
  • If we’re going to look at some of the most disadvantaged communities in the world, they all have a common denominator - they can’t articulate what’s happening within their society. In this episode, we’re going to discover the power of language with Jacqueline Nagle.
    By teaching people how to express what’s truly happening, we learn how to listen and create appropriate solutions for their problems. Language has become a powerful tool that we can use to collaborate with others and form meaningful connections.
    The power of language also encourages people to have a voice and unlock their possibilities. They understand what needs to be decided so that humanity is able to achieve the change it desires. 
    However, language is a double-edged sword; it can connect but it can also divide. It will depend on how we choose to use it. Tune in to the episode and learn different ways you can take advantage of language and use it to positively impact others.
    Why giving people a voice equates to unlocking possibilities (02:15)The pros and cons of speaking up and its impact on Jacqueline’s life (07:47)The value of having hope (16:19)Why having insatiable curiosity matters (21:05)Different ways humanity can bring change and deal with isolation (24:17)What is the decision-making matrix and how it creates better decisions (30:35)The power of language (33:10)Five questions that help create superior storytelling (40:12)One thing Jacqueline is going to do for humanity (44:09)What Jacqueline wants people to remember from this conversation (49:18)

    "When somebody understands how to speak powerfully and be able to articulate what's going on in their world, then what you unlock for people is possibility." -Jacqueline Nagle

    "When people start to learn how to speak and they start to learn how to have a voice, it's not just about being heard but you actually have possibility in front of you." -Jacqueline Nagle

    "We cannot change what is happening going forward if we don't even look at the past patterns and how we can disrupt them." -Kiri-Maree Moore

    "The solution to isolation is collaboration. The way we collaborate is understanding what is going to work going forward." -Kiri-Maree Moore

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE MOOREConnect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

    CONNECT WITH JACQUELINE NAGLEVisit Jacqueline’s website hereConnect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn and YouTube

  • Ownership. It's a simple word with a lot of meaning. When it comes to our possessions, we take ownership of them and work to protect them. But what about our lives? Do we take ownership of them and work to protect them? Our lives are the most precious thing we have, so why don't we always treat them that way?

    In this episode, I share the learnings from the episode with Greg Allen. During our conversation, Greg talks about the importance of taking responsibility for our choices and not being a victim to our circumstances.

    We all have the power to take ownership of our lives. It's up to us to decide what that means for us and how we want to live it. After all,  life is too short to be anything but happy, right?

    Taking ownership of our lives is a choice we make every day. It's a decision to be present and to be aware of the choices we're making. It's about being honest with ourselves about what we want and taking responsibility for our actions. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it.

    Disrupter vs. rebellious (01:57)Asking and listening without biases (04:42)Understanding where people are coming from (07:03)Making decisions based on your own truths (12:21)Knowing what you’re gonna stand for (15:39)The importance of goal-setting and mirco-shifts (20:50)What makes goal-setting hard? (26:02)Creating your economic space (28:53)Understanding that you can’t understand everything (33:58)How do you join the 1% movement? (35:12)

    “You have what it takes to get out there, and do what you're meant to do.” -Kiri-Maree Moore“Life is full of seasons. Sometimes we do more, sometimes we do less.” -Kiri-Maree Moore“We have to understand that we don't understand everything.” -Kiri-Maree Moore

    GHI Episode 44: Leading with Vulnerability with Greg Allan

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/


    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

  • Puuttuva jakso?

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  • As humans, we may find it difficult to stop saying yes. But how do we deal with and prevent this from continuously happening? In this episode, we’ll talk about leading with vulnerability with Greg Allan.
    Constantly saying yes when you’ve been dying to say no brings so much negative impact on ourselves, and it also influences our relationships with others. We may look for various outlets to express disappointments and frustrations, but more importantly, we should be open to being vulnerable.
    It’s not that hard to be vulnerable if we just create the space for it. We must acknowledge and enforce healthy boundaries, so we can continue functioning to the best of our abilities.
    This leads us to have conversations (especially uncomfortable ones) with others, and we also become more honest with ourselves. We give ourselves the authority to make mistakes and eventually be better with our crafts. 

    Why Greg needs to experience life (01:30)The negative side of compartmentalizing (04:30)How did Greg stop saying yes all the time (10:13)Being vulnerable as a man (14:42)How do we create safe spaces? (23:40)Making distinct decisions using our secret advantage (26:58)The twisted measurement of success (32:05)The impact of taking ownership and embracing failure (39:40)What it takes to get to the next level (53:27)Greg's creative singing story (55:18)Greg’s and Kiri-Maree’s takeaways (01:02:10)

    “As a business owner, you need to give the authority to your staff and your team to make mistakes.” -Greg Allan

    “I find the times when I'm not vulnerable is when I'm struggling the most.” -Greg Allan

    “Failure to me is not failure, it's my next learning.” -Kiri-Maree Moore

    “I can't control anyone else, but I have control over the decisions I make on a daily basis.” -Kiri-Maree Moore


    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE MOOREConnect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

    CONNECT WITH GREG ALLANConnect with Greg on Instagram and YouTubeVisit Greg’s website here Listen to Electrician's Success Podcast here

  • As leaders, it’s so easy to think we know and we’re capable of everything. Ego usually gets messed up with success, being a good leader, and getting great results. In this episode, we talk about why it’s best to eliminate ego-based leadership.
    There is a need to stand strong as leaders, this doesn’t mean pulling other people down and knocking them over, unfortunately, this is what ego does. It’s easy for leaders to think that their power and position are all about them when they’re consumed with ego. 
    When leaders think that it’s all about them, they pass this kind of thinking and behaviour to their teams, clients and partnerships. In return, they destroy numerous opportunities that can potentially help them scale.
    By eliminating ego-based leadership, we prevent emotion-based decisions rather, leaders make smart decisions that lead to smart solutions. Leaders tend to look at the bigger vision and perform with a bigger purpose in mind.
    WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE:Why do we hesitate? (02:52)Creating the space to really listen to others (06:09)The significance of having a bigger vision and purpose (11:32)The impact of ego on our decisions (13:38)Three changes to build a sustainable leadership culture (16:02)Understanding what your leadership is based on (21:31)The importance of being purpose driven not ego driven (23:18)Smarter decisions equate to smarter solutions (31:17)Becoming people oriented not ego-based (34:01)Be beyond personal agenda and not ego agenda (39:32)


    "Every decision you make has an impact. Make sure that the decision you're making has a good impact or adds value to the human race." -Kiri-Maree Moore"A better leader is one who knows how to listen." -Kiri-Maree Moore"Be purpose-driven, not ego-driven." -Kiri-Maree Moore


    GHI Episode 38:10 Leadership Strategies I Learnt From My Autistic Children (Part 1)GHI Episode 40: 10 Leadership Strategies I Learnt From My Autistic Children (Part 2)

    It's time......To be the 1%....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/


    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

  • As we embark on the journey towards the pathway forward, we need to be clear on the results we want to achieve. This helps us narrow down the actions we need to do.
    In this episode, I share the learnings from the episode with Shar Moore. During our conversation, the topic that made the most impact on me is getting clear on the bigger vision and the pathway forward. 
    Your vision can be a lot of things, it can be your next step, your legacy piece or it can be about something that you’re doing right now. Having a bigger vision assures us that whatever we’re doing and going through is going to be worth it.
    Getting clear on our vision means we know where we’re headed, what it needs to look like, who needs to be on that journey, and why it’s important. 
    How Kiri-Maree eliminates stress (02:43)How do we handle stress during our busy season (05:05)Exercising the muscle of human intelligence (07:58)Why it’s important to support others on their journey (13:05)The consequences of not setting the bigger vision (21:40)Shifting the dial forward (23:50)The impact of being intentional with the results you want to achieve (34:47)The value of wanting to learn more and evolve (43:53)

    “If all you focus on is the individual then you'll never get to the collective and your depth may not be able to change what is happening in the global space.” -Kiri-Maree Moore“You have to stay motivated even though it's un-motivating.” -Kiri-Maree Moore“What was your truth doesn't need to remain your truth from this moment on. You can disrupt that pattern.” -Kiri-Maree Moore 

    GHI Episode 41: Understanding the Feminessence Movement with Shar MooreGHI Episode 38: 10 Leadership Strategies I Learnt From My Autistic Children (Part 1)GHI Episode 40: 10 Leadership Strategies I Learnt From My Autistic Children (Part 2)GHI Episode 29: Change and Focus on the Bigger Vision

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE MOOREConnect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

  • Women apologise far too much. We're made to believe that we have to be sorry for being who we are. In this episode, we talk about understanding the Feminessence Movement with Shar Moore.
    Whenever we feel the need to be strong, we think of embodying a masculine trait. However, now is the time for us to acknowledge our own strength and appreciate Feminessence.
    When women find value in themselves, they stop the need to apologise and consciously make decisions that empower them. They develop the confidence and strength to walk on a journey that takes them to the next level.
    Women who want to create an impact on leadership, business, or their personal lives understand the significance of making choices that benefit not only themselves but also the people around them. 
    They look at the future and think about what can be done now so that women’s voices are heard and they continue to be empowered while staying true to their Feminessence.

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/


    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

    CONNECT WITH SHAR MOOREConnect with Shar on InstagramVisit Shar’s website hereLearn more about Feminessence here

  • To follow through on our previous discussion, I’m going to discuss 10 leadership strategies I learnt from my autistic children. Each strategy is paired with a specific question because for me, it’s very important to ask questions that allow us to reflect on future decisions.
    We may have different perspectives on the autism spectrum but in our house, we see it as a superpower. I find it fascinating that how I deal with clients and the world came from my understanding of how to work best with my children’s special abilities and this led me to create these leadership strategies.
    I realised that my decision DNA is deeply rooted in the changes I want to see in the world - in leadership, society, and ourselves. Through this, I learnt to develop the confidence to ask questions even though it’s uncomfortable. 
    By asking questions, we get closer to the results we want to see and it encourages us to make the right decisions fast. If we want to take our leadership and culture to the next level, these strategies can teach us how to do things differently. 
    Understanding the value of feedback (07:30)7 steps to making sure you stand out from the crowd (17:43)Surround yourself with those who have your back (18:11)Create space to breathe (21:47)Invest in you (22:23)Take a risk (23:31)Drive the direction you want to go (24:55)Negotiate a plan (25:12)Thrive in consistent structure (27:18)What is the 1% movement? (33:42)Embrace your uniqueness (41:08)Make it clear what you want (48:47)Lead the way (57:48)Remove all emotion and make a decision (01:04:17)

    "Our environment is supporting to what we're saying, what we need to do and who we 
    need to go on this journey with." -Kiri-Maree Moore"When you value others, others value you. The value you bring becomes invaluable." -Kiri-Maree Moore"Increase what's possible by being consistent and having structure." -Kiri-Maree Moore

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/


    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

  • With what’s happening in the world, it’s important to tackle healthcare. And with the growing technological advancements, we see how people handle healthcare information posted on social media and other platforms. 
    On the first day of the Global Human Intelligence Forum, we gathered amazing people to share their insights about empowering the future of healthcare: analysing the facts versus fiction. 
    We’ve invited Jill Place, Dr. Tom Forfa, Nadine Sinclair, and Johann Nogueira to steer the conversation into how can we empower healthcare by taking advantage of our abilities and resources. We also have my good friend, Samantha Riley to facilitate the discussion.
    We noticed that instead of having an educated discussion, people debate over whose right or whose wrong. This kind of thinking is often attributed to how we were raised such as when we’re given information, we take it as an absolute fact without having the urge to verify it.
    Empowering the future of healthcare needs a change in perspective and challenging the information given to us. This entails getting rid of our filters and achieving the balance between technology and the human element.
    Empowering the future of healthcare (03:55)Contingency planning for the different futures we can take (07:53)Conscious and deliberate choices about our filters (11:49)The value of training your mind for opportunities (15:05)Why does our consciousness have to shift slowly? (17:27)How do we move people towards the 1%? (22:25)Take ownership and responsibility for sharing health information (30:42)Technology's ability to analyse vibrational state (38:05)A balance between technology and the human element (42:15)Why technology is never the solution (45:52)The importance of education for (49:00)key takeaways from the conversation (53:20)The panels' mission in the breakout room (58:39)

    QUOTES: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - Thomas Edison 

    “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion." - Muhammad Ali

    "If you want to deal with information differently, you have to consciously work on taking out these filters and look at the whole picture again." -Nadine Sinclair

    "Medicine has to become more precise, it has to become more affordable." -Johann Nogueira

    "Just because you know stuff doesn't mean that people will listen or believe what you say." -Dr. Tom Forfa

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/


    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email...

  • Leadership is a complex and multi-faceted topic that can be difficult to define and even more difficult to master. However, as any parent knows, leadership can be learned simply by example. This is especially true for me as a mother of autistic children. 

    In this episode, I will share the first four leadership strategies that I have learnt from my autistic children. Although these strategies may not be applicable in every situation, they have helped me become a better leader in both my professional and personal life.

    More often than not, autistic children are viewed as a challenge or an inconvenience by the people around them. It is easy to forget that they are children first with their own unique needs and perspectives. In fact, their perspectives can be a valuable asset, if we are willing to listen.

    If you are the parent of an autistic child, I hope that you will find these leadership strategies useful. And even if you are not, I hope that this episode will help you see them in a new light.

    Never waver from your decision (17:14)Working on the same pathway as everyone around you (26:26)The three types of leadership culture (33:10)The speed of your completion is right for you (39:56)Exhausting all pathways to your desired outcome (48:44)

    “Make a decision and never waver from it until your desired outcome is achieved.” -Kiri-Maree Moore“Just because it doesn't look like it can happen on the outside does not mean it can't be changed.” -Kiri-Maree Moore“Know where the end result is and realise that there are many pathways to get there.” -Kiri-Maree Moore

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/
    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

  • What are you going to do when someone disagrees with you at the decision table? Although it’s not going to make the journey smooth, we clearly need to understand the value of disconnect in building cultures.
    In this episode, I talk about my reflections on the previous episode I had with Angela Lauria. One of the topics that came out from that conversation is the value of disconnect which is so evident in organizations and across different cultures.
    There’s a great disconnect between what we’re saying and the ethical decisions we’re making to build better cultures. We need to be aware if we have the same vision that we’re working towards. 
    The value of disconnect signifies that you’re bringing different people to the table and realising that they’re geared towards the same results, but they’ll bring different perspectives. 
    Understanding the widening gap in humanity via travelling (04:30)Interesting insights from the GHI episode with Angela Lauria (06:25)The value of disconnect (07:43)Why building ecosystems is significant? (08:35)Working towards the same vision through the same pathway (10:11)Making ethical decisions at the table (14:15)The importance of having a support team (24:18)The drivers to build a better culture (28:39)Why saying no can be a good thing (32:05)The 1% Movement (41:05)

    "Whether you all agree on the same vision or not, there are always going to be moments where there are challenges." -Kiri-Maree Moore"Life is so exciting when you realise it's such a learning ground." -Kiri-Maree Moore"When the journey gets tough when the challenges are real, I'm so grateful for that." -Kiri-Maree Moore 

    GHI Episode 36: Changing The Way Culture Has Been Established with Angela Lauria

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

  • By having all the knowledge and resources we have now, how do we go about creating a world that benefits all of humanity and not just certain groups of people? In this episode, we have a fascinating conversation about changing the way culture has been established with Angela Lauria.
    It’s easy to say that change is needed when we see things not going right but what’s challenging is actually moving the collective to make the transition. 
    We see a lot of issues that need to be addressed; women not having their voices heard, a growing divide among cultures and not having enough distinctions at the decision table.
    Solving all of these starts with engaging in uncomfortable conversations with distinct people and creating safe spaces for all of us. It requires knowing what we value and how can we align this with what others deem significant in their cultures and communities. 
    Changing something that has long been established is both scary and exciting; we might not know what the outcome will be. But if we start now, the next generation will reap the benefits of our collective decisions and efforts.
    Why do females need to consider who they're listening to? (02:20)Narrowing the gap in discernment between males and females (09:25)The need to have a new approach to leadership (14:29)Are we running our lives on systems that no longer serve us? (21:35)The evolution of species (25:13)How do we get our voices across? (33:30)What does it take to create solidarity among women? (35:22)The importance of celebrating wins (37:25)How do we change the way culture has been created? (42:12)Angela’s advice about failures (51:45)

    "Be willing to put yourself out there and make mistakes." -Angela Lauria 

    "Just show up, do your best at the moment and when you know better, do better." -Angela Lauria

    "There are so many things we can have conversations around but number one is we need to see each other as humans first." -Kiri-Maree Moore

    "We have to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, and we have to know that it's okay if we disagree." -Kiri-Maree Moore

    The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE MOOREConnect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

    CONNECT WITH ANGELA LAURIAConnect with Angela on LinkedInVisit Angela’s website

  • If we want to make a difference in the world, we need to start making decisions that are going to benefit the future. When we aim for a greater legacy by pioneering a different pathway, we execute ethical decisions and evaluate how these pan out for the next generation.
    In this episode, I share the insights and the knowledge I got from the episode with Lisa Barry. Lisa’s courage and freshness bring a new meaning to what she’s thinking and doing in life. 
    She may be a young female working in an environment filled with older males but this didn’t stop her to make a difference. Her passion propelled her to think like a pioneer and ask what needs to be done now so that the future of humanity is better than what we have.
    By looking at things through new lenses, we can gauge the outcomes of our decisions, the impact we bring, and why it’s important to have a vision for the time ahead. Listen to the episode and see how you can help take humanity to a different, but better pathway. 

    What happens when we exercise the muscle of human intelligence (02:00)How do we add value to the human race? (03:59)Why do ethical decisions matter? (09:30)Kiri-Maree’s refections of the GHI episode with Lisa Barry (12:45)The relationship between a mentor and the student (16:07)Looking at things using new lenses (17:52)Why is educated risk important? (21:50)Build a vision of the future you want (27:38)The impact of doing your 1% (33:09)The benefit of having these kinds of conversations (51:48)

    "We need to look at the future and analyse how it could be aligned with the outcome we want." -Kiri-Maree Moore"It's easy to know what the problem is, but are we willing to own what the solution is?" -Kiri-Maree Moore

    GHI Episode 34: with Lisa Barry

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

  • In male-dominated environments, women are often told to be quiet in the corner. Women are not encouraged to do more or have their own personalities. Now, we’re slowly seeing the evolution of women and how they're making a difference. In this episode, we’ll dive into raw leadership and supporting women with Lisa Barry.
    Lisa came up with the concept of raw leadership after feeling like a robot and stuck in a world where males were superior. She yearned for rawness and being able to express her potential.
    Additionally, she realized that a lot of women go through the same situation. Too many limiting expectations have confined women from showcasing who they really are. 
    Fortunately, a new approach to leadership has been established. It encourages a safe space for women to take ownership. It allows compassion to thrive and recognizes the need for women to be supporting each other. 
    In raw leadership, women are asked to be more vulnerable, and courageous, and take the space they very much deserve. This can be done within the walls of their homes, workplaces, or organizations. If you’re interested to know more, tune in to the episode.
    Raw leadership and supporting other females (01:50)Women expectations Lisa had while growing up (03:29)Lisa's personal development journey (06:37)How was her feminity taken away? (09:23)The importance of talking about the horrible moments we went through (12:45)The dangers of safe spaces (15:45)How do we build resilience? (21:12)Why are females struggling with taking ownership? (23:52)How do we create a safe space for women to take ownership (29:40)Raw leadership and changing the old approach (36:27)Lisa and Kiri-Maree’s takeaways (49:52)One thing Lisa’s going to do to shift the dial by 1% (54:05)

    "It's the courage to be a flamingo in a flock of crows." -Lisa Barry"Every single thing in life is geared towards getting to know yourself." -Lisa Barry"Challenge builds confidence, congruence, and clarity." -Lisa Barry"What you leave in the dark, festers." -Kiri-Maree Moore"What we don't deal with becomes something that can stop you from going to your next level." -Kiri-Maree Moore

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

    CONNECT WITH LISA BARRYConnect with Lisa on Instagram Join Lisa’s Facebook Group RAW Leaders - 6 Figure Female Coaches

  • What if everyone was doing their one percent that adds value to the table, will this bring change? Will it impact our culture, decisions, and the next generation? The One Percent Movement aims to encourage people to do their 1% and initiate the change we want to see in humanity. 
    In this episode, I’ll take you on an exciting journey about The One Percent Movement. This adventure is scary and exhilarating at the same time. But what’s certain is that this movement is an opportunity for us and others to collaborate.
    If you want to be part of The One Percent Movement, I discuss the seven non-negotiable every person needs to be aware of. These call for commitment and requires dealing with the uncomfortable.
    It’s not easy to be part of the one percent, but it’s always worthwhile to step out of your comfort zone and do what you’re called for. Join me on this adventure, let’s build better cultures, communities, and workplaces and start narrowing the gap from problem to solution, be sure to listen to the episode.
    The One Percent Movement (03:55)What does the One Percent Movement mean for Kiri-Maree? (09:03)What’s her goal for this movement? (10:25)Kiri-Maree definition of humanity as stakeholders (13:55)The seven non-negotiable in the One Percent Movement (17:03)The secret advantage is human intelligence (21:18)Every human has the right to have a voice (27:40)There is the need to be comfortable in the uncomfortable (31:48)There is a need for a new approach (33:37)Why we need to start our own one percent projects? (39:00)

    “When you play big, you have to make the right decisions fast to have the capacity to shift the dial forward.” -Kiri-Maree Moore“Every decision you make at the table has an impact.” -Kiri-Maree Moore

    The Decision Table 

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

  • How do you gear the next generation for success? It's a question that many parents, educators, and mentors are trying to answer. Some say it's all about giving children the best opportunities, while others maintain that it's more important to teach them how to think for themselves and make their own way in life. 

    Wherever you stand on this issue, one thing is clear: The world is changing fast, and we need to prepare the next generation for what's ahead. So what can we do to give them the edge they need? 

    In this episode, we talk about how we can gear the next generation. With us in this episode are Robyn Siers and the panellists, who all came from different backgrounds, with different insights on this topic.

    While there is no single answer to this question, one thing is for sure - we can all do something to help the next generation be better prepared for the future. But what? And how can we do that? Tune in to find out!

    How to shift towards creating changes (03:58)Who are the panellists? (08:23)What does the next generation look like? (16:52)Unleashing the hero in you (19:13)What makes the next generation different? (21:31)The impact of technology on the next generation (25:51)Giving the next generation a voice (29:23)How does each generation support one another? (44:56)Unplugging from closed patterns (48:10)Bringing our diversity together (51:11)Panellists’ final thoughts (53:26)

    “The day a son realizes that his father was right, his son thinks he's wrong.” -Saurabh Suri

    “We can learn from anything and everything if only we open our lens up and be willing to learn.” -Kiri-Maree Moore

    “We're all being impacted at the exact same time on a global scale and I really believe that that is creating and going to continue to create escalated accelerated change in the way we do business and the way we interact with each other.” -Robyn Siers

    “There's a period of time where you need to go through the burn to learn a little bit.” -Dave POW Tabain

    “It's about raising good humans, who will be the next amazing custodians of our planet.” -Shelby Phillips

    Even if it's slow change, there's change all the same.” -Ethan Moore


    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/


    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

    CONNECT WITH ROBYN SIERSConnect with Robyn on Facebook 
    CONNECT WITH SHELBY PHILLIPSConnect with Shelby on LinkedIn and

  • No matter how modern the world gets, some of us will always have that fear of technology taking over. We should look at technology through a different lens. Thus, we need to think about working with technology not against effortless flow. 
    In this episode, I share my reflection, insights, and actions we can do regarding the episode with Kelly Slessor. Although some people view technology as something to be scared of, this shouldn’t be the case because it will not take over humanity if humans are willing to be smart. 
    To become smart, humans must constantly evolve and look for ways to work with technology and not against it. This makes us realize that there are things we can use to our advantage and gives us effortless flow.
    If we focus on the benefits technology can give us, we think of ways to use it better. And this strengthens the muscle of human intelligence.
    By using technology, we shift the dial forward. We’re able to make smart decisions that impact not only the present but also the future generation. 
    What makes this episode exciting? (01:39)The importance of analysing life patterns (09:00)Understanding the 1% movement (12:50)Reflections on the episode with Kelly Slessor (16:00)Why do we have fear of technology taking over (19:22) The advantages of exercising the muscle of human intelligence (24:50)The outcome of making smart decisions (32:29)Working with technology not against (35:00)

    "Every decision you make has an impact. One that adds value to the human race or takes away from." -Kiri-Maree Moore

    "If we make decisions that add value and there are more people doing that, it shifts the way culture is being done now." -Kiri-Maree Moore

    GHI Episode 30: Creating Your Story with Kelly SlessorGHI Episode 27: It’s Time To Stop Asking For PermissionThe Decision Table Podcast Lead from the Outside: How to Build Your Future and Make Real ChangeBalancing Acts: Unleashing the Power of Creativity in Your Life and WorkHappy at Any Cost: The Revolutionary Vision and Fatal Quest of Zappos CEO Tony HsiehDesign a Better Business: New Tools, Skills, and Mindset for Strategy and Innovation

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/


    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree...

  • Everyone has a story to tell. It may be about your life, your work, or something that happened to you. Whatever the story is, it is important to share it with others. By sharing your story, you can connect with others and help them see the world in a new way. In this episode, we'll dive deep into creating your story with Kelly Slessor. 

    Creating your story can be a daunting task, but it's important to start with a strong foundation. In fact, the story you want to tell may already be inside of you. You just have to listen for it. 

    When creating your story, it is important to know who you are and what you want to say before putting anything out into the world. When you know who you are, it is much easier to be authentic. People can sense when you're being genuine and when you're not, so it's important to stay true to yourself.

    This episode is chock-full of amazing advice from Kelly Slessor. If you're curious about how to create your story or brand, this episode is for you!

    The importance of taking care of your physical health (03:32)Technology and human intelligence (06:47)Narrowing the gap between what we want and where we are (10:17)Are online meetings as effective as face-to-face meetings? (12:08)How to stay above the digital noise? (17:38)Creating story as a brand (19:26)Do the stories you create define you? (25:31)Finding out who you want to grow and teach (28:51)Navigating tricky conversations (33:34)Woman discrimination in the corporate world (40:13)How to be smart in the decision table (45:02)What is the HR tickbox? (49:50)Helping others to do better (54:44)Having diversity and inclusivity in the decision table (57:39)The greatest challenge that Kelly has faced (01:00:35)Kelly’s takeaways (01:03:04)

    “If I can just help one person by being honest with my story, then I will say anything and everything.” -Kiri-Maree Moore

    “Being strong doesn't mean that you've got to be aggressive. Being strong to me means that I turn up at that table, and I've got a presence.” -Kiri-Maree Moore

    “I'm just trying to be a lot more purposeful about the people I support instead of doing what I used to love.” -Kelly Slessor

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

    CONNECT WITH KELLY SLESSORConnect with Kelly on his websiteConnect with Kelly on Instagram and LinkedInJoin Kelly’s Facebook Group

  • There will be instances when we need to think about change and focus on the bigger vision. But change is interesting; it’s easy for some while it can be very difficult for others. It’s inevitable but not all of us are willing to undergo this process. 
    In this episode, I share some of my thoughts from the episode with Dr. George Birnbach and how change plays out in our communities. As we go through the norm, we see more changes happening, although we may not always know where this will bring us.
    Change is a scary journey, but it’s also equally terrifying not to undergo one. We see disruptive patterns that continue to thrive and this should be enough reason to make a change. And change begins with creating safe spaces and not losing sight of the bigger vision.
    For change to be effective, it requires us to be consistent. This ensures that we keep evolving and continuously develop into becoming the person our world needs. 

    Life updates with Kiri-Maree (01:30)What are we facing in the new norm? (05:13)Why is change uncomfortable? (06:05)How do we create safe spaces? (08:13)Insights about Dr. George's GHI podcast episode (12:39)Overcoming the struggles in the journey (14:57)Why focusing on the bigger vision matters (19:17)The impacts of being supportive of your body (26:25)Why is change important? (30:25)The value of consistency (32:29)Exciting opportunities to look forward to the future (38:25)

    "This world is a big scary place, particularly when you don't look or sound like everyone else." -Kiri-Maree Moore"The world is really accepting when we show up and make everyone feel comfortable." -Kiri-Maree Moore"It's the shifts that move us forward, it's the change that disrupts the patterns, and it's the sustainability that guarantees that we can do it long-term." -Kiri-Maree Moore

    028: Why The Pursuit of Happiness Will Never Work with Dr. George Birnbach

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/


    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

  • We seem to be in constant search of what will bring us genuine joy. When we go through the journey, we realize it’s never as easy as how others depict it. In this episode, we’ll tackle why the pursuit of happiness will never work with Dr. George Birnbach.
    The road to genuine happiness considers how others (people who look, speak and act differently from us) feel. We need to start listening to their stories and evaluate how we can reach shared relationships, experiences, and values. 
    As we begin to form better connections with others, we learn that our happiness is anchored on building a world with no space for racism and hate for other cultures. This begins with transforming how we treat and interact with others.
    However, until the collective realizes that our decisions and actions impact the rest of the world, we’ll be in a never-ending pursuit of happiness. If you want to know more about Dr. George’s insights, tune in to the episode.

    The negative impact of asking for permission (04:00)Leveraging trust (07:50)The Harvard study of adult behaviour (11:50)How to turn relationships around (14:35)The first rule of business (18:38)The pursuit of happiness (20:23)R.E.V. build - what is it and how does it impact growth (31:29)Three things that leaders need to worry about (39:22)The power of the muscle of human intelligence (42:15)How can we lead better? (44:17)Five levels of rapport (51:50)George’s W-H-W model (01:03:29)

    "If you know that it's right, you do it. If you know that it's wrong, you don't do it. And if you're not sure, you talk about it." -Dr. George Birnbach "Fear stops action." -Dr. George Birnbach"We need to refuel as leaders to lead in better ways." -Kiri-Maree Moore

    Make Your Voice Heard with Lori KershnerThe Need To Have More Women In Leadership with Lori KershnerIt’s Time To Stop Asking For PermissionGood Will HuntingWhy we're losing the Internet to the Culture of hateHarvard’s longest study of adult life reveals how you can be happier and more successful

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    Connect with me on LinkedIn

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check...

  • What are you stopping yourself from making a decision on? It may not be obvious, but we are often placed in situations where we avoid taking risks or standing up for what we believe in because we fear feedback from others. But now, it's time to stop asking for permission.
    In this episode, I share reflections, insights, and doable actions from the two episodes with Lori Kershner, Make Your Voice Heard and The Need To Have More Women In Leadership. These two episodes highlight the realities we see today: women not having a voice at the table and the adverse effects of always asking for permission.
    We’re expected to act a certain way and live according to how society dictates. However, these limitations hindered us from working in our actual genius zone. Instead of living in alignment, we stop realizing our distinct values.
    When we stop asking for permission, we start playing big and have the confidence to make our voices heard. We acknowledge the value we can give to the table, and we open the pathway for better conversations.
    If you want to know more about the impacts of not asking for permission to be yourself, be sure to listen to the episode.

    Why do we need to increase the distinctions at the table? (04:15)The best way toward decision-making (08:58)It's time to stop asking for permission (14:05)The value of women having a voice at the table (18:50)Framework for better conversations (25:45)The impact of women having each other's backs (35:07)The new podcast Kiri-Maree's working on (43:25)

    "My differences have become my genius zone." -Kiri-Maree Moore "I'm a disruptor in the fact that I won't just settle to what has been, and I go to what can be." -Kiri-Maree Moore"Success comes from being able to make the right decisions fast." -Kiri-Maree Moore 

    Make Your Voice Heard with Lori KershnerThe Need To Have More Women In Leadership with Lori Kershner

    It's time......To be the 1% ....To shift the dial forward by 1 %....And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.
    Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!http://www.theonepercentmovement.com/

    Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

    If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

    To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/