The Hunting Dog Podcast is a series of interviews with friends, family and industry professionals all related to the world of hunting with dogs. Expect minimal good information, lots of stories of past hunts and opinions that are not necessarily those of the management.
Perusasento-podcastissa Elli Kinnunen ja Ninja Korpelin keskustelevat koirien kanssa harrastamisesta ja kisaamisesta sekä koiraperheen arjesta. Keskeisessä asemassa ovat kouluttaminen ja koiran käytöksen ymmärtäminen. Lisäksi luvassa on suoraa puhetta koiraharrastuksen haasteista ja ongelmista.
Luennot: -
Hey, there dog folk! Welcome to the No Bad Dogs Podcast, hosted by Tom Davis.Do you often wonder what your dog is thinking? Join Tom as he teams up with dog trainers, dog lovers, dog enthusiasts and EVERYTHING in between to bring you the No Bad Dogs Podcast! Each episode will be PACKED full of dog training information and tips. Don't miss the weekly Q&A segment where you can call in and ask your own dog-related questions! Some of the topics we'll cover include dog/puppy training, dog/canine behaviors, advanced training techniques, teaching and more!Follow Thomas on Instagram - @tomdavis @nobadogsYoutube -
Podcast about Police/Military/Working Dogs as well as pets. We talk about products, news, reviews, training and we involve the listener with their tips and feature their dogs as well.
Every week, I talk alone or with guests about EVERYTHING related to swimming. Some guests are athletes and some are others who have impacted the sport in a positive way. This podcast is meant to teach and entertain swimmers all around the world.
Super Retriever Series host, David Hamilton, talks to the best competitive dog & handler teams in the country as they compete in the field and on the dock. So grab a chair, settle in and let's talk dogs.
Korvat Pystyyn! -podcast-sarjassa käsitellään koiria ja kaikkea niihin liittyvää. Jutellaan koirien terveydestä, vakuuttamisesta, ruoasta, niiden kanssa liikkumisesta, asumisesta, liikennekulttuurista, rokotuksista, madotuksista, punkeista, haasteista ja ongelmista koirien kanssa, ja etsitään niille ratkaisuja…
A biweekly podcast for cat owners by a cat owner. We'll cover health issues, breed quirks, problem behaviors, and many other topics. Hosted by a certified cat behaviorist and rescuer. On hiatus until June 2024. Support this podcast:
Moi, mä oon Belle, tervetuola podcastini pariin. Tässä podcastissä puhumme hevosista, keppareista ja ratsastuksesta yleensä. Kerron teille myös hevos tarinoita ja annan vinkkejä ratsastukseen liittyen. Toivottavasti tykkäätte! Käykää seuraamassa mun ig @hevosten._hirnahduksia_podcast
Koirankoulutuksen ihmeellistä maailmaa. Opitaan yhdessä.
Good Dog is on a mission to build a better world for our dogs and the people who love them by educating the public and advocating for dog breeders. The Good Dog Pod will help us achieve our mission by providing dog breeders and the public with the latest updates in canine health and veterinary care, animal legislation and legal advocacy, canine training and behavior science, and dog breeding practices.
Löytö on podcast noseworkista ja ilmiöistä sen ympärillä. Studiossa juttelemassa ovat Elli Kinnunen ja Anita Pesola, jotka käsittelevät erilaisia noseen liittyviä teemoja harrastajan, valmentajan sekä tuomarin näkökulmista.
Jalat maassa -podcastissa keskustellaan käytännönläheisesti eläinten kouluttamisesta ja hyvinvoinnista. Podcastille on oma Facebook-ryhmä nimeltä Jalat maassa -podcast. Tervetuloa mukaan keskustelemaan!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
If you love your dog but are frustrated with quirky behavior, this podcast will help you understand and change that behavior.
Megan Foster, Founder of Synergy Dog Sports and creator of Fostering Excellence in Agility, shares her passion, knowledge, tips and secrets for all things dog agility. Each episode, she will take you through a critical element of agility training and break down the history of it, the dos and don’ts, as well as some key action steps you can take today to continue your path to excellence. Discover how to approach agility training from a place of wellness and learn how to build an agility training program that fits your needs and fuels your passion for the sport. Megan has taken her experience over the last 25 years and developed a systematic approach to agility that applies the most innovative positive reinforcement techniques to both ends of the leash. Megan not only coaches students on their training and competitive goals but also mentors other dog agility coaches to hone their craft in the dog sport world. Ready to ignite (or re-ignite) your passion for this game? Hit subscribe & let’s go!
I’m here to create awareness of signs that you can detect early so that your pet lives a healthy and happy life with you and your family.
Välkommen till podcasten Fotbollssnack! Far och son snackar om senaste nyheterna, vi minns ett spännande VM och pratar om ikoniska fotbollsspelare! Kontakta oss på [email protected] eller via facebooksidan
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Angie Ardolino, certified pet care expert and founder of Your Natural Dog, in important conversations about how to care for your pet naturally. Every week, Angie connects with a top pet professional to give you actionable steps and advice on how to keep your furry friend happy and healthy. If you have a question about your pet you’d like answered on the podcast, email us at [email protected]. Join the conversation on Instagram @yournaturaldogpodcast or on Facebook and don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to our regular podcast updates!
Kissakavereissa käsitellään kissoihin liittyviä aiheita.
Podcast kaikesta siitä viisaudesta, mitä hevoset meille opettavat sekä niistä hevosista, jotka sitä viisasta oppia meille antavat.