
  • Activist art can have a revolutionary impact on our culture, inspiring social change. This type of work can provide important conversations that have the power to bring awareness to injustices in our society. The types of artwork created can be done in a variety of media including painting, poetry, music, dance and even animation and film. Some artists that might come to mind are the musician Nina Simone who wrote and performed the song, “strange fruit” (shining a light on the horrors of racism in the American South) or the Guerilla Girls (a group of anonymous artists) who created the poster art that poses the question, “Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum.” and lists the statistics from 1989 that say, “less than 5% of the artists in the Modern Art sections are women, but 85% of the nudes are female.” But, there are also a number of contemporary artists that are following in these footsteps and using their work as a platform to raise awareness, provoke discussion, and support healing. This week, it just so happens that I get to interview a contemporary, empathetic, insightful, and talented artist on I Am My Passion Project. Nitya Mehrotra is an activist artist whose work is helping to make the world a better place.     

    Nitya is a passionate Documentary filmmaker, Community leader, and Animator. Born and raised in India, she has been determined to create safe spaces to acknowledge trauma through her work and strives to execute a long-lasting vision of communal support. This ideology is the core of a growing community of survivors she founded called Stories by Strangers which aims to facilitate educational conversations.

    Nitya is the recipient of the Best Cinematographer award at the Shawna Shea Festival, three Best Photojournalism awards from the Illinois College Press Association in Chicago, the Women in Media full scholarship at the Met Film School in Berlin, and the New Artists Full Scholarship at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She also received the Award of Excellence at the Rhode Island School of Design. Her short films have gone to Oscar-qualifying festivals like Flicker’s Rhode Island International Film Festival, along with the Shawna Shea Film Festival, and the Pune Short Film Festival. Her directorial work includes companies like the Indian Premier League, Jouska Films, and Vatika Dabur.​

    Nitya is currently working on getting her Master's in Film and Animation at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

    You can connect with Nitya on IG:


  • Welcome to week 3 of Dream Building with Brenda!

    Use the worksheets Brenda created for you as you build your dreams in this 3-week mini-workshop: thewomanhouse.com/dreambuildingwithbrenda


    Finding your passion in life and planning a strategy for seeing your new dream to fruition— especially when, like all of us, you come across obstacles and setbacks— is hard work. That’s why for this season of I Am My Passion Project I worked some of my magic to bring back into the studio the Diviner of Human Potential, Brenda Bryan. 

    As some of you might recall, I had Brenda on as a guest for episode 6 of season 1. And folks, we are now going to be co-hosting a new segment called, “Dream Building with Brenda.” This is a 3 week mini-workshop for you to learn how to identify and build your dreams. It’s actually a sampling of a larger course that Brenda offers to folks who want to figure out how to discover and live in their true passion. 

    Brenda’s holistic view of business has grown out of decades of experience as a political activist, community organizer, and practitioner of the healing arts. Brenda truly believes and embodies the idea that through empowering women in their own lives, business, and economy, we will infinitely change this world for the better. And through this experience and in her work with hundreds of women business owners, Brenda knows that a business can truly thrive only after one has committed herself to the inner work of unmasking limiting beliefs, discovering your worth, and practicing self-love and nurturing of the soul. 

    That is the reason Brenda became a certified Dream Builders Coach. This proven, reliable and repeatable program will show you how to live from your passion and build a vision for your life.

    For more information on all of Brenda’s offerings, check out her website at www.brendarbryan.com and Book a free 60 -minute Strategy Session at http://calendly.com/brendarbryan

    Until next time, notice what you’re noticing. Your dreams are calling to you.

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Welcome to week 2 of Dream Building with Brenda!

    Use the worksheets Brenda created for you as you build your dreams in this 3-week mini-workshop: thewomanhouse.com/dreambuildingwithbrenda


    Finding your passion in life and planning a strategy for seeing your new dream to fruition— especially when, like all of us, you come across obstacles and setbacks— is hard work. That’s why for this season of I Am My Passion Project I worked some of my magic to bring back into the studio the Diviner of Human Potential, Brenda Bryan. 

    As some of you might recall, I had Brenda on as a guest for episode 6 of season 1. And folks, we are now going to be co-hosting a new segment called, “Dream Building with Brenda.” This is a 3 week mini-workshop for you to learn how to identify and build your dreams. It’s actually a sampling of a larger course that Brenda offers to folks who want to figure out how to discover and live in their true passion. 

    Brenda’s holistic view of business has grown out of decades of experience as a political activist, community organizer, and practitioner of the healing arts. Brenda truly believes and embodies the idea that through empowering women in their own lives, business, and economy, we will infinitely change this world for the better. And through this experience and in her work with hundreds of women business owners, Brenda knows that a business can truly thrive only after one has committed herself to the inner work of unmasking limiting beliefs, discovering your worth, and practicing self-love and nurturing of the soul. 

    That is the reason Brenda became a certified Dream Builders Coach. This proven, reliable and repeatable program will show you how to live from your passion and build a vision for your life.

    For more information on all of Brenda’s offerings, check out her website at www.brendarbryan.com and Book a free 60 -minute Strategy Session at http://calendly.com/brendarbryan

    Until next time, notice what you’re noticing. Your dreams are calling to you.

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
  • Welcome to week 1 of Dream Building with Brenda!

    Use the worksheets Brenda created for you as you build your dreams in this 3-week mini-workshop: thewomanhouse.com/dreambuildingwithbrenda


    Finding your passion in life and planning a strategy for seeing your new dream to fruition— especially when, like all of us, you come across obstacles and setbacks— is hard work. That’s why for this season of I Am My Passion Project I worked some of my magic to bring back into the studio the Diviner of Human Potential, Brenda Bryan. 

    As some of you might recall, I had Brenda on as a guest for episode 6 of season 1. And folks, we are now going to be co-hosting a new segment called, “Dream Building with Brenda.” This is a 3 week mini-workshop for you to learn how to identify and build your dreams. It’s actually a sampling of a larger course that Brenda offers to folks who want to figure out how to discover and live in their true passion. 

    Brenda’s holistic view of business has grown out of decades of experience as a political activist, community organizer, and practitioner of the healing arts. Brenda truly believes and embodies the idea that through empowering women in their own lives, business, and economy, we will infinitely change this world for the better. And through this experience and in her work with hundreds of women business owners, Brenda knows that a business can truly thrive only after one has committed herself to the inner work of unmasking limiting beliefs, discovering your worth, and practicing self-love and nurturing of the soul. 

    That is the reason Brenda became a certified Dream Builders Coach. This proven, reliable and repeatable program will show you how to live from your passion and build a vision for your life.

    For more information on all of Brenda’s offerings, check out her website at www.brendarbryan.com and Book a free 60 -minute Strategy Session at http://calendly.com/brendarbryan

    Until next time, notice what you’re noticing. Your dreams are calling to you.

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
  • Every year the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) puts out their Dirty Dozen List. Just this past April they put out their 2024 list. This is a list of mainstream entities that facilitate, enable, and even profit from sexual abuse and exploitation.

    “Sexual exploitation and abuse thrives across tech platforms and entities we use daily; they continue to flourish due to lack of or poor enforcement of policies; and they are enabled by a lack of sufficient laws to hold companies accountable. The Dirty Dozen List exposes exploitation happening to us and to our children and calls for those enabling and profiting from sexual abuse and exploitation to change.” — Lina Nealon, Vice President & Director of Corporate Advocacy, National Center on Sexual Exploitation.

    Over the past decade, the Dirty Dozen List Campaign has instigated major policy changes at Google, TikTok, Comcast, Delta Airlines, Amazon, the Department of Defense, and many other influential institutions. The list reveals practices and products that endanger and harm people and galvanizes the public to press on the named entities to act ethically and promote human dignity. The 2024 Dirty Dozen List puts companies on notice regarding the harmful business practices and policies leaving them with no more excuses for ignorance or inaction.

    For episode 11 of I Am My Passion Project I interviewed Lily Moric, the Communications & Content Strategist with NCOSE. Her interest in combating sexual exploitation issues began in college when she discovered the vast body of research on pornography's harmful effects on individuals and society. She proceeded to dedicate herself to raising public awareness of these harms. In addition to working towards this goal with NCOSE, Lily also presents regularly in high schools on the harms of pornography, and has run a podcast, webinars, discussion groups, and awareness campaigns on university campuses.

    Learn more about the NCOSE by listening to my interview with Haley McNamera on season 1, episode 10 of IAMPP.

    Visit NCOSE to learn more about their mission, to become part of the solution by taking action, or to donate to their cause.


    If you're relationship has been affected by porn addiction you might want to check out my recent book, I Am Reclaiming Me: A Betrayed Partner's Daily Practice Journal for Women.

    Note: I may earn a commission from sponsored links

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
  • I Am My Passion Project has a new segment called, 50 Shades of Sexism! This new episode is a platform for co-hosts Darina Neyret and Lorna Nakell to apply a feminist lense to classic American Movies. You can have your favorite movies and think that they're non-threatening, charming, or "fun for the whole family" (as the trailer voice over would suggest). Or maybe you like more challenging psychological movies, dramas, or horror films. But, what we don't often think about when we're enjoying our favorite genres is that most of them have some element of sexism. That's because, unfortunately, sexism is so pervasive in our society. And, sexism and objectification, when it's so entwined in the media (either overtly or covertly), can cause a type of normalization which is harmful to all humans because of the way women become dehumanized and devalued.

    So, in the service of helping make the world a better place for women (this season's theme), in this segment, Darina and Lorna point out the feminist pain-points in American films and offer creative suggestions for scripts, dialogue, etc., that they think would provide one of our favorite pastimes (movie watching) with more gender equality.

    The movie that's up for some scrutinizing in this episode: Casablanca.

    You can check out Darina's photography here : https://darinaphoto.com/

    (TRIGGER WARNINGS: Please note that Darina's homepage contains boudoir images. Also, when I give my rating about triggers in Casablanca I, stupidly [it's easy to overlook the most obvious things sometimes], forget the whole discussion we have about the movie content that includes the suggestion of prostitution and infidelity. So, if these topics might cause you emotional discomfort, you might consider avoiding this movie.)

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
  • What are the ways that women are being held back from achieving their full potential as leaders in the workplace/in the world and how can we fix the broken system that created this inequity?

    Belinda Clemmensen is the author of the book, Women, Leadership, and Saving the World: Why Everything Gets Better when Women Lead, and the founder and CEO of Women’s Leadership Intensive, an organization that inspires, empowers, supports, and equips women to lead the change the world needs. She received the gold Canada Award for Excellence in training and is a certified professional coach, training provider, and member of the International Coaching Federation. With over 25 years of leadership development experience she helps women leaders step into their potential and connect to a place of purpose where their unique strengths can serve to make organizations and communities better.

    I asked Belinda to be a guest on this season of I Am My Passion Project because I admire the work she’s doing to make the world a better place for women. She is not only educating on the topic of gender inequality through valuable research and insights into these issues, but she is also doing the work to help train the next generation of women leaders.


    Connect with Belinda:



    Distribution of Google employees worldwide in 2023, by gender and department

    "Explicit Deepfake Images of Taylor Swift Elude Safeguards and Swamp Social Media"

    "Women leaders make work better. Here’s the science behind how to promote them"

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    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
  • In the rich man's world

    Ah, all the things I could do

    If I had a little money

    It's a rich man's world


    Ah, money... We all need it to support our daily lives and lifestyle dreams. Women don't make as much of it, and therefore aren't able to save as much of it. You might have an excellent relationship to it, or avoid talking about because it's a triggering topic. But, today, in the privacy of whatever space you are listening to this episode, we're going unfold part of the story of money in women's lives and see if we can get to know our relationship to it a little bit better.

    Today we're diving into the world of finance with someone who's been making waves in Portland Oregon’s financial scene since 1997.  Lisa Brumm is a trailblazer recognized by US News and Money for 9 consecutive years as one of Portland’s Top 100 Financial Professionals.

    She is a prominent figure on KOIN TV's Women Crush Wednesday segment and a regular contributor on Channel 2 AM NW, she's known for her candid discussions about women and money; making finance accessible in real-life terms.

    Lisa's journey began in banking before transitioning into financial planning fueled by her passion for education and empowerment, particularly for women. In a society where money conversations often evoke discomfort and shame, Lisa took a deliberate stance to create a judgment-free zone within her company. She's on a mission to ignite financial curiosity and alleviate the stress that might be keeping you up at night.

    I wanted Lisa on this season because she is helping make the world a better place for women by empowering them financially. Without financial wellness it’s almost impossible for women to live their life to the fullest potential. So, now we get to have a warm money chat with the woman behind Your Financial Girlfriend.


    Learn more or reach out to Lisa Brumm at https://myfinancialgirlfriend.com/

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
  • I Am My Passion Project has a new segment called, 50 Shades of Sexism! This new episode is a platform for co-hosts Darina Neyret and Lorna Nakell to apply a feminist lense to classic American Movies. You can have your favorite movies and think that they're non-threatening, charming, or "fun for the whole family" (as the trailer voice over would suggest). Or maybe you like more challenging psychological movies, dramas, or horror films. But, what we don't often think about when we're enjoying our favorite genres is that most of them have some element of sexism. That's because, unfortunately, sexism is so pervasive in our society. And, sexism and objectification, when it's so entwined in the media (either overtly or covertly), can cause a type of normalization which is harmful to all humans because of the way women become dehumanized and devalued.

    So, in the service of helping make the world a better place for women (this season's theme), in this segment, Darina and Lorna point out the feminist pain-points in American films and offer creative suggestions for scripts, dialogue, etc., that they think would provide one of our favorite pastimes (movie watching) with more gender equality.

    The movie that's up for some scrutinizing in this episode: Barbie.

    You can check out Darina's photography here : https://darinaphoto.com/

    (TRIGGER WARNING: please note that Darina's homepage contains a video of a boudoir photoshoot)

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
  • Are you a woman looking for a confidence boost that doesn't involve being hit on by a stranger in a bar? Have you been through some hardships and need a way to look at yourself in a more loving light? Are you already feelin' yourself and just wishing you could find the right talent to capture it on film. Well, I've got just the person who can help you with any and all of that! In this episode I have the privilege of taking a deep dive into women's portrait photography with Darina Neyret.

    Darina is a professional photographer whose lens captures more than just portraits. Her work serves as a conduit for body acceptance while fostering the uniqueness of every individual. She is making the world a better place for women by burning the book on toxic beauty stereotypes and extending her artform to a broader mission aimed at catalyzing a global paradigm shift. A shift where each snapshot potentially reshapes her clients’ mindsets, elevating their confidence, and promoting self-love. This transformation seeks to reshape cultural perspectives in order to promote a profound respect for and recognition of women's invaluable contributions to the world. 

    With neuroscience as a grounding methodology, Darina also coaches other professional photographers on how to reveal the genuine essence of each woman they frame through their own lenses.

    Connect with Darina:




  • What is going on in the online dating world? Is it full of empathetic/loving men, the ghosts of princes, or narcissists trying to make you feel like a rube? In this episode of I Am My Passion Project author Michelle Traub shares insights and tips that will help keep women dipping their toes into online dating, or those already fully immersed in the waters, feeling more empowered and safe.

    Michelle Gibeault Traub is a writer, healing coach, and dietitian with a master’s degree in integrative health. More importantly, she is a sensitive empath who brings intuition and compassion to her work. Michelle’s book, “Online Dating for Sensitive Women,” is much needed dating guidance for all women, especially those who have been in or want to avoid being in a toxic or narcissistic relationship. This is the book she desperately wished she had when she experienced the challenges of online dating following her difficult divorce. 

    Michelle draws from decades of experience in natural healing, yoga, meditation, astrology, and more to empower women to be their best. Follow Michelle at HappyHealthyHer.com, where she shares free natural healing tools, inspiration, and empowerment support.

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    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
  • Dill Ward's great passion is creating energized & joyful social events that build community, inspire business development, and promote the work of women with her organization called Women with Moxie, courageous women in business. 

    After hosting over 250 events both in person and online, Dill still sees a great need for women to continue to gather, lift each other up, and create a micro-economy within their social groups.

    Dill literally has a sort of glow about her—kind of like a special unicorn complete with pixie dust and rainbows, and has a heart-centered approach to everything she does. The reason I thought she would be a great women to have on this season is that she truly is doing the hard work of making the world a better place for women by creating safe spaces for women to network.

    She’s also a kickass sales person. She inspires me every time I talk to her and I’m happy to have her on I AM My Passion Project to spread her infectious motivation!

    How to connect with Dill:


    IG: @dillwardgroup and @womenwithmoxie

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/womenwithmoxie

    email: [email protected]

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
  • I Am My Passion Project has a new segment called, 50 Shades of Sexism! This new episode is a platform for co-hosts Darina Neyret and Lorna Nakell to apply a feminist lense to classic American Movies. You can have your favorite movies and think that they're non-threatening, charming, or "fun for the whole family" (as the trailer voice over would suggest). Or maybe you like more challenging psychological movies, dramas, or horror films. But, what we don't often think about when we're enjoying our favorite genres is that most of them have some element of sexism. That's because, unfortunately, sexism is so pervasive in our society. And, sexism and objectification, when it's so entwined in the media (either overtly or covertly), can cause a type of normalization which is harmful to all humans because of the way women become dehumanized and devalued.

    So, in the service of helping make the world a better place for women (this season's theme), in this segment, Darina and Lorna point out the feminist pain-points in American films and offer creative suggestions for scripts, dialogue, etc., that they think would provide one of our favorite pastimes (movie watching) with more gender equality.

    The movie that's up for some scrutinizing in this episode: Love Actually.

  • I Am My Passion Project has a new segment called, 50 Shades of Sexism! This new episode is a platform for co-hosts Darina Neyret and Lorna Nakell to apply a feminist lense to classic American Movies. You can have your favorite movies and think that they're non-threatening, charming, or "fun for the whole family" (as the trailer voice over would suggest). Or maybe you like more challenging psychological movies, dramas, or horror films. But, what we don't often think about when we're enjoying our favorite genres is that most of them have some element of sexism. That's because, unfortunately, sexism is so pervasive in our society. And, sexism and objectification, when it's so entwined in the media (either overtly or covertly), can cause a type of normalization which is harmful to all humans because of the way women become dehumanized and devalued.

    So, in the service of helping make the world a better place for women (this season's theme), in this segment, Darina and Lorna point out the feminist pain-points in American films and offer creative suggestions for scripts, dialogue, etc., that they think would provide one of our favorite pastimes (movie watching) with more gender equality.

    The movie that's up for some scrutinizing in this episode: Love Actually.

  • The current population of the world is approximately 8 billion people. That’s a lot. That’s a lot of people like you and me living through some challenges; shuffling about, making decisions, building things, eating, pooping, having sex... Of that 8 billion people, 50.5% are male and 49.5% are female. That seems pretty equal right—almost half and half? I would think control would be split right down the middle between men and women. So, then how is it that we live in a patriarchal society; a society designed by men for men?

    In this season of I Am My Passion Project titled, "Let's Redesign the World as a Better and Safer Place for Women" we delve into issues of safety, functionality, and accessibility for women. You'll hear from several thought leaders in a variety of industries who have made significant contributions to help end sexism, provide education around gender equality, and provide safe spaces for women. And, you'll find hope and inspiration for ways that you can either continue making your own current contributions, or use your passions and creativity to come up with new solutions.

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
    Purchase, I Am Reclaiming Me: A Betrayed Partner's Daily Practice Journal for Women by Lorna NakellSign up for upcoming workshops and retreats

    Note: I earn commissions from sponsored links.

  • While the holidays can be challenging for many folks for a variety of reasons (dealing with travel, having to spend time with extended family that you might not get along with, trying to stay on track with eating and spending money, etc.) it can be especially hard for couples who are additionally dealing with recovery from betrayal trauma. I'm talking specifically about the type of trauma when a spouse has been addicted to sex and/or porn. No matter what stage of recovery the betraying partner is in, or his wife who has been betrayed, the holidays can stir up some darkness. Folks who listened to season 1, episode 4 know that I know what recovery from betrayal is like. So, with this bonus episode, I offer the partners who are trying their darndest to be in healthy recovery, a conversation with Heidi Kinsella in hopes that you can receive some validation for the work you have done and gain some tips for staying healthy and connected.

    Heidi is the President and Clinical Director at Fourth Dimension Counseling & Coaching, a group practice in Washington State that serves Washington, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, Arizona, California, and New York.  Heidi specializes in working with people who have been affected by sex addiction, infidelity, pornography, and substance abuse, including betrayal trauma.  She works with individuals, couples, families, groups and runs workshops and intensives at her ranch Maple Valley, Washington, which includes Equine Assisted Therapy.

    She holds a National Certification as a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Supervisor, a Certified Partner Trauma Therapist Supervisor, and a Certified Multiple Addictions Therapist from the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals, and is a licensed Substance Use Disorder Professional for the state of Washington. She also is a Certified Clinical Partner Specialist through The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS). You can learn more about her extensive qualifications on her website: fourthdimensioncounseling.com

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
    Purchase, I Am Reclaiming Me: A Betrayed Partner's Daily Practice Journal for Women by Lorna NakellSign up for upcoming workshops and retreats

    Note: I earn commissions from sponsored links.

  • I know you might have thought that season 1 was done, but here we are with a bonus episode. For this episode I interview the renowned expert on our pornified culture, Dr. Gail Dines. During our lively conversation she explains how girls and women are forced by our society into one of two roles: we're either be f*ckable, or invisible. What do you choose?

    Dr. Gail Dines, a Professor Emerita of Sociology, has been researching and writing about the porn industry for well over thirty years. She is a recipient of the Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights in North America, and author of numerous books and articles. Her latest book, Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, has been translated into five languages.

    Dr. Dines is the founding president and CEO of the non-profit, Culture Reframed. Dedicated to building resilience and resistance in children and youth to the harms of a hypersexualized and pornified society, Culture Reframed develops cutting-edge educational programs that promote healthy development, relationships, and sexuality.

    Dr. Dines has worked with organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, The Centers for Disease Control, The International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals, as well as government bodies in the US, Brazil, UK, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, and Canada. She regularly appears on CNN, NPR, BBC, CBC, and writes for media outlets such as The Guardian, The Washington Post, Newsweek, and The Boston Globe.

    Learn more about Culture Reframed

    Watch a Ted Talk by Dr. Gail Dines

    Purchase Pornland by Dr. Gail Dines

    Stay connected:

    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
    Purchase, I Am Reclaiming Me: A Betrayed Partner's Daily Practice Journal for Women by Lorna NakellSign up for upcoming workshops and retreats

    Note: I earn commissions from sponsored links.

  • It can take less than 11 seconds for a 9-year-old child to access hard-core porn on the internet without a credit card and without proof of age.

    This episode shines an olympic-sized spotlight on the abuses that porn has on individuals watching porn, taking part in it as a performer, and on children being exploited by it. And, what was surprising to me as the interviewer was to learn about the dirty tactics that companies that we love use to profit from sexual exploitation and the porn industry.

    My guest for this episode is Haley McNamara, the Director of the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation (INCOSE) in the UK, and a Vice President at the U.S. based National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE). She leads international efforts and joint campaigns to improve policies and education among global governing bodies, citizenry, and corporations regarding the full web of sexual exploitation issues. Her advocacy work has contributed to policy improvements in social media, online advertising, retail, and hotel industries. She has advocated against sexual exploitation to the United Nations, led international coalition campaigns, and presented to many government officials including Danish, Croatian, Colombian and Rwandan.

    Haley regularly speaks and writes on topics including child sexual abuse, sex trafficking, prostitution, sexual objectification, the exploitation of males, and more. She has appeared on, or been quoted in, several outlets; the shortlist of which is the New York Times, NBC’s The Today Show, and BBC News. She has also written op-eds for another impressive list of outlets including the Washington Post, the Huffington Post, FoxNews.com, Washington Examiner. 

    But, her reach doesn’t end there; she has also contributed to a digital middle school curriculum regarding the links between sex trafficking and pornography as well as the public health impacts of sex trafficking.

    If you want to learn about the impacts of porn addiction on relationships you can listen to episode 4 and 7 of this podcast to hear personal stories—one of which is my own.

    You can access the DIRTY DOZEN that NCOSE puts out annually here.

    Learn how you can TAKE ACTION with NCOSE here.

    Instagram: @endexploitation

    Facebook: Center on Sexual Exploitation


    Betrayal Trauma Recovery, "Is Pornography a Feminist Issue"

    Gail Dines, "Growing Up in a Pornified Culture"

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    Keep up with I AM MY Passion Project’s latest episodes and related content by signing up for the newsletter at WomanhouseFollow @womanhouseprojects on IG for inspiration and updates
    Purchase, I Am Reclaiming...
  • If you think health and wellness has to go downhill after 50, or even 40, think again. My guest for this episode proves by example that with the right nutrition and fitness plan it's possible to not just age well but reach big health goals—even in your 70s.

    At 77, Dr. Maria Sheehan is a natural body fitness competitor winning multiple gold and silver medals in bikini, swimsuit and sports model categories in international competitions since 2017. Her academic degrees include two master’s degrees and a doctorate, and she holds certifications as a personal trainer and health coach.

    She has been featured on the Aging and Awesome TV series and is a sought-after speaker for audiences wishing to improve their health and turn back time.

    She offers online programs and Aging Agelessly retreats in Panama and Costa Rica. I discovered her on Instagram and was impressed by her empowering content and the stunning images from her retreats. I think you might find her strength training call to action as motivational as I did.

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  • "What good is sitting alone in a room? Come hear the music play.—come taste the wine, start celebrating. Right this way, your table's waiting," sings actor Liza Minnelli as Sally Bowles in Cabaret. The message: do the best you can to overcome your hardships so that you can live life as full as you're able and go out with a bang. That outlook exemplifies the spirit of my guest for episode 8, Leah Baer.

    Leah just began her 79th year and sees these late last years on earth as an adventure. She’s dedicated to helping women and resisting patriarchy in all its forms. Leah is a writer, storyteller, actor, poet, parent, grandparent, & lover of life. Her motto is: “My old age—where Thanatos & Eros meet—is my beginning.” Her writing has been published in VoiceCatcher, Unchaste Readers, Gleam & Women’s E News. She’s done storytelling and public speaking at Roar: Fierce Female Voices, Corporeal Writing, Booklovers Burlesque, and for Planned Parenthood & the NW Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

    As part of her “old age is an adventure” project, she has recently taken a couple of voice lessons. And, I goaded her into singing a song for this episode—with me!

    Leah is currently working on her one-woman show, “The Shimmer of Other Lives,” which will debut in the Fall of 2023.

    You can find her on FB and IG @baerleah

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