
  • Today is the finale in our Men of May series and we are ending with another fantastic episode! I have really enjoyed this mini series and I pray you have too! I hope you have found it encouraging, uplifting and a nice way to change things up a bit on Honey For Your Heart! If you are a regular listener, you most likely heard Melody Hemphill’s beautiful story of brokenness and redemption a few months ago on the show. If you haven’t heard it, I highly recommend you listen to her powerful testimony. Today, I am joined by her husband Randy Hemphill who shares the other side of their story. Randy is the founder of Life Ministries. He is an author, speaker, counselor and he and Melody are some of our dearest friends! Each week, I pray that the Lord would speak directly to the ears that are listening in ways that only He can. This week, He had a word specifically for me through Randy’s story and to be honest, it caught me a little by surprise! You will hear more about that as you listen but it was a sweet reminder that the Lord does truly meet us right where we are as we listen to others share their stories. He is faithful to allow us to find ourselves in the narrative while reminding us in those moments that He is a God who sees and knows the deepest parts of our souls and meets us there with unchanging love, mercy and compassion. I know that as you listen today, you will find that to, once again, be true. Psalm 42:1 says, As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” As Randy eloquently states in this episode, we pray that these words are refreshing streams of water for your thirsty soul. For more information about Life Ministries and Randy, visit http://www.lifeministriesnow.com/

  • We are continuing our special mini series titled Men of May: Stories of Women’s Impact and Inspiration where we are hearing the incredible stories of men God is using in powerful ways for the kingdom, but also looking through their eyes at the women He has surrounded them with who serve alongside them in ministry. Today, I am joined by Micah McElveen. Micah’s story is extraordinary. A surfing accident left Micah dead. But God wasn't done. Through that brush with death, Micah’s dreams were shattered but a new path for his life emerged as God gave vision for a world-impacting ministry.

In 2005, Micah founded Vapor Ministries. Today, they operate ministry centers in multiple countries, serving hundreds of thousands on a weekly basis and employing hundreds of indigenous people. Micah is married to Audrey, who was also a guest on this season of Honey For Your Heart sharing her extraordinary story that undeniably showcases God’s grace and mercy. Today, you will have the privilege of hearing not only Micah’s inspiring story but also peeking in to the other side of his love story with Audrey and the clear calling the Lord placed on their lives as a team to literally change the world for His glory. Micah says, “at the end of the day, life is a Vapor. The question is, will we waste it, or invest it?”. As you listen today, our prayer is that the Lord will meet you at the intersection of that question and you will find encouragement and inspiration to follow Him wherever He may lead. https://www.micahmcelveen.com/ https://www.vaporministries.org/

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  • We are in the middle of our Men of May Series where we are highlighting and honoring the inspirational influence of some extraordinary women as we look at their lives through the lens of the men they have impacted. Today, I am joined by my friend Josh Orr. Josh is an entrepreneur and a podcast host. He is the founder of Capital Commerce and is also one of the hosts of the annual Manifest Conference. I had the privilege of meeting Josh last fall at the Manifest Conference and began working with him shortly after. Josh’s story is nothing short of amazing and as you hear him share about the incredible sacrifices his mom, who was a single mom, made that got him to where he is today, you too will be both encouraged and inspired. If you feel like you are not enough or you aren’t making a difference, this is the episode for you. We dive into those topics and much more as we look at Josh’s journey and the tribute he pays to both his mom and his beautiful wife, Kristen. So grab a good cup of coffee and maybe some tissues as you listen in to this incredible story. To learn more about Josh, visit https://madebycapital.com/

  • Today, we are kicking off a very special mini series called Men of May: Stories of Women’s Impact and Inspiration. The month of May holds particular significance as we celebrate the profound influence of mothers and women everywhere. While we typically feature the unique and powerful stories of women, in this exciting mini-series, we turn the spotlight onto men who the Lord is using in mighty ways. Each week in May we will hear their stories, while paying tribute to the remarkable women God has strategically placed in their lives. We will highlight and honor the invaluable role these women play in uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring our men on their journeys. We kick off our series with my great friend Jeff Simmons. Along with being an author and speaker, Jeff is the Founding and Senior Pastor of Rolling Hills Community Church in Nashville, TN and serves as the President of Justice and Mercy International. I had the privilege of working with Jeff and Lisa many years ago. He has had a profound impact on my life and I have been able to see firsthand how the Lord called Him to great Kingdom work and surrounded Him with amazingly gifted, wise and strong women who walk alongside him in ministry. If you wonder what your purpose is or ever feel like your job, giftings or role is mundane or even trivial - this episode is for you. Today, we take a deep dive into how the Lord has a calling and a purpose on each life, exactly where you are. And He is using right where you are today with whatever talents you have today in whatever circumstances you are in today to accomplish His work in a bigger story. Our job is to simply lean in and let Him work. In the hands of the One who can do “immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine”, the ordinary becomes extraordinary. So grab a cup of coffee and join me as we hear Jeff’s story. For more information Jeff, visit https://www.jeffsimmons.org

  • Angela Correll is a best selling author and successful entrepreneur. Today we talk about Angela’s latest book, Restored in Tuscany: A True Story of Facing Loss, Finding Beauty, And Living Forward with Hope. The book is fascinating story of Angela and her husband Jess’s time in Italy which ultimately led to buying and restoring a home there while paralleling how the Lord was also restoring Angela’s during that process. For those that feel exhausted in life, or maybe overwhelmed by the season you are in - this story is for you! I know that, like me, you will find yourself in the details of Angela’s story and you will also find a God who is calling you into quiet rest with Him where He is waiting to restore places deep in your soul that only He can. I pray that you feel the mercy and grace of the Lord wash over you today as you listen. For more information on Angela and her books, visit https://angelacorrell.com/

  • Most of us would probably say we want to make a difference in this world but we are often not really sure how to do that. My guest today had that same thought and prayed that the Lord would show her how and He did just that. Jovana Mullins is the creator of Alivia Clothing. God gave her a creative mind with a love for fashion. Growing up with a mother who taught special education and after volunteering at an organization serving those with special needs, the Lord opened the door to combine her passion for fashion with her love for those with disabilities and Alivia clothing was created. Understanding that each and every person is created beautifully and wonderfully by the Lord, Alivia uses fashion as a platform to connect conscious consumers with the talents of people with disabilities. I know you will be just as fascinated and inspired as I was when you hear Jovana’s incredible story of how a gorgeous piece of clothing starts with the creative mind of beautiful individual with disabilities. For more information, please visit: https://www.shopalivia.com/

  • Have you ever had a moment where the Lord undeniably and unexpectedly brings someone in your life that you know will change it forever? That happened to me a little over a year ago with my sweet friend, Elizabeth Evans. Elizabeth is the reason Honey For Your Heart exists. She is our producer and has been with us from the start, paving the way to what you are enjoying today. As the producer, Elizabeth normally stays behind the scenes, but today I am SO thrilled to have her join me on the other side of the mic. Elizabeth is one of those people who you feel instantly connected with. Her love for the Lord is written all over every interaction you have with her and He is using her in BIG ways to make a difference for His kingdom. Her story is one of difficult seasons, miraculous interventions, bold life changes and often scary decisions requiring radical faith and obedience. But through it all, there is a common thread: God is trustworthy, faithful and is constantly redeeming and restoring, not wasting a single second of our stories. As you hear Elizabeth share her amazing journey today, I know that, like me, you will encounter a good Father who is personal and intentional with His children, never leaving them alone and always working for their good. Perhaps you know this but need a sweet reminder today. Elizabeth’s story will be like honey for your soul as you remember God’s faithfulness in your own life as she shares about His faithfulness in hers. Or maybe you doubt if God is good and can be trusted. Maybe He seems distant and anything but good. If that is you today, our prayer is that through Elizabeth’s story, you will meet a God who knows you perfectly, loves you intimately and can be trusted to tenderly hold every doubt, every fear, every decision, every emotion, every question, every bit of shame you may feel and cover them with his unending mercy and grace as you surrender in obedience to Him. So grab a cup of coffee and allow the Lord to meet you right where you are as you listen to Elizabeth’s story. Follow Elizabeth here: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethevans.co/ Learn more here: www.elizabethevans.co

  • Today, I am joined by a fellow podcaster, Lauren Cunningham. Lauren has an amazing journey that is full of twists and turns and literally leaves you with your jaw open in amazement at some points. But through it all, the Lord was writing a very beautiful story that only He could write, teaching her about His love along the way and leading her to a passion and calling that is impacting countless lives today. So grab a cup of coffee and settle in for a story that will remind you that if life seems completely confusing, hard and very unexpected, the Lord has not left you and He is truly working all things together for your good. Find more about Lauren and the So Can I Podcast here: https://laurencunningham.co/about

  • You are in for a special treat today with our guest Ashley McMakin. Ashley owns Ashley Mac’s Kitchen: a thriving catering business along with 5 restaurants that are mouth wateringly good! To give you a little history, Ashley crafted meals that became like edible greeting cards for the community. In moments when words were not enough, they gave poppyseed chicken and yeast rolls. On no-cook days, moms relied on Ashley to put a warm meal on the table. And for celebrations, they served her mouthwatering strawberry cake. She has achieved enormous success in her businesses and we dive into how it all started - which is fascinating. But her story hasn’t always been easy. Ashley walked through years of infertility and we talk through how the Lord carried her through those years and ultimately gave her a big beautiful family both through biological birth and adoption. You will love hearing Ashley’s wisdom as a business owner and her heart as a mom. The tagline of her business is: Serving hand-crafted southern food to the community - feeding the moments that matter. And this is truly Ashley’s purpose for Ashley Macs. So cozy up for an encouraging and inspiring story of a business born out of passion and a mom born out of God’s grace - both trusting the Lord and His good plan and His perfect timing. To find out more about Ashley Mac's Kitchen, visit https://www.ashleymacs.com/

  • I remember, at a young age, seeing in scripture that Abraham was called a “friend of God.” Those words jumped off the page to me and I remember thinking - wow! I wonder how you get to actually be “friends” with God - so much that it’s even recorded in scripture.

    Well, my guest today has a passion for that very thing and has devoted her life to ministry and teaching others about the friendship of the Lord. I am so excited for you to hear from Faith Eury Cho today.

    She has been in ministry since she was 19 years old and in her words, met Jesus at a young age and hasn’t stopped talking about Him since. She is a speaker, author, CEO and founder of The Honor Summit, church planter, and much more. She has a new book out called Experiencing Friendship with God that looks at what that means and the path to getting there (spoiler alert: the wilderness is involved).

    I know that, like me, you will find Faith’s words to be both encouraging and challenging but definitely life giving as we dive into what it means to have a personal friendship with God and how we get there.

    If you are deep in a wilderness season and feeling angry, confused, frustrated, even wondering if God is there and why it all even matters or if you are in calmer days but still feel like you don’t really KNOW God or want to know Him more personally, this message is for you! So grab a cup of coffee and your journal or notebook (you will want to take notes - I promise) and meet a God who is bigger than any wilderness you will ever face but desires you to know Him intimately.

    To learn more about Faith and her ministry, visit https://www.faitheurycho.com/

  • If you have ever desired something so deeply only to face closed doors time and time again, you know the heartbreak, disappointment and confusion those seasons bring. Maybe you felt angry at God and wondered what He’s doing and if He is even trustworthy. If that’s you, this episode will certainly validate those feelings and speak to the questions and longings of your heart. Today, I am joined by my sweet friend Megan Smalley. Megan owns Scarlet & Gold, a multifaceted business based in Auburn, AL and she is the mom of three beautiful boys. I actually came across Megan’s story several years ago on social media. Megan spoke openly and honestly about her very painful and difficult struggle with infertility and also about dealing with burnout in her business. She made a very difficult and extremely honest post about how she sensed the Lord was calling her to step away from her thriving business, possibly for a season, possibly forever and that in obedience to that she was literally shutting down Scarlet & Gold. Thankfully, the Lord did eventually lead her to pick the business back up and it is still thriving today. I remember being shocked but also so inspired by her willingness to be open and vulnerable with anyone who wanted to listen. I loved her heart for the Lord and for helping people and often found encouragement and inspiration in her words. A few years later, the Lord would allow our paths to cross and a friendship to form - something I will forever be grateful for. As Megan shares her story today, no matter what season you find yourself in, you will find such wisdom her words as we talk about business ownership, motherhood and other just basic life issues. But if you are in the depths of waiting and longing - not knowing how the story will end, you will find compassion and understanding in her words and as you listen, it is our prayer that you will encounter the hope and peace and trust that can only come from the Lord and lifting your eyes to Him, especially on the darkest of days. For more information on Megan or Scarlet & Gold, visit: https://www.megansmalley.com/

  • Have you ever felt stretched to your limits or frustrated by your limits? Maybe you really wish they didn’t exist or you could make them magically go away! If you find yourself there, today’s episode is for you! I am joined today by Sara Hagerty. Sara is a bestselling author, speaker, wife and homeschooling mother of 7 - four adopted from Africa and three through surprise miracle pregnancies. Sara says she “has found significance of words whispered in hidden places as conversation with God and worship to God as well as written in tearful honesty and shared with her readers”. She has walked through hard seasons of infertility and faced significant health struggles which have revealed her physical and mental limitations, opening the door for the Lord to meet her there with tenderness, compassion and His strengths. Today, we discuss her newest book, The Gift Of Limitations: Finding Beauty in Your Boundaries, and talk through questions like “What if your greatest weaknesses - the areas of your life you resent the most, the places where you feel the most overextended and unfulfilled - are your doorway to rich intimacy with God? “ What if your limitations were, in fact, your greatest gift?”

    Sara has seen, firsthand, how the boundaries of our life circumstances can bring about growth and satisfaction we would never experience otherwise.

    So grab a notebook & pen (you’ll definitely want to jot these practical truths down) and join me as we learn to name our limitations and see them as beautiful weaknesses drawing us closer to the Lord, slowing down the cadence of life and ultimately creating a heart that is truly at rest in the Father. For more information on Sara and her books, please visit https://sarahagerty.net/
  • Do you find yourself longing for true peace but unsure how to get it? In difficult seasons, do you struggle to find comfort and rest? If this resonates with you, today's episode is one not to miss! Our guest today is Kelly Minter. Kelly and I have many friends in common and had the privilege of meeting each other and working together about a year ago so I am thrilled to share her story and her love of scripture with you today on the show. Kelly is an author, Bible teacher, and podcaster. She speaks around the country and also works closely with Justice & Mercy International in the Amazon jungles of Brazil as well as the Eastern European country of Moldova. Kelly is deeply passionate about teaching the Bible and believes it permeates all of life. Kelly’s story on how the Lord paved the way for her to use her gifting of teaching and writing is fascinating and involves a college basketball scholarship and three record deals in Nashville. So pull up a seat, grab a cup of coffee (Kelly will be drinking hers in a big diner mug - she’s also passionate about those) and enjoy hearing Kelly’s story that will hopefully inspire you to dig into scripture as a balm for your soul as it has been for Kelly from a very young age. Follow Kelly here! https://www.instagram.com/kelly_minter/

  • If you have ever asked the question at any season of life or during multiple seasons of life - “who am I” you are in for a wonderful treat today. I had the honor of chatting with Laney Rene for this episode of Honey for Your Heart and it was such a joyful conversation that blessed my heart, as I know it will yours. Laney is a wife, mom, and founder of The One He Loves, a ministry which exists so every woman can be refreshed, encouraged, and reminded of Jesus’ loving-kindness toward them. Laney is known for sharing the goodness of Jesus in a way that is not just inviting but also captivating. After walking through a painful season and into a redemption story only Jesus could come up with, Laney couldn’t keep the good news to herself. Today, as a worship artist, author, and speaker, Laney continues to find creative ways to share the heart of Jesus with everyone she can! Definitely grab a good cup of coffee and a notebook and allow the encouraging and life giving words that Laney shares to wash over you, bringing hope, peace and freedom as you listen. https://www.instagram.com/heylaneyrene/?hl=en

  • Melody and her husband, Randy, are founders of Life Ministries. But their story is one filled with brokenness and healing. Restoration marks their relationship and ministry. They were married in June of 1995. Though they did not realize the full extent of their marriage vows, they made a commitment that they believed had forever all over it. Their individual stories became one story that day, but they did not realize the amount of wounding and struggles that they were each bringing into marriage until several years down the road. Gradually, it became clear that their marriage had cracks in the foundation, and in 2003 the depth of the damage became clear…their marriage was completely broken. It appeared that they had reached the end of their relationship, and the future looked hopeless. Only the love of Jesus could rescue them from the sinful, broken choices they had made. God exposed them, pursued them, and began to restore them. What they believed was impossible, God saw as possible, and He began a process of restoration in each of them that led to the healing of their marriage. Today, Melody is here to share her side of that story with a desire to point to God’s powerful healing not only in her marriage, but deep within her soul in ways she could have never imagined. Maybe you are in a hard place in marriage and it feels hopeless. Or maybe you feel tempted to believe the lies Satan is throwing your way that you have to be perfect or your life has to look a certain way to be worthy. This story is for you! You will feel seen and known as Melody shares and most of all you will be pointed to a place of dependency on the Lord that gives you the courage to call out to Him and trust Him, especially in the darkest of days. To find out more about Life Ministries, please visit http://www.lifeministriesnow.com/

  • I am thrilled to share a truly amazing and miraculous story with you today. I recently met Erin Hamby and heard her story and knew it was one that would touch so many lives and needed to be shared on Honey For Your Heart. Erin walked through an extremely complicated pregnancy and was ultimately told there was a zero percent chance her child would survive. But the Lord told Erin otherwise and through the process her faith grew in ways she could have never imagined. Erin’s husband, Blake, wrote a powerful book called Zero Percent Chance which shares the story from his perspective. And today, Erin is here to tell her side of the story and how God worked in her life during that time. So grab a cup of coffee and be prepared to be amazed at the Lord’s goodness and encouraged by His faithfulness as you hear Erin’s story. Grab their book here: https://www.amazon.com/Zero-Percent-Chance-Blake-Hamby/dp/B0CJ5W1YTX

  • Amy and Jess, the creators of Sister I'm With You, discuss the importance of adult friendships and sisterhood. They share their personal experiences with loneliness and the power of intentional friendship. They emphasize the need for authenticity, reciprocity, trust, and positivity in healthy adult friendships. They also discuss the importance of setting boundaries and knowing when to step away from toxic relationships. In this conversation, Jess and Amy discuss the importance of intentional pursuit of healthy friendships and the seasonal nature of friendships. They also explore the significance of authenticity and long-lasting friendships, as well as the need for setting boundaries in friendships. The conversation highlights the importance of recognizing overextension and resentment, and the value of loving from a distance. They also discuss the guilt associated with needing boundaries and the power of truth-telling friends. The conversation concludes with a discussion about their new book, 'Here For It, The Good, The Bad and The Queso,' which delves deeper into friendship topics. For more information or to order the books, visit https://www.sisteriamwithyou.com/

  • "Like enduring a cold winter, waiting for life to happen can feel long, lonely and agonizing. But winter also carries a hidden beauty: Life is being preserved an dstored away to be revealed in a later season." - Barb Hill

    If you find yourself feeling hopeless in a long season of waiting, today's episode is for you!
    My guest today is Barb Hill. Barb is a licensed therapist and the founder of Holding Space Counseling with a specialty in trauma. She holds an undergraduate degree in biblical studies and has a masters in clinical mental health counseling. As a therapist, Barb recognizes the importance that faith and mental health have in our lives and she is passionate in the pursuit of bridging these two important worlds.

    Barb is the author of Seasons of Waiting, which is a 52 week devotional book with daily prompts helping you process and work through week. Today, she shares with us a particularly her journey through a long season of waiting and how the Lord used it to birth this very powerful and practical book. Barb compares our experiences in waiting to the physical seasons we walk through each year. It is truly fascinating and a very helpful tool to identify where you are in waiting and how to lean in to each season, allowing the Lord to work, as He is always faithful to do.

    I believe you, like me, will find Barb’s story and wisdom offers both the help you need and the comfort you desire.

    Follow Barb here! https://www.instagram.com/barbs_hill/

    Check out her book here: barbhillauthor.com

  • You are in for a special treat today as you hear from my friend, Jennifer Mayer. Jennifer was raised in a Christian home, went to a Christian school, graduated top of her high school class and Cum Laude from Auburn University. After college, she landed a prestigious job, lived in a beautiful home with her husband and two beautiful children, drove nice cars and seemingly had it all. But hidden beneath it all was an addiction to alcohol and pills that would ultimately take her marriage, her kids and eventually land her in jail. Throughout that time, the Lord never left her side as He patiently and relentlessly pursued Jennifer. When she hit rock bottom, she simply cried out, "Lord help me" which started the beautiful journey of healing, redemption and restoration in her life through her surrender and His power.

    I am so excited to introduce you to my friend, Jennifer, and share her powerful story of rescue and redemption that can be found in the Lord when we simply ask!

  • I believe God has a purpose for my life but how do I know what it is? When life doesn’t make sense, is God really there and in control? If you’ve ever asked questions like these, this episode is for you! Today, we have a truly extraordinary guest with us, someone whose journey through life is a testament to the relentless pursuit of the Lord in all situations and His trustworthiness with our stories. Audrey McElveen’s story is one of beauty emerging from hardship that will definitely touch your heart.

    Audrey's story is a beautiful, yet challenging one. It is a tale of how the Lord pursued her in her time of need. But this story is more than just a narrative; it's a testament to the divine orchestration of our lives for God’s good purposes. Her passion for basketball became a conduit for God's grace, birthing a ministry and leading her towards a future she could have never imagined. Her story is full of joy, authenticity, and inspiration.

    She and her husband, Micah, are the founders of Vapor Ministries. Today, Vapor Ministries operates multiple ministry centers in multiple countries, serving hundreds of thousands on a weekly basis and employing hundreds of indigenous people. Each year, Vapor Ministries is serving tens of millions of cups of clean water and hundreds of thousands of meals through centers and providing health services to people in desperate need.

    As you hear Audrey's story today, I pray it is a powerful reminder that even in our most desperate moments there is a loving Father who does not withhold His good gifts from His children and is writing a beautiful story in the process. So, I challenge you to lean in and immerse yourselves in this inspiring story of trust, love, and the incredible journey of a soul pursued by the Lord for His glory and purpose.

    To find out more about Vapor Ministries, visit https://www.vaporministries.org