
  • A Conversation with Dominique Wohlschlag

    In this dialogue, Reza asks Dominique a particular question about the

    roles of Śiva and Brahmā in the Mahābhārata. Additionally, he inquires

    why we refer to Vaiṣṇavites and Śivaites but don’t seem to have a

    corresponding category of Brahmānites.

    Dominique Wohlschlag is a specialist in medieval romance languages

    and previously taught Latin at the Collège de Genève. With an extensive

    background in Indian studies, he has offered courses on Sanskrit and

    Indian Civilization at various Swiss institutions and has worked with

    the Geneva Ethnography Museum. His scholarly contributions include three

    translations of Indian poets (Jayadeva, Bhartrihari, Vidyâkara) and

    numerous interpretative analyses of Hindu scriptures. In addition,

    Wohlschlag has also written several books on the Hindu tradition with

    two of them available in the link below for those interested in

    exploring this rich tradition further.

    The Queen and the Avatar

    The Great War of the Dark Age: Keys to the Mahābhārata

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  • Essential QuranLetting the Quran Speak for Itself: Reading a selction of verses from the QuranReading by Reza Shah-Kazemi

    Ch-17 Al-Isra

    Listen to more Podcast on our website


  • Essential QuranLetting the Quran Speak for Itself: Reading a selction of verses from the QuranReadings by Reza Shah-Kazemi

    Ch-17 Al-Isra

    Listen to more Podcast on our website


  • In this episode Sarah will explain some of the symbolic meanings behind

    the iconography of Lord Shiva Nataraj, the cosmic dancer which

    simultaneously portrays the fluidity of this continuous movement of

    existence reverberating within the stillness of Consciousness. Then she

    will allude some of the meanings behind the dancing of the cosmic

    creation with the five divine activities or the five-fold dances in

    which they are paradoxically temporal and timeless. Finally, with Sarah,

    we will be introduced transforming power of life; Tāṇḍava and the 

    non-dual Kashmir Shivaism tradition where they consider the Heart of

    Shiva to be in a state of perpetual movement.

    “His form is everywhere, all-pervading in His Shiva-Shakti. Chidambaram

    is everywhere. As Shiva is all and omnipresent, everywhere is Shiva’s

    gracious dance made manifest. By His Grace, his five-fold dances are

    temporal and timeless. This is the sacred dance of Uma-Sahaya. He dances

    with Water, Fire, Wind and Ether. Thus, our Lord dances ever in the

    court. Visible to those who pass over Māyā and ​Mahāmāyā (illusion and

    super-illusion), Our Lord dances, His eternal dance” Ananda Coomaraswamy.

    Podcast Code: xFPlZ1g3MbmxRGf2WKnX

  • In this series of talks, Sarah will take us to India where we learn with

    here more about the spiritual import of Hindu dance from a Traditional

    prespictive. Inspired by the writtings of Frithjof Shoun, particularly

    on sacred art, she will read a passage of her choice from Shoun's books

    where she will illustrate the main ideas of the text with the help of

    the dramatic art of ancient India, bringing into evidence the

    relationship between form and intellection in the sacred gestures and

    mudras of Hindu dance.

    In this episode we will talk about the Goddess of Intellect...


    She has been known as the goddess of knowledge, music, art, wisdom, and

    learning. She is the inspiration of the poet, the vision of the artist,

    the sound heard by the musician and the lightning inspiration of the


    A Bharatnāṭyam performance and an interview with #guru Dr. Sucheta

    Chapekar explaining the concept of Saraswatī representing Jñānamārga,

    the Path of Knowledge, will follow at the end of this presentation.

    Click on the transcibe file download which could help follow the video.

    For those who listen on the podcast audio, the transcribe will show when

    you click on "Notes".

    #transcribe file :


    Watch the #recording on our website here


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  • Revelation and the function of Beauty  in Traditional Arts 

    By Sarah Magalhães

    Today we will becontemplating on Traditional Arts.

    To awaken the sense of beauty, I have selected a few passages from Art From the Sacred to the Profane: East and West, writings of Frithjof Schuon, edited by Catherine Schuon and extracts from the chapter:  The

    Degrees of Art in  Esoterism as a Principal and as a Way. 

     I propose to elucidate the function of revelation in the artistic process of a practitioner

    of  traditional arts and to answer some important questions related to the role of art 

    and Beauty in human life as receptacles of Truth. To express the ideas discussed through a visual medium, a traditional Bharat Natyam dance performance will follow at the end of this presentation.

    ? What is the most effective way to communicate Beauty, the vehicle of saving Truth?

    ? What is the most appropriate way to convey the metaphysical nature of things through the beauty of forms?

    ? How can we provoke the same state of contemplativeness in the other by realizing a

    “contemplative disinterestedness” in the act of creation ?

    ? How can traditional art  become an "upaya", a "provisional means" to convey metaphysical truths ?


    These questions are relevant for any field of traditional arts. There are many aspects of

    sacred expressions  such as writing, recitation, calligraphy, painting, architecture, sculpture, clothing, pottery, dance, music…  My experience, in particular, refers to the sense of the sacred in the art of gesture and sacred dance. However, the practitioner of any field of traditional art and the appreciators of art will find resonance with the ideas discussed here.


    Traditional art

    proposes in its mode of operation an homogeneous worldview, being  an integral expression of the social,

    religious, ethical, practical and spiritual dimensions of existence. Thus, this

    kind of art is a natural expression of life. It has the power to hold together

    several streams of a specific culture and to express its true values. In our

    present times we no longer have the traditional framework of existence, but

    still the blessings transmitted by tradition allows the serious seeker in the

    field of art to experience its essence. 

    Art, conceived in a traditional way, encompasses all aspects of life, expressing

    higher values, revealing truth and metaphysical wisdom. In this context, art

    assumes a very different role from the superficial modern approach in which art

    is considered mere entertainment or just merchandise. On the other hand, the

    traditional approach to art is that of a metaphysical and religious phenomenon,

    which is intrinsically connected with Revelation. Art is thus, none other than

    a channel for revelation of the sacred content of a particular religion. Being

    rooted on  symbols provided by

    Revelation, traditional arts  has a

    function related to esoterism as it reveals the metaphysical and mystical

    meanings inherent in the cannons established by tradition. Thus, the creative

    process  is an experience connecting

    earthly existence with transcendence; encompassing man’s personality as a whole

    in which the Unified Reality beyond forms, once realized in  depth becomes gnosis, where intellection

    meets Revelation.

    As in the

    medieval conception: "Ars sine scientia nihil est”, which means that the

    practice of art without knowledge is nothing, establishes that the creative

    process must be rooted in knowledge, reason and established principles. The

    creative activity must be guided...

  • By Sarah Magalhães

    Recite and perform:

    ? Kapotha Hasta Viniyoga. —- Religious Respect

    Praname Guru Sambhashe Vinayangi Krteshwayam

    (The form of this mudra is analogous to the form of the heart and this is held in the center of the chest where the noblest inner attitudes should manifest in hierarchic relationships.)

    (To offer pranams, respectful salutation to the guru as a mark of acceptance; to show politeness and respect while talking to elder people; to show modesty while being praised.)

    Making use of rational modes related to aspects of devotion, respect and worship in social relationships, the mudras become symbols to describe and convey knowledge of a greater degree, such as universal concepts which must be properly assimilated, into knowledge of a sensible order. In this alchemy, the relationship of Form and Essence in the performance of the mudras translates in a visual expression, the spiritual ethos of Hinduism.

    Recite and perform: —-

    ? Pushpaputa Hasta Viniyoga. Offering

    (All the meanings of this hasta are related to worship and ritual )

    Neeranjenavidhou , Vaari phala digrahane picha

    Sandyayaam Arghyadanecha, Mantrapushpecha Yujyate

    (Small lamp on a plate for worship, to hold, to receive a coconut which is a symbol of auspiciousness and a divine offering; ritual to be offered in the morning and in the evening; to take water for the ocean and to offer again to the ocean —whatever you get or learn from the guru you must add to it give back to its source ; offering of mantras )

    Whereas metaphysic proceeds from intellectual intuition, religion proceeds from Revelation. The sacred gesture extracts the essence of metaphysics and reveals its beauty through the revelation of a religious form. Thus, these sacred gestures are a direct and active participation in divine Knowledge with the whole body as a unity of physical body, mind and soul. The human body being the microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm in its way of operation. Thus, the sacred gesture awakens a knowledge which is inscribed in the innermost essence of man and comes up to life through mimesis of a real ritual. The performance of these holy gestures acts as a way of extinction. A way of liberating oneself from the cosmic Maya through the cosmic Maya, the body itself, in this case.

    Recite :

    ? Uttsanga Hasta Viniyoga - Respect in the social domain

    (Now we come to a more secular aspect of life. These Viniyogas explicit social action and attitudes in daily life related to self-respect.)

    Aalinganecha, Lajjayam, Angadadipradarshane

    Balam Shikshane chayam Uttsango Yujate Karaha

    (Embracing; shyness; to show the ornaments in the upper part of the arms; teaching children to be poised)

    In the domain of social life, the mudras are signs for recognition of ethical values. The sacred gesture enshrines a specific form that corresponds to an idea in the realm beyond form. Reasons explain discursively through language. The Intellect knows intuitively. In this sense, the mudra is a seal or a symbol of an idea - an intellection translated into body substance.

    ? Shivalinga

    Viniyogastu Tatsieiva Shivalingasya darshane

    (Refers to the Supreme Principle)

    To show Shivalinga as two Principles. Purusha and Prakriti

    Sacred gestures reveal forms proper to actualize the spiritual content of a particular religion, as they are transmitter of intellectual intuitions. In this way, esoterism manifests on exoterism by the medium of sensible forms. Thanks to their symbolism translated into an immediate and universal language; these forms are channels for conveying a religious doctrine. In this way, esoterism infuses an intellectual quality into the devotional domain of the tradition.

    ? Shakatam

    Raakshasaa Bhinaye praya Shakato Viniyujyate

    (To show demons)


  • Mudras as symbols of the universe —The spiritual import of Hindu dance

    (Form and Essence in Frithjof Schuon’s writings, and its direct analogy and application to the sacred gestures of Hindu dance and dramatic art.)

    By Sarah Magalhães

    Outline of Presentation:

    ? Read selected passages from: Chapter 4: Concerning Forms in Art, The Transcendent Unity of Religion, pg. 61 Edition Quest Books, Chennai, India 2005

    ? I propose to illustrate the main ideas of the text with the help of the dramatic art of ancient India, bringing into evidence the relationship between form and intellection in the sacred gestures of Hindu dance.

    ? Present a brief introduction of some concepts of Traditional Hindu dance and retrace the origin of these gestures coming from the ancient Vedic rituals. Elucidate the distinction between Mudras in Yoga Tradition and Hasta in dance tradition.

    ? Comment and illustrate the text with the Viniyogas which are the meanings given to the various symbolic gestures, the-Hastas- I have chosen significant Viniyogas which elaborate metaphysical principles and religious offerings. I will perform them along with the recitation of the shloka, explaining its meaning.

    I- Introduction

    Indian classical dance — a visual expression of Hindu thought

    Art in India is deeply connected with its philosophy, the rich heritage of Hindu tradition. Hindu dance, issued from the Ancient Indian drama, is a visual expression of Hindu thought expressed through visual form. It directly conveys metaphysics and the religious aspect of life through the science of gestures, the mudras. These sacred gestures provide an immediate understanding of the religious ethos of India.

    Modern Society lacks epitomes and normative models to uplift mankind. The technological invasion with its impact of an abnormal mentality divorced from the sense of the sacred influences mankind leading man to destructive behavior on earth.

    Sanskrit theater as the total art-form uniting heaven and earth

    Ancient Drama in India was meant to provide models and prototypes to society. Indian theater is thus a mirror of the life of good people, those who live in excellence. In India, drama is known as Natya Veda or The Fifth Veda conceived by Lord Brahma, the creator, to teach righteousness (dharma) to society. On earth, sage Bharata claimed to have received the knowledge of theater by integrating speech from the ?g Veda, music from the Sama Veda, acting from the Yajur Veda, and emotion from the Atharva-Veda. As the Vedas were strictly reserved to the Brahmins, a fifth Veda was created to convey the Vedic teachings to one and all in a simple way, through the science of gestures recreating thus, good behavior with an aesthetic-ethical significance. Drama was accepted as the ‘total art form’ that united acting, dance, poetry, music, fine arts, human values, and practically all other concerns of life in order to sustain and nourish a heavenly world, (alaulika) through the aesthetic experience, rasa.

    Mudras in the Hindu holy worship

    In the religious domain, the execution of the paradigmatic Vedic sacrifice may itself be interpreted as a hieratic form of theater. In the same order, Bharata’s theater claimed to be modeled on the ‘originary’ unifying principle of the solemn Vedic sacrifice. The symbolic gestures in dance tradition are known as coming directly from the ancient Vedic rituals when dance was an integral part of the holy worship in temples. The Vedic hymns and mantras or mystical syllables form the foundation of the Hindu holy worship. Traditionally, the recitation of hymns and mantras are sometimes accompanied by specific hand gestures which are called “mudras”. Mudra is a mystic gesture of the hands symbolizing the...

  • Speaker: Guy Ogilvy

    In this dialogue with Reza, Guy will take us through a journey with

    Moses and the Green Man - Al Khidr where Moses found him at the meeting

    of the two seas following a sign of the fish that was brought back to

    life and burrowed into the sea! (PART-2)

    The story is portrayed in the Koran, chapter 18 ‘The Cave’ or Al-Kahf

    starting from verse 60...

    Watch the #dialogues on our website here


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  • Speaker: Guy Ogilvy

    In this dialogue with Reza, Guy will take us through a journey with

    Moses and the Green Man - Al Khidr where Moses found him at the meeting

    of the two seas following a sign of the fish that was brought back to

    life and burrowed into the sea!

    The story is portrayed in the Koran, chapter 18 ‘The Cave’ or Al-Kahf

    starting from verse 60...

    Watch the #dialogues on our website here


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  • Essential QuranLetting the Quran Speak for Itself: Reading a selction of verses from the QuranReading by Reza Shah-Kazemi


    Vs: 33, 51, 72, 102-105, 112, 128, 129.


    Vs: 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 24, 25, 30, 31, 44, 45, 47-49, 57, 62-64, 108-109.

  • In this dialogue with Reza, Guy will take us through a journey with Dhu al-Qarnayn, otherwise known as Alexander the Great, and dive in the alchemical symbolism of the story of him trying to protect his people from Gog & Magog using iron and copper. The story is portrayed in the Koran in chapter 18 ‘The Cave’ or Al-Kahf verses 83 to 99.

    Watch the #dialogues on our website here


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  • Speaker: Guy Ogilvy

    In this dialogue with Reza, Guy will take us through a journey with Dhu

    al-Qarnayn, otherwise known as Alexander the Great, and dive in the

    alchemical symbolism of the story of him trying to protect his people

    from Gog & Magog using iron and copper. The story is portrayed in

    the Koran in chapter 18 ‘The Cave’ or Al-Kahf verses 83 to 99, please

    see translation below.

    83 They will ask thee of Dhul-Qarneyn. Say: I shall recite unto you a

    remembrance of him.

    84 Lo! We made him strong in the land and gave unto every thing a road.

    85 And he followed a road

    86 Till, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring, and found a people thereabout: We said: O Dhul-Qarneyn! Either punish or show them kindness.

    87 He said: As for him who doeth wrong, we shall punish him, and then he will be brought back

    unto, his Lord, who will punish him with awful punishment!

    88 But as for him who believeth and doeth right, good will be his reward, and We shall speak unto him a mild command.

    89 Then he followed a road

    90 Till, when he reached the rising place of the sun, he found it rising

    on a people for whom We had appointed no helper therefrom.

    91 So (it was). And We knew all concerning him.

    92 Then he followed a road

    93 Till, when he came between the two mountains, he found upon their hither side a folk that scarce could understand a saying.

    94 They said: O Dhul-Qarneyn! Lo! Gog and Magog are spoiling the land. So may we pay thee tribute on condition that thou set a barrier between us and them?

    95 He said: That wherein my Lord hath established me better

    (than your tribute). Do but help me with strength (of men), I will set between you and them a bank.

    96 Give me pieces of iron--till, when he had

    levelled up (the gap) between the cliffs, he said: Blow!--till, when he

    had made it a fire, he said: Bring me molten copper to pour thereon.

    97 And (Gog and Magog) were not able to surmount, nor could they pierce (it).

    98 He said: This is a mercy from my Lord; but when the promise of my Lord

    cometh to pass, He will lay it low, for the promise of my Lord is true.

    99 And on that day we shall let some of them surge against others, and the

    Trumpet will be blown. Then We shall gather them together in one


    Koran Surat Al-Kahf (The Cave) 18: 83 to 99, translation by Marmaduke Pickthall

    Watch the #dialogues on our website here


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    #spiritualawakening #spiritual #spiritualität #martinlings

    #westminsterabbey #anthonyball #canon #bishop #alchemy


    Short readings from the books of Frithjof Schoun

    Linten to all Epesoides here


    The worth of man lies in his consciousness of the absolute .Man is made for what he is able to conceive the very ideas of absoluteness and transcendence prove both his spiritual nature and the supra, terrestrial character, all of his tests.

    In fact, what separates man from divine reality is better thin partition. God is infinitely close to man, but man is infinitely far from God. This partition for man is a mountain man stands in front of a mountain, which he must remove with his own hand. It digs away the earth, but in vain, the mountain remains, man.

    However, goes on digging in the name of God and the mountain vanishes. It was never there. .