
  • Are you overwhelmed by overwhelm? Do you feel powerless and totally out of control? Do you have too much to do, but not enough time, energy or resources in order to complete your tasks?

    In this week's episode, Liv shares how overwhelm left her at breaking point, whilst Eva shares her simple system to address overwhelm, that she uses both in her capacity as a mum, and as a therapist. She also shares a different view, of how feeling overwhelmed actually excites her, and gives her a purpose.

    Nik gets teased about his accent, and being an advanced driver; plus he gives us a good giggle with his famous ‘dad jokes’.

    In this week's 'Science Corner', Liv shares the 'Zeigarnik Effect', which explains why we can’t ignore incomplete tasks, all adding to our feelings of overwhelm.

    You’ll be told about the brilliant Speakman Success 7 technique, which helps with prioritisation, organisation and even restful sleep; as well as learning the importance of saying no, and how social media contributes to overwhelm.

    Finally, Hunter shares his exciting news!

    In this episode, The Speakmans will guide you through the maze of overwhelm, to show you a simple solution to freedom.

  • There are hundreds, if not thousands of diet plans available, yet none seem to work long term! Why is that?

    Today’s guest, Kat, hated herself... She was overweight and overate, creating a perpetual spiral of increased self-loathing and weight gain.

    After multiple unsuccessful diets, plus counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy and hypnotherapy, Kat turned to The Speakmans' simple approach, effortlessly losing 5 stone in just 1 year.

    In this episode of Handbook To Happiness, you will learn the reasons why you may be self-medicating with food, just like Kat; how to pinpoint the origin of your overeating, and most importantly, how to address this.

    In this week's Science Corner, Liv shares how you can think yourself slim and healthy, as well as the link between low self-esteem and failure in weight loss.

    This informative episode highlights exactly how you can lose weight without feeling miserable and deprived, by understanding how to address the cause of your weight gain, as opposed to just consistently battling with the symptom of overeating.

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  • Life... There’s just so many pressures! The pressure to look perfect, be perfect, have a perfect family, perfect relationship, have children by a certain age, fit into a certain dress size, always be super sociable, positive and energetic.

    But why do we feel these pressures? Is it society? Is it self-imposed? Is it our parents? Partners? Siblings? School? Social Media? Conditioning? Perhaps generational?

    The Speakmans help to expose the source of our pressure for perfection, as well as explaining why many men are reluctant to express their emotions, and why the pressure of finding friends and partners can lead us to make poor choices.

    If you don’t feel good enough, if you feel compared and criticised, and if your overwhelming desire to be perfect batters your self-esteem; this is the episode for you!

    Providing you with an avalanche of tips to help you embrace your incredible originality, this episode will make you realise why you are already perfect, and why it’s totally okay to be unique.

    With discussions around thin and over-plucked 80’s eyebrows, the beauty of curvy ladies, why Gerard Butler and Vicky Pattison are great role models, and how to deal with pressures imposed by your boss, teacher, parent, family, friend or partner; this really is the ‘perfect podcast’.

  • Have you stayed in a bad relationship longer than you should?

    Have you been let down by someone who called themselves a friend?

    Does a family member hurt you, but expect you to still love & care for them?

    Is your partner, friend, neighbour or work colleague, not the person you thought they were?

    In this episode, The Speakmans discuss 'family obligation', why friendships fall apart, when the relationship ‘ick’ kicks in, why partners cheat; and how all this affects you, your happiness, your self-worth & your self-esteem.

    The Speakmans also provide simple & effective techniques to help you find the relationships & friendships you deserve, as well as helping you to understand why it really wasn’t your fault.

  • Do you have a phobia of vomit, or ill health? Does it dominate your life, and destroy your happiness?

    Are you exhausted from constantly being on high alert? Do you obsessively worry, scan & catastrophise, and now panic about panicking?

    Do you wonder how to overcome your phobia? Live free of fear? And question; is it even possible?

    If you’re sick of fearing sick, and sick of hiding away and living in fear, this episode is a must.

    As well as sharing an abundance of tips, help and advice, today’s guest shares her journey to complete and full recovery from her complex vomit phobia (known as emetophobia). Charlotte tells us how after 27 years she’s finally free, happy, and no longer lives in fear.

    This episode really is a must listen for anyone who is fed up with their phobia, anyone wondering about The Speakmans' phobia approach, and anyone who needs a boost of hope that no matter who you are, and no matter what you struggle with, you really can get better.

  • Does your inner voice tell you why you shouldn’t, as opposed to why you should? Why you can’t as opposed to why you can?

    Do you look at others thinking; I wish I could do that? I wish I could have that? I wish that was me?

    Do you worry what others think? Or perhaps you’re unhappy and feel stuck in your job, relationship or even daily life?

    In this episode, The Speakmans tell you how to leap out of your comfort zone with confidence.

    While Eva admits to her pre-stage panic attacks, Nik questions if he was just a holiday romance, and Hunter shares how he overcame his fear of public speaking, resulting in happily presenting to 300 people each week.

    Liv surprises her former radio boss, CAR SOS TV presenter Tim Shaw (aka Mr Inappropriate from Balls of Steel), who shares some fantastic advice regarding the 'gym of confidence'. In Science Corner, Liv further explains how to trust in your capabilities, and how to grow your self-confidence, self-belief, and optimism.

    With a multitude of tips for successful public speaking, and how to be confident in your own company, plus a fabulous technique to fast-track confidence, if right now you can’t do what you wish you could, this episode will highlight exactly how you can!

  • Is guilt eating away at you? Does it dominate your thoughts? Do you punish yourself with repetitive negative overthinking of past events and people? And do regrets prevent you from happiness?

    In this episode, Nik makes an unexpected apology to Hunter, Liv breaks down as she shares her guilt at not saying goodbye to her grandma, and Eva shares her words of wisdom as to why guilt is futile.

    You’ll hear Speakman family admissions, from polishing fetishes to a secret crush that will make James Dyson blush! The Speakmans also answer your listener questions; including hearing from Jenny, who has guilt from grief, Emily who feels guilty for having lived her life to the full whilst her mum was struggling, and Lisa who feels guilt for leaving her family, to go and live her dream.

    In this week's Science Corner, Liv shares the science behind why we negatively overthink, as well as a simple process to help, whilst Nik shares a fabulous tip to abruptly stop overthinking and our negative inner dialogue; a significant cause of those feelings of guilt.

    If you’re looking for advice on how to stop regret, overthinking and feeling suppressed by guilt, this episode offers you the keys you need to help lift that burden and set you free.

  • Is your world being polluted by toxic people? Do you tolerate them, because you fear change, the unknown, and don't know how you’ll cope?

    Do you feel trapped in a toxic relationship, family, workplace or friendship, drowning in the poisonous words and actions of others, and need to know just how to get out?

    Do you sabotage relationships and your happiness, as you’ve been made to feel worthless, useless and undeserving?

    In this episode of our Handbook To Happiness, hear how Eva desperately tried to sabotage her relationship with Nik, and how she flipped the switch from self-deprecation, to self-appreciation.

    Liv opens up about her imposter syndrome, as well as why people bully, why we tolerate them, why it’s not your fault, and how to make effortless decisions in this week's Science Corner.

    Our special guest will inspire you, as she shares how she worked in and walked away from, one of the UK's largest and oldest institutions after two decades; and as a working mum of four, how she hit breaking point, which allowed her to then rebuild.

    As always, Nik shoehorns his jokes, and Eva shares how she fell for an 80’s perm and a rather large briefcase.

    With the tools shared in this episode, prepare to be cleansed, and ready to love yourself, and to create the happy life that you undoubtedly deserve.

  • Has someone taken away every ounce of your confidence, self-esteem and self belief?

    Were you bullied, put down by a parent, or made to feel worthless?

    Do you sabotage your happiness & success, because you feel like you don’t deserve either?

    Is loving others easy, but loving yourself an impossibility?

    In this episode, you may be shocked to learn that The Speakmans' felt this way too.

    How can the child of a therapist suffer with low self-esteem, social anxiety and imposter syndrome, and why does negative thinking become a habit?

    This episode has the answers to all of these questions and more! There’s secret family admissions - including how Hunter, a future medic, failed his first aid exam, and how Liv felt that she didn’t deserve her place at the University of Oxford - but most importantly, there's a magnitude of solutions, to help you finally start loving yourself.

    We’d so love to hear your thoughts and questions, so do leave us a message (& a like or 5 star review!) if you’re enjoying our Handbook To Happiness. Huge love & thanks from us all - N, E, L & H xx

  • Do you feel like you'll never be happy? Are you facing a challenge, fear, condition or anxiety, that you can't imagine you will ever overcome?

    Decorated by King Charles for saving more than 80 lives in a single attack, Conspicuous Gallantry Cross decorated Sergeant Josh Griffiths was told by numerous psychiatrists that he would never overcome his Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In this episode, Josh shares his emotional, astonishing, and harrowing journey to happiness, with The Speakman family.

    Josh is proof that where hope exists, happiness will follow. An incredibly powerful episode with help, tips, a dash of science from Liv, a sprinkle of biology from Hunter, and not forgetting a smidge of Married At First Sight Australia - this episode has it all.

    Please Note: This is Josh’s version of his experience, and no disrespect is meant to the Ministry Of Defence, who we all hugely respect & are grateful to, for protecting us & our country.

  • The Speakmans explore if and how you can be anxious, yet still be happy; guiding you through all the tools needed to identify the causes of your anxiety, and also sharing just how they tackled theirs.

    Buckle up for a jam-packed table talk with the Speakman family, as they discuss everything from fears to farts, whether you can be generally anxious, different types of anxiety, and their own issues with phobias - including health anxiety and a fear of death.

    This week you will learn that all of The Speakmans at one time feared speaking (publicly), Liv faces her childhood fear live on the pod, and they're also joined by Coronation Street legend and supervillain, Richard Hillman (Brian Capron). Together they share a multitude of techniques, to show you that you can be anxious yet happy.

  • In their very first episode, the Speakman therapy family open up and candidly talk about their own anxieties, confidence issues, grieving, and their parenting skills. Why did Hunter have to jump ship at university recently due to his mental health? And does Liv talking about comparing yourself to others resonate with you?

    Does being a therapist or child of a therapist offer immunity from the effects of bullying, low self-esteem, fears or anxieties? And what advice can they offer to help you; as an individual, partner, friend or parent?

    The entire Speakman family share an abundance of simple and effective tips to help you in promoting your happiness, no matter what your age. They offer interesting facts, details into their life, and opportunities to have a giggle, as well as explaining why we all need to give ourselves a break.

  • In their very first episode, the Speakman therapy family open up and candidly talk about their own anxieties, confidence issues, grieving, and their parenting skills. Why did Hunter have to jump ship at university recently due to his mental health? And does Liv talking about comparing yourself to others resonate with you?

    Does being a therapist or child of a therapist offer immunity from the effects of bullying, low self-esteem, fears or anxieties? And what advice can they offer to help you; as an individual, partner, friend or parent?

    The entire Speakman family share an abundance of simple and effective tips to help you in promoting your happiness, no matter what your age. They offer interesting facts, details into their life, and opportunities to have a giggle, as well as explaining why we all need to give ourselves a break.