
  • My guest today is Gary Moody, mediumship apprentice, spirit artist and anthropologist. All of these attributes are combined in Gary’s anthropological research which is focused on his own development as a medium within a global spiritualist community. One of the things that fascinates me is the way non-physical consciousnesses interact with physical consciousnesses, the way we perceive and are influenced by them and how this process changes as we make it more conscious. This is a topic Gary is exploring in his own body and mind and provides some practical insights about. One of the guiding principles of this podcast is that of disbelief - don’t believe in anything, experiment, have your own experiences. One of the interesting things about Gary’s approach is that despite having many experiences some of us - myself included - would interpret as interactions with non-physical consciousness, he maintains a scientifically admirable ambiguous attitude, at once open to the possibility that spirits are real, while allowing for the possibility that our experiences of them arise from deep psychological material. Ultimately Gary’s focus is on how we can improve people’s well-being and mental health rather than the reality of the experiences. We eventually turn to questions about studying mediumship including spirit art in an academic context with Gary introducing several academic fraemworks applied to the study of mediumship

    Connect with Gary via email [email protected] or on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/garyjmoody?igsh=MXY0eDZuczhzanplMg==

    Find Gary's album Soar on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/36fpnMyOOKEb3OBSzAFMpy?si=OeM4tU0eThaE7MZEpYA1MQ

    Find out more about the 1st Australasian-Pacific Conference on Para-reurbanization and Serenology


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  • Today I am speaking with two engaging and insightful medical professionals from Brazil, the sisters Fernanda and Marianna Schveitzer. We talk about their book Self-Care: A dynamic approach to integral health. Fernanda is a physician specialised in occupational medicine. Marianna is a nurse and university lecturer with a PhD in Science and post-doctorate from the school of nursing at the University of São Paulo.

    Anybody who has dealt with health issues know that health is a fundamental pillar of being able to live a joyful and productive life. If we want to complete our life mission, it helps us to be in good health.

    So in this conversation I explore some of the key aspects of the integral health model that Fernanda and Marianna have developed and that includes many practical ideas we can all put into practice. We also discuss some broad picture questions about the tension between personal health needs and universal systems and how physical and non-physical factors come together in health.

    If you find this topic interesting and would like a chance to go more in depth and connect with Fernanda and Marianna you can join our book club in which we are reading their book. We meet once every month until June 2024 and you are welcome to join at any time. The easiest way is to join the WhatsApp group of the club using this link https://chat.whatsapp.com/KxwYh7nEFlo7YHcdla8jBY

    You can find self-care resources that Fernanda and Mariana have prepared on their website: https://www.autocuidado.org/blog

    The 1st Australasian Pacific Conference on Parareurbanology and Serenology, is happening from 18-20 October at the Adelaide Convention centre. If you want to understand some of the global changes in consciousness that are currently happening, find ways in which to support them with greater serenity and meet consciousness explorers from around the world that you will want to attend this event. You can find more information at this link: https://apc.isicons.org/welcome/

    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


  • Puuttuva jakso?

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  • Understanding our Past lives can profoundly change the trajectory of our personal evolution. When we start to realise that our actions and attributes in past lives influence our manifestations and experiences now, it helps us shift our perspective from one stuck in a single human existence to that of an immortal consciousness going through a series of related human lives.

    I know many people who have identified some past existences in general terms. A fisherman in medieval Greece, a Native American fighting against the colonisers, a maid in Japan many centuries ago and so on. It seems much rarer for people to be able to study in detail a precise personality who is them expressed in a former human being. For this reason I am delighted to be having this conversation today with someone who has been able to do just that.

    The name of my guest is Dr Giuliana Costa. Giuliana is a geologist based in Johannesburg South Africa and works in the mining sector. Relevant to this conversation she has been exploring her own consciousness through the lens of conscientiology since 2010. As well as the book that we are discussing today, Autobiography of a consecutive personality, Giuliana has written a number of entries for the encyclopaedia of conscientiology, including on topics such as slavery and genocide that as you will discover are quite significant to her past life.

    You can find Giuliana's book Autobiography of a Consecutive Personality here

    Find out more about the 1st Australasian-Pacific Conference on Para-reurbanization and Serenology


    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


    To support this podcast and get yourself a mind expanding read purchase a copy of Multidimensional Evolution: personal explorations of consciousness here

  • My guest today, Jörn Schmidt, is the coordinator of Extracons, a research organisation that focuses on the study of ET consciousness through the consciential paradigm, I.e. a paradigm that centres consciousness rather than matter and treats consciousness as a multidimensionally manifesting intelligence.

    The study of extraterrestrial consciousness is a fringe field within the fringe that is experiential consciousness research. Most people who pursue OBEs or mediumistic communication with non-physical people do so to connect with deceased loved ones. ETs seem literally “alien” to us, like complete incomprehensible strangers. Why would we want to connect with them out of the body? This is one of the questions I discuss with Jörn. A side effect of the fringe nature of this phenomenon is that not many people share their experiences. In fact, in reviewing my book I was reminded that I had censored myself and not included all the phenomena I experienced, because I did not understand them and thought they might sound too fantastical. Which given some of the other fantastical things I talk about in my book is saying something! One of the points Jörn makes is that it is important for us to share our experiences. That is the only way we can develop the kind of data set necessary to deepen our studies and understandings.

    You can find out more about Extracons here: https://www.extracons.com/in%C3%ADcio/english-1/

    Find out more about the 1st Australasian-Pacific Conference on Para-reurbanization and Serenology here: https://apc.isicons.org/welcome/

    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here: www.multidimensionalevolution.com

    To support this podcast and get yourself a mind expanding read purchase a copy of Multidimensional Evolution: personal explorations of consciousness here


  • I invited today’s guest, Alexandre Zaslavsky, because he regularly publishes and speaks about the question of science in the kind of self-applied consciousness research that conscientiology promotes, or for that matter any other discipline promotes that purports to explore states of consciousness or bioenergy in a scientific way. Yoga for example has called itself a science of consciousness ever since it was introduced to the Western world in the late 19th century.

    So the question is, how do we apply scientific principles to what are ostensibly subjective, intra-psychic experiences? Over the years I have noticed in myself a definite resistance every time I hear people refer to conscientiology and projectiology (or Yoga) as “science”. Is it appropriate to call something science that is not based on any objective evidence? And that does not even attempt to establish such evidence? Sure, if you have had out-of-body experiences you can have evidence for yourself. But this is not something you can demonstrate to anybody else. Does science not demand us to provide objective evidence? I think this is a common understanding we have of science, and although I know that science is not necessarily about evidence, but about models, hypotheses and refutation, I am also influenced by this popular image of it. So I really appreciated the opportunity to explore these issues with Alexandre. Topics we talk about include the role of experiments in our own personal evolution and what distinguishes experiments from experiences, the role of consciential laboratories and what it means to make our life a laboratory of our own existence, and ultimately of course whether it is appropriate to call conscientiology a science. I hope you enjoy the conversation.

    Find out more about the Centre for Higher Studies of Conscientiology here


    Find out more about the 1st Australasian-Pacific Conference on Para-reurbanization and Serenology


    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


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  • In August 2022 I visited the Embassy of the Free Mind in Amsterdam. I had discovered it accidentally when looking around the city on Google Maps. The name immediately intrigued me and once I discovered that it consists of a museum and library focused on the history of alchemy and other alternative North African and European spiritual schools and freedom of thought I knew I’d be spending some time there.

    The Embassy and its invaluable library are the result of the private initiative of a Dutch businessman Joost Ritman who was inspired in his interests in spirituality by the writings of a German mystic and scholar Jacob Böhme. My interviewee Dr Lucinda Martin describes Böhme as the most important thinker that you have never heard of and and by the time Lucinda has outlined his influences across the ages you may be just an incredulous as me that you never heard of him. Lucinda is the Director of the Ritman Research Institute and Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, the core collection of rare books and manuscripts held at the Embassy. Originally from the US, she has worked for over 20 years in European universities and research institutions. Her books and articles focus on religious dissidence, especially the contributions of these thinkers to modern human rights.  Lucinda is both eloquent and passionate and offers an excellent introduction to some of the key holdings of the library at the Embassy.

    Explore the Embassy of the Free Mind including its library collection and a virtual tour of its displays here: https://embassyofthefreemind.com/nl/

    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


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  • This episode is something a bit different as I am being interviewed by Jack Grabon. Jack is a fellow consciousness explorer based in the US. We met years ago through our shared study of conscientiology. Jack is a psychotherapist and nutritionist with Masters degrees in social and work and applied nutrition. He is also looking at creating his own podcast focused on anomalous or paranormal experiences of consciousness. This has not launched yet and Jack is kindly letting me use this conversation here.

    Our conversation ties in nicely with episode 52 where I spoke with Jessica Corneille about Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening experiences, because Jack and I discuss a mentalsoma projection that I had more than 20 years ago. A mental somatic projection can also be referred to as a cosmic consciousness experience and it can profoundly alter the way we see ourselves and the world.

    I chose this experience because it was very significant to me, but also because it was quite pure which makes it especially useful for analysis. By pure I mean that it was not caused by drugs, breath work or any other stimulus one can attribute with significantly altering our biochemistry. All that was involved was relaxation and energy exercises, something that some people would not even consider to be real.

    Factors like group contagion or hetero-suggestion can also be ruled out. I had the experience during a projective techniques workshop and on that day the goal was indeed for us to have a mental soma projection. But I had low expectations. This was the last of a 4 day workshop and on none of the previous 3 days had I been able to induce the kind of projections that were intended. So I had no expectation of things being any different this day. It is also relevant that I was the only workshop participant that day. So it was only me and the very low key, matter of fact instructor. All I did was lie down and move energy (and if you want to know more about what that involved check out episodes 1 and 53 ) and out of nowhere I experienced a profound alteration of consciousness, deeply shifting the locus of my self-identity for the next 30-40 minutes.

    It is a fairly slow conversation as Jack was keen to see what triggers there may be in a person’s life for such experiences. I don’t know that we have the answers, but I do think that studying these experiences is going to be crucial if we want to understand what consciousness is, how it ended up in human form and how we can make the most of our current life.

    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


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  • Hello and welcome back to the Multidimensional Evolution Podcast with me Kim McCaul. After a hiatus I am looking forward to bringing you some more interesting conversation in 2023. Episode 54 will kick the year off with a returning guest in Colm Holland. I spoke with Colm on episode 38 in 2020 about his books The Secret of the Alchemist. If you listened to that episode you may recall that I had some hesitation about speaking with Colm then because of my misgivings about Christianity, a religion that shaped Colm’s early life and I found still echoed in his book. In the end I was glad to have had a really interesting conversation with Colm about his fascinating life trajectory and his move from church based Christianity to the study of alchemy and Jungian psychology to guide his life path.

    It seems only fitting that Colm has now introduced me to a book he has edited on behalf of the deceased author Geoff Roberts that questions the very foundations of the Christian origin story.

    No matter where you stand on the story of Jesus - whether you believe in the historical character, believe that there is a spiritual Christ, agree with Geoff Robert’s that the entire story was plagiarised from other existing stories or something in-between. There is no denying that few narratives have shaped human history and consciousness as dramatically as the story of Christianity. Even if you are an atheist, a Muslim or a Buddhist, in one way or another Christianity will have impacted you. Our calendars and global festivities are shaped around alleged life events of Jesus Christ and the world’s pre-eminent super power prides itself on being a “Christian nation”, a concept that clearly means different things to different people. So I think understanding it’s historic origins is an extremely valuable pursuit. One question I find intriguing is why it is Jesus of Nazareth and not someone like his much better documented contemporary Apollonius of Tyana who has ended up becoming the figure head for this world defining cult? What is it about this story that has led it to shape the minds and cultures of billions of consciousnesses over the past 2 millennia? Could it be true that our history has been shaped entirely by a fiction? This is the question we explore in this conversation.

    And just a note on something I omitted to clarify during the interview. Colm occasionally references Q. Because in recent years the letter Q has come to be associated in much public discourse with the Qanon movement, it is worth pointing out that in biblical studies the letter Q is derived from the German word Quelle for source, ie it relates to the original source of information. Having clarified that it is also fun to point out that the foundations of Christianity and Qanon actually share quite a few qualitative parallels, but that is a whole other topic.

    For now I hope you enjoy this conversation.

    Find out more about Colm and his work here: https://www.colmholland.com

    Find out more about me and my work here:


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  • Imagine being able to transform yourself into someone whose simple presence can bring calm and balance to all kind of environments and social situations. In your family, at work, or anywhere in public. Someone who works hand in hand with the extraphysical helpers for whom you provide an intraphysical entry point for multidimensional assistance. This is a role we can all take on. Not through some mysterious spiritual practice or by becoming saintly, but by attending to our inner emotional life and by developing a consistent practice of working with our energetic body. It is this latter aspect that is the focus today.

    Understanding and consciously working with our bioenergies, also known as chi or vital energy, can have a bit impact on our life. It adds to our purpose in life, enabling us to assist many more people than we otherwise could, because our healthy energy is a resource that can support others who are struggling. Regular energy work also greatly enhance our quality of life, helping us have greater vitality, stay more focused and balanced, and generally grounded in life.

    Bioenergy work has been my passion for a long time now, but it is not a subject I often get to discuss in detail with people. So I was delighted when I was approached by today’s guests, Marlon Muraro and Fabiana Cerato who wanted to come on and talk about Bioenergetic Mastery. Marlon and Fabiana are volunteers with a conscientiology research organisation called Reaprendentia. If you are new here and don’t know about Conscientiology Marlon and Fabiana do give a brief explanation about it at the beginning of our chat. It is a framework for understanding multidimensionality that I have drawn in for over 2 decades and I still think it is one of the best ways for dissecting and understanding multidimensionality we currently have available to us.

    Marlon Muraro is an accountant, Cambrigde certified English teacher, barista, poliglot and world explorer currently living in Bangkok, Thailand. He has been a volunteer of conscientiology since 2008 and an instructor since 2015.  Fabiana Cerato is a polymath with backgrounds in architecture, Positive Psychology, Didactics and Methodology, Project Planning and Building. She has been a self-knowledge researcher and Conscientiology instructor since 1997. She is also a mother of two daughters. Currently she is an entrepreneur, interpreter and writer.

    Contact Marlon [email protected]

    Contact Fabiana  [email protected]










    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


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  • Spontaneous spiritual awakening experiences (I would call them cosmic consciousness experiences), are subjective experiences characterised by a sudden sense of direct contact, union, or complete nondual merging or experience of oneness with a perceived ultimate reality, the universe, “God,” or the divine. They can arise in response to some kind of practice such as meditation, or as in the case of my guest today completely of their own accord.

    Jessica is a Research Psychologist specialising in spontaneous spiritual awakening experiences. She graduated with a Masters Degree in Psychology (Distinction) from the University of Greenwich, where she focused her studies on induced and endogenous exceptional human experiences. With a passion to bridge the worlds of science and spirituality, her mission is to challenge the default pathologisation of awakening experiences by helping to inform and encourage mainstream psychology to look beyond the current designated spectrum of ‘normality’, to encompass the transpersonal as something that is intrinsic to the human experience. She is also dedicated to helping individuals come to the realisation of their highest human potential, and fulfils part of this mission both as a Kundalini Yoga teacher and contracted leadership and empowerment coach. Jessica has presented her work at a number of academic conferences, including with the British Psychological Society. She also works for the Scientific and Medical Network, is a member of the Galileo Commission steering committee, and a collaborator of the Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium and Spiritual Crisis Network. She runs regular peer-support groups for individuals undergoing spiritually transformative experiences, in central London.

    -International Spiritual Emergence Network (ISEN): https://www.spiritualemergencenetwork.org

    -The Spiritual Emergence Network (SEN, USA): http://www.spiritualemergence.org

    -The American Centre for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (ACISTE, USA): https://aciste.org

    -Spiritual Crisis Network (SCN, UK): https://spiritualcrisisnetwork.uk

    The Galileo Commission: https://galileocommission.org

    If people would like to find an online community to discuss their spiritual experiences more openly, they can join the Blue Lotus sharing circles: https://bluelotusnetwork.com/

    Or Spiritual Awakenings International sharing circles: https://spiritualawakeningsinternational.org

    Please note: these sharing circles are not specifically designed around the themes of spiritual emergence / emergency, but rather welcome conversations around varying forms and degrees of spiritually transformative experiences.

    Jessica's in-person sharing circles in London, which she hosts with the Psychedelic Society: https://dandelion.earth/events/628f4e75aa27e9000c0f2f2f

    The article we discuss is here: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.720579.

    Jessica is currently recruiting people for a study observing the effects of awakening on addiction. If you would like to participate in that or her other studies, or simply get in touch, you can do so via her email [email protected].

  • The evolutionary stages of consciousness are a big research focus in Conscientiology, which proposes a model of different steps that we move through on our way to the “top”. I am putting “top” here in quotes, because we have to assume that there are other stages beyond what we can currently grasp. At the pinnacle of this model of stages we can grasp is a category of consciousnesses called Homo sapiens Serenissimus. These consciousness are fully aware of the fact that they are in their last physical incarnations and are entirely committed to providing assistance to all of us. My guest today to discuss this evolutionary stage is Tony Musskopf, a psychologist, facilitator and writer. Tony has a master degree in Peace and Conflict Studies . For over 30 years, Tony has studied, run workshops and published his research findings in Conscientiology. His main focus of study is serenology, i.e. the study of the HSS. Tony is currently a volunteer for the international project BiblioAfrica. I first met Tony back in 1997 when I first started studying conscientiology in Rio de Janeiro and since then our life journeys have taken us both to Australia, with Tony now living in Cairns. It was a real pleasure to speak about this important topic with my evolutionary colleague, and I hope you get a lot from this conversation. Towards the end, Tony shares a technique he has developed to help him understand the workings of the HSS. I definitely encourage you to stick around for that.

    Finally, I would like to put out an appeal to you. As you will hear, identifying and studying living HSS is not easy as one of their key attributes is anonymity. And yet, if you are a student and explorer of multidimensionality, it is entirely possible that you have had some encounters with one. If you think you may have, I would love to hear from you here: [email protected]

    Free Download of the book 700 Conscientiology Experiments here: https://www.isicons.org/home/conscientiology-resources-downloads/books/book-downloads/

    You can contact Tony Musskopf here: [email protected]

    Stay connected with the Multidimensional Evolution podcast and Kim McCaul here:



    To support this podcast and get yourself a mind expanding read, purchase a copy of Multidimensional Evolution: personal explorations of consciousness here


    “Don’t believe in anything! Have your own experiences”

  • What is the role of charisma, or what my guest today calls presential strength, in our evolution. What are its values and its risks, how can we develop it and how does it relate to our relationship with multidimensionality. These are topics I discuss in this episode with Tathiana Mota, a Brazilian consciousness researcher, polyglot, writer and educator, who works with training and development and currently resides in Cairns, Australia. Interested in parapsychic phenomena from an early age, Tathiana has been a Conscientiology volunteer for over 2 decades.

    She was the first guest on my podcast back in 2019 when we spoke about her book on the Intermissive Course, the preparation we undertake for our current life. That book is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian.

    Our discussion today arises from her new book project on presential strength that she has been researching since 2005. Once Tathiana explained the concept of presential strength I started seeing its relevance to many different areas of life. This led to a very stimulating conversation, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.

    Connect with Tathiana here: https://www.facebook.com/intermissivecourse

    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


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  • My guest today is the natural scientist, academic and mediumship researcher Doctor Oliver Lazar who spoke with me from his home in Düsseldorf Germany. I first became aware of Oliver’s work on mediumship through a YouTube video that has since gone viral in German - by which I mean it has had over 1 million views. That video now also exists with English subtitles - https://youtu.be/9e1SLF7Kg8Y - and I am very happy to be able to make this small contribution to spreading his work in English.

    I then got Oliver’s book - currently only available in German - the title of which translates as: Beyond Matter: a scientist’s moving Experiences with the spiritual world and his afterlife research.

    Oliver’s personal experiences and research into mediumistic communication are indeed moving and scientific at the same time. This is a great combination and so I was delighted that he agreed to come and speak with me for this episode. 

    The focus of our conversation is mediumship, the kind of solid evidence it can furnish, but also some of its pitfalls and limitations. But Oliver’s book is much broader than that, as he really tackles the materialistic paradigm from a purely scientifically rational angle as well. So we also look at some complex issues undermining the materialistic argument that consciousness could have started from matter, or that life as we know it is a result of biological evolution only. If you want to find out more about Oliver’s work or participate in the mediumship study he is coordinating you can go to his website https://oliver-lazar.com.

    I really enjoyed my conversation with Oliver Lazar and I hope you do too.

    Find out more about Oliver Lazar here:



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  • In this episode I talk about the importance of spiritual or multidimensional experiences to our evolution, but also their limitations, how they can be corrupted or even lead us to evolutionary stagnation. I think it is an interesting and important topic and I hope you appreciate the refections.

    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


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  • Welcome to episode 47 of the Multidimensional Evolution podcast. My name is Kim McCaul and today I bring you a conversation about death, grief and the after life with the Irish counsellor and self-described spiritual midwife Mariel Clarke. Mariel spoke with me from Galway, Ireland and the influence of her Irish culture on her spirituality is woven through the conversation.

    Mariel speaks from the heart about her work assisting people transitioning to the extra-physical from the physical and shares a number of stories that transform the experience of death from something fearful and terrible, into an opportunity of beautiful connection with the person transitioning. Mariel describes her understanding of the transition process from the perspective of both the person dying and those staying behind.

    Speaking with Mariel reminded me of the wide gamut of spiritual beliefs and the fact that we often meet people with whom we share many common values and understandings, while other understandings are quite divergent. It is almost as if - in terms of our understandings of multidimensionality and the human condition - we exist in only partially overlapping circles akin to a ven diagram. In the case of Mariel for example, I feel totally on the same page with her when she shares her NDEs, talks about her experiences of the silver cord and understanding of OBEs, the importance of forgiveness and grieving while understanding that we do not really die or the support she receives from her deceased dad and other non-physical beings. But when at the very end she talks about ascended masters, Lemurian crystal cities, and archangels I notice a strong inner skeptic arise and realise we are operating on different paradigms.

    It is curious, because if you have read my book Multidimensional Evolution you will know that I also share some pretty out-there experiences with extra-terrestrials and other non-human beings as well as earth crystals. And yet, when I cannot relate to experiences shared by others I find myself treating the information with much caution. There are a number of reasons for this. One is that I know that there are people who simply make stuff up. I do not at all think this applies to Mariel, but it is something I have seen very clearly with several quite prominent self-proclaimed gurus. Another factor is that there are many factors that can lead us to misinterpret our own experiences. And finally I realise that these days my focus is much more on the practical every day significance of altered states of consciousness - I have seen more than one friend lose themselves in the magical realms that accompany a lot of new age beliefs. Of course this is very much in the spirit underpinning this podcast and my approach to consciousness research generally, which is don’t believe in anything, experiment have your own experience … and I would add, follow the data.

    Find out more about Mariel here: http://marielfordeclarke.com/

    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


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  • My guest on this episode is the Italian-American inventor, entrepreneur and conciousness researcher Federico Faggin. Federico was one of the first scientists and inventors to work on the micro-chip and he played a crucial role in the development of technology we all rely on today. After years of developing important inventions for large companies, including INTEL, Federico founded his own enterprises. For anybody with an interests in the history of computing his new book “Silicon” will be fascinating. For us here of course it is the second part of that book that is of interest as Federico eventually had a spontaneous cosmic consciousness experience that shifted his focus from professional productivity to exploring consciousness. Given his particular scientific background, which includes quantum physics, that is the model he works with.

    I personally have a casual interests in quantum physics. The popular science texts I have read about it are as mind expanding to me as accounts from inter-dimensional travellers. But I am always a bit wary of people in the new age space who try to apply quantum physics to human consciousness without a proper grounding in the science. This is why I feel very fortunate to be able to have this conversation with someone who definitely knows what he is talking about on the science and who applies this to his own experiences. As Federico himself says, the only way to study consciousness is to experience it.

    If you want to understand the implications of quantum physics to the study of consciousness and the many altered states we can experience, this conversation is a good place to start.

    And if you like playing with different perspective on life I encourage you to use the information in this conversation for a little experiment. You can do that by spending a day reminding yourself that you and everyone you meet are “conscious quantum systems engaging with the physical dimension through your bodies”. If you do that experiment I’d love to hear how you feel. You can drop me a note on my Facebook Page, Multidimensional Evolution, or via the email on my website. As always, don’t believe in anything, experiment and have your own experiences.

    Find out more about Federico here https://siliconthebook.com/author/federico-fagginFind Federico's book here Silicon: From the Invention of the Microprocessor to the New Science of Consciousness

    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


    Stay connected with the Multidimensional Evolution podcast and Kim McCaul here:


    To support this podcast and get yourself a mind expanding read purchase a copy of Multidimensional Evolution: personal explorations of consciousness on Amazon.

  • My guest today is Joanne Adler. Jo is a medium from my home town in Adelaide, which means we could record this conversation sitting in the garden. She is a friend of a friend and you won’t find Jo spruiking her services on the internet as her mediumship is just something she does on the side of a very demanding professional career. I find people who simply live their multidimensional connections to be in some ways more compelling than those of build their careers around this aspect of their life. When someone just practices mediumship on the side,It certainly undermines the common cynical skeptics view that psychics are elaborate fraudsters. For Jo, like quite a few people I know, mediumistic experiences are simply a part of their everyday life.

    Our common friend who had shared with me some of the remarkable cases Jo has been involved in. Due to her professional background many of them involved managing troubling extraphysical consciousnesses on construction sites. Not your everyday mediumistic work. I really appreciated learning a bit about Jo’s story, including her struggles of coming to terms with her multidimensional perceptions as a child, how she manages to lead a normal life today, the ancestral nature of her psychic abilities and some of the ways she has used her abilities to assist intra- and extraphysical people.

    If you are interested in mediumship I encourage you to check out previous episodes number 41, 36, 25, 14 and 5.

    If you want to get in touch with Joanne for a reading, you can email me on [email protected]

    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


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  • My guest today is the hypnotherapist and past life regressionist Steve Burgess. Our conversation is loosely focused on his new book, The Power of Past Life Regression as we explore many of the fascinating issues that emerge from past life work. We talk about types of evidence for the reality of past lives, the deep importance of healing traumas and their link to physical illnesses, past life regressions as a historical research tool, and much more. Steve has led regressions for thousands of clients over the past 29 years and brings a wealth of insight and experiences to the subject matter. If you want to explore the role of past lives further, and I strongly recommend we all do that as they are strongly shaping our present, you can go back to Episode 8 where I talk about the significance of our past lives with Viktória Duda. 

    You can find out more about Steve here:


    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


    To support this podcast and get yourself a mind expanding read purchase a copy of Multidimensional Evolution: personal explorations of consciousness here 


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  • My guest today is filmmaker and  author Lionel Friedberg. Originally from South Africa, Lionel spoke with me from his home in LA.  Lionel’s career in the film industry began in 1961 in South Africa and it has been nothing but remarkable including winning Emmy Award, Columbus Film Festival Award and American Association for the Advancement of Science’s Westinghouse Award. And beyond professional accomplishments, his profession has taken Lionel to the most remarkable places of this planet.

    The focus of our conversation is Lionel’s autobiography called Forever in My Veins: How film led me to the mysterious world of the African shaman. Lionel’s life has been incredibly rich and adventurous. It has include many remarkable experiences of African spirituality, including an early prophecy about  key events in Lionel’s life, which one by one have come true. Lionel is a compelling story teller and in this interview takes us from remote bush locations to prestigious research institutions sharing many experiences and understandings of consciousness, memory, race and racism and even his more painful experiences are surrounded by sense of magic in the world. The narrative of both his book and our conversation is loosely structured around a prophecy he received in his early twenties and has been witnessing unfolding throughout the years and his many adventures. Lionel’s enthusiasm for life is contagious and I hope our conversation leaves you with a sense of awe for the world we live in.

    Find out more about Lionel Friedberg here:


    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


    To support this podcast and get yourself a mind expanding read purchase a copy of Multidimensional Evolution: personal explorations of consciousness here 


    Or make a donation to Auphonic who I use to provide great sound quality for you https://auphonic.com/donate_credits?user=MultidimensionalEvolution

  • My guest today is Los Angles based autodidact and polymath Inpu Ka Mut. I invited Inpu to speak with me for this podcast after being a student in a training programme at which he was a master teacher. That training programme is called Heal Thyself and is specifically for people racialised as white to help us unpack our internalised racism and I would highly recommend it. Among other things, Inpu gave a fascinating lecture on the way  Ancient Egyptian and other African knowledge has been edited out of our dominant historic narratives. This is something I thought would be of interest to listeners to this podcast. You will hear a wide ranging conversation, in which Inpu offers a revisionary view of history and the role of Africa in the world of spiritual traditions, discusses African culture in America and how it has survived several centuries in a deeply hostile environment, and makes a powerful case for the importance of remembering our ancestral heritage so we can develop real universalism and expand our capacity to connect and unify with people across the world. If you are interested in OBEs and psychic perceptions make sure to stay till the end, when Inpu shares some really practical uses of these faculties that he employs in his everyday life.

     Inpu Ka Mut is an inspiring speaker with a rich a diverse background of learning and experiences. He is a founding member of an association of independent Khemetic (Egyptian) priests, priestesses, and monks. As a Khemetic priest , he has provided spiritual and psycho-social counseling, house blessings, rites of passage and other traditional Afrakan spiritual services for many people on the East and West coasts of the US. 

    Seba Inpu incorporates T’ai Chi Ch’uan, Taoist, Hatha, Kundalini and Pranayama sema (yoga), Rekh Hati Khemeti (Khemetic Mind Science, a traditional meditation and healing system), and massage to work with individuals in clinical settings as a Mind-Body Health consultant, Self-Applied Health Enhancement Methods (SAHEM) practitioner, and alternative health practitioner. He is also a poet and a High Conflict Community Mediator.

    Find out more about Inpu Ka Mut here https://www.intersectionformankind.com/ourmasterteachers

    Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


    To support this podcast and get yourself a mind expanding read purchase a copy of Multidimensional Evolution: personal explorations of consciousness here 


    Or make a donation to Auphonic who I use to provide great sound quality for you https://auphonic.com/donate_credits?user=MultidimensionalEvolution