Bonnie and Rajeev discuss the complicated and frustrating dynamic of straddling multiple lines between the SDA world and the rest of the world. They get into a pointed disagreement and although common ground was found, agreement was not necessary. Join the conversation and send in your one foot in / one foot out moments to [email protected]
Bonnie and Rajeev sit down with Herb Montgomery of Renewed Heart Ministries to discuss his journey into and out of Seventh-day Adventism and how he found a very different Jesus and how God "changed."
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Bonnie and Rajeev discuss the appearance that atheism is frequently the first-stop post-adventism. They explore why that might be the case and how their own stories connect to that reality. They also debunk some commonly held notions in the SDA tradition and teaching about atheists.
On January 6, 2021 the scene at the United States Capitol got Bonnie and Rajeev thinking about what it takes for people to fall victim to conspiracy theories. In a flash they recognized the multiple points of connection in their SDA upbringing that groomed them, and millions of others, to be accepting of absurd ideas as fact and salvific.
Bonnie and Rajeev recall various teachings that echo the kind of conspiracy theories perpetuated by QAnon and others in the sphere of donald trump.
Bonnie and Rajeev have a conversation with their younger son Nik. Nik reflects on his formation (firs in the SDA / Seventh-day Adventist community and then beyond) around sex, gender, and sexuality and talks about his coming out experience. Nik also offers an excellent set of advice to parents, children, and allies.
Bonnie and Rajeev explore the anti lgbtq stance of the Adventist church; a stance that is built upon biblical literalism even though a deeper exploration reveals the bible is not anti-loving relationships or sex...but it is clearly anti woman in many places.
Join Bonnie and Rajeev for a careful look at the hostile culture and texts in Genesis, Leviticus, Romans, 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy.
Bonnie and Rajeev reflect on the current times - a pandemic, a recent major election and a new president-elect. All this made them think of things they miss, including things they miss about Adventism. Fond memories flow but yield way to the shadow side at every turn.
Tune into Bonnie and Rajeev's "other" podcast irenicast.com for a take from a Progressive Christian point-of-view.
Bonnie and Rajeev have an excellent and disturbing conversation with Katherine Stewart. Katherine Stewart has been reporting at the intersection of religion, politics, policy, and education for over a decade. She has been on:
WBUR's, Public Radio, Here & Now The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC Katherine Stewart on Sojourners Katherine Stewart on Salon.comLearn more and buy "Power Worshippers" at katherinestewart.me.
You can also find Bonnie and Rajeev's other podcast at Irenicast.com, a Progressive Christian Podcast.
Bonnie and Rajeev are joined by their son Julian. Julian is in his late 20's and a graduate of UC Davis and has studied ancient languages and cultures. The three remember nightmares, feelings of security as one of the chosen and many bizarre attempts at logic to make sense of End Times teachings in the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church. As ex-SDA's each hold varying degrees of understanding on what should be carried forward and what should be left behind. Ultimately they recommend therapy, comparative study and self-care as a way to cope and find health and stability.
Bonnie and Rajeev discuss the dynamics of feeling alone in community. Where one feels isolated and abnormal, forced to pretend to be accepted. Being fully authentic in SDA community is nearly impossible.
As ex Seventh-day Adventists (SDA), Bonnie and Rajeev reflect back and find it is both troubling and re-traumatizing. Harsh memories range from classmates with mental health crises treated as if they were demon-possessed instead of getting proper medical/mental health treatment to ridiculous focus over dress codes.
Mixed in with all of the memories were many good ones. Good, lasting, friendships and some very fun times.
Ultimately the change to a new more accepting community has been worth the losses incurred (from leaving Adventism) for the co-hosts.
One insight shared is to try to frame feeling "Alone in Community" as a call from truer and deeper self and truer and deeper spirit.
Check out Bonnie and Rajeev's other podcast at irenicast.com
Bonnie and Rajeev start this episode by sharing their love story. It all started on the church steps at freshman orientation at Columbia Union College. They recount the process of leaving Seventh-day Adventism. As teachers in SDA schools it was not just losing church it was also losing a profession. As time went by healing happened and some friendships were preserved.
Bonnie and Rajeev also co-host, with a few friends, www.irenicast.com a progressive Christian podcast.
Haystacks preview, trailer, with Bonnie and Rajeev. Former Seventh-day Adventists (SDA).
Haystacks Podcast is for Fringe & Former Adventists.