
  • 00:00:00 - Introduction to the episode and a brief recap of the concepts of leveraging pain as a tool for personal and communal growth.

    00:01:30 - Melissa recounts the painful yet transformative experiences following her daughter Layden’s death, focusing on overcoming the feelings of punishment and unworthiness.

    00:02:35 - Discussion on building the muscle of self-trust and focusing on one’s mission without external validation.

    00:04:46 - Erik delves into the universal battle between our rational and irrational thoughts, emphasizing the importance of nurturing the ‘angel’ voice to combat the often louder, negative ‘devil’ voice.

    00:08:44 - Strategies for maintaining a positive outlook, the benefits of physical activity on mental clarity, and the importance of establishing routines that encourage positive decision-making.

    00:11:18 - Addressing the toxic impact of victim mentality and entitlement, and how these can hinder personal and professional growth.

    00:19:43 - Closing thoughts on the power of owning your journey, disregarding the naysayers, and the importance of personal accountability in achieving dreams.

    About the Podcast:

    Scar Tissue is your go-to podcast for stories and discussions that dive deep into the ways we can use our most challenging experiences to forge our paths and live authentically. Join Melissa Dugalecki as she and her guests uncover the strength buried in the scars we carry.

    Meet the Host:

    Melissa Dugalecki is more than just the voice behind the podcast; she is a beacon of resilience who has turned profound personal loss into a platform for transformative growth and empowerment.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to embrace their path with courage and authenticity, reminding us that growth often comes from our deepest challenges.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • 00:00:00 - Introduction to the podcast philosophy of transforming pain into power.

    00:01:13 - Melissa introduces Eric Rock, highlighting his journey and impact as an entrepreneur and mentor.

    00:02:01 - Eric discusses his approach to life and business, emphasizing the importance of personal branding and authenticity.

    00:03:39 - Conversation on how past experiences shape entrepreneurial spirit and the value of starting with a personal mission.

    00:04:22 - Discussion on the value of hindsight and the advantages of learning from others’ experiences.

    00:05:58 - Eric talks about the limitations of traditional education systems and the benefits of alternative learning paths.

    00:06:51 - Eric shares a story about mentoring a young entrepreneur, demonstrating the impact of early exposure to business and high-level thinking.

    00:09:17 - Melissa and Eric delve into how their personal histories influenced their career paths and the concept of “should” in life decisions.

    00:10:16 - Discussion on turning adverse circumstances into sources of strength and mission.

    00:11:39 - Eric explains his motivational mindset stemming from childhood challenges and the concept of “the burn” as described by his mentors.

    00:14:12 - The importance of not over-protecting children from challenges to build resilience.

    00:16:09 - Comparisons drawn between personal struggles and the story of Cinderella, emphasizing the value of hardship in character development.

    00:17:35 - The metaphor of muscle growth through resistance as a parallel to personal development.

    00:18:32 - Eric criticizes the culture of comfort and lack of challenge in modern life, advocating for high standards and personal growth.

    00:22:36 - Discussion on the necessity of hard work and efficiency in achieving success.

    00:23:33 - Melissa and Eric discuss the concept of “living rare” and the pitfalls of seeking shortcuts in life.

    00:26:37 - A critique of generational wealth and the importance of earning one’s success.

    00:28:15 - Eric emphasizes the detrimental effects of poor diet on performance and mindset.

    00:31:33 - Melissa relates her experience with hunger and its metaphorical significance in terms of patience and resisting immediate gratification.

    00:33:42 - Eric and Melissa discuss the pervasive negative effects of the food industry and advocate for a mindset of performance and health.

    00:37:06 - The discussion highlights the critical role of health in overall life success and the importance of making informed choices.

    00:39:18 - Personal reflections on age, health, and societal expectations about physical appearance and capability.

    00:41:07 - Closing remarks, emphasizing the podcast’s philosophy and inviting listeners to engage further with the content.

    This episode is rich with insights on personal development, the interplay of health and success, and the profound impact of one’s upbringing and mindset on their life trajectory.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

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  • In this deeply personal episode of “Scar Tissue,” Melissa Dlugolecki and guest Gerard Adams delve into the transformative power of storytelling, the importance of embracing authenticity, and the challenges and rewards of personal growth. Gerard shares his journey from a young entrepreneur to a beacon of change for others, emphasizing the critical role of authentic expression in both personal and professional success. The conversation also explores the dynamics of masculine and feminine energies and gender roles, highlighting how these forces shape personal identities and interactions in the modern world. Melissa and Gerard discuss the importance of recognizing and honoring these energies to foster a balanced life and healthier relationships, challenging traditional gender roles and advocating for a deeper understanding of one’s authentic self.


    • 00:01:14 - Reflects on her upbringing in Massachusetts, exploring how her environment shaped her early life choices and challenges.

    • 00:02:50 - Discusses breaking norms during her college years, revealing her early desires to act against societal expectations.

    • 00:04:18 - Shares the struggle of finding her identity post-college and the transition from seeking external validation to internal growth.

    • 00:05:48 - Talks about the dichotomy of caring for people versus pursuing monetary goals, and how her career decisions were influenced by her values.

    • 00:06:43 - Explores the evolution of her understanding of responsibility—from societal expectations to a deeper, personal sense of duty to herself and the world.

    • 00:10:15 - Opens up about her role as a coach and mentor, emphasizing the honor and privilege of helping others realize their potential.

    • 00:13:45 - Dives into the concept of doing ‘inner work’ and the importance of confronting personal challenges with honesty and resilience.

    • 00:16:18 - Announces a new virtual training program designed to help individuals level up their lives through authentic branding and mindset strategies.

    • 00:20:26 - Reflects on the life-changing decisions she has made, like moving to Tulum, and how these experiences taught her the value of surrender and presence.

    • 00:28:00 - Gerard and Melissa discuss the intricate balance of masculine and feminine energies, the redefining of traditional gender roles, and how these elements influence personal development and interpersonal relationships.

    About the Podcast:

    Scar Tissue is designed for listeners who are navigating life’s challenges and looking for deep, transformative insights. Each episode, hosted by Melissa Dlugolecki, explores the raw and often unspoken realities of grief, loss, and healing, with a focus on how to turn pain into purpose and scars into strength.

    Meet the Host:

    Melissa Dlugolecki shares not only her professional journey but also the profound personal losses that have shaped her approach to life and work. From a grieving mother to a successful entrepreneur and coach, Melissa’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and the human capacity to find happiness, regardless of circumstances.

    Connect with Melissa:
    • Melissa’s Website

    • Join the conversation on Instagram

    This episode provides listeners with a raw and honest look at the struggles and triumphs of embracing one’s path, underscoring the message that true growth often comes from the most challenging experiences.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • In this deeply personal episode of "Scar Tissue," Melissa Dlugolecki shares her journey from rule-following high achiever to a life coach who embraces authenticity over convention. From her challenges with anxiety and people-pleasing as a young student in Massachusetts to confronting her identity and finding purpose beyond societal expectations, Melissa discusses the powerful life lessons she has learned about responsibility, authenticity, and living life on one's own terms.


    00:01:14 - Reflects on her upbringing in Massachusetts, exploring how her environment shaped her early life choices and challenges.00:02:50 - Discusses breaking norms during her college years, revealing her early desires to act against societal expectations.00:04:18 - Shares the struggle of finding her identity post-college and the transition from seeking external validation to internal growth.00:05:48 - Talks about the dichotomy of caring for people versus pursuing monetary goals, and how her career decisions were influenced by her values.00:06:43 - Explores the evolution of her understanding of responsibility—from societal expectations to a deeper, personal sense of duty to herself and the world.00:10:15 - Opens up about her role as a coach and mentor, emphasizing the honor and privilege of helping others realize their potential.00:13:45 - Dives into the concept of doing 'inner work' and the importance of confronting personal challenges with honesty and resilience.00:16:18 - Announces a new virtual training program designed to help individuals level up their lives through authentic branding and mindset strategies.00:20:26 - Reflects on the life-changing decisions she has made, like moving to Tulum, and how these experiences taught her the value of surrender and presence.

    About the Podcast:

    Scar Tissue is designed for listeners who are navigating life's challenges and looking for deep, transformative insights. Melissa brings her personal experiences and professional expertise to each episode, aiming to empower listeners to embrace their scars, understand their pain, and harness their experiences to live a fulfilling and authentic life.

    Meet the Host:

    Melissa Dlugolecki shares not only her professional journey but also the profound personal losses that have shaped her approach to life and work. From a grieving mother to a successful entrepreneur and coach, Melissa's story is a testament to the power of resilience and the human capacity to find happiness, regardless of circumstances.

    Connect with Melissa:

    Melissa’s Website Join the conversation on Instagram

    This episode provides listeners with a raw and honest look at the struggles and triumphs of embracing one's path, underscoring the message that true growth often comes from the most challenging experiences.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • Melissa was already crying at the start of this episode. When she first lost her daughter, Leyden, she could barely leave the house, let alone get to a grief counselor’s office. But that is what she did. And that grief counselor is the special guest today, Kendra Allen.

    Melissa was a puddle at Kendra’s office in the beginning. But everyone deserves to have a space held for them. And Kendra allowed that space for Melissa. And what Melissa thinks is powerful is not only the tools in which she was taught the ways that widened her understanding of grief but the space that Kendra fostered.

    Melissa’s goal today is to inform you and educate you on the many aspects of grief that aren't spoken about and allow you to have a lens into the version of Melissa that could barely show up. As Melissa is publishing a book and hosting a podcast, the public sees a version of her that is much more healed. But Kendra is one of the only people who witnessed her at her rawest.

    Melissa started this episode crying and uncertain how the conversation would go. But she was brave and moved forward. Melissa and Kendra speak on many things. Disenfranchised loss. Miscarriages and infertility. Why the second year after a loss is often more challenging. And much more.

    No matter where you are on your grief journey, this episode will provide a space to learn and be heard. Whether or not you do the grief work, you’re moving forward. So why not do the work?


    1:20 - Meeting someone during the rawest time of grief4:25 - The mindset to survive the early stages of grief6:33 - Kendra predicts Melissa's future8:16 - Expanding the scope of grief10:12 - Separating yourself from your grief journey12:30 - Exposing disenfranchised loss15:21 - Choose your hard17:41 - Grief doesn't change a person24:04 - The hidden opportunities of grief28:00 - Exploring secondary losses34:55 - One of the hardest grief lessons to learn39:19 - What is ambiguous loss?43:35 - The four tasks of grief47:43 - The #1 resistance to healing52:45 - The difference between letting go and integrating58:25 - Creating positive outcomes in therapy


    What’s your Grief websiteWhat’s your Grief on Instagram

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter, Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live...never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter, Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • Melissa is proud to bring back to the show Mike Michalowicz. Mike has supported Melissa in multiple ways over the years and is helping her bring her book to the world (very soon!).

    In this episode, Mike and Melissa explore how grief can act as a form of connection. They examine the true purpose behind their writing and how success can be the opposite of what's best for you.

    This episode is an understanding and loving exploration of grief. Mike and Melissa examine how we compound grief, how to support others' grieving, and the true normalcy of the grief we experience. You will leave this conversation feeling more supportive of yourself and how better to support those around you.

    Mike Michalowicz is the entrepreneur behind three multimillion-dollar companies and is the author of Profit First, Clockwork, The Pumpkin Plan, and his newest book, Get Different. Mike is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal and regularly travels the globe as an entrepreneurial advocate.


    1:14 - How Melissa's story landed her a unique book deal4:05 - Mike navigates his rock-bottom moment9:51 - Pitfalls of ranking your success and grief12:35 - Qualifiers to be a successful and helpful coach18:08 - How to identify coaches that can help you22:21 - Why do we resist the places we're meant to go?26:45 - The ways we compound grief35:09 - Embracing your experience of grief41:19 - Forgiveness as the ultimate form of relief47:09 - The perils of positivity51:36 - The normalcy of grief56:52 - Connecting with Mike

    Connect with Mike

    Visit his websiteGet the free toolsRead his booksListen to his podcast

    Learn more about Mike

    Mike is the creator of Profit First, which is used by hundreds of thousands of companies across the globe to drive profit. He is the creator of Clockwork, a powerful method to make any business run on automatic. In his 2020 release Fix This Next, Mike details the strategy businesses can use to determine what to do, and in what order, to ensure healthy, fast, permanent growth (and avoid debilitating distractions). His latest book, Get Different, will give you the tools to stand out in any market.

    Today, Mike leads two new multi-million-dollar ventures, as he tests his latest business research for his books. He is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal and a business makeover specialist on MSNBC. Mike is a popular main-stage keynote speaker on innovative entrepreneurial topics; and is the author of Get Different, Fix This Next, Clockwork, Profit First, Surge, The Pumpkin Plan, and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur.

    Fabled author, Simon Sinek deemed Mike Michalowicz “…the top contender for the patron saint of entrepreneurs.”

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live...never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • Melissa’s excited to introduce you to an incredibly dear friend and soul connection of hers. John Kempf is an amazing coach, an amazing human, and an amazing healer.

    And when you talk about our beings and souls being medicine for this planet and other people, John is literally medicine in human form. He has so much wisdom to share.

    Melissa and John talk in this episode about not only our nervous system regulation but about rebirth and past lives. So it's something that you might find really supportive and healing if you are on a grief journey to think about the rebirth and death that occurs naturally.

    And if you’re not currently navigating a grief journey, these are things that can support you in better understanding yourself and better understanding your soul's purpose in this lifetime.

    John shares two simple practices that will solve most of your problems, the power of pause and stillness, and what it means when yoga teachers say, “just be.” This episode will encourage you to ask, “What sets my heart on fire?”. Get ready to be inspired.


    1:39 - Merging strength, performance, and wellness6:33 - The moment of clarity for the connection between health and miracles11:13 - Accessing your masculine-feminine balance and simple steps to get in balance16:53 - Why and how to do a wellness check19:21 - Strengthening the regulation of your nervous system24:15 - The #1 thing to facilitate healing and balance26:43 -The constancy of death and rebirth35:10 - How to allow life to feel like a video game (a.k.a. play)42:52 - Connecting with John

    Connect with John

    Visit his websiteConnect on InstagramLearn about his Men’s ProgramJohn's Linktree

    Learn More about John

    John Kempf, founder and head coach of Kempf Fitness Professional and Henosis Academy, has been training clients and athletes since 2010 and is backed by over 130 5-star reviews from former clients on Google and Facebook.

    John has a Kinesiology and Exercise Science degree and six additional certifications as an ACE personal trainer, a USAW sports performance and Olympic weightlifting coach, an FRC mobility specialist, a KINSTRETCH group mobility instructor, an MBSC functional strength coach, and an MPI mindset behavior specialist.

    He integrates a holistic and scientific approach to human development that focuses on the 3 pillars of functional movement, holistic nutrition, and lifestyle design to help his clients look, feel, and perform at their best.

    John has been passionately practicing and teaching yoga and meditation since 2013. He blends various esoteric philosophies and Eastern practice with his functional strength coaching and athletic performance background to teach clients how to breathe, move, and flow more efficiently while connecting their minds and body to the present moment.

    Yoga, Qi Gong, meditation, breath work, strength training, functional movement, journaling, fasting, cooking, and nature exposure have all become essential tools in John's daily life. He has made it part of his mission to share these powerful practices with others to bring more inner strength, awareness, and harmony into the world.

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live...never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • Melissa spends a lot of time on social media, and coaches and entrepreneurs frequently build their businesses through these platforms. Yet, she hears many people complain that social media is fake. They want authentic connections.

    But that has not been Melissa’s experience. And today’s guest is one example of connecting authentically with a person through social media.

    Jennifer Watson is a seeker of truth, a high-performance leadership coach, and a practitioner. She is here to share her magic and what’s alive in her today.

    This conversation goes deep into our nervous system and regulation. No one walks around saying I have a dysregulated nervous system. Yet we experience many symptoms that are out of regulation, fight or flight, and autopilot. Jennifer helps leaders heal so they can activate others.

    Jennifer shares her journey of mental wellness, emotional wellness, and her dysregulation struggle. She talks about coaching from your healing and not your wound, how you cannot separate wellness and leadership, and how to live one EPIC life. She also shares how sensing you are a fraud and the power of hourly check-ins can both be beneficial.

    This practical episode will help you sit with the yuck so you can get out of the yuck.


    1:19 - The mindset for high performance4:00 - A major myth on leadership8:19 - How to start building trust with your body13:27 - The power of knowing your fight, flight, freeze, and fawn response15:34 - How to become unstoppable17:16 - Two powerful sources for leaders20:15 - How do I know if I'm dysregulated?28:42 - Be a kid with yourself31:12 - Get your 8 seconds on the bull33:51 - Jennifer's free giveaway

    Connect with Jennifer

    Visit her websiteConnect on InstagramJennifer’s LinktreeListen to her podcast

    Learn More about Jennifer

    Jennifer Watson, MPT, I.M.T.C., owner of Jennifer Watson Leadership, is a dynamic speaker and coach with a gift for intuitive and visionary coaching. She is an expert in wellness + leadership development, identity & mental edge enhancement, peak performance, post-trauma growth, movement & change adaptation, and soul-aligned living mastery.

    ​Incorporating her expertise and athletic gifts as a former collegiate athlete and All- American, she has had the honor to share her message on the TEDx stage, NBC, Fox Radio, and top Summit & Podcasts.

    With 20 years of experience in business and leadership management and health + wellness advocacy, she inspires those to unleash their potential and performance in all areas of their life.

    Her company, Jennifer Watson Leadership, elevates high-performing, conscious business leaders to get rid of permanently their spiritual blocks keeping them stuck (TRUE WELLNESS), redefine and fan their unique gifts as leaders (TRUE IDENTITY), and reclaim their true VALUE and purpose (TRUE LEGACY). Her gift is to tap into the leader's “Jedi Flow State” in Wellness + Leadership and create their EXTRAORDINARY LIFE.

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live...never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • Melissa is excited to bring James to the podcast. His work has changed her life. A big part of what you experience on this podcast is because of James.

    James works with the top-tier level of athletes, executives, and entrepreneurs. In addition, he’s working on a book and is a top 1% podcaster. He’s also a father, husband, and Melissa’s coach!

    In this practical and tips-laden episode, James dives deep into how it’s one day at a time, one week at a time, and one month at a time to craft the version of ourselves we want. He shares how to get people to open up and outlines the 5 C’s that will change your leadership ability and your relationships.

    James plays the mastery game, not the rich game. And this episode will speak to what that means and why we must do hard things intentionally. He also explores why it’s essential to understand that emotions are built. Get out your notebook and be ready to feel the chills.


    1:20 - The power of not boxing yourself in with titles and labels3:15 - The one skill all leaders need7:39 - Fostering an environment for hard conversations & change10:15 - Setting yourself up to succeed as a good listener14:18 - Identifying and shifting away from co-dependency18:28 - How to win at life24:56 - The 5 C's that will uplevel your life and relationships (Courage. Curiosity. Concentration. Compassion. Co-creation.)27:48 - What are you feeling that's getting in the way?31:43 - The prerequisite to change35:39 - How to increase your connection to courage42:28 - Integrating the body and mind50:56 - Connect with James

    Connect with James

    Visit his websiteConnect on InstagramJames’s LinktreeListen to his podcast

    Learn More about James

    My journey starts in Las Vegas. As a kid, I always admired those who were able to create massive impact and achieve “greatness” in their industry. I started playing sports at the age of 6 so naturally athletes were the easiest to relate to. I would watch documentaries and videos on famous athletes and study how hard they worked to get to their level of mastery. In addition, my Mom and Dad would enforce that behavior until it became normal to show up early, leave late and practice, practice, practice.

    Sports taught me invaluable lessons about Accountability, Integrity, Teamwork, Discipline and Leadership. My Dad taught me how to work hard, get and stay focused and when failure hits, how to “bounce back.” My mom taught me how to listen, how to connect and the importance of understanding others. The blend of all of these lessons helped me step into leadership roles within the sports I played.

    I had a strong desire to win, but when you play team sports, it’s not just about you. As a leader, you have to have the ability to unify the team. So I listened. I studied. I observed. I worked. I embodied. And I sought to understand. Quickly, I learned how to communicate with those on my team. I knew what to say, what to do when the game was on the line that helped my team focus, come together and ultimately win.

    From elementary to sophomore year, I switched schools 5 times. This wasn’t easy at first, but in retrospect, it helped me connect with new friends, get a diverse view on the world and know people from all over the valley. (Something I am very grateful I experienced.)

    The skills I learned early on at home and in sports only sharpened in high-school. I was able to make friends with all groups of people. I learned to find people's strengths and amplify them. This continued exposure to different viewpoints, belief systems and value systems from those I was surrounded by helped me communicate effectively in social situations and game-time pressure situations on the field.

    As I geared up for College, the questions that circulated my head was “ What do I want to do”? Many of my friends and teammates suggested being a psychologist, due to my ability to help them mentally with problems they were facing, but it didn’t resonate with me.

    I received a few offers from D1 and Ivy leagues schools, but something in me wasn’t ready to dedicate as much time as I knew it would take to the sport. I decided to stay home, attend UNLV for their Kinesiology program and look into Physical Therapy.

    This turned out to be the best decision. Not only did I meet my future wife, but I met a professor that inspired me to do what I am doing now.

    His name? Dr. Mark Guadagnoli. He’s a 4x World Renowned Mental Training Coach and professor of neuroscience and neurology at UNLV's School of Medicine.

    He introduced me to the world of mental performance and I was hooked. I became obsessed. I stayed after class, asked for additional readings and exercises and began applying the knowledge I was learning to my own life. After I saw success in my own ability to think and take intentional action toward the goals I had for myself, I began sharing it with friends and family.

    I fell in love with helping people think deeper, find clarity, formulate a plan and execute it. I decided then that I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. I started studying neuro linguistic programming, neuroscience, sports psychology, practical and social psychology and leadership.

    I started telling people that I was a performance coach and that I could help them achieve their goals, self-regulate, strengthen their leadership and overcome self-sabotaging behavior. It started small. Slowly, referral after referral, corporation after corporation, event after event I have had the honor and privilege to work with 6,000+ people from 8 different countries.

    I’ve helped athletes, entertainers, CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Spiritual leaders and growth-minded individuals looking to evolve, expand and explore more of who they are. I am looking forward to serving and helping you.

    My style is a blend of many cultures, backgrounds and belief systems, which makes sense since that’s how I learned growing up. I’ll use whatever strategy helps solve the problem.

    Thank you for being a part of the Be that 1% family.

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live...never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • Today's episode takes a lot of discernment. Are we co-creating, or are we co-existing? And what does that mean? In this episode, Melissa breaks it down for you.

    A coaching call inspired this topic with Melissa's new women's group, Own It (see below for more information!). Understanding the difference between these two ideas is essential. Because this is something that can have an intense impact on our nervous system as we process grief, trauma, heartache, or loss.

    Melissa's goal is to support all of you in getting from a space of reactionary to proactively managing and navigating anything you're going through.

    Melissa starts by defining the two terms and how they often get confused. She then shares the three parts integral to co-creation: structure and mechanics, shared values, and energetics. Next, Melissa breaks down these three parts and explains how even if one part is off, it impacts co-creation. She also shares how frequently we can confuse our body's fight or flight response with something not feeling good in our body.

    This is an actionable and encouraging conversation to build up yourself and your relationships.

    Join Own It

    If you are a woman who wants to learn how to step into your power, do the energetic work, the manifestation work, the somatic and embodiment work in your body, you should join us! Melissa learned this stuff through her grief journey. She learned that the true healing and the release and being able to have an energy that feels good for herself and the people around her came from doing the work in her body. Learn more and sign up here. It gets started in May.

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live... never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • When Melissa sat down to speak with Jon, what came out was not what she expected. But it was perfectly perfect.

    Jon and Melissa have different perspectives on grief. While they find a middle ground during this conversation, their experiences and lessons from grief contrast with one another.

    So this episode shows that it’s okay to have different views. You can still respect each other. And even on emotionally-charged topics like grief, love, finances, and life’s purpose - multiple truths can exist.

    And while we can’t allow others to make us wrong, it’s important to take a step back from the idea of right and wrong. And step into the choice and freedom to align with what authentically works for us. In that alignment, massive co-creation, learning, and evolution occur.

    Melissa’s beliefs have evolved since the start of this podcast. If we do not recognize that we may see things differently one day, we are not leaving room for growth, discovery, or curiosity.

    Jon Connelly recently published Grief is Not Sacred and created Rapid Resolution Therapy®. In this episode, Jon shares why he doesn’t believe the way to get over feeling bad is feeling bad, how the mind causes grief, and why his first job as a therapist is getting past the objections to being okay. Jon dispels what he views as some of the myths of grief and why he doesn’t believe emotions need to be released. This episode may challenge how you think of grief, but it may also show you a new way to move through difficult times.


    3:52 - How Rapid Resolution Therapy is different8:31 - Why Jon doesn't agree with "It's okay not to be okay."11:46 - How the dysfunction of the mind creates grief17:57 - What grief is (according to Jon)20:07 - Why people believe (incorrectly) it's important to grieve23:49 - Taking the first step when you’re actively hurting27:29 - How shame plays a role in grief30:34 - Grief is not one-size-fits-all32:27 - A powerful way to connect with Jon 34:45 - The life-changing possibility of Jon's ideas

    About Jon

    Jon Connelly first founded the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization engaged in the research and development of cutting-edge treatment for trauma survivors.

    His early career experiences as a child protective service worker and clinical supervisor in a program for traumatized teens helped shape the creation of Rapid Resolution Therapy®. RRT offers innovative training programs designed for people looking to relieve suffering. Doctors, dentists, mental health professionals, teachers, coaches, nutritionists, lawyers, caregivers, nurses, business owners, and others have become Rapid Resolution Therapy members to learn and apply the fundamentals of Rapid Resolution Therapy to themselves and their field. Jon Connelly is licensed as a clinical social worker and holds a doctorate in Clinical Pastoral Counseling.

    Jon is the author of Life Changing Conversations with Rapid Resolution Therapy which demonstrates the power of a single session to resolve ongoing trauma and turmoil and dramatically improve well-being. His latest book is called Grief is Not Sacred.

    Find Jon

    Visit his websiteConnect on InstagramJon’s LinktreeWatch the TED talk mentioned in the episode

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live...never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • We are switching hats on today’s podcast with a behind-the-scenes look at Melissa’s journey in a way you’ve not heard before! Melissa recently went on Lauren Salaun’s Amplify podcast to share her story.

    Lauren’s a former coach and current client. In this episode, Lauren interviews Melissa as she shares stuff she’s never discussed on this show. They dive into masculine and feminine energies and the power of boundaries to foster relationships. And Melissa even gets into the choices and preferences that have shaped the more private parts of her life.

    This is Melissa’s story from a new angle shared with deep vulnerability. And, of course, it’s filled with actionable takeaways to improve your life and business.


    2:25 - Rapid fire questions8:22 - Navigating and setting boundaries with coaches, clients, and friends13:09 - How Melissa started her entrepreneurial journey18:28 - How grief taught Melissa about radical ownership of her life24:04 - Exploring the masculine and feminine for business29:32 - You are not your business, but it can be a mirror35:23 - Why consistency and time are two essential factors in anything38:15 - Melissa’s business superpower43:02 - Addressing some of the current BS in the coaching space50:27 - One myth to break for marketing your program56:26 - Lauren’s trauma bond with her business58:19 - Melissa’s big lesson when she shut down her business1:02:01 - Melissa’s intention for 20231:05:52 - Accessing sacral energy (through celibacy)1:13:44 - Melissa’s final mic drop

    About Lauren

    Lauren Salaun is a PR and marketing consultant, healthy lifestyle expert, media personality, and entrepreneur.

    A lifelong athlete (and a bit of a recovering perfectionist workaholic), Lauren spent the first decade of her career in public relations and marketing before launching her health and fitness coaching business in 2015.

    Over the last several years, while helping people live their healthiest lives and dipping her toes into the world of fitness competitions, Lauren has also coached many fitness professionals on how to build their influence online and monetize their social media.

    Lauren decided to really get back to her PR and Marketing roots and launch influence+impact, an influencer marketing and social media PR agency, where she helps entrepreneurs elevate their visibility online and establish authority in their industry so they can increase their income and make more of an impact.

    Find Lauren

    Connect on InstagramListen to Amplify - her podcastVisit her websiteLauren’s Linktree

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live...never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • Melissa goes in-depth on one of the most powerful forces that drive our subconscious behavior and emotional responses. Unfortunately, many prefer to avoid talking about it. Yet, if addressed, we can make massive progress. It’s shame.

    What comes up for you when you hear the word shame? How does your body respond? What emotions come to the surface? In this episode, Melissa describes what it means that our energies have a depth chart and walks you through a helpful visual exercise. She offers tips on addressing binge behaviors and why hip openers can be so emotional. She also exposes why it’s never about the what but the why. And at the end, she shares the antidote to shame.

    Shame is something we all deal with and manage throughout our life. This episode offers the inside perspective to face it down for good.

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live... never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • This episode doesn't jam on new topics, but Melissa and her guest find new perspectives on important topics and go deep on abundance and manifestation.

    Andrea Lowell is an Old Soul on a mission to help everyone reach their own Self-Mastery and Self Actualization. Andrea provides clear guidance in learning to find our values, the difference between lying and denial, and how our beliefs about ourselves can trap us. She also touches on how she learned her purpose after leaving behind a successful career.

    Additionally, Melissa and Andrea explore how to see the fallacy of our excuses, putting things into their right size, building your courage, why serenity is in the gray (not black and white), and what it means that your body is an ally of your soul.

    This episode is about self-mastery, radical honesty, and why you should use your drive time to check your spiritual condition! Melissa was inspired during this conversation, and so will you.


    2:15 - Moving from fitting in to following your values4:41 - How to know when you're betraying your values9:05 - Why honesty unlocks your potential12:05 - Navigating the personas we create and trap ourselves in18:23 - Andrea's moment of clarity that awoke her from her denial23:44 - Steps to get unstuck29:22 - The value of grasping impermanence31:31 - Explaining and exposing the sunk cost fallacy34:45 - Going from people pleasing to being in service35:59 - The difference between your intuition and your ego41:03 - You can and should be living a life of abundance48:50 - Connecting with Andrea

    About Andrea

    Andrea Lowell is an Old Soul on a mission! In complete alignment with her purpose on Earth, she wishes to guide you to yours! Andrea has been working in the realm of Self-Mastery and Self Actualization since 2009, with absolute success! She has dedicated her life to serving the growth of those who desire her specific type of work.

    Andrea began to wake up to the world in 2001, experiencing a full-blown spiritual awakening in 2012. Since then, she has abandoned herself to guide others to their truest selves. She has shed her former career, ideas, and programming to light the way for others down the same path. This doesn't mean one needs to change everything, but the willingness to do the work to embody their truest essence, gifts, path, and Self Actualization.

    Andrea has been a coach for over a decade, and her newest online course + mentorship opportunity is truly her gift to the world. The I AM Everything Project is her signature program. It is designed to enable all who take it to become everything they need to maintain the highest frequency, Self Mastery, bliss, self-awareness, and purpose.

    Find Andrea

    Connect on InstagramVisit her websiteAndrea's Linktree

    About the Podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live...never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It's not just a "think positive" method or a "go harder" approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa's websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • How do you know when you can trust your intuition? How can you know if it’s your intuition or mind telling you to do something? Melissa explains how to access your intuition and when you can trust it.

    This episode is dropping right around Leyden’s birthday (February 20), which inspired the creation of this podcast. In this personal and powerful episode, Melissa offers one of the most potent lessons she learned from Leyden.

    Melissa also goes in-depth on accessing your intuition and the all-important body and belly connection. She offers tips on making intuition more accessible and uses examples from past clients and her own life. This episode is about cleaning, clearing, and decluttering. Melissa provides the secret to getting past a major block in unlocking your intuitive mind, as well as knowing when you are being pulled by the very thing that is holding you back.

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live... never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • Melissa and Jenna dive into the obvious and not-so-obvious characteristics of narcissism and how to spot them. They also explore the why and how to detach from outcome, the power of trusting your intuition, and tips for strengthening your ability to do so.

    Jenna Brocious is a spiritually intuitive guide and creator of the Positive Intention Prayer Cards. Jenna truly believes just because something bad has happened to you; it doesn’t mean that’s who you are. Having a positive mindset and keeping faith are two priorities she encourages in others. It's Jenna's mission to help, heal and spread love to others, and she's committed to sharing her message of love and healing with as many people as possible.

    Find Jenna

    Connect on InstagramVisit her websiteBuy her Prayer Cards

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live... never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies that are effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at TreasureMint. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • Father and entrepreneur Brandon Cockrell shares lessons ignited from his daughter's journey.

    Brandon dives deep into hitting the inevitable challenges we all face. Melissa and Brandon also speak about their shared journey with finding out their daughters were sick during pregnancy. And Brandon highlights how his now nine-year-old daughter changed the course of his life, how to embrace adversity, and how to commit to finding opportunities within adversity.

    Find Brandon

    Connect @linchpinsalesVisit his website

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live... never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    Podcast edited and mixed by 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • Melissa Martin is a business and embodiment coach and creator of the Boldly Courageous community and podcast. She has walked through dark seasons and knows what it’s like to start over and write a new story. Melissa’s a dog mom, loves her dance parties, and is about to join the Tulum swirl - so these two Melissas get it.

    In this episode, Melissa shares why her life is about being an example, not the expert. She highlights the moments in her life when she became aware of grief, what true integrity looks and feels like, and the meaning of agreement changing.

    Melissa also shares her framework for POWER: pause, observe, welcome, embody, release and rejoice. The two Melissas also talk about how to stay in your truth without making someone else wrong and why it matters that you can only connect the dots looking back. This conversation will leave you will several journal prompts and new insights on each listen.


    Listen to Boldly CourageousLearn about the Embody MastermindConnect @themelissamartin


    1:25 - What Melissa’s about & how her villain calls her in4:06 - The root of imposter syndrome8:02 - Two different perspectives on grief11:15 - How defining moments often bring grief14:43 - A healthy view of integrity18:47 - Grief can be paused (or even ended)25:14 - Navigating defining moments that may have a grief element30:13 - Identifying and knowing when you are complete to move forward34:49 - How to find completeness when life forces your move43:57 - Savoring the magic show of life

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live... never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    Podcast edited and mixed by 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • TEDx speaker, entrepreneur, and investor Diamandia Lingos joins Melissa to discuss how we can create our dream life, regardless of our circumstances. After navigating an earth-shattering grief journey and having no money in the bank, Diamandia took action to rebuild her life, leading her to be a world traveler, speaker, coach, consultant, and investor.

    In this episode, Diamandia shares why servicing others is the key to unlocking ourselves, how to break the generational shame, and why reflecting on your exes might be the key to understanding yourself.

    Listen to Diamandia’s TEDx talk and connect with her on Instagram @diamandia.


    1:02 - Who gets your deep conversations?2:33 - On the forefront of suicide, trauma, and resilience6:39 - The universe brings Diamandia and Melissa back together after years8:52 - Opting into your growth and choosing to do the work11:59 - How to make your fear insignificant14:24 - The steps to take ownership of what's broken in your life21:33 - Why we need to talk about the things that scare us27:54 - Generational shame as a toolbox29:01 - Diamandia's evolution36:28 - Show up for yourself

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live... never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    Podcast edited and mixed by 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki

  • This is Melissa’s person. Former Nike Master Trainer. Former New York City Rockette. Current multi-six figure entrepreneur. Melissa and Samantha are meant to be in each other’s lives.

    Get ready to get in touch with your intuition. Samantha shares the harrowing and brave story of moving through divorce, choosing herself over her dance career, and how she discovered her superpowers.

    Samantha is a person whose energy you want in your life. Melissa often shares that you are the product of the energies you surround yourself with - and this person should be a part of your energy.

    This episode is about choosing you. Standing in your power. Finding your superpowers. Staying open to the possibilities - even when it’s going to suck. You will want to listen to this one.


    2:01 - Paying attention to goosebumps4:11 - The value of expanding the definition of grief6:30 - Ignoring your intuition11:07 - How to navigate "what if"14:47 - Finding neutral is step one17:40 - How Sam became a Rockette (even though it was impossible)23:30 - Choosing between your intuition and love28:33 - Redefining our past versions36:48 - The two ways Sam changes women's lives41:56 - Unbecoming your past to step into your true self42:49 - Get in touch with Sam's energy

    Find Sam on her website or Instagram @samanthajoharvey. And follow her podcast, Full Out!

    And if you want to go deeper with Melissa and Samantha in person, learn more about their upcoming event in Tulum!!! That’s right, Samantha will be there leading a workshop!

    About Samantha

    Samantha is a professional dancer, life coach, and entrepreneur. Through her personal struggles with worthiness, disordered eating, and divorce, she discovered the importance of personal development, spirituality, gratitude, and a supportive tribe. She empowers women to rediscover their passion, rewrite their stories, and step into their power. She’s here to help YOU get out of your own way so you can LIVE LIFE FULL OUT.

    About the podcast

    Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

    Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

    Meet the host

    When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live... never mind love life, again.

    As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

    ​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

    Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

    We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

    It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

    Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

    Connect with Melissa

    Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


    Podcast edited and mixed by 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

    Catch up with me on socials!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.dlugolecki

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@melissadlugolecki

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDlugolecki