
  • How do we all act as protestants online? L.M. Sacasas joins Henry (4th time!?) to chat about material/digital culture, how we compensate for natural affordances in new digital interfaces, our inability to account for non-measurable losses, texture vs. frictionlessness, lofi, roguelikes, reality tv, ambient data capture, extracting our private life for gain, how digital space is more of a past rather a place. (Recorded August 2022) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/protestant

    [00:00] Introduction[04:15] The Everyday Texture of Material Culture[07:11] Translated Affordances of Digital Interfaces[09:11] The Burden of Note-Taking Systems[10:36] No Accounting for Loss[11:48] The Added Texture of Lofi[14:54] Anchors of the Material World[16:02] The Frictionless Life[18:03] The Internal Motivation of Roguelikes[19:42] The Language of Needs[21:52] Liturgies and Mediums[22:47] No Material Trace[24:41] Compensating for the Losses of the Digital[27:28] You can't capture me![29:11] Reality TV prepped us for the Very Online Life[31:23] Ambient Capture and Surveillance Culture[33:41] On the Terms of the Medium [35:41] Extraction of Private Life into Public Benefit[38:28] On Loneliness and Making a Living[41:45] Negotiating The Terms of Technology[43:45] The Gradience of Relationality in Sidewalk Life[45:12] Artificially Reconstituting Our Being in a Built Environment[48:07] A Gaze Turned Pastward ★ Support this podcast ★
  • Where can hope be found? Alex Kim joins again to open up questions of responsibility, and our place in relation to times of weariness. He speaks out his experiences growing up and also shepherding a local church body as a youth pastor. We speak amidst the burnout on notions of time, the work of Charles Taylor through Andrew Root, work/play, and living out in hope. Maybe it's what this podcast is attempting to work towards! (Recorded June 2022) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/hope


    [00:00] La Fatigue d'être soi (Weariness of the Self)[04:32] These Churches have Five Year Plans[06:30] The Dynamics of a Pastor[08:49] Intimate Moments > Big Programs[11:38] Notions of Time[14:36] Having a Proper Sense of Efficiency[16:32] Work in Order to Play[17:58] Trapped in Itineraries[22:23] Where is Hope?[25:41] On Shepherding[27:36] Against Walls and Fences of Hopelessness[31:08] Dual Causality[33:09] Church as Wirecutters[36:02] Living Out a Seen Hope[39:24] Hope for Life and Life to Hope ★ Support this podcast ★
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  • Can our digitally mediated environment be spiritual? Nick Ripatrazone takes us through the lens of the Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan, focusing on his not well-known Catholic faith. McLuhan himself describes his testimony into the Church as, "I came in on my knees. That is the only way in." We discuss the topics around inter-textuality, the complexity of life, on form/function within mediums like poetry, concept/percept, ambiguity and paradox, and McLuhan's famous phrase "the medium is the message". (Recorded April 2022) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/communion

    - Digital Communion (book)
    - Nick's site


    [00:00] Layers of Language Meaning[04:26] Bible as Hypertextual Medium[08:47] Embracing the Messiness of Everything[12:57] Incarnational Poetry[17:41] 'Coming on my Knees'[20:28] From Tech to Philosophy[24:14] In Art, Faith is Perception[30:42] Art as the Boundaries of Language[33:20] Satan as a Great Electrical Engineer[37:23] Authentic Religion is Full of Ambiguity[39:52] What is Sin Really?[42:34] Understanding McLuhan[47:06] Living is Lengthening the Narrative ★ Support this podcast ★
  • What is the place of history in our society? Who was Ivan Illich and how might he be a helpful voice, even in his passing? David Cayley shares about his new book, "Ivan Illich: An Intellectual Journey". It's not really a biography, and as Illich himself would say, "you can't capture me!" We talk about open source, big tech, and enclosure, history which gives you roots, how tradition and change are intertwined, the many myths/idols of society, on good vs. value, aestheticism, and much more. (Recorded in January 2022) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/history

    - David's website
    - Ivan Illich: An Intellectual Journey (book)
    - Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Software (Kelty)


    [00:00] Recursive Publics or Enclosure of a New Commons?[12:03] Deaf to the Divine[14:03] History as a Place to Stand[20:54] Tradition and Innovation as Inseparable Pairs[23:13] Administering The Kingdom[29:55] Progress as the Myth Of Our Civilization[33:40] Recovering Renunciation[36:09] Promethean Man has Immunity from Surprise[37:58] Value has no Opposite[41:03] Askesis: A New Aestheticism[44:03] Risk Awareness as Ideology[47:42] The Myth About Science ★ Support this podcast ★
  • What is the nature of reality? Esther Lightcap Meek speaks of reality as interpersonal, saying yes to life, everyday knowing. We discuss hope as a person-ed affair, how life is a sort of scrabbling together of clues, gift economies, covenant epistemology, on commitment, consent, belonging. (Recorded in November 2021) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/reality

    Esther: https://www.estherlightcapmeek.com


    [00:00] Hope as a Person[01:33] Creative Subsidiary Scrambling[04:21] The Gift[09:03] Polanyi's Interpersonal View of Reality[12:03] Covenant Epistemology[16:28] Reality Explodes Your Questions[18:14] Loving with Control-F[21:54] Technology is like Chocolate[24:07] Fire Pit Conversations[26:46] Faces that see you[29:44] Myopic Fixation[32:45] Commitment[35:10] Moment of Consent[37:12] Willed Loneliness[39:47] Have Your Hands Out ★ Support this podcast ★
  • Why is Christianity so commercialized? Conley shares about The Dorean Principle, his new book which explains this biblical concept of the Gospel being "freely given". We talk about being a colaborer vs. a customer, reciprocity vs. gift, Bible translation, Christian music, copyright and creative commons, and how it all relates to an open source ethos. (Recorded in October 2021) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/dorean.

    Book: https://thedoreanprinciple.org


    [00:00] Supporting Ministries with Co-Laborers[02:22] The Modern Publishing Industry[06:25] Co-Laborers vs. Customers[07:52] Beyond Reciprocity: Contribution Matching + Family Worship[10:12] False Teachers are also Greedy Teachers[12:31] The Copyright Milieu of The Bible[16:59] The Oddity of Christian Music Licensing[23:44] Personal Bibles[26:17] Given Without Price ★ Support this podcast ★
  • How can we think about digital communication, let alone silence? Is it possible? L.M. Sacasas is back to chat about a few of his last newsletter posts: the nature of silence, attention not as a resource, on hope vs. expectations, the arms race of escalation, manufactured needs, askesis or discipline, the commons vs. the public, and trustlessness and codes of law. (Recorded in July 2021) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/silence.

    Previous: https://hopeinsource.com/limits, https://hopeinsource.com/convivial
    Michael: https://twitter.com/LMsacasas
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    [00:00] Impossible Silences[07:03] Silence as a Commons[15:10] Attending with the Body[23:27] Hope vs. Expectation[25:48] Vendor Lock-in[29:15] Rat Race or Arms Race?[32:33] What in Fact Do We Need?[36:33] Askesis of Perception[41:28] Isn't Just Something You Can Code into a Program[43:29] The Commons vs The Public[55:40] Trustlessness and Codes of Law ★ Support this podcast ★
  • Why read Ivan Illich today? What does the thought of this radical historian have to bear on our modern tech world? In this episode, Madhu Suri Prakash and Dana L. Stuchul of Penn State University interview L.M. Sacasas on his work as being a sort of bridge or interlocutor of Illich's thoughts. They talk about schooling and inequality in COVID, ways of thinking about technology, a life of planning vs. gift, convivial tools, redemption of work, and more. (Recorded in December 2020) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/illich

    (It's a guest podcast, as I just edited it!)

    Previously: https://hopeinsource.com/convivial, https://hopeinsource.com/limits
    The International Journal of Illich Studies: https://journals.psu.edu/illichstudies/index


    [00:33] Working within the Christian tradition[03:04] Why start the newsletter?[07:16] Lost year of schooling[09:00] Inequality in COVID[14:03] What's Compelling about Illich?[17:28] Resisting the frame of control and embracing gift[22:03] Tesla as a "solution"[26:29] The challenge of needs[28:12] Progeny[30:24] Redeeming work[33:16] The body and senses[34:50] Playfulness[36:34] Why read Illich today?[40:43] Making Illich accessible[44:24] Starting point to his work?[47:27] Illich in Conversation ★ Support this podcast ★
  • How does the digital life shape our perceptions of ourselves? Maggie Appleton starts us off on a discussion of school in pandemic times which lead to a discussion of the disembodiment that technology can create, somehow bringing us further towards our thoughts on time and space? (Recorded in November 2020) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/disembodiment

    Previously: https://hopeinsource.com/embodied, https://hopeinsource.com/process
    Maggie: https://twitter.com/Mappletons
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    [00:00] Deschooling Society[09:42] Disembodied By Technology[20:11] Perceiving Time[21:43] Space And Silence ★ Support this podcast ★
  • How is the state of modern software like losing at Tetris? Stephen Kell joins Henry to chat about Ivan Illich's thought (counter-productivity, radical monopoly, critique of institutions) applied to modern software culture! We talk about the software/hardware arms race, how our default is more is better, tech being all-consuming, the tyranny of updates. (recorded in Dec 2020) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/tetris.

    Stephen: https://twitter.com/stephenrkell
    Talk slides: Software against humanity? An Illichian perspective on the industrial era of software
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    [0:00] The Software/Hardware Arms Race[3:37] Solving a Crisis by Escalation[5:31] The All-consuming Tech Industry[7:06] Counting the Costs[9:37] The Politics of Open Source[13:06] Software Convergence to Pi[14:45] Never Obsolete[16:59] Communicating with Aliens[19:25] The Radical Monopoly of the Recent[21:48] The Tyranny of Updates[24:07] End-user Programming[26:43] Thresholds of Automation[30:33] Software Slogans[33:04] Corruption of Christianity[35:56] Need to Care for One Another[38:50] Monasticism ★ Support this podcast ★
  • What happens when we open up browser APIs like a filesystem? Omar Rizwan joins Henry to chat about his latest project, TabFS! We discuss possible extensions, tinkering with scripts vs being a whole "project", writing it yourself, few dependencies, determining your 1.0, literate documentation, and maintaining a newly popular open source project! (recorded in January) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/tabfs.

    Omar: https://twitter.com/rsnous
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    [0:00] TabFS or BrowserFS?[3:40] Project Boilerplates vs. Toys[6:42] Doing It Yourself is More Fun[11:25] What is a 1.0?[16:05] Getting Help, Literate Documentation[20:37] Taking Phrases Seriously[25:11] Community Response ★ Support this podcast ★
  • How do we think about ourselves and the communities we move into? Sonya Mann and Henry continue a chat about the nature of conversion: about using jargon within a community, individuation, and transformation. Topics include the tools of a worldview, flavors of faith, the good of questions, essence and discovering yourself, hierarchies of reality, interwoven histories. (Recorded in September) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/essence.

    Sonya: https://twitter.com/sonyasupposedly
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad
    Part 1: https://hopeinsource.com/reconversion

    Support Sonya's writing and zines at https://www.sonyasupposedly.com/membership!


    [00:00] Microsoft Word as Worldview[7:16] The Legitimacy of Questioning[12:16] More Porous Than We Think[14:23] Individuation[17:49] The Grafting of our Identity[20:03] Interwoven Stories[22:51] Emergent Bodies[25:01] The Language of Discovery[30:13] Extensions of the Body[40:22] Agreeing to Disagree ★ Support this podcast ★
  • How does one come to faith, let alone come back to it? Sonya Mann graciously shares some raw thoughts on her re-conversion to Christianity. We cover a lot of ground, going through doubt and spiritual malaise, the phenomenology of faith, fractal reality, "happeningness". (Recorded in September) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/reconversion.

    Sonya: https://twitter.com/sonyasupposedly
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad

    Support Sonya's writing and zines at https://www.sonyasupposedly.com/membership!


    [00:00] Coming Back to the Faith [04:53] God Encompasses Doubt[08:52] Imitate Me[10:44] Open Source Generosity[12:18] Desiring Duty[14:20] Reality as Fractal[19:20] Compassionate Judgement[21:51] Truth and Fact[24:48] Socially Distant Liturgy[28:06] The Irreducibility of God[31:19] Happeningness ★ Support this podcast ★
  • What is Advent anyway? Alex Kim joins Henry to chat about the season of waiting, memory, our loss and discovery of tradition, teaching ritual as meaningful, a Christian conception of time, and opening ourselves up to hope. Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/advent

    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    [01:06] A Season of Double Vision[03:47] Reenacting Our Memory[11:17] Being Cognizantly Ritualistic[15:33] Living as Portals[18:26] History as Both Cyclical and Linear[21:11] Meaning-"full" Ritual [25:44] Augustine Has Gone Before Us[30:25] For Whom Should We Open Up To?

    Related Episodes:

    https://hopeinsource.com/liturgy (habits and open source)https://hopeinsource.com/city (cities and liturgy) ★ Support this podcast ★
  • Is technology just of chips and gadgets? Maggie Appleton joins Henry again in a 2-part chat to discuss how tech isn't such a static thing, building off of Mcluhan's thought of media and Dan Wang's article, "How Technology Grows". We cover how tech itself contains it's own process knowledge involving how it is used, built, and maintained as well as going into digital immortality and the protestant work ethic, and chat about how our cultures are intertwined with tech. Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/process.

    Part 1: https://hopeinsource.com/embodied
    Previously: https://hopeinsource.com/metaphor, https://hopeinsource.com/gift
    Maggie: https://twitter.com/Mappletons
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    [00:00] Technology is Dynamic[01:33] Technology as Tools, Instructions, Process[03:50] You can't hide the age of physical objects[05:44] Dates on websites[09:05] Immortality: Digital and Physical[10:20] The right to be forgotten[12:11] Creating a Disembodied God[15:14] The Denial of Death[16:43] Protestant Work Ethic[19:50] Capitalist cosmology and self-help[21:58] Doing the One to Many for the One to One[25:03] Over-participation[27:57] Platform Support[30:21] Process Knowledge takes time ★ Support this podcast ★
  • Can there be knowledge without a knower? Maggie Appleton joins Henry again in a 2 part chat to discuss how knowledge can be intimately personal, through the work of Michael Polanyi. We cover how knowing is an activity, ambient technology, dualism, Bruno Latour, knowing as faith, learning through liturgy, Jesus as the embodiment of God. We end by asking how we should navigate the post-truth world. Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/embodied.

    Part 2: https://hopeinsource.com/process
    Previously: https://hopeinsource.com/metaphor, https://hopeinsource.com/gift
    Maggie: https://twitter.com/Mappletons
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    [0:00] Indwelling[2:05] Ambient Technology[3:28] Digital Affordances[4:43] Paperclip Thought Experiment[7:39] Knowing is Subjective[8:55] Bruno Latour: hybrid objects[11:37] Understanding Someone in Bits and Pieces[12:42] Knowing as Worship[15:27] Truth through Ritual[18:31] The Incarnation as Skin in the Game[21:40] The Stability of Beliefs ★ Support this podcast ★
  • What does a convivial society entail? L.M. Sacasas joins Henry in the second part of a conversation about Illich and his views of the common good. We speak about Illich's critique against institutions, autonomy and interdependence, the story of the Good Samaritan, learning through apprenticeship and intimate participation, and outsourcing our choices. Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/convivial.

    Part 1: https://hopeinsource.com/limits
    Youtube version (unedited): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fojoWc1oCeQ
    Michael: https://twitter.com/LMsacasas
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    Conviviality as AutonomyConviviality as InterdependenceSchooling and CredentialismThe Good SamaritanThe Master-Practitioner RelationshipLearning to Name the WorldCapacity for AttentionOn Surrendering Our Experience ★ Support this podcast ★
  • Can we consider our limits as a gift? L.M. Sacasas and Henry discuss an understated concept in our modern times, namely our limited nature. We are limited in our ability to control others (parenting), our speech (social media), and our bodies (morality). We pass through a mix of (sometimes heavy) topics: violent games and virtue ethics, parents as gardeners rather than carpenters, the issues of unprecedented scale, modernity as the application of technique, our inclination to believe more is better, and the art of dying. Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/limits.

    Part 2: https://hopeinsource.com/convivial.
    Youtube version (unedited): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fojoWc1oCeQ
    Michael: https://twitter.com/LMsacasas
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    Games and VirtueSocial GamingGardeners and CarpentersTechnocratic ParentingCapability and ResponsibilityNatural Scales and LimitsTwo WatershedsEscalation as DefaultLimits as HeresyAttractive LimitsIatrogenesisBeing MortalDeath as a Technical Problem ★ Support this podcast ★
  • What can we learn from someone's last tweets? Omar Rizwan joins Henry to chat about the Dynamicland way of thinking: communal, involving the whole person, user agency. We discuss user control, the problem of lists, industrial open source, materiality and embodiment, knowing through doing, and being aware of your emotions when programming. Also (of course) screenshots. (recorded in August) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/emotional.

    Omar: https://twitter.com/rsnous
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    That's A Dynamicland Sort Of ThoughtWhat's Wrong With Lists?Dictating Terms To YouGiving The User ControlIndustrial Open SourceA Project You Identify WithEnd User Programming"Personal" Computer Like A Personal WarehouseThe Materiality Of BooksPractical Solutions That Turn Into RitualsOptional Daycare SurveillanceSkeuomorphism To Flat: Building Off Of Digital LiteracyA Way Of Knowing By Name vs. A/B TestTacit Knowing, Constructivist EducationTractabilityRespecting User BehaviorHelp People Do What They Want To DoReally Fine Grain Open SourceEmotion-Aware ProgrammingBeing Immediately Useful"Open Input" Spaces ★ Support this podcast ★
  • What's life after removing yourself from social media? Philip Gee joins Henry (the last in the "trilogy") to chat about LAT, life after Twitter. We discuss being irrelevant, forcing yourself to think about different things, treating a newsletter like email, restraining your growth, moving to the digital suburbs, engaging with the past, directing your attention and production, being particular and local, making it normal again to not have to create. (recorded in July) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/digital-death.

    First chat (MA 7): https://hopeinsource.com/growing-old
    Second chat (MA 15): https://hopeinsource.com/unlisting
    Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


    Intro to the TrilogyA Movie Review By a Random PersonForcing Your Own HandEmail Is a Newsletter without an ArchiveRestrained GrowthConvenience Over EverythingQuitting and Twitter BrouhahaFrom City to SuburbsStepping Back By Not ProducingConflating Consumption and ProductionEngaging with The Distant PastGetting the Last WordShowing Charity to Those ThingsSpewing Out Stuff, UndirectedAfter Influence, Staying Niche?Generality (Mega Church) and Particularity (House Church)The Small Scale is the Only ScaleIt's Not Weird To Not Make Anything ★ Support this podcast ★