Hamish & Andy have had a tumultuous relationship with BitCoin, but one worthwhile investment they made was selling one to buy an unroadworthy convertible SAAB and drive it through a carwash with the top down! The boys also delve into the History of the Logies Spit Roast Party, and name their best ever Front Man for their band.
Andy is reminded of a moment he’d rather forget….when he was busted lying to Entourage star Adrian Grenier! 🫣 In this celeb-fest the boys also recall the lucky bounce they had with Drew Barrymore, why they initially said no to Kim Kardashian and they cringe listening to their younger selves flirting with Nikki Hilton!
Puuttuva jakso?
Hamish remembers how much fun he had spending money from the joint bank account, including the one time he actually made a worth-while purchase - obscure Hamish & Andy merchandise, including napkins, 6 inch bevelled edged rulers, and moist towlettes!
Andy reveals one of the downsides of being friends with Hamish, you can mention one thing in passing and Hamish will use it against you for years to come! Plus the guys go back to a very funny moment in time, when Hamish’s housemate Haydo had a crush on a woman who worked at the local homewares store…!!
Remembering why Hamish and Andy ended up on the front page of the paper, as well as the time Hamish tried to run a marathon without any training. The boys then recall the year that Hamish’s psychic dream was actually accurate, correctly predicting the winner of the Melbourne Cup!
Hamish & Andy fondly remember the friendship they built with Bob Saget over many years of interviewing him, and what a genuinely nice guy he was. They also recall the first time they met Ryan Reynolds before he was massively famous, and continue to debate whether or not Andy can dunk a Basketball.
Hamish and Andy reflect on a couple of their radio segments and the catch phrases that never quite took off. They detail their prank war with Jules Lund and then have a laugh at how they tried to segue the sponsors message into some of the worst segments!
Hamish and Andy chat alot about their band “Cool Boys and the Frontman’ and hesitantly listen back to their final ever performance with Vance Joy. They are also shocked to read on the runsheet that Andy’s dad once dated Pete Helliar’s mum! They listen back to the phone calls to Pete & Andy’s dad Mick, who confirm the rumours!
The boys examine how often they are unreliable witnesses when it comes to their past adventures. They revisit one of their many failed eating challenges. Then Hamish recalls how he used to actively spread misinformation about Andy because he knew he was the one person he could say anything about and he wouldn’t get sued!
Hamish & Andy remember what stood between them and ‘Eating The Board’ at Maccas. They also talk about their revenge prank on a Melbourne Cafe. Then the boys go way back into the archive…and listen to one of their first ever radio show demo tapes, and wonder how on earth they ever made a career out of radio!
Hamish and Andy recall how annoying they were around the office in the early years, as well as their favourite faux-pas with a celebrity guest. Hamish gets sentimental as they listen back to voicemails from his late Grandma Moosie, and the boys remember what a pivotal part of the radio show she played for many years.
Hamish & Andy listen back to two incredible moments from their radio days; one of the first times Cackling Jack appears on the show (and unsurprisingly, he’s accused of weaselling!) plus an unexpected mistake that they both agree is one of their favourite radio moments of all time!
In this season the boys delve back into the archives further than they've ever gone before... in fact to the very beginning... to their first ever demo tape. And they are not keen to listen to it!
Also this season hear the epic adventure taking a convertible through a car wash, the birth of Napkin Ninja, Hame's psychic dreaming ability, their final ever performance as a band and the blooper they've described as "Easily their favourite moment".
New Episodes drop every Thursday across the Government Mandated Break starting November 28.
Hamish & Andy reminisce the surreal experience of broadcasting for the troops in Afghanistan, and one of the most expensive prizes they gave away which, in hindsight, they unfairly poo-poo'd!
Andy takes us on a journey from his early days in radio where he was banned from being the one pushing the buttons... to then one of the pinnacles... his GOAT moment! And it’s still so good all these years later!
The boys recall the bet that Andy lost that resulted in him dying his hair bright red and they call Hughesy to see whether he’s still friends with Lindsay Lohan...
Hamish & Andy remember usually finishing each year on a high, and there was no bigger high than a Cool Boys private jet tour….until they had their first tour of the jet!
Hamish & Andy remember getting their hands on Britney Spears’ mums phone number, blowing up a cursed gold-coloured watch, and a client execution that they’re positive wouldn't get past the legal team these days!
Hamish & Andy remember how hard 'Celebrity Crush Hunting' was before you could just slide into DMs, and the A-list celebrity that asked Hamish to delete their number! Plus some audio from someone on the official list of 'Villans of the Show'.
The boys recall the grim work hours they had to endure when doing the show from Andy’s New York apartment, and the lengths they’d go to, to track down Steven Seagal!
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