
  • This week, we’ll continue the Real Health Coach series with Maggie Christopher who is a holistic nutrition counselor and licensed associate marriage and family counselor in St. Paul, MN. Maggie has a completely full health coaching practice (with a waiting list!) focused around emotional eating. She shares exactly how she started her health coaching practice (even though she’d just moved to a new state where she didn’t know anyone!), how she found her first clients, what her marketing looks like now — and also a really cool strategy for creating a small practitioner referral group (that you can use no matter where you live!). If you’re a new health coach – or if you could use a few more clients to fill your practice – you’re going to love this interview.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • This week I’m speaking with thyroid expert and health coach Andrea Beaman about what it takes to build a successful health coaching practice today. Andrea shares why it’s crucial to create multiple income streams, how she prioritizes her work, how to beat overwhelm, morning routines, and we also have a really interesting discussion about working in sync with the seasons.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • Corporate wellness programs have come a long way since the wellpreneur podcast started three years ago. Much more mainstream, robust and widely accepted, companies are taking a hard work at the wellbeing of their employees in the success of their business. This week I have Lawrence Mitchell on the show (for his second interview) to give us an update on the progress of the Living Well program he started three years ago, as well as tips and advice on starting a wellbeing program within your own corporate environment. If you’re currently working in corporate and would love to start a wellbeing program, or if you’re looking to contact other corporations about creating a program, this episode will give you lots of tips and advice!

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • In today’s episode, I hope to get all of you inspired to grow your wellness business with an in-depth interview that goes into the details of how to start out strong and grow your business quickly!

    Health counselor Tracy Harrison serves as a great example for new Wellpreneurs – from the very beginning she just went for it and put herself out there, and her business thrived as a result. She took some bold steps to commit to her new path, ended up doing 30 public speaking engagements in her first year of business, and worked with over 20 clients before she even finished her coaching training program!

    We talk about how she got her clients from speaking gigs, how she transitioned her in-person clients to virtual sessions, and one of my favorite topics – your email newsletter, how to take advantage of it, and why it should be one of your top priorities!

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • Adria DeCorte is a healthy living strategist who works with female entrepreneurs to ‘fuel their hustle’. Of course, if you’re listening to this podcast, you’re a wellness entrepreneurs so you know what you need to do to keep yourself in peak condition…but do you actually do it? (I know running your own business it’s too easy to prioritize work over gym visits and healthy cooking!) In today’s interview we’re talking about how to fuel your hustle, and also, how Adria was chosen as a TedX speaker! She shares how she became a speaker at a Ted-X conference, how she prepared her talk, and her tips for how to perform on the day. I know so many wellpreneurs dream of speaking at a Ted-X, and you’ll be totally inspired to apply to your local Ted-X event after listening to Adria’s advice!

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • This week I have another great interview in Real Wellpreneur series, and my guest is Sachiko Marchand, holistic food coach, dietitian, nutritionist, and founder of Holistic Food Journey. Sachiko was actually one of my clients, and when we first met she was doing personal chef services and cooking classes in a few countries before settling down in Australia, but we transformed her business by shifting it online and allowing her to grow this worldwide community. She is now working less with having a lot more impact and generating more income, her work is much more fun, and she’s spending more time with her family, which is her top priority. Sachiko is such an inspiration! She has proven that you absolutely CAN find time to grow your business even when you are having small children and take care of your family. She’s experienced incredible growth in her business: she has a thriving online community, a few very popular courses, published book, and we talk about that whole amazing journey. Sachiko will share some of the financial aspects of growing her business. I think you’ll find this interview really inspiring, especially if you feel like you can’t balance the time between your work and your family or have trouble transitioning to growing your business from your day job. And actually when we finished the interview we kept chatting and talking about market research and how important it was for her while she’d been developing her programs – so I decided to record that part as well and add it to today’s episode as I think you’ll find it super valuable to hear how you can zero down on your audience. So get your notebook ready because there’s tons of goodness in today’s interview. I know you’ll enjoy it!

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • When you’re starting a health coaching practice, it’s easy to fall into the trap of simply copying other coaches. But instead of just creating what you think a health coaching business ‘should’ look like – what if you were able to create a business that truly aligned with YOU? Today’s guest has a really powerful message about fearlessness, following your gut, and taking those leaps of faith to create the kind of business you really want.

    Julie Santiago left Wall Street two years ago to start her health coaching business, and earned nearly 6 figures in her first year! Despite the immense success, she felt something still wasn’t right and she was burning out. She decided to start over and rebrand herself, working on a much more sustainable and authentic level.

    Julie shares her journey – the success, the lessons learned – and how we can bring our unique strengths into our businesses to create a more authentic business.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • Jen Morris is a certified health coach and co-founder of Urban Detox Club, an online food-based program helping clients to lose weight and create a permanent healthy lifestyle. Jen started her health coaching business working with clients one-on-one, but quickly realized the limits on how many clients she could see (and the frustration of rushing between appointments and last-minute cancellations). That’s what sparked Jen and her business partner to start Urban Detox Club. I was especially interested to have Jen on the podcast because while the program is online – her marketing and client-generation is mainly done offline – in person, through networking events and referrals. In our interview, we talk specifics about networking, referrals, how not to be afraid of your competitors, and how to shift your existing programs from in-person to online.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • “Relax, your life is much bigger than this moment.” That’s the reminder Meghan Telpner used to keep on her desk to give her perspective while growing her business. During this week’s interview we’re talking about how Meghan started her popular blog, how she stays healthy while growing her business (including her own morning routine!), and what she’d do differently if she was starting again today.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • This week we have another installment in our #RealWellpreneur series. I’m speaking with Jill Grunewald, a health coach who specializes in thyroid and hormonal health. In this episode we’re talking about how you can build a successful health coaching practice as an introvert by doing 1-on-1 coaching and using writing as a big way to attract clients. Jill talks about how she built her business slowly and steadily and without all the hype around online marketing, but with the use of writing for magazines and other publications to get the word out about her business. So if you are struggling with the thought whether it is possible to really make it as a health coach today, you are going to love this interview because Jill is here to say YES, and share with us how she’s doing it.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • So many of us have writing a book on our bucket list … but it keeps getting postponed. Maybe that’s because writing a book seems intimidating – like a huge undertaking – but this week Lindsey Smith tells us to just get started! Lindsey is known as the “food mood girl” and is an author, speaker and coach. Lindsey shares her process for writing a book (which happens a lot faster than you might imagine!), how to choose between traditional and self-publishing, and the steps we can take to get started on our book today! Lindsey’s Bio: Lindsey Smith, known as the “food mood girl,” works with people who have a habit of looking to food for all the wrong nutrients: comfort, reward, fun, and acceptance. Through speaking and coaching she motivates, equips, and inspires people to sort out their relationships with food so they can live a healthy, balanced life. Lindsey is also the author of Junk Foods & Junk Moods: Stop Craving and Start Living. For more information, visit www.FoodMoodGirl.com!

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • We continue our Real Health Coaches series with Megan Rand from Ginger Newtrition. After making some changes to her health coaching program, Megan now has a full practice of 1:1 clients until April next year, and is running a group program with 30 people in it. Megan shares how she started her business and got her first clients, the key changes she made that boosted her client uptake and how Instagram has grown her community and her client base.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • Liz Brazier is a former IT-sales executive turned health coach, who started her health coaching business and Live Your Life Now podcast in 2013. Liz splits her time between New York and New Zealand, and is a brilliant example of how you can make a big impact with your business – even if you’re just getting started! Liz and I talk in specifics about how she got started building her list, why she launched a podcast, simplifying social media and sharing tools, books, training and other resources that have been invaluable on her journey. If you’re just starting out in your health + wellness business, have a notebook ready, because you’ll have tons of ideas and action steps after hearing my conversation with Liz! About Liz Brazier: Liz Brazier is an internationally-based lifestyle coach, writer, life/work integration expert, and host of the Live Your Life Now™ podcast.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • New installment of the Real Wellpreneur series is here! In this week’s episode I’m speaking with wellness coach Corinne Dobbas about how her wellness business has evolved over the past decade. She shares her first job in wellness working at a health center, to creating her own programs and putting them online, and talks honestly about how she either had a full time or part time job for many years to take the pressure off her growing business. We talk about authentic growth in your business, trusting your path, and her favorite tools, podcasts, audience building and program promotion strategies and the importance of putting your coaching business first.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • Colleen McCarthy is a nutritionist who shares a behind the scenes look into her online business: how she finds clients, how she created her group program, and how she doubled her business by focusing on ease. Colleen shares: “When I finally opened my heart up to my clients and became vulnerable, my income doubled. I started to love my money space more and it continues to grow. When I started making dates with my bank account, showing it some love, my client base shifted to wanting to do the deeper work (as I was doing) and my income nearly doubled in weeks and continues to do so.” If you’ve ever felt like it was just too hard to find clients and get people to understand what you do, you’ll want to listen to this interview with Colleen.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here:

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • In this episode, you’ll meet Health Coach Adina Grigore, who launched the successful natural beauty brand S.W. Basics. Adina trained as a health coach, and out of a need to find a solution for her own sensitive skin developed a line of high-quality, all-natural skincare products. Her company, SW Basics, has received plenty of impressive media coverage including Martha Stewart and W Magazine.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here: https://wellpreneur.com/e21-getting-exposure-product-based-business-adina-grigore-s-w-basics-brooklyn/

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • In this week’s real wellpreneur interview, I’m speaking with Cyndi O’Meara of Changing Habits. With a lifelong passion of nutrition, Cyndi began doing 1:1 consultations in the 1980’s, but it was after her children were born that she wanted to move away from working 1:1 to creating a bigger company giving her more time freedom. Today, Changing Habits has 23 employees, group programs, a range of products, and more – and she has recently released a documentary film! Cyndi shares her journey into the business she has today, including the changing definition of balance throughout her life and her recently realised lifelong dream (listen to find out what it is!)

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here: https://wellpreneur.com/cyndi-omeara-real-wellpreneur/

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • This week we’ve got a super actionable interview with Acupuncturist Kit Yoon, who shares how she’s growing her online presence through a free Clean Eating Challenge. Kit was starting to feel restricted by her in-person practice, and wanted to add a way to support her patients both between visits and when she wasn’t available in-person by adding online programs. Kit shares how she created a Clean Eating Challenge as a free program, which led to filling her paid weight loss program. In this interview, you’ll learn exactly how Kit created the challenge, the technical pieces you need to run one yourself, and also get a big dose of inspiration for taking your in-person business online.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here: https://wellpreneur.com/e88-acupuncturist-kit-yoon-grows-online-clean-eating-challenge-realwellpreneur/

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • When building your business, you can’t do it alone. That’s the message from this week’s featured wellpreneur – Latham Thomas. Latham is the founder of Mama Glow, a maternal wellness website dedicated to educating, empowering and supporting expectant and new mothers. She’s also a great example of how you can have both a business AND a family, even as a single mother.

    In this interview, Latham shares the challenges of juggling single motherhood with running a business, and gives tips on how she’s kept it all in balance. She tells us that real community support and keeping up with your self-care practice is vital for busy entrepreneurs – and what’s working for her now.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here: https://wellpreneur.com/e16-babies-and-businesses-latham-thomas/

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • Lisa Consiglio Ryan is a health and wellness coach who helps women transition to the “clean life” through diet and holistic lifestyle changes. She runs numerous online programs including her very successful seasonal detox programs, which include a vibrant online Facebook community. Lisa has found that giving her members the opportunity to connect with each other not only helps her leverage her own time, but also gives them the valuable bonus of additional support from other members.

    This interview originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast, you can find the episode and show notes here: https://wellpreneur.com/e14-building-engaged-community-online-program-lisa-consiglio-ryan/

    ➡️ GRAB THE DECISION KIT: I've created a free Health Coach Decision Kit to help you decide if health coaching is the right next step for you. Get your copy here: https://wellpreneur.com/decisionkit

    About This Podcast: Hear what it's like to be a health coach, directly from successful health coaches themselves! In the Health Coach Careers podcast, we share the best health coach interviews to take you behind the scenes with how they started and grew their own health coaching practices.

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, founder of Wellpreneur.

    Wellpreneur Website: https://wellpreneur.com

    Amanda Cook's Website: https://amandacook.me

    Copyright 2013-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.