Az Új Egyenlőség zöld podcastja a klimakatasztrófa elkerülésének lehetőségeiről, egy környezettudatosabb és fenntarthatóbb világ megteremtéséről szeretne sokakkal együtt gondolkodni.
Podcast. Neked. Érted.
The world is on fire. We have to radically and rapidly transform every aspect of society to stay within 1.5 degrees of global warming. How is this possible? And how do we do this in a way that is fair? Ecological economists integrating ecological and critical social perspectives have long been working on ideas to bring about just sustainability transformations. This podcast aims at communicating these ideas in order to open them to critical discussion, from global problems to people’s everyday lives.
What if we could commit to creating a reality of abundance, health, and wellbeing? What if we commit to creating a reality of an expansive world where we contribute back to others and help them do the same. Every single thought we have, every word we speak, every feeling we feel contributes to reality, the question is, what can you learn? Tune into Shifting Impressions every Friday at 8am Pacific, 11am Eastern,
Gretta, Carol, and Kathleen are a collective group of facilitators supporting the transmission of the Realm of Beings as it is brought forth into the world at this time through lively conversations with each other and the audience.
Join an informal discussion of topics that will raise your consciousness bringing unconditional love, abundant joy, and prosperity into your life.
Get to know the realm of beings at -
An award-winning podcast from the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, exploring today's biggest global challenges with the world's leading experts. Listen every other week by subscribing wherever you listen to podcasts.
Word and Table is a weekly podcast about liturgy, sacrament, and the great tradition of Christian worship and why it is vital in our world today.
It is hosted by Fr. Alex Wilgus, rector at Redemption Anglican Church in Frisco, TX and features Fr. Stephen Gauthier, the Canon Theologian of the Diocese of the Upper Midwest in the Anglican Church in North America -
Mastering the Business of Yoga (M.B.Om for short) is a podcast was designed for new yoga teachers who want to create a successful career in yoga, but don't know where to start, or what to do. Each episode is hosted by yoga teacher & business graduate, Amanda Kingsmith, and features different, successful and inspiring yoga teachers who share their experiences in the yoga world, and the business lessons they have learned throughout their careers. Guests range from full-time yoga teachers, yoga studio owners, teachers who have branched off to create their own businesses, teachers who have developed their own teacher training, and much more.
It’s time to start running your money so it doesn’t run you. Your host, Veronica Grant, a certified personal finance consultant, will help you navigate debt, spending, saving, and investing in plain English (and make it fun!). Listen weekly on Tuesdays for a deep dive into a money topic and on Fridays as she answers questions from the community.
Got a money question? Submit it to
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast about public procurement & law. Hosts: dr. Willem Janssen & dr. Marta Anhov
Cuaderno de Bitácora está dedicado a impartir audiciones de poesía, comentarios de textos y prácticas guiadas hacia el centramiento de la interioridad del ser.
Puedes contactar conmigo a través de:, instagram, facebook o por correo electrónico -
Our mission is to Win Souls and Make Disciples. That’s why every program will give you the opportunity to receive salvation through Jesus and challenge you to apply faith to everyday living as you grow in the likeness of Christ.
Walking by Faith videos present the Truth that changes lives with the practical, Biblical teaching of Duane Vander Klok, Lead pastor at Resurrection Life Church in Grandville, MI. -
Társadalmi, politikai jelenségekről a tudomány nyelvén, közérthetően.
A Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont podcastja -
Rengeteg kérdés és megmagyarázhatatlan dolog övezi létezésünket, az előttünk élt emberek mégis mind tisztában voltak mindazokkal a tényekkel, amiknek mi most még mindig csak a felszínét kapargatjuk. Ébredezünk és egyre többen egyre többet látunk, hallunk és tapasztalunk. De a teljes kép mégis csak akkor kristályosodik ki, ha ismerjük múltunkat, hisz akkor érthetjük meg jelenünket és csakis ezáltal készülhetünk fel az előttünk álló jövőre. Rengeteg segítőnk van ezen az úton és tulajdonképpen az is mindegy, hogy milyen nevet adunk nekik...Isten, angyal, földönkívüli, lélek. Egy bizonyos: a műsorban pontosan erről beszélgetünk élőben minden kedden 20-21 óra között.
Popgazdasági eszmecsere.
Régi epizódok, avagy nulladik évad (2020-2022): -
Unlock the Secrets of Love and Relationships with Acacia: Your Trusted Tarot Reader and Relationship Guide. Dive deep into the mystical world of Tarot as we offer empowering relationship advice, foster spiritual growth, and strengthen mental health. Our trauma-informed discussions on sex and love create a safe space for self-reflection, guiding you towards fulfilling relationships. Explore kinks and fetishes fearlessly, while receiving romantic love letters from oracle cards that remind us of the true essence of love. Subscribe now to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and love with Acacia, your friend and guide in matters of the heart.
Co-hosts Josiah Kennealy and Micah Kennealy interview thought leaders and experts on reaching young adults in our world, today!
Kabbalistic Sleep and Dream expert Mordechay Balas takes you on a profound journey to the land of sleep and our dreams. Each session will unlock wisdom and knowledge about the sacred realm of your sleep through the teachings of Kabbalah. Mordechay will provide insights and practical tools to enhance the nature and depth of your sleep, to boost the clarity and resolution of your dreams and to decipher what the universe is saying to you in this powerful state of being.
Az Örömteli Mindennapok® egy naponta jelentkező TV-s és rádiós műsor a Joyce Meyer Ministries-től
Az Új Egyenlőség Kék Podcastja pszichológiai és társadalomkritikai kérdésekkel foglalkozik.
The only podcast exclusively for Manifestors (Human Design)! Join Human Design specialist and Spiritual Teacher, The Holly Maree, a 4/6 Splenic Manifestor as she unpacks the complexities, hacks, deep truths, wounds and laughs that is the Manifestor experience. This podcast is your source for unlocking your significant power as a Manifestor and genuinely being seen for the unique energetic being you are. If you have been looking for resources on becoming aligned with your badass Manifestor self, this podcast is for you.