
  • Pastor Doug Giles sits down with Jeremy Slayden for a testosterone laden conversation on current events, both secular and sacred. Doug gives his thoughts on everything from the Mark Driscoll Men’s conference debacle, deliverance ministries, biblical prophecy, and how to think like a Godly man.

    You can find everything from Doug Giles Cigars to his Artwork and Books...right here:

    Get your JSLAY Medical Preparedness Kit from the Wellness Company with a

    discount right here:

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  • Like, Share, Subscribe. This is a livestream you don't want to miss, about a mystery you have probably never heard.

    The Audio version here is only half of the presentation. To view the full hour+ presentation complete with visuals: Subscribe to my Substack here:

    The official show notes and links are incredibly important for backing up this video. If you want them, please subscribe to my Substack including ALL of my back up content right here: https://open.substack.com/pub/jslayusa/p/the-hebrew-talisman-the-real-conspiracy?r=qry76&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

    You can donate directly to support my efforts right here: https://account.venmo.com/u/Jeremy-Slayden

    Here are a few of the research links that can be found on my substack:

    An Education on the Modern Day Lucis Trust / Lucifer Publishing Company / Theosophical Society: https://rumble.com/v178qud-a-luciferian-education-for-your-child-by-bill-gates-the-un-and-the-lucis-tr.html

    Who is Manuel Lacunza: https://jslayusa.substack.com/publish/posts/detail/138806049?referrer=%2Fpublish%2Fposts

    The TRUE ORIGIN of Dispensationalism, the Rapture, and Christian Zionism: https://rumble.com/v4bt74i-the-true-origin-of-dispensationalism-the-rapture-and-christian-zionism..html

  • Make sure to subscribe to my friends at the Rooted Truth Rumble here:

    Recently I had the pleasure of sitting down with Jenny Mire of the Rooted truth for a discussion covering my recent Substack article, "John Darby: The Mystery Man of DIspensationalism". Get ready to dig in with us as we cover:

    -What is dispensational premillennial eschatology?
    -When did it originate?
    -Did it originate with John Nelson Darby or were there others before him?
    -How does the rapture theology play a role in Zionism?
    -Why is Zionism such a force in the new theologies emerging in the 1800's?
    -How did C.I. Scofield play a role in spread this theology?

    This is an episode you don't want to miss!

    Jeremy Slayden's Article referenced in this episode: ⁠https://jslayusa.substack.com/p/john-nelson-darby?r=qry76&triedRedirect=true⁠

    For more on The Rooted Truth visit: ⁠https://www.therootedtruth.com/⁠

    70th Week of Daniel pdf referenced in this episode: ⁠https://www.therootedtruth.com/free-70th-week-of-daniel⁠

    70th Week of Daniel episode on JSlayUSA: ⁠https://rumble.com/v4mbiah-easter-special-did-jesus-fulfill-daniels-70-week-prophecy-with-the-rooted-t.html⁠

  • Disclaimer: the host of this podcast is not claiming guilt of anyone mentioned in this show. These are the claims of Mr. Austin Davis alone.

    This is part 1 of 2 of an unabridged conversation with Mr. Austin Davis about an alleged sexual abuse scandal involving the Nashville Covenant church, the Covenant School, and the motives and manifesto of Audrey Hale, the former student at Covenant who would later become the Nashville school shooter.

    Part 2 is only available to my JSLAYUSA substack subscribers. You can subscribe here: https://substack.com/@jslayusa

    Austin Davis was one of the original members and deacons of the Covenant Church. He met his wife and was married there. His father is buried there. Austin even designed the logo for the Covenant School, back in the early 2000s. But, after becoming alarmed about some things he saw and heard regarding the elementary school students, he began to call for a child abuse investigation at the church. Shortly after, he was banned from the church campus and eventually arrested, spending 18 days in jail... But why

    You can decide for yourself after listening to this podcast.

    Austin strongly believes that the church and it’s political & judicial allies are committed to ensuring the public never discovers the truth about what he claims is a decades long sexual abuse cover-up. He believes this scandal is directly tied to the shooter (Audrey Hale's) motives, as well as the government’s motive for keeping the manifesto under permanent lock and key.

    For those of you who know the work of Austin Davis, but do not really know the man, this will be your chance to hear from him as a real person, and make your own decision regarding his character, mental stability, and validity of his claims.

    For those of you who want to see Austin's proofs and documentation, you can view the video version of this show which will be releasing in the coming days on my substack, or wade through all the documentation right now. at thesilentbell.org

    Disclaimer: the host of this podcast is not claiming guilt of anyone mentioned in this show. These are the claims of Austin Davis alone.

  • Watch the Full show on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v3i8t4c-chad-hawley-from-cancer-to-purpose-from-miracle-to-mission.html

    Chad Hawley sits down with Jeremy Slayden to share his miraculous story of overcoming cancer, leading him to find God's purpose for his life. First, by leaving a 20-year successful career in the pharmaceutical industry and then launching a Christian-based social network called the NEXUS Mountain Network and the NEXUS Podcast. Prepare to be inspired and amazed!
    The Nexus Mountain Network hosts the Warrior MBS program which can be joined right here: https://warriormbs.com

    In addition to a Master of Business Degree from Wayne State University, Chad's 25-year corporate and entrepreneurial career included prominent roles in sales, marketing, training, and management. Chad applies his experience as a national professional development leader for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world to his book, Purpose Will Save Your Life.

    You can download the free NEXUS Mountain Network APP in the Apple or Google Play stores, or you can access it on the web right here: https://community.nexusmountainnetwork.com/login

  • Watch the Full show on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v3hotkg-discern-the-times-and-rebuild-the-wall-with-john-dyslin..html

    Our Land is Broken. It's Time to Rebuild with the Strength of Nehemiah!

    John Dyslin has been a student of alternative history and world events since 2007, and a lifelong student of Scripture and Christian doctrine. Following careers in finance and as an internet entrepreneur, he turned his attention to today’s emerging issues, including training in counterhuman trafficking, pistol and rifle tactics, Ham radios, comms, and scout tactics. Johnauthored the book Nehemiah Strong because we live in unprecedented times, with unprecedented challenges. The old Christian‐based societal foundations have vanished; and in their place is a ‘new age’ spirit proclaiming what once was evil as good, and good evil. Authorities are using a thin veil of propriety to justify invasive actions – including lockdowns, compliance enforcement, and persecution of ‘unfavored’ groups – that threaten the liberty and well‐being of you and all those you love. NEHEMIAH STRONG was created for just such a season, incorporating indispensable information – first for the believer, and also for nonbelievers. This 480‐page reference contains original content, analysis, strategies and encouragement to equip you for victory!

    Get Nehemiah Strong and Follow John Dyslin: https://johndyslin.com

    Join Warrior MBS with Jeremy Slayden: WarriorMBS.com

  • Watch the Full video on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v3gzag0-us-military-and-special-forces-corruption-since-911-with-army-veteran-matt-.html

    Don't forget to hit like and subscribe!

    I'm totally self-funded and you can donate to support my efforts right here: https://venmo.com/u/Jeremy-Slayden

    Matt Cubbler LIVE – Army Veteran, Federal Air Marshall, and 25 year Pittsburgh Cop, Matt sits down with Jeremy Slayden to discuss some difficult topics regarding your wars and our warriors. After Matt’s best friend was “Suicided” by his own Seal Team including a cover-up, Matt began to study corruption at all levels of Special Ops and Government Lies in the years since 9/11. What do you think about Marcus Luttrell, Jocko Willink and Robert O'Neil? Are they truthful about their experiences?

    Follow Matt and buy his amazing book: MattCubbler.com

    See the COMPLETE "911: Day of Truth" including All Interviews right Here:

    Feathered Cocaine with Alan Parrot: https://rumble.com/v2e7yys-outlawed-films-feathered-cocaine-2010-featuring-alan-howell-parrot.html

    The AMAZING story of John Chapman: https://rumble.com/v2hx39a-the-insane-heroism-of-msgt-john-chapman-the-story-the-seals-tried-to-kill-w.html

  • Watch the Full video on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v3gyqkp-911-day-of-truth-episode-3-911-pentagon-science-separating-the-truth-from-t.html

    Don't forget to hit like and subscribe!
    I'm totally self-funded and you can donate to support my efforts right here: https://venmo.com/u/Jeremy-Slayden

    See the COMPLETE "911: Day of Truth" including All Interviews right Here:

    Xander Arena sits down with Jeremy Slayden to discuss the facts surrounding the attack on the pentagon, and separates the truth from the Lies with an incredibly in depth presentation.

    Xander has a multi generational family history in American politics and the military. His father and grandfathers have served in the army, the US Senate, the DOJ, and US Congress. He is a Mensa America member who immediately recognized that something just wasn’t adding up with the official 9/11 story, and has spent over a decade as an independent researcher on this tragedy. Recently he has teamed up with the Orion Project for 9/11 Truth, and he is now ready to share his findings with the world. He does this work to help the victim’s families find real Justice, and to enlighten America about how things truly went down, believing we cannot move forward in freedom, if we are continually deceived about our past.

  • Watch the Full video on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v3gwtow-911-day-of-truth-episode-2-911-pentagon-boots-on-the-ground-with-adam-eisen.html

    Don't forget to hit like and subscribe!
    I'm totally self-funded and you can donate to support my efforts right here: https://venmo.com/u/Jeremy-Slayden

    Consider for a moment, what would it have been like for you, if on September 11, 2001 the responsibility was placed on your shoulders to visit the site of the explosion, for the purpose of rescue and recovery? Hysteria, confusion, anger and the general fog of war would likely be a big part of that day for you...or anyone else. It would probably cloud your judgement, your memories. It might even have been a day you would want to forget.

    Now imagine that you were a decorated infantryman of the old guard whose company was called on that day specifically because of your proficiency with having steady hands and a clear mind during exactly that type of operation. Now imagine that you were also an airplane parts specialist with a manufacturer of the exact type planes that allegedly hit the building. What would you do, if, as you observed the scene for over a month, you had to admit to yourself that what was being broadcast to the American people by night, was not adding up to what you were seeing by day, and this was corroborated by others in your company. What would you do? How long would you hold on to that information? What if you could prove to the American people that everything they had been told, was a lie?

    Former infrantryman and airplane parts expert Adam Eisenberg logged over 240 hours on site as a first responder. He kept quiet for 21 years..and now he has a message for the world.

  • Watch the Full video on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v3gwhzz-richard-gage-aia-debunks-official-government-narratives-the-911-warroom-lig.html

    Don't forget to hit like and subscribe!
    I'm totally self-funded and you can donate to support my efforts right here: https://venmo.com/u/Jeremy-Slayden

    Richard Gage, Gene Laratonda, Sandra Jelmi and Jeremy Slayden sit down for a powwow on building science, the impossibility of the official narrative, street activism, what they believe about the origins of the 911 attack. Don't miss this explosive conversation, which is ALSO a great starter for those just now exploring 9/11 truth.

    Richard Gage, AIA is an architect of 30 years from the San Francisco Bay Area, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (now independent). He, along with his courageous wife and assistant Gail, continues to lead the charge toward a real investigation into the destruction of all 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 at RichardGage911.org .

    Mr. Gage became interested in researching the destruction of the WTC high-rises after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest for the truth about 9/11. The organization he founded, AE911Truth, now numbers more than 3,500 architects and engineers demanding a new investigation into the destruction of all three World Trade Center high-rise buildings on 9/11.

    Gene Laratonda
    His day job is in construction management, but during his remaining waking hours, Gene Laratonda is a 9/11 Truth advocate, street activist, outreach pundit and social media warrior who lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Gene leads the 9/11 WarRoom, a roundtable discussion room where he covers 9/11 News (mainstream and independent media) and where advocates join in to discuss ideas, strategies and inroads made into 9/11 Truth. It takes place every Sunday at 5pm ET, and anyone is free to join at 911warroom.com/zoom

    His activism over the years has included, but is not limited to, legal graffiti and street art; designing T-shirts, decals, pamphlets and posters; reaching out to congresspeople and senators, journalists and engineering institutions, firefighters and public figures; creating original memes for social media; raising awareness in any which way possible. He currently has a FOIA (Freedom of information Act) request to have the 100+ unreviewed videos of the Pentagon released, and has built the 9/11 Community Hub, a platform through which advocates everywhere in the world can find each other. 911communityhub.org

    He has been in New York at Ground Zero for the anniversary of 9/11 every year since 2016, and will be there again this September 11th.

    Sandra Jelmi is a 9/11 Truth advocate who lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. For ten years, due in part to her Bachelor in Translation (English, French, German), she was the Translation Team Coordinator for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, helping to get more than 50 of AE's videos, plus written material, translated into more than 30 languages. She was also on the board of the 9/11 Truth Action Project, and helps coordinate the International Actions Team. She currently volunteers for Richard Gage. With Gene, she admins Facebook's 9/11 Truth Movement page which has 42,000 members. As a grass roots activist, she works hand in hand with Gene as they coordinate and plan outreach, events, the 9/11 WarRoom, as well as any initiatives by the various 9/11 Truth organizations and individuals who can use a hand. As she has been for the last two years, Sandra is also in New York for the anniversary this week.

    September 11, 2023:
    Richard and Gail Gage, as well as Gene Laratonda and Sandra Jelmi, will be at Ground Zero to commemorate the events of 9/11 and raise awareness.
    Follow the ongoing work of Richard Gage:
    Lawyers' Committee: lcfor911.org
    Full list of 60 Grand Jury Petition Exhibits: https://www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/exhibits-index-grand-jury-petition/
    Join the Weekly 9/11 Roundtable with Gene and Sandra: 911warroom.com/zoom

    Research the Pre-9/11 Fireproofing Upgrades: DigWithin.net

  • Watch the full video on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v3ffv1g-christian-resistance-to-tyrants-the-doctrine-of-the-lesser-magistrates-past.html

    In this powerful interview, Pastor Matt Trewhella sits down with Jeremy Slayden to discuss the biblical mandate and practical application of successfully defying tyrants, the truth about Ukraine, Zelensky and Putin, end times eschatology, and whether God holds back blessings in our own life due to a besetting sin. If you've ever asked, "How can we fight this?" ...Then this is one you don't want to miss!

    Are you ready to begin making big changes in your life? Learn more here: WarriorMBS.com

    You can follow Pastor Matt Trewhella on the following platforms:


    Read Matt's Personal Testimony (Amazing): http://howjesuschangedmylife.com/

    Matt's 3 Part series on Repentance, Fighting, and Building:

    Order the book, "The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates" here, to show you how to overcome tyranny through God's word. https://defytyrants.com/store/book-the-doctrine-of-the-lesser-magistrates/

    May Christ be praised! Pastor Matt Trewhella

  • Watch the full video on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v3dxeos-live-with-natalie-beisner-leaving-hollywood-finding-faith-and-pursuing-free.html

    In her own words:
    Just two years ago I was a man-hating, abortion-loving, white-guilt-carrying, angry, lost, vegan, bisexual, feminist, Democrat atheist.

    Today I’m
none of those things (although sometimes I still struggle with a teeny tiny bit of anger đŸ˜…đŸ‘ŒđŸ”„).

    Today I’m the opposite of all those things—not because I set out to be, or because I manufactured some great “transformation” or anything like that.

    But because God USED 2020 TO SAVE ME AND TO WAKE ME UP.

    As unspeakably awful as 2020 was in so many ways, as awful as much of the past two years have been in so many ways—even still, out of all the bad, God made something good. And even more than something. Because I know I’m not alone in this shift. I’m one of many.

    Today—just two short years later—my old self is almost unrecognizable to me. I know enough to know it’s not over ‘till it’s over. There is always room for hope. Life will surprise and humble you, and out of the worst He will bring forth the best. Don’t ever give up on God, yourself, or your loved ones. Truly, I tell you, anything is possible.

    All glory to God.

    Follow Natalie Here:
    X: https://twitter.com/NJBeisner
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nataliejeanbeisner/

  • Watch the full video on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v3dlj9m-solving-the-puzzle-of-global-sex-trafficking-who-can-be-trusted-with-leigh-.html

    Leigh Dundas returns to the JSlayUSA program to discuss one of the most important topics of our times, the global sex trafficking trade. Who can we really trust to fight this war with integrity? Why are the globalist institutions like the UN not on our side?

    Leigh has extensive experience in this field, so Jeremy Slayden plans to ask her the hard questions that often go unanswered in this interview.

    Get Leigh’s new book: https://sendfox.com/leighdundas

    Join WarriorMBS for Men: https://warriormbs.com

    Leigh Dundas is a veteran litigation attorney who spent a majority of the last two decades of counsel to international law firms. Beginning her career in the early 90's as litigation counsel at Irell & Manella, LLP, Leigh handled multi-million dollar cases for Fortune 500 clients including Volkswagen of America, Advanta Bank, and William Lyon Company, as well as high-profile work for government municipalities and sports teams including The St. Louis Rams and City of West Covina. While much of her work related to general business matters, Ms. Dundas also focused on litigation that involved hi­tech, environmental, and trade secret aspects. She continued this focus when she joined Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison in 2000 of counsel.
    Thereafter, Ms. Dundas was asked to join The A2 l Campaign in the dual capacity of General Counsel and Prosecutions Director for Asia. In that role, Leigh spent a significant amount of time on the ground in south-east Asia, liaising with foreign governments to reach bilateral Memoranda of Understanding allowing for operation of undercover surveillance of child brothels by former US law enforcement assets. While in Asia, Leigh also arranged meetings with high-ranking executives at major banking institutions - including heads of in-house counsel for some of the world's largest financial institutions - who remained concerned that Asian banking conglomerates were being used by human traffickers to launder cash from the illicit sex trade. In that capacity, Leigh worked closely with both NGOs and Asian banks in the formulation of a plan to have on-the-ground investigators amass evidence of money laundering by child brothels and then use secure protocols to relay said data to the banking institutions - as banks are required to place holds on accounts when there is credible evidence such accounts are being utilized to launder monetary proceeds of crimes. Currently, this evidence is being automatically relayed to over 7,000 banks worldwide - via Thomson Reuters World­Check and other premier providers of intelligence profiles - so that banks may perform due diligence checks and ensure trafficking proceeds are not being laundered through their accounts.
    In the last half-decade, Leigh's first-hand knowledge of the trafficking problems in southeast Asia- as well as her extensive network in the region - have proven invaluable to the U.S. government. In 2013, Leigh was appointed by the House Foreign Affairs Chairperson, Congressman Ed Royce, to the 113th Congressional Human Trafficking Congressional Advisory Committee, to assist in the identification of trafficking problems worldwide and help formulate US policy to combat same, and has performed similar work for the US Department of Homeland Security. In February 2014, Leigh spent three weeks in Sun Gai Kolok - a modern day Sodom & Gomorrah that is comprised of 140 child brothels on the Thai-Malay border - traveling in excess of 100 mph to avoid road-side insurgent bombers while en route to meet with sex slaves trapped in the brothels, and to interview the Mafia-connected brothel owners. Leigh then led a group of VIPs and film crew back into Sun Gai Kolok later that month to document first-hand the horrors of the child-sex trade, until Thailand's coup d'etat and threatened closure of the Bangkok International Airport forced a retreat. In early 2016, Ms. Dundas co-founded the American office of Liberty Global to work in tandem with her human rights non-profit, Justice Be Done, in continuing to forward the above initiatives.

  • Check out the full interview on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v3coq2k-biblical-bloodlines-to-911-overcoming-the-stigma-of-conspiracy-research-wit.html

    This can't miss episode with JTfollowsJC (Joe Telford follows Jesus Christ) covers our journey of awakening upon investigating the rational evidence behind many stigmatized "conspiracies". From the Khazars to 911 to Covid, this episode shows the connective tissue between many of the so called "conspiracies", and explains how boldly speaking the truth is so important. Its biblical folks!

    Ephesians 5:11 Please follow JTfollowsJC on instagram and Tiktok, and check out his new documentary, arriving next week!

    Join Jeremy Slayden and a band of brothers in the pursuit of greatness in mind, body, and soul! https://warriormbs.com

  • Trevor Louden sits down with Jeremy Slayden to discuss several controversial topics at the intersection of faith and geopolitics in this exciting interview:

    How is New Zealand's Communism working out for them?
    Why have megachurch pastors like Andy Stanley doubled down on their woke positions?

    Why does Trevor still believe Putin and Russia are the bad guys?

    What is an American Christian's role in all this as we appear to be heading toward a one world government?

    Is WW3 already planned?

    Please follow Trevor at https://www.trevorloudon.com

  • If you want to see the full video check it out on my Rumble channel https://rumble.com/v3amm0g-lockdown-2023-do-not-comply.-with-dr.-peter-mccullough.html

    These are strange times. On top of massive so called "Wildfires", a former president facing prison time, it now looks like the globalists are bringing back Covid. Global health authorities say they’re tracking three new COVID-19 variants, several Hollywood studios and a University all re-instituted mask mandates. The rumor is that the full measure of lockdowns are returning in the coming months. Joe Biden is encouraging Americans to again get boosters! The Biden administration is prepping their agencies to enforce new lockdowns and COVID restrictions in the fall ahead of the 2024 presidential election. This would in effect reinstitute universal mail-in ballots that installed Joe Biden into the White House 3 years ago.

    Dr. Peter McCullough joins Jeremy Slayden on JSlayUSA to discuss how Americans should be thinking and planning for the upcoming Plandemic, when to make the decision to walk away from your doctor, and remedies for those who want to dissolve the spike proteins that have been multiplying in their bodies.
    Follow Dr. McCullough's work and latest updates right here: www.mcculloughfnd.org
    Join Dr. McCullough's sub stack here: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com

  • Watch the full podcast on Rumble at https://rumble.com/v36102y-ex-dea-agentmajor-jeffrey-prather-exposes-pedo-joe-and-deep-state-child-tra.html

    This and much more with intelligence insider and whistleblower Jeffrey Prather.

    TODAY at 4:30 PM CST!

    Become a man of confidence and action at WarriorMBS.com

    Follow America's Major: Jeffrey Prather: https://jeffreyprather.com

  • If you want to watch the full interview check it out at my Rumble channel with the link below.


    Nate Lewis joins Jeremy Slayden for a frank discussion about the actual crimes against these children, and what a true rescue sounds like. It is the Sound of Freedom. Nate Lewis is the Chief Development Officer at Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) with a primary focus on advancing the mission of O.U.R. to end human trafficking worldwide.

    After graduating from film school, Nate spent two decades living and traveling in nearly 40 countries to work on feature films and network television for Warner Brothers, Twentieth Century Fox, Disney, Sony, Paramount, Miramax, Amazon, Netflix, Mandalay, Happy Madison, ABC, CBS, AMC and National Geographic, and develop projects under his production company.

    In 2020, Nate made a passion move to leave the entertainment industry and spend his time combatting human trafficking. Nate’s personal mission is to focus on developing and expanding O.U.R.’s work globally.

    Currently, Nate is executing O.U.R.’s vision to fund and build O.U.R. Academy, a vocational school for survivors of human trafficking located on 40 acres in Central America. Long term, his goal is to replicate this model on every major continent.

    O.U.R. exists to rescue children and adults from Modern Day Slavery and assist survivors on their healing journey. In 8 years, they’ve been able to assist in the arrests of more than 6,700 predators and rescuing more than 7,200 individuals trapped in slavery. Working with local law enforcement and government agencies, domestically in all 50 states and abroad, O.U.R. has had success in more than 30 countries worldwide and currently are helping with Aftercare in more than 40 countries. It’s estimated that 30 million plus people are trapped in slavery today, more than any other time in our planet’s history. Human Trafficking is a $150 Billion Industry and O.U.R. is committed to fight this dark evil from all angles, including innovating technologies, undercover investigation as well as online investigations and providing much needed resources and technology to the local agencies fighting on the frontlines.

    Learn About O.U.R: https://ourrescue.org
    Join the Abolitionist Club: https://ourrescue.org/abolitionist-club
    Raise Awareness: https://ourrescue.org/files/OUR_MediaKit2023.pdf
    Rep the Cause: https://store.ourrescue.org

  • If you want to watch the full interview check it out at my Rumble channel with the link below.


    Gary Humble of Tennessee Stands and The Freedom Matters Podcast joins Jeremy Slayden for a discussion of the important news stories in Tennessee.

    - Voting Machines
    - Drag Shows
    - New Education Commissioner
    - Red Flag Laws

    All this and more tonight at 5:00!