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Finally the special series no one was asking for! The boys take a break from the movie theater this week to introduce their new nostalgia podcast series, ReMembers Only (get it, like the jacket?).
For the premier episode, we're looking back at the glorious era of late nite tv shows. Not the boring talk shows of today. We talking Benny Hill, the Midnight Special, the Gong Show, and all the other disturbing television that warped young kids minds while in their pajamas and sleeping bags every weekend.
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There can be only one.
As it turns out, "one" is probably too many based on our most recent viewing of this 80s sci-fi/fantasy epic! Christopher Lambert stars as the immortal sword-wielding Scotsmen with a thick French accent hacking and slashing his way thru 80s New York. Tagging along is our favorite be-wigged actor Sean Connery in purple pantaloons and peacock feathers. Add a dash of Queen's soundtrack, and you've got yourself a cult masterpiece. Trust us.
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We got dragons L-I-V-I-N all over the place, y'all. Harken back to 2002 for this wondrous movie starring Mac, Christian Batman, and Gerard Leonidas years before they became the subtle, nuanced character actors they are today.
We'll sweeten the deal by mentioning that were joined this week by show favorite, @mollsmusings who actually suggested we cover this one. We will be dealing with her later.
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feat. James Spader
that's it. Please listen to this one. We suffered to bring it to you
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It's double O hell no this week as the boys make their first pass at Bond movies. We're not entirely sure what happened here, but like always, there's a supervillian bent on world domination, two Bond girls, and a crap ton of gadgets designed to kill people in original ways. Not to mention waves and waves of easily accessible ladies along the way.
Endlessly fun throughout, but the sheer amount of camp and cheese left us very shaken (not stirred). -
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Happy New Year, y'all. We're starting 25 with lots of chomp by reviewing one of the big 'uns, the OG Jurassic Park. Over 30 years old and not even a scratch on it. Stick around til the end where the gang lovingly discuss things in Hollywood they wish would go extinct. Fun!
#jurassicpark #dino #1993 #blockbusters #trex #goldblum #podcast #nostalgia #mst3k -
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We're wrapping up 2024 with a very special movie picked by our new guest contributor @kevin_the_movie_guy. Better yet, Kevin's sitting in for this one too!
We decided Santa could just go to hell for the time being because we wanna talk about 1996's From Dusk Til Dawn. It's a subtle little understated character study of a criminal and his sex predator brother fighting evil vampire strippers in a Mexican roadhouse. Pass the eggnog!
Stick around til the end when we do a multigenerational review of the top movies from 2024, 1994, and 1984. -
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You're gonna like these apples for sure. This week the boys are going back to 1997 to revisit this amazing take on the "troubled genius" theme that Hollywood loves so wicked much. Watching hurts a little more this time knowing Williams isnt with us anymore, but luckily the Southie accents more than make up for it.
Spoiler! The boys liked this one a lot and were really at a loss for words which, we suppose, is not very good for a podcast. Listen anyways, ya Barneys. -
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We're looking back at a Christmas movie that even our snarky GenX personalities cannot diminish. Quotable, hilarious, and tolerantly sappy, Will Ferrel's portrayal as the 6'3" elf alone to his own devices in the Big Apple is a favorite among the Grumpy Nostalgia offices. Plus Jimmy Caan. Plus Peter Dinklage. Plus the insufferably cute Zoey Deschanel. Grab your syrup and join us.
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Gobble Gobble, y'all.
We're so caught up in the holiday excitement preamble, we are using our precious studio time to wrap gifts and browse thru the Sears Christmas catalog making our lists for Big Red.
In the meanwhile, please revisit this lost episode that no one really bothered listening to the first time. We really never got over that. Please give this one a listen and be our Holiday miracle. Then we could walk like the other podcasters! -
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This week, we're diving into the 1990 Dick Tracy movie. Remember this one? Of course you dont.
Imagine Tim Burton’s Gotham got hit with a color filter that only understands primary colors and then added... a whole lot of questionable choices.
Warren Beatty is no Michael Keaton (sorry, buddy), but he does give it his best shot. And Pacino? Well, let’s just say he was definitely a more over-the-top villain than Jack Nicholson's Joker—if you replaced menace with ham.
Hit the link in bio to listen now (and let’s just say, we had a lot of feelings).
#DickTracy #Batman1989 #90sMovies #PodcastReview #ComedyPodcast #MovieReview #WarrenBeatty #Madonna #PopCultureThrowback #Nostalgia #SuperheroMovies #FunnyPodcasts #mst3k
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We dare you admit you didn't watch this on HBO at every pizza-fueled sleepover in the 80s. It's a fun mix of horror, comedy, and well-meant gratuitous gore and nudity, just like the eighties. Your gang had a blast checking this one out again.
To end both the 4th season and their month long horror spectacular, the boys finally reveal their favorite horror films after spending the last two episodes making fun of everybody else's. Spoiler Alert: Your hosts are sissies. -
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Back in the 70s, most things were designed to ruin children. Jarts, doctors smoking in the exam room, steel playgrounds, and television movies about kids getting killed. So naturally, we decided to review the most egregious of these, Salem's Lot. Mostly tame by today's standards, this Stephen King vampire classic broke our little brains and we're pretty bitter about it.
Stick around to the end when we measure ourselves up against Elle Magazine's top 25 Halloween movies. The horror. -
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Horror, dread, and misery. And that's just Keanu's accent. Gary Oldman is serving generous amounts of holiday ham in this campy, unintentionally hilarious 90's horror classic.
Not to be outdone Anthony Hopkins goes full batcrap crazy here too. But it's all okay because our Sweet Winona looks over us all.
The best part for your grumpy hosts however is the presence of our favorite Alaskan homesteader-baker-warrior-ice queen-super cool @mollsmusings sitting in for this one. -
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We're bringing our Dominos pizza and a two liter Coke downstairs to the rumpus room for another late night viewing of the greatest cult horror comedy ever made. Violent, gross, disturbing, yet never not hilarious.
Even better, everyone's favorite veterinarian, Dr K. joins the gang to offer some ridiculously astute and off the wall observations that our hosts have never truly recovered from. -
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Cool teen vampires? No way! We're going back to the glorious 80s this week when a movie like this one would be celebrated by the masses. Is it as good in the rear view mirror? Well sadly, one of your hosts gets violently and copiously sick reliving this one if that's any indication. See if you can guess which one!
After some mopping up and apologizing, the gang test their movie chops by calculating how many of Empire Magazine's 50 greatest horror movies they've actually seen. The results are as embarrassing as ever. -
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To honor last year's Halloween BooNanza, we've decided to re-release those spooky episodes every Saturday this October to introduce them to our new friends while still managing to annoy our regular fans.
This one features our favorite vinyl archivist, @aron_gagliardo as we violate our tender sensibilities reviewing this 1974 Tobe Hooper classic. Bitch hogs unite! -
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This week the boys review this adorable story of American entrepreneurship, love, and pelicans. Al Pacino's iconic, if not over-the-top, performance has developed its own archetype of cinema that's often imitated, rarely duplicated. Show favorite, Michelle Pfeiffer owns the screen only with a few eye rolls and the lethal combo of Brian DePalma and Oliver Stone do the rest. Did we mention the chainsaws?
Stick around for the end where the boys discuss other movies and performances that defined the eras they represented. -
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Is it finally happening? Did a Yoko-type infiltrate and cause the inevitable break up we all saw coming since Twister released in 2022?
In a word: nah
We simply wanted to let you know about some upcoming show news and a slight schedule change for this fall. No, we're not skimping out on any episodes. You're still gonna get all the episodes you paid for. Hey. Wait a minute..... - Näytä enemmän