
  • Ready for Launch: from Awkward Homeschooler to Confident Adult About This Workshop

    In this era of profound societal upheaval, the post-high school graduation landscape is more diverse and complex than ever before. Our young adults face a bewildering array of choices: traditional college, entering the workforce, venturing into entrepreneurship, pursuing specialized certifications, embarking on a transformative gap year, or even, well, the allure of playing video games in Mom’s basement. How can we guide our children in making wise, informed choices? Join Lisa Nehring, Director of True North Homeschool Academy, as we navigate this exciting yet challenging terrain to help our kids launch successfully as young adults.

    Free download of the workshop.

  • Welcome to another episode of the It's Not That Hard to Homeschool the podcast where we delve into the magical early years of childhood, exploring the wonders of kindergarten through third grade, and discussing why it's never too early to embark on the homeschooling journey.

    We normally chat all things high school, but today we're shining the spotlight on those younger years.

    Today, we're incredibly excited to have a very special guest with us, Lisa Yvonne from Moments at Home. Lisa isn't just any guest; she's a homeschooling supermom of eight, a devoted wife, and a creator of invaluable resources for families. With a heart as big as her family, Lisa also serves as the Vice President of a youth and community center, touching the lives of children aged 5-15 and their families. But that's not all - she's an ESL teacher, a writer, and someone who knows the true value of a well-crafted coffee.

    Lisa's world is one where vintage decor meets modern conveniences, where the love for good books and excellent movies knows no bounds, and where old-fashioned family values blend seamlessly with up-to-date family fun. Through The Moments At Home®, Lisa has created a support system for families, championing the idea that building a home and a family unit is a collective effort, one beautiful moment at a time.

    Today, she's here to share her journey, her insights, and perhaps most importantly, her conviction that homeschooling is not just an educational choice but a lifestyle that enriches the family bond and fosters a lifelong love for learning.

    So, whether you're a seasoned homeschooler or just contemplating the idea, grab your favorite cup of craft coffee, and let's dive into this heartwarming conversation with Lisa Yvonne. Because, as we'll learn today, creating a home they'll love and return to, even when they're all grown up, starts with embracing each moment together.

    Visit Lisa:

    Link: shop.themomentsathome.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themomentsathome

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    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Show Notes: Not That Hard to Homeschool Podcast - "4 Things to Keep in Mind While Homeschooling"

    Welcome to another episode of the Not That Hard to Homeschool Podcast.

    Today, we're exploring four pivotal concepts to enrich your homeschooling experience. These insights blend academic learning with character development for a well-rounded approach.

    Share Your Passions with Your Kids Homeschooling offers a unique opportunity to integrate your passions into your teaching. Whether it's art, science, history, or a hobby, sharing what you love can inspire enthusiasm in your children. It shows them learning is a lifelong journey, not confined to textbooks. This approach not only enhances their knowledge but also strengthens family bonds and fosters mutual respect. Make the Most of Kids' Natural Curiosity Children are naturally curious, always questioning the world around them. Harness this curiosity by encouraging exploration and discovery. Tailor lessons to their interests, and you'll see engagement soar. This method nurtures a love for learning and encourages self-directed exploration. It also teaches children the value of perseverance and the joy of uncovering new knowledge, which are crucial aspects of character development. Give Them a Challenge Challenges stimulate growth, resilience, and problem-solving skills. Setting challenging but achievable goals for your children helps them learn the value of hard work and determination. It prepares them for real-world situations where perseverance is key. Encourage them to embrace challenges, not shy away from them. This mindset fosters a strong work ethic and the courage to face difficulties head-on. Clear Strategies Lead to Success Clear, structured strategies in your homeschooling approach can significantly impact learning outcomes. Establish routines, set clear expectations, and use organized planning to guide your homeschooling journey. This clarity helps children understand what is expected of them and how they can achieve their goals. It also teaches them the importance of organization and planning in achieving success, valuable life skills that extend beyond academics.

    Integrating Character Development Throughout these four strategies, emphasize character development. Teach your children the value of integrity, empathy, and responsibility. Show them how their passions can contribute positively to the world. Encourage them to ask questions, seek knowledge, and understand diverse perspectives.

    Challenges should be met with perseverance and a positive attitude, and success should be seen as a product of effort and ethical conduct. In conclusion, homeschooling is not just about academic achievement; it's about nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared for the challenges of life.

    By sharing your passions, leveraging natural curiosity, offering challenges, and employing clear strategies, you can provide a rich, fulfilling educational experience. Remember, the goal is to raise learners who are not only knowledgeable but also kind, resilient, and ethical individuals.

    Join us next time on the Not That Hard to Homeschool Podcast for more insights and strategies to make your homeschooling journey even more rewarding. Together, we can make homeschooling not just achievable, but a profound opportunity for growth and learning.
  • PART 2

    Listen to Part 1 in the previous podcast.

    At the heart of True North Homeschool Academy’s innovative approach lies the SAMR model, a framework that guides educators and parents in leveraging technology effectively.

    The SAMR model classifies technology integration into four levels: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.

    Substitution refers to the basic replacement of traditional tools with technological alternatives. Augmentation enhances the learning experience by adding additional functionality.

    Modification involves redesigning tasks to foster more creative and collaborative activities, while Redefinition empowers students to engage in tasks that were previously inconceivable.

    By employing the SAMR method, True North Homeschool Academy harnesses the potential of technology to engage students, promote critical thinking, and foster deeper understanding. From online discussions and interactive assignments to virtual labs and digital simulations, technology becomes a catalyst for transformative learning experiences.

    The Next Frontier: “Not Your Mama’s Education”

    Seminar Lisa Nehring, the visionary behind True North Homeschool Academy, is hosting an exciting seminar titled “Not Your Mama’s Education.”

    This eagerly anticipated event will delve into the future of homeschooling and explore emerging trends and methodologies that challenge traditional educational paradigms.

    The seminar aims to equip parents with practical strategies to embrace the next frontier in homeschooling. Participants will gain valuable insights into integrating cutting-edge technologies, fostering personalized learning environments, and nurturing critical 21st-century skills.

    By embracing innovative methods like project-based learning, interdisciplinary studies, and real-world applications, homeschoolers can effectively prepare their children for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

    In a Word True North Homeschool Academy and the SAMR method are revolutionizing homeschooling by combining technological advancements with next-generation educational practices. Lisa Nehring’s upcoming seminar, “Not Your Mama’s Education,” promises to inspire and equip parents with the tools and knowledge needed to embrace the next frontier of homeschooling.

    As homeschooling continues to evolve, the need for flexible, personalized, and future-ready education becomes increasingly important. By staying at the forefront of educational innovation, True North Homeschool Academy and Lisa Nehring are empowering families to navigate this new era of homeschooling, ensuring that children receive a holistic education that prepares them for success in an ever-changing world.

  • Part 3: Critical Languages + More

    Listen to parts 1 & 2 in the previous podcasts.

    At the heart of True North Homeschool Academy’s innovative approach lies the SAMR model, a framework that guides educators and parents in leveraging technology effectively.

    The SAMR model classifies technology integration into four levels: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.

    Substitution refers to the basic replacement of traditional tools with technological alternatives. Augmentation enhances the learning experience by adding additional functionality.

    Modification involves redesigning tasks to foster more creative and collaborative activities, while Redefinition empowers students to engage in tasks that were previously inconceivable.

    By employing the SAMR method, True North Homeschool Academy harnesses the potential of technology to engage students, promote critical thinking, and foster deeper understanding. From online discussions and interactive assignments to virtual labs and digital simulations, technology becomes a catalyst for transformative learning experiences.

    The Next Frontier: “Not Your Mama’s Education”

    Seminar Lisa Nehring, the visionary behind True North Homeschool Academy, is hosting an exciting seminar titled “Not Your Mama’s Education.”

    This eagerly anticipated event will delve into the future of homeschooling and explore emerging trends and methodologies that challenge traditional educational paradigms.

    The seminar aims to equip parents with practical strategies to embrace the next frontier in homeschooling. Participants will gain valuable insights into integrating cutting-edge technologies, fostering personalized learning environments, and nurturing critical 21st-century skills.

    By embracing innovative methods like project-based learning, interdisciplinary studies, and real-world applications, homeschoolers can effectively prepare their children for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

    In a Word True North Homeschool Academy and the SAMR method are revolutionizing homeschooling by combining technological advancements with next-generation educational practices. Lisa Nehring’s upcoming seminar, “Not Your Mama’s Education,” promises to inspire and equip parents with the tools and knowledge needed to embrace the next frontier of homeschooling.

    As homeschooling continues to evolve, the need for flexible, personalized, and future-ready education becomes increasingly important. By staying at the forefront of educational innovation, True North Homeschool Academy and Lisa Nehring are empowering families to navigate this new era of homeschooling, ensuring that children receive a holistic education that prepares them for success in an ever-changing world.

  • PART 1

    At the heart of True North Homeschool Academy’s innovative approach lies the SAMR model, a framework that guides educators and parents in leveraging technology effectively. The SAMR model classifies technology integration into four levels: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.

    Substitution refers to the basic replacement of traditional tools with technological alternatives.

    Augmentation enhances the learning experience by adding additional functionality.

    Modification involves redesigning tasks to foster more creative and collaborative activities, while Redefinition empowers students to engage in tasks that were previously inconceivable.

    By employing the SAMR method, True North Homeschool Academy harnesses the potential of technology to engage students, promote critical thinking, and foster deeper understanding. From online discussions and interactive assignments to virtual labs and digital simulations, technology becomes a catalyst for transformative learning experiences.

    The Next Frontier: “Not Your Mama’s Education”

    Seminar Lisa Nehring, the visionary behind True North Homeschool Academy, is hosting an exciting seminar titled “Not Your Mama’s Education.”

    This eagerly anticipated event will delve into the future of homeschooling and explore emerging trends and methodologies that challenge traditional educational paradigms. The seminar aims to equip parents with practical strategies to embrace the next frontier in homeschooling.

    Participants will gain valuable insights into integrating cutting-edge technologies, fostering personalized learning environments, and nurturing critical 21st-century skills. By embracing innovative methods like project-based learning, interdisciplinary studies, and real-world applications, homeschoolers can effectively prepare their children for the challenges and opportunities of the future. In a Word True North Homeschool Academy and the SAMR method are revolutionizing homeschooling by combining technological advancements with next-generation educational practices.

    Lisa Nehring’s upcoming seminar, “Not Your Mama’s Education,” promises to inspire and equip parents with the tools and knowledge needed to embrace the next frontier of homeschooling. As homeschooling continues to evolve, the need for flexible, personalized, and future-ready education becomes increasingly important.

    By staying at the forefront of educational innovation, True North Homeschool Academy and Lisa Nehring are empowering families to navigate this new era of homeschooling, ensuring that children receive a holistic education that prepares them for success in an ever-changing world.

  • Welcome back to another enlightening episode of "It's Not That Hard to Homeschool," hosted by the ever-insightful Lisa Nehring. Today, we're exploring a foundational element of classical education that can revolutionize your homeschooling approach: the 5 Common Topics. These timeless tools of rhetoric are not only the backbone of effective communication but also a powerful framework for learning across all subjects.

    In this episode, Lisa demystifies these 5 Common Topics—Definition, Comparison, Relationship, Circumstance, and Authority—and illustrates their relevance in a modern homeschool setting. Discover how these ancient rhetorical tools, dating back to Aristotle's time, are surprisingly applicable to contemporary education and can enhance critical thinking, comprehension, and expression in your children, regardless of their age or grade level.

    Lisa shares practical strategies for integrating the 5 Common Topics into your daily homeschool routine, turning every lesson into an opportunity for deeper exploration and understanding. Whether you're discussing literature, tackling complex math problems, exploring scientific theories, or analyzing historical events, the 5 Common Topics can guide your discussions and enrich your children's educational experience.

    Listeners will gain insights into how to use these topics to foster an environment of inquiry, debate, and reflection, encouraging students to ask questions, draw connections, and form well-rounded opinions. By incorporating the 5 Common Topics into your homeschool, you're not just teaching your children how to learn; you're empowering them with the skills to think critically and engage with the world around them.

    Join Lisa in this episode as she provides you with the knowledge and tools to bring the power of classical rhetoric into your homeschooling practice. Whether you're a seasoned homeschooler or just starting out, understanding and utilizing the 5 Common Topics can transform the way you educate and inspire your children.

    Remember to subscribe to "It's Not That Hard to Homeschool" for more episodes filled with practical tips, encouragement, and wisdom to help you make the most of your homeschooling journey. Let's make learning a thrilling adventure for our children!

  • Elon Musk recently announced that they have successfully planted their first neuro chip into a human brain. Whew- we just entered a new era of economy, money and human/ cyborg relations.

    The president of the Carnie Foundation -of Carnegie Unit fame- - which you probably know as the high School Credit is re-thinking the efficacy of the credit based on trends in education as well as the working world.

    Jobs are being outsourced to AI, robotics and the precision economy.

    While unprecedented might have been an overused word in 2020, it’s definitely the word of the decade and for good reason.

    As parents, we often prepare our kids for life in the way we were prepared. But, look, the world is changing- and very, very quickly. So, if we are preparing our kids for adulthood in the same way that we were 20- 30 years ago- or more- we are OUT DATED!

    Let’s take a look at how each generation has defined success to think through just how much our ideas change from generation to generation:

    Continue Reading: Unprecedented Times Just Got Real Full Notes

  • Episode Title: Understanding the Carnegie Unit and How It Relates to Homeschooling High School

    Show Notes:

    Welcome to a new episode of "It's Not That Hard to Homeschool," where we demystify the challenges of homeschooling and provide practical advice to make your homeschooling journey smoother. Today, we're diving into a topic that bewilders many homeschooling parents of high schoolers: the Carnegie Unit and its implications for homeschooling through the high school years.

    The Carnegie Unit, a traditional measure of academic credit in the United States, is often used to represent one hour of classroom instruction per day, five days a week, for one academic year. But how does this translate to a homeschooling environment, where traditional classroom hours don't necessarily apply?

    Our host, Lisa Nehring, breaks down the concept of the Carnegie Unit, tracing its origins back to the early 20th century and discussing its role in standardizing education across the nation. More importantly, Lisa provides insight into how homeschooling parents can leverage the Carnegie Unit to plan and document their high schooler's educational journey.

    Listeners will learn how to translate traditional classroom hours into homeschooling activities, including academic studies, practical experiences, and extracurricular activities. Lisa also discusses the importance of documentation and how keeping detailed records can benefit homeschooling families, especially when preparing transcripts for college applications.

    This episode is packed with tips on how to use the Carnegie Unit as a flexible guideline rather than a strict rule, allowing homeschooling parents to create a high school curriculum that is both rigorous and tailored to their child's interests and needs.

    Whether you're new to homeschooling or looking for ways to enhance your high schooler's learning experience, this episode is a must-listen. Join Lisa as she simplifies the complexities of the Carnegie Unit and shows how it can be a valuable tool in your homeschooling toolkit.

    Don't forget to subscribe to "It's Not That Hard to Homeschool" for more insightful episodes on making the most of your homeschooling journey. Happy homeschooling!

  • In a recent interview featuring Lisa Nehring from "It's Not That Hard to Homeschool" and Brett Harris of "The Author's Conservatory, A Different Approach," the discussion delved into innovative approaches to education and entrepreneurship. Lisa Nehring, an advocate for homeschooling, shared insights into the accessibility and feasibility of homeschooling, emphasizing that it doesn't have to be a daunting task. She discussed practical strategies and resources to make homeschooling a rewarding experience for both parents and students.

    Brett Harris, representing "The Author's Conservatory," offered a unique perspective on education by combining novel writing with entrepreneurial skills. The online school provides a distinctive curriculum that not only teaches students how to write and pitch novels but also empowers them to start their own business ventures. Harris highlighted the importance of fostering creativity and self-expression while equipping students with practical skills to succeed as entrepreneurs. The interview shed light on alternative education models that go beyond traditional methods, encouraging a holistic approach that nurtures both academic and entrepreneurial abilities.

    For more information visit The Author's Conservatory.

  • Consider a Career as a Medical Transcriptionist! As a medical Transcriptionist, you will become a Medical Language Specialists. You will learn advanced medical teminology, Anatomy & Physiology, Pharmaceutical Terms and medical specialties. Our program trains students to be thorough and exceptional medical transcriptionists and we hire 100% of our successful graduates. Successful graduates possess common sense and a strong work ethic. It’s typical for medical transcriptionists to earn up to $60 per hour.

    Cost of training varies but going through Deborah’s program, it is around $3000. If students attend the webinar, cost is halved. Medical Transcriptionist work with Doctors around the U.S. This is a growing field, that will continue to grow!

    Get to know Debra and about a medical transcriptionist career: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEtWbnUZVuE&t=0s

    Sign up for a free informational webinar: https://medtranscription.com/events/

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    We believe that EVERY mom can confidently, competently — and even contentedly! — provide the complete high school education her teen needs. So, whether you’re just considering homeschooling or have been in the trenches for years, we’ve got something for you! Check out our books, blog, podcast and other resources- all designed with YOU in mind; to help YOU enjoy these amazing years of homeschooling! It’s really NOT that hard!

  • Are your kids bored and unmotivated? I get it!

    Motivating kids is a big part of homeschooling. Not to worry, I've got 3 easy steps for you to tap into your kids' motivation and help them activate their desire to learn, grow, and develop!

    Ready? Here we go!

    Set clear and specific expectations. Pro Tip: Include them in setting those clear goals and expectations!

    2. Create a challenge beyond their current knowledge or skill set (remember the Goldilocks Principle I'm always talking about?). No real growth occurs without some friction.

    3. Provide immediate feedback- your kids need this to improve. As homeschoolers, we are the academic coaches, and our kids look to us to know what they did well, what they need to improve on, and what they need to get rid of!

    We believe that EVERY mom can confidently, competently — and even contentedly! — provide the complete high school education her teen needs. So, whether you’re just considering homeschooling or have been in the trenches for years, we’ve got something for you! Check out our books, blog, podcast, and other resources- all designed with YOU in mind; to help YOU enjoy these amazing years of homeschooling! It’s really NOT that hard!

  • Do you ever feel like you are in a battle as you homeschool your kids? Well, you just might be! Join True North Homeschool Academy Director, Lisa Nehring, and her son and True North Instructor, Ethan Nehring, as they talk about the spiritual implications of home education.

    Yep, just a quick drive through homeschooling, the Bible and Lord of the Rings! Ethan Nehring will be teaching New Testament Survey for 6th-9th Grader's spring semester, which begins the week of January 8! Enroll Today! https://truenorthhomeschool.academy/p... #learning #criticalthinking #educational #homeschooling #onlineeducation #onlinelearning #onlineclasses #lotr #bible

  • The 5 Common Topics are a simple, effective and underutilized tools to educate across curriculum and ages. This simple guide will get you started with implementing the 5 Common Topics:

    5 Common Topics: Not So Common Anymore! » Resource: https://truenorthhomeschoolacademy.com/pro.../common-topics/

    The 5 Common Topics; have you ever heard of them? This little used educational concept can revolutionize your homeschooling and educational experience. Let us guide you through how to utilize each of the 5 Common Topics, beginning with definition. It is easy to implement these tools across curriculum, and with multiple grades and ages. Whether your student is familiar with the information or not, The 5 Common Topics will allow your student to recognize quickly what they do know and make connections and cross-references, allowing them get further than they though possible. An excellent addition to any literature curriculum, math or science curriculum from Kindergarten through High School.

    We've included a clear explanation of the 5 Common Topics as well as examples of how to use the 5 Common Topics with a random subject, Printable Math sheets to laminate for Math class, flyers to print and put in your notebooks or classroom areas, and printable bookmarks to use with co-ops, class-days or in your own home.

    This is continuing education for every homeschool Mom, co-op or class day teacher and classical educator. Equip yourself and watch your students soar!

  • 📚🗣️ Exploring the Power of Political Essays 🧠📝 🌟

    Are you ready to take your writing, critical thinking, and debate skills to the next level? Join our Political Essay class and witness the difference!

    ENROLL NOW https://truenorthhomeschool.academy/p...

    📌 Why Political Essays? In today's world, understanding the complexities of politics and society is crucial. Political essays dive deep into contemporary issues, giving you the chance to develop a well-rounded perspective.

    🧐 How it Differs:

    1️⃣ Unique Perspective: Political essays allow you to express your own viewpoint, offering room for originality and creativity.

    2️⃣ Critical Thinking: You'll learn to dissect complex issues, analyze data, and develop compelling arguments.

    3️⃣ Speech and Debate: These essays translate seamlessly into persuasive speaking and debate skills, making you a powerful communicator.

    Read the Classics, Engage in Rich Discussion, Craft a solid solution!

    Animal Farm by Orwell, the Crucible by Miller, Farenheit 451 by Bradbury, and Slaughter House 5 by Vonnegut.

    Engage in deep and rich discusssion, learn to present a problem, provide evidence and craft a solid solution!!

    🌍 Impact Beyond the Classroom: Political essays aren't just academic exercises; they're tools for change. Your words can influence public opinion, inspire activism, and shape the future.

    🗓️ Don't miss out on this transformative experience. Enroll today for Spring Classes, which begin the week of January 8, to unlock your potential as a writer, thinker, and advocate!

  • Overview: Taking a gap year is a great idea — listen for reasons why to do so, things to look out for, and gap year ideas!

    Homeschoolers are often interested in the idea of taking a gap year, which is a pause between high school and college. We did it with one of our kids — turned out to be TWO years, LOL — and it worked out well for everyone.

    In this episode, I discuss reasons to take a gap year, things to look out for, and what some of the options are. A gap year can be a great idea!

  • Hey there, amazing parents and educators! 🌟 Are you ready to empower your teens with top-notch executive functioning skills? 🤝✨ Lisa Nehring from Not That Hard to Homeschool is here to share her secret weapons for success!

    🔗 In her latest podcast, Lisa dives into the world of teaching executive functioning to teens and reveals not just one, but TWO incredible tools that she swears by. These tools are like superpowers 💪🦸‍♂️ for helping teens master organization, time management, and so much more.

    Whether you're a homeschooling parent, a dedicated teacher, or just someone passionate about helping teens thrive, this video is a game-changer. 🚀🌈 Get ready to enhance your teens' skills and set them up for a future of success.

    📺 Don't miss out!

    Get ready to unleash the full potential of your teens with Lisa's expert insights. 📝🕰️ Let's equip our young learners with the tools they need to excel in academics and beyond!

  • **Podcast: Not That Hard to Homeschool Highschool**

    *Episode Title: Tips for Back to School with Lisa Nehring*

    *Host: Lisa Nehring*

    **Episode Description:**

    As the new school year approaches, excitement and anticipation fill the air for homeschooling families and students alike. In this special episode of "Not That Hard to Homeschool Highschool," your host, Lisa Nehring, shares valuable tips and insights to make the back-to-school transition a smooth and successful one. Whether you're new to homeschooling or a seasoned pro, these practical tips will set you and your students up for a fantastic year of learning and growth.

    **Show Notes:**


    - Welcome, wonderful homeschooling families, to a brand new episode of "Not That Hard to Homeschool Highschool." I'm your host, Lisa Nehring, and today, we're gearing up for an exciting journey as we share tips to make this back-to-school season one to remember.

    *Segment 1: Preparing for Success:*

    - Set clear goals for the upcoming school year, both academic and personal. Discuss these goals with your student to create a sense of purpose and direction.

    - Organize your homeschooling space and ensure it's conducive to learning. A clutter-free and inviting environment can significantly impact productivity.

    - Evaluate your curriculum and teaching methods from the previous year. Identify what worked well and what could be improved to refine your approach.

    *Segment 2: Creating a Well-Structured Schedule:*

    - Establish a flexible yet structured daily schedule to maintain consistency. A routine can provide a sense of stability and helps students know what to expect each day.

    - Allocate time for breaks, physical activities, and social interactions to keep the learning experience balanced and enjoyable.

    - Encourage your high school students to be involved in setting their schedules. This fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership over their education.

    *Segment 3: Exploring Unique Learning Opportunities:*

    - Take advantage of the abundance of online resources and educational platforms available to enrich your high schooler's learning journey.

    - Consider incorporating field trips, community service, and other real-world experiences to supplement textbook learning and make education come alive.

    - Engage in group activities or co-op classes to promote socialization and foster a sense of community among homeschoolers.

    *Segment 4: Nurturing a Love for Learning:*

    - Encourage a growth mindset by celebrating both successes and failures as opportunities for learning and growth.

    - Allow room for exploration and self-directed learning. Providing choices and autonomy can ignite a genuine passion for knowledge.

    - Cultivate a love for reading by establishing a family reading time or discussing books together. Reading is a gateway to endless possibilities.


    - As we conclude this episode, I hope you've found these back-to-school tips from "Not That Hard to Homeschool Highschool" beneficial and empowering.

    - Remember, homeschooling allows you to create a tailor-made educational experience that nurtures your child's unique gifts and passions.

    - Wishing all our homeschooling families an incredible school year ahead! Thank you for tuning in, and until next time, I'm Lisa Nehring, happy homeschooling!

  • **Podcast: Not That Hard to Homeschool Highschool**

    *Episode Title: Embracing Parental Responsibility and Unveiling the True Cost of Education*

    *Host: Lisa Nehring*

    **Episode Description:**

    In this enlightening episode of "Not That Hard to Homeschool Highschool," we delve deep into the topic of parental responsibility and explore the true cost of education. Host Lisa Nehring shares her passion for homeschooling, especially during the high school years, as she highlights the benefits and advantages it brings to families.

    **Show Notes:**


    - Welcome back, homeschooling families and eager learners, to another episode of "Not That Hard to Homeschool Highschool." I'm your host, Lisa Nehring, and today, we're going to embark on a thought-provoking journey, uncovering the essence of parental responsibility and the genuine cost of education.

    *Segment 1: The True Cost of Education:*

    - As we often do in society, we primarily associate the cost of education with financial expenses – tuition fees, textbooks, and other school-related expenses. However, let's take a step back and reconsider the broader scope of cost.

    - Education costs extend far beyond financial implications, encompassing factors such as time, energy, and the emotional well-being of both the students and their families.

    - The traditional education system demands considerable time investment from students, leaving little room for pursuing passions, hobbies, or even quality family time.

    - The emotional cost of education is often overlooked but significant, as many students experience stress, anxiety, and sometimes even burnout due to the pressure to conform to standardized norms.

    *Segment 2: Embracing Parental Responsibility:*

    - Homeschooling presents an alternative path that allows parents to take back their vital role in their children's education.

    - Parents can tailor the curriculum to suit their child's unique learning style, interests, and pace, fostering a love for learning and a deeper understanding of subjects.

    - By homeschooling, parents can instill important values, ethics, and life skills that might not receive the same attention in traditional educational settings.

    - The increased involvement of parents in their child's education nurtures a stronger bond and a deeper sense of trust and support within the family unit.

    *Segment 3: Homeschooling through High School: A Great Choice for Families:*

    - Homeschooling during high school offers a myriad of benefits, including flexibility in scheduling and course selection, enabling students to explore their passions and concentrate on areas where they excel.

    - High school homeschooling encourages self-motivation and responsibility, traits that prove invaluable in college and future careers.

    - Individualized attention from parents fosters a supportive learning environment, helping students overcome challenges and explore various subjects in greater depth.

    - Homeschooling opens up opportunities for students to engage in real-world experiences, internships, and community involvement, enhancing their personal growth and development.


    - As we wrap up this episode, let's remember that homeschooling, especially through high school, offers families a remarkable opportunity to embrace parental responsibility and reimagine the true cost of education.

    - By investing our time, energy, and passion into our children's learning journey, we can create an educational experience that is truly transformative and empowering.

    - Thank you for joining me, Lisa Nehring, on this insightful episode of "Not That Hard to Homeschool Highschool." Until next time, happy homeschooling!