
  • Welcome to episode 15 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this concluding episode of series one, we have a frank discussion about what it means to run a consultancy focused on social justice. In this episode we discuss the challenges of running a small values based business in an industry that favours the big boys.

    For this episode Marianne Moore, foundress of Justice Studio, is joined by Dr Irum Ali a social scientist and consultant who runs the organisation Inclusive Growth with her co-founder. Irum has nearly two decades of experience in both the academic and charity fields, working on a range of projects across research, policy and evaluation areas. Her current areas of interest lie in diversity, equity and inclusion in the charity sector, the impact of poor public service provision on marginalised communities and race equality policy.

    In this no holds barred episode, Irum and Marianne talk about their personal experiences and frustrations running a consultancy committed to social justice and equity in a capitalist world. We hope the topics raised will resonate with other consultants and small business owners and can be a force for more community rather than competition amongst us.

    Links for this episode:

    Follow Irum on Linkedin: Irum Ali

    Visit her website: www.inclusivegrowth.co

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

  • Welcome to episode 14 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we discuss three international safeguarding scandals.

    In 2018 it was discovered that senior Oxfam staff had paid local young women for sex whilst working in the response to the Haiti earthquake. The Oxfam Haiti incident was not an isolated incident, however. In this episode Marianne talks about the Oxfam Scandal as well as two other scandals that shook the international aid community but took place earlier: These are the UN DynCorp Trafficking case in Bosnia in early 2000s, and the UNHCR Peacekeepers scandal in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone around the same time.

    Please be advised that this episode contains distressing content.



    Bolkovac, K & Lynn, C. 2011. The Whistleblower. Palgrave Macmillan: New York.

    Human Rights Watch. Nov 2002. HOPES BETRAYED. Volume 14 No. 9 (D)

    Jennings, K. 2017. The Immunity Dilemma. E-International Relations p.1

    Simm, G. ‘Regulating sex in peace operations: Dyncorp in Bosnia.’ Open Access: https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1q1crtm

    Martina Vandenberg, Complicity, Corruption, and Human Rights Available at: https://scholarlycommons.law.case.edu/jil/vol34/iss3/3

    West Africa

    UNHCR and Save the Children-UK Sexual Violence & Exploitation in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone 2001 to 2002.

    IASTC Report 13 June 2002

    UK House of Commons. Sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector. 23 July 2018.


    Oxfam GB Haiti Investigation Final Report – Confidential 2011

    Charity Commission. 2019. ‘Summary Findings and Conclusions Oxfam.’

    Charity Commission. 2019. ‘Statement of the Results of an Inquiry into Oxfam .’

    The New Humanitarian: https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/investigations/2018/02/13/exclusive-oxfam-sexual-exploiter-haiti-caught-seven-years-earlier-liberia

    FCDO progress report on safeguarding against sexual exploitation abuse and harassment (SEAH) in the international aid sector.


    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

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  • Welcome to Episode 13 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we discuss young people in Wessex, South West England. We focus on the work of the Wessex Dance Academy which is a dance school for young people aged 15-25 based in Hampshire. The young people referred to the Academy are either excluded from, or not attending, school, care leavers or those with experience of the criminal justice system. Justice Studio was lucky enough to work with the academy twice – in 2013 when we undertook an outcomes study, and again in 2020 to do a refresher of the study as the covid 19 pandemic broke.

    We are lucky to have Clare Hobbs with us for the discussion. Clare is the creator of the Wessex Dance Academy, establishing it 2009 because she wanted to bring dance to those who would not otherwise experience it. As manager of the Academy, she and her team, have been working closely with the young people ever since.

    In this episode we discuss the lives of the young people who have been through the Academy, how the programme operates and the positive outcomes they are able to achieve in the young people’s confidence and self-esteem. We look at the challenges it faces in a funding landscape that does not always acknowledge the importance of the arts and touch on how the pandemic has affected a growing number of young people who are not in school.


    Follow Wessex Dance Academy on Instagram: @wessexdanceacademy

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

    Title Music by Luke Fraser @the_tonic_

    Show Artwork by Marianne @creatrix.studio

  • Welcome to Episode 12 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we discuss the situation for veterans in war torn Ukraine. The Russo-Ukrainian war, which began in 2014 and has escalated since 2022, is affecting the whole country. We delve into the experiences of the men and women fighting in the conflict, and how the different waves have affected their ability to reintegrate into society.

    We are extremely lucky to be joined from Ukraine by Ivona Kostyna. Ivona is the co-founder of Veteran Hub and is a Kyiv-based expert in veterans affairs with nine years of practical experience designing and launching non-governmental programs of support for veterans and their families in Ukraine. She is also a spouse of a Ukrainian warrior.

    As well as understanding how the conflict has affected the veterans and people currently, fighting in the war, we set out how this experience has affected the families of the veterans and how Ukrainians are having to acclimatise to continuing threat.


    Veterans Hub can be followed on the following platforms:

    Website | Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

    Title Music by Luke Fraser @the_tonic_

    Show Artwork by Marianne @creatrix.studio

  • Welcome to Episode 11 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we look at the difficult instances of near deaths in male prisons in England. We discuss the adult male prison estate, the challenges it has faced over recent years, and the tragic violence within it.

    Joining us for the discussion is Rob Allen who works on prison reform in the UK and internationally. From 2005 to 2010 he was director of the International Centre for Prison Studies (ICPS) at King’s College London, undertaking research on imprisonment and assisting prison systems to comply with international standards. He has undertaken prison reform work in Africa, Latin America and Asia and is an associate of Penal Reform International. He has written widely on criminal justice including “Reducing the use of imprisonment: What can we learn from Europe?” He co-hosts the Transform Justice podcast.

    Rob has undertaken a number of reviews into near deaths in the male prison estate in recent years and gives us an in depth picture of the circumstances around them. This difficult topic reveals deep issues with the prison system and culminates in our discussion about how prisons can be rethought.


    You can read Rob’s blogs at https://reformingprisons.blogspot.com/ and follow him on X (formerly twitter) @robroballen

    The Article 2 Investigations Rob talked about on the podcast can be found at https://www.iapondeathsincustody.org/ac-report and


    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

    Title Music by Luke Fraser @the_tonic_

    Show Artwork by Marianne @creatrix.studio

  • Welcome to Episode 10 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we look at international tax abuse. As part of this discussion, we look in-depth at illicit financial flows, tax havens, financial secrecy and imperialism.

    Joining us for this discussion is Alex Cobham, an economist and chief executive of the Tax Justice Network. He is also a founding member of the steering group of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation, and of the technical advisory group for the Fair Tax Mark, and a commissioner for the Scottish Government’s Poverty and Inequality Commission. His work focuses on illicit financial flows, effective taxation for development, and inequality. His books include The Uncounted; Estimating Illicit Financial Flows: A Critical Guide to the Data, Methodologies, and Findings, with Petr Janský; and just published by SAGE, ‘What do we know, and what should we do about tax justice?’

    Alex talks us through how we can counter the problem of international tax abuse through tax justice including setting out how we can use reparations to counter the effects of centuries of colonialism.

    Read Alex’s Books:

    https://uncounted.org and


    Links for this episode

    Tax Justice Network website: https://taxjustice.net

    Global Alliance For Tax Justice website: https://globaltaxjustice.org

    Follow Tax Justice Network on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TaxJusticeNetwork

    Follow Tax Justice Network on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TackleTaxHavens

    Follow Tax Justice Network on Twitter/X: @TaxJusticeNet

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

    Title Music by Luke Fraser @the_tonic_

    Show Artwork by Marianne @creatrix.studio

  • Welcome to Episode 9 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode, we examine the lives of the women working in the fisheries sector in Fiji. The discussion sits firmly at the intersection of gender justice and climate justice and how both these issues affect the fisherwomen.


    Justice Studio were extremely lucky to come across this issue as part of our research project into intergenerational movement building in feminist groups, when we discovered the brilliant Women in Fisheries Network in Fiji (WiFN-Fiji). The WiFN-Fiji is the premier non-government organisation representing the rights, interests and concerns of women in fisheries in Fiji. So we are thrilled have a representative of that amazing group with us in this episode.


    Adi Alani Tuivucilevu, is a marine biologist who is passionate about women's empowerment within the fisheries sector. She started her career working in rural and maritime communities around Fiji as a marine researcher for a Provincial Council and for Global Vision International and is currently the coordinator for the Women in Fisheries Network. As a passionate advocate for women in fisheries Alani oversees the implementation of projects, leads their evidence-based programming, and is a powerful advocate for women fishers.


    In our discussion we understand how the different pressures of traditional gender roles and climate justice are affecting fisherwomen, the differences between the (more male) formal and (more female) informal fishing sector, and wonder at the simply incredible indigenous knowledge that these fisherwomen have of the sea, the shore and what it can us.


    For more information:


    View the Video Connecting Women Fishers to Market about the fisherwomen harvesting Nama (Sea grapes): https://youtu.be/ohRtVTnF74k?si=jIE2NvHUVJEr7X3O


    Women in Fisheries in Fiji website: www.womeninfisheriesfiji.org


    Follow Women in Fisheries Network on Facebook


    Follow Women in Fisheries Network on Instagram: @womeninfisheriesfiji


    Follow Women in Fisheries Network on Twitter/X: @WiFN_Fiji

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

    Title Music by Luke Fraser @the_tonic_

    Show Artwork by Marianne @creatrix.studio

  • Welcome to Episode 8 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we discuss child slavery in the chocolate industry. This was a topic that Justice Studio came across during an evaluation for the German Government, of their Covid 19 Regeneration and Re-build Programme, which supported suppliers in the coffee and cocoa sectors across Africa.

    Joining us is Terry Collingsworth in an international human rights lawyer and founder of International Rights Advocates. He was General Counsel of the International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) from 1989 to 2006 and made Executive Director in 2001. Since 2007, Terry has focused primarily on human rights and bringing lawyers, educators, and human rights activists together to collaborate on strategic litigation, public policy, consumer campaigns, and targeted actions against child slavery in the chocolate industry.


    In our discussion we highlight the issue of child labour, hazardous work and slavery, the income inequalities at the different stages of the cocoa supply chain, Fair Trade and the Rainforest Alliance, and how, despite the Harkin Engel Protocol, the chocolate industry has failed to make any real steps to stop child slavery.


    International Rights Advocates' website: https://www.internationalrightsadvocates.org/

    DONATE to help them at: https://www.internationalrightsadvocates.org/donate


    For more information on the issue:


    View The Chocolate War via Amazon Prime and other streaming services:https://www.internationalrightsadvocates.org/advocate/hostascreening


    Read about Terry’s work:





    Switching to ethical chocolate:

     Link to send emails to cocoa companies: https://stopcocoaslavery.carrd.co/

    Find ethical chocolate companies here: https://www.slavefreechocolate.org/ethical-chocolate-companies


    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

    Title Music by Luke Fraser @the_tonic_

  • Welcome to Episode 7 of Justice studio Session. In this episode Marianne Moore explains the importance of understanding fear and anxiety within organisations. She explains how they got to be so fearful in the first place, what the symptoms of an anxious organisation are, and some practical ways that anxiety can manifest in organisations, such as through over-functioning and under-functioning.

    Marianne Moore is a management consultant with two decades of experience in strategy and organisational development. She has consulted for over a hundred different clients including governments, charities, and multilateral bodies such as UNICEF and the Council of Europe. Marianne began her career in leading public-sector consulting firms Capita Consulting and Tribal Consulting before establishing her own boutique consulting organization, Justice Studio, in 2011. Marianne has developed a style of consulting that emphasizes an appreciation and understanding of both emotional intelligence and skill-based methodologies.

    This episode will help you to understand the key concepts and recognises importance traits of anxiety in yourself and others so that you can begin to address them in your own life and through you work with your or a client’s organisation.


    The Compassionate Consultancy Course including workshop on: Managing anxiety, trauma and conflict to be held on Thursday 25th April 2024 can be found here: https://justicestudio.org/compassionate-consultancy-training

    To book an advisory session with Marianne follow this link:



    References for this episode:

    Bowen, M & Kerr, M. 1988. Family Evaluation: An Approach Based on Bowen Theory. W.W Norton & Company: London.

    Keegan, S. M. 2015. The Psychology of fear in organizations: How to transform anxiety into well-being, productivity and innovation. London: Kogan Page Limited.

    Miller, J. A. 2008. The Anxious Organization. BTB Publications.


    Further Links for this episode:

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

    Follow Marianne on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannesmoore/

    Title Music by Luke Fraser @the_tonic_

    Show Artwork by Marianne @creatrix.studio

  • Welcome to Episode 6 of Justice Studio Sessions. in this episode we delve into the issues of Older LGBT+ people in England and Wales. Justice Studio has undertaken a number of projects to promote and understand LGBT+ activism as well as the challenges facing older people, and we are glad to discuss these important issues in this episode.

    Joining us for our discussion is Bridget Symonds. Bridget is the CEO of Opening Doors, a charity dedicated to supporting LGBT+ people over 50 across the country. Before this she was Head of Women's Centres and Safeguarding at Women in Prison, and has worked extensively with survivors of domestic and sexual violence, homeless people, and older women fleeing domestic abuse.

    In this episode we discuss the people at the intersection of LGBT+ discrimination and ageism, in some difficult topics such as loneliness, and experience of abuse in care homes. But we also speak of inter-generational solidarity, recognising the beauty and wisdom in age, the innovative Pride in Care Mark, and celebrating older LGBT+ people through Silver Pride.

    It is with deep sadness that we postscript this episode with the news that unfortunately Opening Doors had to close due to funding issues after this episode was published.

    Links for this episode:

    Opening Doors' website: https://www.openingdoors.lgbt

    Follow Opening Doors on Twitter: @openingdoorsuk

    Follow Opening Doors on Instagram: @openingdoorslgbtq

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

  • Welcome to Episode 5 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we discuss equitable quantitative research. Perfect for research nerds and data scientists, we will be deep diving into numbers, statistics and all that is “hard data” to establish what to do to ensure that, however you crunch it, it is equitable.

    We are joined by the super smart Heather Krause, who is a data scientist and cross-sector thought leader in data equity issues. Caring passionately about data and people she set up We All Count which fosters a data equity community through their newsletter and forum.

    Links for this episode:

    WeAllCount website: https://weallcount.com/

    Their community forum: https://community.weallcount.com/

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

  • Welcome to Episode 4 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we will be discussing Children’s Rights in Somaliland. Justice Studio worked in Somaliland during 2014 and 2015 to develop their first Children's Rights Act. We were working for a taskforce led by the Somaliland Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MOLSA), UNICEF and Save the Children. The creation of the Act included consultations across the country with children, teachers, parents, elders and religious authorities.

    During this project our colleague was the inspiring and impressive Guleid Ahmed Jama who joins us for this episode. Guleid is a Human Rights Lawyer and activist. He established and was Chair of the Human Rights Centre Somaliland from 2013 to 2019, and he's also just completed a PhD on children's rights in unrecognised States at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

    In this episode we discuss the country of Somaliland – how it came to be – and is still unrecognised, and what that means for children. We also delve into the process we went through in creating what became the Children’s Rights Protection Act and what this act looks like today. Please note that we cover some difficult topics in detail including discrimination, child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM).

    Links for this episode:

    Follow Gulied on Twitter: @GuleidJ

    Follow the Human Rights Centre Somaliland on Twitter: @hrcsomaliland

    The Human Rights Centre Somaliland website: hrcsomaliland.org

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

  • Welcome to Episode 3 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we will be discussing Women in Prison in Uganda.

    We’re delighted to have Doreen N. Kyazze joining us for this episode.

    Doreen is a Human Rights lawyer, Prison Reformer and Regional Director at Penal Reform International, she also has her own organisation the Zebra Foundation which advocates for the rights and dignity of women in prison and other vulnerable situations.

    Links for this episode:

    Follow Doreen on Linkedin: Doreen N. Kyazze

    Follow Doreen & the Zebra Foundation on Twitter: @DKZebra

    To donate to the Zebra Foundation's work please send to Rachel Nakawungu (Doreen's Sister & member of the Zebra foundation): https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/RNNino

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

    Title Music by Luke Fraser @the_tonic_

    Show Artwork by Marianne @creatrix.studio

  • Welcome to Episode 2 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we discuss food poverty, and in particular, Food Banks in London.

    We’re delighted to have two guests with us to delve into this topic:

    Dr Irum Ali, is a social scientist and consultant who works in diversity, equity and inclusion in the charity sector, and is also on the Board of Trustees at the Bow Foodbank in Tower Hamlets

    Lily Bissett was formerly Justice Studio’s Operations Director and is still a dear friend, she is currently the manager at Highams Park Food Aid in Waltham Forrest,

    Links for this episode:

    Bow Food Bank’s Double Donation Drive for year end 2023: https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/p/communities-together-3

    General website and details on how to donate food or volunteer: https://www.bowfoodbank.org/

    Instagram: http://bit.ly/bowfoodbank

    Follow Irum on Linkedin: Irum Ali and visit her website: www.inclusivegrowth.co

    Highams Park Hub can be found at http://hphub.co.uk

    Their Crowdfunder: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/hpfoodhub

    Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HPFoodHub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/highamshub/

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

    Title Music by Luke Fraser @the_tonic_

    Show Artwork by Marianne @creatrix.studio

  • Welcome to Justice Studio Sessions!

    In this very first episode of the podcast, Marianne Moore introduces Justice Studio. She takes you through the reasons why she set Justice Studio up, the kind of work and projects we do, and the values and philosophy behind how we do things.

    Links for this episode:

    Justice Studio’s website: www.justicestudio.org

    Follow Justice Studio on Instagram: @justicestudio

    Follow Justice Studio on Twitter: @justicestudio

    Follow Marianne on Instagram @creatrix.london

    Title Music by Luke Fraser @the_tonic_

    Show Artwork by Marianne @creatrix.studio