The 4th Sunday of Advent. Join us for Episode 28 of How to Speak Catholic, as we prepare for Christmas, reflecting on Isaiah 7 and Matthew 1.
What's up with Ahaz?
And what did Joseph really think about Mary being pregnant with Jesus?
Remember - details matter, and it's the details that will turn your appreciation for Joseph up to an 11!
A truly Catholic medical school? Join us for Episode 27 of How To Speak Catholic, as we interview Dr. George Mychaskiw, an Eastern Rite Ukrainian Catholic, confronting the Culture of Death with the Culture of Life - from the inside!
In a world where abortion, euthanasia, in-vitro fertilization, sterilization, and contraception are touted as "freedoms," the existential truth of God's love and our human dignity are no longer being taught to physicians. Dr. Mychaskiw, a pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist, aims to change that. By raising up truly Catholic physicians, he is taking the first steps in a marathon to change the world for the better. But he needs help!
In this episode, we discuss the challenges of the Culture of Death, and how we can recapture our Catholic identity, our Human identity, by embracing truth, goodness, and beauty.
The St. Padre Pio, Institute for the Relief of Suffering, School of Osteopathic Medicine - https://www.chi-usa.com/chi-initiatives/catholic-medical-school/
Puuttuva jakso?
The Second Sunday in Advent. Join us for Episode 26 of "How to Speak Catholic," a reflection on the Gospel reading from Matthew 3 for the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
How does some basic understanding of a few Aramaic words impact our understanding of John the Baptist's words in this Gospel? How does Genesis 3 tie into this reading?
Let's dig into the meat of this reading and see how it helps prepare us for the next step in our spiritual journey.
First, sorry about the audio - I was trying a new setup, and apparently, I need to make some improvements.
In this episode, we touch on how the Church set up Scripture for the purposes of the Mass and how the Church has provided a means for us to get the most out of Scripture, "God's love letters to us."
Lectio Divina (Lectio, Meditatio, Oratio, and Contemplatio) are covered, as well as a brief lesson in Salvation History and typology.
Join us, you won't regret it!
Better late than never, right? Join us for Episode 24 of "How to Speak Catholic" - a talk at Family Faith Formation in Osmond, NE, at St. Mary of the Seven Dolors Church on the 7th of October 2020, during the height of the pandemic, and just before the 2020 elections. We cover the Scriptural basis for the Church's teaching on penance and Purgatory, as well as how to read and pray Scripture through Lectio Divina, and the WRAP technique.
Scripture Passages for Purgatory:
II Maccabees 12:39-46
Matthew 5:25-26
I Corinthians 3:11-15
Heb. 12:23
1 Peter 3:19; 4:6
Rev. 21:27
How To Speak Catholic is BACK!!! Join us for Episode 23 of "How to Speak Catholic," as we're joined by our guest, Dr. Jeff LaCour ([email protected]) from Compassio Medical Education (https://www.compassiomedical.com) to discuss his faith journey, the challenges and joys of being a Catholic physician in an anti-Catholic world, and the fruits of suffering. Finally, we discuss his ground-breaking approach to medical education, destined to transform the landscape of how we deliver healthcare in the face of the crisis of healthcare in the United States. It's good to be back!
Living Out the Gospel in Real Life - Join us for Episode 22 of "How to Speak Catholic," as we discuss 2 topics - How to change the face of healthcare in the United States, with a particular focus on how to serve the poor; and also, the Secret to How Not to Be Bored at Mass. Join us as we explore these questions, and more, and as we discover how to make spiritual journey more fruitful.
Please also find here the passages that we covered, for your future reference, as well as more information on the M25 Program (https://www.healinghandsofnebraska.com/m25-program-at-healing-hands-of-nebraska/):
Our Father who art in. . . - Matthew 6:9
You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in. . . - Deuteronomy 5:11
Hail Mary full of . . . - Luke 1:28
Honor your father and your. . . - Exodus 20:12
Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of your. . . - Luke 1:42
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of. . . . - Is 6:3
Glory to God in the. . . - Luke 2:14
Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the. . . - John 1:29
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the. . . - Matthew 28:19
When listening / reading scripture, always ask “Why?”
Suffering and Sacrifice - Join us for Episode 21 of "How to Speak Catholic," as we dive into the Church's Scriptural basis for its teachings on suffering and sacrifice in light of our Lenten journey. We don't typically think of Abraham as having suffered, and we often think we know his story well, but do we really? Have you ever asked yourself what Abraham saw when God asked him to count the stars in the sky? How old was Isaac when he was placed on the altar? What does any of this have to do with giving up chocolate for Lent? Join us as we explore these questions, and more, and as we discover how to make our Lenten journey more fruitful.
Please also find here the passages that we covered, for your future reference, as well as other information we covered (including Father Capodanno's Medal of Honor citation):
Our Father who art in. . . - Matthew 6:9
You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in. . . - Deuteronomy 5:11
Hail Mary full of . . . - Luke 1:28
Honor your father and your. . . - Exodus 20:12
Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of your. . . - Luke 1:42
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of. . . . - Is 6:3
Glory to God in the. . . - Luke 2:14
Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the. . . - John 1:29
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the. . . - Matthew 28:19
When listening / reading scripture, always ask “Why?”
Genesis 12, 15, 17, 22
2 Chronicles 3:1 - Mt. Moriah and Temple Mount the same
Hebrews 11:19 - raise from the dead
2 Samuel 7:12-13
Galatians 3:14
Matthew 1:1
Matthew 6:16-18 - WHEN you fast
Matthew 7:13-14 - narrow gate
Matthew 10:16-24 - no disciple is above his teacher
Matthew 24:9-13 - they will hand you over for persecution
Matthew 27:46, Psalm 22 - Eloi, Eloi. . .
Luke 2:34-35 - you will be pierced by a sword
Luke 5:22-25 - that you may know that the son of man has authority to forgive sins
Luke 6:47-48 - foundation on rock - when the flood came
Luke 8:22-25 - boat in the storm
Luke 9:23-24 - deny himself, take up cross - see Deuteronomy 21:23
Luke 9:37-43 - BOY who was possessed
Luke 22:43-44 - angel to strengthen him, drops of blood
John 11:35 - Jesus wept
Hebrews 12
1 Corinthians 10:13
John 15:18 - the world hated me first
John 16:21-22 - woman in labor
Acts 7:51-60 - martyrdom of Stephen
Acts 16:19-24 - beating of St Paul
Ephesians 5:25
Deaths of the Apostles
St. Peter - Crucified upside down in 67 AD
St. Matthew - stabbed with a sword
St. James the Greater - Stabbed with a sword in 44 AD
St. James the Lesser - Stoned to death in 65 AD
St. Jude - filled with arrows
St. Philip - crucified by soldiers
St. Thomas - thrust with a spear
St. Simon - crucified
St. Bartholomew - flayed and beheaded
St. Andrew - Crucified on an x-shaped cross
St. Matthias - crucified in Judea
St. Paul - beheaded in Rome in 67 AD
Father Capodanno's Medal of Honor citation:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Chaplain of the 3d Battalion, in connection with operations against enemy forces. In response to reports that the 2d Platoon of M Company was in danger of being overrun by a massed enemy assaulting force, Lt. Capodanno left the relative safety of the company command post and ran through an open area raked with fire, directly to the beleaguered platoon. Disregarding the intense enemy small-arms, automatic-weapons, and mortar fire, he moved about the battlefield administering last rites to the dying and giving medical aid to the wounded. When an exploding mortar round inflicted painful multiple wounds to his arms and legs, and severed a portion of his right hand, he steadfastly refused all medical aid. Instead, he directed the corpsmen to help their wounded comrades and, with calm vigor, continued to move about the battlefield as he provided encouragement by voice and example to the valiant marines. Upon encountering a wounded corpsman in the direct line of fire of an enemy machine gunner positioned approximately 15 yards away, Lt. Capodanno rushed a daring attempt to aid and assist the mortally wounded corpsman. At that instant, only inches from his goal, he was struck down by a burst of machine gun fire. By his heroic conduct on the battlefield, and his inspiring example, Lt. Capodanno upheld the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life in the cause of freedom.
Also, thank you to all of your for your support of our ministry - as of today, we have 8,076 downloads of our podcast, "How to Speak Catholic" from 48 states in the US, as well as the District of Columbia, and 832 international downloads from 29 other countries on 5 continents, including the Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, the Netherlands, Nigeria, the Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Russia, South Africa, the UK, Ukraine, and Vietnam - AWESOME!
As a reminder, if you haven't already done so, please subscribe to our podcast on iTunes - you can find it here:https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-speak-catholic-joy/id1189744220 - and then post a rating and a review.
Additionally, if there are particular topics you'd like us to address, big or small, please let me know and we'll work on that. Also, any feedback you may have, either on the music, the length of the podcast, the sound quality, etc, is welcome - I'd love to hear any constructive criticism you may have.
Dream Big! Join us for Episode 20 of “How to Speak Catholic,” as we interview Father Zawadi of the Crosier Fathers (http://www.crosier.org). Father Zawadi is a missionary priest from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and he is in the United States asking for help in spreading the Joy of the Gospel through his work, and that of his missionary brothers, in Africa, to help bring education and opportunity to those that have none. Hear about Faraha, a young lady who aspires to a PhD in Economics to help her community out of poverty. Hear about how much your donation, great or small, can have a great impact in the lives of others. And most importantly, help us pray for our Catholic brothers and sisters in the Congo, as they face daily struggles and triumphs in their search for the Truth and the joy that comes from that!
Please contact Father Zawadi at [email protected], via telephone at 1-320-532-3103, via cell phone at 1-602-321-1798, or via snail mail at:
Father Zawadi Sambya Jean-Marie, OSC
Crosier Community of Onamia
PO Box 500
Onamia, MN 56359
Also, thank you to all of your for your support of our ministry - as of today, we have 6,767 downloads of our podcast, "How to Speak Catholic" from 46 states in the US, as well as the District of Columbia, and 707 international downloads from 22 other countries on 5 continents, including the UK, Canada, the Philippines, Australia, Malawi, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, India, Poland, Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Netherlands, Ireland, Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Kazakhstan, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, and ISRAEL - AWESOME!
As a reminder, if you haven't already done so, please subscribe to our podcast on iTunes - you can find it here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-speak-catholic-joy/id1189744220 - and then post a rating and a review.
Additionally, if there are particular topics you'd like us to address, big or small, please let me know and we'll work on that. Also, any feedback you may have, either on the music, the length of the podcast, the sound quality, etc, is welcome - I'd love to hear any constructive criticism you may have.
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
This episode is the second of 2 talks from the Spirituality Day of the Rural North Central Deanery of the Archdiocese of Omaha. We touch on a little CS Lewis and take it one step further with a challenge: Is the Eucharist what the Church says it is (the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ)? And if not, then we're faced with only 2 other possibilities - 1) we Catholics are cannibals who believe in human sacrifice, or 2) we Catholics are a bunch of backwards, superstitious, uneducated, gullible, ignorant idolaters who worship a piece of bread, thinking it's got some type of magical powers. If you don't believe everything that the Church teaches about the Eucharist when you go up to receive communion, then you must fall into one of the other two categories - there are no two ways about it. The question, then, is which one are you?
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
This episode is the first of 2 talks from the Spirituality Day of the Rural North Central Deanery of the Archdiocese of Omaha. I was asked to tell my conversion story, though I don't really think of it as a conversion as much as I think of it as a rediscovery of the love that God has for me in his church. Find out what Mr. Miyagi has to do with Catholicism and what called this Filipino Nebraskan back home into the loving arms of Christ's bride.
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
In this episode, we're joined again by world-renowned Catholic author and former Atheist, Karen Edmisten, who shares her conversion story - why did she become Catholic?
Also check out Karen’s website (http://www.karenedmisten.com) and her blog (http://karenedmisten.blogspot.com/), as well as her other books:
You Can Share the Faith: Reaching Out One Person at a Time - https://smile.amazon.com/You-Can-Share-Faith-Reaching/dp/1612789137/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1484179441&sr=8-1&keywords=karen+edmisten
Deathbed Conversions: Finding Faith at the Finish Line - https://smile.amazon.com/Deathbed-Conversions-Finding-Faith-Finish/dp/161278612X/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1484179441&sr=8-2&keywords=karen+edmisten
The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary - https://smile.amazon.com/Rosary-Keeping-Company-Jesus-Mary/dp/0867168757/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1484179441&sr=8-4&keywords=karen+edmisten
Through the Year With Mary: 365 Reflections - https://smile.amazon.com/Through-Year-Mary-365-Reflections/dp/0867169370/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1484179441&sr=8-5&keywords=karen+edmisten
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
CAVEAT: We cover some adult themes in this episode - nothing explicit or graphic - but it may raise questions among your children that you may or may not be ready to address with them yet, as it pertains to marriage. If you have younger children, please listen to this without them before deciding whether or not it is appropriate for them at their age.
Exodus - Journey toward Apocalypse, Part 3 of 3. This is now available on the podcast, as well as our new YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEdy5XmRP-sFB2OABpX9gA. Join us for Episode 16 of the podcast. In this episode, we tie everything together from the last 2 episodes, and we see that worship is woven throughout Scipture, that Marriage serves as the bookends of the Bible, and that the Book of Revelation IS the Mass. This is an audio presentation of the Final segment of the 3-part series conducted at the Sacred Heart Church in Norfolk, NE, on the 10th of April 2017.
We tackle some of the most pressing questions that Catholics have today - How should I dress for church? How do I keep from being bored in mass? If this stuff is so important, why haven't I ever heard it before? Join us and find out!
Scripture and Catechism References:
CCC 1137
Revelation 1:10
Revelation 1:12-13
Exodus 28
Revelation 1:16
Exodus 34:29
Revelation 1:17-18
Revelation 2:5-6
Exodus 24:10
Revelation 2:8
Revelation 2-3
Revelation 8:11
Revelation 12:7-12
Revelation 1:3
Revelation 5
Exodus 30
Revelation 19:3
Revelation 4:8
Isaiah 6:3
Revelation 14:13
Revelation 16
Leviticus 4
Revelation 19:9
Ezekiel 9:4
Revelation 7:2
Revelation 22:4
Exodus 33:7-9
Luke 24:36
Luke 18:9-14
Matthew 9:27-30
Matthew 20:30-31
Luke 2:13-14
Deuteronomy 31:9-13
Mishnah, Tmid 7:4
Revelation 1:3
Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6
Ezra 8:1-8
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
1 Timothy 2:1-8
Mishnah, Berakhoth 6:5; Pesahim 6:1
2 Peter 1:4
Revelation 5:8
Revelation 8:3-5
Isaiah 6:1-9
Revelation 4:8-9
Psalm 118:25-29
Matthew 21:1-9
Leviticus 9:23-24
2 Chronicles 7:1-2
Matthew 26
Luke 22
1 Corinthians 11
Exodus 12:14
1 Timothy 3:16
2 Maccabees 12:39-45
Revelation 5:13-14
Matthew 6:9-13
1 Chronicles 29:10-11
2 Corinthians 12:12-13
John 1:29
Matthew 8:5-13
Revelation 19:8-9
Revelation 19:17
Revelation 21:2
Revelation 21:9-14
Exodus 28:15-29
Numbers 6:22-26
Revelation 10:8-11
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
Exodus - Journey toward Apocalypse, Part 2 of 3. This is now available on the podcast, as well as our new YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEdy5XmRP-sFB2OABpX9gA. Join us for Episode 15 of the podcast. In this episode, we examine Exodus as a template for worship, the Tabernacle as a template for a church, and we also examine Typology, as found in Romans 11. This is an audio presentation of the second of the 3-part series conducted at the Sacred Heart Church in Norfolk, NE, on the 24th of March 2017.
Also, please join us for the next episode, or better yet, the final talk of the 3-part series (if you can make it) on the 7th of April 2017, when we tackle some of the most pressing questions that Catholics have today - How should I dress for church? How do I keep from being bored in mass? If this stuff is so important, why haven't I ever heard it before? Join us and find out!
Scripture References:
Romans 11
Romans 5:14
Genesis 2:15
Exodus 40:2-8
Exodus 25:18
Exodus 26:1
Exodus 25:10-22
Exodus 25:18
Hebrews 9:2-4
Psalm 78:21-25
Exodus 16:31
Exodus 3:8
Exodus 25:23-30
Exodus 25:31-40
Exodus 26:1, 31
Exodus 27:20-21
Exodus 30:1-10
Exodus 30:20-21
Exodus 24:4-7
Exodus 28:2
Exodus 28:21
John 19:23
Exodus 28:34-35
Exodus 19:15
Exodus 27:4-7
Exodus 24:8
Exodus 24:9
Exodus 40:34-38
Exodus 16
Exodus 29:10-12
Exodus 29:15-17
Exodus 29:19-21
Exodus 30:20-21
Exodus 28:33-35
Ephesians 3:10
1 Corinthians 6:3
Exodus 33:7
CCC 1185
Psalm 19
Exodus 28:29-30
Matthew 25:21
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
Exodus - Journey toward Apocalypse, Part 1 of 3. This is now available on the podcast, as well as our new YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEdy5XmRP-sFB2OABpX9gA. Join us for Episode 14 of the podcast. In this episode, we find out that the Book of Exodus is more than just "The Ten Commandments" and freedom from slavery. It's a template for the coming of Holy Week and the Messiah - grab your Bible and join us to (re)discover the Old Testament roots of the New Testament Covenant! This is an audio presentation of the first of the 3-part series conducted at the Sacred Heart Church in Norfolk, NE, on the 10th of March 2017.
Also, please join us for the next episode, or better yet, the next talk (if you can make it) on the 24th of March 2017, when we tackle some of the questions that, surprisingly, have their answers in Exodus - What's a tabernacle? Why do we bow/stand/sit when we do during mass? Bring your Bible and join us for Part II of The Book of Exodus, as we explore the Old Testament origins of the Mass and the structure of the church (the building, as well as the organization).
Scripture References:
Matthew 6:9
Deuteronomy 5:11
Luke 1:28
Exodus 20:12
Luke 1:42
Isaiah 6:3
Luke 2:14
John 2:19
Matthew 28:19
CCC 1096
Exodus 34:28
Matthew 4:2
Exodus 24:15
Luke 9:28-36
Exodus 34:29
Luke 9:29
Exodus 7:20
John 2:3-11
Matthew 26:27-28
Exodus 14:21
John 6:16-21
Exodus 37
Revelation 11:19-12:1
Exodus 16:13-33
John 6:47-51
Exodus 16:13
John 6:51-58
Exodus 24:5-8
Matthew 26:27-28
Hebrews 9:4
Numbers 17
Exodus 16
Exodus 20:40
Joh 6:47-51
Hebrews 4
John 1
Exodus 1:22-2:10
Matthew 2:13-18
Exodus 2:3-10
Matthew 2:13-18
Genesis 1
Exodus 25:1; 30:11; 17; 22; 34; 31:1; 31:12
John 1:1, 29, 35, 43; 2:1
Exodus 2:15-21
John 4:6-30
Genesis 24:10-67
Genesis 29:1-14
John 2:1
Genesis 12:3
Exodus 3:12
Exodus 19:9-15
Exodus 24:15
Exodus 12:3-8, 13-14, 21-24, 26-27
Exodus 12:6
Exodus 8:25-26
Exodus 12:7
Exodus 12:8
Exodus 12:5, 46
Exodus 12:43-45
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
In this episode, we continue our interview with Dr. Myles Gart, a Jewish Catholic. He shares his journey with us into the bosom of the Catholic Church. Find out how celebrating the Passover Seder brought him home to the Barque of Peter.
We’ll also introduce you to the E5 Men ministry - http://www.e5men.org
We’ll also invite you to join us for our Lenten reflections on The Book of Exodus, entitled “Exodus: Journey to Apocalypse”, to be conducted at the Sacred Heart Church in Norfolk, NE, on the 10th of March, the 24th of March, and the 7th of April. Bring your Bible and your notebook! - http://sacredheartnorfolk.com/home
We also continue our Scripture Memorization for Catholics, which begins with our Pop Quiz – Deuteronomy 5:11. -
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Myles Gart, a Jewish Catholic. He shares his journey with us into the bosom of the Catholic Church. Find out how celebrating the Passover Seder brought him home to the Barque of Peter.
We’ll also introduce you to the E5 Men ministry - http://www.e5men.org
We’ll also invite you to join us for our Lenten reflections on The Book of Exodus, entitled “Exodus: Journey to Apocalypse”, to be conducted at the Sacred Heart Church in Norfolk, NE, on the 10th of March, the 24th of March, and the 7th of April. Bring your Bible and your notebook! - http://sacredheartnorfolk.com/home
We also continue our Scripture Memorization for Catholics, which begins with our Pop Quiz – Exodus 20:12
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
In this episode, we continue with our series on the Bible and the Catholic Church, with a focus on the Scriptural basis for Catholic Customs. We’ll go over bowing to the altar (as distinct from genuflection), the origins of the Sanctuary Lamp, and the Scriptural roots for the use of incense in Catholicism. I’ve also included herein the scriptural references that we’ll cover in the episode.
We’ll also introduce you to the E5 Men ministry - http://www.e5men.org
We’ll also invite you to join us for our Lenten reflections on The Book of Exodus, entitled “Exodus: Journey to Apocalypse”, to be conducted at the Sacred Heart Church in Norfolk, NE, on the 10th of March, the 24th of March, and the 7th of April. Bring your Bible and your notebook! - http://sacredheartnorfolk.com/home
We also continue our Scripture Memorization for Catholics, which begins with our Pop Quiz – John 1:29
Deuteronomy 6
Revelation 6:9
Exodus 13:21
Exodus 27:20-21
John 1:9
Leviticus 24:1-4
Revelation 5:8
Exodus 30:1-10
Revelation 8:3-5
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
In this episode, Sister Fidelis Marie of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters shares her spiritual journey with us, and tackles some tough questions facing Christians the world over – including same-sex unions!
We also continue our Scripture Memorization for Catholics, which begins with our Pop Quiz – Matthew 28:19.
Welcome to "How to Speak Catholic," your podcasting source for the Joy of the Gospel through the Catholic Church. Our goal is to share the joy of being Catholic, whether you're Catholic, or just curious about what the Catholic Church teaches, we're here to help.
In this episode, Sister Fidelis Marie of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters shares her spiritual journey with us, and tackles some tough questions facing Christians the world over.
We also continue our Scripture Memorization for Catholics, which begins with our Pop Quiz – Matthew 6:9.
Missionary Benedictine Sisters - http://www.mbsmissionaries.org/
NET Ministries - http://www.netusa.org/
Sister Fidelis Marie on Twitter - @JerseySoulSista
Sister Fidelis Marie on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MissionaryBenedictineAdventures/
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