her car and drive off. Slowly, I made my way back to bed, totally confused about this woman. I mean, isn’t is odd that she mumbled something and didn’t tell my mother her name or why she was looking for dad?"

    Listen to the full episode to see what happens.


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    Artist of the month: Riley Clemmons

    Verse of the month: Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV) Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

    Keep in the loop by signing to our GIGI Notes HERE


    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.music credit: Purple planet music

  • Today on Bible archives we are looking at Stephen, who was one of the young people chosen to carry out the work of God.

    The first church back in the disciples' time was growing in numbers and the apostles could not keep up with preaching and caring for people, so they decided to seek help.

    Stephen, a young man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, consecrated in soul and spirit, began the gospel with power, and the church grew and multiplied in Jerusalem. Many obeyed the faith.

    But sadly, he was hated by many and was killed!

    Listen to the full episode to see what happens.


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    Artist of the month: Riley Clemmons

    Verse of the month: Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV) Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

    Keep in the loop by signing to our GIGI Notes HERE


    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.

  • "Days and months passed, and we were slowly getting comfortable with our new lives. After living there about a year, this neighbour stopped ignoring us and started standing outside the gate, hands on hips, swearing at us. Every day, the same thing. We were pretty offended and annoyed, to say the least! We felt like we couldn’t step out in peace ever again.

    One day she even followed my sister to school, yelling rude things at her. When we returned from school, we told my mum what happened. Mum said not to worry because God would fight for us, and to leave everything in his hands.

    What??! Why can’t we do something to stop her?"

    Listen to the full episode to see what happens.


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    Artist of the month: Riley Clemmons

    Verse of the month: Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV) Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

    Keep in the loop by signing to our GIGI Notes HERE


    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.

  • With each step Salome took towards the banquet hall the more determined she became. Her jewels jiggled as she came to the last step and she exhaled. Music and laughter echoes from down the hallway. She was close. Her mother had told her not to let her down and she would not. She would make Herodias proud of her.

    Before entering the grand hall she stopped at yet another mirror of the palace and looked at her reflection in the shimmering lights of the night. She was decorated with costly garlands and flowers, sparkling jewels, anklets and flashing bracelets. She had to admit that she was a vision of beauty and loveliness. With little covering and no modesty, every part of her body felt exposed to the public. Her crimson full lips smiled at her reflection. “Show time Salome. Make your mother proud.” She added sarcastically.

    With that she pranced into the room and waited for the musician to begin their low rhythmic sound of their musical instruments.

    A gasp erupted from around the room as the men admired her beauty. She looked up and saw Herod gulp and mouth gape at seeing her barely dressed body. She felt indecent and unscrupulous like a lady of the night and not a princess, but this is what her mother wanted of her. She was going to give her more than she had asked.

    The music began and she started her sultry dance. She forgot her mother. Herod. The guests and the servants watching. The music reeled at her senses and she escaped to another world. A world of pleasure and happiness. A world where her mother did not exist.

    Listen to the full episode.


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    Artist of the month: Tasha Cobbs Leonard

    Verse of the month: Proverbs 2:7 (ESV: English Standard Version)

    He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity…

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    Hosts: Esther & Steph

    Mix & effects: Stephanie Giselle

    email us: writegigi5@gmail.com

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    GIGI Teen Radio

    PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

    music credit: Purple planet music

    All music played on the podcast radio is covered under the APRA AMCOS Online Mini Licence.