What are your thoughts on this dumb "hoop-lah" about the Olympic games being "satanic." Silly. Did the Olympics come for Christians? NO, sorry. It's harkening upon Greek culture and Dionysian influence, since he was integral in the expression of the Theater.
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Puuttuva jakso?
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MrConnerly
Etymology: From Latin identitas ("sameness, oneness").
Definition: The condition of being oneself or itself, and not another.
Etymology: Old English self, related to Old Norse sjálfur.
Definition: The essential person that distinguishes an individual from others.
Etymology: Latin persona ("mask, character in a play").
Definition: The aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others.
Etymology: From Medieval Latin individualitas.
Definition: The quality or character of a particular person or thing that distinguishes them from others of the same kind.
Sense of Self
Definition: The awareness of one's own identity and individuality.
Etymology: Old English los ("destruction, loss").
Definition: The fact or process of losing something or someone.
Etymology: Old French gref, from Latin gravis ("heavy, grievous").
Definition: Deep sorrow, especially caused by someone's death.
Etymology: Old English murnan ("to mourn, bemoan").
Definition: The expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died.
Etymology: Old English sorg.
Definition: A feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others.
Etymology: Compound of "heart" and "break".
Definition: Overwhelming distress caused by a romantic disappointment or loss.
Unrequited Love
Etymology: From Latin unrequīrere ("not to seek in return").
Definition: Love that is not reciprocated or returned in kind.
Etymology: Greek melankholia ("black bile").
Definition: A deep, pensive, and long-lasting sadness typically caused by perceived loss or sorrow.
Etymology: Latin confidentia ("trust, reliance, assurance").
Definition: The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
Definition: Confidence in one's own abilities or judgment.
Etymology: From Middle French em-, en- + pouvoir ("to be able").
Definition: The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.
Definition: The process of gaining insight into one's own character, feelings, and desires.
Etymology: From Latin recuperare ("to get again, regain").
Definition: The action or process of regaining possession or control of something lost or taken away.
Etymology: Old French renouveler, from Latin renovare ("renew").
Definition: The action of extending the period of validity of something; the process of being restored to a better condition.
Etymology: From Latin resilire ("to rebound, recoil").
Definition: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
Etymology: From Latin acceptare ("to take willingly").
Definition: The action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.
Etymology: From Old English hǣlan ("to cure, make whole").
Definition: The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.
Etymology: From Latin transformare ("to change in shape or form").
Definition: A marked change in form, nature, or appearance.
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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MrConnerly
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Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connerlyliam/
Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MrConnerly -
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Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connerlyliam/
Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92
Ocean (Greek: okeanos): A vast body of saltwater. Olympiad (Greek: Olympia): A period of four years between Olympic Games. Panic (Greek: Pan): A sudden feeling of fear that prevents rational thought. Paradox (Greek: para + doxa): A statement that seems contradictory but may be true in a way. Pathology (Greek: pathos + logos): The study of diseases. Pharmacy (Greek: pharmakon): The science of preparing and dispensing medications. Philosophy (Greek: philia + sophia): The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Phonetics (Greek: phōnē): The study of the sounds of speech. Physics (Greek: physis): The study of matter, energy, and their interactions. Politics (Greek: polis): The activities of the government and the struggle for power within it. Psychology (Greek: psyche + logos): The scientific study of the human mind and behavior. Scene (Greek: skēnē): The place where the action of a play or film takes place. Stadium (Greek: stadion): A large, open-air area with seating for spectators. Stomach (Greek: stomachos): The muscular sac-like organ in the upper left part of the abdomen that receives and partially digests food. Strategy (Greek: stratos + agein): A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim. Symphony (Greek: syn + phōnē): A complex musical composition for a full orchestra. Theater (Greek: theatron): A building or open-air area for the performance of plays, films, or other entertainment. Theme (Greek: thema): A subject of discussion or artistic representation. Theater (Greek: theatron): A building or open-air area for the performance of plays, films, or other entertainment. Toxic (Greek: toxikon): Poisonous. Zoo (Greek: zōion): A place where animals are kept and exhibited. -
My links:
My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/rhetoricrevolution Send me a voice message!: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liam-connerly TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mrconnerly?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Email: [email protected] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connerlyliam/ Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92List gone over today:
Academy (Greek: akadēmeia): A place of learning. Acoustics (Greek: akouo): The science of sound. Agenda (Greek: agere): A list of things to be done. Album (Greek: album): A bound collection of sheets. (Originally referred to white sheets for writing) Alphabet (Greek: alpha-beta): The basic set of letters in a writing system. Amnesia (Greek: amnēstos): Loss of memory. Anatomy (Greek: anatome): The scientific study of the body's structure. Apocalypse (Greek: apokalypsis): A disclosure or revelation. Arithmetic (Greek: arithmos): The branch of mathematics dealing with numbers. Asterisk ( Greek: asteriskos):* A star-shaped symbol (*). Automatic (Greek: automatos): Acting without external control. Biography (Greek: bios + graphein): A written account of someone's life. Catastrophe (Greek: katastrophe): A sudden and disastrous event. Chaos (Greek: chaos): Complete disorder and confusion. Chronology (Greek: chronos + logos): The study of the arrangement of events in time. Climate (Greek: klima): The weather conditions in a place over a long period. Comedy (Greek: kōmōidia): A light and humorous play. Cosmos (Greek: kosmos): The universe considered as a whole. Criteria (Greek: krinein): Standards or principles for making judgments. Democracy (Greek: demos + krátos): A form of government with rule by the people. Drama (Greek: drama): A play presenting a serious story with conflict. Ecstasy (Greek: ekstasis): A state of overwhelming happiness or joy. Echo (Greek: ḗchō): A sound reflected back. Economy (Greek: oikonomia): The management of resources. Encyclopedia (Greek: enkyklios paideia): A book containing information on all branches of knowledge. Energy (Greek: energeia): The ability to do work. Epidemic (Greek: epi + demos): A widespread occurrence of a disease. Euphoria (Greek: eu + phoros): A feeling of intense happiness and well-being. Geography (Greek: gē + graphein): The study of the Earth's surface. Geology (Greek: gē + logos): The study of the Earth's solid features. Hypothesis (Greek: hypo + tithenai): A proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence. Idea (Greek: eidos): A thought or suggestion. Logic (Greek: logos): The study of reasoning and argument. Mathematics (Greek: mathēma): The study of numbers, quantity, and space. Melody (Greek: melos): A succession of musical notes. Meteor (Greek: meteoron): A object moving through the atmosphere, often burning brightly. Museum (Greek: mouseion): A building housing a collection of objects of historical, artistic, or scientific interest. Myth (Greek: mythos): A traditional story explaining a phenomenon. Neon (Greek: neos): A new, light, inert gas element. -
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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92
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1. **Gluteus Maximus**
- **Scientific Term:** Gluteus maximus
- **Etymology:** Latin "glūteus" (buttocks), "maximus" (largest)
- **Function:** Main extensor of the hip joint; involved in hip abduction and external rotation.
2. **Gluteus Medius**
- **Scientific Term:** Gluteus medius
- **Etymology:** Latin "glūteus" (buttocks), "medius" (middle)
- **Function:** Hip abduction and stabilization of the pelvis during walking.
3. **Gluteus Minimus**
- **Scientific Term:** Gluteus minimus
- **Etymology:** Latin "glūteus" (buttocks), "minimus" (smallest)
- **Function:** Hip abduction and medial rotation of the thigh.
4. **Piriformis**
- **Scientific Term:** Piriformis
- **Etymology:** Latin "piriformis" (pear-shaped)
- **Function:** Hip external rotation and abduction; helps stabilize the sacroiliac joint.
5. **Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)**
- **Scientific Term:** Tensor fasciae latae
- **Etymology:** Latin "tensor" (to stretch), "fasciae" (band), "latae" (wide)
- **Function:** Hip abduction and medial rotation; stabilizes the hip and knee joints.
6. **Quadriceps Femoris Group**
- **Scientific Term:** Quadriceps femoris
- **Etymology:** Latin "quadriceps" (four-headed), "femoris" (of the thigh)
- **Function:** Knee extension; helps in hip flexion and stabilization.
- **Rectus Femoris**
- **Function:** Extends the knee and flexes the hip.
- **Vastus Lateralis**
- **Function:** Extends the knee; stabilizes the patella.
- **Vastus Medialis**
- **Function:** Extends the knee; helps stabilize the patella.
- **Vastus Intermedius**
- **Function:** Extends the knee.
7. **Hamstring Group**
- **Scientific Term:** Hamstrings
- **Etymology:** Old English "ham" (back of the knee), "string" (muscle or tendon)
- **Function:** Knee flexion and hip extension.
- **Biceps Femoris**
- **Function:** Flexes knee joint and laterally rotates leg.
- **Semimembranosus**
- **Function:** Flexes knee joint and medially rotates leg.
- **Semitendinosus**
- **Function:** Flexes knee joint and medially rotates leg.
8. **Adductor Group**
- **Scientific Term:** Adductors
- **Etymology:** Latin "adductor" (to bring towards)
- **Function:** Hip adduction; stabilizes the hip joint.
- **Adductor Magnus**
- **Function:** Powerful hip adductor; assists in hip extension.
- **Adductor Longus**
- **Function:** Hip adduction; assists in hip flexion.
- **Adductor Brevis**
- **Function:** Hip adduction.
- **Gracilis**
- **Function:** Hip adduction and assists in knee flexion.
9. **Iliopsoas**
- **Scientific Term:** Iliopsoas
- **Etymology:** Greek "ilio-" (of the ilium), "psoas" (muscle of the loin)
- **Function:** Hip flexion; stabilizes the trunk and spine.
- **Iliacus**
- **Function:** Assists in hip flexion and stabilization.
- **Psoas Major**
- **Function:** Flexes hip joint and stabilizes lumbar spine.
10. **Quadratus Lumborum**
- **Scientific Term:** Quadratus lumborum
- **Etymology:** Latin "quadratus" (square), "lumborum" (of the loins)
- **Function:** Lateral flexion of the trunk; stabilizes the spine and pelvis.
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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92
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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92
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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92 -
Part two of diving into the myth of Dionysus and Pentheus... Recounted in the vain of The Bacchae.
Some controversial topics presented here. Remember to always be human to me and one another. Thank you
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This is part one of three discussing The Bacchae and the myth of Dionysus and Pentheus.
Part one deals with uniqueness, the other, the uncanny valley, and anything relating to the foreign and alien.
Part two will be gender and part three will be power and rulership.
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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92 -
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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92
Gut Guardian Discount Code: https://www.feelgoods.co/discount/LIAM64728
Etymology: From Greek "aphrodisiakos," meaning pertaining to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Definition: Something that arouses or enhances sexual desire.Aphrodisia
Etymology: From Greek "aphrodisios," meaning of or pertaining to Aphrodite. Definition: Activities or things related to sensual pleasure or sexual desire.Aphrodisian
Etymology: Related to Aphrodite. Definition: Relating to love or physical desire.Aphrology
Etymology: From Greek "aphro-" (pertaining to Aphrodite) + "-logy" (study of). Definition: The study of sexual behavior or desire.Aphroditic
Etymology: From Aphrodite. Definition: Possessing qualities associated with love or beauty; relating to Aphrodite.Aphrodisiology
Etymology: From Greek "aphrodisios" (pertaining to Aphrodite) + "-logy" (study of). Definition: The study or scientific inquiry into sexual desire or arousal.Aphrodisiomania
Etymology: From Greek "aphrodisios" (pertaining to Aphrodite) + "mania" (excessive enthusiasm or desire). Definition: Excessive or uncontrollable sexual desire.Aphrodisiacal
Etymology: From Aphrodisiac. Definition: Having the properties of an aphrodisiac; arousing sexual desire. -
I hope you listen all the way through. I love y'all. Especially all the students I've had in my life.
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Gut Guardian Discount Code: https://www.feelgoods.co/discount/LIAM64728
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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92
Gut Guardian Discount Code: https://www.feelgoods.co/discount/LIAM64728
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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92
Gut Guardian Discount Code: https://www.feelgoods.co/discount/LIAM64728 -
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Gut Guardian Discount Code: https://www.feelgoods.co/discount/LIAM64728 - Näytä enemmän