On this episode of Japan Station, I examine the mysterious origins of the Japanese word for cat: neko. Trust me, there's a whole lot more to say about the topic than you might think!
👉Topics Discussed The etymology of neko/cat Various theories that try to explain the origins of the Japanese word for cat Whether the Japanese word for cat traces its origins back to Chine/Chinese When cats first arrived in Japan What the onomatopoeia for a cat meowing was in The Tale of Genji About the song Neko Funjatta and what it is called in other countries/languages And more 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.Here's the video of Neko Funjatta by Ichigoclub15.
👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega The Anime Linguist YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about the many film adaptation of the works of Haruki Murakami, Japan's most well-known and commercially successful novelist.
👉Topics Discussed Why is Haruki Murakami so popular around the world? About the many film adaptations of the books and short stories of Haruki Murakami About the relatability of Murakami's characters About Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of Tomorrow About Murakami's skill at writing magical realism About the music and pop culture references Murakami includes in his work How Murakami's strangeness makes his work accessible to people both in and outside of Japan About the South Korean film Burning and how it treated Haruki Murakami's work How filmmakers around the world have adapt and reassemble Haruki Murakami's work About Haruki Murakami's involvement with film adaptations of his work What Haruki Murakami thought of the film adaptation of Drive My Car Why Drive My Car is a notable filmd adaptation of Haruki Murakami's work About the film adaptation of Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman About the best film adaptations of Haruki Murakami's work About The Second Bakery Attack and its interpretations About the Attack on the Bakery film adaptation And more 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.Here's a link if you want to pick up the book!
Murakami Haruki on Film (Asia Shorts) https://www.amazon.com/Murakami-Haruki-Film-Asia-Shorts/dp/1952636531 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
Puuttuva jakso?
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about oden, one of Japan's most popular winter foods.
👉Topics Discussed What is oden? Where to buy oden in Japan? What are the common igredients of oden? The history of oden Where the name oden came from About dengaku About regional varieties of oden Whether oden tastes good Should you try oden? What is konjac? Our favorite oden ingredients About the infamous 2016 "oden tsun tsun otoko" (oden poke man) convenience store incident And more 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.No links
👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, I talk about what it was like staying at a new Kyoto hotel before it opened.
👉Topics Discussed About Fushigina Yado Where Fushigina Yado is located About the theme and concept of Fushigina Yado About what it was like staying in Fushigina Yado Why I got to stay at Fushigina Yado before it opened About the shops and restaurants near Fushigina Yado And more 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.You can also watch the video version on YouTube.
Fushigina Yado on Instagram
https://www.instagram.com/fushigina_yado_kyoto/ Fushigina Yado on X
https://x.com/fushiginayado Fushigi na Yado on Expedia
https://www.expedia.co.jp/en/Kyoto-Hotels-Fushiginayado.h110823050.Hotel-Information?chkin=2024%2F12%2F22&chkout=2024%2F12%2F23&rm1=a1®ionId=6131486&searchId=de5bc926-6dd2-44da-8f9f-52136e8bed0b&chain&daysInFuture&destination&group&guestRating&hotelName&latLong&poi&neighborhood&roomIndex&selected&sort=RECOMMENDED&stayLength&theme&useRewards&userIntent&misId&vacationRentalsOnly=false&expediaPropertyId&highlightedPropertyId&showFilterNotification=false&ai_search_query&endDate=2024%2F12%2F23&startDate=2024%2F12%2F22&petsIncluded=false&bedroom_count_gt&us_bathroom_count_gt&pricing_group&bed_count_ge&children 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about three obscure Japanese dishes you need to try next time you're in Japan.
👉Topics Discussed What is teppan spa (teppan supa, 鉄板スパ)? What is teppanyaki naporitan About the history of teppanyaki spaghetti About the origin of Nagoya's famous teppanyaki naporitan About Osaka teppanyaki spaghetti About the origin of Japan's infamous napolitan pasta (naporitan pasuta) What is ebimeshi? How ebimeshi became famous in Okayama About the different varieties of ebimeshi About Torkish Rice/toruko raisu (トルコライス) What is toruko raisu? About the time I interviewed the owner of the shop where toruko raisu was invented Why the descendant of the creator of toruko raisu hates toruko raisu What is in toruko raisu Why toruko raisu should not be called toruko raisu What is in toruko raisu? About different variations of toruko raisu About Hiroshima tsukemen About Nagasaki's famous Sasebo burger And more 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.No links this time.
👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we're talking about hotels in Japan! This episode will give you all the information you need to know before you come visit Japan. Plenty of tips, tricks and basic information!
👉Topics Discussed About the various kinds of hotels in Japan Tips for booking hotels in Japan at cheap prices How much Japanese hotel rooms tend to cost About the size of Japanese hotel rooms How to find hotel rooms in Japan at cheaper rates than what you see online About business hotels like APA hotel and Toyoko Inn About luxury hotels and hotels owned by companies not from Japan About automated hotels like Henn Na Hotel and Livemax The pros and cons of hotels that are completely automated Why capsule hotels are a rip off About breakfasts in Japanese hotels About net cafes About keys and refrigerators in Japanese hotels About cargo container hotels About hotels in rural Japan How prices for hotels in Japan have gone up in recent years And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.No links this time.
👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about the Senkaku Islands with Dr. Robert D. Eldridge.
👉Topics Discussed What and where are the Senkaku Islands? (尖閣諸島, senkaku shotō) About the history of the Senkaku Islands About Koga Tatsushirō Why people stopped living on the Senkaku Islands How and why it was that the Senkaku Islands came to be disputed The role of President Nixon and Henry Kissinger in the history of the Senkaku Islands Why U.S. Armed Forces should restart firing ranges on the Senkaku Islands And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.Dr. Robert D. Eldridge previous appearances:
The Weak Yen & Rural Japan: Why They Matter | Japan Station 132: https://japankyo.com/2024/08/the-weak-yen-rural-japan-why-they-matter-japan-station-132/ The Past & Future of Earthquakes & Disasters in Japan (Robert D. Eldridge) | Japan Station 138: https://japankyo.com/2024/11/the-past-future-of-earthquakes-disasters-in-japan-robert-d-eldridge-japan-station-138/Here's a link to Dr. Eldridge's book about the Senkaku Islands.
The Origins of U.S. Policy in the East China Sea Islands Dispute: Okinawa's Reversion and the Senkaku Islands (Routledge Security in Asia Series): https://www.amazon.com/Origins-Policy-China-Islands-Dispute/dp/0415629268Article
A restart of Senkaku firing ranges is long overdue: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2024/12/10/japan/senkaku-firing-range/ 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about life in Sanya--Tokyo's infamous day laborer district--with Klaus K.Y. Hammering.
👉Topics Discussed What it is like being a day laborer in Tokyo's Sanya district The dangers of working as a day laborer What kind of people work as day laborers in Sanya About Klaus K.Y. Hammering's experiences working as a day laborer in Japanese construction sites About gambling in Sanya How Sanya has all but vanished over the past couple of decades How Japanese society often ignores what Sanya and its residents And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.Here's the links for all three installments of Dreamlapse Japan.
Perilous Wagers: Gambling, Dignity, and Day Laborers in Twenty-First-Century Tokyo: https://www.amazon.com/Perilous-Wagers-Twenty-First-Century-Weatherhead-University/dp/150177641X 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about the need for Japan to make the word "anime" a regional designation. The guest is Matt Alt, author of Pure Invention: How Japan's Pop Culture Conquered the World.
👉Topics Discussed The popularity of anime What the word anime means in Japan The origins of anime The usage of the term terebimanga andJapanimation The increasing number of companies and people around the world creating media based on an anime aesthetic How companies outside of Japan are using the word anime in marketing for their products How Japan should protect anime by restricting usage of the word anime How anime should only be used to refer to media produced in Japan And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.Here is the video version: Why "ANIME" is Becoming MEANINGLESS!
Here are Matt Alt's links!
Matt Alt's Japan (YouTube Channel): https://www.youtube.com/@AltMattAlt Does "anime" need an official designation? (YouTube video Pure Invention: How Japan's Pop Cultured Conquered the World (Book): https://www.amazon.com/Pure-Invention-Japans-Culture-Conquered/dp/1984826697 Pure Invention Blog https://blog.pureinventionbook.com/ 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episod eof Japan Station, we talk to filmmaker and dark sky photographer Gavin Heffernan about his recent Japan-focused project Dreamlapse Japan.
👉Topics Discussed About Dreamlapse Japan About shooting photos and video in Tokyo and other parts of Japan Thoughts on visiting Japan And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.Here's the links for all three installments of Dreamlapse Japan.
Dreamlapse Japan 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9h6FXxORmg Dreamlapse Japan 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbqz48lpv3w Dreamlapse Japan 3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSMiC_XM7_w 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episod eof Japan Station, we talk about some of the interesting things I experienced during my latest 400 km walk from Kyoto to Miyajima (Miyajima Challenge).
👉Topics Discussed About the Miyajima Challenge About my recent walk from Kyoto to Miyajima, Hiroshima About how I got stopped by police in Hiroshima About the time I had to hitchhike in Okayama About my plans to walk to the bottom of Kagoshima And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.For more info on the sponsors of the Miyajima Challenge, check out the links below.
The Dubya Club: Website: https://club.dubyalabs.xyz/ X: https://x.com/thedubyaclub United Neko Alliance: https://x.com/nekoalliance Own the Doge: https://www.ownthedoge.com/Here is the Doge Day video I mentioned in the episode.
👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episod eof Japan Station, Dr. Robert D. Eldridge returns to talk about natural disasters in Japan, his work on Operation Tomodachi during the aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan's ability to respond to natural disasters and more.
👉Topics Discussed Disasters and earthquakes in Japan About the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake in 1995 About crisis management in Japan About disaster preparedness in Japan About writing the blueprint for what would become Operation Tomodachi The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami How the U.S. got involved with helping Japan after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami What Operation Tomodachi was How Operation Tomodachi was implemented How bureacracy in Japan complicated disaster preparedness About restoring Sendai Airport after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake About the Forward Command Element's role in the aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami About General Craig Timberlake's role during the aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami About General Kimizuka's role during the aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami About the Nankai Trough What kanrenshi (関連死) is About kanrenshi problem (related deaths) About the Show 21 Nankai Earthquake The Issei Bay Typhoon in 1959 About the Niigata Earthquake in 1964 How the foreign population in Japan may complicate things after a major disaster Things to be aware of to be ready when a disaster strikes About The Era of Gread Disasters And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.Books mentioned:
The Era of Great Disasters: Japan and Its Three Major Earthquakes: https://www.amazon.com/Era-Great-Disasters-Earthquakes-Monograph/dp/0472074679 Preparing for Japan's Next Major Disaster: New Approaches to Civil-Military Cooperation in Japan as Proposed by U.S. Marine Corps’ Participants in “Operation Tomodachi”: https://www.amazon.com/Preparing-Japans-Next-Major-Disaster-ebook/dp/B07CRHJ56V/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&sr=1-2 Before Operation Tomodachi: Four Unknown Examples of Bilateral Disaster Cooperation and American-Japanese Friendship in Postwar Japan: https://www.amazon.com/Before-Operation-Tomodachi-Cooperation-American-Japanese-ebook/dp/B07DFMFHFP/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&sr=1-3 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about Japanese abbreviations/contractions, give 12 examples and discuss their origins.
👉Topics Discussed About abbreviations and contractions in Japanese About waseieigo (made in English) About the origins of the Sharp company About the Japanese word wanchan About the possible origin of the word potation in Japanese: jagaimo And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.Today's words
Kyōkasho 教科書 【きょうかしょ】 (n) textbook; coursebook; schoolbook karaoke カラオケ : 空オケ 【からオケ; カラオケ(P)】 (n) (uk) (from 空 and オーケストラ) karaoke dentaku 電卓 【でんたく】 (n) (abbr) (See 電子式卓上計算機) calculator (electronic); pocket calculator sofutokurīmu ソフトクリーム : ソフトクリーム; ソフト・クリーム (n) {food} soft serve ice cream (wasei: soft cream) bōrupen ボールペン : ボールペン(P); ボール・ペン (n) ball-point pen (wasei: ball pen) shāpen シャーペン : シャーペン; シャープペン; シャアペン(sk) (n) (abbr) (See シャープペンシル) mechanical pencil; automatic pencil; propelling pencil chūhai 酎ハイ 【ちゅうハイ; チューハイ(P); チュウハイ】 (n) (uk) (abbr) (See 焼酎ハイボール) shōchū highball; cocktail of shōchū with tonic water purikura プリクラ (n) (abbr) photo booth that prints out cards and stickers of the resulting photograph, which are then traded among friends (wasei: print club) ワイシャツ ワイシャツ : Yシャツ 【ワイシャツ】 (n) (uk) (formal) shirt (eng: white shirt); dress shirt; business shirt; button-up shirt densha 電車 【でんしゃ】 (n) train; electric train wanchan ワンチャン (n) (1) (abbr) (See ワンチャンス) one chance; only opportunity; (n) (2) (sl) maybe; perhaps; there is a chance that; (n) (3) (sl) one-night stand; : ワンちゃん(P); わんちゃん; ワンチャン ; (n) (chn) (See わんわん・1) doggie; pooch; bow-wow jagaimo ジャガイモ : じゃが芋(P); ジャガ芋(P) 【じゃがいも(じゃが芋)(P); ジャガいも(ジャガ芋)(P); ジャガイモ】 (n) (uk) (See ジャガタラ芋) potato (Solanum tuberosum) 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about the Shimabara Rebellion, yÅkai and more with the author of the Simon Grey books, Charles Kowalski.
👉Topics Discussed What is the Shimabara Rebellion (島原ã®ä¹±, Shimabara no ran) About the hidden Christians of Nagasaki/Shimabara About the building of Shimabara Castle About researching the Shimabara Rebellion About Amakusa Shiro (益田 四郎) The legends surrounding Amakusa Shiro About researching the Shimabara Rebellion in Nagasaki About getting to see the actual flag of Amakusa Shiro About Dejima About the Gashadokuro About Takiyasha hime About tengu About training with modern day Shugendo practitioners About the language and customs of hidden Christians in Japan And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.Check out the first book in the Simon Grey book series for free via the link below.
Simon Grey and the March of a Hudred Ghosts https://www.amazon.com/Simon-Grey-March-Hundred-Ghosts-ebook/dp/B07RLBKG6G/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1 Simon Grey and the Curse of the Dragon King https://www.amazon.com/Simon-Grey-Curse-Dragon-God-ebook/dp/B0DHV6SZXNAnd check out the Simon Grey homepage for more information, including on the upcoming book Simon Grey and the Curse of the Dragon King.
Simon Grey Website: https://simongreybooks.com/ 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about the etymology of the Japanese word for egg (tamago) and other interesting quirks of this word! Note: This is actually an episode of Japanese Plus Alpha.
👉Topics Discussed The phrase ~no tamago The etymology of the word tamago kaigo vs tamago The difference between tamago written with one kanji (卵) and tamago written with two kanji (玉子) And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc.No links
👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony Tony R. Vega Website: -
about, it's its significance and its fascinating manga adaptations.
👉Topics Discussed What The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari) is about The historical significance of The Tale of Genji The influence of The Tale of Genji About the ending of The Tale of Genji About the English translations of The Tale of Genji and their differences About the many manga adaptations of The Tale of Genji About the manga II ne, Hikaru Genji About what is so interesting about The Tale of Genji About how The Tale of Genji is taught in schools in Japan About the versions of The Tale of Genji that are cleaned up and adapted for children About tourist sites related to The Tale of Genji About Dr. Lynne Miyake's book: The Tale of Genji through Contenporary Manga And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc. You can use the link below to pick up a copy of The Tale of Genji through Contemporary Manga by Lynne MiyakeHere's the 11 words we discussed in this episode: The Tale of Genji through Contemporary Manga on the Bloomsbury Website: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/tale-of-genji-through-contemporary-manga-9781350424944/ 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about 10 words that only exist in Japanese and how Japanese may not be as unique as you think it is.
👉Topics Discussed x x What komorebi means and what its parts mean What unkai means About kanji compounds in Japanese About the many meanings that can be found in a single kanji The different readings of kanji in Japanese What shinrinyoku means Whats tsundoku means What irusu means What konbi means What kogarashi means What betsubara means What kuchisamishii means What tatemae means What macchipompu means And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc. The Article referenced in this article: 10 Words That Exist Only In Japanese Here's the 11 words we discussed in this episode: 木洩れ日 : 木漏れ日; 木洩れ日; 木漏れ陽; 木洩れ陽 【こもれび】 (n) sunlight filtering through trees 雲海 【うんかい】 (n) sea of clouds 森林浴 【しんりんよく】 (n) forest bathing; forest therapy; peaceful walk through the woods for health benefits 積読 : 積ん読(P); 積読; つん読 【つんどく】 (n,vs) (1) buying books and not reading them; stockpiling books; tsundoku; (n) (2) books bought but not read 居留守 【いるす】 (n) pretending to be out 甘美 【かんび】 (adj-na,n) (1) sweet (taste); luscious; (adj-na,n) (2) sweet (melody, dream, etc.); delightful; pleasant; mellow; mellifluous 木枯らし : 木枯らし(P); 木枯し(P); 凩; 木枯 【こがらし】 (n) cold wintry wind 別腹 【べつばら】 (n) dessert stomach; having room for dessert despite being full 口寂しい : 口寂しい; 口淋しい 【くちさびしい; くちざみしい; くちさみしい】 (adj-i) craving for food, a cigarette, etc.; longing to have something in one's mouth 建前 : 建前(P); 建て前(P); 立前; 立て前 【たてまえ】 (n) (1) (See 本音) face; official stance; public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts); (n) (2) (建前, 建て前 only) ceremony for the erection of the framework of a house マッチポンプ : マッチポンプ; マッチ・ポンプ (n) (in ref. to lighting a match and then putting it out with a water pump) stirring up trouble in order to get credit for resolving it (wasei: match, wasei: pomp); profiting from solving problems created by oneself 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony R. Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about the importance of revitalizing rural Japan, the negative impact of the weak yen on Japan, and more with Dr. Robert D. Eldridge.
👉Topics Discussed What is chihō sōsei (地方創生)? About the importance of chihō sōsei Why it is important to preserve and revitalize rural areas of Japan About the weak yen (enyasu, 円安) How the weak Japanese yen negatively impacts Japan About inflation and stagflation in Japan About the relationship between low wages, the weak Japanese yen and brain drain in Japan Job prospects for young people in Japan About Niyodogawa About Shikoku and efforts being made to revitalize areas of Niyodogawa, Ehime About Muka Brewing Company And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc. Relevant Links Robert D. Eldridge Think Tank To learn more about Dr Eldridge Japan in the 1960s (Inside East Asia) 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonydotvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony Dot Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about how dogs in Japan used to go on religious pilgrimages (maybe?).
👉Topics Discussed About religious pilgrimages in Japan About the 88 temple pilgrimage in Shikoku About Konpira/Kotohira About Konpira inu About the supposed history of dogs going on pilgrimages to Konpira Shrine in Kagawa Prefecture About the story of Shiro the dog from Fukushima who supposedly traveled to Ise Shrine and back About Ise Jingu About the Ise Pilgrimage How likely it is that dogs in Japan actually went on religious pilgrimages About okage inu About the statue of Shiro the dog in Junenji Temple in Sukakawa City, Fukushima Prefecture(福島県須賀川市池上町・十念寺) About Shiro's owner Ishihara Sadaemon Tsunashige (市原貞右衛門綱稠) And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc. Check out the article below to see photos of the statue of Shiro the dog pilgrim in Junenji Temple in Fukushima Prefecture 江戸時代の代参犬「おかげ犬」シロを訪ねて。 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonydotvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony Dot Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony -
On this episode of Japan Station, I talk about the Miyajima Challenge: my upcoming walk from Kyoto to Miyajima in Hiroshima Prefecture.
👉Topics Discussed About the Miyajima Challenge Why I am walking from Kyoto to Miyajima in Hiroshima Prefecture About the course of the Miyajima Challenge (Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Okayama, Hiroshima) About raising awareness of the blind and visually impaired About the sponsors of the Miyajima Challenge When the Miyajima Challenge will start About a meet up at Pintology Tokyo And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/japan-station-a-podcast-by-japankyo-com/id1440454968 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6lDoFFt4M0HyyKaVeDyKkB 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon https://patreon.com/japankyo Support on Ko-fi https://www.ko-fi.com/japankyo 👉Links, Videos, Etc. The sponsors of the Miyajima Challenge The Dubya Club by Suika The Dubya Club X: https://x.com/thedubyaclub Suika X: https://x.com/gmsuika United Neko Alliance United Neko Alliance X: https://twitter.com/nekoalliance 0xNeil: https://x.com/vanwouw 👉Follow on Social Media X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/japankyonews Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonydotvega YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japankyonews Website: https://japankyo.com/ Tony Dot Vega Personal X/Twitter: https://x.com/thevegatony - Näytä enemmän