Saying goodbye to I Miss You for now... Support this podcast
What in the world is an intimacy coordinator?! On this week's episode, I chat with my friend Rebecca, an intimacy coordinator for tv/film in Los Angeles. And it's fascinating! We go down "a really long alley" on films released and revisited during the pandemic. And shout out to our dear theatre artist Erik Ehn!Follow us on IG @imissyoupodcastDon't forget to leave a review for the show on Apple Podcasts...xoxo Support this podcast
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Things coming full circle this week with my fellow Pennsylvanian Sara. Air fryers! Online dating! AirBnb mishaps! Provincetown! Lesbian theme parties! Flower power! Somebody say strip malls?! What a fun getting-to-know chat! Support this podcast
OMG 20 episodes! Reflections on the podcast, where it's come, where it's going, and a big announcement for Season 2. IG: @imissyoupodcast; email: imissyoupodcast@gmail.comLeave a review on Apple Podcasts as it helps others find our little show! Support this podcast
On this week's episode, I sit down with Jeff, someone who I only spent a short amount of time with in person (maybe a date?) This was in LA, shortly before leaving, so I never crossed in-person paths with them again. We reconnected on social media, and here we are spending an hour together. More about Jeff: https://www.cosmiccousins.com/jeff-hinshawIG @imissyoupodcastPlease leave a review for IMY on Apple Podcasts as it helps others find our show! Support this podcast
This week, I catch up with my friend Sara in the Washington, D.C. area. We have a long chat about somatic psychotherapy, social justice, nervous systems, and relocating to the suburbs.Leaving a review for I Miss You on Apple Podcasts helps others find our little show. And don't forget to follow us on Instagram @imissyoupodcast. Support this podcast
Double Feature Week! Along with Episode 17: Joss, I'm releasing this episode with Liam and Nic. I met these two ethereal creatures in the woods of Faerieland. I've never laughed so much in my life spending a camping week together surrounding by nature, spirits, and magic. CW: addiction, drug use Support this podcast
Joss and I met around 2017 in San Diego. Between the time last seeing Joss in-person in California, and reconnecting via social media, she began her process of transitioning. I was so happy to catch up with Joss and have this conversation about all of the wonderful things happening in her life. Find Joss on Instagram @journeyofjoss Support this podcast
Maida has been quintessential for shaping dance and performing arts in Washington, D.C. as choreographer, performer, and educator, with a career that spans over 40+ years with her company Maida Withers Dance Construction Company, including international performances and residencies, and groundbreaking collaborations with artists and scientists. I met Maida in D.C., and shortly after joined the masters dance program she co-created at George Washington University first in 1965.Find me on Instagram @imissyoupodcast Support this podcast
Hi, friend. It feels very scary sharing this with you. But that's why it's necessary.IG @imissyoupodcast Support this podcast
Kevin and I were practically neighbors when I spent a short time living Hudson, NY. They have lived a million fascinating lifetimes working as an editor and journalist for some the most notable entertainment publications out there. We were also each other's dog sitters! Leaving a review for I Miss You on Apple Podcasts helps others find our little show! ❤️ Find me on Instagram @imissyoupodcast Support this podcast
Do you remember your first love? Did you know what love is at the time? Was it a secret? A fall down memory lane with this week's guest, EJ. Support this podcast
Matthew and I met around 2013 in Washington, DC. Matthew has been building community through dance, pairing dancers of various artistic and life experience in creating new work. In this episode, we dive in on what’s been coming up for us with our bodies and navigating pandemic configurations, checking in on loved ones, and tuning in to creativity.Leaving a review for I Miss You on Apple Podcasts helps others find our little show! ❤️ Find me on Instagram @imissyoupodcast Support this podcast
I first saw Lester at the orientation at Naropa University in 2018, where we currently both attend in different graduate masters programs. However, we didn't met until several months later at a gay bar in Denver, CO. Lester is a writer who identifies as gay, Black, and feminine, whose thought-provoking work received praise across the boards.Leaving a review for I Miss You on Apple Podcasts helps others find our little show! ❤️ Find me on Instagram @imissyoupodcast Support this podcast
In this week's chat room, a brief audio blog about dating. Support this podcast
This week's guest Michael introduced me to meditation through Tara Brach and the Insight Meditation Community of Washington back in 2010. We share our love for theatre and the arts, and what we've been up to since last seeing one another some years ago.Leaving a review for I Miss You on Apple Podcasts helps others find our little show! ❤️ Find me on Instagram @imissyoupodcast Support this podcast
I'm notorious for not explicitly communicating what's going on in my head... A frank chat about discomfort, urges, and triggers.CW: eating disorder, addiction Support this podcast
Something different as this week's guest and I have never met outside of social media. Harry and I began chatting through Instagram. They are 1/3 (among many guest artists) of Queer House Party, a virtual queer party space created in response to the pandemic's closing of clubs and live performance spaces. Harry calls in from their flat in London. IG @queerhouseparty @harry_gay_Leaving a review for I Miss You on Apple Podcasts helps others find our little show! ❤️ Support this podcast
Chris joins me this week for a conversation about hooking up during the pandemic, sex, finding love, shame, relationships, the radical faeries, and how we met during the first week of my arrival in Los Angeles, 2016. Chris' boundless energy is on par with a 21st century Auntie Mame, managing a social calendar the Kardashians couldn't keep up with.Listen to Chat Room: The Radical Faeries for some context for our talk about the radical faeries.Leaving a review for I Miss You on Apple Podcasts helps others find our little show! ❤️ Find me on Instagram @imissyoupodcast Support this podcast
On this episode, my camping Best Judy Ben joins me for a hilarious catch-up where we chat favorite pandemic desserts, late-night tahini, the Los Angeles parties we miss, and so much more. Ben and I met in LA in 2016 at the Pink Sabbath party thrown by mutual friends. They are a mind-blowing artist working with fiber and knit sculpture whose work you have to see to believe.Leaving a review for I Miss You on Apple Podcasts helps others find our little show! ❤️ Find me on Instagram @imissyoupodcast Support this podcast
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