Brad Field is President and CEO of https://homesforheroesfoundation.ca/ in Calgary, Alberta, Canada supporting homeless veterans in cities in Canada.
Jeffrey Normore started Untapped Talent as division of https://ccrw.org/ supporting those seeking jobs with a disability with an employment rate of 62% versus 78% for those without disabilities. This area looks at individuals seeking jobs, employers offering jobs and resource sources and information.
The organization is located at www.untappedtalent.ca
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A Way Home Canada is a national coalition supporting youth homelessness led by Melanie Redman. President, CEO and an Ashoka Fellow.
Tanya is located in Calgary and provides technical, training and policy support.
Check out more information on www.awayhome.ca
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Rabia Khedr is the National Director of www.disabilitywithoutpoverty.ca advocating with governments at all levels as 27% of people in Canada are disabled and 16.5% live in disability. The organization has several foundations that provide support.
Communication takes place through the stories people tell and their podcast which can be accessed via the web site.
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Disability Action Hall in Calgary, Alberta, Canada was started in 1998 and meets to share stories to shift public perceptions about disability and would welcome inquiries from other communities to establish similar organizations and collaborations.
Colleen Huston and Michael Wing are actively involved with Michael being very active in social media and Colleen being the sole employee and passionate about what they do.
Check out the organization on www.actionhall.ca
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Samer is a social entrepreneur with an engineering background and MBA and is located in Lebanon. Proabled is an online academy and there a team of 25 who provide innovation and practicality. They train companies and individuals re disability issues.
Check out information on www.proabled.com and consider collaboration and sypport.
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Quinn Jenkins is the CEO and Founder of Human Element Education, humanelementedu.org in Lethbridge, Alberta. Quinn applies his lived experiences with mental and physical health challenges to develop services working with businesses, He is building the team and the plan to grow.
Peter Olsen is the volunteer manager of the 48th Highlanders Museum in Toronto Canada with a tremendous amount of artifacts in the wars including uniforms and medals.
Items can be viewed on the website or by visitation to the museum,https://museum.48thhighlanders.ca/
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Lianne Harris is a history and culture specialist/entertainer with a wide variety of 1 hour shows performed in period costume. She performs for a wide variety of organizations in the Toronto, Canada area.She is passionate about what she does as a social entrepreneur giving back to community.,
For more details go to https://historybyharris.ca/
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https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=729117832397629Elizabeth Funk is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of https://dignitymoves.org/. She has a BA from Stanford University and an MBA from Harvard Business School and is a serial enterpreneur.
The organization focus is ending street sleeping with partners by building interim housing communities across California to make that happen!
The model is open source and can be replicated in states/provinces/countries.
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Allex is the marketing person for Cheelcare with 3 main products sold through dealers in Canada and U.S. Check out their web site, https://cheelcare.ca/
Claire is the founder and operator of a chapter driven social enterprise in several communities looking to grow significantly across Canada with support from contract employes, a board of directors, advisors, sponsors and partners.
Life With A Baby in Toronto is a fantastic network of parents who support each other by sharing experiences and organizing various activities such as workshops, seminars, play dates, field trips, stroller walks, and parenting classes. It's a wonderful way to connect with other parents and enjoy the journey of raising a baby together1.
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Mercedes Blackwood is a founder, consultant, speaker and facilitator of Black Coffee Communications and provides strategies and written content to for profit and not for profit corporations. Prior to starting her business she worked at OMNI, CTV and with associates designs and delivers.
She also volunteers with Management Advisory Services as chair. This organization provides pro bono consulting services for non-profit organizations.
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Brian Traquair is a retired executive, an active investor and a very active volunteer with MAS an organization that provides free consultative support to non-profits, charities, religious organizations, Check out the process on their web site, https://www.masadvise.org/
MAS is an organization that provides free consultative services with a wide group of professionals. Paddy Bowen is the Executive Director.
Check out the organization web site to see if you would benefit from their support. https://www.masadvise.org/
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Karen McKay is the Communications Manager for CELA which provides books, magazines and newspapers for those who are visually impaired across Canada.Check out their web site, https://celalibrary.ca/
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Dignity was started by Bob's father. Bob went into press relations in the music industry before taking over from his father.
Check out the web site, https://dignityhealthcare.ca/
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Grenville Pinto is a passionate violinist, entertainer and composer who loves his 'WORK". He entertains at a variety of events from schools to weddings to organizations. For further information check out his web site, www.gpinto.com which provides information to his 5 albums, events, youtube.
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Elizabeth Danckwerts (aka Biffy) is a travel agent, Rotarian and gives back significantly her community in Cape Town, South Africa. She has helped decrease the number of children sleeping on the streets, spent 4 years doing volunteer work for the Street Children of Claremont and has been responsible for more than 30 Global Grants.
Heer biggest passion is helping children in the largest township, Khayelithsa, in Cape Town in a primary school and a senior school.
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Maria Konikov is Director of Operations at the York Entrepreneurship Development Institute (YEDI) which is recognized as a leader in entrepreneurship education and training, offering a range of options for entrepreneurs to reach their educational and growth goals.
YEDI has several programs and alumni and mentoring groups. Check out the organization on https://yedi.ca/
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