
  • Audrey Withycombe is a wife, mother of two, and former teacher. Audrey is passionate about seeking adventures from mountain biking to exploring hot springs. She and her family have made it a whole lifestyle as they currently live full time at a summer camp in Minnesota. When Audrey isn’t out adventuring with her family, she is blogging and podcasting about being an outdoorsy family. I was so happy to be able to sit down and talk with Audrey about life at camp, and the joy of being outdoors!

    You can find Audrey's blog and podcast at outdoorsyfamilies.com and follow her over on instagram @outdoorsy.families

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Welcome to Happy Outdoor Families, the podcast that encourages and equips families to spend more time exploring and playing together outside. Today I'm excited to talk all about recess advocacy, and Summer Belloni is the perfect person for this conversation! As a credentialed teacher, she has experience teaching in both public and private schools. On the parenting side, when her own children entered school, Summer served on a district level student health advisory council where she began to really understand the importance of recess. She began to advocate locally for district policy, and went on to start Texans for Recess, an organization that advocates for recess policy on the state level. Continuing her passion for school and learning, summer is currently finishing coursework and assessments for her preliminary administrative credential and a master’s degree in education focusing on administrative leadership. Her current research focuses on teacher perception of recess, and Summer also serves on the board of the International Play Association, USA as their recess chair. Most importantly, she is raising two children who love to play outside as much as possible. I am excited for you to hear more of Summer’s story and her wisdom on recess advocacy.

    Some resources mentioned in the show and places for further learning:

    The LIINK project: https://liinkproject.tcu.edu/

    IPA USA: https://ipausa.org/

    Texans for Recess group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1879894452038819

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

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  • Welcome to Happy Outdoor Families, the podcast that encourages and equips families to spend more time exploring and playing together outside. I am your host, Emily Isenbarger, and I hope that as you listen in each week you will feel inspired and excited about reconnecting your kids, and yourselves, with the outdoors - whatever that looks like for you. Join with me as we dive into the beauty, the benefits, and the challenges of taking life outside. Thanks for listening!

    This week we are talking about another "hidden" sense, our proprioceptive sense. Our proprioceptive sense allows us to know where our limbs and other body parts are, and to judge the force and speed of our movements. Listen in to hear more about how this sense is developed and how we can make sure kids aren't missing out on the sensory input that they need to keep it strong. 

    In the episode, I reference Angela Hanscom's book, Balanced and Barefoot, which you can find here: 


    Here are a few follow up articles as well:




    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Welcome to Happy Outdoor Families, the podcast that encourages and equips families to spend more time exploring and playing together outside. I am your host, Emily Isenbarger, and I hope that as you listen in each week you will feel inspired and excited about reconnecting your kids, and yourselves, with the outdoors - whatever that looks like for you. Join with me as we dive into the beauty, the benefits, and the challenges of taking life outside. Thanks for listening!

    This week we are talking about one of the "hidden sense" that we all possess - our vestibular sense. This is the sense that allows us to sense where our bodies are in space and contributes to our ability to balance and move through our world with ease. Listen in to find out more about why this sense is so vital and what is has to do with getting outside!

    Some of the articles and books that I mention in the show are linked below:

    1. What is the Vestibular Sense? - https://pathways.org/what-is-the-vestibular-sense/

    2. The Shocking Phenomenon That Shows Just How Movement-Starved Modern Kids Really Are - https://www.stack.com/a/the-shocking-phenomenon-that-shows-just-how-movement-starved-modern-kids-really-are/

    3. Balanced and Barefoot by Angela Hanscom - https://bookshop.org/books/balanced-and-barefoot-how-unrestricted-outdoor-play-makes-for-strong-confident-and-capable-children/9781626253735

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Welcome to Happy Outdoor Families, the podcast that encourages and equips families to spend more time exploring and playing together outside. I am your host, Emily Isenbarger, and I hope that as you listen in each week you will feel inspired and excited about reconnecting your kids, and yourselves, with the outdoors - whatever that looks like for you. Join with me as we dive into the beauty, the benefits, and the challenges of taking life outside. Thanks for listening!

    This week I am sharing some of my FAVORITE fall-themed picture books. Whether your children are young or old, these are beautiful books that are so fun to cuddle up with on a cool fall day. I hope you find a new favorite! All of the books that I talk about in this episode are listed below:

    1. Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn - Kenard Pak

    2. Hiking Day - Ann Rockwell, illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell

    3. Ox-Cart Man - Donald Hall, illustrated by Barbara Cooney

    4. Pumpkin Jack - Will Hubbell

    5. The Pumpkin Book - Gail Gibbons

    6. By the Light of the Harvest Moon - Harriet Ziefert, illustrated by Mark Jones

    7. Hello, Harvest Moon - Ralph Fletcher, illustrated by Kate Kesler

    8. Scarecrow - Cynthia Rylant, illustrated by Lauren Stringer

    9. Johnny Appleseed - Poem by Reeve Lindbergh, illustrated by Kathy Jakobsen

    10. Hungry Bunny - Claudia Rueda

    11. Leaf Man - Lois Ehlert

    12. Fall Walk - Virginia Brimhall Snow

    13. In November - Cynthia Rylant, illustrated by Jill Kastner

    14. Winter is Coming - Tony Johnston, illustrated by Jim LaMarche

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Welcome to Happy Outdoor Families, the podcast that encourages and equips families to spend more time exploring and playing together outside. I am your host, Emily Isenbarger, and I hope that as you listen in each week you will feel inspired and excited about reconnecting your kids, and yourselves, with the outdoors - whatever that looks like for you. Join with me as we dive into the beauty, the benefits, and the challenges of taking life outside. Thanks for listening!

    I am so excited to be back with you and today we are talking about prioritizing the outdoors in our homeschool routine. I absolutely love free, unstructured time outside. But there are also a number of activities that we plan and carry out more intentionally and find a lot of value in those things too. Today i’m sharing three ways that we incorporate the outdoors into our homeschool and preschool learning - through weekly nature groups, Tinkergarten classes, and through simply taking our lessons into the backyard or park. These also happen to be my favorite parts of homeschooling and i hope that these ideas can bring some joy to your home as well.

    My Tinkergarten page: https://www.tinkergarten.com/leaders/emily.isenbarger?&tga=2b2a57b86ac0

    My FAVORITE bins for homeschool supplies: https://www.michaels.com/14.5qt-latchmate-plus-mint-storage-box-with-tray-by-simply-tidy/10467879.html?r=g&cm_mmc=PLASearch-_-google-_-MICH_Shopping_US_N_Papercraft_N_Smart_BOPIS_N-_-&Kenshoo_ida=&kpid=go_cmp-9972406487_adg-102401876362_ad-433378147614_pla-1408204284127_dev-c_ext-_prd-10467879&gclid=Cj0KCQjwm9yJBhDTARIsABKIcGa-H13J_Z4TlmWkWwpmCkiBzqjq2VyaLCd0fAstG1B6ZX7mf_5o9OQaAhYuEALw_wcB

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Hello happy outdoor families! Welcome to happy outdoor playtime. This segment of the podcast is designed for kids from babies up through the elementary years, and their grown ups, to listen to together. Each week I will bring you a simple play invitation that I hope will be a jumpstart into some really fun play outside! Ideally, you will listen to this podcast outside, in your special nature space where you can play.

    Today we are going to be making art! Creating art is a wonderful way for all of us to express ourselves. We will be thinking about what materials we can use to make paint to create our very own works of art outside. The supplies you will need today are water, a paintbrush, a container like a bucket or bowl, and some paper. You will also want to have dirt available for creating mud paint.

    Enjoy your playtime!!

    Background music: Walk by ikson: http://www.soundcloud.com/ikson​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/szEfp07r5Cg

  • Rachel Tidd is the author of the Wild MathÂź and Wild Readingℱ Curriculums and a leading proponent of integrating the outdoors and the natural materials in math education. She became interested in teaching and learning outside after watching her two children thrive in an outdoor forest preschool. Prior to founding Wild Learning, Rachel obtained extensive teaching experience as an elementary and special education teacher and as a homeschool parent. She holds a Master’s degree in Elementary and Special Education from Bank Street College of Education and a B.S. in Environmental Science from SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry. She enjoys walks in nature, good books, handwork such as knitting and sewing, traveling, and strong coffee. Today, Rachel and I talk all about teaching and learning outside, how simple it can be AND how beneficial.

    I am so excited to share this interview with you! And just a quick head’s up - this Wednesday’s play invitation will be the 40th installment of this podcast and will mark the end of Season 1 of the podcast. I will be back with you the first week of September when I am very excited to share our outdoor homeschool plans for the year, because this year we’ve got one foot in public school, like you heard me share about last week, and one in homeschool. In the meantime, I would love it so much if you would celebrate 40 episodes with me this week and share YOUR favorite episode of Happy Outdoor Families so far - share it with a friend, or on social media, or in a review!

    Now, go find Rachel on social media and check out her amazing curriculum resources!

    IG: @discoverwildlearning

    Website: www.discoverwildlearning.com

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Hello happy outdoor families! Welcome to happy outdoor playtime. This segment of the podcast is designed for kids from babies up through the elementary years, and their grown ups, to listen to together. Each week I will bring you a simple play invitation that I hope will be a jumpstart into some really fun play outside! Ideally, you will listen to this podcast outside, in your special nature space where you can play.

    Today we are going to be exploring textures, hunting for textures in our spaces and playing a guessing game using our sense of touch. For today's playtime, you will need a paper bag, or cloth, or something else that you can conceal nature objects inside. You and your child will be feeling the hidden objects and trying to guess what they are by their texture.

    Enjoy your playtime!!

    Background music: Walk by ikson: http://www.soundcloud.com/ikson​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/szEfp07r5Cg

  • This week I’m thinking a lot about the major changes that are happening to our family’s schedule as my oldest daughter starts at our local public school. Listen in as I share about how we are managing outdoor time on a public school schedule, as well as ideas for how to support and encourage your local school in spending more time - both play and learning time - outside. 

    Some resources that I mention in the episode:

    Study on outdoor time: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-44097-3


    Wild Math/Wild Reading https://discoverwildlearning.com/

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Hello happy outdoor families! Welcome to happy outdoor playtime. This segment of the podcast is designed for kids from babies up through the elementary years, and their grown ups, to listen to together. Each week I will bring you a simple play invitation that I hope will be a jumpstart into some really fun play outside! Ideally, you will listen to this podcast outside, in your special nature space where you can play.

    Today we are going to play like nesting birds! The supplies you will need for today’s playtime are simply nature debris. This can include twigs, fallen leaves, dry grass or other plants, moss, even mud.

    During today's playtime, I suggest looking up the sounds of some of your local birds. Downloading the Merlin BirdID app is a great way to do this!

    Enjoy your playtime!!

    Background music: Walk by ikson: http://www.soundcloud.com/ikson​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/szEfp07r5Cg

  • Jenny Leibham is a nature play advocate, nature preschool teacher, coach, speaker, and creator. She works with educators to amplify their vision and expand their ideas of what their teaching practice can be.

    Known to provoke curiosity and create space to listen deeply, Jenny has worked with the University of Washington, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, Natural Start Alliance, and the Children and Nature Network.

    Today we are going to be talking about how educators and parents can define what feels good to them outside, create a vision of outdoor learning, and then implement that with their class or their kids. I'm so excited to share this episode with you!

    You can find Jenny on Instagram and YouTube, @natureplaylifestyle, and on her website, https://www.natureplaylifestyle.com/

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Welcome back to Playtime! This segment of the podcast is designed for kids from babies up through the elementary years, and their grown ups, to listen to together. Thanks for starting your play with me - today we will be making ice sensory bins, perfect for a hot summer day! Here is what you will need to set up: you will want a container to use as your sensory bin, a shallow plastic tub works great. Fill your tub with ice, and a little bit of cold water so that your ice can float and slosh around a bit. Some other great tools to have are a slotted spoon or other scoops, and a towel for when you’re ready to dry off. It would also be fun to have a second container for transporting ice back and forth.

    Have fun out there friends!!

    Background music: Walk by ikson: http://www.soundcloud.com/ikson​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/szEfp07r5Cg

  • Erika McLemore is a mom and teacher that loves to get outside and play! She holds a BS from the US Naval Academy and is a former naval officer. She currently leads Tinkergarten classes in Cedar Park, Texas, where she lives with her husband and three young children, and also works as the Community Manager for Tinkergarten, which is how I first became acquainted with Erika. Erika is a citizen of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma and is passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion and helping families across the country learn and connect with the indigenous history of our land. I am so excited to have Erika here today to share some of her knowledge with us!

    Some helpful links and resources:

    Find out about your region's indigenous populations: native-land.ca

    Warrior Kids Podcast: https://warriorkidspodcast.com/

    Books Erika shared:

    We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorell - https://amzn.to/37fvJXf

    We Are Still here!: Native American Truths Everyone Should Know by Traci Sorell - https://amzn.to/2UMBusG

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Rob and Sarah Gardner are parents and outdoor enthusiasts who have a passion for our national parks. After many family trips exploring the parks, they wanted to find a way to support these national treasures. Through their baby gear company Joovy, they have partnered with the national park foundation to bring awareness to families about the importance of these spaces, and more specifically about the endangered animals that call the parks home. I’m excited today to talk more about our national parks and how we can help our children grow up to be environmental stewards, to cultivate a connection between them and the land, and the animals that live there.

    Find a national park to visit: FindYourPark.com

    Joovy’s National Parks Collection: https://joovy.com/national-park-collection/?orderby=date

    More about the National Park Foundation: https://www.nationalparks.org/

    Free National Park Pass for 4th graders: https://everykidoutdoors.gov/

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Welcome back to Playtime! This segment of the podcast is designed for kids from babies up through the elementary years, and their grown ups, to listen to together. Thanks for starting your play with me - today we are taking a play tool that we usually use inside, and taking it out into our nature spaces with us! Play dough is a fun tool for children to strengthen motor skills, get sensory stimulation, and use their imaginations to create something new. 

    The supplies you will need for today's playtime are: some play dough (store bought or homemade!), a few nature objects to incorporate into your creations, and a surface to create on. 

    For my very favorite way to make fast, EASY play dough at home, look here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CRR1hUhBwlI/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

    Background music: Walk by ikson: http://www.soundcloud.com/ikson​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/szEfp07r5Cg

  • Welcome to Happy Outdoor Families, the podcast that is designed to motivate and equip families to spend more time outside. In today's episode, I talk a little bit about my approach to technology, specifically phone use, when we are outside. Tech doesn't have to be all or nothing, and I hope this episode helps you to navigate what ways tech might add value to your time outside, and also what ways it is not. I also share five apps that I love, that I believe have added value to our outdoor adventures! They are all free, and can be found in your phone's app store. 

    1. AllTrails - great for finding new hiking trails that are a good fit for your family! 

    2. Seek by iNaturalist - this app allows you to identify all different types of plants and other wildlife while you are out exploring, simply by snapping a picture! We LOVE this app!

    3. Merlin BirdID - The Cornell Lab of Ornithology developed this app to help people identify birds in their area. The Bird ID works really well and is simple to use, and they recently added sound ID, which is SO fun!

    4. Twigs Outdoors - I have talked about this app in detail on the show before, check out episode 22 for an interview with the creator! We enjoy having this available on days that we need some play inspiration.

    5. Plum's Photo Hunt - this would be a great one to hold onto for a day that you have a child who needs a little pick me up. They are able to complete "photo missions" outside, with basic picture prompts. 

    I also mention the kids camera that we purchased for our daughter and LOVE! Linked here: https://amzn.to/2U0AQar

    I would love to hear how you have used technology to enhance your time outdoors, or how you have eliminated it or created limits for yourself! Leave a review with your thoughts or come and find me over on instagram @happyoutdoorfamilies

  • Welcome back to Playtime! This segment of the podcast is designed for kids from babies up through the elementary years, and their grown ups, to listen to together. Thanks for starting your play with me - today we will be zooming in and looking very closely at our nature space to find out what is living and growing there. I will also be introducing the concept of nature journaling!

    The supplies you will need for today's playtime are: paper, and something to draw with - crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc. If you want to start a journal that you will continue to draw in together, you could use a notebook or sketchpad, but loose paper is also fine. We will be taking a close look at a small square of ground today - you can imagine this square in your mind as you look together, but if you think it would be helpful for your child to have a visible barrier, you could also bring along a piece of rope, jumprope, hula hoop, or something else to define your space.

    Our favorite sketch books: https://amzn.to/3xntuMR

    Background music: Walk by ikson: http://www.soundcloud.com/ikson​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/szEfp07r5Cg

  • I have been looking forward to sharing this conversation! Lindsey Lapointe is an outdoor adventurer, a writer, a middle school teacher, and a mom. She currently lives with her family in New England where she enjoys hiking and documenting her adventures on her blog, the freelance adventurer, and on social media. She is a regular contributor to the Seacoast Moms Blog and recently wrote a book, Seacoast Hikes and Nature Walks, to share her knowledge of some of the amazing trails in the Seacoast region. Lindsey loves to take her family out in the wild on adventures but also does such a great job getting out on solo adventures. I hope you enjoy hearing some of her outdoor story!

    Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic​Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  Free Download / Stream:  https://bit.ly/acoustic-folk-instrume...​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YKdXVnaHfo8

  • Welcome back to Playtime! This segment of the podcast is designed for kids from babies up through the elementary years, and their grown ups, to listen to together. Thanks for starting your play with me - today we will be exploring with water and soap, making bubbles and creating our own toy wash station. The supplies you will need for today's playtime are: a plastic bin or similar container filled with water, some dish soap, a spoon or other stirring utensil, and old washcloth, and some toy animals, or vehicles, or other toys that are ready for a washing!

    Background music: Walk by ikson: http://www.soundcloud.com/ikson​Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/szEfp07r5Cg