Pekudei-HaChodesh | The Multiple Crowns of Rosh Chodesh Nissan, by Rav Yair Kahn
What exactly happened on that day?
Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 22 | Pekudei, by Rav Eli Weber
What is the second half of Sefer Shemot about? Was Moshe wrong about the order of building the Mishkan? Why do we need to devote ourselves to building the Mishkan?
Puuttuva jakso?
Finding Faith During Crisis: 5 Lessons from HaRav Amital, by Rav Moshe Taragin
Re-recording of a Shiur given during Yeshivat Har Etzion Dinner, March 2025
Pesach | Introduction to Midrash Arami Oved Avi, by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom
Why was Devarim 26:5-8 selected to be the base text for the retelling of the Exodus at the Seder?
As the Mishna (Pesachim 10:4) codifies, the core text to be used in telling the story of Yetziat Mitzrayim is Devarim 26:5-8 - "Arami Oved Avi" which, in 4 short verses, retells the story of the exile, servitude, pleas for deliverance and miraculous Exodus. We examine the earliest sources of the Midrash and demonstrate how our traditional Haggada-text of this Midrash is a combination of several Midrashic strains - all brought together in a powerful and evocative style to help all participants to (potentially) reexperience Yetziat Mitzrayim, as it occurs בכל דור ודור - in every generation.
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Vayakhel | Teruma and Vayakhel: Repetition or Complement, by Rav Yair Kahn
Vayakhel is almost a word for word repetition of parashat Teruma. However, Chazal noted a discrepancy regarding the order. What idea is being expressed by this sequential shift and how can it be reconciled with the order of parashat Teruma?
Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 21 | Vayakhel, by Rav Eli Weber
How did the artisans who built the mishkan know what to do? Why did the women give first for the Mishkan?
Pesach | From Disgrace to Praise: A Reassessment, by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom
What is the purpose of the texts between "Avadim Hayyinu" until "Arami Oved Avi"?
The "Maggid" section of our Haggada has two central components - the first of which is the Midrash on "Arami Oved Avi" and the other is Rabban Gamliel's explanation of the foods. However, our Haggadot have quite a bit of text between the "quick answer" given in response to "Mah Nishtanah" - and these passages don't seem to conform to the aims of the evening. We reassess the rabbinic dictum מתחיל בגנות ומסיים בשבח - "begin with disgrace and end with praise" and propose an understanding of these four words and their location within the Mishna to offer a reassessment of these opening sections of Maggid.
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Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 20 | Ki Tisa, by Rav Eli Weber
What did the Egel come to replace?
Ki Tisa- Purim | Kabbalat HaTorah: From Sinai to Shushan, by Rav Yair Kahn
The journey of Kabbalat haTorah: from Sinai to Shushan
Purim | Mordekhai Would Not Bow...Why Not? by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom
The critical catalyst for the story of Purim is Mordekhai's refusal, as a member of Ahashverosh's court, to show obeisance to Haman. The text never explicates the rationale behind this decision, in spite of its centrality to the plot. We survey some common answers given and suggest possible challenges to each - and then propose a new answer which impacts on our reading of the entire story, up to and including the climactic war that takes place 11 months after Haman's decree is formulated.
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Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 19 | Tetzaveh, by Rav Eli Weber
What is the meaning of the clothes of the Cohanim? What are the Urim and Tumim? Why does HaShem want to be among us?
Teruma | From the Mishkan, by Rav Yair Kahn
To the Beit HaMikdash
Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 18 | Teruma, by Rav Eli Weber
Is there an order to the Torah? What would me the meaning of the Mishkan without the Egel? Why is the order of building the Mishkan the way it is?
Conflicted and Confused, Horrified and Happy: Reflecting on the Return of Living and Murdered Hostages, by Rav Dovid Gottlieb
The height of strength or the expression of weakness, courage or desperation?
Mishpatim | Rejoice While Trembling, by Rav Yair Kahn
The complexity of the divine encounter
Yitro | Yitro and Moshe, by Rav Yair Kahn
Before the burning bush and after
Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 17 | Mishpatim, by Rav Eli Weber
Why is Eved Ivri the first law? Why does HaShem help the poor? Why did Benei Israel celebrate?
Amos | On the Development of Prophecy, by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom
In this brief introduction, I discuss the development of prophecy in Israel, the evolving definition of "Navi" and the development of "literary prophets". We then study the first set of prophecies found in the book of Amos, with an ear towards the oratorial genius of Amos and the many tools he harnesses to effect a suasive presentation to his Samarian audience. This shiur was given at the YU Seforim Sale to introduce my new volume "Amos: The Genius of Prophetic Rhetoric". The book is available at https://theseforimsale.com/collections/english-tanach-1/products/koren_0199
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Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 16 | Yitro, by Rav Eli Weber
What's the point of Ma'amad Har Sinai? Who did Benei Israel hear the commandments from? What is the relationship between Zachor and Shamor?
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