
  • Welcome to my second conversation of the "start over" series.

    In this episode, I am speaking with my friend Mayowa, who who relocated to a new economy and has against all odds established herself as a top media personality, as well as the founder of thriving human capacity development business.

    Our conversation borders around the mindsets, beliefs, and habits that accelerate establishment and success for anyone.

    Everyone alive has had to start something new at one pointor the other. Whether it's a new day or a new job, a new business, education, relationship, or starting over in a new environment or even in a new economy with new rules, and new laws, people, mindsets, beliefs, ideologies, and culture. Whichever one it is, either from a new day to a new life, they are all characterised by one similarity: the transition from a familiar to a not so familiar or a totally unfamiliar terrain.

    And if we’ll introduce basic level human psychology to theidea of transitions, we will realise that any move from known to unknown, familiar to unfamiliar, certain to uncertain, or accustomed to unaccustomed, would often be greeted with the level of anxiety, curiosity, or fear.

    And regardless of this reality, I believe it’ll be agreedthat the state of mind of every human largely determines, first the effect of the change or transition, and then the result of the change or transition.

    That said, “starting over” would never become a foregoneideology, as we would always have to start something new if we are alive. Why? That's the only way we confirm growth. With every change, transition or advancement comes an exposure to newness and difference. Disallowing ourselves from those advancements leave us stuck in the familiar or known places of comfort, invariably disallowing growth.

    In this series, I'll be exploring the realities of this in conversations with my friends, who like me have had to explore starting over again.

    I am committed to your success.

    LINKS.To book a coaching call with me - ⁠click this link

  • In this episode, I am speaking with my friend Fisayo, who left a thriving business, to acquire an MBA in a different continent, and she shares her journey and the different things she believes anyone who would start over must know, do, or consider. Also, she speaks briefly about receiving scholarship offers at the beginning of her journey. A more elaborate video about that process has been attached below, for anyone who is interested in exploring that route as their path to starting over.

    Everyone alive has had to start something new at one pointor the other. Whether it's a new day or a new job, a new business, education, relationship, or starting over in a new environment or even in a new economy with new rules, and new laws, people, mindsets, beliefs, ideologies, and culture. Whichever one it is, either from a new day to a new life, they are all characterised by one similarity: the transition from a familiar to a not so familiar or a totally unfamiliar terrain.

    And if we’ll introduce basic level human psychology to theidea of transitions, we will realise that any move from known to unknown, familiar to unfamiliar, certain to uncertain, or accustomed to unaccustomed, would often be greeted with the level of anxiety, curiosity, or fear.

    And regardless of this reality, I believe it’ll be agreedthat the state of mind of every human largely determines, first the effect of the change or transition, and then the result of the change or transition.

    That said, “starting over” would never become a foregoneideology, as we would always have to start something new if we are alive. Why? That's the only way we confirm growth. With every change, transition or advancement comes an exposure to newness and difference. Disallowing ourselves from those advancements leave us stuck in the familiar or known places of comfort, invariably disallowing growth.

    In this series, I'll be exploring the realities of this in conversations with my friends, who like me have had to explore starting over again.

    I am committed to your success.


    To watch Fisayo's video - click this link To book a coaching call with me - click this link

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  • Dr Nkiru Oluwatosin is a family physician with special interest in mental health, she occupies a lead role as mental health champion for her primary care network within the NHS here in England, she is also certified in the fundamentals of Neuroscience, and is the founder of a charity organisation which helps people with their mental health, engaging faith based principles.

    In this podcast on “overcoming anxiety” something that she has both experiential, medical, and spiritual knowledge about, our conversation steers through the realities of experiencing anxiety, possible root causes, how it becomes a persistent or prevalent emotion, and ways of overcoming it. We all experience anxiety at one level or the other… for some, it’s from a perception of fear, or the entry of a new phase of life, or their adopted sense of self worth or self-concept….. one way or the other we all have had experiences; but some more than the others.

    We share personal liberation stories and I am certain that in many ways than I can consider, this podcast would be the liberation someone needs to overcome anxiety, fear, and other disturbing emotions in their life.

    NOTE: It is important to take professional or medical advice before making any decisions relating to your health. Information shared in this podcast is solely based on our beliefs and experiences as of the moment of this recording. And whilst we consider it helpful, it should not be a replacement for any form of medical treatment or therapeutic assistance you may require for control, coping, management, relief, or healing. We would not be legally liable for any misuse or abuse of information shared within this podcast.

    You can get Dr Nkiru's book on Overcoming Depression here


    To connect with me further, you can reach me via the following platformsInstagram


  • In this really short episode, I share a little insight around why I believe everyone should at one point or the other, or at all points in their life engage the services of a coach, counsellor, or therapist.

    There's definitely wisdom in having access to counsel, guidance, and a fresh pair of lenses as regards different stages and phases of life. We can know more, be more, and do more, when we see more!

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts, and more than that, if you are in that stage of life where the help and guidance of a professional is necessary to move you into your desired level of existence or performance, I look forward to working with you.

    To schedule a connection call with me, please book through this link - https://calendly.com/ifeoluwageorgeolaniyan/45

  • Happy new year from me, I am glad to be back. In this episode, I speak about three different things that propel and define most of our life experiences.

    In our world of cause and effects, we can curate and design our outcomes, experiences and live a fulfilling life.

    "Do not sacrifice who you can become, by hanging on to who you are", Shine!

    As always, I'll love to hear your thoughts after you have listened. And if you would like some help around this conversation and would want us to have a chat, please book a call with me via this link - https://calendly.com/ifeoluwageorgeolaniyan/45

    Music Credit:

    Adrift Among Infinite Stars by Scott Buckley | www.scottbuckley.com.au Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • One statement I love, made by a famous preacher, and I quote; "the things I want to do, I do not do, the things I do not want to do, I find myself doing"..... And to that I feel, doesn't that speak for most of us?

    Is it not quite shocking how we might find that we express habits, behaviours, thoughts and emotions that we do not particularly know we are capable of? And in those moments of shock, we wonder who we really are, and how we have behaved in a manner that doesn’t portray who we hope to be?

    I know that place, and I know how painful it can be to hope that your life is one of purpose, love, peace, meaning, actions, productivity, and fulfilment and yet it is characterised with qualities that deliver quite the opposite.

    This episode of the illimitable YOU podcast, and its prequel episode WHO IS THE REAL YOU, attempt to both create an awareness of this reality as well as help with practical ways to solve it.

    I'll love to hear your thoughts after you have listened. And if you would like some help around this conversation and would want us to have a chat, please book a call with me via this link - https://calendly.com/ifeoluwageorgeolaniyan/45

    Music Credit:

    Love by LiQWYD | https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd/ Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

    Adrift Among Infinite Stars by Scott Buckley | www.scottbuckley.com.au Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • One statement I love, made by a famous preacher, and I quote; "the things I want to do, I do not do, the things I do not want to do, I find myself doing"..... And to that I feel, doesn't that speak for most of us? 

    Is it not quite shocking how we might find that we express habits, behaviours, thoughts and emotions that we do not particularly know we are capable of? And in those moments of shock, we wonder who we really are, and how we have behaved in a manner that doesn’t portray who we hope to be? 

    I know that place, and I know how painful it can be to hope that your life is one of purpose, love, peace, meaning, actions, productivity, and fulfilment and yet it is characterised with qualities that deliver quite the opposite. 

    This episode of the illimitable YOU podcast, and its sequel episode attempt to both create an awareness of this reality as well as help with practical ways to solve it. 

    I'll love to hear your thoughts after you have listened. And if you would like some help around this conversation and would want us to have a chat, please book a call with me via this link - https://calendly.com/ifeoluwageorgeolaniyan/45 

    Ps: I promise, listening to this podcast would be the most productive 9 minutes of your day! 🤩. 

    Music Credit: 

    Love by LiQWYD | https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd/ Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ 

    Adrift Among Infinite Stars by Scott Buckley | www.scottbuckley.com.au Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • Why do many humans toil, struggle, hustle and worry about life and what it has to offer or what they’ll get out of it? Why is it easier to accept that life is hard than it is to accept a life of peace, purpose, prosperity, fulfilment and legacy?

    I have considered the consciousness of “working from the place of rest”, and in one of my meditations, I pictured the beauty of having huge progress and success in all personal endeavours and areas of life, unperturbed by any of life’s current realities…. Inflation, economic instabilities, threats of war, racial discrimination and injustice and other ills in our world. And this propelled the need for this conversation on the podcast.

    The irony is that this is very possible even if it seems unattainable to many.

    But I’m well aware that you cannot actualise any posture opposite to worrying without trust. (I.e; in something capable of guaranteeing your peace and balance) and you cannot trust without knowledge / understanding. (We only sit on (trust) a chair we understand/know has the capacity and stability to withstand our weight.)

    Many are stuck with worrying in life because they have nothing to trust in; and some who have something to trust but lack real understanding of it still find themselves clueless about their position or next steps most times.
    How do we discover the missing link and align with a path of meaning and progress, void of the worries of life’s uncertainties?
    That's why I am pleased to introduce two of my dearest friends and brothers, Dr Kunle Davis Oke, (a scholar, lawyer, lecturer and UK government adviser) and Bukunmi Olukoya, (the lead person for the impact UK, a Christ centred mission to millennials and GEN Z cohorts and a Principal Consultant for an Infrastructure, Real Estate and Natural Resources Consultancy); whose insights on this topic I found to be profound.

    This conversation should help listeners, find rest or make choices that'll enable living from a place of rest; particularly those who haven’t found ways of managing the stress and anxieties that uncertainties in life and our world create.
    I believe strongly that everyone needs something to anchor themselves to, for the guarantee of their peace, wellness, and balance.

    Connect with Ife George via Instagram HERE