
  • EPISODE 163 of GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on cupping, acupuncture and other East Asian therapies. We discuss the history and safety of cupping therapy, a traditional Chinese medicine practice, and its integration with modern research. We also explore various East Asian medical techniques and practices, including acupuncture, moxibustion, and Chinese herbal medicine. Emphasizing the importance of tailoring treatments to an individual's constitution, health, and health goals, we discuss the role of mindset in the effectiveness of acupuncture and wellness practices, and also explore the concept of chi in East Asian medicine and its origins, evolution, and misconceptions. Today’s featured expert is Dr. Tom Ingegno, DACM, LAC, the best-selling author of The Cupping Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Healing. Dr. Tom owns and operates Charm City Integrative Health, a multifaceted clinic that provides a multidimensional approach to reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and regulating the immune system to help people thrive. In addition to nearly a quarter century of clinical experience, Dr. Tom has taught at two universities of East Asian Medicine and served as Chair of the Maryland Board of Acupuncture. He was the director of acupuncture for a chain of wellness centers in the mid-Atlantic. Dr. Tom has been featured in both consumer and professional media, spreading his message of health using modern research, traditional practices, and humor to make complex theories and treatments understandable. His professional passion is to help patients and like-minded practitioners develop no-nonsense practices to allow people to maximize their health.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 Holistic healing practices, including acupuncture, cupping, massage, and dietary advice.

    9:53 Acupuncture effectiveness and practitioner experience.

    14:39 Cupping, a traditional healing practice, and its differences with acupressure.

    19:3 Cupping therapy for musculoskeletal and mental wellness.

    23:29 Acupuncture and its effects on the brain, body, and energy.

    29:26 Tai Chi, chi flow, and safety guidelines for cupping therapy.

    33:00 Biohacking and alternative medicine

    Learn more about about Tom Ingegno and The Cupping Book.


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ccintegrative/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CharmCityIntegrative/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/baltimoreacupuncture

    Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/charm-city-integrative-health/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CharmCityIntegrativeHealthBaltimore

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  • EPISODE 162 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on four pillars of wellness, and the importance of mind-body practices, such as yoga and meditation, in managing stress and anxiety. We emphasize the need to identify your passions and purpose in life, and to listen to your body through personalized nutrition rather than following the latest fad. We share practical tips and insights for incorporating these practices into daily life, and emphasize the importance of being open-minded and trusting oneself. A key takeaway is that it's important to release limiting beliefs and embrace the present moment in order to lead a fulfilling life.

    Today’s featured expert is Sherri Lukac. CEO and Founder of Red House Wellness. She holds a BS degree in Exercise Physiology from Oregon State University and has more than 25 years of experience in the health and wellness field. She is a Certified Life Coach, Baptiste Power Yoga Teacher, Aerial Yoga Teacher, David Ji Meditation Teacher and a Passion Test Facilitator.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 Exercise physiology, yoga, and personal empowerment with Sherry Lukac

    4:34 Finding happiness and fulfillment through identifying passions and incorporating them into daily life.

    11:52 Meditation and mindfulness for stress relief and personal growth.

    18:07 Wellness retreats and self-care practices.

    24:04 Personalized nutrition and self-discovery.

    30:41 Mindfulness, stress management, and personal growth.

    Learn more about about Sherri Lukac and the 7 Day Discovery Transformational Retreat in Park City, Utah


    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

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  • Puuttuva jakso?

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  • EPISODE 161 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on demonstrable benefits of lifestyle adaptations for reversing Alzheimer's.
    I talk with Dr. Heather Sandison, a renowned naturopathic doctor specializing in neurocognitive medicine, and author of the newly released book, Reversing Alzheimer’s: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health. The founder of the Solcere Health clinic, San Diego's premier brain optimization clinic, and Marama, the first residential memory care facility with the goal of returning cognitively declined residents to independent living, Dr. Sandison has dedicated her career to supporting those suffering with dementia. Dr. Sandison is the primary author of a publication, Observed Improvement in Cognition during a Personalized Lifestyle Intervention in People with Cognitive Decline, published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, and hosts the annual online Reverse Alzheimer's Summit. She is excited to shatter common misconceptions about Alzheimer's and share what she has learned about keeping your brain sharp at any age.

    Episode Timeline:

    0:11 Introduction to cognitive decline and brain health with naturopathic doctor, Heather Sandison

    3:46 Reversing cognitive decline through a holistic approach

    9:31 Results of Improving cognitive function in Alzheimer's patients through a clinical trial

    16:09 Ketogenic diet benefits for brain health, including optimal fuel source, detoxification, and anti-inflammatory effects

    23:12 Benefits of partner dancing such as ballroom dancing for cognitive health

    27:34 Brain training activities, importance of enjoyment, and establishing habits for brain health

    34.37 Preventing and delaying Alzheimer's disease through lifestyle changes

    Learn more about Dr. Heather Sandison’s work and Preventing Alzheimer’s.






    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch


    Download your free Introduction to the Change Your Aging Masterplan.

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  • EPISODE 160 of GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on alcohol use, excessive drinking, and the destructive effect of alcoholism on health. Alcohol consumption is highest in the Boomer Generation, and there are differences between alcohol use in men and women. I speak with Duncan Bhaskaran Brown, author of “ Real Men Quit. Our conversation revolved around the common assumptions that lead men to indulge in excessive drinking, and the importance of understanding the advantages and disadvantages of different systems for addressing addiction. We discussed how to overcome alcohol addiction in midlife, emphasizing the need for empathy and open communication and touched on the effects of alcohol consumption on health and wellbeing, including the impact on cortisol levels, sleep quality, memory recall, and brain shrinkage. As both of us enjoy dancing, the conversation also touched on the social advantages of dance and how it can be enjoyed without the need to drink.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 Introduction to alcohol and its effects on health, touching on men and women's differences.

    4:18 Personal experiences of alcohol addiction and recovery, and the impact on relationships.

    9:20 Alcohol addiction, local politics, and dance.

    14:28 Traditional English folk dancing and social effects

    17:05 Moderate drinking's effects on sleep and memory.

    9:56 Unpacking beliefs and managing thoughts to change behavior.

    25:66 Using techniques like visualization, action, and unlearning to overcome negative habits like drinking.

    30:31 The value of a coach to help quit drinking

    Learn more about about Duncan Bhaskaran Brown and “Real Men Quit.”



    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/duncanbhaskaranbrown/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BhaskaranBrown

    Website: https://www.bhaskaranbrown.com/

    Amazon: https://amzn.to/4aoXvQf

    Listener freebie: https://www.getover.uk

    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

    Schedule a free Discovery Call with Dr. Gillian to learn about the Change Your Aging Masterplan.

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    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
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  • Episode 159 of GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the use of monitoring devices and trackers, measuring biometric data such as heart rate variability, sleep patterns and multiple other approaches, to achieve optimal health and well-being. We explore the intricate relationship between sleep, movement, and music on overall health, and highlight the therapeutic potential of activities such as dance and music.

    Today’s Featured Expert, Dr Torkil Færø is author of The Norwegian bestseller, The Pulse Cure: Balance Stress, Optimize Health and Live Longer, in which he describes how the causes of our modern diseases are most often found in the stresses our lifestyles place on our bodies. Dr. Faero is a general practitioner and emergency physician, a documentary filmmaker and photographer, and author of five books, including The Pulse Cure. He has taught photographic workshops in Norway, and other countries such as Morocco, France, Cuba, Ethiopia, Israel, Palestine, the Faroe Islands, Croatia, Sri Lanka, Montenegro and Spitsbergen. He has traveled by car, bicycle, motorbike, and kayak and sailboat through over 80 countries. In 1996, he was one of the first Norwegian medics to work with Doctors Without Borders, in war torn Angola. In his 25 year career as a freelance doctor, working all over Norway he has gained a unique picture of the diseases that plague our modern society

    Episode Timeline:

    0:01 Introduction to aging, health, and lifestyle changes “through the lens” of a doctor-photographer.

    6:59 Heart rate variability as a stress indicator, using devices to measure it, and how it can impact health.

    15:13 How sleep and lifestyle changes impact heart rate variability.

    25:51 Aging and using biometric data for wellness and personalized health.

    32:09 Aging and longevity with a focus on the autonomic nervous system, and the importance of movement and nutrition

    Learn more about about Dr. Faero

    Website: thepulsecure.com

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/torkil-f%C3%A6r%C3%B8-97348b1/

    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

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    Schedule a free Discovery Call with Dr. Gillian to learn about the Change Your Aging Masterplan.

    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gillian.lockitch/
    GOLY Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growingolderlivingyounger

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gillianlockitch/

    X: https://twitter.com/GilliansReviews

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  • EPISODE 158 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on functional medicine, and the value of having a health coach to support the lifestyle changes you might make to promote wellness and live younger longer. I talk with functional medicine health coach trainer, Sandra Scheinbaum, founder and CEO of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA), a collaboration with the Institute for Functional Medicine. Sandra has been an educator, clinical psychologist, author, and public speaker for over 40 years. She hosts the Health Coach Talk podcast. At 65, rather than retiring, she founded the FMCA to train health coaches and grow the health coaching profession so that people can get the support they need to lead healthier lives.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 Functional medicine is a systems-based approach to healthcare that focuses on root causes and personalized treatment plans.

    11:23 Becoming a functional medicine coach or practitioner.

    17:16 How the functional medicine coaching program, through personal transformation can promote youthful aging.

    24:40 Nutrition, exercise, and connecting with community as 3 key pillars for healthy aging.

    32:39 Changing aging, wellness, and nutrition with a functional medicine coach.

    Learn more about about Sandra Scheinbaum and the FMCA




    Follow Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

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  • EPISODE 157 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on one of the key pillars of the Growing Older Living Younger Roadmap for healthy aging - positive relationships built through personal and community connections. We recognize the importance of positive relationships in counteracting negative, stress-response evoking emotions such as loneliness or sadness, that impact physical and mental health. When there is strife within a partnership or a marriage, a vicious cycle may ensue, of negative emotions causing stress responses, which in turn causes partners to engage in further angry behaviors, triggering more negative emotions. Anger is one of the most effective emotions in damaging a relationship. Feelings of annoyance, outrage or hostility, release stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, and ramps up the negative ways in which the couple interact with each other. But what if there is a simple and fun way to break the cycle of blame and recrimination ?

    In today’s episode I talk with Rod Jeter, who asks the simple question, “Why Be angry?” A couple of years ago, Rod and his wife were kicked out of marriage counselling in what was just the fifth, of what was supposed to be twelve, sessions. Rod admits it was clearly his fault for being stubborn. So he set to work to create a game to help couples resolve their disagreements in minutes. This game is YBAngry. We discuss how and why the game works to fix relationships and resolve differences.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 Breaking cycle of blame in marriages with game creator, Rod Jeter

    4:01 Marriage counselling and relationship issues.

    7:41 Resolving disagreements in relationships.

    14:05 Example of the car issue with ranking and agreement.

    19:25 Communication techniques.

    26:30 Communication and conflict resolution

    30:06 Effectively resolving relationship issues through a game

    Learn more about Rod Jeter and YBAngry

    Gift: 3 FREE TIPS- https://YBAngry.com

    Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@YBAngry?sub_confirmation=1

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mrrodjeter

    Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/mrrodjeter

    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

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    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gillian.lockitch/
    GOLY Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growingolderlivingyounger

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  • EPISODE 156 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the powers of love, resilience, curiosity and courage to enable one to survive the most profound and catastrophic childhood traumas imaginable. Used wisely, those same powers will lead us to age gracefully to live younger longer. My guest today exemplifies survival through courage and resilience. Eighty-eight year old Janet Singer Applefield, holocaust survivor and author of “Becoming Janet: Finding Myself in the Holocaust”, was given away by her parents when she was seven years old. It was days before her parents were forced to report for a mandatory selection, the Nazis term for systematically separating those to be immediately murdered, from those to be worked to death. She survived the holocaust by hiding on a farm under a false identity. Miraculously, her father survived the camps and 3 years, found her in an orphanage. Janet learned 72 years later, that her mother had been exterminated at the Belzec death camp. If there's anyone who can teach us about bravery, resilience and hope, it is Janet Singer Applefield, through her memoir, showing how profound tragedy can be transformed into hope, self determination, and ultimately joy.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 Resilience, courage, and hope in the face of childhood trauma and the Holocaust.

    5:13 Janet’s Holocaust survival story, starting with her separation at age 7 from her parents

    11:32 Surviving WWII as a young Jewish girl, reuniting with her father after 3.5 years, and immigrating to America.

    19:18 How today, she shares her holocaust stories through speaking invitations, to thousands of children a year.

    22:00 Insights on living with purpose, keeping busy and constantly challenging one’s assumptions to keep youthful

    26:00 Sharing insights on preparing for retirement and finding purpose in older age.

    30:7 Gratitude for the heroes of her story, who saved her life at the risk of losing their own and how the smallest act of kindness has a ripple effect.

    Learn more about about Janet Singer Applefield and Becoming Janet: Finding Myself In The Holocaust”. (https://a.co/d/5LmB3b0)

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/janetapplefieldauthor

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/janetapplefield/

    WEB: https://www.janetapplefield.com/

    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

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    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
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  • EPISODE 155 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on travel and the value of seeking out and relishing new experiences for living young. My favourite form of travel was dance cruising and for years I shared my Dance Cruise Travelblogues on my lifestyles website. When covid hit us and the world shut down, travel, and especially dance cruising, was no longer feasible. Now like many of my contemporaries, I am ready to fill the holes in my travel bucket list. And so I'm specially delighted to talk today with Rodney George, a luxury travel consultant with over 15 years of experience in the travel industry. Rodney leads an agency of travel professionals with a combined 185 years of travel experience, dedicated to providing personalized service and curating perfect travel experiences. Whether it's a romantic getaway or a family vacation, Rodney’s extensive knowledge of the best hotels, resorts and destinations around the world, as well as the latest safety protocols and travel trends, allows him to tailor each trip to his client’s specific needs and preferences.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 A conversation on aging, health, and travel with a luxury travel consultant.

    5:28 Luxury travel, cruises, and those pesky single supplements.

    12:43 Luxury travel planning and budget constraints.

    18: 42 Cruise travel planning and the importance of expert advice for aging baby boomers.

    24:38 Luxury travel, including customized tours and experiences.

    32:41 Memories, travel and aging and tips for living younger.

    Learn more about about Rodney George and Luxury Travel at:

    The Luxury Travelers Podcast



    Meet Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

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  • EPISODE 154 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER illustrates the importance of mental attitude and physical activity for enhancing health span. Today I talk with triathlon and endurance coach, Joe Friel. With a master's degree in Exercise Science, Joe was a marathoner and running coach throughout the 1970s and early 1980s. After his first triathlon in 1983 he began coaching multi sport athletes, becoming one of the first triathlon coaches in the country. His book The Triathletes Training Bible, remains the best selling book on triathlon training. Joe currently lives and trains in the mountains of northern Arizona. It struck me that Joe Friel is a poster child for Super-Aging, and I wanted him to share with us, the inner drive and passion for his sport that keeps him fit and actively training in his 80s Some of the most frequent concerns I hear from participants in the Change Your aging Master Plan is that their activity level has decreased with age. Many have arthritis, fibromyalgia, or osteoporosis, and are much less inclined to keep mobile and active throughout the day. The first chapter in Joe's Triathletes Training Bible shows that a mental toughness mindset combining commitment, confidence and patience, is the key to success as a triathlete. I believe also that an essential key to aging youthfully is maintaining a mindset that with commitment, confidence and patience, we can remain physically and mentally vibrant, energized and active throughout our life.

    Episode Timeline:

    0:11 Aging youthfully with endurance coach Joe Friel.

    4:51 Life journey from runner to triathlon coach

    10:26 Transition to writing books

    14:17 Exercise habits, aging and injuries

    18:48 Impact of mental strength and fitness on a cycling athlete

    25:31 Mental preparation for competition

    31.28 Aging, maintaining fitness, and mental well-being

    Learn more about about Joe Friel:


    Twitter: @jfriel

    Book: The Triathlete's Training Bible: The World's Most Comprehensive Training Guide, 5th Edition

    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

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  • EPISODE 153 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the healing power of creativity through expression of the visual arts. Art therapy in the broadest sense is a form of psychotherapy that allows individuals to express themselves in ways that words cannot. It provides a safe outlet for emotions, thoughts, and experiences. In previous episodes we have explored dance therapy and music therapy. Visual art forms include painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video and film.

    I talk with Karen DeLoach, artist, art mentor, author, actor and Creativity Specialist. After a 30+ year career as a home school mom, private and public school art and film teacher, Karen became an online Creativity Specialist and art mentor. She currently teaches art history and appreciation in college, using textbooks that she has written and she can bear witness to the healing power of art. She believes that most of us have had our sensitive, intuitive, imaginative, right-brain brilliance trivialized, wounded and under-developed but that creativity is within us all. Karen and her husband have a home-based ministry and home group called Imagine Gathering.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 Art therapy and creativity for healing.

    3:10 Creativity, art, and passion with an artist.

    6:56 Artistic talent and creativity.

    11:06 Art as self-therapy and creativity in older age.

    15:52 Art therapy's impact on brain recovery after stroke.

    19:33 Creativity, art, and personal growth.

    24:00 Creativity, legacy, and aging with a focus on the arts.

    31:52 Creativity, self-expression, and aging.

    Learn more about about Karen DeLoach and art therapy

    tps://www.karendeloach.com/gift (ebooklet on Tips for Wellness Through Creativity)www.linkedin.com/in/karen-deloach-b212bb1a



    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

    Grab your copy of Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably

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    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
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    GOLY Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growingolderlivingyounger

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  • EPISODE 152 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on Parkinson’s Disease, the impact on individuals with Parkinson’s. and on their family and caretakers supporting them. Parkinson’s Disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's Disease. In the US nearly 90,000 people are newly diagnosed each year and in Canada, around 11,000. In this episode we highlight the efforts of one man to honor the life and memory of his mother, by raising awareness of Parkinson’s disease through TogetherForSharon®. See links below.

    Today’s featured guest is George Ackerman PhD. From Brooklyn, N.Y, but now residing in Florida, George works in the fields of law, police, and education. George lost his mother, Sharon Riff Ackerman, to Parkinson’s Disease. Wanting to honor his mother and bring about greater awareness of Parkinson’s Disease, together with his family he started TogetherForSharon®. As well as keeping Sharon’s memory alive, they wanted to share the message of Parkinson’s Awareness, and garner hope for a cure. The website, https://www.togetherforsharon.com/ reaches thousands of individuals across the country. George currently interviews individuals throughout the Parkinson’s community including various foundations, caregivers, and Parkinson’s warriors to help share their stories and causes on the Together For Sharon podcast.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 Introducing Parkinson's disease, awareness and hope for a cure.

    3:20 Caregiving, and advocacy for Parkinson's disease.

    9:12 Parkinson's disease progression and end-of-life care.

    13:59 Parkinson's disease symptoms, diagnosis, and fundraising efforts.

    19:03 Research and potential causes.

    24:53 Living with Parkinson's disease and advocacy for support.

    Learn more about about George Ackerman, Together for Sharon, and Parkinson’s Disease:

    Website https://www.togetherforsharon.com/

    Email [email protected]

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/togetherforsharon112020

    Twitter/X https://twitter.com/togetherforsha

    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

    Schedule a free Discovery Call with Dr. Lockitch to hear how you can Change Your Aging.

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    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
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    X: https://twitter.com/GilliansReviews

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  • EPISODE 151 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on individualized nutrition and exercise programs to prevent and reverse diseases as we age.

    Today’s Featured Expert is Amy K. Wilson, a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist and certified fitness professional. Amy is also a certified nutrition coach using the FASTer Way to Fat Loss platform. Amy’s mission is to empower and equip her clients to take charge of their health, by developing individualized health plans to help prevent and reverse diseases with nutrition and fitness. Through her personal and professional experience, she has seen first hand how diet and exercise can be the key to reversing their pre-diabetes, diabetes, high cholesterol, and more. She is driven to help her clients no longer feeling enslaved by their scale.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 Nutrition and fitness for healthy aging with a geriatric pharmacist and fitness professional.

    2:31 Aging, nutrition, and fitness with a personal journey

    6:13 Midlife weight gain and its prevention through holistic approach.

    11:58 Healthy eating and exercise habits for perimenopause and menopause.

    20:16 Aging well, mindset, and weight loss with GLP-1 agonist drugs.

    25:55 Ozempic and its effects on weight loss and blood sugar balance

    31:27 Low-carb diets and intermittent fasting for optimal health.

    34:51 Fitness, nutrition, and aging with a certified coach.

    Learn more about about Amy K. Wilson


    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

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    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
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  • In EPISODE 150 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER I celebrate the power of commitment and constancy that enabled this podcast to reach the milestone of 150 episodes, aired every Monday for three years without fail. Previous episodes have spotlit strategies from authors, researchers and experts about changes in lifestyle and habits that can have a big impact on your health and vitality as you age. Today to celebrate the commitment and constancy that enabled me to reach the milestone of 150 consecutive episodes, the author, researcher and wellness, beauty and healthy aging expert I am spotlighting is me, as I share with you the story behind Growing Older Living Younger and the Change Your Aging Masterplan.

    Episode Timeline

    0.11 Introduction to Aging gracefully with insights from the host. 1:58 Dr. Gillian Lockitch shares her story of loss, resilience, and reinvention in midlife. 5:10 Regaining healthy aging and wellness after emergency spinal surgery. 8:36 A Roadmap for Aging gracefully and healthy living to Live Younger Longer

    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

    Order your copy of Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably at www.gillianlockitch.com

    Download the Growing Older Living Younger app for your smartphone or tablet

    Schedule a free Discovery Call with Dr. Gill

    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gillian.lockitch/
    GOLY Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growingolderlivingyoung

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gillianlockitch/

    X: https://twitter.com/GilliansReviews

    And if you have not already done so, please follow, rate and review this Growing Older Living Younger podcast.

  • EPISODE 149 of GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on developing and maintaining a positive relationship with food, to reach and maintain a healthy target weight.

    Today’s Featured Expert is Kim Shapira, celebrity dietitian, nutritional therapist, and author of This Is What You're Really Hungry for: Six Simple Rules to Transform Your Relationship with Food to Become Your Healthiest Self. Kim has a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Tulane University and a Master’s degree in Human Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition from Boston University. For over 25 years she has helped people lose weight and keep it off, both in her private Los Angeles practice, and in hospitals, sports clinics, addiction centers and universities. When she's not helping her clients take back their relationship with food, she enjoys life as a wife and mother of three children and three pups.

    Episode Timeline:

    0:11 Food habits for healthy aging with celebrity dietitian Kim Shapira.

    2:32 Nutrition and wellness

    10:10 Healthy eating and dietary approaches with a nutritionist / dietitian.

    14:27 Overcoming limiting beliefs and developing a healthy relationship with food.

    20:09 Mindful eating and recognizing emotional triggers.

    24:55 Hunger, eating habits, and food addiction.

    30:31 Sleep and its importance for overall health.

    33:49 Health and wellness habits with a focus on self-care and empowerment.

    39:16 Aging, health, and relationships

    Learn more about about Kim Shapira




    Book: This Is What You're Really hungry for: Six Simple Rules to Transform Your Relationship with Food to Become Your Healthiest Self.

    Use Promo code 35% off/ hungryfor24

    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

    Download your free Guide to Living Younger Longer.

    Download the Growing Older Living Younger app for your smartphone or tablet

    Schedule a free Discovery Call with Dr. Gill

    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gillian.lockitch/
    GOLY Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growingolderlivingyounger

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gillianlockitch/

    X: https://twitter.com/GilliansReviews

    And if you have not already done so, follow, rate and review this Growing Older Living Younger podcast.

  • EPISODE 148 of GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) and Hypnotherapy to overcome past traumas, anxiety and adult ADHD.

    Today’s Featured Expert is EFT Master Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Theresa Lear Levine.Theresa is the, Founder of Becoming More Me, LLC, Creator of the Becoming More Me Signature Program and Author of BECOMING MORE ME: Tapping into Success– Subconscious Secrets of an ADHD Entrepreneurial Mom. As a self-described an ADHD entrepreneurial wife and mom of 4 boys, Theresa is passionate about helping professional women ditch anxiety, limiting beliefs, and past trauma to reclaim their power and step into a new paradigm abundant in inner peace, self-trust, and confidence.

    Episode Timeline

    0:11 Emotional freedom techniques and hypnotherapy for overcoming trauma and anxiety.

    2:42 ADHD diagnosis and personal growth.

    7:45 Managing anxiety and ADHD with holistic approaches.

    12:08 Emotional Freedom Techniques for managing emotional issues.

    16:49 Hypnotherapy and EFT tapping for personal growth.

    21:17 Law of attraction and manifesting with personal experiences.

    26:31 Using EFT tapping for emotional release and personal growth.

    31:40 Slowing down and living intentionally for better aging.

    Learn more about about Theresa Levine and Becoming More Me at the links below

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/theresalearlevine

    Website: www.theresalearlevine.com

    Podcast Website: www.becomingmoreme.com

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/theresalearlevine

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX2Kj-CBxX_Oj96ZdESjn9Q

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/theresalearlevine


    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

    Download your free Guide to Living Younger Longer.

    Download the Growing Older Living Younger app for your smartphone or tablet

    Schedule a free Discovery Call with Dr. Gill

    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gillian.lockitch/
    GOLY Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growingolderlivingyounger

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gillianlockitch/

    X: https://twitter.com/GilliansReviews

    And if you have not already done so, follow, rate and review this Growing Older Living Younger podcast.

  • EPISODE 147 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on protecting eye, brain and overall health with the antioxidant carotenoid pigments, especially lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin, as determined in the Central Retinal Enrichment Supplementation Clinical Trials (CREST).

    Download my free Guide to the Colourful Antioxidants in Your Food that explains the wellness benefits and food sources of these protective nutrients.

    To tell us how key nutrients can protect our eyes from macular degeneration, and help preserve memory and mental acuity, I talk with today’s Featured Expert, Professor John Nolan. He is a Fulbright Scholar, and a full professor at the South East Technological University (SETU), Waterford, Ireland, where he holds a Howard Chair in Human Nutrition, He is the Director of the Nutrition Research Centre Ireland (NRCI). This research centre studies the role of nutrition for vision, cognitive function and prevention of age-related diseases. In 2011, Prof Nolan won a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) research grant to study the impact of nutritional supplementation on visual function via two Central Retinal Enrichment Supplementation Clinical Trials), and has published 117 peer-reviewed scientific papers.

    Episode Timeline:

    0:11 Why targeted nutrition for Eye Health

    5:17 Nutrition and eye health with a focus on carotenoids.

    10:02 Measuring macular pigment in the eye and its changes with supplements.

    16:04 The importance of macula pigments in eye health.

    21:07 Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin.in eye health.

    28: 07 Sources of antioxidants, micronutrient supplements, and their overall effects on health of the body.

    31:53 Eye health and antioxidants.

    37:41 Antioxidants and healthy aging

    Learn more about Prof John Nolan and the Carotenoid research:





    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

    Download Your free Guide to the Colourful Antioxidants in Your Food

    Download the Growing Older Living Younger app for your smartphone or tablet

    Schedule a free Discovery Call with Dr. Gill

    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gillian.lockitch/
    GOLY Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growingolderlivingyounger

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gillianlockitch/

    X: https://twitter.com/GilliansReviews

    And if you have not already done so, follow, rate and review this Growing Older Living Younger podcast.

  • THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the practice of Zen, Buddhism and how being part of a Zen inspired community can enhance our own practice of calmness and inner peace.

    Today’s Featured Guest is Zen teacher, Susan O'Connell, who has lived at the San Francisco Zen Center since 1995. She held many positions there, including 10 years as Vice President and President, and she is a fully ordained Zen teacher. Prior to her life as a Zen student, Susan owned and operated two film production companies with offices in LA and San Francisco, and produced four independent feature films, and one TV movie. She is the visionary behind Enso village, a Zen inspired senior living community in Northern California.

    Episode Timeline:

    0:11 Intro to Zen practice and its impact on aging

    3:26 Zen practice and Buddhism

    11:37 Buddhism and personal development

    17:05 Buddhist practices and philosophies

    23:31 Zen philosophy and community living

    28:59 Aging gracefully

    Learn more about Susan O”Connell, the San Francisco Zen Center, and Enso village, here:



    About Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

    Order your copy of Growing Older Living Younger, the Science of Aging Gracefully, and the Art of Retiring Comfortably.

    Download your free Guide to Living Younger Longer.

    Schedule a free Discovery Call with Dr. Gill

    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gillian.lockitch/
    GOLY Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growingolderlivingyounger

  • THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the impact of environmental toxins and toxicants on our health, how to recognize the adverse effects on our health and how to detoxify ourselves and our environment. Though we think we live “clean”, toxins are everywhere- in food, water, the air we breathe.

    Today’s guest Is Dr. Wendie Trubow, who together with her husband, Dr. Ed Levitan, co-authored the book, "Dirty Girl: Ditch the Toxins, Look Great, and Feel Freaking Amazing." A Functional Medicine certified practitioner and gynaecologist, Wendie is passionate about helping women optimize their health and lives. Through her personal struggles with mold and metal toxicity, celiac disease, and other health issues, Dr. Trubow has developed a deep sense of compassion and expertise for what her patients are facing. In their membership based wellness organization, Five Journeys, they focus on integrating 5 core areas of health to create wellness plans for their members.

    Episode Timeline:

    0:11 Introduction to environmental toxin impact on health, and detoxification strategies.

    3:13 How Wendie’s professional career and personal experience led to Five Journeys.

    10:20 Creating healthy habits and self-care.

    15:54 Environmental toxins and their impact on health.

    22:50 Toxins and their impact on the body.

    26:30 Therapeutic nutrition and evaluating client health

    33:54 Non-toxic living for optimal metabolic health

    Learn more about Dr. Wendie Trubow







    About Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

    Order your copy of Growing Older Living Younger, the Science of Aging Gracefully, and the Art of Retiring Comfortably.

    Download your free Guide to Living Younger Longer.

    Schedule a free Discovery Call with Dr. Gill

    Email Dr. Gill at [email protected]

    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gillian.lockitch/
    GOLY Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growingolderlivingyounger

    And if you have not already done so, please follow, rate and review the Growing Older Living Younger podcast.

  • EPISODE 144 of GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on healthy aging and longevity, to increase health span not just lifespan.
    Today’s featured guest is Christopher Burres, founder and chief scientist at MyVitalC. In Episode 112 of this podcast, I heard from Chris about ESS60, a unique carbon nano molecule, shown in a single 2012 toxicity study to significantly enhance longevity in the exposed group of Wistar rats. Since our interview, Chris has written, together with Jerome Corsi, a book titled Live Longer and Better: Your Journey to Living Longer and Better has Never been more Achievable than Today. I was also interested to hear all about the upcoming online summit which Chris has curated, called Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity: Living Beyond the Norms where you can hear from experts in all aspects of longevity.

    Episode Timeline:

    0:01 introduction to Aging, longevity, and healthy habits

    2:21 Aging and longevity biohacking with a focus on ESS60.

    6:59 Longevity supplements

    13.42 Aging, longevity, and molecular biology.

    20:01 Aging, longevity, and biohacking with experts.

    26:00 The upcoming Longevity and Living Longer summit

    31:45 Aging, stem cells, and longevity.

    Learn more about Chris Burres and his work:

    Find the book here: Live Longer and Better: Your Journey to Living Longer and Better has Never been more Achievable

    Find Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity: Living Beyond the Norms Summit here:

    Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

    Download your free Guide to Living Younger Longer.

    Download the Growing Older Living Younger app for smartphone or tablet

    Schedule a free Discovery Call with Dr. Gill

    website: https://www.askdrgill.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gillian.lockitch/
    GOLY Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growingolderlivingyounger

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gillianlockitch/

    X: https://twitter.com/GilliansReviews