
  • Jerrell Jobe and Rich Ferreira share about their time in Israel, right from the shore of the Sea of Galilee! What a special time they have had visiting not only familiar sites but, most importantly, familiar people - our treasured Israeli guides, drivers, and partners. This network of friends who feel like family is called "misphocha" [ mish-pookh-uh] - our GTI Tribe.

    As Rich and Jerrell moved throughout the country, they discovered that things were "normal-ish": quiet and peaceful, yet not exactly the same. God willing, soon our groups will be once again walking the Land, the Fifth Gospel!

    Our next scheduled trips to Israel are the "Stand with Israel" Signature Tour (August 2025) and the Jordan/Israel Signature Tour (September 2025). We would love to have you join us. Follow this link to see details on the upcoming trips to Israel as well as other countries such as Turkey & Greece, Egypt, Germany and more!



    [ mish-pookh-uh, -paw-khuh ]


    Yiddish mishpocha derives from Hebrew mishpakhá “family,” as Hebrew is the source of a good portion of Yiddish vocabulary. Hebrew belongs to the Semitic family of languages and isn’t related to English, but we’ve nevertheless inherited numerous culture- and religion-related words from Hebrew, such as amen, cherub, jubilee, and hallelujah. Like its Hebrew source, mishpocha means more than just “immediate family”—it’s the collection of all blood relatives, relatives by marriage, and dear friends.

  • 2025 plans are blooming this spring with classic itineraries plus NEW discoveries on our SEVEN Signature Tours! Listen to this fun episode as Rich, Jerrell and Richard describe the lineup one by one:

    Egypt/Jordan (Footsteps of Moses) - March 5-17, 2025

    Jordan/Saudi Arabia - March 16-24, 2025

    Turkey/Greece - April 24 - May 5, 2025

    Stand with Israel - Aug. 24 - Sept. 4, 2025

    Jordan/Israel - Sept. 6-18, 2025

    Germany/Switzerland (Reformation Tour) - Oct. 6-17, 2025

    Greece/Rome - Oct. 16-27, 2025

    Regardless of which trip you choose, you will enjoy the best of the country and culture we are visiting, as well as local guides, exceptional food, diverse itinerary, and biblical teaching. Join us and watch the Land and Lessons of the Bible come to LIFE!

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    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • In the wake of the April 14 attack on Israel by Iran, Rich speaks with Israeli guide and friend Dan Mossek for an update from his perspective. We are thankful to report that our Israeli team and partners are safe and there was little (if any) damage.

    Dan describes that life in Israel April 15 was essentially "business as usual": Jerusalem is quiet, the Gaza situation is contained, and several airlines are returning service to Israel. God willing, Rich will be flying into Tel Aviv in early May and will give another update. Please continue to pray for Israel and her people as they stand strong.

    "The Lord is my light and my salvation—

    whom shall I fear?

    The Lord is the stronghold of my life—

    of whom shall I be afraid?

    When the wicked advance against me

    to devour me,

    it is my enemies and my foes

    who will stumble and fall.

    Though an army besiege me,

    my heart will not fear;

    though war break out against me,

    even then I will be confident...

    For in the day of trouble

    he will keep me safe in his dwelling;

    he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent

    and set me high upon a rock.

    Psalm 27: 1-3, 5

  • Rich Ferreira interviews our veteran tour guide Ronen Khayat for an update on Israel. As of this recording (March 29, 2024), things are quiet in and around Jerusalem. The northern and southern borders are feeling the tension, but only two of our typical sites on an Israel tour are closed. Daily life in most of the country has adapted to the "new normal."

    One of the many things we love about our Israeli team is that the guides and drivers are friends and enjoy spending time together. They like to explore their own country in their free time, not only to learn it better but to enjoy it! Ronen and the group recently visited Emmaus (seven miles from Jerusalem, according to Luke 24:13-35) and saw Roman milestone markers (see photos). They also like to off-road in the Judean desert and prepare lunch on the grill. Israel in March is lush and green, with many flowering trees and plants. Until our groups can return, enjoy these beautiful photos!

    Rich will be returning to Israel in early May and will be giving us another update, so stay tuned!

  • Our newest Signature Tour journeys to the heart of the Reformation - Germany! This September, we will trace the life, ministry, and theology of Martin Luther and other Reformers whom God used to reignite the evangelical movement. Listen to this episode as Rich Ferreira and trip leader Rich Liverance describe the uniqueness of this itinerary: being in Europe vs. the Middle East, walking instead of hiking, singing hymns along the way, discussing WWII and figures like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, visiting historical sites and seeing stunning spectacles like the Neuschwanstein castle in the Bavarian Alps.

    From the medieval streets to the pastoral countryside to the modern cities of Berlin and Munich, this tour will encompass the best of German culture and cuisine. In addition, Rich will teach us the history of theology and the defense of the Gospel! Explore Germany and the relevance of the Reformation with us. It just might light a spark in your life as we discover again God's power to save.

    Space is limited! Register today at gtitours.org/reformation

    GTI Signature Tour of Germany, Sept. 11-19, 2024

  • Rich's better half Becky joins him for this podcast recounting GTI's recent Staff & Family Trip to Turkey! During the week of Thanksgiving, our group of 75 traveled to Turkey to study the Seven Churches of Revelation. Our eclectic crew of staff, spouses, kids and grandkids came from all over the US: Michigan, California, Florida, Texas, Tennessee and South Carolina.

    Contrary to popular belief, Turkey is not part of the Middle East and is a safe destination. Its people are Muslims but not Arabs. Turkey is an incredible and underrated country with rich history, stunning ruins and fabulous food. Turkey is the Asia Minor mentioned in scripture; 75 percent of the New Testament was written either to or from Asia Minor!

    Becky shares some specific sites and faith lessons she cherished from the packed week overseas. A big part of her joy was watching their 4 kids experience a different culture while watching the Word come to life! The natural hot springs, hot air balloon ride, time on the bus together and special restaurants were the icing on the cake. The hotel chef even prepared Thanksgiving food for us on Thursday 
 so yes, we ate TURKEY IN TURKEY (and mashed potatoes too)!

    The Seven Churches of Revelation and the sites around them paint a powerful picture of life in the first-century Christian Church. Come see for yourself! Our Signature Tour of Turkey (and Greece!) is Sept. 15-25, 2024. Learn more and register with this link:


    If you'd like to read our trip blog, find it here:


  • GTI's resident archaeologist Rich Liverance joins this podcast. The relatively new science of archaeology is a common topic on our biblical study tours. Rich shares from his personal experience at the active digs of Abel Beth Maccah in northern Israel, as well as Tel a Hammam in Jordan (the possible site of Sodom). From roping off a site into 5m squares to finding an iron blade, Rich knows what a day on a dig is like! He also reminds us that the Bible interprets the Bible. Archaeology CONFIRMS the Bible, as well as give material culture to the text. For example, the 1993 discovery at Tel Dan of a tablet mentioning the "House of David" confirms King David's existence and impact 150 years after his life; the discovery of a wall or some jewelry would illuminate the lifestyle of the people who lived in David's time.

    For further reading, we recommend the following resources:

    The GTI Tours Facebook pageBiblical Archaeology by Amihai MazarUnder Jerusalem: The Buried History of the World's Most Contested City by Andrew LawlerThe Source by James A. Michener

    If you are interested in a future Reformation Tour of Germany and Switzerland or in exploring Saudi Arabia, please email Rich and let him know at [email protected].

  • Israeli guide Dan Mossek is our podcast guest on this episode. Dan has been partnering with GTI for 10 years and brings expertise on theology, geography, history and archaeology. Speaking as a former soldier and current recruit trainer, he shares an update on Israel and the war with Hamas.

    Dan and Rich also discuss Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights which is celebrated this time of year. Since the history of Hanukkah dates to 164 BC, it's not biblical; however, the Maccabees' victory over the Syrian Greeks represents light over darkness both physically and symbolically. This reminds us of the words of Christ in John 8:12: "Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life'."

    Interested in learning from Dan as a guide? He will be leading our 2024 Signature Tour of Israel and Jordan! Want to support GTI? Consider joining one of our 2024 Signature Tours:

    Jordan/Israel Signature Tour (Sept. 7-19, 2024) https://gtitours.org/trip/signature-jordan-israel-2024

    Stand with Israel Signature Tour (August 25-Sept. 5, 2024) https://gtitours.org/trip/signature-stand-with-israel-2024

    Turkey/Greece Signature Tour (Sept. 15-25, 2024) https://gtitours.org/trip/signature-turkey-2024

    Visit https://gtitours.org/podcast for photos, links, and more from this episode.

  • Pastor, author and trip leader Brian Haynes joins our podcast today. He and Rich describe the different types of deserts found in Israel and how they are biblical metaphors for life. Brian shares a personal story of when his family walked through a "YESHIMON" desert. In times like this, only the presence of God and a miracle of God will sustain life. These experiences led Brian to author War in the Wilderness: Fight for Your Family When Life Isn't as It Should Be, a resource for families to point them to God and to give them Hope as they walk through trying times.

    Brian shares these points for families walking through wilderness experiences:

    The Enemy is the Father of Lies and wants to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10)Avoid isolationLean into God instead of away from HimListen and obey GodDon't go it alone (doctors, counselors, praying friends)Take small steps in the right directionStay determined

    Remember, God is in the business of bringing SHALOM to CHAOS, restoring things, bringing life and healing to places that are dead and broken. The Psalms use many desert pictures to remind us of WHO GOD IS.

    "Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the LORD; exult before him!" Psalm 68:4 ESV

    Order the book:


  • Author and scholar Chad Bird joins our podcast again, this time to discuss one of his newer books, Limping with God: Jacob & the Old Testament Guide to Messy Discipleship. This book guides us through the stories of the Patriarch Jacob, a rare biblical account which documents a life from in utero until death. His multi-faceted and sometimes frustrating personality gives us a mirror in which we can see ourselves: lying and fighting to get ahead, taking advantage instead of showing mercy, looking out for ourselves while God looks for us. Be encouraged by the fact that God specializes in saving sinners and calling highly-imperfect people (like Jacob) to be His disciples. Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome” (Gen. 32:28).







  • So many of our friends and followers have recently asked, "How can we help Israel?" and, "How can we help GTI?" This podcast episode will help answer those questions! Rich Ferreira hosts this episode with Israeli friend and guide Nadav as well as staff members Rich and Jerrell.

    Nadav gives us some personal examples of how adaptive and resourceful Israelis can be in finding ways to keep busy and help others during this period of war. Promises of Glory website provides a platform to support Holy Land merchants during challenging times. A portion of the proceeds will go toward aid and assistance.

    GTI's "Giving Back" page also features Johnny's souvenir shop in Bethlehem. A win-win is checking off your Christmas list with unique gifts while you support one of our partners! Be sure to order soon to allow enough time for shipping.

    Another exciting opportunity is purchasing our NEW GTI MERCH Check out our new designs on t-shirts, sweatshirts, and more! These also make great gifts! All proceeds go toward a fund for our Israeli guides.

    The best way to support GTI is to join one of our upcoming trips. We have Signature Tours scheduled all throughout 2024, even a new one to GERMANY! Learn more and register at: https://gtitours.org/schedule


  • On today's podcast, Rich Ferreira speaks with our Israeli guide Ronen Ben Moshe about the current state of Israel since the October 7 attacks by Hamas. Thankfully, our guides, drivers and partners are safe. For Ronen and many other Israelis, however, that day was the worst in Israel since the Holocaust.

    Ronen describes what daily life in Israel right now is like and how adaptive people have become to help those in need. Israelis stand united, bonded together in solidarity, resilience and hope as they support one another. As the Jewish saying goes, "We overcame Pharaoh. We will overcome this."

    Link to download prayer document:


  • This somber episode is hosted by our GTI managers. Rich Ferreira, Rich Liverance, and Jerrell Jobe comment on the October 7 unprovoked attack on Israel by Hamas. As we all grieve for the country and its people, let our response be one of prayer. Rich Liverance spells out specific ways we can support Israel in this way. Jerrell gives comfort as he shares some thoughts from Psalm 122 and 125. May this Jewish saying be true not only for Israelis but also for us: hazak, hazak, ve-nithazek


  • GTI is growing... again! We've added another staff person, one whose voice you should recognize - Jerrell Jobe! Jerrell and his family recently have moved from south Texas to west Michigan. As "Director of Development", Jerrell will oversee our pre-trip and post-trip curriculum and lead Signature Tours, among other things. On this episode, he and Rich discuss how going to the Land is meant to further discipleship and point people back to the Word. Like bookends to your tour, our pre-trip and post-trip curriculums are designed to do just that! Check out our first lesson: https://gtitours.org/study-tour-preparation-course

    Jerrell has been involved in full-time ministry for the past 25 years. His primary areas of focus have been spiritual formation and teaching. Jerrell has a BS in American Sign Language Interpreting, a MA in Spiritual Formation and Leadership, and is finishing a MA in Archaeology & Biblical History. Throughout his ministry, he has led over 100 trips, to more than 25 countries. For the past twelve years, Jerrell has been leading study tours to Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, and Greece. His passion is seeing life-changing spiritual formation transpire as travelers gain a greater understanding of the Story of Scripture in its original context, while engaging the ancient practice of pilgrimage. His on-site teaching is a rich mixture of archaeological discoveries, biblical history, practical application, story-telling and drama. In his free time, he enjoys reading, running, cycling, swimming, as well as helping to coach local high school wrestling teams. Jerrell and his wife Charissa have three children.

    Jerell just returned from a study tour of Turkey and Greece. The most influential city in western Turkey (ancient Asia Minor or Annatolia) was Ephesus. A Roman writer once called Ephesus "Lumen Asiae: The Light of Asia". With a population of 300,000, Ephesus was the chief commercial city of the province and the center of Artemis worship. Learn more here: https://www.bibleplaces.com/ephesus/

  • For our first episode of Season 4, Rich Liverance and Jerrell Jobe join Rich Ferreira to discuss a very special country: Egypt! Did you know that Egypt is mentioned more than any other place in scripture besides Israel? It's mentioned over 700 times in the OT alone!

    GTI will be returning to Egypt Feb. 2024 for the Egypt/Jordan Signature Tour following the Footsteps of Moses. This amazing tour will be led by Jerrell Jobe and Rich Liverance! It not only includes the Pyramids of Giza but also the Grand Egyptian Museum* (opening TBD), Valley of the Kings, a Nile River cruise, numerous temples in Luxor (ancient Thebes), as well as additional sites in Jordan such as Petra, Wadi Rum, and Mount Nebo! (*Museum opening TBD).

    Step into the narrative of the Exodus, and better understand the history, significance and people of the Text! Trip dates are Feb. 28-March 11, 2024. Registration is now open with limited space so don't delay! https://gtitours.org/trip/signature-egypt-2024

    Boat at Sunset


    When in Edfu


  • Rich Ferreira introduces Season 4 of our GTI Tours Podcast which begins September 21. These 6 episodes will feature some familiar voices like Richard Liverance, Jerrell Jobe, and Chad Bird, as well as a few surprises. Stay tuned to hear us Bring the Land and Lessons of the Bible to Life!

  • Rich Ferreira and Rich Liverance recently visited Saudi Arabia. Although Mount Sinai has been identified with a mountain in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt since the 4th century A.D., several biblical passages seem to indicate that Mount Sinai is in Arabia. Could the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites have taken place in Arabia rather than Egypt?

    Rich and Rich explored not only the possible Mount Horeb from Exodus 19-20, but also several other sites that align with the text. These sites include the Split Rock (Exodus 17), the grove of 70 palm trees at Elim (Exodus 15), and an altar with bull/cow carvings on boulders at the foot of Mount Horeb (Exodus 32). It is possible that these locations are where Moses struck the rock for water, where the Israelites crossed and where they worshipped the golden calf!

    Regardless of the answers to these questions, exploring the backroads of this austere landscape was both exhilarating and challenging. A 4X4 vehicle is a must in the Arabian Desert. No tour buses allowed! Visit https://gtitours.org/podcast for photos, links, and more from this episode.


  • Bible teacher and author Marty Solomon returns to the podcast today. He and Rich discuss his new book, Asking Better Questions of the Bible.

    The Bible was written to a particular people in a particular place in a particular time; we must ask the right questions to understand the authors and their audiences. This book helps us ask better questions and gives us new tools to understand the Word of God.

    In addition, a level of humility is required to admit that we don't have all the answers. Deconstructing is a necessary part of the process to learn and grow as believers. Ultimately, Jesus and His Word will stand forever; we must study it faithfully and let it do its transformative work in our lives.

    Visit https://gtitours.org/podcast for photos, links, and more from this episode.

    To learn more about Marty Solomon, his teachings, podcast, book, go to martysolomon.com

  • GTI has a new staff member! It's someone you may be familiar with since he has been our podcast guest several times... Rich Liverance! Rich shares with Rich Ferreira about God's leading and perfect timing in his career journey.

    We as a staff are so excited for what Rich Liverance brings to the table! His experience and expertise as a pastor, teacher, student and archaeologist will bless and benefit so many.

    Visit https://gtitours.org/podcast for photos, links, and more from this episode.

    Rich came to faith in Christ at the age of 15 and immediately developed a love for the Bible and a love for Israel. While still a teenager, he determined to pursue theological and biblical studies. After graduating from Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia, Rich attended Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas, earning a Master of Theology in Bible Exposition in 1992. He then pastored churches in Wyoming, New York, Texas, and Michigan. During his pastorate, he also earned a Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching from the Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, CA. In 2016, Rich was invited to serve the Economic Mission of the State of Israel through the Israel Ministry of Tourism at the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles, CA. During his time there, he connected pastors and churches as well as the travel industry in North America to Israel and Israeli travel suppliers. In 2021, Rich left the Ministry of Tourism to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2023, Rich was awarded a master’s degree in Archaeology and Near Eastern Studies. After completing his studies in Jerusalem, Rich joined GTI Tours to assist pastors and their churches to know and experience the biblical lands as a means of furthering Christian ministry and discipleship.

  • Sean Glore of the 222 Foundation was on the January 2023 Pastors' Familiarization Israel trip along with several seminary students. Based on 2 Timothy 2:2, the 222 Foundation seeks to bridge the gap between seminary education and successful long-term ministry to help leaders, who will make more leaders, thrive. What better way to invest in a ministry leader than to bring them to Israel? To learn more, go to https://222foundation.org/

    Bear Mills (not to be confused with Bear Grylls) was also on the trip and shares his experience. He is an author, speaker and podcaster (the Bear Mills podcast). His motto is "Nourishing HOPE in a world where hope is on the endangered species list" with a theme verse of Romans 15:13.



    If you are a pastor or Christian educator and would like to join the 2024 Familiarization Tour, follow this link for more information:


    Study tours are a great option for your sabbatical, continuing education, or for helping you rediscover your passion for Scripture. On a GTI Study Tour you’re not a tourist—you’re a ministry investment.